How to find a person's phone number using Facebook. Step-by-step instructions on how to find a person on Facebook How to find a friend's phone on Facebook

How to find a person's phone number using Facebook. Step-by-step instructions on how to find a person on Facebook How to find a friend's phone on Facebook


Even if you have a profile created for business, sooner or later you will probably need information on how to find a person on Facebook. And although it seems that it is simple, I can still cover this topic for an entire article. So, you will not have any difficulties after reading.

Ways to find a person on FB

So, we can go two ways to find the user. I'll tell you more.

Is it possible to find a person on FB by phone number?

Some people don't know that Facebook allows you to search for people by phone number. First, let's talk about how to prevent it. For this we:

Now about where to enter the phone to go to the profile. In fact, the answer is simple - use the search bar for this.

Why can't I find a person on FB

So, what could be the reasons for a failed search?

  1. Bad photo angle. It is best to use good quality portrait shots;
  2. The person blocked the possibility of finding him through a phone number;
  3. Incorrect data was entered on Facebook. In this case, there is little to help you.


How to find a person on Facebook? This will help the search bar at the top of the page. There you can use various filters. The functionality of this section is actually quite wide - so you can find not only profiles. Posts, apps, groups and more are searchable here. Therefore, use it, do not deny yourself anything. Another place to find people is the well-known Google - here you will find not only memes, but also any other information, including links to those you need. You can also find out what an extended one is, as well as what features the Facebook application for a phone offers in the corresponding article.

Facebook is used by millions of people around the world. She's incredibly popular. Even if you have a business account, you may have a question about whether it is possible to find a person on Facebook by phone number? It is possible, and doing this procedure is not too difficult. Let's take a look at how to do this step by step.

Find a person by phone number

  • Log in to your Facebook account by logging in with your username and password.
  • Next, you need to enter the numbers of the phone number of the user you are looking for on the page in the search bar.
  • The next step is to click on the magnifying glass sign.
  • The social network will give you a hint with the page of the user you are looking for.

Owners of Facebook profiles should be aware that anyone can also find you by number. This feature is not always needed. To avoid this, you should make simple settings in the menu:

  1. Log in to your page on the FB website and log in.
  2. In the upper right corner, click on the arrow icon.
  3. A drop-down box will appear.
  4. Click on the "Settings" link.
  5. Click on the "Privacy" tab.
  6. After "Who can find me".

You will have a list of those people who can find you by phone, you need to choose from the following options: "All", "Friends of Friends", "Friends".

Can't find someone on FB

There are times when you can't find a user by phone numbers on Facebook. Consider the causes and solutions to the problem:

  • Perhaps the angle of the photo was chosen unsuccessfully. It is best to use high quality portrait photos.
  • The user independently set a block from searching for him by phone number and denied access.
  • On Facebook, erroneous or incorrect information about a person was indicated. It is almost impossible to solve this problem

If the user's data was specified by him correctly during registration, and he did not block his search by number, then you can find him.


In the search line in FB, there are a lot of filters with wide functionality. Their correct use facilitates the search in the service. You can find someone by address, city and other personal data. With their help, you can find not only someone's profile, but also certain publications, groups and various applications. Also, if you can’t find a person on FB, you can try entering his phone number and other data in the Google or Yandex search engine. Often times this helps.

It turns out that it is easy to “hack” personal data, namely, a mobile phone number. Social networks provide this opportunity. "In contact with" And Facebook. All that is required for this is the email of the person you are interested in.

Photo: VKontakte displays the first 7 digits of the user's mobile phone

Photo: Facebook displays the last 4 digits of your phone

Thus, if the person you are interested in has linked one phone number to accounts on two social networks at once, and you have his email address, finding out the phone number is a matter of five minutes!

If we use the link "In contact with"+ services Google, then you can find out the first seven and last two digits of the number. Searching 100 options will take about an hour.

Photo: Google displays the last 2 digits of your phone

You can also get "reverse" access. For example, if in terminals QIWI choose an operation "Get VKontakte votes" write the phone number of a person who is registered in this network, then the First Name, Last Name and ID will be displayed on the screen.

It should be noted that at the same time, no social network discloses personal data and does not violate the law. Whether this is a concerted action or a random move, frightened users can only guess.

