What is Cydia or Cydia guide: jailbreak, iOS features, tweaks. What is Cydia on iPhone and why is it needed Where to download cydia for iphone 5 s

What is Cydia or Cydia guide: jailbreak, iOS features, tweaks. What is Cydia on iPhone and why is it needed Where to download cydia for iphone 5 s

As you know, to download and install an application on the iPad, there is a special online store AppStore. Applications added to it are strictly controlled (perhaps even stricter than in Android Market) from the side apple... The whole unfairness is that some of the applications that did not make it to the AppStore are quite interesting, but they can suffer the fate of being forgotten. This continued until one very smart man, Jay Freeman, who is simply called Saurik by the common people, created Cydiawhere such developers, "rejected" by Apple, can upload their applications. Name Cydia comes from the name of the butterfly - Cydia pomonella (or as the people say - "moth butterfly"). This name was not chosen casual and is very symbolic, given that the name Apple is translated as apple.

In general, if it's easier to speak, then Cydia - this is the same AppStore, only:

1. In Cydia, unlike the AppStore, 99% of all applications are free.
2. Cydia is more focused on "beautifying" the iPad.
3. Cydia is installed only on Jailbreak tablets.
So, we figured out what Cydia is, and now is the time to learn how to use it.

Cydia home screen
After starting Cydia for the first time, you will be asked for what purpose you will use this application. This is framed in three points:

General user (GUI only)
- Hacker (+ command line support)
- Developer (no filters)

If you are just a user and no more and you do not need all sorts of super-capabilities, then it would be most logical to choose the first item.

Also, when you start Cydia for the first time, it will independently update the list of repositories (a repository is a place where any data is stored and maintained), data about programs placed in them, as well as check for updates for already installed programs and their modules. Naturally, this requires the Internet to work on the iPad. After all the manipulations, at the very bottom, on the Changes tab, a message about the number of available updates will appear. It is recommended to agree with everything and update everything, it certainly won't get any worse.

If you suddenly see messages like "Network Error", "Unable to load" or something like that, don't panic. The thing is that Cydia requires a stable Internet connection, so all actions with the application (especially during the first launch) are recommended to be performed with a Wi-Fi connection. It is not recommended to use Edge, as communication with it is rather slow, and many repositories have a connection timeout.

Let's take a closer look at all Cydia bookmarks.

Sections Tab

All available applications are located here, divided into categories, next to each of which is indicated the number of applications available within it.

Changes Tab

Here are latest updates already installed applications, as well as the latest programs published in Cydia. Everything installed programs we update, we check the uninstalled ones for the presence of the application you need.

Manage Tab

In this tab, you can remove already installed programs (Packages), add or remove repositories (Sources) and information about free space on the iPhone (Storage).


Here you will find all the applications and modules you have installed, as well as modules installed by Cydia yourself. All new applications are categorized by their publication dates and provided with a short description.

IMPORTANT!!! Take a close look at what exactly you are going to delete. Do not under any circumstances remove the Cydia service modules, this may lead to its incorrect operation! Only remove what you have installed yourself. If you are not sure about something, it is better to leave everything as it is.

To delete or add a repository, click on the Edit button in the upper right corner of the screen. To add a repository, click on Add in the upper left corner of the screen, we get a window for entering the repository address. When you are finished entering the address, click Add Source. If you entered the correct repository address, then it will be added to Cydia and applications from it will become available for installation.

Search Tab

Find the apps you need. It can be used if you know the name of the application, but do not know in which category it is located.

Installing Applications
- We find the required application.
- Click on the Install button in the upper right corner of the screen and on Confirm on the next screen, after which the download and installation of the application will begin.

Removing applications
- Go to the Manage / Packages tab.
- We find the application that we want to remove and click on it.
- Click on the Modify button in the upper right corner.
- We will be offered a choice of Reinstall - to reinstall the application (if, for example, the previous installation was completed with errors), Remove - to completely remove the application. Alternatively, you can skip these actions and click Cancel. In this case, select Remove.

That's all. In general, Jay Freeman is seriously embraced by the desire to make Cydia the world's largest online store of third-party software for devices running the iOS operating system (that is, devices from Apple). To this end, in the fall of 2010, Freeman's company, Saurik IT, LLC, acquired its main competitor, Rock Your Phone.

