Megafon incomprehensibly withdraw money. How to find out why a megaphone was withdrawn money

Megafon incomprehensibly withdraw money. How to find out why a megaphone was withdrawn money


Megafon has millions of subscribers who constantly replenish their phone balances by spending money on calls and the Internet. But a large number additional services lead to significant costs. Therefore, the user has no choice but to find out why the money was withdrawn on Megafon, and how to disable the unnecessary service.

Why can they withdraw money on Megafon

For any user mobile communications withdrawal Money with a phone balance can come as a complete surprise. It's one thing - when the subscriber actually activates additional services, for example, roaming when traveling to Belarus, Ukraine, etc. But it is completely different - when the connection to a particular service was carried out without the knowledge of the subscriber. And in most cases, there is no fault of the operator, since the service can be initially connected for free. In addition, scammers often make additional subscriptions to other people's numbers.

Money from a Megafon subscriber can be withdrawn for the following reasons:

  • on account of the debt for other user numbers;
  • due to hidden conditions of the tariff plan;
  • connection to the mobile Internet through third-party access points (for example, Anyapn);
  • as a fee for various operator services.

To find out why additional amounts disappear from the account, you need to clarify the list of connected services and order a breakdown of expenses. If some services were connected without the knowledge of the owner of the phone or the tariffs of regular services increased, you can disable them.

Find out through your personal account

Checking connected services should be mandatory. You can see where the money really goes by using the Internet. Subscribers often use the opportunity to find out such information on the official website of Megafon.

For this you need:

  1. Open official page operator.
  2. Log in.
  3. Find the "Service Management" section.
  4. Print cost details by phone number.
  5. Checking the presence or absence of unnecessary services in this way is very simple.
  6. Call Help Desk

To check the availability of additional services, the subscriber can contact the support center. To do this, just dial the number 0500 on the phone and call. The user will be connected to an operator who will help to understand the situation and explain why the money is withdrawn.

Important! If the subscriber believes that the operator is withdrawing money illegally, he needs to contact the company's office in person and write a corresponding application.

At the company office

  1. Via SMS. In order to use this method, the subscriber must have a list of codes for the selected services. If they are, then you should send the word "STOP" and a unique subscription code to number 5051. For example, the "Unlimited Dating" service is deactivated using the code 9218.
  2. Instead of SMS, you can send a USSD combination. It's free, as is sending a message.

There is no universal request, since each service has its own USSD command. Their list can be found on the official website of the company. For example, in order for users to disable the "Change the dial tone" service, there is a command *770*12#. And in order for the subscriber to be able to turn off "Unlimited SMS", he should use the combination *456*6#.

Precautionary measures

It is also better not to use your mobile number in different lotteries, do not leave them on dubious sites. Otherwise, scammers will be able to take advantage of this, which will lead to write-off additional funds from the account.

The operator cannot withdraw money from the phone account just like that. Most likely, the subscriber uses some kind of additional service and, of course, is forced to pay for it. But even if the service was activated by scammers, it is very easy to disable it and stop spending money. If there is an operator’s fault, then you should write a statement and deal with company representatives personally.

The problems of unnecessary write-offs of funds from the account are of concern to thousands of subscribers, judging by the reviews on popular Internet sites and in social networks. To find out where the money goes on MegaFon, use the tools below. We will also tell you how to prevent the leakage of funds from the balance.

The phrase "MegaFon steals money" has already set the teeth on edge. The thing is that the operator has another way of making money - by providing communication services. And no one will "steal" money from subscribers. Another thing is that certain services are provided on not always pleasant terms. The experience of working with subscribers in service shops shows that in 99.99% of cases it is not the operator who is to blame.

