Who invented cellular communications and mobile phone. History and Evolution of Mobile Phones

Who invented cellular communications and mobile phone. History and Evolution of Mobile Phones


Mobile communications in the USSR

We are all accustomed to the fact that mobile technologies and devices come from abroad. And communication standards (for example, GSM), and the phone numbers themselves, and all the equipment of the operators - carry the mark "Made In Nh-U-us." The United States, Europe, Japan and even China provide us with communication. And somehow it was forgotten that earlier we ourselves were leaders in this area. At one time, it was in our country that the world's first network of automatic mobile communications was launched. And if not the attitude of the Soviet leadership, (Sabotage?) Perhaps, we would now speak not by "Nokiam", but according to "Volimotas" ...

Was there a mobile communication in the USSR?

Such a question may seem strange for many, especially from the generation, for which mobile communication is firmly associated with a plastic box with a large color screen, a bunch of buttons and fashionable strings, like GPRS, WAP, 3G. Where in the damned scoop (s) could mobile communications take?

Well, first, what is this mobile connection? What is the definition of this term?

Mobile communications is radio communication between subscribers, the location of one or several of which changes.

Mobile communications is a cellular, trunking, satellite plus personal radio systems and zone SDPs (fixed channel via repeater).

In other words, cellular communication (although this term is probably also familiar with all users of this very type of communication) is just a variety of wider concept - mobile communications. Moreover, it appeared much later than the first mobile radio systems at all.

In the world, the first mobile communication systems appeared even after the First World War. So in 1921, the first radio informed police cars began to be used in the United States. But the mobile connection of that time was almost fully used in narrow specialized forms, primarily military, police and all kinds of specialized services. They did not have any outputs for public telephone networks, they were not automatic therefore this period can be skipped.

The first mobile communication systems for the ordinary consumer began to appear after World War II. However, these were also pretty limited to the possibilities of the system. The connection was one-sided (simplex), then-there is in the image of military radio stations - pressed the tangent - you say, let go - listen. Yes, and choosing a free radio channel with the subsequent connection to the ground telephone network was completely manual. The presence of dispatching with telephone young lady and manual switcher was an indispensable attribute of such systems.

Those who remember the French film of the 60s "Razin" can remember the episode when the hero Louis de Fühnes was spoken by such a "mobile phone" from his car. "Hello, lady, give Smolny!".

Hence the simple conclusion. The process of calling from a mobile phone must be indistinguishable from the call from the phone of the usual. This is what will be the criterion of a wide use of a wide use network.

So, the world's first system of fully automatic mobile communications was created and put into operation in the Soviet Union. And for several years, the USSR was the world leader in the field of mobile communications.

"Altai". First in the world.

See the first patent in the USA 1972!
U.S. Patent 3,663,762 - Cellular Mobile Communication System - Amos Edward Joel (Bell Labs), Filed Dec 21, 1970, Issued May 16, 1972 http://www.google.com/patents?vid\u003d3663762 for this link and other patents , later

Work on the automatic mobile communication system, named "Altai", began in 1958. In the city of Voronezh in Voronezh Research Institute of Communications (VNIIS), subscriber stations were created (in other words, the phones actually) and basic stations for communication with them. The antenna systems were developed at the Moscow State Specialized Design Institute (GIC), where Soviet television was born. Leningraders worked on other components "Altai", and later enterprises from Belarus and Moldova were joined. Specialists from different parts of the Soviet Union combined efforts to create an absolutely unique product at that time - automatic mobile communications.

"Altai" should have become a full-fledged telephone installed in the car. On him, it was easy to say, as an ordinary telephone (i.e., the sound was held in both directions at the same time, the so-called duplex mode). To call another "Altai" or a regular phone, it was enough to simply dial the number - as on the desktop telephone, without any switching channels or conversations with the dispatcher.

It was not easy to implement this possibility at the technical level. Digital communication, of course, has not yet been; The voice was transmitted in the usual way. But, in addition to the voice, it was necessary to transmit special signals with which the system could find free radio channels itself, establish a connection, transfer the dialing phone number, etc.

This now seems to us naturally just dial the number on the mobile phone buttons. And in 1963, when an experienced zone of the Altai system was launched in Moscow, the present phone in the car made an indelible impression. The developers tried to make it as much as possible on the usual devices: the "Altai" had a tube, and in some models - even a disk for a dialing. However, the disk soon refused and replaced it with buttons, since it was inconvenient to twist the drive in the car.