When we start using iPhone, iPad, iPod or other Apple devices, we come across concepts such as "jailbreak", "unlock", Cydia or Installous. Jailbreak and Cydia are the most popular of these, as they mean you can install paid iOS apps for free. Advanced users know a lot about Cydia, but new owners of iOS devices may have difficulties. In this post, we will answer basic questions related to Cydia and jailbreak: what is Cydia, how to jailbreak iOS and what are its benefits.

Cydia is an independent third-party app for jailbroken iOS devices. Developed better known as Saurik. Formally Cydia is similar to App Store - the official electronic store of Apple applications. Functionally, Cydia is its opposite: it is a lot of free software packages (applications, settings and extensions), pirated versions of paid software or software not available in the App Store. The main advantage of Cydia is applications that do not and will never be in the App Store. For example, for an exemplary iOS user, only audio ringtones are available as a ringtone for incoming calls. VUZIQ is a Cydia tweak that allows you to set free video ringtones for incoming calls. However, not all applications that functionally and graphically "pump" your devices are free, in particular in Installous - one of the best apps Cydia.

Why do you need Cydia if there is an App Store?

Cydia is an analogue of the App Store. However, Apple maintains strict censorship in its selection of apps for the App Store, blocking and removing many of them. You can find apps taboo or deleted for one reason or another only in Cydia.

What is jailbreak?

To install Cydia on your mobile device, you need to jailbreak iOS. Without "jailbreaking" the firmware, the iOS user can only access the App Store. Simply put, the purpose of jailbreak is to install and launch Cydia on your iPhone, iPod, iPad.

Jailbreak is an iOS modification that allows the user to access the system files of the device. This allows you to change and edit system files and folders, install additional features, modify graphics, and bypass restrictions imposed by Apple. Cydia can only be installed on a jailbroken device.

Despite the rather "flexible" legal status of jailbreak and attempts by some countries to impose restrictions on it, users around the world continue to jailbreak. In each new iOS Apple is fixing the vulnerabilities, but jailbreakers still find loopholes to hack and develop a new jailbreak tool. A few months after the release of a new iOS, development teams respond with new software. The Apple vs. jailbreak standoff began in 2008 when the first jailbreak tool known as Geohot was unveiled.

What's the difference between tethered and untethered jailbreak?

Tethered jailbreak requires you to connect your device to your computer every time you reboot. Untethered jailbreak remains after device reboot. Semi-tethered jailbreak allows you to restart your device without any problem, but some of the downloaded jailbreak apps are not available. Full access is possible after connecting to a computer.

What are the main jailbreak tools?

The choice of jailbreak tool depends on the device model and iOS version. The list of jailbreak tools is extensive: ZiPhone, QuickPwn, redsn0w, purplera1n, SpiritJB, Limera1n, Blackra1n, PwanageTool, Redsn0w, Sn0wbreeze Greenpois0n, and JailbreakMe. To jailbreak the latest iOS versions, they use the evasi0n7 utility (iOS 7.0); the Pangu and TaiGJailBreak exploits from the Chinese hackers Pangu Team and TaiG are designed to jailbreak iOS 7.1; iOS 8.0.x-8.4; iOS 9.0-iOS 9.0.2... For iOS 9.2 there is no jailbreak at the moment. However, according to rumors, Pangu already has a working version.

Is Cydia Safe?

Before jailbreaking your device, make sure you are sufficiently aware of not only its advantages, but also disadvantages. We cannot guarantee 100% security of all software packages presented in the Cydia Store. Hacking firmware weakens built-in security and protection functions operating system iOS. Security vulnerabilities increase and the chance of malicious software being installed increases. Before you download an app or tweak from Cydia, make sure you only install it and know what it is for. After jailbreaking and running Cydia on your device, Cydia connects to the repositories from which you will download programs. We recommend using checked repositories ModMyi and BigBoss.

It is also important that the apps or tweaks you choose match your device model and iOS version. Otherwise, during the installation of an extension incompatible with iOS, the device will freeze and you will be forced to do a respring: reset settings and data and reboot the device. Thus, in advance, familiarize yourself with jailbreak tweaks that are compatible in your particular case and how to jailbreak your iPhone, iPad or other iOS device.

