What to take a tablet or smartphone. Which is better - a smartphone or a tablet? Difference, comparison and description

What to take a tablet or smartphone. Which is better - a smartphone or a tablet? Difference, comparison and description


We will not twist our hearts if we say that the visitors site are not millionaires. We all try to save money. Therefore, we had a question: to make our choice in favor of a smartphone or tablet? If you only have enough money for one device, which one is better to buy? Let's figure it out.

Of course, modern life is hard to imagine without a smartphone. Therefore, in our article we are talking, most likely, about an additional smartphone - with a large screen, ideal for watching movies. After all, you should definitely have a compact device, since it is impossible to take a tablet with you everywhere - it is too big.

If you buy yourself a smartphone, you automatically get the opportunity to make calls. A tablet, even with a slot for a SIM card, can only be sharpened for an Internet connection. And do I need to mention that talking on a smartphone is more convenient, even if it has a 5.5-inch display?

For some reason, the production cost of smartphones is very low. Therefore, now with might and main appear, which have good characteristics. Often they also receive a light sensor, which makes their use quite comfortable. But they are equipped with less advanced characteristics, which is why slowdowns are regularly observed in their work. It can be concluded that buying a good tablet computer, you are likely to spend more money than buying a smartphone.

If you are a game lover, then only an expensive "tablet" will suit you. Cheap models simply cannot provide adequate frame rates for modern games. But smartphones do a much better job at launching them - even relatively inexpensive devices. Moreover, if the device includes a gyroscope, then it can also be inserted into it! You can't place a tablet in it.

Now in stores, you can easily choose a smartphone with a protected case. But what can I say, even the super popular Galaxy S8 is not afraid of water! In this regard, you can easily buy a device for. It will be possible to take it with you to nature. You can be sure that falling on stones or in water will not bring harmful consequences. As for the "tablets", they rarely receive a shock-resistant and waterproof case. Of course, such models do exist. But their cost is inadequate and the characteristics are outdated.

By the way, when traveling, the smartphone will also delight you with its navigation module. You will open the Maps application and immediately see your location. In tablets, the GPS chip is often also present. But you think: will you hunt to get such a bulky device out of your backpack every time?

Benefits of tablets

Whatever one may say, and tablet computers have a very large screen. Even 7-inch tablets seem to be real giants compared to smartphones. A number of advantages follow from this. The most important of them is the comfortable viewing of videos. This, of course, is not a TV or even a computer monitor. But compared to a smartphone, it's just amazing! Especially if we compare devices of the lower price category with each other - now even inexpensive tablets have an IPS-display with wide viewing angles.

On a large screen, more detail is most often achieved (unless the pixel density is reduced to some 150 PPI). Due to this, it is easier to crawl on various sites on the tablet. On a smartphone, you often have to use mobile version resource, which usually turns out to be less functional. Photos also look great on a tablet computer. Especially if they were obtained using a camera with a high-resolution matrix.

Some of us used to read e-books using tiny-screen mobile phones. But this does not mean that you need to continue using your smartphone to read. The point is that even a 5-inch display is small. If you read information from such an LCD panel for a long time, your eyes may hurt, and if you do this regularly, problems may occur. Of course, this is not excluded when using a tablet. But its screen is still larger, so such devices are better suited for reading books. By the way, they are not the largest in size and the minimum weight - they can easily be taken with you on the subway or to work.

Not everyone thinks about it, but the "pill" can be used by several family members at once. V latest versions Android for the sake of this even implemented fast switching between profiles. It turns out that you buy a device for several people at once - it is profitable. A smartphone is a purely individual gadget.

Another important advantage of the tablet is its reliability. Yes, the gadget usually contains the simplest. But if a tablet computer falls, it is extremely rare and at home with a soft floor. And in one pocket with the keys "tablet" does not fit. Therefore, such a device is capable of serving, if not eternity, then very many years. And if you think about it, then the service life will increase even more - due to the suitable cover.

What's better?

It's time to understand whether you should buy a smartphone or tablet. In fact, it all depends on the tasks that the device will solve. If you want to give a child something to watch cartoons, a tablet should be your choice. And in general, tablet computers are best suited for watching all kinds of videos. But for a VR headset and outdoor use, you should take a smartphone. But do not forget that its service life is likely to be noticeably shorter.