Party and economic executives were delighted with the new system. Automotive phones soon appeared in Zilch and "Seagulls" of the upper echelons of the Soviet leadership. The Volga directors of the most important enterprises followed them.

"Altai" of course was not a full-fledged cellular system. Initially, one city along with suburbs was served only by one base station with sixteen radio channels. But for a small number of top chiefs who have been available mobile communications, this first was enough.

The system used the frequency range of 150 MHz is the frequencies of the same order as the meter television range. Therefore, the antenna installed on the high tower made it possible to communicate at a distance to tens of kilometers.

A similar system in the United States, IMTS (Improved Mobile Telephone Service), was launched in an experienced zone for a year later. And its commercial launch took place only in 1969. Meanwhile, in the USSR by 1970, Altai was installed and successfully worked for about 30 cities!

By the way, about the IMTS system. In the description of this system there is one very interesting paragraph.

In The 70s and the Early 80s, Before the Introduction of Cellular Phones, There Were Waiting Lists "Of Up to 3 years for Those Wishing to Have Mobile Telephone Service. These Potential Subscribers Were Literally Waiting for Other Subscribers to Disconnect Their Subscription In Order to Obtain A Mobile Telephone Number and Mobile Phone Service.


In the 70s and early 80s prior to the use of cellular communication, "waiting lists", up to 3 years, for those who wish to have a mobile communications. Potential subscribers were forced to wait until the current subscribers are disconnected from the network to get a telephone number and mobile network services.

Fold! Lists! Number! Here he is, damned scoop (s) !!!

Of course, such tight restrictions were caused by a limited number of radio channels. But I specifically pay attention to this that readers would understand that such systems could not be massive purely for technical reasons, and not because of someone's evil intent.

For this reason, the phones of this system were very expensive (from 2 to 4 thousand dollars) and a minute of conversation cost from 70 cents to 1.2 dollars. Often, the phones were rented by the company, and not bought.

And by the way, this system is still exploited in Canada and the United States.

Now in Moscow, Leningrad, Tashkent, Rostov, Kiev, Voronezh and many other cities (and areas) of the USSR, party and economic managers could safely talk on the phone from the car. Our country, as it is not enough to hear now, confidently leaded in the field of mobile communications.

In the 1970s, the Altai system actively developed. New radio channels were allocated (22 "trunks" of 8 channels) in the range of 330 MHz - i.e. On slightly longer waves than decimeter television, which made it possible to provide a considerable range and at the same time serve more subscribers. Thanks to the use of the first chips, subscriber stations have become more compact - although they still remained automobiles (you could transfer the phone along with the batteries in the loss of a suitcase).

By the middle of the 70s, gradually the geography of the spread of the Altai system expanded on 114 cities of the Soviet Union.

Special work on the modernization of equipment had to be held at the 1980 Moscow Olympiad. Moreover, it was to the Olympics that the Bazovaya Station "Altai" moved to the Ostankino television. Prior to that, she held the two upper floors of a high-rise building on a boiler's embankment.
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The famous building on a boiler's embankment. Three upper floors in the 60s were engaged in the instrument of the Altai system, providing the Central Committee and the Supreme Council with excellent mobile communications.

At the Olympics-80, the connection of the modernized Altai-3M system was used very widely and showed itself from the best side. So, almost all journalistic reports from the competition took place through Altai. Soviet relations were the winners of the Olympiad with the Soviet athletes; Olympic medals, however, did not get them, but many leading developers received the USSR State Prize.

However, during the Olympics began to show "Altai" restrictions. Sometimes journalists complained about a bad connection; Engineers recommended that they rearrange the car a little, and everything was immediately established.

In total, by the beginning of the 1980s, the number of subscribers of the Altai system was about 25 thousand.

In order for the phone without wires to become massive, further development of the system was required - in particular, the transition to the usual use of a plurality of base stations covering neighboring areas of the territory. And Soviet engineers were quite prepared for this development. Unfortunately, not all depended only from this readiness.

Volleyot, which came too late.

In the early 1980s, VNIIS specialists and other enterprises were ready to work on a new generation communication system. She was called "Volimot" (cut from the names of cities where the developers were: Voronezh, Leningrad, Molodechno, Ternopil). The peculiarity of "volley" was able to fully use many basic stations; During the conversation, it was possible to switch to one of them to another without loss of communication.