The main reasons for the loss of money from the account:

  • The operator wrote off the money on account of previously consumed services, which for some reason did not pass the billing - this really happens, but very, very rarely. Therefore, funds are debited later.
  • The subscriber has visited a country with operators that have not signed an agreement on online roaming - the debiting of funds occurs with a long delay, which makes subscribers suspicious of "theft" (at the same time, they do not notice the lack of tariffing in these countries).
  • The subscriber connected the service, but forgot about it - believe me, people do not suspect for years that they use paid services (even if they connected them with their own hands).
  • The operator made one of the free services paid - from MegaFon's side it's ugly, but there's nothing to be done, he has to do it full right(if there are objections, read the contract).
  • The subscriber picked up a subscription - for example, he wanted to know the weather forecast and dialed a command. This is one of the common schemes for connecting subscriptions (see forecasts and exchange rates on specialized resources - it's free).
  • The subscriber has numbers and personal accounts with debts. Do you remember how you bought a number for Masha/Sveta/Lena/Seryozha, a neighbor on the porch, a grandmother, an obnoxious nephew or a distant relative? So, if they allow the formation of a debt and do not pay it off, you will have to answer (and you don’t need to say otherwise - you signed the contract with your own hands, no one forced you to do this and didn’t put a cold muzzle of a gun to your temple).
  • The subscriber has children and they got access to the phone - say thank you if the money is lost only from the phone, and not from yours bank card where the amount for the next installment on the mortgage lay. In general, children and elderly relatives have a unique and ineradicable gift to create debts on telephone numbers.
  • The selected tariff turned out to be confusing, which led to unnecessary write-offs.
  • The subscriber used the service, which implies the presence of a free period. He needed to track the end of this period and disable the service.
  • Confusion in directions - sometimes you seem to be calling to your region, but the call turns out to be long-distance (for example, the code 928 is found at MegaFon in the Krasnodar Territory and the Rostov Region, which can lead to confusion).

Most often, money disappears due to the fault of subscribers. They produce dozens of numbers and do not control them, do not consider it necessary to read contracts, laws and offers are not written to them, they call dubious numbers, participate in television lotteries (this is generally incomprehensible to the mind), send dubious USSD commands, visit no less dubious resources and cling to them dozens of subscriptions. And it is impossible to convince them of their own wrong.

Remember that MegaFon's billing (a hardware and software system that keeps records of consumed services and performs billing) is almost never wrong. If an error is suspected, billing data is compared with data from other systems - the procedure eliminates inaccuracies and points to the real culprit.

First you need to look into your personal account and check the list of connected services and options. In complex cases, detailing is ordered. You can also use a special command that will tell you about the latest write-offs (in short form, of course).

USSD command

To order a short express detail, send the USSD command *512#. After a few seconds (or minutes), an SMS will be sent to the phone, in which a mini-statement of the latest charges will be presented. The service is free, the maximum number of requests per day is not regulated, in contrast to the traditional specification.

Through personal account

Before us is the most powerful, most functional, most convenient tool that allows you to find out where the money goes on MegaFon. is the best friend of the subscriber, always ready to hand over the operator with giblets and issue full information about write-offs. And you don’t need to invent something for yourself that MegaFon fakes details - how can such nonsense come to mind?

To get started, take a look at the section with connected services and options. They are provided with subscription fee and without it. Some of them were free, but they became paid - this also happens. In general, we go into the section and study it. Infotainment subscriptions will also be presented here. Read the descriptions of the connected services, everything that is not needed - turn it off.

Also, the money goes to pay the subscription fee for the used tariff plan. Its name is indicated on home page personal account. You need to evaluate the number of services spent and clarify whether you need to change the tariff. Statistics are displayed in the "Expenses, replenishments and details" section. Incidentally, the detail is great way find out where the money goes. It displays:

  • Outgoing and outgoing calls.
  • The facts of sending paid USSD commands and SMS.
  • Internet sessions (including those divided by the generations of the networks used - 4G sessions are displayed separately).
  • Sent SMS to paid destinations.
  • Charges for subscriptions, monthly fees and more.

Order it for the period that you consider suspicious and analyze it.

Some subscribers believe that someone else is using their number. Order the details and take a look at the last column - this is the IMEI of the device from which this or that operation was performed. Dial *#06# on your phone and compare - if you have not moved the SIM card from phone to phone, the entire column will be filled with the same value.

Detailing is ordered free of charge. But if you order it again for the current day, then the second and all subsequent printouts will cost 3 rubles for each day (for example, detailing for 5 days will cost 15 rubles).

Call to technical support

Not the most effective tool, since by calling 0500 they will offer to look into your personal account and order details. In some ways, technical support consultants are right - it is much more convenient to analyze a printout than to perceive something by ear. The maximum that experts can talk about is about write-offs within the framework of tariffs, options, services and mobile subscriptions.

