Online pdf to word converter. Convert PDF to Word

Online pdf to word converter. Convert PDF to Word


Electronic PDF documents are read-only. You will not be able to simply take and edit such a document - for this you have to install special software, for example, the bulky and expensive Adobe Acrobat. Individual elements of a PDF file can also be edited in Word 2013 and 2016. But what about those who use earlier versions of this editor?

No, you don't have to install or update anything, there are better ways. Today we'll talk about how to translate PDF to Word using free online services.


If you try to open the PDF file in Word 2010 in the usual way, most likely, instead of text and pictures, you will see "krakozyabry":

This is a mess. To bring the document back to normal, let's "feed" it to the first online converter of our review - PDFtoDoc.

To upload a PDF file to the site, press the button of the same name or drag it to the field highlighted in the screenshot. After 5-20 minutes (sometimes longer - it depends on the file size), you can pick up the finished result. To do this, click on the button " Download", Which will appear below the document, or" Download All". The service can simultaneously convert up to 20 files.

The result of converting a PDF document containing graphics, text, drawings and tables ( circuit diagram), the DOC format did not disappoint me. Yes, it was not without distortion. The fonts have become larger than in the original, and from this certain groups of words have shifted a little, but the general structure and readability of the scheme are completely preserved:

Conversion to DOCX format (on the next tab) gave the same result - no better and no worse. The only difference is that the size of the final file is 5 times smaller.

The disadvantage of the service, which I noted for myself, is that the download is too slow. The 30MB Word file took about 10 minutes to download to my computer.


To e-service SmallPDF, I liked more than the previous one. The same circuit was processed about 2 times faster and loaded back in a matter of seconds. The structure of the document, as in the first case, has remained unchanged, but there are fewer distortions in it.

Using SmallPDF is very easy too:

  • Load or drag the PDF file to the selected field. By the way, the service supports uploading documents from Dropbox and Google Drive.
  • Click " Convert».
  • Download the result to your computer or save it to your Dropbox or Google Drive.

Of the shortcomings of SmallPDF, only two are worth noting. The first is limiting the free version to two downloads per hour (unlimited subscription usage costs $ 4-6 per month). The second is to save the result only in DOCX format.

Google docs

Those who are used to Google services such as Google Drive and Docs can also use them to convert PDF documents to Word (DOCX only). This option is good in that it does not put any restrictions on either the number or size of files, or the time of use, but in terms of conversion quality it is much inferior to both predecessors. The built-in editor handles PDFs well, which contain only solid text. It does not accept lists, tables, graphs, pictures and other elements of structure and formatting.

The order for converting PDF to Word is as follows:

  • Sign in to account Google.
  • Open the content of your Google Drive in your browser, find the PDF document you need, click on it with the "right mouse" and select " To open with» – « GoogleDocs».
  • If you are out of date what you see on the screen, go to the menu " File"Google Docs Editor, select" Download as" and " MicrosoftWord (DOCX)».

That's the whole conversion.

Convert Online Free

To e-service ConvertOnlineFree converts PDFs to both DOC-format and DOCX. Processes files one at a time. The source should not weigh more than 50 Mb. Immediately after the conversion, which takes 3-15 minutes, it sends the result to the folder " Downloads"Browser.

In terms of functionality, Convert Online Free was fine for me, however, what happened after processing the circuit, the one I used to test other services, did not make me happy. Some of the pages turned out to be in portrait orientation (in the original, everything was in landscape orientation), the right side in many places turned out to be empty, and the text that should be there moved to the next sheet.

Standard Converter

Last online resource - StandardConverter, converts PDF to DOC only. Information about restrictions on the size and number of uploaded files is not contained here - this is a plus. Processing the experimental scheme took about the same amount of time as the others - which is also not bad, but the result was even worse than that of Convert Online Free.

The original formatting is only partially preserved. The original appearance remained at 2 or 3 pages, the rest of the program tore "on the British flag" and smeared over several sheets.

Perhaps, Standard Converter, like Google Docs, should be used for processing simpler documents.