This function, known now as "Handover" and allowing the message to talk in motion without any problems, made a "volley" with a full cellular connection. In addition, automatic roaming was maintained: the "Volimot" apparatus, registered in the network of one city, could be used in another. At the same time, all the same range of 330 MHz was used, and each base station could, if necessary, "cover" tens of square kilometers.

Volleyota "could be a massive relationship for rural areas, a" faithful friend "of collective farmers, dachens and tourists. For this purpose, it would come better than Western cellular systems developed in the same period (AMPs, NMT), since it was easy to ensure its work on a very extensive territory. But for servicing the set of subscribers in the small territory (in the city), "Volimot" was inferior to AMPS and NMT, but further development, however, could solve this problem.

Mobile communications could well be entered into the Soviet lifestyle, and in the communist ideology. Initially, phones could, for example, to be installed in villages and country villages for collective use and rent in tourist clubs (for the time of the campaign). Call service with "Volvetot" could appear in long-range trains or buses. And, of course, no threat of "state security" did not arise - mobile communication without encryption devices is very easy to listen. Therefore, in the future, it could well be accessible to all citizens of the country.

However, for several years for the project "Volimot" failed to obtain the necessary financing and the development of the system was very slow. Meanwhile, cellular systems in the West have been actively developing and acquired popularity. For the beginning - the mid-1980s, the former leadership was missed.
"Volimot" was still completed by the end of the 1980s and was ready for the beginning of the deployment, but at that time "the process had already gone" and the opportunity to catch up with Europe and the United States was no longer any speech.

Nevertheless, the system was launched in a number of cities in the early 90s and is still valid, as well as "Altai". Today, their main positioning is a vocational relationship for various services, from a taxi to ambulance.

But despite this, a full cellular communication has managed to appear in the USSR. The first operator - the Leningrad "Delta Telecom" began its work on September 9, 1991, for three and a half months before the collapse of the USSR. This means that the work on its installation began in six months - a year before this event, when the events that followed in December in Belovezhskaya will not predicted even the analysts of the CIA.

Something interesting. First cell phones.

Mobile (or rather - automotive!) Phone of the early 80s company Nokia - Mobira Senator. The weight of the device is 15 kilograms.

Mobira Talkman is the phone of the second half of the 80s - early 90s. His weight is already only 3 kg.

The first cell phone is Motorola - Dynatac 8000x, released on sale on March 6, 1983. Its development cost about $ 100 million (of that time!).

The phone weighed 794 grams and sized 33x4.4x8.9 cm. The charge of batteries was enough for 1 hour of conversation or 8 hours in standby mode. He had a memory of 30 numbers and one melody.

It cost this phone 3995 dollars. The cellular market lasted 10 years.

In the network first in the US, the commercial cellular communications of the Ameritech Mobile company, the subscription company was $ 50 plus one minute of the conversation could have managed to users from 24 to 40 cents (depending on the time of the call). A year after the launch, 12 thousand subscribers numbered in its network.

Motorola Martin Cooper employee (Martin Cooper)

In 1973, the first prototype of a portable cell phone was released - Motorola Dynatac.

The release of it is his answer to the question: the first mobile phone in the world?

In which year appeared

The historical call on the world's first mobile phone took place on April 3, 1973, when his creator, Motorola, Martin Cooper, was phoned with Joel Engel, head of the research department Bell Laboratories.

It is noteworthy that Joel Engel was chosen as a companion not just like that. The fact is that in those days, AT & T was a tight leader in the development of mobile technologies. Many believed that the engineers of this company would be able to create the first such device.

Who came up with and how it originated

The idea of \u200b\u200ba mobile phone in its modern version was born from a less mobile prototype - a car radio telephone. These devices were extremely bulky, weighed about 15 kilograms, but, nevertheless, their popularity grew every day.

Martin Cooper, Engineer Motorola, who was engaged in this direction, offered to modify the phone, reducing the weight so that people could carry it without any problems with themselves. Some companies also worked on a decrease in the weight of the phone, but Motorola was much ahead of all competitors. For the implementation of the idea of \u200b\u200bCooper, 15 years and 90 million dollars took.

