What is a privacy password. Privacy of user data on Huawei devices

What is a privacy password. Privacy of user data on Huawei devices


Unfortunately, MailChimp does not have the option to add a checkbox to accept the Privacy Policy. It is useless to add a regular checkbox in the form editor, so we will go a slightly different way. We will add it to the form itself already on our website.

For this we need:

  1. Add a line with a checkbox to the code of the form that MailChimp generated for us.
  2. Disable the button if the consent checkbox is not checked.

A small comment on the second point. If you do not disable the button when the checkbox is unchecked, the form will still work. And this is already against the law, because the person must express explicit consent to your Privacy Policy. If your site is checked, they may say "Ai-ai-ai."

Code for adding a checkmark to the consent form

Paste this code before your form button:

Tag needed to make the checkbox work when you click on the text.

To disable a button, add "disabled" to its code:

disabled class="button">

Well, in order for the button itself in the inactive state to differ from the usual one, add styles for the inactive button in CSS. The easiest option, if you don't want to bother, is to change the transparency.

Input:disabled ( opacity: .5; )

Code if you want the checkbox to be checked by default

Add "checked" to the checkbox code. This will make the checkbox checked by default:

Do not add to the "disabled" button code:

In this case, if the user disables the checkbox, the button will become inactive.

That's all. Pretty simple, right?

In this article, we will talk about the privacy policy of the site.

Privacy policy for a website or landing page?

Why do you need a PC?

If you advertise or plan to create an advertisement on Vkontakte, Target Mile ru and collect personal data of visitors on your landing page (name, email, phone number, etc.), then you need to add a privacy policy to the site in order to pass moderation (in order to you were admitted to shows) in these networks.

Because in Russia there is Federal Law No. 152 - Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Personal Data". By law, personal data must be collected only for a specific purpose and it must be protected, that is, it must not be transferred to other people.

In this policy, which you will add to the site, you just have to state that you collect contact information for the purpose of, for example, subscribing to an email newsletter and that these contact information will in no case be transferred to third parties. After you add this policy to , you will increase the likelihood of ad networks passing moderation.

Generate Privacy Policy

Landing page privacy policy

How to add a PC to a landing page in a pop-up window (modal window). For a landing page (meaning a one-page site for advertising), it is important that the user does not go to other pages, so we will analyze using the example of creating a pop-up window.

Steps to create a modal window:

  1. Open landing
  2. Open bootstrap documentation (in English)
  3. Find the code in the bootstrap "modal window" (Modal) documentation and paste it on our landing page.

In this case, the modal window consists of 2 parts:

  1. a link or button that adds and opens this modal window;
  2. the modal window itself.

One important point: in addition to the bootstrap styles, bootstrap JavaScript and JQuery must be loaded. Then the modal window will open correctly on the landing page.

So what should we get

A modal window on the landing that opens when you click on the link PRIVACY POLICY on the example of my landing lp.site. Now I have changed the page a little.

To work with the landing, I will take the landing "Games for Girls", which we created.

For convenience, open windows in the browser:

  • your server
  • your landing page
  • www. getbootstrap. com select Modal from the JavaScript menu on the right

In the bootstrap documentation, in the Modal section, go down below and find Live Demo, copy the code under this label. Open and paste the code in a new window. In NotePad++, select SYNTAX, H, HTML from the menu for ease of use.

In this code, change "Launch Demo Modal" to "Privacy Policy". Then we change the button to the link

Next, you need to change the modal window itself. Find “Modal Title” in the code below and insert “Privacy Policy” instead of this inscription. Instead of "Close" write "Close". Completely remove the Save Change button code. Save.

In code with tag

instead of the ellipsis, insert the text of the privacy policy itself. I am copying this text from my lp website. Now our code is ready, let's copy it and go to the file editor on the server. Let's open our landing file. Make sure Java jQuery scripts are included. We find these words in the code. If they are, then our modal window will open.