How does Cydia work?

  • Home (Cydia). Sponsored applications, account information, help and some important parameters.
  • Sections. All applications in Cydia are divided into categories. Select the one you want and start searching for an app or tweak.
  • Updates (Changes). All new programs and updates can be found here. The tab is refreshed every time you open Cydia.
  • Management (Manage). Allows you to manage Cydia, add sources and repositories, remove programs and have access to the archive.
  • Search. If you know the name of the setting you want, find it using the search tab.

What are the Cydia repositories?

Cydia repositories this is an online storage where developers upload and store all content - programs to expand the functionality of your device. Cydia makes this content available by indexing it for the user. Cydia has repositories installed by default, but the user can add new sources. BigBoss and ModMyi are the most popular ones available to the user.

How to buy an app from Cydia?

Most of the software packages in Cydia are free, but there are also several hundred programs for sale through the Cydia Store, similar to the App Store. Cydia lets you sign in with account Facebook or Twitter and pay using Amazon Payments, PayPal.

Can Cydia be installed without jailbreak?

Remember, Cydia is the largest App Store alternative for enhanced functionality and interface available to users of jailbroken devices. Access to the App Store is also possible from jailbroken devices. Cydia Store Access - only for users of jailbroken devices.

Cydia opens up "forbidden" iOS features. No wonder Cydia is an allusion to the codling moth (lat. Cydia pomonella) - a caterpillar eating an apple

Subscribe to ours and join the jailbreak fans chat, there news comes out faster.

How to download Cydia Impactor and install it on iOS (iPhone) and Android?

If you know about jailbreak, then you should be aware of Cydia and similar apps that you can install with it. Also, Cydia Impactor will not be new to you. If you are an iOS user and have had the urge to download and install applications that were not available in the App Store.

When your friends with Android smartphones installed new games for themselves, then you may have tried to install them from another source. But this is not safe. And then, Cydia came to the rescue of all iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad users. After popularizing Cydia Impactor, another new and interesting tool called.

Cydia Impactor is a vital and essential application that was created to replace JailBreak. The app is called Cydia Eraser but has now been renamed Cydia Eraser. While Eraser performs the same function as Cydia Impactor, it is a new tool that helps with the installation of cracked IPA files.

IPA files can be installed on iOS 6 to iOS 12 and more new version devices, Mac OS, Android and Windows. In addition, Cydia Impactor does not affect the version of iOS currently running on your device, allowing you to re-use the jailbreak if needed.

Cydia Impactor is a redesigned jailbreak by Jay Freeman. One of the most important features of the impactor application is that it allows the user to exploit major vulnerabilities in Android and iOS systems. And for all those people who are still thirsty to play hacked Pokemon go or any other game for Windows, Android, and even iOS users.

How to download Cydia Impactor for iPhone and iPad?

Step 1: Download the application file from the following link:

Step 2: Open the cydiaimpactor.dmg file from the download manager.

Step 3: Follow the instructions on the screen, the installation will start.

Step 4: After installation, find the IOS IPA file () in all applications.

Step 5: Open it and enjoy the app installations.

If it doesn't work, install Impactor from your computer, go to step 6.

How to download Cydia Impactor for Android?

Step 2: Now open the Cydia Impactor.apk file from the download manager.

Step 3: To install from unknown sources, first of all, you need to check the option - install applications from unknown sources. Settings\u003e Security\u003e Application Management.

Step 4: Now open the downloaded file and follow the instructions on the screen to complete the installation process.

Step 5: Installation is complete, now search for the app and open.

How to download Cydia Impactor on Windos / Mac / Linux?

Step 1: Download the PC files from the following link: or

Step 2: Unzip the files to a folder on your desktop and now open the .exe file in the folder.

Step 3: Make sure you open the file as administrator, but only if you are using Windows 10. But if you are windows user 7 or 8 or XP, it is not necessary to run on behalf of the admin.

Step 4: Completion of installation, enjoy.

How to install Cydia Impactor on an iPhone via a computer?

Step 1: Follow the steps above to download the application to your computer.