Company office

To find out where the money goes from the phone, specialists from MegaFon offices will help. Ask a specialist to sort out the write-offs and keep up with him until he gives out all the necessary information. If you want to solve the problem once and for all, save insults and haughty tone for other places - the consultant is not to blame for anything.

Speaking of offices, if you do not agree with any write-offs, you can always write a written claim. Moreover, it is not necessary to accompany it with obscene vocabulary, either verbally or in writing - consultants accompany claims with notes that indicate the behavior of the subscriber. MegaFon is loyal only to adequate customers - remember this once and for all.

Ordering one-time detailing at MegaFon offices costs 3 rubles per day. You can save money and order it yourself through your personal account.

other methods

You can order detailing not only in offices and your personal account, but also in the My MegaFon mobile application. Install it on your smartphone or tablet, log in - you will have at your disposal a tool for viewing balances, working with tariff plans, services and options, and quickly ordering details.

We control costs

A personal account will help control expenses and mobile app. You can order details, control the consumption of service packages. You can also order a monthly invoice here - it is free, shows a summary of accruals and payments for the calendar month. By the way, periodic detailing (for each month, sent automatically) costs 90 rubles. Therefore, it is cheaper to order it manually by selecting the required period.

Precautionary measures

Taking advantage mobile phone(and even more so with a smartphone), elementary precautions are manifested:

  • Do not call short numbers.
  • Do not send unfamiliar USSD commands.
  • Do not participate in quiz shows.
  • Do not visit dubious resources.
  • Use browsers that will protect against visiting phishing resources and help stop subscriptions.
  • Disable Mobile Internet on the phone of an elderly relative (if it is issued to you).
  • Turn off any numbers that you do not use at the nearest office.
  • Carefully read the contracts and regularly read the news on our website and on the website of the MegaFon operator.
  • Regularly review the list of connected services and options - turn off what you do not need.

Each client of mobile operators from time to time is interested in where and what the money from his account is spent on. Especially if it detects an unexpected write-off of funds, or when ordering paid services on social networks and in online stores, more money flies from the account than expected.

Where's the money?

As you know, nothing disappears anywhere without a trace - this also applies to the money in your account, you can find out where they go in different ways, and one of them is on the MegaFon website.

But in order to get your own Personal Account, you need to log in and get a password. You can receive a password in the form of an SMS using the USSD command * 105 * 00 # . After authorization in the system, you need to go to "Expenses, replenishments and details".

In this section you can see:

  • Expenses for the current month.
  • Spending in the last 6 months.
  • Call detail order button.
  • Button for ordering a current account.

To get an expense report, you must select the last item. Here you need to specify your e-mail, and in a few minutes you will receive a report with information on all expenses for the last month, on the amounts for outgoing calls, paid services, charges, roaming services, SMS center and other actions.

To prevent accidental waste of money from the account for sending paid SMS, paid calls, or USSD commands, you can use the Stop Content ban on MegaFon content.

The report received by e-mail will not contain detailed information on the cost of each call or each SMS. To find out, you can follow the link "Call detail order", which stores information about the cost of all received services. There you can find out the numbers of incoming calls, find out the cost of sent SMS, check what actions you have taken recently, and what is their cost.

In addition, in order to find out for which service money was withdrawn from your account, you need to find out what services you have connected. If the money from your account disappears for no reason you understand, you need to look at the “Services, options and subscriptions” section, your number may be connected to paid services, or subscriptions that you absolutely do not need.

From the Personal Account to the Company Office

If you do not have a Personal Account, do not have access to the Internet, or you have not mastered a computer, take your passport and go to the nearest MegaFon customer service office. You can perform these actions only if the number is issued to you personally, if not, the details will not be given to you.

In addition, information about the last five actions can be received by phone in the form of SMS by dialing the USSD command * 512 # - this service is free.

To get the details for the week, you need to dial the USSD command * 113 #, or send an arbitrary SMS to 5039 - the cost of this service is 21 rubles, the information will come in the form of MMS. The same information can be received by email if you send the mailbox address to the number 5039.

MegaFon gives its subscribers the opportunity to order details all the time, it is generated automatically, and costs 100 rubles per month. Whereas visiting the Personal Account and receiving details 1 time per day are free.