Next, find the last tag

and after it we insert the link code to the privacy policy. Now we need to cut out the modal launch code that starts with
ends and paste in the place where we want to place a link about the privacy policy. I have a special empty column at the bottom of the page where I will insert a link to the privacy policy. I will also add the tag
this is the dividing line. Save your changes.

Example text of the privacy policy

Copy the code below, there is already an example text in html

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

The personal data processing policy defines the basic principles and rules for the processing of personal data that guide us in our work, as well as in communication with customers, suppliers and employees. The policy regarding the processing of personal data applies to all our employees.

When processing personal data, we strive to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, in particular Federal Law No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data", as well as the rules and regulations established by our company.

Policy regarding the processing of personal data

policy.pdf, 355 KB

For any questions you can contact by email [email protected] website


Let's go to our landing page and refresh the page in the browser. At the bottom, under the form with the button, there is a link PRIVACY POLICY. Let's click on the link. A modal window opens with the text of the policy. On my landing page, using the link in the modal window, you can download a pdf file with the text of the privacy policy. If you want to do the same, copy the text on my landing page, paste it into a Word document, change the text for yourself.

If you collect email on the site, then you must indicate your email address in the privacy policy. Also with a phone number.

Website privacy policy

For a website, everything is easier because you don't have to create a modal window. Just take PC text and create a separate page. On a new page, publish the text and at the bottom of the site in the footer put a link to the page with the PC text.


Thus, a PC is added to the site using the bootstrap framework.

You can see how the modal window with the privacy policy works on the website lp. rek9. en

Some users are facing the problem of Android devices being blocked by Privacy Protection mode. We will tell you what it is and describe the main methods for removing it from your phone.

The protection of personal data and privacy has recently become extremely relevant. Many manufacturers try to protect their devices from theft using various technologies. One of these technologies is "Privacy Protection".

What is this mode?

Please enter the Privacy Protection password to unlock- a special smartphone function that warns you to enter the password to unlock the protection mode. Basically, this function appears on phones after replacing SIM cards or after many hours of screen operation with automatic fading turned off.

Entering standard passwords will not help, here you need to specify the key that was set as the main one when the phone anti-theft protection function was connected. On many Chinese smartphones (Micromax, Alcatel, Doogee, etc.), the option is enabled by default, hence the problem.

Removing Privacy Protection

We dug through the forums of the Russian Internet and identified several ways to unlock this mode. Some manage to make everything simple, while others had to re-flash the device through a PC and install drivers.

  1. To start, try typing standard"factory" pin codes, which manufacturers most often set to this mode: 000000, 1234, 0000, 123456. If these pincodes do not work, go to the next step.
  2. We ask for a password for your sim card. The fact is that the phone can be tied to a user number (anti-theft option). The process is simple:
    • we take out the SIM card from the blocked device and insert another one there, but with the balance in the account;
    • we install our card on another phone;
    • restart the blocked Privacy Protection phone;
    • messages in Chinese will be sent to your card, we write the following characters in the response SMS - #mima#
    • in response, a message should come with a pin code of 8 digits - we enter them.
  3. If all the above methods turned out to be useless, you need to flash and reset the settings. On the Internet you can find a lot of information about this. I found a pretty good video tutorial on how to remove Privacy Protection from a phone.

As for the latter method, users have had a lot of controversy due to the justification of this method. Some argue that even the imei of the phone was erased through such a reset. Everything is complicated in short.

If any of the methods helped you and you were able to remove Privacy Protection from your phone, write in the comments. Also, please tell me about other ways to remove the problem, if you find them. Thanks.

Site administration– Easy Work Polska Sp.z o.o. e-mail: [email protected]
User- an individual or legal entity that has posted its personal information through the Feedback Form on the site with the subsequent purpose of transferring data to the Site Administration.
Feedback form- a special form where the User places his personal information in order to transfer data to the Site Administration.