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  • In particular, it is useful for installing those programs that are not on the App Store. Cydia also acts as a storage aggregator, which allows the software to update itself.
  • One of the unique features of the app users is the ability to downgrade the firmware of our Apple device. We add that in the middle of summer 2010, such a procedure as jailbreak received legal status.

Features of working with Cydia

  • So, this application is installed during the jailbreak. Prior to this hacking practice, the iOS platform was completely closed to third-party developers. Cydia soon followed.
  • Each user who developed his own program for the iPhone could now place an XML code on his resource and send a link to Cydia.
  • If we are launching this application for the first time, we see a message offering us a choice of a system installation option. Normal mode is fine too. Install the proposed updates if necessary.
  • There are 5 tabs in Cydia in total. And if with tabs like "Search", "Changes" ("Changes", "Updates"), "Manage", that is, control installed applications), “Sections” (“Categories”) everything is more or less clear, then about the “Home” tab some clarifications are needed.
  • It includes an FAQ, notification of new updates, and Cydia news.
  • To install the application, you can use the item "Search" or "Categories". We install the program and confirm our actions by clicking the "Confirm" option.
  • To remove the application, go to the "Control" tab, select the application of interest to us and click "Modify", then the "Remove" button.

Jailbreak is an operation by which you can gain full access to the file system of an iPhone or any other iOS device. Most users do this in order to be able to install third-party and cracked applications. Third-party should be understood as all programs that are not downloaded from the AppStore (from Cydia).

Hacked apps are paid programs and games from the AppStore that can be installed for free on any iPhone or iPad with a jailbreak and Cydia installed. Jailbreak allows you to customize appearance iPhone, install new themes, change ringtones, and more. Jailbreak iPad, iPhone 6 and 6s (Plus) can be installed using special exploit programs Pangu 9, Taig 9 and Evasion.

Jailbreak variations for iOS 9.1, 9.2.

  • Tied (after each reboot of the smartphone, you will have to repeat the jailbreak procedure, and the device will be inoperable until it is completed).
  • Untethered (this is exactly the kind of Jailbreak used on the most new iPhones, its essence lies in the fact that it continues to work normally even after the device is rebooted).
  • Untethered (it allows you to use the device after a reboot, but without Jailbreak functions).

Jailbreak advantages and disadvantages.

Most users jailbreak their iPhones in order to save on paid apps. By installing Jailbreak, the user can download paid applications for free and not pay for in-app purchases. Besides, jailbreaking the device makes it possible to install various tweaks (new themes, ringtones, etc.). Jailbreak will also be very useful for various developers who want to dig deep into the bowels of iOS.

Despite the wide possibilities that jailbreak offers users, it also has its drawbacks. The most notable drawback is the instability of the applications. They crash much more often than on a system without hacking. Tweaks should also be mentioned. It is highly discouraged to install a very large number of them at once, since they may be incompatible with each other, which will lead to system brakes or failure.

How to install apps on a jailbroken iPhone 5s, 6, 6s and iPad Air?

On modern devices, it is customary to use a program called Cydia to install applications. It provides users with the ability to search and install the software they need. IN latest versions programs have given developers the opportunity to host paid applications. It is important to understand that you will be able to use Cydia only after you put the Jailbreak.

How to download and install Cydia on iPhone and iPad?

  • link (for Windows).
  • Pangu 7 (iOS 7), 8 (iOS 8), 9 (iOS 9), 9.1 (iOS 9.1), 9.2 (iOS 9.2) - link (for Mac).

Detailed instructions on how to make an Untethered Jailbreak on iPhone 5, 5s, 6, 6s and iPad Air, mini (iOS 7, 8, 9, 9.1, 9.2) can be found on this website (in English, you can browse through Google). translator or Translate).

Cydia is installed along with the Pangu 9 and Taig 9 jailbreak programs. The Jailbreak procedure itself is extremely simple. To get started, you need to turn off screen protection with a password and Touch ID, Find iPhone and deactivate airplane mode. After that, launch Pangu, downloaded from the official site, connect the device to the PC and press the Start button, then on Already backup. Activate the airplane mode at 65% of the installation. After that, launch the Pangu app and allow it to access the Photos program. After that, the Jailbreak installation is considered complete. For Taig 9, the instructions are about the same.

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