Searching for information in the Tor browser. Finding Information in the Tor Browser Tor Search Engine

Searching for information in the Tor browser. Finding Information in the Tor Browser Tor Search Engine


Users browse thousands of websites every day in search of information. Many of them are unaware that there is a network within a network. The Deep Web contains information about communities that do not want to attract the attention of the authorities.

To get into a closed network, you must use . Before you start searching for information of interest, you need to take care of your security and anonymity, for this it is important to properly configure Tor. This may take 10-15 minutes. After carefully setting up your web browser, you can launch Tor and search for the necessary sites.

Tor search

Every user who wants to penetrate the "deep web" should know 3 features of the search, which are fundamentally different from the work of a conventional search engine:

  1. In most cases, there are no backlinks between onion sites;
  2. Every site on the dark web changes its address periodically;
  3. It takes time to view the contents of the entire site, since the Tor browser is slower than the usual Internet browsers.

It is important to take into account the fact that among the websites there may be a resource created by special services. This is done in order to calculate criminal gangs. Therefore, you need to be very careful when visiting this or that resource of the "deep web".

Tor search engines

There are thousands of websites on the deep web that contain useful information. The user cannot know all Russian or English resources. That is why it is enough to find out the address of the search engine, and then it will be possible to find any information of interest.

Candle search engine

One of the popular deep web search engines is Candle. The search engine is located at: "gjobqjj7wyczbqie.onion". After opening the page, users will see a redesigned Google search.

It is noteworthy that the search engine is capable of issuing both Russian-language and English-language queries. In general, the website works like a familiar search engine for the user.

Ahmiya search engine

The website was developed by a non-profit organization that supports the deep web and projects such as Tor2Web and Globaleaks. The search engine is available at "msydqstlz2kzerdg.onion".

The advantage of a search engine is that it is not only available on the deep web. Users can access the website using a regular browser. As in the above search engine, Ahmia allows you to enter Russian-language queries.

Search Engine not Evil

Pretty good search engine that allows you to search for any tor sites. Externally, the website is unremarkable. The "not Evil" resource is located at: "hss3uro2hsxfogfq.onion".

Search Engine Torch

Torch is a good resource hosted on the Tor network. The search engine has a large database of indexed web pages. The resource is located at: "http://xmh57jrzrnw6insl.onion/". The main page has a search bar and ads.

According to statistics, the resource managed to index more than a million web pages. In general, the search engine is not bad, but sometimes you can notice “slowdowns”. Another disadvantage can be considered search results, namely, small, recently created resources are sometimes placed in the first place.

Tor Network Directories

Users who are new to the deep web don't know how to find interesting Tor sites. Of course, you can use search engines, but for this you need to know which search query is better to enter. Advanced users recommend that beginners pay attention to directories that contain addresses and descriptions of popular resources.

Catalog Hidden Wiki

The web resource is analogous to Wikipedia, available on the deep web. The resource is located at: "gxamjbnu7uknahng.onion/wiki/index.php/Main_Page". On the site you can find addresses of various sites.

The disadvantage of the catalog can be considered that the resource provides only links to English-language sites. If desired, any user can edit the information on the pages of the hidden Wikipedia. To do this, just register.

TorWIKI directory

Volumetric Tor-catalogue, consisting of 15 groups. Each separate group contains a certain number of sites. The Internet Resource Directory is located at: "http://torwikignoueupfm.onion/index.php?title=Main_Page".

The advantage of the catalog is structured. Thanks to the division into topics, it is easier for the user to find the information of interest to him. The disadvantage is that the resource is in English. Users who do not speak English will find it difficult to navigate the catalog.

Runion Wiki catalog

A small directory of Tor sites. The resource is located at: "". The developers did not "bother" over the interface. Despite this, the advantage of the catalog is that you can find Russian-language resources on its pages.

To quickly find the necessary resource, you can use the search located at the top of the site. It should be noted that sometimes the search does not work quite correctly.