Today the market is in great demand for mobile technology. If earlier a laptop was purchased as a replacement for a home computer, today the laptop itself is increasingly replacing a tablet. And for some, a smartphone is enough.

Not all users know the difference between a smartphone and a tablet, so let's talk about the differences.

Definition of smartphone and tablet

First, let's define each of the devices.

A smartphone (from the English smartphone, which can be translated as a smart phone) is formally a mobile phone, which is supplemented with the functionality of a computer. In fact, this is a computer that it can replace for the most part.

A tablet or tablet computer (from the English tablet computer) is a mobile computer, which at a stretch can be called one of the varieties of a laptop. However, the tablet does not use a mouse or keyboard, although many models today support these devices.

What's the difference between a tablet and a smartphone?

It's definitely worth starting with the main differences.

  • The first and most important difference is that the tablet is a computer that cannot be used to call landline numbers, that is, it does not support a SIM card for calls. However, you can still call from a tablet, for example, using the Internet and special applications type. At the same time, since there is no earpiece, a headset is required for conversation. It is worth noting that today some tablets support the ability to make calls using a SIM card, but such devices are usually called tablet phones. As a rule, they are only slightly larger than smartphones (as a rule, the screen size does not exceed 7 inches).
  • The second important difference is screen size. Remember when the very first iPhone came out that turned the world around? So, the diagonal of his screen was 3.5 inches, which then seemed something incredible. But only a few years have passed and what do we see? Today smartphones with a screen diagonal of up to 5 inches often have a mini prefix, and flagship smartphones of many companies have a screen diagonal of at least 5.5 inches. Tablet screen diagonal is usually from 7 to 10-11 inches. Larger devices are still rare.
  • The tablet is heavier and less mobile, which, in general, is understandable. If the smartphone can still be put in your pocket, and even then not always, then the tablet will have to be put in a bag or backpack if you want to take it with you.
  • Because of the large screen, rare tablets have the same autonomy as smartphones. For example, 8-10 hours of surfing the Internet for a tablet is an excellent indicator, while most smartphones reach these numbers without any problems.
  • The functionality of tablets is significantly higher due to the size of the screen. For example, it is convenient to draw on a tablet, even with the help of touching the screen. Another example is watching a video. Quite frankly, watching videos on a 5-inch screen is something else. A 10-inch tablet is different.
  • Oddly enough, but manufacturers are in no hurry to equip tablets with the most powerful processors and gigabytes of memory, which cannot be said about the latest smartphones - by their characteristics they are more powerful than many laptops or PCs, although in fact all this power is often excessive.
  • Most tablets do not have a SIM card slot, that is, they lack a 3G module.

And here are some pictures that clearly show the difference between devices:

What should I buy?

It all depends solely on your needs. If you want to always be in touch, then, of course, you need to buy a smartphone.

If you want to be in touch and have a device on which you can watch videos, turn your attention to large smartphones () with a screen diagonal of 5.5-6 inches.

In case you need a device for entertainment, that is, games, video views, surfing social networks etc., it is better to take a tablet.

In an amicable way, it is better to have both devices. You can use the tablet at home and use your smartphone outside the apartment.

Naturally, having a little daydream, we can conclude that there is no need to choose between a tablet and a smartphone: it is better to buy both devices. But material opportunities do not always allow this dream to come true. And if you had to choose any one device, you need to determine its advantages and disadvantages.

Tablet advantages

Despite the fact that tablets weigh more than smartphones, they are still lighter than laptops. Such devices are an ideal travel companion, as they fit easily in any bag and do not take up much space. These devices are easy to hold in the palm of your hand for a long time.

Most often, devices are manufactured with 7 and 10-inch screens. They are used to read e-books, browse mail, and flip through the web. You can watch movies on a large screen with good resolution.

The touchscreen display offers tremendous possibilities for gaming. The devices are also great for demonstration, taking notes, adding comments to pictures. Many applications have been developed for gadgets, which significantly increases their capabilities.

Battery charge is considered one of the main factors for each device, many of these devices have a rather long operating time, they work in offline 6-10 hours.

Finally, the cost of gadgets is relatively inexpensive, an elite tablet is cheaper than an elite phone.

But such devices have certain disadvantages. It is easier to type text on them, unlike phones, but still more difficult than on a keyboard, for this you can separately purchase a special Bluetooth keyboard.

