Robot spy Spykee. Robot spy How to download Vkontakte message spy

Robot spy Spykee. Robot spy How to download Vkontakte message spy


Spy robots are the enemies in the Mann vs. Machine game mode.



Icon Name Main Additional close combat Capabilities



The spybot behaves the same as the human spy: bugs the engineer's buildings, kills enemies with a backstab, becomes invisible, disguises itself, and uses its knife in combat at close range. Unlike other robots, spy robots spawn where there are no players nearby, usually the opposite end of the map. Spybots almost always spawn as support and will never pick up a bomb. In a few missions, however, spies are part of the wave and will if necessary, go after the bomb and carry it, covering themselves with revolver shots.

Spybots will be invisible and disguised when spawned, although they will never disguise themselves as a class that players don't have. While disguised, spies will not attack until their target is close enough or until the player has attacked the robot itself. When retreating, the spy robot will go into invisibility, move away for a certain distance, and then disguise itself again. If the player dodges a backstab, the Spy will constantly move and stab until it hits the back. Spybots usually don't use a revolver much: they will only use it when they are caught planting a bug on a building, or carrying a bomb.

Spy robots are often given away by their robotic voices. Even under disguise, they will taunt players with the voice of a spy, thus impersonating them. They also emit a chuckle that will be heard throughout the map. In addition, they can be detected by a player of the same class - spy players will cause all spy robots in a large radius to become slightly visible, as if they are constantly taking damage.

Spybots will appear in the HUD. The Administrator will also report on their appearance and destruction.

Spykee is being sold as a spy robot. Not in a military sense, of course. This version of the robot has a wireless webcam and can be controlled remotely from your computer (PC or Mac) using either a dedicated wireless connection or a Wi-Fi hotspot. It is also possible to control the robot via the Internet. From the foregoing, it can be understood that this can be a very educational toy. Theoretically, it can be used for more serious actions. However, user reviews reveal some issues that can make such devices difficult to use.

Do not confuse it with the manufacturer. It is manufactured by Meccano, an Erector company in the USA. Anyway, the point is that Erector and Meccano Spykees are the same robot, if you think about it.


This time, no war should be waged between Mac and PC users as the robot can be used on both systems. A console application to control the robot must be installed, and this application is available for both PC and Mac. So, for PC users, Windows 2000 SP5, Windows XP SP2 with .NET framework or Windows Vista is required. Also the console will work under Windows 7 (I tested it on my Windows 7 RC). As for Linux users, I've heard rumors that some have managed to get it working. For Mac users, the requirements are Mac OS X 10.4 or higher with a PowerPC GR, G5, or Intel CPU. Controlling Spykee remotely requires a fast internet connection - 512Kbps download and 2Mbps upload. It also requires a WiFi hotspot to control it remotely.


The robot can be controlled in three modes - AD hoc local mode, WiFi local mode and remote mode. In local ad hoc mode, you can connect your computer wirelessly directly to the robot. To do this, your computer must be equipped with an internal or external WiFi card. In local WiFi mode, you can connect your Spykee to your home wireless network. So - a wifi hotspot is needed. In this mode, you can do without a wireless card in your computer, as it is often possible to connect a computer to a router using a regular ethernet cable.

In remote mode, you can access your robot via the Internet. Basically, the robot is still connected to your Wi-Fi hotspot, only you access the robot using a remote computer instead of a local one. The console must be installed on the remote computer. In addition, the robot must be registered to use this mode. If this seems too technical for you, fear not. The manual describes quite well all the steps that will help Spykee work in any mode, it is quite clearly explained for both PC and Mac users. However, if you're tech savvy, here's another fun fact for you - there's an Android app available in case you want to control the robot with your Android smartphone!


Spykee is a kit for robots. There are over 200 parts that need to be assembled before the robot can be used. There are three possible configurations that can be assembled. In addition, it is compatible with other Meccano/Erector parts, so additional configurations are possible. You can shoot and record videos with this "spy robot". In addition, sound and light effects, as well as some video filters, can be used. Other features are more useful - it can be used as a webcam and as a VOIP phone. Also, you can play mp3 files with Spykee. The watch mode is also interesting. In this mode, the robot can take a picture and email it if it senses movement. This is only possible when the robot is connected to the console app. Spykee is said to be able to return to the charging station on its own. This is partly true. It returns to the charging station only if it is located in the appropriate position - from 1 to 2 meters. If it's too far away it won't find the charging station, if it's close it can create maneuverability problems.

