What is a wap click. Megafon

What is a wap click. Megafon

I am glad to greet you friends. Alexander Melnichuk is in touch and in this article we will continue to analyze with you fairly simple and profitable ways to make money on the Internet. Today, I will tell you about a completely new direction of work for me - making money on mobile subscriptions. It just so happened that I didn't have to do this before, but as soon as I found out about the principle of this direction, I immediately began to study it thoroughly and at this point in time I am preparing, together with my partner, to create the first campaigns and start pouring traffic.

But let's talk about everything in order.

So, what is the technology of mobile subscriptions and service Wap.click with which we will carry out our activities?

This is a specially developed technology for paying for content on the site without entering a phone number and SMS confirmation. It is a completely legal way to monetize mobile traffic, in which the subscriber agrees with the cost of this very content and the terms of the subscription by clicking OK or Download.

The advantage of the method itself is that a user who has switched to a paysite (a landing page that a visitor arrives at from your website or ad network) has no choice but to agree to receive content by clicking the appropriate button.

This is how it looks in practice.

You can imagine how crazy the conversion will be. After all, in fact, except for pressing the button, the user does not need to do anything else.

You can ask me a very reasonable question. Alexander, and which paysite to choose for maximum profit?

Everything is very simple. We choose a paysite of the same thematic focus as your traffic. If you have a musical resource, then the paysite should also be musical. I think everything is clear here and there will be no more questions.

Benefits of PP Wap.click

- Completely legal scheme of work agreed with the OSS of Russia (MTS, Beeline, Megafon), as well as Azerbaijan. No need to worry that you will be banned or monetization will stop at any time;

- Crazy envelope, because apart from pressing the button, nothing else needs to be done;

- Lack of fraud and fines from operators cellular communication, subject to the rules of work.

Important! The average subscriber, as a rule, leaves a subscription for a significant period, during which you receive money on a daily basis.

Ways to make money in the Wap.click system

1. BannerAds - When visiting a site, the user is shown a window in which they very expressively call him to action - clicking a button. This traffic drain option is chosen by most site owners.

Example BannerAds.

2. Redirect - When the visitor goes to the site, he will immediately redirect to the advertising link. The system provides the ability to adjust the uniqueness for users so that the advertisement is shown to him only 1 time. The most profitable way to make money.

3. Clickunder - the user will be shown an advertisement after clicking anywhere on the site, while the user himself receives the necessary content on the site. There are two options for displaying ads, in new and current windows. The second most profitable way of earning.

4. DialogAds - a special notification window that is shown to the user when he goes to your site.

This is how it looks in practice.

As you can see, the user has no other choice but to click the Continue button. It is possible to change the text on the button.

5. PushAds - a notification that is shown to the user when they go to your site.

Looks like that.

Unlike the previous case, the user has a choice - stay on the site or leave. It is also possible to change the text on the button. This is the least profitable type of earnings.

Important! On average, one subscription in the long term brings from 40 to 150 rubles, depending on the operator's tariffication.

Types of traffic that the PP accepts

Affiliate program Wap.click accepts any kind of traffic, except for:

- traffic mined using malware;

- spam in any form, including sms and e-mail newsletters;

- traffic from so-called "black resources";

- traffic from hacked sites and shells.

The system accepts traffic from the following countries:

In conclusion, I would like to note a very important thing. PP Wap.Click was the first who did Wiki service by vapklik.

Also, the system has proven itself from an impeccable side, both from the technical side (the new service landing page and the internal cabinet, which I have already tested above all praise) and from the financial side - no delays in payments or fraudulent users were noticed.

Well, that's all my friends, I will soon start working in the system and will definitely demonstrate the preliminary results in a separate article.

P.S. If any of you has worked or is currently working with provided by the affiliate program, be sure to write in the comments the results of your work.

Now I have everything for sure. All bye and see you soon.

Nowadays, smartphones are gaining more and more popularity, they can already fully replace a computer or laptop. Thanks to this, I grew mobile traffic, the so-called Wap traffic and it is very much appreciated on the Internet, on mobile traffic, you can make good money. Today we will talk about how you can make money on mobile traffic, where it is profitable to merge mobile traffic and where to get this mobile traffic.

We figured out what Wap traffic is, then you need to understand how you can make money on it and what is needed for this. The essence of earning is familiar to everyone - these are mobile paid subscriptions... With the growth of Wap traffic, good solutions for its monetization began to appear. One of the popular "wap-click" solutions.

Wap click is a one-click subscription, a new technology for providing services to subscribers, with a predetermined price for the service. In simple words: You are taken to a page with a button "Download, watch, listen, download, play" after clicking this button, you automatically subscribe to a paid subscription.