Directory OnionDir

Simple in design, but containing about 200 links to hidden sites. You can get into the directory by clicking on the hyperlink "dirnxxdraygbifgc.onion". On the page that opens, you will see a large number of links divided into groups.

The disadvantages of the catalog include the lack of links leading to Russian-language resources. The rest of the minuses are not noticed.


Each user must decide for himself whether he should conquer the "dark web". You need to be especially careful when making transactions, as you can be left without money.

Video review: Tor sites

Google, Yandex, Mail - there are many search engines that make web surfing much easier for users. But they only work with the so-called upper internet. But for the Darknet, which can be accessed using , none of them is suitable. After all, onion-resources are not displayed in the output of conditional Google (or rather, they are not even indexed). For this reason, special search engine for tor browser.

In fact, there are a huge number of such search engines, and every day they only multiply. But it should be understood that most of them are either extremely inconvenient, or not suitable for our purposes, or simply do not work correctly. For this reason, we have prepared a selection of three projects that have proven themselves well:

  • Ahmia
  • not evil

We invite you to familiarize yourself with each of them in more detail.

First comes a brief description of the project, and then a link to access it. It must be copied, then pasted into the Tor address bar and click Enter.


This search engine is best suited for working with foreign resources. But still, it is also possible to search for Russian-language sites on the Tor network on it, albeit with certain nuances.

And its main advantage is the ability to embed in the browser. This is done as follows:

Now in the address bar, try to enter any search query and click Enter. The issuance will be made through this service.

not evil

not Evil is an extremely convenient and minimalistic service for finding hidden onion sites. Ranking can be limited, for example, only by links, headings, etc.

In the last 3-4 years, news has regularly appeared in the feed with the headline: "The government wants to block Tor." But, this idea is somewhat utopian.

The darknet can be used in all the fears of the world except North Korea, where access to a computer with the Internet requires special permission from Kim Jong-un. Even China failed to ban it. The Golden Shield automatically blocks all new Tor entry node addresses, but people who need to bypass this barrier with VPNs and proxy servers.

News about the “ban on the underground Internet” only fuels interest in it among the population. More and more Russians are joining the darknet, which is fraught with many dangers and temptations. You should be aware of the consequences of misusing Tor in advance.

This article will talk about the main types of shops and forums in Tor that should be avoided and the possible responsibility for their use / creation.

Fragments of the article have been removed at the request of Roskomnadzor. The material has been edited.

2. Sites with job advertisements

A huge number of ads for the sale of *** contains a postscript: “We are looking for ***. It requires activity, adequacy, professionalism. The pay is high." For one ***, an employee receives an average of 500-3000 rubles. They write on the forums that an intelligent employee gets up to 80-120 thousand rubles a month with a free schedule. And this is in the province. In the capitals, the ceiling is much higher.

But this work is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Making a good "***" and hiding it is a whole science and experienced people write entire textbooks. There are many non-obvious problems that are difficult for a beginner to guess.

For example, how to protect yourself from "seagulls"? So called ***, who are looking for and successfully find strangers *** in typical places (flower beds, holes in the asphalt, peaks of entrances). Or how to disguise a ziplock bag inside an acorn or a nut so that rain and wind do not damage the goods?

Criminals from Tor require not only ***, but also parcel receivers, stencilers (to make announcements on asphalt), growers (grow plants at home), people to withdraw illegally received money from bank cards. Less often they look for strong guys to intimidate enemies. And each profession has non-obvious subtleties that need to be learned in order not to have problems with the law.

In the criminal sphere, there is a terrible turnover of personnel and new employees are constantly required. A really adequate and accurate person can work for a couple of years, and a simple ***/carrier/drop walks free for only a few months. Most people get caught by the police sooner or later. Raising the dough, stopping and leaving in time is rare for people.

Possible problems: According to article 228 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, if a person is involved in the distribution or production of ***, then he can be imprisoned for a period of 8 years. We will talk about the penalties for parcel receivers and cashers below.