Reference! Tablet PC screens are thin and easily damaged without a protective cover. If the display is damaged, the repair will be much more expensive, unlike the phone.

Smartphone pros

Today, tablets are in high demand, but this does not mean that they have completely supplanted smartphones. The latter, on the contrary, only get better. Today there are smartphones with a display size of 5 inches. This screen provides many options for work and play, and printing text on on-screen keyboard QWERTY is much lighter.

Today's phones can support multitasking applications, and chip makers are adding more and more power with 4-core processors doing multiple tasks at the same time. The only drawback is that not all applications support multi-core chips. Powerful processors allow you to shoot high-definition video.

Another advantage of smartphones compared to tablet computers, these are the optics of cameras. The shots with the 8 megapixel camera are great.

Smartphones are naturally great multimedia devices, but they also have drawbacks. Thus, a 5-inch screen is smaller than a tablet and is not suitable for printing long texts or demonstrations. But if telephones are made larger, they will be inconvenient as the main means of communication.

Reference! Smartphones actually have excellent multimedia capabilities, but a gadget with a high-quality screen, a camera and a powerful processor costs a lot of money, and budget models always lack something.

Tablet or smartphone: which is better

If you globally understand the differences between a tablet and a smartphone, then the functionality can be distinguished:

  1. The tablet is a portable computer where the communication function is in the background.
  2. A smartphone is a multifunctional phone close to a computer. It integrates a communication device, an Internet access point, entertainment, a library, an audio and video player.

What to choose between these two devices? There is no exact answer to this question, since a lot depends on individual preferences. Some people don't like bulky devices, unlike smartphones. And some, on the contrary, need the display to be large. Experts say that the most effective way to determine which is best is to hold both gadgets in your hands. Since you feel your "own" technique immediately, you won't be able to make a mistake.

Of course, having dreamed a little, you can come to the conclusion that there is no need to choose between these two devices at all: it is better to have both. But, unfortunately, finances do not always allow both dreams to come true at the same time. And if you really have to choose one of the two, you should immediately figure out which is better - a tablet or a smartphone.

Pros and cons of buying a smartphone

First, let's talk about smartphones - multifunctional devices that have replaced the traditional mobile phones... What is the difference between a smartphone and a tablet, except and why should you choose it? Let's try to figure it out together.


In recent years, the smartphone market has developed rapidly. Manufacturers are equipping new gadgets more and more powerful processors, increase the size of the displays. However, be that as it may, the smartphone remains, first of all, just a means for quick communication, sending SMS, receiving incoming and making outgoing calls. Although it is fair to say that these days gadgets have reached such a level that they can safely claim the title of real multimedia centers.

Trying to understand which is better - a tablet or a smartphone - keep in mind that a lot also depends on the specific device. So, smartphones with a display diagonal of 5 inches or more allow you to easily surf the Internet, watch videos, use applications, run games and even work with text documents! With all that, they remain quite compact, and can easily fit into a clothes pocket or a miniature handbag.

The operating systems used make it possible to install a large number of programs, but not all are adapted to modern processors.

It is also noteworthy that when shooting from smartphones, there is almost always a chance to get high-quality photo and video material.


However, every coin has a downside, and smartphones are no exception. The main difference between a smartphone and a tablet is, of course, the screen size. In a smartphone, it is much smaller, and therefore problems will inevitably arise when working with large text documents and watching high-quality videos. In addition, it is worth considering the fact that high-quality devices with excellent characteristics are not cheap, and by saving money, you risk sacrificing the functionality or reliability of the device.

Pros and cons of buying a tablet

In order to understand which is better - a tablet or a smartphone, you will have to consider and discuss both options. And right now we'll talk about the advantages and disadvantages of tablet computers.


The main advantage of tablets is undoubtedly the size of its screen. Most manufacturers put on the market models with a diagonal of 7 and 10 inches, respectively. The high-resolution display, in turn, opens up opportunities for watching movies and clips, and also makes reading e-books, visiting various web pages and playing games a real pleasure.

Most often, tablet PCs are equipped with more powerful processors than their smaller counterparts, so you can work with large quantity programs and applications at the same time. Given this, it is not surprising that the development of various software for devices in this category is much more active, and each user has the opportunity to expand the range of device capabilities. The most popular operating room Android system on tablets and smartphones allows you to download via Play Market a huge number of free and paid utilities for work and play.