Someone might say that this is not entirely fair. From the point of view of the law, everything is clean here and no one will punish you for this. This service is coordinated with telecom operators.

An example of a landing page subscription:

Prices for a subscription or SMS, you choose yourself, they can be from 3 to 300 rubles. But you will only receive 50% -70% of this amount. Also, after registering in the affiliate program, you independently choose a landing page. Further, you get a personal link to which you need to drain traffic and monitor statistics in your personal account.

Where is it profitable to merge mobile traffic?

The Internet is full of affiliate programs for mobile traffic, but most of them work behind closed doors and before registering, you need to talk to a manager. He will ask you to tell you where you will be pouring traffic from and in what volumes. It is also possible to request statistics from other affiliate programs.

A big plus of this way of earning is that it can provide passive income. That is, you will receive royalties until the subscriber unsubscribes from the paid subscription. Practice shows that a small amount for a subscription is much more profitable than a high price. The subscriber does not immediately notice that money is being debited from him, thereby enriching you for quite a long time.

Where to get mobile traffic

If you have your own Internet resource, for you in the affiliate program, there is individual solutions, by installing a special code on your site, which will automatically redirect wap traffic to a special landing page. If you do not have an Internet resource, then you have a direct road to advertising networks. There are a lot of ad networks that sell mobile traffic.

If you are reading this article, then you understand what we are talking about - about withdrawing funds from the Megafon account every day... They rent for 7 or more rubles. Ruthlessly. In this article I will try to tell you how I turned off premium WAP clicks, and I really hope that it will help everyone who fell for this scam. It will be filled with anger and hatred for both the telecom operator and the scammers, for it has boiled over. It has long been an idea to create a separate section on the blog with some self-explanatory name and write about something like that. Well, let's get started.

This bullshit with WAP clicks can happen not only to users Megaphone but also with MTS, Billine and other trash connections in Russia. It seems that the operators are in cahoots with scammers, because disconnecting from these services is difficult and takes a long time.

All right, it would be fine to provide all the basic communication services, coverage of regions and 3G (I'm not talking about the generation cellular networks 4G, at least the old 3G network would normally be done !!!) of the Internet. Moreover, in the background extremely filthy internet, telecom operators (I'm talking about Megafon, I don't know about others, but I think the same song) take simply colossal tariffs for this.

Let's look at 3G Internet tariffs for, as Megafon says, a computer in the Rostov region for 2013 (for 2016 the situation is not better, but even worse):

Admire. almost 500 (!!!) rubles for 10 GB per month! It's 2013, we are still counting megabytes! How about the price difference between Internet L and Internet XL? It would seem that there are these 200 rubles, if the increase is already 30 GB! And in the end, you always connect for 790 rubles, because 20 GB is enough only to receive mail, and to climb in contact.

So, what am I doing? And to the fact that against the background of these exorbitant prices and terrible quality of services provided, operators still manage steal our money by subscribing to all kinds of access to sites. And please, by 10-20 rubles per day for each person it turns out not a frail amount.

So, for the second time, in the morning (and I want to read news, mail, go to Habr before work), the Internet was turned off. I look at the balance - minus 5 rubles. And sms unread, something like:

Subscription Access to the mob-xxx.net site is subscribed. Help: 88005500500. Subscription management: http://m.megafon.ru/?rdc=psm312978377sms

Thank you very much, very happy. This has already happened a couple of times, and what is most offensive, they removed 7 rubles from the phone every day for, probably, 3-4 months. And I did not notice against the background of calls. I put the money and thought: why is it so expensive to call. That time I called the Megafon operator (the whole procedure took about 20 minutes) and this service was turned off for me.

Well, when it happened the second and third time on the SIM card of a 3G modem that distributes the Internet to the whole house, I decided to write about how to unsubscribe from a megaphone.

Step 1. Top up balance

First of all you need top up the balance to positive to make the internet work. I have not tried to disable this from another Internet, and it seems to me that it will not work out very well, correct me if I am wrong, as suggested in this comment, the service can be disabled from any computer where there is access to the Internet.

In short, the internet should work. You may have to reconnect it to get it working. I performed all operations from the SIM card to which this site access service is connected.

Step 2. Looking for the full version of the subscription site

In the message, we see a link by which, supposedly, you can "manage your subscription". By clicking on this link, I understand that under subscription management, Megafon understands only connect to subscriptions but not a shutdown. And there are not enough subscriptions there. Actually, the picture below shows this site in all its glory. The Internet for mobile and for the computer, they mean to share, and the site is shit what is there, what is there.