3. Shops of goods for the commission of crimes

With the help of Tor, weapons, fake documents, fake sims, phones, ATM skimmers and a bunch of other interesting items are traded. As with ***, bitcoins are used for anonymous payment. Surprisingly, there are no special problems with the delivery of goods.

Sometimes it is done by regular mail. To receive and send parcels, they hire "drops" who go to receive / send parcels, show their faces and passport details. Goods are also sent with the help of taxi drivers or private transport companies. Here is a quote from the RuOnion forum:

Somehow I sent an optical sight through a transport company, naturally not a branded one. They asked what was inside, answered - a sniper scope, They: we’ll write it down - an optical device :-)))) They generally don’t care what to carry ...

But the sellers still take a lot of precautions: they dismantle weapons into parts, which they distribute in several boxes, disguise them as other items, make parcels with a double bottom, and so on. They have no less tricks than ***.

Possible problems: According to article 222 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, the illegal acquisition or transfer of weapons can be punished by a decision of liberty for up to four years. It is written about forged documents in article 327 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, it says about a period of up to two years.

4. Pedophile forums

There are also a lot of people on the Tor network who are sexually attracted to children. Here for them there is a lot of "interesting". First, huge archives of underage porn videos. Secondly, these are forums where people share their personal experience of seducing children and hiding this process from others.

Some pedophiles consider sex with children absolutely unacceptable and sit on the "conservative" sections of the forums, where they post just slightly erotic photos of little girls and boys with their genitals covered.

But there are people for whom just watching a video is not enough and they strive to make their fantasies come true. The main shock in preparing this article for me was familiarization with a book for pedophiles in Russian.

200 pages on where to find a potentially available child and how to recognize him, how to ingratiate himself with him, how not to leave traces and how to make sure that the child will never tell anyone about what the pervert or pervert did to him.

And judging by the forums, a lot of pedophiles really manage to turn things around so that parents never know what happened to their child. Indeed, most often children are seduced not by maniacs on the streets, but by neighbors, relatives or family friends who have been entering the house for many years.

Do not leave your child alone with anyone and never without video surveillance. There are many more pedophiles among us than you might think.

Possible punishment: It is forbidden to store porn videos with minors on your computer. You can read more about this in the article:

5. Websites of extremist organizations

Terrorists, skinheads and radical oppositionists also create sites in the onion network, publish articles there and discuss plans for pogroms or seizing power on forums. Also, sect sites are gradually moving to Tor.

Since 2002, the Russian authorities have maintained a list Federal extremist materials. It includes almost 4,000 books, articles, paintings and musical works. Rospotrebnadzor forces the removal of such materials from sites on the clearnet, but they are distributed freely in Tor libraries.

Possible punishment: According to article 282.2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, participation in an extremist organization can be imprisoned for up to six years. Also, you can not copy materials from such sites in Tor and post them on social networks and blogs. There is also a separate article on this topic:

6. "Hacker" marketplaces and forums

International dark markets often have a Digital Goods section next to *** and weapons. It sells Trojans, Wi-Fi hacking tools, software hacking tools, DDOS attack tools, and many other varieties of "tools for illegal access to digital information."

Along with the programs, you can also buy instructions for their use and training books. They also sell digital goods that were stolen using the tools described above: upgraded characters in games, paid accounts for various services, hacked programs, access to infected computers.

There are also many hacker forums on the dark web. There, people share their experience among themselves, looking for performers and accomplices for various cyber-crimes.

Possible punishment: If it is proved that a person used any of the programs described above, then according to Article 272 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, he can be imprisoned for up to two years.

7. "Black" cryptocurrency exchanges

The sites and organizations described above make financial settlements in bitcoins (less often in another cryptocurrency). And of course they don't pay any taxes. With the help of cryptocurrencies, money obtained illegally is cashed out.

