New Year's clock on the desktop. New Year's clock - how many to the new year

New Year's clock on the desktop. New Year's clock - how many to the new year


I decided to learn today how much time left before the new year And I climbed on the Internet - the first three online service on the network with a countdown ... did not work.

I waved the timers dependent on many factors and downloaded an absolutely free counter time to the laptop to the laptop to the most important holiday in the year - New Year's clock.

Free new Year's Watch New Year Clock - It is essentially ordinary countdown timer time to a certain event, only this is the most event in the program mounted tightly, added funny flashing garlands, Christmas tree and snowmen ...

... that can be easily changed, choosing them to your taste from a small built-in collection. To do this, click right-click on the New Year's hour on the desktop (according to any garlands item) and in the context menu that appears to select the desired item ...

Unfortunately, turn off the flashing garland is not possible, but a Christmas tree or a snowman - please (crossed out the sign in the upper left corner of the window "Image on the clock") ...

New Year's watch widget can be easily moving on the desktop by the left button computer mouse And place anywhere, but when we get tired of the flashing of the garland (not all users have iron nerves) - New Year's clock can be collapsed without any problems in (that near the watch) ...

... Simple double click on the program icon in the tray (the New Year's clock is returned to the desktop in the same way). As you can see, the New Year's watch menu works not only in the widget, but also in this small icon on the taskbar.

By the way, I almost forgot to say - you can find out how much before the new year it is possible without connecting to the Internet, the New Year's clock works completely autonomously (they are tied to the system time on your computer).

There are no viruses, as well as an additional "useful" software in the program installer.

By the way, literally a few days ago, the New Year's clock was updated by the author and several useful chips appeared in them.

Now you can know at any time how much left before the new year and do not miss this grandiose worldwide wedding of Olivier with Vinegret.

Prior to new interesting computer programs and useful services.

P.S. Do not forget pro winter section of the site - There is a lot of desired and beautiful for your favorite computer at this cold season.

P.S.S. Over time, program manufacturers change the interface of their creations, in every possible way improve them, add new features and remove unclaimed ... they have the right to it. In any case, the logic, purpose and spirit they always remain the same - repulse from the review above can be understood in any hypostasis of the recommended software.

Windows Desktop Decorations for the New Year

Today, many of us look at the monitor screen not much less frequently than in the window. Therefore, the decoration of your virtual space can serve as an excellent tool to create a New Year's mood. Especially if the view from the window does not please.

With the help of the programs listed here, you can decorate the Windows desktop with sparkling garlands, fluffy snow, New Year's Christmas tree and other holiday attributes.

Just note that with certain settings, the program for the snow image on the desktop can create a significant load on computer computing resources. In these cases, before launching demanding applications, such as games, such programs are recommended to disable.

Our program! A comprehensive solution is a whole set of New Year's decorations for Windows. Includes various types of electric hoars and snow; background sounds of the fireplace and blizzards; Popular New Year melodies played, if desired, during the launch of the program and every hour; Well, of course, Christmas trees with blinking lights. All with the ability to configure to your taste. Also, help find festive background images.

In general, when set by initially settings, the program must start and work on all modern (and not very) computers, including low-power. The most demanding component to computer computing power is " Snow" Therefore, on computers with small performance, before launching demanding, such as games, the snow is recommended to disable (settings\u003e Snow\u003e turn on). Snow in the main parameter for the effect on the processor load is " Density" The snow deck is more, the greater the load on the processor. Therefore, it is recommended to handle this setting especially accurately. Other components of the programs, including garlands, have no significant impacts on the processor load.

There is Russian.

Download Christmas Elf

Snow for windows

Decorate your desktop fluffy snow. In addition, the animated images of Santa on the harness and a polar bear can add to the screen, and several trees.

A very interesting feature of the application is to accumulate the dropped snow. And if the computer stands for some time without the case, then drifts are formed at the open windows.

Snow for Windows settings are very extensive and, according to modern standards, for the user they look even a bit frightening. But do not fear. The default program is quite configured and, if there is no desire to understand the subtleties, then there is no need to climb into the settings. And if you still want to dig in the settings, then be careful with the parameters defining the amount of snow and "CPU usage", since too large values \u200b\u200bcan have a noticeable effect on the processor load. Also, at low-performance computers before the launch of demanding applications, such as games, it may make sense to temporarily shutting down Snow for Windows.

The program is paid, but, since very old, (the last update is already in 2003) it is impossible to buy it anymore - the link does not work. Therefore, it remains either to limit the trial period of 10 days, which may be enough for the holidays. Or, if we consider that the program is still no longer for sale, it will probably won't be anything bad in searching for registration data on the Internet and take advantage of them. You decide.

Language - only English.

Download Snow for Windows

Another means for causing snow on the Windows desktop.