Motorola Dynatac 8000X - First Mobile Phone

On that memorable day, on April 3, 1973, the head of the Design Bureau of the Bell Laboratories of Joel Engel rang out. He raised the phone and heard the voice of the sworn enemy - Martin, who said: "Guess where I call? .. I call you from the present cell phone." Later, Cooper remembered: "I do not remember that he then answered, but, you know, it seemed to me that I heard how to creak his teeth."

The cost of the first call

It is worth noting that the cost of the first call in the history of mankind on a mobile phone was about $ 90 million. Such investments Motorola implemented in the process of designing the device.

Martin Cooper demonstrates Motorola Dynatac 8000x in 2007

Joel Engel can understand - the era of new communications began, and the Bell Laboratories rapidly flew into the cuvette of history. Later, life broke everything in places - Bell did not go into oblivion, but manifested himself in mobile communications at least Motorola.

How much weft

The world's first mobile phone Motorola Dynatac 8000X (prototype) weighed about 1.15 kg and had a size of 22.5x12,5x3.75 cm. The small display on the LEDs displayed the dialing phone. The charge of the battery was enough for 30 minutes of conversation, but it was necessary to charge it about 10 hours.

In total, until 1983, 5 pieces of Dynatac-OB were manufactured, and with 83 an improved commercial version of this model was produced, which weighed 850 grams and was sold at $ 3995. During the first year, sales by mobile phones acquired 12 thousand Americans.

The phone is a device that allows people to talk from anywhere in the world. Currently, the transmission is carried out by means of electrical signals. The term itself occurred from ancient Greek: "body" means "far", and the "background" - voice, sound.

Who invented the first phone

Initially, the phones resembled large and bulky devices. They were devices with lever To switch and device for dialing in the form of a disk or large buttons. They were used two types of microphones: Coal and electret.

The first was a coal powder, which, depending on the value of electrical resistance, affected the membrane. She passed the sound to the subscriber.

The second consisted of a condenser, one of the platin nene was also a membrane. The sound had an impact on the condenser, and he transmitted further fluctuations on the plates.

Telephone consisted of more than Of the 500 mechanical parts and was a cumbersome device. It could not be taken with him or put at home. For this there were social telephone stations.

But time went, the technology did not stand still, and today they are more compact and mobile options.

The progenitor of the telephone is considered electric Telegraphwhich was invented after the opening of electricity in the first half of the 19th century.

The very first apparatus for voice transmission at a distance that could already be called the phone was invented, invented and demonstrated german inventor scientist Johann flight in 1861. The device itself consisted of three main components: microphone, speaker and galvanic battery.

The history of the development of the first phones

In 1876, in America, the scientist Alexander Bell patented the very first phone in the world entitled "Talking Tube". The first copy had a radius of a maximum of 200 meters and strongly distorted the sound at a distance.

During the year, Bell finished his equipment, removing the interference on the line. After that, it served in the area of \u200b\u200bone hundred years for all mankind, until it was upgraded.

It is believed that the scientist accidentally opened the principle of phone actions. During one of the experiments By improving telegraph coupling, one of the data transmission plates is stuck. His assistant, seeing the harness, began to swear. Suddenly, Bell heard the perturbed partner's words in the telegraph tube. So, a random event led to the emergence of modern phones.

However, in 2002, the Congress of America recognized that Antonio Meucci is the first inventor. But the story that happened to the Italian is quite typical for that time. Italian inventor developed and invented Scheme of operation device for transferring voice at a distance independently. Unfortunately, at that time, he was a beggar. He was trite lacking money to a piece of bread. As a result of ON. sold its development The large company "Western Union" with the condition that they will issue a patent for him. When, after the expiration of a long time, the answer never came, he himself filed a patent application. However, it was rejected.

At the same time, Antonio learns that the telephone was patent Alexander Bella. Such information strongly suck it. He tried to fight the company to restore justice, but he lacked financial resources. The result of litigation was the recognition of him as the inventor of the telephone service only in 1887. By the time he was already old, and died in poverty and validation. Only in 2002, the United States confirmed that in fact he is the father-founder of the phone.

To transfer sound for another subscriber, it was also necessary to use special links that were created only in 1877. First line Launched into operation in Boston, and a year later, the first telephone station in New Hayven was opened. In 1878, American scientist Thomas Edison represents another model that was more compact.