Probably, every Vkontakte user is familiar with the desire to read someone else's correspondence. It doesn't matter if you want to check if the other half is cheating, find out someone's secret, or just understand what the other person is thinking, if he is hiding something from you. Also, Vkontakte correspondence may be of interest to parents who want to have additional control over the communication of their children (read how to read VKontakte correspondence). But messages in the public domain are never contained, so you have to resort to additional programs.

Using spy Vkontakte, read other people's messages becomes simple. You just need to download the program Vkontakte message spy, which will give you access to the messages of any users you are interested in. Learn how to promote your VKontakte page or group in this section .

How to download Vkontakte message spy?

Of course, such programs are not the most official software for the Vkontakte website, but to find and downloadVkontakte message spy pretty easy. Enter the appropriate query into any popular search engine and get a lot of links to download the program. The name of the program will most likely contain some part of the word "Vkontakte" or "VK", so you will easily understand that you have found the right software.

Any user who is more or less familiar with a computer, from the elderly to teenagers, can install such a program, no special knowledge is needed here. After downloading the program, you will see a dialog box in which you will need to select "run" or "execute" (depending on the version of the program).

In addition to computer versions, you can find programs for mobile phones and tablets on the web, so you can easily find the version you need for a convenient device. It's no secret that sometimes you need to install spy vkontakte, And read other people's messages in the "online" mode, which is more convenient to do from a smartphone (there are versions for both iOS and Android phones). You can wind up likes on VKontakte when you go to link .

Is it dangerous to download Vkontakte message spy?

After you download spy Vkontakte, other people's messages will no longer be a secret to you. However, you should always be aware of the possible risks when downloading such a program. Maybe, Vkontakte message spy will not be a free program, but if you have a goal to read other people's messages, then a hundred or two rubles will not be a big problem (and the cost of the program will most likely be modest and will not exceed the specified limits).

Be careful not to download together with the program Vkontakte message spy a virus application that will perfectly spy, but already behind you, transferring your data to intruders.

Another possible risk when downloading such a program is not the software of your computer, but your relationship with the people whose messages you read. Here you just need to quietly install spy vkontakte, And read other people's messages secretly, while no one is around. In this case, your privacy is guaranteed. If you want to win the contest or to have your answer in the poll first, you can order votes on our

The peak of the hype around chatbots is most likely already passed. But what benefit has it brought to humanity? We set out to dig up the deposits of bots for the Telegram messenger in order to make a selection in which any user (especially a geek) will find something valuable for himself.

Robot Cemetery

To be honest, the search turned out to be not the most pleasant experience: the army of robots that sparkled a year ago is gradually turning into a dump. More than half of potentially useful bots have ceased to function and simply do not respond to requests. The Flibusta bot no longer responds; the most useful Utilsbot, which helped fight various types of coding, does not show signs of life; SteamSaleBot, which announced sales on Steam, was closed - only the source codes posted by the author on GitHub remained.

Reader from the future, pay attention: the article was written in September 2016, and if one of the authors suddenly abandons his creation, do not blame me. Not all developers are ready to maintain servers and receive nothing in return, and a decent monetization model for bots has not yet been invented.

It is too early to despair, however. It is hoped that the weakest bots have already fallen off, and those that survived will last at least a couple more years. We managed to find almost three dozen bots that are still in service and ready to benefit anyone who applies.

Search and databases (5 bots)


This is the simplest image search bot. We write /get something to it and get a picture in response. We repeat the request and get another picture. If you write /getgif , then the bot will look for an animated GIF. It can be useful to connect such a bot to a group chat and insert images into the conversation without switching to the browser and without the shaman saving files.


A much more advanced variation on the theme of image search, created by Yandex programmers. It differs in that in the private version it understands requests without a command, and also issues a More button - if you want to repeat the request, just click on it. Sometimes buttons with query refinement are also useful - they are offered automatically depending on the topic.