Hello, dear readers of our site. Sometimes it happens that some amounts of money are debited from your Megafon mobile account somewhere. Moreover, in most cases, these write-offs begin to occur regularly.
This fact is quite understandable if you have a tariff plan with a subscriber payment system, and if you do not have a subscriber?

There you can make yourself a detailed idealization of all your expenses.

A Megafon help center specialist will definitely help you.


However, one should not forget the fact that the manager will protect the interests of his employer, and if you think with one hundred percent certainty that the money has been debited from you illegally, feel free to write an application at the sales office for a refund. If you manage to prove that the write-off is illegal, everything will be returned to you to the penny. However, do not forget that the reason may be that you did not carefully read the terms of the tariff. In this case, you have the opportunity to apply to the regulatory authorities or to the court.
You can also change the operator while maintaining your number and choose a more profitable and understandable tariff plan.

Did you find out that money is leaving Megafon's account, but you do not have paid services and there are no such expenses under the terms of the tariff? Don't be too quick to blame the cellular network. Megafon will not risk its reputation, and withdraw money unnecessarily. So, how to determine where the funds from Megafon go?

Let's try to figure it out, having dealt with all the features of the connection. Cellular networks in Russia are not ideal, but they will not steal funds from the account, as they have many different methods of how to make money on customers. As a rule, the main reason is hidden services, which you may not even be aware of. To eliminate this, it is enough to know which services are activated on Megafon and block the unnecessary. But there may be other reasons as well. First of all, we will deal with the main reasons for the loss of funds.

Cost Details

There are several methods to determine why funds are leaving the number:

  • Visit your personal account;
  • Contact the operator 0500 ;
  • Go to the Megafon sales office.

The simplest of them is to order details through your personal account. In your office you will have the opportunity to display the details on the display or on the printer. This service does not require payment and is always available. In the submitted report, you will see all the expenses of funds associated with your number. If at least one penny was spent, then you will find out when and for what it was spent.

If any paid services are activated that have not been ordered, then you can disable them in the section " Service management". You can go to and read a separate article about these methods. But if there are connected subscriptions from third-party sites, then this is already a problem.

How to find out where the funds go, except for details

As a rule, you can sort out your spending of money without outside help, having received the details of the calculations. But in rare cases, you won't be able to. And then we recommend that you contact the support center for help or come to the Megafon sales office.

But before you decide to visit the office, first call the support center 0500. After dialing this number, follow the instructions of the robot and contact the operator. When you are connected to a specialist, try to find out why the money is leaving. The reason is in incomprehensible tariff conditions or money is debited for another number. In general, you will receive an answer with explanations.

If for some reason you were not satisfied with the operator's response, and the write-off was illegal, you can visit the nearest Megafon office to you. Arriving there, write a statement. If you can prove that the withdrawal was not your fault, then the money will be returned to your account. But it won't be an easy task. If the money was debited from the account due to the fact that you did not correctly understand the terms of the tariff, then the blame for this falls on you. We need to take a closer look at the contract. In any case, you can always switch to another network while keeping your number and get better conditions.

Small precautions to avoid unnecessary spending:

  1. Carefully study the terms of services and services;
  2. Never subscribe to dubious services (horoscopes, news, jokes, movies, tunes, etc.);
  3. If you got on a file sharing service, then do not connect paid access to it. Otherwise, paid subscriptions will be connected to you and funds will be regularly debited from your account;
  4. Do not help in connecting dubious accounts, do not make requests and commands;
  5. Do not participate in TV lotteries and other dubious pranks.

Megafon subscribers receive not only communication, but also entertainment and information content. A special portal is responsible for this. But not everyone knows that Mobile Portal Megafon withdraws money! Let's talk about how to turn it off and save your money today.

Using the service, you will have access to news, applications, services and even adult content. The site is available at via a browser on a computer or smartphone. But the full version of the resource opens only with mobile device.

The portal has four sections:

  • political;
  • about business;
  • about the weather
  • social.

It is worth noting! Internet traffic is not consumed in the home region. You can access the portal in roaming at the same rates as for other resources.

To use the applications, you must register on the site:

This completes the registration! You can proceed to use the portal.