Those who value their personal data can be advised not to link a real phone number to their accounts or use different numbers for different social networks.

Experiment Ural56.Ru:

The editors of Ural56.Ru conducted a simple experiment: having only the email address of the editor-in-chief, they tried to restore his phone number (you never know, flew out of my head, let's say).

So, Facebook told the last four digits of the number 3516 , Google confirmed that the last two digits 16 , but "In contact with" gave the first seven digits: +7905898 .

It would seem - that's all! But in fact, it turned out that Sergey used different phones for authentication in different social networks, which means that one of them cannot be added up. Well, I'll have to use my notebook again.

Social networks have ample opportunities to search for users. However, only on Facebook you can find a person by his mobile number. But this option will not work in absolutely all situations due to privacy restrictions on the part of the page owner. Today we will talk about how to find a person on Facebook by phone number.

You can search for people by number using the two main resources of the social network - the official website and the mobile application.

A few years ago, FB users themselves discovered the ability to search for people by number. We are talking about the phone that was linked to the account during registration. It was impossible to create an account without it, because using the phone you restore access to the page, receive notifications, confirm procedures, and so on.

Previously, users could search for other people by phone number without restrictions. To date, Facebook developers have added the ability to hide data from the search and remove it from the page.

So, to find a person, you need to do the following:

  1. Open website social network and log in using a personal account.
  2. Go to search using the top bar of the interface.
  3. Enter the mobile number in the format 8ХХХХХХХХХ or 7ХХХХХХХХХХ.
  4. A list of matches will appear in the search results. You can open the user's page and make sure that the phone belongs to him - the number must be indicated in the personal information.

However, in the profile you may not find the number you are looking for. Then you ask: why did the search find this page? The fact is that the user can remove information from the public, but not prohibit the search by phone number in the privacy settings.

The official mobile application repeats the functionality of a full-fledged site, so you can find the right person by number and through a smartphone / tablet. First you need to download the program through the Play Market or the App Store, depending on the platform of your mobile device. The application is distributed free of charge. Then follow the next steps:

  1. Launch Facebook and log in from your page.
  2. Open the side menu and tap on the search bar.
  3. After the virtual keyboard appears, enter the number combination in one of the formats that are mentioned in the previous instructions.
  4. The social network search engine will find matches and give them to you. If the exact number was found, then only one page will appear, since one account can be associated with the phone.

You entered a phone number, but the search turned up nothing? There can be only two reasons for this: either the user has disabled the ability to search for his page by phone, or he is not registered with Facebook at all (or uses a different number).

So, as we have already mentioned, privacy settings can interfere with the search for a person on the phone. The creators of Facebook have provided 2 privacy features. One allows you to remove the personal number from the information on the page, which is available to all visitors. And the second setting allows you to completely disable the ability to search for your page by phone number.

To hide your number from search, do the following:

  1. Go to the FB site and log in.
  2. Using the additional menu, open the "Settings" section.
  3. Go to the privacy tab.
  4. In the block "Who can find me?" find the search item by phone number. Open the menu and select the option that suits you, then save the settings.

Video instruction

If the text instructions were not enough, be sure to watch the video attached below. It shows and describes in detail all the methods of searching for a person by number.


So, we have considered all possible options for searching for a user by his number. If he is not registered with Facebook or has hidden his data in the privacy settings, then the internal search of the social network will not help you.

One of the most effective ways to find the person you are interested in is to use the world-famous Facebook site with the Facebook search function (Facebook search). Let's figure out how to find the person we need using this network.

To search for a person by first and last name, you need to go to the Facebook website and enter information in the search bar at the top of the page. Several users matching the request will immediately be highlighted. By the avatar it is easy to see if there is the right person among them.

If not, you can continue to try to find a person on Facebook by clicking on the words "More results for the query", then in the "Result Type" column, select "People".

Search for a person on Facebook using various filters

In the search line, data is entered by which it is required to find a person and the social network that interests us is marked.

In our case, we choose Facebook, but there is the possibility of using this site for other popular networks, such as Odnoklassniki or Vkontakte. The resource makes it possible to carry out an advanced search by other parameters, namely by city, by age, by place of work or study.

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