Affiliate programs that pay for clicks. Most expensive clicks

Affiliate programs that pay for clicks. Most expensive clicks


06/26/2018 at 07:33

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Every webmaster, sooner or later, has a moment to monetize his site. So you have already reached a certain traffic and decided to make money from your site. Affiliate programs are one of the best way earnings on your website. Today we're going to take a look at the best pay-per-click affiliate programs.

The best affiliate program for me is Google Adsense. Yes, this affiliate program has quite strict requirements for the sites, but they pay very well. Calculation is made in dollars and payments are available at bank card, for me these are the main criteria.

On good days the price for 1 click reaches 0.9 $, and this is roughly 60 rubles, no one has such prices. Of course, the price will depend on the theme of your site, but in the forehead cases, this affiliate program pays more than any other.

Best Pay Per Click Affiliate Programs

Below we will consider affiliate programs with pay per clicks, I have collected this list on the vastness of the entire Internet and selected only the best ones.

Advmaker - not such strict moderation rules as in Google or Yandex, pays in rubles, moderation time from 1 hour. Many ad formats: banners, clickunder, video player and Sliding Banner. Payments are possible to all known payment systems, the minimum withdrawal is only 20 rubles.

There is an opportunity to receive payment for impressions, you can see the prices on this page.

Bodyclick is a popular affiliate program, both among webmasters and advertisers. Not very demanding rules for sites, so if you are not sure about your site or you do not have a lot of traffic, you can safely go here.

Advertising formats: teasers, banners and Clickunder. Payments are available to your Webmoney wallet once a week, the minimum amount for payment is 100 rubles.

For your site to be accepted, you must have a traffic of 50 people per day. It is also possible to set the minimum cost per click yourself, which means that ads will not be shown below this cost.

Adsmmgp is an affiliate program for websites of financial topics, if your website is related to finance, you have a direct road to this affiliate program, websites related to SEO are also accepted.

Average CPC 0.15 $, site moderation up to 3 days, 2 ad formats, teasers and context, payments to all possible payment systems, minimum withdrawal of $ 30.

TeaserNet is another popular affiliate program, many ad formats, pay-per-click up to 1.5 rubles. The requirements for sites are minimal, you must have at least 50 visits per day and the site must be on paid hosting, although there are exceptions for good sites, they can be accepted on any free hosting. is not the most whimsical affiliate program in my opinion, it accepts all sites, the advertising format is only one block of links, the pay-per-click is up to 1 ruble. After registration, I advise you to set the CPC to no more than 0.3 rubles.

In my opinion, these affiliate programs should be enough for a choice. We've looked at the best pay-per-click affiliate programs, so you just have to choose the one that's right for you and your site. Using these affiliate programs, you can not worry about your money, all of the above listed affiliate programs are honest.

Detailed description. This is a fundamentally new approach, like having a food processor in your home instead of many appliances. At first glance, you cannot understand how and what is arranged. I will try to explain and describe your actions.

Another similar partner network is admitad. You can choose a partner for sites of any subject. I will not describe in detail, there are a lot of programs - it's better to see for yourself. When registering, you must use an available phone number.

]]\u003e Registration in the admitad system]]\u003e

The affiliate program is distinguished by a serious approach - far from all sites are taken here. However, if they have already taken it, then the CPC will be quite pleasant. The main charm of this particular affiliate program is that the ads will be in the subject, i.e. advertising of a dating site will not appear on the construction portal, and the dating site will not offer mortgages and forex. The payment threshold is 1200 rubles.

Zorka affiliate program

Official dealer of Begun partner programs. Placement of contextual advertising on the pages of your sites. Pays money and more bonuses for each visitor who clicked on the ad.

The payment threshold is only 100 rubles, 2 times a month and the webmaster can transfer his project from the runner. Reviews from webmasters are only positive. The pay-per-click is the same as in the runner. Wouldn't recommend.

Affiliate program from Yandex - Yandex direct... It does not need any recommendations, it is difficult to get into it. Earnings are about the same as in ping media, i.e. very good! These two partners do not compete with each other - the advertisement is designed differently and refers to different categories of visitors.