Built-in bots

In January 2016, Telegram developers added so-called inline bots to the messenger. These bots are built right into the client, and you do not need to specifically connect them. It is enough to write the name of the bot in the message input line, and you can interact with it without leaving the conversation. This feature is not supported in all clients, but mobile apps already have it. The list of built-in bots is still small:

@pic- image search, almost complete replacement of @ImageBot;
@gif- the same, but for animated GIFs;
@vid- YouTube search;
@bing- Internet search through Bing;
@wiki- search on "Wikipedia" and Wikimedia, which for some unknown reason is not friendly with the Russian language;
@imdb- IMDB database search, searches for movies only;
@bold- Suggests wrapping text in icons that define italic, bold, or monospace font. The meaning is not entirely clear - it's easier to type the characters themselves.


A mega-useful bot that serves as an interface to the Wolfram Alpha service. If you suddenly don't know, this is a powerful engine that knows an insane amount of quantities, measurements and facts, can do calculations (including solving equations and integrals) and so on and so forth. In general, the main thing is to know how to ask correctly. It is convenient to make requests via Telegram, but the answers are noticeably inferior to the output in the form of a web page: they consist of several small pictures with signatures.


A bot that looks up information about phones in a database. Unfortunately, it does not contain a directory of subscribers and gives out only data about the region and the telecom operator. Nevertheless, it can come in handy: for example, when someone called from a number with a strange prefix, you can not google, but ask the bot.


Another database, this time license plates. For motorists, an absolutely indispensable thing: you can drive in a license plate, VIN or phone number of the owner of the car and get the rest of the information in response. The bot is even equipped with a text recognition system in pictures - if you send a photo with a clearly visible number, it will be decoded and used for search. You can also send links to, and The only drawback is that the bot sometimes spams with self-promotion.

Security (7 bots)


This bot generates temporary mailboxes in the domain. Having created a box, you can see what came to it - on the website or through the bot itself. Please note that the recipient can also access the mailbox, since a username is enough to authorize on the site. However, this is not so important, especially considering that one-time boxes are usually created for one addressee, which, moreover, most often turns out to be an automated system. And after ten minutes the box will still be automatically destroyed.

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Telegram is developing at a tremendous speed, following the channels, bots have appeared here that will do everything for you. They search for information better and faster than the user, translate from any language, send out mass mailings, and even order pizza on their own.

Depending on the functionality, bots recognize certain text commands. To simplify navigation, developers often add buttons with a set of predefined actions.

Perhaps soon bots will bring their owners a considerable profit. The creator of Telegram, Pavel Durov, has repeatedly hinted at their transfer to a commercial basis. However, while the bots are free for everyone, and let no one leave offended.

We present a selection of the best bots for your Telegram account.



Don't know which movie to watch? It is enough to decide on the genre, and the bot will immediately issue a recommendation.

The bot allows you to integrate any public VKontakte into Telegram.

The bot creates a temporary mailbox for 10 minutes. Useful for registering on sites you don't intend to return to.

The future belongs to bots that automate the service sector. Hotelrobot searches for hotels.


Now you don't even need to open a browser to check the exchange rate.


For those who believe in horoscopes.


Yandex translator inside Telegram.


The bot checks spelling in messages sent to it; you can also add him to the general chat, where he will delicately point out mistakes to each participant in the discussion.

Instead of applications


Weather forecast apps are a thing of the past. The bot gives summaries for today, tomorrow, 5 days and sends automatic notifications.


This bot not only searches for recipes on demand, but also suggests dishes depending on the products in the refrigerator.


A bot with the interesting name Pomodoro will help you improve your time management skills. He divides work time into segments (they are called “pomodoros”) of 30 minutes, where 25 minutes of work without distractions are replaced by 5 minutes of rest. The beginning and end of each "pomodoro" is marked with a notification. At the end of the day, you can study statistics to understand how to work even more efficiently.

The functionality of the bot is similar to many dating apps and allows you to rate photos of people nearby.


The bot searches for pictures on request inside Telegram.


Mankind has not yet invented an easier way to download YouTube videos. We send the link to the bot, we get the file.


Downloading videos from Instagram is even more difficult than from YouTube. The bot copes in just a few seconds - just send a link, and it downloads the file on its own.


The bot works with different types of files: it stores them and shares them with other users. Why do it in messenger? A huge number of Telegram users are delighted with this feature.


The bot converts the most common file formats (.doc, .docx, .odt, .txt and .jpg) to PDF.


A simple bot that allows you to save work correspondence in Evernote.

Text quests and quizzes

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