Naturally, in mobile version site, there is no link to go to the regular version of the site (and why, because it is impossible to unsubscribe from services via mobile), so I drive "megaphone subscriptions" into Google and follow the first link: http://www.podpiski.megafon.ru/. I see this:

Step 3. Disable subscriptions

I enter the captcha and press the OK button. You should receive an SMS with a code that must be entered in the following field:

As Valery wrote in the comments below, there is also an inconspicuous "Other subscriptions" tab. Look for your subscriptions there too.

Here, of course, we press the unsubscribe button. A window appears in which we are carefully asked if you are sure of your desire to unsubscribe from such a useful garbage?

So, when they forcibly subscribed me to this useless porno service to access the site, you did not ask for my consent, and you didn’t have to log in anywhere, and you didn’t require to enter captcha! And now you are asking?

We press the "Yes" button. It is strange that this button was not made sliding so that it would "run away" from the mouse cursor. In general, after clicking on the Yes button, you should be unsubscribed, and you will see on the page that there are no more subscriptions.

After 10 minutes, an SMS came about deactivation of the website access service.

It was possible to kind of unsubscribe by sending SMS, or call the operator, but there is no trust in SMS, and in the operator ... it's faster to do all these operations than to call the operator.

In general, you need to be careful online, not surf suspicious sites and be careful before agreeing to something on the Internet.

Stop content

It seems like (I haven't checked it myself yet), but you can permanently disable these subscriptions by activating the free "Stop Content" service. Link with information on the official Megafon website: http://kavkaz.megafon.ru/services/content/stop-kontent/stop.html#porting

Marina wrote: You can connect a FREE Stop Content service in the megaphone 105 381 * 3 #, The Stop Content service allows subscribers to block voice calls, USSD requests, as well as sending SMS messages to content providers. This service will help owners mobile phones protect yourself from unforeseen costs associated with calls to paid "short" numbers. Subscribers of all tariff plans Caucasian branch of the MegaFon network. Guys, in other regions on the megaphone website - MegaFon → Services → Services on short numbers → Stop content. OR via the service guide: Services and tariffs - change set of services - Additional services- a checkmark for "stop content" and click "Change".

Another comment on the Stop Content service was sent by Ruslan:

I already had the STOP CONTENT service active and WAP was turned off - and so it turns out that this does not frighten our megaphone - the answer was this - there were technical failures in the service. What the operator did - updated the STOP - CONTENT service, disabled the subscription. But as you understand, no one even managed to return the money for the content with the STOP-CONTENT service connected.

Dunno wrote in the comments:

Guys make everything much easier, although I can't agree with a very good article. For mobile phones, and for modems, just dial * 505 hash) you will receive a notification with subscriptions and an explanation of how to disable them. Make the appropriate request, confirm it with a similar set and “trumpet boss”) I hope the information will help.

UPD. Please write in the comments what service you were connected to (or copy the text of the SMS informing you about connecting the service) so that other people with a similar problem can find this article.

Learning with affiliate marketer Feniks - two intensive lessons on mobile subscriptions from scratch to the desired result!

We will work with visitweb. I like traffic there, ads are generated by themselves, but the only drawback is to wait for moderation for six months, well, as well as support))

Three reasons why you are losing money:

1) Low CTR of ads - if your ad is below 0.8%, then feel free to cut it out
(this is how ctr affects the envelope in the screenshot below)

2) The cost of a click - if it is below 2 rubles, then you get slag traffic, there may be subscriptions, but there will be very few of them and with a crappy envelope.
3) Landing page - it is possible that when generating the link in the pp, you have chosen a crappy landing page that does not convert. If you are losing money, then change the landing pages.

So, let's figure out how to continue pouring further. Now we must definitely use the tracker, you can get it from AdsBridge or Cpatracker for free

There are only 2 strategies, in my opinion, for finding your good-quality bundle as a plus.
1) Take one operator and bring it to +
2) You iterate over all operators in search of +

Let's analyze the first strategy:
Take, for example, the Beeline operator. We leaked 500 rubles and got 2 subscriptions. We do not understand what happened wrong?
For the most part, almost 80% have teasers, they no longer convert and their ctr dropped. You will start pouring a profit only when your teasers are with ctr more than 1.0%. After that, go to the tracker and look at browsers and geo. It is not difficult to weed out by 3 points converting geo and browsers, as well as the drain time. then you should have subscriptions.