Why is money withdrawn

Service " Mobile portal Megaphone" is free. You don't need to connect it. Access is open to everyone, including subscribers of other operators. No money is withdrawn for reading news content. But when using entertainment applications: games, music, video and other services, funds are debited.

By connecting paid content, the site will warn that money will be withdrawn from your account. Write-off will occur only if it is confirmed. By subscribing to entertainment applications, withdrawals will occur automatically and regularly.

How to disable

"Mobile Portal" cannot be turned off, but you can get rid of subscriptions on your phone using three methods:

  1. Log in to your Personal Account. In the Services menu, disable subscriptions.
  2. Call the consultant at 0500. They will help you turn off the services and tell you what the money is being withdrawn for.
  3. Visit the office center. Employees will disable subscriptions upon presentation of ID.

Most Megafon subscribers at least once encountered an unexpected debiting of money from their SIM card. Usually, after such a nuisance, many have doubts about the honesty of the mobile operator. But the company is hardly guilty of outright embezzlement of funds from the account: firstly, it can receive income from subscribers and in completely legal ways, and secondly, it will not risk its reputation by deceiving customers.

If the funds on the balance are melting for no apparent reason, this means that you have connected some kind of service that you do not know about.

Reasons for withdrawing money without the knowledge of the subscriber

Despite the fact that no operator will steal money from a subscriber account, mobile service providers can increase their income due to paid services that are offered (and connected) to customers both completely openly and covertly. Usually money is debited to Megafon for:

  • connected paid subscriptions;
  • other paid active services;
  • implicit terms of the tariff plan;
  • to pay off the debt on third-party SIM-cards of the subscriber.

Sometimes money is written off for previously used services, for example, after returning from a foreign country where roaming does not work - thus, the billing of services is delayed.

Often, subscribers simply do not pay attention to the additional conditions of a particular option, written in small print. For example, a service can be provided free of charge only for the first few months, and then money will be withdrawn for it. If the regular fee is small, then it is not possible to notice such a catch right away, which sometimes leads to unpleasant surprises in the form of the disappearance of a rather impressive amount from the account over a long period of time.

Ways to find out why money was withdrawn from a Megafon subscriber

There are several ways to understand where the money is going from the account and stop their leakage. The most convenient and visual of them is to make a detail, which is a statement of expenses. It prescribes each individual operation of withdrawing money from the balance, indicating the amount, service and date. Detailing is ordered in one of the following ways.

Through personal account

The cost of detailing on the official website.

Go to your personal account on the official website of Megafon (Service Guide) or download a mobile application for your smartphone or tablet. After authorization, you must select the section " Statistics and detail". Next, you will be offered two types of services: monthly report and report detailing. It is recommended to choose the second one. Enter your email and specify the period for which you need information about the withdrawal of funds. Detailing will come to your mailbox almost immediately.

Unlike other popular mobile operators Megafon may charge a fee for detailing, the amount of which ranges from 15 to 100 rubles and depends on the reporting period.

Call to technical support

Call 0500. The call is free for all subscribers. An employee of the company will answer your questions about expenses and write-offs from the balance, and will also help you disable paid services if necessary.

Company office

Visit the nearest office of the company, having previously captured your passport (if the SIM card is issued to you). The consultant in the office will provide detailed details and, upon request, turn off unnecessary services. Of course, it's easier to get this information over the Internet or a phone call - but if you need spending data from 6 months ago or earlier, going to the office is the only way to get it.

other methods

You can find out about withdrawing money from the balance to Megafon in other ways:

Precautionary measures

To prevent unplanned withdrawals from your balance, follow these simple guidelines:

  • carefully study the conditions of connected tariff plans, services and other offers of the operator;
  • do not send unfamiliar commands and messages to suspicious numbers;
  • do not leave your phone number on dubious sites and do not activate access to files by sending SMS on various resources;
  • do not connect suspicious subscriptions
  • do not accept codes from strangers.

Paid subscriptions can be activated while visiting various sites even without the knowledge of the subscriber. To prevent this from happening, always check the address of the web resource you are accessing.

Questions from subscribers

What should I do if the details of the account did not determine where the money goes?

In this situation, you need to contact the operator's office as soon as possible or call the Megafon help center. Usually, it is at the stage of communication with the manager that the subscriber learns about additional paid terms your tariff.