Free, small size, does not require installation.

Like other applications for creating snowfall effect, DesktopSnowok can have a significant effect on the processor load, especially with a large value of the "Snowflake" parameter.

It can show a variety of garlands along the edges of the screen, play holiday music and serve as a screen keeper.

As in the case of Snow for Windows, the program is quite old, paid and no longer sold. And, as well as in the previous case, you can limit the trial period. But unlike Snow for Windows, for those who bought the program before the developers have posted data (name and serial number) to register the program;)

Language - only English.

Download Holiday Lights

It looks like a previous program, but besides light bulbs, music and screensaver, it includes more desktop wallpaper and calendar.

Also a paid and no longer supported product. Free trial period - 15 days. Further action options are the same as in the case of Snow for Windows.

Language - only English.

Download twinkle bulbs.

Christmas tree

Three-dimensional animated Christmas tree. In the composition you can add a dog and a carpet. Also, the settings allow you to turn on the rotation of the image, resize, transparency and some other parameters.

When running the program creates a large load on computer computing power, which can significantly slow down the operation of the system.

Installation is not required, it is enough to unpack and run the protree.exe executable file from the archive. Management is carried out through the menu called by clicking on the image of the right mouse button. Read about how to delete a program and some uses to use it in Help - the readme.pdf file from the archive.

Languages: Russian, English, Belarusian, Ukrainian.

Animated Christmas Tree for Desktop

A large set of beautifully animated jewelry, a significant part of which are Christmas tree. In addition, there are snowballs, fireplace, electric hoist, snow, various scenes and more. Each decoration is a separate program. All programs are portable, i.e. do not require installation - just run the desired file and that's it.

To access the settings and closing the program, right-click on the decoration.

Note that the programs from the set have one unpleasant feature - when you run it, the default program is added to the startup to start with the system, which can create certain inconvenience. This can be disabled in the program settings.

New Year's Garland - Lim Xmas

A simple free program from a domestic developer, the essence of which is expressed by the name. At the time of writing these lines, includes six garlands.

Together with the installation file, the software package from Yandex is distributed, so during installation, if you do not need the proposed programs from Yandex, be careful.

Christmas tree

Another free creation from the creator of the "New Year's Garlands - Lim Xmas". Despite the name, except for Christmas tree (which more than ten) includes many more animated objects and scenes for New Year's topics. Plus there is a big collection of congratulations on the New Year.

Just like the "New Year's Garland - Lim Xmas", distributes software from Yandex - be careful when installing.

New Year's watch

The next program from Maxlim from the New Year's series. Festive view, with flashing garlands, the counter on the desktop shows how much time left before the new year. Appearance and some other parameters can be changed.

Snow on the desktop

Last from the list of Christmas decorations from Maxlim. This program includes several snow species for the desktop.

Just like other programs from Maxlim, distributes software from Yandex. Therefore, be careful when installing, if you do not need the proposed programs from Yandex, remove the corresponding ticks.


Flashing tree and snow on the desktop. Settings are: Turning on / off snow, automatic decay of the decorations, changing the migration mode of lights, work only when system is inactive. The settings are open with the left mouse button on the tree, deleting the program there.

Language - only English.

The program is paid with a trial period.


If something is not clear to you on this page or there are problems with the use of the programs presented - do not hesitate, ask in the comments, we will try to help.

! New Year -the most magical and fabulous holiday! It is time to add a fresh barcode and decorate the desktop of a computer with a beautiful sparkling Christmas tree, and to think about the new year's menu to a festive table ...

New Year tree on the desktop of the computer!

I offer you several options for every taste: classic and graphic Christmas trees with a light animation of flashing garlands.

Attention! This set of churches-gadgets is ideal for Windows 7 computer.

The second set (just below) - must come together)))

How to install the Gadget "New Year tree" on the desktop : After downloading, unpack the archive. Click two times with a mouse on any of the six gadgets. A new window will open - click "Set". Voila! Sparkling beauty tree on your computer desktop. How to remove the gadget from the desktop: Sweep the mouse to the Christmas tree on the desktop, a button with a cross will appear - press the cross and the gadget will disappear.

Another beautiful set "The Christmas Tree on the desktop".Here are 3 Christmas tree, a snowman with a garland, a globe with a snowman (shows how many days left before the new year or before Christmas - it can be configured) and a rotating snowy house with a Christmas tree.


How to install a Christmas tree on your desktop : After downloading, unpack the archive. Click on any Christmas tree and it will immediately appear on the desktop. How to remove such a Christmas tree : Loove the mouse to the picture, right-click and click on the drop-down menu - eXIT .

Well, what did everything work out: download and install Christmas trees? Play, choose what you liked. Now the sparkling Christmas tree will delight you every day.

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