According to the test results, PDF to DOC and SmallPDF coped with the task best. In second place is Convert Online Free, and third is shared by Google Docs and Standard Converter. However, judging by one document about the operation of the service as a whole is probably not worth it. Try them yourself - your results may not be the same as mine.

In practice, the PDF format is used to store electronic text documents. And despite the large number of advantages and benefits of using this format, there is one significant drawback that a user may encounter.

This disadvantage is the difficulty of editing and changing the text (see). To resolve this issue, you must use special applications... Let's consider options and ways of how to translate PDF to Word.

To convert, you need to sequentially perform the following steps:

Open the program, the icon looks like this:

Select "File" - "Open" from the menu. Find and open text that needs transformation and go to the next step

In the pop-up window, enter the name of the new (converted text with the DOC extension) and the location to save it. Then click the "Save" button

The new saved document will look like the following figure

PDF to Word with FineReader

The sequence of actions is as described below:

Enter the program, the icon looks like this:

After opening, go to its conversion by clicking on the menu "File" - "Save Document As" - "Word Document" or "97-2003"

In the window that appears, enter the name and location of the conversion result, confirm with the "Save" button.

Convert PDF to Word using Microsoft Word

To change the format of an electronic document, the following instructions:

Right-click on the document to be converted. In the presented menu, select "Open with" - "WORD (classic application). The opening process may take some time.

Enter the name of the saved document and select the required format in the "Type" section. The conversion result will be saved after confirmation by clicking on the "Save" button.

When using this conversion method using Microsoft Word, situations may arise when PDF text:

  • protected;
  • contains pictures or photos.

How to deal with such situations?

The instruction for converting a protected document corresponds to that described above, supplemented with only one action in clause 2, namely, to click the "Allow editing" button and only then proceed to saving.

Electronic text containing pictures is converted in the same way as text without pictures. The instructions are described above. The main difference that a user may notice is the long opening times and saving results. This fact is explained by the fact that pictures and photos are often larger than files containing text.

Attention! When converting in this way, problems with fonts may arise (incorrect display - cracks).

Convert PDF to DOC format on Mac OS

Owners of equipment equipped with Mac OS can take advantage of several ways:

  • convert using PDF Converter Free software;
  • use the function Microsoft Office Word.

The first program is available for download at App Store. This application is free. The software interface is maximally simplified for user perception, which makes it possible to convert to DOC without much difficulty and additional knowledge.

When choosing an option to use Office Word, you can take the instructions discussed earlier in the section "Converting a file using Microsoft Word».

Convert PDF to Word using Google Disk

You can only use this method if you have a Google account.

To translate (convert) the format, the sequence of actions is as follows:

Log in to your google account and go to Google Drive.

Find required file or download it. Standing on it, right-click and select "Open with" and select the option shown in the picture below.

Select the menu language, as well as PDF - the source to be converted and click the "Convert" button

In the appeared window to download the results, click "Download"

Other programs and online services for translating PDF to Word

In addition to the considered and most popular ways conversions also exist and others to convert. Some of them are discussed below:

Free PDF to Word Converter. You can use it for free. Installation takes place in automatic mode... To change the format, you need to enter the program and select the required file and the path where to save the results. The program interface is in English.

Icecream PDF Converter. For users, both free and PRO versions are offered. Converts to DOC format and vice versa.

It will appeal to fans of e-books. It has a built-in "Reader" function for books.

Online PDF service? Doc free. To get started with the service, you need to enter the link and then follow the instructions described below.


  1. In the window that opens, click the "Download" button.
  2. Select the PDF source by specifying the path to it. As a result of correct actions, it will appear on the screen in the lower left corner.
  3. Then click "Download".
  4. Save the obtained result to the required folder on the computer.

Another online converter is PDF to DOC.


  1. Follow the link.
  2. Select the first bookmark.
  3. Load the text that needs transformation, click on the "Load" button and then specify the path to it.
  4. Click "Download" and save the result.

Go4Convert is an online service that does not require installation and converts to the desired formatDOC.