That is why you should always carefully read the terms of the contract with the operator. The fact that you personally signed it means you agree to pay for additional services and subscriptions, so the money is withdrawn legally. In this case, there is only one way out - to change your tariff plan to a more suitable option.

What to do if the money is withdrawn illegally?

If you are still sure that the provider has violated the terms of the agreement by its actions and the funds are debited illegally, you must go to the company's office and write a written claim. It will be reviewed by employees and, if the write-off really happened due to the error of the provider, the amount on the account will be adjusted. However, this happens extremely rarely. In case of a serious conflict, it is better to change the operator, keeping your phone number.

The main thing when detecting dubious write-offs of money from the balance is to find out their cause as soon as possible and eliminate it. Otherwise, a debt may form on the SIM card, which the operator will later be able to repay from another number owned by you.

Every day we make a large number of calls, send SMS and consume network traffic. Sometimes money from the balance is spent too quickly and it is not clear for what purpose. And the user may not even notice it. We will find out for what they can withdraw money on Megafon.

When money is withdrawn without the knowledge of the subscriber

For correct operation mobile device, it is necessary to replenish the account periodically and it becomes unpleasant if the amount of expenses increases, and the terms of provision and characteristics of the tariff plan do not change. Funds can be withdrawn from the account without the consent of the consumer for several reasons:

  1. On the phone number the user has installed information or entertainment subscriptions, additional paid content. Moreover, these applications may not apply to the Megafon network. Usually, their presence is indicated by constantly arriving advertising notifications in the form of SMS.
  2. On the SIM card, services that work in a paid mode are active.
  3. The presence of debts to the provider on other SIM cards that are registered for one consumer.
  4. Poorly selected contract.
  5. Hidden restrictions and tricks from the operator when changing the tariff plan. For example, a subscriber activated a contract, within the framework of which a certain function was provided for a promotion, completely freely. But when the promo period is over and the conditions have changed, the previously free service will begin to charge a commission every day. Often the client himself launches a certain option, and then simply forgets about it.
  6. A mobile device may be infected with a virus program, and scammers are extorting money.
  7. Smart phone operation. Going to unknown resources and opening suspicious links.

Controlling expenses in your personal account

To enter your personal account, register by entering your phone number and security code. In the main menu of the resource displayed useful information, the current state of the balance, the volume of balances of package data in the current month and much more.

If you want to know why the extra money was withdrawn from the balance, look at the information about all installed options on your mobile device. To do this, open the "Services" section. Here you can control the appearance unnecessary applications, useless paid content and subscriptions. Deactivate them if necessary.

To find out specifically the time interval and function due to which funds were lost, go to the "Expenses" tab and you will see information about all paid activities in the current monthly period. If you need statistics for several months or a longer period of operation, fill out the details or order an invoice.

The first request for one-time detailing is free of charge, for subsequent requests, you will have to pay 3 rubles per day. There is periodic reporting, it costs 90 rubles. After activation, you will receive full statistics every 30 days. You can request an invoice to your e-mail for zero rubles. or at mailbox for 90 rubles per month.

Attention! To use the personal account service, you need a stable internet connection.

Help from Megafon employees

If the received detailing and personal account did not help, use the qualified help of specialists. You can choose two paths:

  1. Call on hotline technical support consumer 0500, ask the operator to disable connected services.
  2. Contact the service provider's salon.

USSD requests

In order not to be unexpectedly left without money on the balance sheet, it is necessary to periodically control your expenses. Here is a list of USSD combinations:

  1. *105# . The team provides remote access to the personal account service.
  2. *100# is the main command for checking the balance status at the current time.
  3. *583# - displays information about all subscriptions and connected paid services.
  4. *512# is a simplified version of the detail. It displays data on the latest paid transactions on the user's SIM card.

The use of all listed combinations is not subject to billing in the territory of the home region and in any part of the world.

SMS service

If you want to know where the money was spent from your account, use the SMS service from the provider, which will promptly provide the necessary information:

  1. Write SMS to the number "000105612" - "Last 5 calls".
  2. SMS to "000105611" - "Last expenses".
  3. SMS to "000105613" - "Last 5 SMS".