Tor has exchanges for withdrawing bitcoins to regular electronic wallets or bank cards. Also, there are a lot of ads of people who withdraw money from cryptocurrency wallets to offshore accounts or transfer money to the account of a one-day company. From the latter, money can be withdrawn using ordinary "cashers".

There you can also order bank cards issued to nominees or "virtuals". And hire drops who will go to the ATM, shine their face in front of the cameras, withdraw cash from the cards and deliver it to you.

Possible punishment: According to article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, participation in group fraudulent schemes can entail up to 10 years in prison.

Also, the State Duma is talking about the adoption of a bill that provides for punishment of up to four years in prison simply for using bitcoins or other cryptocurrencies.


Not all types of content that can be found on the Tor network are described above. Not mentioned are sites with erotica for animal lovers, stolen goods stores, sites for ordering killers and much more.

But what has been described is enough to understand why governments around the world seek to control the Internet. Personal freedom and privacy is good. But how to deal with criminals on the Internet without blocking sites and traffic control?

P.S. Is Tor Anonymous

There are a lot of tutorials on the dark web about online anonymity. Some of the authors consider a virtual machine with Tails -> vpn -> vpn -> Tor to be a sufficient scheme. And someone recommends buying a computer from a flea market in the neighboring region and using the modem through the "left" SIM card. But one thing is for sure - if you just run the Tor browser, then your level of anonymity is quite low.

Intelligence agencies around the world are actively working to identify criminals who use the "underground Internet". For example, in the fall of 2016, as part of the international Operation Titan, the Swedish police identified 3,000 buyers of *** in Tor. And there are more and more reports of such investigations every year.

The word “darknet” has almost become a cliché, which refers to everything that is forbidden, difficult to access and potentially dangerous that is on the Web. But what is the real darknet? We offer you another study in which we share everything that we have been able to dig up lately. This time - with a focus on Russian dark resources.


All information is provided for informational purposes only. Neither the editors nor the author call for the use of the acquired knowledge for practical purposes and are not responsible for any possible harm caused by the materials of this article.

search engines

Tor Browser meets us with a built-in DuckDuckGo search engine. From a privacy point of view, it's a great choice, but it looks for DDG exclusively on the open internet, so it won't be useful in our research.

However, there are almost more search engines on the darknet than on the clearnet. Among the most popular are Ahmia, Candle and Torch. There were also good search engines called Grams and Fess, but for unknown reasons they are now unavailable. Each of them gives different results for the same queries, so it's best to bookmark all three resources.

I usually use Candle first - this is not the most famous search engine, but there are no third-party ads on it and, according to my feelings, the relevance of the results is higher than that of the same Torch. On the other hand, even irrelevant links are sometimes interesting.


Beware of fakes! Popular collections of links are often forged by replacing resource addresses. There are also fakes at Godnotaba, so be careful.

Darknet educational

Rampant piracy and cheap book readers have made buying books unnecessary for many. But copyright holders are unlikely to put up with it. Therefore, there are fewer and fewer links to download books in the clearnet. In the darknet, it's a different matter: there is a choice of " Flibusta" and " Verbal Bogatyr". There is so much to choose from that it seems like everything is there.

The darknet is a friend of torrents

Back in the early to mid-2000s, no one thought to ban torrents. People downloaded books, films, games, series and even textbooks and sometimes did not even think that they were breaking the law. This situation is gradually changing, but the darknet is becoming a new haven for piracy.

Torrent trackers and search engines like RuTor and The Pirate Bay have mandatory onion links that give users the opportunity to ignore prohibitions and restrictions.

Online stores that do not accept cards

Let's move on to illegal stores, which the "onion" network is famous for. Tellingly, most of them are connected with the drug trade, but you can’t throw out the words from the song, you have to go through them. Buying drugs on the Internet is now an ordinary thing: every old woman from a bench in the yard already knows what kind of treasures suspicious young people are looking for.


Production, sale, shipment of narcotic and psychotropic substances is punishable by law (Articles 228-231 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). The author and the editors are not responsible for materials published via links. By following them, you act at your own peril and risk.