  1. Login by link.
  2. At the top of the screen, select the second tab from the left.
  3. Press the "Select file" button to download the text in PDF format.
  4. After the document is selected, click "Start".
  5. The message "Your document is being processed" will appear, after which you need to wait a little.
  6. The file is converted and you just need to save it.

Frequently asked questions about converting PDF to Word

What is the main difference between converter programs and online services?

The following difference stands out: online services limit the possible size of files and it is often impossible to convert text containing pictures.

When converting a document using Microsoft Word, the program hangs. What could be the problem?

One of the problems can be a large file. For converting bulk electronic documents it is better to use adobe acrobat.

What is the best way to convert PDF files with pictures?

It is better to use the first and second methods, namely, resort to the help of Adobe Acrobat or FineReader programs. They will preserve the quality of the pictures as much as possible. When converting via Word, the text can be optimized, as reported by the program itself.

When is it advisable to use Google Drive for conversion?

Google Drive will help the user to convert the PDF to DOC file format regardless of its location. This service is available to the user anywhere in the world where there is Internet, just log into your account.

Hello dear readers!

Today I decided to write about a popular document format that is very often used on the Internet, but which not everyone knows how to work with. This is the format .pdf, used to save e-books, checklists, various instructions, etc. Such documents can be read on any device, but they cannot be edited. For editing texts, the MS Word word processor is most often used, so the question arises - how to translate text from PDF into Word.

This format was developed by the company Adobe systems to save documents in electronic form. How is it different from other similar formats? main feature of this file type - its cross-platform. There are many different operating systemsWindows, Linux, Unix, Mac OS etc.

Programs for working with documents have been developed for each OS. On Windows, the most popular program is text editor MS Office Word, v Linux - OpenOffice and so on. And if we try to open a file created in Word in OpenOffice, then we will most likely fail, and if it does, then the documents will look completely different, the formatting will be broken, the pictures will be out of place, and if the text contains formulas ...

Therefore, a universal format was created that can be opened on any device, in different operating systems without changing the appearance.

How to open pdf files on computer

To view documents with the extension. pdf there are many programs. First of all, this is a free official program Adobe reader from the firm Adobe(its old versions were called Acrobat Reader).

Here are some more free pdf viewers:

  • PDF-XChange Viewer
  • Hamster PDF Reader
  • STDU Viewer
  • Foxit Reader
  • Free PDF Reader

The main drawback of the pdf format is its limited editing capabilities, so it becomes necessary to convert such documents to Word or another text editor. But the way of such translation depends on how this file was created.

How to create a pdf file

There are three main ways to create a pdf document:

  1. Converting with any text editor.
  2. Scanning a document and then saving it in pdf format.
  3. Use of online services.

There is a fundamental difference between the first two methods. In the first, the text is saved as a sequence of characters and the reverse transformation retains the ability to edit.

In the second case, the entire document is saved as a single drawing and its editing is no longer possible without prior recognition.

In what follows, I will refer to such pdf documents as Type 1 and Type 2 files, respectively.

It is very easy to create a pdf document from a regular text file in MS Word. In the latest versions of this editor, this function exists by default. For example, in version 2010, it is enough to run the commands File - Save As and select the file type PDF.

In later versions, you no longer need to save, but export. For example, in 2013

File - Export ...

When scanning a document, you must use the scanner menu to save it in PDF format. Each scanner has its own interface, but it is certainly possible to save in this format. Again, in this case, the text is saved as a single image, not as a set of characters.

There are also online services for converting texts to pdf files. For instance:

  • PDF to Word Converter,
  • Soda PDF,
  • Smallpdf is a universal service for working with pdf-documents, which has a lot of functionality and an intuitive interface. I recommend paying special attention to it.

In addition to the above methods, you can use special programs creating pdf files. Most famous PDF Creator, ABBYY PDF Transformer, PDF24 Creator other.

How to translate text from pdf files into Word

Let's move on to the most important thing and consider how to convert pdf files into documents that can be edited in word processor Word or another editor.
Let's start by converting files of the first type, as converting them is much easier.

Using MS Word

Now this is the easiest way, since the latest versions of Word have already implemented the ability to convert pdf documents into formats. doc or. docx.