Affiliate program The beauty of this system is that there is no minimum payout threshold. How much the webmaster earned - he received so much. During the day. Extremely convenient at times. The cost per click is not high, but almost everyone is taken, including sites on free hosting.

The affiliate program is somewhat similar to the previous one. Almost everyone is also accepted. The cost per click is also low. But you can make a pretty penny. By the way, one should not forget that low prices for clicks are not only relatively small income of the webmaster, but also relatively small expenses of the advertiser. What, firstly, is attractive to advertisers, and secondly, no one forbids you to advertise anything from your resources in this system. The protection against cheating is quite decent in all cases. Affiliate Program One of the most famous, if not the most famous advertising broker. Including banner displays, and transitions, from clicks, and direct links, even links in articles. There is almost everything. Search for sites and advertisers, the ability to raise / lower prices in each case. Constantly developing and improving. A very nice place.

In general, pay-per-click is one of the best work options in my opinion. Because the advertiser pays not just for what - but for specific visitors, and the webmaster receives money clearly understanding for what exactly. The ease of deceiving click systems is deceiving - far from idiots are sitting there, you better not try. No change of proxies and other joys will help. And they will be banned forever - not the fact that you can still register.

On the Internet, everyone makes money as they please. The most interesting, profitable and promising option is to create your own site.

It is desirable that it be a paid hosting site so that there are no restrictions. And if there are no interesting ideas and serious knowledge, start a regular blog.

Affiliate programs with pay per click will help monetize any resource (even groups in social networks and channels on YouTube).

Most often, affiliate programs require the execution of some action from the attracted users (order, subscription, registration). But there are also such systems where money is paid for clicking on a promotional material.

Attract visitors and earn money

For a long time it was used by me. It also pays for clicks on advertisements posted on websites.

Here sites are monetized only on MLM and information business. Attendance from 100 hosts per day and a huge selection of banner types for placement in any part of the site.

Another pay-per-click affiliate program that I have been working with for a long time is BestChange. Monitoring of exchangers is constantly useful to moneymakers, and every click on the referral link brings 4 cents.

Too few? Additionally, money is paid for other actions:

There are many services for this type of earnings, you can find more interesting options. For example, it is convenient to make short links on Shorte, and when users click on them, they are shown a special ad stub.

For 1000 clicks you can get $ 14, but it all depends on the geography of the traffic:

I myself use these services, so I recommend everyone to make money with them. Of course, these are not the usual pay-per-click advertising systems, but the essence is almost the same. You need to force people to follow the links, for this profit is accrued.

Other Pay Per Click Services

You can install as many ad units as you want on your sites and videos to get paid for clicks on them. In general, pay per clicks - this is the most common scheme for ad networks.

That is why this scheme is used almost everywhere:

  1. TAK is one of the few networks that allows you to place a block instantly. Pay per click from 5 kopecks, advertisers' bids are set in the auction mode.
  2. Wmlink is a similar pay-per-click affiliate program where scams do not advertise. Webmasters are paid 75% of the expenses of advertisers, payments are instant.
  3. Ttarget - place teaser ads and work on available pay-per-action offers. Withdrawal from 500 rubles.
  4. Adcash - you register, place the code on the site, get profit for each transition. Many formats, mobile traffic is converted, good rates.
  5. Mobile-click - in cooperation with this system, wherever a visitor of your site clicks, the advertiser's site will open in a new tab. Suitable for mobile traffic.
  6. Advmaker is the largest ad network with the most advertisers and many ad formats. The site has a tool for calculating the expected profit.
  7. Viboom - adds ads to videos with pay-per-switch from ruble. You can also get 50 kopecks for viewing ads (ideal for social networks).
  8. Mobiads is another affiliate program for mobile versions sites. There are several formats, you can choose the cost of a click and an impression, at least 50 kopecks.

In this case, payments are made for clicking on a banner, text ad or document. Systems using this method are called PPC systems or banner systems.

Cost per click - CPC or cost per click - the cash equivalent that the advertiser pays search engines or other sites for transitions. In other cases, this is the amount the user receives by clicking on the ad.