If you suddenly have not heard about these dark deeds, then I will explain in a nutshell. The buyer first uses the exchanger to get bitcoins, then goes to the store with them and purchases the desired substances. He is given the address and a photo of the bookmark, which is to be found.

Glossary of terms

  • Warehouse- a person who stores large volumes of drugs, selling them through master treasure- bookmarks with a large amount of material for cladmen.
  • Cladman- picks up the master treasure, packs the substance into smaller treasures.
  • Grover- A person who produces drugs. As a rule, production is arranged in garages, basements, abandoned factories and similar places.
  • Operator- the person responsible for communication between the store and the customer. The task of the operator is to solve all the questions that have arisen, interacting with the audience. In other words, project support.

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Juha Nurmi, a 26-year-old programmer from Finland, has been dealing with Tor indexing problems for a long time. He is a researcher at one of the Finnish universities. This summer, Nurmi attended Google Summer of Code, where he worked on improving the service This site allows you to search many Tor directories and is accessible from both the deep web and the regular web.

Juha Nurmi There is a trend to make the Tor network more accessible and user friendly. My motivation for writing search engine software is to support human rights such as privacy and freedom of speech.

Project Ahmia is an initiative of the Hermes Center for Transparency and Digital Human Rights, a non-profit organization that supports Tor and develops the anonymous communication services Globaleaks and Tor2web.

Nurmi explains that there are three important features that make searching the deep web different from a normal search engine.

Secondly, it takes time to view all [website content] because Tor is slow. Finally, onion sites change addresses all the time.

Project Ahmia already indexed 1229 sites in Tor. This number does not include IRC channels and other instant messaging services. It also does not include sites that do not advertise their existence, since Ahmia is unable to detect them. Ahmia also filters out child pornography sites, many of which are on the deep web.

The study of user queries in the search engine gives the ugliest picture of Tor. The most popular site in terms of the frequency of Ahmia users accessing it is Pinkmeth, a site for posting erotic pictures of people without their consent. Initially, Pinkmeth was located on the regular Internet, but moved to Tor when law enforcement drew attention to it. Previously, the Anonymous BBS, Hidden Wiki (a directory of hidden sites) and the IntelExchange forum did the same.

This is what Ahmia user requests look like, formatted as a word cloud

search engine, developed by programmer Chris McNaughten, runs on the regular web and is one of the fastest search engines for Tor.

Chris McNaughten The way I make .onion indexing possible is by using Nutch, an Apache project originally developed by Yahoo to improve web crawling. When I determine that the user is not using Tor, I will change the links to, the system that uses the Tor2web proxy.

Tor2web allows users using a regular browser to browse deep web sites. At the same time, the creators of the site remain anonymous, which cannot be said about those who visit these sites. Tor2web helps Tor sites reach a wider audience.

One of the oldest deep web search engines Torch. It is only available inside Tor and is claimed on the site to index 147,776 hidden sites. An advanced search form for several parameters is available for it. Similar to it is TorFind, which indexes I2P connections, a file-sharing network that operates on the principle of a torrent.

Relatively recently, a search engine appeared in Tor Grams. It is used primarily to connect to illicit markets such as Silk Road 2, the successor to a site that was taken down by the FBI last year. With Grams you can search for products on Agora, Evolution and Pandora.

Searching with Grams is not always successful. Many markets often experience availability issues, sometimes due to DDoS attacks, sometimes due to security issues. In addition, almost all of them require registration, which makes it difficult to navigate from a search engine to a specific site.

One of the best places to find your bearings in Tor remains Hidden Wiki, a directory of deep web sites. There are hundreds of links that help the user find the site he needs. Hidden Wiki, unlike Ahmia, does not filter links in any way.

In addition, the deep web has DeepDotWeb- a periodical that talks about how the Tor network works and how it changes. There, in Tor, there is a whole parallel world. You just need to know how to navigate it.

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