To do this, start Word, File - Open and choose desired file... A warning about file conversion will appear, the document will open in a Word window and will be available for editing.

You can make it even easier using the context menu. Right click on the pdf file icon and select Open with - Word. This is a very simple way, but many do not know about me.

If you need to convert only a part of the text, then you can simply select and copy this part and paste it into Word (this cannot be done if the document is copy-protected, but that's another story).

Unfortunately, complex documents containing inserts, pictures, formulas, etc., are formatted and look different from what they were before the conversion.

Convert from pdf to word online

The next way is to use online converters, of which there are many on the Internet now. We go to such a service, upload the source file to it, wait a bit, and download it in the new format.

Some of the more well-known services are:

Already mentioned above

  • Free PDF Converter pdf2go,
  • PDF to Word Converter,
  • Smallpdf,
  • and also

Separately, it should be said about the Google Drive service. Many have a Google account and can use this service. Upload the document to google drive, then To open with - Google docs ... Now File - Download as - MS Word (DOCX).

The third way is to use special converter programs.

Not bad free program UniPDF. It is designed to convert various text formats. You can download it from official site.

Recognition of scanned documents

What to do if there is a pdf file of the second type, that is, a scanned document. All the previous methods will not help us. If you can get a file with a text extension (. doc, .docx,...), but it will not be possible to edit it, since the entire text will be an image that takes up the entire page.

To get a document that can be edited, you must use an optical character recognition (OCR) system.

The best program for this purpose is ABBYY FineReader. Unfortunately, it is paid, but its capabilities are simply surprising, they are incomparable with the functionality of other similar programs and online services for recognition.

OCR CuneiForm perhaps the best free program - analog FineReader... It is less demanding, less complicated, but also not so developed. Unfortunately, recognizing various graphic files, it cannot work with pdf documents.

Online services can also be used for recognition:

  • OCRtoWord recognizes graphic files other than PDF.
  • FineReaderOnline good service but requires registration.
  • FREE ONLINE OCR is limited in size and number of files.
  • SODA PDF OCR converts files of the second type to files of the first.

I examined a small part of programs and services for working with pdf documents, but usually one or two familiar methods are used to translate text from PDF into Word or vice versa.

Hopefully, among the listed ones, you will find the most convenient ones for you.

See you soon!

Often there is a need to convert the .PDF format to .doc (word file) and in this article we will figure out how to do it simply. We have prepared three different ways to convert. We checked all the methods personally, but if one does not work, you can always use the other two.

Translate PDF to DOC and DOCx (Word) online

There are many services that convert documents from one format to another. My favorite site for this business is To get started, follow the link and scroll down to the file download area.

If you need to translate the file into .doc, then select the adjacent tab. The service has automatic translation in.docx. Now click on "Select File" and open the directory containing the PDF file and click on the "Open" button. The name of your file will appear on the site, after that you need to click on the "Convert" button.

I would like to note that the conversion can take several minutes, so if you have a large file, you will have to wait a bit. Then the site will automatically start downloading your document to your computer. The file will be located in the "Downloads" folder or in the folder that you have selected in the browser for your downloads.

This is not the only service that can do the conversion automatically, here are links to others:

All services at the time of this writing were free, but that could have changed. Read the site carefully before converting.

PDF to Word translation software

For various reasons, it may be inconvenient for someone to convert files online, so let's look at the example of programs. We will look at converting using the First PDF program. The program is paid, but it has the opportunity to use it for free for 30 days or within 100 conversions.

If you need to translate several documents into Word at once, and you do not plan to do this every day, then this option is perfect for you. Download the program from the official site Install the program like others: agree with the license agreement and click "Next". After installing the program, there will be a check mark that will immediately launch the program after installation.

When you start the program for the first time, you will be offered to buy a license or use free version, we choose the "Continue" option for free. There is such a window in front of us.

Now you need to click on the "Add PDF" button and select the required file. In the program settings (on the right) you can choose the path to save the file and whether to open it immediately after conversion. You can also select the pages you want to convert, for example from "1-3" or leave everything.