As can be seen from the photo, disk phones appeared first. They were more convenient in productionTherefore, for a long time, only a model with disks were used. Mass production began after 1896.

Push-button phones for the first time appeared Only in 1963. It was another attempt to improve the current model.

Thanks to Edison, stationary phones began to massively enter the use of ordinary citizens. In fifty years since the opening of Alexander Bella, a device for transferring a voice at a distance was so popular that stood almost in every home.

Invention of cellular communication

The prerequisites for the appearance of cellular communication is the invention domestic scientist Alexander Popova under the name of the registrar of electromagnetic waves. He presented him at the Congress of the Physico-Chemical Society in 1895.

At the incident of several years, Gulielmo Marconi with the help of ABC Morse sent a message almost a half kilometer. This served as the next stage in the development of mobile communications. In 1896, he applied for a patent, and after receiving it founded digging "Marconi and Co.".

Gradually, an increasing number of scientists invested their research and practical experiences in the development of mobile communications. Over time, the first invention of Popova was modernized.

In 1900, Reginald Fessenden pass the voice message From one subscriber to another using radio wave. After that, the study went in another direction.

In 1921, the first was created mobile telegraph station. According to its principle, she resembled a pager. And only after almost 12 years, a bilateral communication car was created, the principle of operation of which is still used. True, enhancements were made.

After almost 30 years, such cars filled all cities on the planet. But they had a significant drawback by the time - frequency limitations. They used the same frequency that over time began to affect the quality of communication.

Thus, in 1947, the employee of the BELL LABORATORIES organization, Ring offered a new way of communication. He got the name cellular communication. I.e the coating zone was divided On the "honeycomb", and each had its own frequency.

Also this year created the first transistor, which led to a decrease in the dimensions of telephone sets.

After almost an eyelid, after the invention, Popova, the head of Motorolla - Martin Cooper - did first bell on a mobile phone to its competitors. The event occurred on April 3, 1973. This date is the official birthday of mobile communications.

The first representatives were also big and cumbersome, but relatively mobile.

After some time, various telephone models began to appear, which became more compact and comfortable.

The first cellular telephone number appeared in 1957. It was development of a Soviet engineer Leonid Kuprisanov. The device weighed 3 kg, and allowed to do without changing the battery 30 hours.

Unfortunately, the further history of the development of this device is unknown. He was replaced by the telephone complex "Altai", which was used on ambulance cars for operational communication with the hospital.

In Russia, for a long time such a development went passive path. And only in 1987, when Gorbachev used a mobile phone to call from Helsinki to Moscow, the development got a push.

September 1991, marked by the next fact: the mayor of St. Petersburg Anatoly Sobchak, made a call to the United States on the Nokia 1011 apparatus. This development is represented by Delta Telecom.

In Moscow, the cellular communication appeared after 1992 due to the efforts of the Moscow cellular communication companies and Ericsson.

The very first touch telephone in the world appeared relatively recently - in 1998.

Company "Sharp »From Japan, presented to the whole world of the Wireless Touch Phone Model - PMC-1 Smart-Phone.

However, the main goal is to knock out a competitor Nokia from the mobile phone market - was not achieved. At the same time, "Alcatel" against the background of other manufacturers launches the device " O.neTouch" It is literally translated from English - one touch.

Unfortunately, at that time, both developments did not interest the mass consumer and were shortly forgotten.

In 2003 " Nokia."Decides to use the sensor in managing mobile phones. So the project "Nokia 7700" appears. But due to the permanent transfers of the deadlines, the consumer presents the model 7710.

After that, many vendors launch the production of sensory devices.

Cellular development

The development of mobile phones is represented not only by models and different brands, as well as the standards of communication itself.

Initially there was standard NMT-450, which was a joint development of several countries. He appeared at the end of the 70s of the last century. However, this project was closed, and the development of cellular communications at that time was actively.

Almost every country began to invent their standards that were not associated with others. They were also analog, which imposed certain limitations.

All of the above led to the idea of \u200b\u200bcreating unified Protocol cellular. The result was the appearance of the Global Standard - GSM. He was designed in 1982and became the world for a long period of time.

After literally, the year, the Qualcomm organization began to develop his digital standard, which was subsequently called the name CDMA.