In addition, tablets boast a long-lasting autonomous work- from six to ten hours of use without recharging, which, of course, is another advantage of them.

On the market you can see a huge number of tablets of the most different price categories, thanks to which each buyer can purchase a device that suits him as in the plan technical characteristics, and in terms of cost.


As for the disadvantages of buying a tablet, there are not so many of them. One of them is the inability to use a computer as a phone. However, at the same time, there are many universal models that combine the advantages of each type of device. In addition, tablets often have a more fragile screen, and the cost of service for owners will be slightly higher. However, buying a reliable device from a well-known manufacturer, you do not have to worry about it: the gadget will serve you faithfully for many years.

Drawing conclusions

Should I buy a tablet or a smartphone? In fact, it is impossible to give an unequivocal answer to this question, because a lot depends on your personal preferences and needs. Some people simply do not like large and bulky, in comparison with phones, devices. And someone, on the contrary, wants the screen to be bigger, and so that you can watch your favorite TV series on it without any problems.

Experts say that the most effective way to understand which is better - a tablet or a smartphone - is to hold the selected model in your hands and try it out in action. After all, "your" technique is felt immediately, so you cannot be mistaken.

Mobile computers are constantly evolving. The world will not stop just because you got up from your desktop or left home and you need a device with which you can go about your business anywhere.

Laptops, tablets and smartphones it all mobile computers, each developing in its own way, and each of course has its own advantages and disadvantages. If you are leaving home and you only need to take one device, what will you take?

What's good about smartphones

Lately, tablets have been in the spotlight, but that doesn't mean smartphones are heading for a slow death. Instead, smartphones are getting bigger and better. Imagine there are 7 "tablets, and there are new smartphones with a screen size of about 5". The large display provides more space for work and play, and typing on the on-screen QWERTY keyboard becomes much easier. On phones like Samsung Galaxy SIII, the screen can be split to watch video and work.

Nowadays smartphones support multi-tasking applications, chip makers like Qualcomm and Nvidia are adding more and more power with quad-core processors that can perform multiple tasks at the same time. The downside is that not many applications are optimized for multi-core processors. These modern processors support video high resolution while shooting.

Another area where smartphones outshine tablets is camera optics. The pictures are great with 8 megapixel and higher smartphone cameras. Plus, being connected to social media sites all the time makes it easy to share content.

What's wrong with smartphones

While smartphones are the perfect multimedia device, they also have their downsides.

To begin with, the 5-inch display is smaller than a tablet and is not suitable for typing long texts, creating presentations or processing HD video, etc. But at the same time, if smartphones are made bigger, they will not be convenient as phones.

Smartphones do offer good multimedia experiences, but a smartphone with a great display, camera and processor is very expensive, and the cheaper options always lack something.

What's good about tablets

Although tablets are heavier than smartphones, tablets are still smaller than laptops and netbooks.

Tablets are ideal travel companions as they can easily fit into any bag without taking up a lot of space. They are easy to hold in the hand for a long time and can be used even while standing.

Tablets are widely used with 7 "and 10" displays. They can be used to browse the web, access e-mail and even for reading books and newspapers. You can easily watch HD videos on the large, high-resolution display.

The touch interface offers great gaming experience. Tablets are also great for taking notes, demonstrating, annotating images, and more. There are a huge number of applications written for tablets that enhance their gaming and working capabilities.

Battery power is one of the most important aspects of strength for any gadget, most tablets have good battery backup. They can work six to ten hours continuously.

Finally, the price policy for tablets is quite moderate, a top-end tablet will always cost less than a top-end smartphone.

What's wrong with tablets

The pills also have their drawbacks. It is easier to type on them than on smartphones, but still more difficult than on a regular keyboard, the way out is to connect an additional Bluetooth keyboard for the tablet.

You cannot use a tablet like a phone, in a direct sense of the term. Of course, you can use switching applications for communication.

Tablet screens are thin and easily damaged if you don't have a protective case. If you do damage it, the cost of repairs will be much higher than that of smartphones.

Summing up, we can say that the main difference between a smartphone and a tablet is that a smartphone is a phone, and a tablet cannot be used as a phone.

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