(the column on the right will give you more subscriptions than the column on the left) 2) We pour on body2, it doesn't work, the envelope is very low, for example, 1d50.
Then we take another megaphone operator, again it didn't work out. In short, you understand, sooner or later you will receive subscriptions on some operator. Everything is simple here, change operators until you receive an envelope.
But I advise you to change the operator, if you have a small budget, then 100-150 clicks, but keep in mind that you will have subscriptions. If you pour 150 clicks into milk, then of course, transfer to another operator.

Now you have started to merge and you have more than 10-20 subscriptions. What to do with them now? We can immediately see where the traffic was from the hash of the site in our pp, you will immediately see a bunch of incomprehensible squiggles in your pp, like:

(this is an old white sheet on a megaphone, but here hsite is used, not hsite2, be careful)

Have you made up a white? Then we start pouring. If you did everything correctly for the landing pages, teasers and the cost of a click, then you will receive an envelope:


You just need to remember three rules of the minus. (ctr, landos and cost per click)
And then:
1) Drain traffic to operators through the tracker
2) Find your plus operator
3) Analyze traffic and select the converting geo, browser and operating system
3) Make a white sheet and pour

And that's all. The most important thing in this business is not to stop and keep pouring.

10/08/2016 at 17:02

3103 0

Affiliate wap click - very good way monetize mobile traffic. One-click subscription, the user is taken to the landing page, on which he must click on a certain button ( download, play, continue, etc.). Thus, the user agrees to the subscription and a certain amount of money is debited from his phone. Subsequently, a certain amount of "Rebily" will be debited from the user every day. You will receive income from these rebills until the user unsubscribes from the subscription.

At the moment, most Wap affiliate programs have closed registration and in order to start working with them, you need to contact those. support and interview. You will be asked if you have worked with Wap Click before and will ask for screenshots from personal accounts if you worked with someone.

If you have experience in working with Wap click and you can provide screenshots from other accounts, then you can easily get into any affiliate program. But if you have no experience and you just decided to try, then what to do? Today we will consider partnership programs, with open registration and affiliate programs with closed registration.

Also, if you have your own site with good traffic, when registering in the Wap click affiliate program, you can show your site and if it is well visited, you will be accepted.

Open affiliate programs

Juddy - Let's start with the Judy affiliate program. Open registration, you can start working immediately after registration. Fast payments within a day. Payments are made to a WMR wallet, the minimum withdrawal amount is 200 rubles or $ 10. Not a bad choice of paysites. It is possible to set auto-buy subscriptions.

Moblave is another open source affiliate program. This affiliate program is not very good, because there is no opportunity to choose a landing page, circles, and so on. In order to try yourself in this business, this affiliate program will do. After registration, you will be given a special link that you can distribute over the Internet.

All users will be directed to different landing pages in a chaotic manner, you have the opportunity to choose the theme of the landing pages (adult, downloads, news, music).
There is also an auto-buyout of subscriptions and a subscription exchange, if you suddenly want to buy subscriptions.

Closed Wap affiliate programs

Wap.Click is perhaps the best affiliate program, I promise 90% deductions. A very rich selection of landing pages, the ability to customize circles and many more privileges. There is protection from sanctions search engines, this is the most important function in this affiliate program. There is also Ref. System 3%. It is possible to set up an auto buyout. To register, you must link to those. support and interview.

WapState - more than 60 landing pages, there is an advance payment for new subscriptions. The minimum payment amount is 15 rubles, auto redemption, ref 5%, detailed statistics.
Prohibited topics - Viber, WhatsApp, Unified State Exam, News sites, Skype, ICQ and other free software.

WapsCash is a new partner, similar to RichWap. So all the chips are exactly the same. Detailed statistics, auto redemption, advance payment for new subscriptions. There is no way to park the domain, Ref 5%.

WapRatio is another wap click affiliate program. Detailed statistics, minimum wage for payments of 15 rubles, Ref 5%, auto redemption. Good conditions for VIP partners, in order to become VIP partners you need to pour 50 subscriptions in 1 day, which is not very difficult. There are also advances for subscriptions.

RichWap is in service with more than 50 paysites, works with all operators in Azerbaijan. Auto redemption of subscriptions, minimum wage for payments of 15 rubles, detailed statistics, Ref 5%. Loans for regular customers.

Gangsters is an affiliate program that monetizes any wap traffic thanks to SMS, Wap-click and Internet-click. There is a constructor for MIDlets, work with API is available. Ref 6%, deductions 80%, no auto redemption, no detailed statistics.

Shakes.im - a new Wap affiliate program, its own script, detailed statistics, accepts traffic only from Russia, there is no Ref program.

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