Further development of mobile communications led to the appearance of the third generation protocol called FPLMTS (Future Public Land Mobile Telephone System). Its main difference from the previous ones - getting free access to the Internet. Also present backward compatibility.

To date, the standard is the fourth generation protocol, and active fifth developments are underway.

First smartphone

The development of mobile phones and laptops led to the appearance of the idea of \u200b\u200bcombining two products in one. Thus were created smartphones, and then communicators.

The prototype can serve Development of IBM - Simon, which was presented in 1992. However, at that time he was not accepted by the world community, and further studies stopped.

The next step is a joint project HP and Nokia - Communicator 700lx, which was released in 1996. This is a hybrid of two models: Nokia 2110 and HP 200LX. However, these were two independently working component from each other.

Therefore, a year later, the Finnish company demonstrates the Nokia 9000 Communicator - a full-fledged device.

In 2000 " Ericsson."Releases its smartphone R380S.

In response to this, Nokia is developing with color display. This is the first working model that displays information not in black and white. The model received Nokia 9210 name. It works under the management of Symbian 6.0 and was revolutionary for that period of time. After it, many brands began to produce phones from the OS.

After that, the market experienced an invisible rise in the development of smartphones and communicators.

Android and iPhone

The first OS on mobile phones is Symbian. This is a joint development of Psion, Motorola, Nokia and Ericsson, which was officially represented in 1998. Further development of the operating system is associated with the popularity of smartphones, which was described in more detail in the section above.

However, today there is two Mobile OSwho compete with each other: Android and iOS.

The history of the first OS Takes its beginning in zero years of the 21st century. Nobody unknown Andy Rubin decided to develop its own OS for mobile platforms. He kept his idea under a big secret, and the result was the lack of money. In 2005, Google buys the idea and drawings of Andy, which serves as a starting point for the development of Android. The official presentation of the new operating system took place on July 26, 2005.

In 2007, after the Boom of Development of the Sensor on the phones, Apple is in the light of its vision - iPhone. It was the first apparatus that supported the function "MultiTouch", that is, touching your finger immediately in several places of the touchscreen. OC, which was used in the company's devices received the name iOS. The core of the system was taken from the sources of UNIX-like systems and is brought to the developers to the end user.

Currently, Android and iOS are the largest competitors in the field of mobile OS.

A person is constantly necessary to communicate. For information exchange and just for the soul. And he has little to communicate with people who are near. There is always something to say even those who are on the next street in another city or ocean. So it was always. But only at the end of the nineteenth century we had such an opportunity. In this article, we will follow the history of the appearance of the phone, we find out who invented the phone and with what difficulties scientists faced.

Over the past few years, there have been a variety of information transfer. Our ancestors sent letters with messengers and postal pigeons, burned fires, used the services of Helegal.

In the 16th century, the Italian Giovanni della Port invented a system of negotiation pipesThat had to "penetrate" all Italy. This fantastic idea was not embodied.

In 1837, the inventor from America Samuel Morse created an electric telegraph and developed a telegraph alphabet, which was called " aBC Morse».

In the 1850s, an unexpected discovery was performed by Italian Antonio Meucci, living in New York. Confident in the positive effect of electricity on human health, he collected a generator and opened private medical practice. Once, connecting the wires to the patient's lips, Meuchchi went to the long room to enable the generator. As soon as the device earned, the doctor i heard a cry of a patient. He was so loud and clearer, as if the poor fellow was near.

Meuchchi began to experiment with the generator, and by the beginning of the 70s, the drawings of the device were already ready. telektrophone" In 1871, the inventor tried to register his brainchild, but something prevented him. Whether the Italian did not have enough money for the registration procedure in the Patent Bureau, whether the paper was lost during the shipment or perhaps they were abducted.

Who first invented the phone and in which year

In 1861, the scientist from Germany Philip Rice came up with a device that could transmit all sorts of sounds on the cable. It was the first phone. (It is worth familiar with the one and its history of the creation) Rice failed to register a patent for his invention, so it was not so widely known as American Alexander Bell.

02/14/1876 Bella delivered a statement to the Patent Bureau in Washington to patent " Telegraph device, with which you can transmit human speech" Two hours later, Ilya Gray appeared there, a specialist in electrical engineering. The invention of heating was called "Device for transmitting and receiving vocal sounds with a telegraph method." He was denied patent.