There are two main models used in pricing:

  • Bid-Based PPC, in which the cost is formed on the basis of an auction, and advertisers compete with each other to acquire the best place at the lowest possible cost.
  • Flat-Rate PPC, in which case the cost is negotiated initially and remains stable.

Formation of cost per click in YAN

Many factors affect cost per click:

  • Project topic and keywords;
  • The level of competition, which depends on the field of activity, the popularity of the industry and other external factors;
  • Geo targeting, because the presence of a geographic reference to certain regions also affects the market situation;
  • Ad quality, which includes relevance and other intrinsic characteristics;
  • The time the ad was displayed, including time of day, week, and year;
  • The location of the advertisement, the cost of which increases with the improvement of positions;
  • Quality, internal behavioral factors, audience characteristics.

Payment schemes for advertising

While pay-per-click sites are gaining popularity, there are other popular schemes that are worth exploring in advance to make the right choice.

  • Pay per clicks;
  • Payment for impressions;
  • Pay for leads.

Each model has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. All of them remain relevant and are used in planning effective marketing strategies.

To implement choice, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of a particular situation, as well as assess the circumstances and risks.

  • Pay per click (CPC)

    Many popular services work according to this scheme.

    This is the best option for attracting target ... The advertiser ensures the attractiveness of the ad, and the site ensures its effective placement.

    Among the disadvantages such a campaign - high competition, affecting the increase in cost per click. Moreover, even targeted traffic does not guarantee a site to be high.

    For maximum efficiency, this model needs constant process and cost control.

  • Pay for impressions (CPM)

    The CPM model cannot provide a 100% guarantee of increased traffic, but it is excellent. helps to increase awarenessbrand or product. Advertisers only need to choose wisely reliable and popular thematic sites.

    Maximum efficiency can be achieved by combining different models. In particular - payment for impressionsand pay per clicks... This allows you to more rationally distribute risks and resources to obtain an optimal result.

    Most often, this scheme is used by recognizable brands that place their banners on industry platforms. If these ads get enough attention, then pay-per-click sites become unnecessary.

    Pay per lead (CPA)

    The CPA model assumes payment for certain actions taken by users... Each advertiser determines the specifics of actions independently. Most often these are:

  • Registration;
  • Filling out the questionnaire;
  • Taking surveys;
  • Registration of orders;
  • Subscription to;
  • Go to a specific page and more.

The main problem with this method is the high cost of leads, as well as insufficiently effective work for the brand. It is best to combine this scheme with other analogs.

Choosing the optimal scheme

It is easy to see that each scheme has its own advantages. When choosing a model, the marketer must fully understand which option will provide the best result at the best cost.

In most cases, it is pay per click is a one-stop solution... It is a reliable and predictable scheme that combines well with other marketing tools.

Best affiliate programs with pay per click fit for:

  • Search ads;
  • Advertising on non-specialized broad-spectrum portals;
  • New advertising campaigns;
  • Remarketing

Earnings on clicks

The CPC system is interesting not only for advertisers, but also for network users interested in online earnings. Affiliate program pay per click and other similar solutions - one of the simplest ways to acquire a stable source of income.

There are many specialized platforms where advertisers place their ads. Accordingly, they are interested in purchasing transitions.

Often money pays for:

  • Browsing sites, for which you need to open a page, and sometimes wait a few seconds before closing it;
  • Complete other tasks that vary widely.

Income amountdepends on several factors. Two schemes are popular:

  • Earnings without investment.
  • Investing in the creation of your project, for example, a large affiliate program with pay per clicks. the network provides passive earnings with an unlimited top bar.

With a competent approach and vigorous activity, work on clicks can become highly profitable and promisingwhile remaining as simple as possible. It does not require special knowledge, skills and education: it is enough just to understand the peculiarities of the market.

Most of the systems offer quick earnings, allowing you to regularly withdraw money. Some have restrictions on the minimum limit or frequency of payments. It is important to familiarize yourself with the terms of a specific project in advance.