If you have chosen everything, click on the "convert" button and again a window with a license appears in front of us. Press the "Continue" button (without purchasing the program) and the file will be converted to Word format. I really liked this program, it works quickly and well.

If the demo version of the program is not enough for you, and you are constantly converting files - purchase full version on the developer's website for 990 rubles (the price is current at the time of this writing).

Convert PDF to Word using Google Drive

The third way to convert will be a service from Google - Google Drive. To use the service, you need to have an account ( mailbox) on Google. If you are not registered yet - go through the registration, and if you are registered - then go to the site.

After opening this site, you will have the opportunity to upload documents. Select the folder where the document is located and upload it to Google Drive. To do this, click on the "Upload" button and select "Upload files" in the menu that opens.

After downloading the document, it will appear on your disk. Click on it with the right mouse button and select the item "Open with .." and in the new menu select "Google Docs".

When the document opens, select the item "File" -> "Download as" -> "Word Document" and you will only have to save this file.

These are the three easy ways help you convert documents to various formats. In the next articles we will talk about converting other formats, so subscribe to our blog and visit us more often!

User question

Good afternoon.

Tell me please. I have one PDF file, and I need to edit it (change part of the text, put headers and highlights). I think that it is best to carry out such an operation in WORD.

How can I convert this file to DOCX format (which WORD works with)? I tried several services, but some give an error, others wrap the text, but lose pictures. Can you do better?

Marina Ivanova (Nizhny Novgorod)

Good day!

Yes, in office work from time to time you have to face such a task. In some cases, it can be solved quite easily, in others it is very difficult 👌.

The fact is that PDF file s can be different:

  1. in the form of pictures: when each page is a photo / picture, i.e. there is no text in principle. The most difficult option for work, because translating it all into text is like working with a scanned sheet (whoever has a scanner will understand ☺). In this case, it is advisable to use specials. programs;
  2. in the form of text: the file contains text that is compressed into PDF format and is protected (not protected) from editing (this type is usually easier to work with). In this case, both online services and programs will do.

In this article, I will consider several ways to convert PDF to WORD. I think that each of them will be able to find the most suitable one for himself, and will complete this task ☝.


Microsoft Word

Newer versions of Word (at least in 2016) have a dedicated tool for converting PDF files. Moreover, nothing is needed from you - just open some "pdf-ku" and agree to the transformation. In a couple of minutes - get the result.

And by the way, this function works pretty well in Word (and, moreover, with any type of PDF files). That is why I recommend trying this method first.

How to use: First open Word, then click "file / open" and select the file you want.

When asked about transformation - just agree. After a while, you will see your file in the form of text.

Pros: fast; no need for any gestures from the user; acceptable result.

Cons: paid program; some of the formatting of the document may be lost; not all pictures will be transferred; the conversion process cannot be influenced in any way - everything is in auto-mode.

👉 Note!

Instead of Word and Excel, you can use other free counterparts with similar functionality. I talked about them in this article:

ABBY Fine Reader

Restrictions in trial version : 100 pages for recognition; software works within 30 days after installation.

But this program is one of the most versatile - it can "feed" any PDF file, picture, photo, scan. It works according to the following principle: blocks of text, pictures, tables are selected (there is an auto-mode, and there is a manual one), and then it recognizes text from these blocks. As a result, you get a regular Word document.

By the way, latest versions the programs differ in their focus on the novice user - it is very easy to use the program. In the first welcome window select "Image or PDF file in Microsoft Word" (see screenshot below).

Fine Reader - popular tasks in the welcome start window

Then the program will automatically split your document into pages, and on each page it will select all the blocks and recognize them. All you have to do is correct errors and save the document in DOCX format (by the way, Fine Reader can also save in other formats: HTML, TXT, DOC, etc.).

Fine Reader - OCR text and images in a PDF file

Pros: you can convert any picture or PDF file to text format; the best recognition algorithms; there are options for checking the recognized text; you can work even with the most hopeless files, which were abandoned by all other services and programs.