This device consisted of a wooden stand, a hearing tube, a battery (acid vessel) and wires. The inventor himself called him gallows.

The first words that were told on the phone were: "Watson, says Bell! If you hear me, go to the window and remove the hat. "

In 1878, a series of trials against Alexander Bella began in America. About thirty people tried to take away the inventor laurels. Six lawsuits were rejected immediately. The claims of the remaining inventors were divided into 11 points and were considered separately. On eight of these items, Bella's championship was recognized, three of the rest of the court won the inventors Edison and MacDonut. Gray did not won a single business. Although the study of Bella's diaries and documents filed with warmth in the patent office, held many years later, showed that the author of the invention is the Gray.

Development and improvement of the phone

Further fate of the invention Bella was engaged in Thomas Edison. In 1878, he made some changes to the structure of the phone: introduced a coal microphone into the circuit and an induction coil. Thanks to this upgrades, the distance between the interlocutors could be significantly increased.

By the same year, the first American telephone station began work in the small American town of New Chaven.

And in 1887 in Russia the inventor K. A. Moscitsky created a self-acting switch - a prototype of automatic telephone stations.

Who invented mobile (cellular) phone

It is believed that the Motherland of the Mobile Phone is US. But first mobile phone The device appeared in the Soviet Union. 11/04/1957 Radio Engineer Leonid Kompyovich received a patent for " Call and switching device of radiotelephone channels" Its radiotelephone could transmit sound signals to the base station up to 25 kilometers. The device was a disk box for a dialing, two toces and tubes. He weighed shelter and worked up to 30 hours in standby mode.

The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating a cellular telephone appeared in 1946 at the American AT & T Bell Labs company. The company was engaged in renting automotive radio stations.

In parallel with AT & T Bell Labs, Research and Motorola has led. For about ten years, each of these companies sought to get ahead of a competitor. The victory won Motorola.

Vaprele 1973 is one of the employees of this company, Engineer Martin Cooper, "shared joy" with colleagues from a competing enterprise. He called the AT & T Bell Labs office, invited the head of the research department of Joel Engel to the telephone and said that at the moment it was on one of the streets of New York and talking on the world's first mobile phone. Then Cooper went to a press conference dedicated to the miracle of the technique, which he kept in his hands.

Motorola's "firstborn" received the name Motorola Dynatac 8000X. He weighed near a kilogram, and height reached 25 cm. The phone could operate in talking about 30 minutes, and charged about 10 hours. And in ten years, in 1983, he finally went on sale. It cost a novelty of huge money - $ 3,500 - a little cheaper than a new car. But even despite this, potential buyers were abound.

In 1992, Motorola released a mobile phone that could be placed in the palm.

At the same time, the Finnish company Nokia introduced the first mass GSM phone Nokia 1011.

In 1993, thanks to Bellsouth / IBM, the first communicator appeared - the phone connected to the PDA.

And 1996 - the year of creation of the first phone-clamshell. This is a merit of all the same Motorola.

At this time, Nokia pleased the world the first smartphone with an Intel 386 processor and a full-fledged QWERTY keyboard - Nokia 9000.

On average, the person makes almost one and a half thousand phone calls per year.

Who invented the touchscreen phone

The great-grandfather of the famous iPhone is considered IBM Simon, released in 1994. He was the first touchpoint in the world. It cost "Simon" a lot - $ 1090. But it was not just a phone. He combined the quality of the phone and computer, and it could be used as a pager or fax. It was equipped with a calculator, calendar, notepad, task list, a pair of games and even an email agent.

The device had a monochrome display with a resolution of 160 × 293 pixels with a diagonal of 4.7 inches. Instead of the usual keys, a virtual keyboard appeared. The batteries were enough for an hour of conversation or 12 hours in standby mode.

Too high price did not allow the model to become popular among users, but it is "Simon" entered the story as the first touchphone.

In 2000, the world saw the first phone, officially called smartphone - Ericsson R380. The R380 touch screen was hidden under the folding lid with the usual buttons. The screen was monochrome, with a diagonal of 3.5 inches and a resolution of 120 × 360.

Worked a smartphone based on a new Symbian mobile device. R380 supported WAP, browser, notepad, email client, games were installed.

In 2007, IBM released the first phone, the sensor in which reacted to the touch of the finger, and not on the stylus. It was LG Ke850 Prada. This model is also remembered by an unusual design and wide functionality.