As a result, you will receive a response notification from the operator with the requested information. Sending a message in the home area is free of charge.

Precautionary measures

To avoid trouble and unforeseen expenses, a number of preventive measures should be observed:

  1. Before connecting a tariff plan or a specific service, carefully study the features of the provision and conditions in the contract, especially under the small print and footnotes.
  2. Don't subscribe to useless subscriptions.
  3. Check your balance daily.
  4. Do not visit suspicious sites and online resources, especially do not leave your personal data on them.
  5. Do not reply to unknown messages, do not open links and unverified files to avoid viruses infecting your mobile device.
  6. Do not participate in dubious television lotteries.

To ensure that the account balance is always under control, install the Live Balance service from Megafon. It will display up-to-date information about the amount of money on the smartphone display in the form of a widget. Charged for use subscription fee 1.5 rubles per day. To activate, dial the code *134# . Some phone models may not support this option.

Money is regularly withdrawn from your Megafon account, while your tariff plan and connected services do not imply such expenses? How to find out what Megafon is withdrawing money for? Many subscribers, finding themselves in a similar situation, blame the operator for dishonesty. In practice, billing system errors are extremely rare, and Megafon is unlikely to risk its reputation by withdrawing money from subscribers' accounts for no reason.

Of course, our operators are far from ideal, and the first place for them has always been and will be income, although we are constantly told the opposite. Nevertheless, the operator will not steal money from you, because there are many other options to make money on subscribers. If you have not planned to lose money from your Megafon account, then the reason for this is paid services, the existence of which you simply do not know. Often, to solve the problem, it is enough to find out and turn off all unnecessary. Much less often, funds are debited from the balance without the knowledge of the subscriber for other reasons.

The main reasons for the loss of money at the Marathon:

  • Availability of connected paid services;
  • Availability of connected subscriptions;
  • The presence of debts on other SIM-cards issued in the same name;
  • The presence of hidden conditions in the tariff plan.

As part of this review, we will tell you how to find out why Megafon was withdrawn money. The recommendations below will be relevant regardless of the reason for the write-off of funds.

How to order itemization of expenses on Megafon

There are quite a few ways to determine the reason for writing off money from the balance. The easiest way is to order an itemization of expenses for the last few days. Thus, you can see when, for what and how much money was deducted from your balance. Knowing the reason for debiting funds, you can easily eliminate it.

You can order itemization of expenses:

  • Through your personal account (Service Guide);
  • By calling the help center;
  • By contacting the Megafon office.

The easiest option involves using the capabilities of Megafon's personal account. Here you can display the details on the monitor or print it. available for free at any time. The resulting report will include all financial operations produced on your number. Even if one penny was withdrawn from the balance, this will definitely be displayed in the details. It will also indicate what exactly the money was debited for.

If you see that the withdrawal of funds from the balance occurs for some paid services or subscriptions, then remember their names, go to the "Service Management" section and disable them. There may be a problem with disabling subscriptions, especially if they were connected when visiting sites with questionable content. we wrote in a separate article, so it makes no sense to pay attention to this issue within the framework of this review.

How to find out what Megafon is withdrawing money for if the details did not help

In most cases, the problem can be solved by getting the details of expenses for the last few days. However, in some cases, subscribers fail to identify the reason for withdrawing money from the balance through their personal account.

In this case, you should:

  • Contact the help center;
  • Visit the Megafon office.

Before wasting time going to the office, it makes sense to try to solve the problem by contacting the customer support center. 0500. Call the specified number and follow the prompts of the autoinformer to contact a specialist. Further, it remains only to clarify what Megafon is withdrawing money for. Perhaps the reason is that you did not understand the confusing conditions of the tariff, or money is debited from your account to pay off the debt to another number, which is also issued in your name. The help center specialist should help you.

However, it should be remembered that the operator primarily protects the interests of the company, and if you think that money is being withdrawn from your account illegally, then go to the office and write a statement. If you manage to prove that the money was debited through no fault of yours, then you can count on a refund. True, you must understand that it will be very difficult to prove this. For example, if the reason lies in the hidden conditions of the tariff, then you will be to blame, since you did not carefully study the contract. If the situation finally escalated, you can choose for yourself more convenient conditions for using mobile services.

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