Cons: paid program; you need to manually specify the blocks on each of the pages.

Readiris Pro

Trial version limitation: 10 days of use or processing of 100 pages.

This program is some competitor to Fine Reader. It will help you scan a document from a printer (even if you do not have drivers for it!), And then recognize the information from the scan and save it in Word (in this article we are interested in the second part, namely recognition ☺).

By the way, thanks to very close integration with Word - the program is able to recognize mathematical formulas, various non-standard symbols, hieroglyphs, etc.

Pros: recognition of different languages ​​(English, Russian, etc.); many formats for saving; good algorithms; system requirements are lower than those of other analog programs.

Cons: paid; errors are encountered and manual handling is required.

Free PDF to Word Converter

Developer site:

Very simple program to quickly convert PDF files to DOC. The program is completely free, and when converting, it tries to preserve the original formatting completely (which many analogues lack so much).

Despite the fact that there is no Russian in the program, it is quite simple to figure it out: in the first window, specify PDF files ( Select File- i.e. select files); in the second - the format for saving (for example, DOC); in the third - the folder where the converted documents will be saved (by default, "My Documents" is used).

In general, in general, a good and convenient tool for converting relatively simple files.

Online services

Small PDF

Is free - Free solution to all PDF problems

Excellent and free service for converting and working with PDF files. Everything you need is there: compress, convert between JPG, Word, PPT, merge PDF, rotate, edit, and more!


  1. high-quality and fast conversion, editing;
  2. simple and user-friendly interface: even a completely novice user can figure it out;
  3. available on all platforms: Windows, Android, Linux, etc .;
  4. working with the service is free.


  1. does not work with some types of PDF files (where it is necessary to carry out image recognition).

PDF converter

Cost: about $ 9 per month

This service allows you to process only two pages for free (you will have to pay extra for the rest). But the service allows you to convert a PDF file to a variety of formats: Word, Excel, Power Point, pictures, etc.

Also, it uses algorithms that are different from analogs (they allow you to get the quality of file processing an order of magnitude higher than that of analogs). Actually, thanks to this functionality and algorithms, I added it to the review ...

By the way, on the first two pages you can conclude whether it is worth buying a subscription to the service (the cost is about $ 9 per month of work).


Is free

A multifunctional online converter that works with a bunch of formats: MP4, MP3, PDF, DOC, MKV, WAV and many others. Despite the fact that the service looks a little strange, it is quite simple to use it: since all actions are performed step by step (see the screen above: Step 1, 2, 3, 4 (Step 1, 2, 3, 4)).

  1. Step 1 - file selection.
  2. Step 2 - what format to convert to.
  3. Step 3 (STEP 3) - you must indicate your mail (by the way, perhaps you will have an article about that).
  4. Step 4 (STEP 4) - button to start converting.


  1. a bunch of formats for an envelope from one to another (including PDF);
  2. the possibility of batch processing;
  3. very fast algorithm;
  4. the service is free;
  5. there is a limit on the file size - no more than 50 MB;
  6. the result of the envelope arrives in the mail.


Is free

Powerful and free service for online work with various formats. As for PDF, the service can convert them to DOC format (by the way, the service works even with complex PDF files that others could not cope with), compress, combine, etc.

Limitations on the size of files and their structure - not identified. To add a file, it is not even necessary to have it on disk - you just need to specify the URL address, and download the finished document in DOC format from the service. Very convenient, I recommend!


Is free

Similar to the previous site: there is also all the functionality for working with PDF - compression, merging, splitting, converting (to various formats). Allows you to quickly convert various small PDF files.

On the downside: the service cannot process files that consist of pictures (ie, "pdf-ki" where there is no text, here you will not pull anything from them - the service will return you an error that there is no text in the file).

Is free

A very interesting and multifunctional online service. Allows you to convert PDF to: Excel, Word, JPG, HTML, PNG (and the same operations in the opposite direction). In addition, this service can compress files of this type, merge and split pages. In general, a convenient assistant in office work 👌.

Of the minuses: the service does not cope with all types of files (in particular, it writes about some that there is no text in them).

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