In the same year, Apple presented its famous iPhone to the general public.

The opportunity to contact close and friends at any moment today seems to us natural as breathing, but it was not always.

Even mobile phones got widespread no more than 15-20 years ago, and wired telephones appeared a little over a hundred years ago. Do you know who invented the phone, and in what year did it happen?

Almost in all modern textbooks and encyclopedias, American Alexander Bell is named inventor of the phone. However, this is not quite like this: Bell was just that man who was able to first patent the phone, and this happened in 1876.

The present inventor is born in the Italian Florence Antonio Meucci, who subsequently moved over the ocean and donkey in the United States. He founded the world's first factory producing paraffin candles, but afterwards the idea of \u200b\u200btransferring sounds to long distances. His work moved successfully, and already in 1860 the inventor showed the audience a device that he called Telektrophon. It used the principle of transforming sound oscillations to electromagnetic and back, which was subsequently the basis of all telephone sets.

Unfortunately, soon after the demonstration of the new invention, there was a misfortune, and the designer was for a long time in bed. During this time, his factory was ruined, and in order to somehow live, the spouse had to sell some devices made by Meumchati, including a telectorphone. Later, he was able to restore his invention and in 1871 he tried to get a patent on him. However, because of the extreme poverty, Meucci could not pay for the services of the Patent Bureau, and soon he died in poverty and obscurity. Only in 2002, justice was restored, and the US Congress recognized the inventor of the telephone of the Italian emigrant Antonio Meucci.

Few people know that the first mobile phone was created in the USSR in 1957. It consisted of the telephone and base station, which was connected to the usual city GTS. The telephone apparatus weighed about 3 kg, and Leonid Kompyanovich became his inventor. The designer and in the future worked on its development, and by 1961 the weight of the handset was able to reduce only 70 grams. The distance between the tube and the base station reached 80 kilometers on an equal terrain. In 1957, the inventor received a patent for the number 115494.

The disadvantage of Kupriyanovich's device was a small number of phones that could be connected with one base station. Their number was limited to the number of frequency channels selected for the station. According to the inventor, in order to overlap the entire area of \u200b\u200bMoscow, it would be necessary to establish no more than a dozen base stations. Subsequently, on the basis of the development of Kupriyanovich since 1965, the Bulgarian enterprise "Radioelectronics" produced mobile mini-PBX for 15 subscribers. They were used mainly on large construction sites as a departmental relationship.

The inventor of the world's first cell phone is Motorola Martin Cooper. It made the first copy of the mobile telephone apparatus operating on the cellular principle in 1973. The device weighed more kilograms and was subsequently named Motorola Dynatac. On the tube there were only 12 buttons, of which 10 were digital, and the other two were used to call and to terminate the conversation.

The display at the first cell phone was not, and the battery provided no more than a conversation hour, but it was charged as much as 10 hours in a row. Total until 1983, Motorola has released five different prototypes of the DYNATAC phone. The first cell phones appeared on a wide sale in 1983 called DynataC 8000x. They were sold at $ 3995, which for that time was a very large amount, but the queues for their acquisition reached several thousand people.

The first phone equipped with a touch screen was manufactured in 1993 by the staff of the famous IBM computer corporation. It was called IBM Simon, and his black and white screen was controlled by the stylus, although some operations could be performed with fingers. The phone weighed about 0.5 kg.

The battery charge was enough for only an hour of conversation or 8-10 hours of waiting. Although the novelty aroused the interest of buyers, but too high the price and frequent gadget breakdowns quickly reduced it to no. Soon the production of IBM Simon was discontinued.

As you know, iPhones produces an American Apple corporation, gaining popularity due to its non-standard and high-tech solutions. The main generator of ideas in Apple from its very reason was the legendary computer and entrepreneur Steve Jobs, the creator. In 1999, Jobs came to mind the idea that the company, in addition to computers, should produce both the world's best mobile phones. He came up with the concept of iPhone, but to realize the idea was only in 2005 together with Motorola specialists.

The first Apple phone called Purple-1 was the symbiosis of the phone and audio player. He did not get expected popularity, but the Apple team continued to work, and in 2007, the IPhone was first introduced to the public in San Francisco to the public, which later became a religious telephone. To date, the happy owners of the iPhones are millions of people in all countries of the world.

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