Affiliate programs for clicks

Affiliate programs involve cooperation of advertisers with webmasters and users... The creators of such projects receive their percentage of sales or total profit, and participants - a constant source of income.

Affiliate program is a mutually beneficial scheme, which explains their popularity. There are also different payment models here, among which pay per click takes a special place.

Among advantages such a solution:

  • Narrow, allowing you to focus exclusively on the target audience;
  • Transparency for all parties involved, because clicks are easily counted, and statistics show the result;
  • Fast result, which is easy to achieve with competent program development;
  • An audience opportunity, the results of which will help in developing a marketing campaign and planning other actions.

Leading positions in the CPC market occupy the largest affiliate networks, including Google AdWords, MSN AdCenter, Yahoo and. There are many less significant projects, most of which are related to financial or gaming traffic.

A wide assortment and high competition allow you to choose the optimal solution for every taste.

First of all, you need to acquire safe and secure mailbox... Any affiliate program, clicks, advertising platform or other project requires registration.

Better to create immediately emailthat has no problems with confidentiality, security and receiving activation emails or other materials.

You also need to acquire electronic wallet... The Webmoney system is popular, which allows you to quickly and easily make payments and withdraw funds.

Better to register only in reliable and proven projectswhich have a good reputation and a long life span. This will allow you to avoid collisions with scammers, and also not to worry about the timeliness and completeness of payments.

You should not register in a large number of programs at once... It is better to start exploring the market gradually and gradually increase the number of partners and projects.

It is important to be patient and devote more time to work, especially at first. Gradually, the income will increase, and the amount of time and effort spent will decrease.

For a long time I was going to write this post, but my hands did not reach in any way, so I finally finished it like this. Today we will analyze the most profitable affiliate programs with the most expensive clicks. Clicks, that is, when you click on an advertisement posted on your site, you are immediately rewarded, and not for any actions, such as, after that, the person who clicked on the advertisement must still register or buy something. No, click \u003d money.

The most expensive clicks are usually found in teaser affiliate programs. Therefore, we will discuss them today. By the way, these teasers bring me an order of magnitude more than Adsense itself, and they pay not once a month, but much more often.

UPDATE 02/28/2012 - Commodity teaser with pay per click - price per click from 2.5 rubles !!! + mini shop for the design of your site!
There she is! I have been waiting for her for a very long time. An alternative to Ledicash, which will accept not only women's sites, but everyone else. Today, 28.02.2012, the manager of this new teaser system wrote to me in ICQ and offered to take part in it, I registered and added my sites. Price per click from 2.5 rubles, no other teaser will offer you such a price. And most importantly, there are absolutely all site topics, from women's topics to fishing. There are also teasers of coupon sites, but only they are cheaper (0.9 rubles per click), but you can not display them, although they probably have a higher envelope. In any case, at the moment, in my opinion, this is the highest paid and high quality teaser system.
In addition to ad units, you can create a mini store on your site, which will have the same design as your main site. I will not go into details, I will just show it using the example of the site As you can see, this is their site, and here is the store, which fits perfectly into the site design as a native one.

Affiliate program for any site - cost per click - 2 rubles!
If your site was not accepted into Ledicash or it is simply not designed for a female audience, then add it to Pay-click. In Pay-Click, CPC is slightly lower, but the system is the same. The same great teaser builder that will allow you to create a teaser that will fit into any website design. The only requirement for sites is attendance of 150 visitors per day on paid hosting or 300 on free. By the way, Ledicash and Pay-Click are one system, that is, the same guys created these affiliate programs, and the next one, by the way, is also the work of their hands.

The most plausible female affiliate teaser - cost per click about 1 RUB.
The main advantage of this teaser is the teasers themselves. There will be no cheating teasers such as "Malysheva's diet" or "How to lose weight by 28 kg in 1 day." This teaser only advertises women's products that really exist and are approved by all sorts of ministries of health, etc. So, if you don't want to pollute your site with unreliable advertising, then install Hit-Sales for yourself.

I have many of my sites and each one has one or another affiliate program (from the above). Judge for yourself, the cost per click is very high, which means it will bring a very good income.

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