2.1. This Privacy Policy is an official standard document of the Site Administration and determines the procedure for processing and protecting information about individuals and legal entities using the Feedback Form on the Site.
2.2. The purpose of this Privacy Policy is to ensure proper protection of information about the User, incl. his personal data from unauthorized access and disclosure.
2.3. Relations related to the collection, storage, distribution and protection of information about users are governed by this Privacy Policy and applicable law.
2.4. The current version of the Privacy Policy is a public document developed by the Site Administration and is available to any Internet User by clicking on the "Privacy Policy" hypertext link.
2.5. The Site Administration has the right to make changes to this Privacy Policy.
2.6. When making changes to the Privacy Policy, the Site Administration notifies the User about this by posting a new version of the Privacy Policy on the Site
2.7. When a new version of the Privacy Policy is posted on the Site, the previous version is stored in the documentation archive of the Site Administration.
2.8. By using the Feedback Form, the User agrees to the terms of this Privacy Policy.
2.9. The Site Administration does not verify the accuracy of the received (collected) information about the User.


3.1. The User's personal data such as: name, surname, patronymic, e-mail, phone, skype, etc., are transferred by the User to the Site Administration with the consent of the User.
3.2. The transfer of personal data by the User to the Site Administration through the Feedback Form means the User's consent to the transfer of his personal data.
3.3. The Site Administration processes information about the User, incl. his personal data, such as: name, surname, patronymic, e-mail, phone, skype, etc., as well as additional information about the User provided by him at will: organization, city, position, etc. in order to fulfill obligations to Site user.
3.4. The processing of personal data is carried out on the basis of the principles:
a) lawfulness of the purposes and methods of processing personal data and good faith;
b) compliance of the purposes of processing personal data with the purposes predetermined and declared during the collection of personal data;
c) compliance of the volume and nature of the processed personal data with the methods of processing personal data and the purposes of processing personal data;
d) the inadmissibility of combining databases created for mutually incompatible purposes containing personal data.
3.5. The Site Administration processes the User's personal data with his consent in order to provide the services offered on the Site.


The User's personal data is stored exclusively on electronic media and is used strictly for the purpose specified in clause 3 of this Privacy Policy.


5.1. The User's personal data is not transferred to any third parties, except as expressly provided for in this Privacy Policy.
5.2. The provision of the User's personal data at the request of state bodies, local authorities is carried out in the manner prescribed by law.


6.1. The User's personal data is stored on the site's electronic media indefinitely.
6.2. The User's personal data is destroyed at the request of the user himself on the basis of his request, or at the initiative of the Site Administrator without explanation, by removing the information posted by the User by the Site Administration.


Users have the right, on the basis of a request, to receive information from the Site Administration regarding the processing of their personal data.


The Site Administrator takes technical, organizational and legal measures to ensure the protection of the User's personal data from unauthorized or accidental access to them, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, distribution, as well as from other illegal actions.


9.1. The user has the right to send his requests to the Site Administration, incl. regarding the use / deletion of his personal data, provided for in clause 3 of this Privacy Policy in writing to the address specified in clause 1.
9.2. The request sent by the User must contain the following information:
for an individual:
– number of the main document proving the identity of the User or his representative;
- information about the date of issue of the specified document and the authority that issued it;
– date of registration through the Feedback Form;
– request text in free form;
– signature of the User or his representative.
for a legal entity:
– request in free form on letterhead;
– date of registration through the Feedback Form;
- the request must be signed by an authorized person with documents confirming the authority of the person attached.
9.3. The Site Administration undertakes to consider and send a response to the User's request within 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.
9.4. All correspondence received by the Administration from the User (appeals in written/electronic form) refers to restricted information and is not subject to disclosure without the written consent of the User. Personal data and other information about the User who sent the request cannot be used without the special consent of the User except to respond to the topic of the received request or in cases expressly provided for by law.

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