The concept of informatics, information technology. Informatics and information technology in professional activities What is the difference between information technology informatics

The concept of informatics, information technology. Informatics and information technology in professional activities What is the difference between information technology informatics


On this page we will talk about topics such as: Basic concepts informatics, , Information classification.

Information technology definition.

Information Technology(IT, from the English information technology, IT) is a science directly related to computer technology. Engaged in the study of control and data processing technologies, both with the use of a personal computer and without the use of computer technology. Nowadays it is very difficult to imagine a world without Information Technology, computers and other automated systems.

Today, more often the concept Information Technology, is perceived as "Computer technology". Usually, Information Technology directly connected to the computer and software for transmission, storage, processing, editing and protection information.

According to the definition adopted by UNESCO, Information Technology(IT) is a complex of interrelated, scientific, technological, engineering disciplines that study the methods of effective organization of the work of people involved in the processing and storage of information, computer technology and methods of organizing and interacting with people and production equipment, their practical applications, as well as those related to everything these social, economic and cultural problems.

Basic concepts of computer science.

Informatics: a discipline based on the use of computer technology that studies the structure, general properties of information and all information processes ( information automation).

The basic concepts of computer science and information technology are:

  • Information.
  • Information processes.
  • Technology.
  • Informational resources.
  • Information system.

Information- comes from the word information, information, data. Information in the understanding of a computer is a sequence of characters that carries a semantic load and is presented in a form understandable to the computer.

Information processes- actions carried out with information:

  • Collection.
  • Receipt.
  • Storage.
  • Treatment.
  • Broadcast.

Technology- derived from Latin techne): art, skill, craftsmanship. Technology is a certain set of actions aimed at achieving a goal.

Information Technology- a set of software, technical, documentary tools for the implementation of information processes.

Information system- an ordered set of documented information that meets certain principles (reliability, accuracy, structuredness). A typical example information system is the database. Also, the information system includes: local networks, databases, global networks, etc.

Information resource— a set of data organized to effectively obtain reliable information. A typical example of an information resource is a website.

Information classification.

Any classification is always relative. The same object can be classified on different grounds or criteria. Often there are situations when, depending on the environmental conditions, an object can be assigned to different categories. classification groupings. These considerations are especially relevant when classification of types of information, since it can often be used in different conditions, by different consumers, for different purposes.

Information can classify on several grounds. According to the method of receiving and transmitting information is classified on: visual (visual), auditory (sound), tactile (felt), organoleptic (gustatory). By way of presentation and processing information is classified on: analog (ordinary telephone line) and discrete (digital). By computer processing technology information can be classified into: character, numeric, multimedia and graphic

This concludes this article, I hope you have fully understood the topics: Basic concepts of computer science, Information technology definition, Information classification.

1. The concept of information technology. 2

2.Features of professional communication using modern means of communication. 2

3. Use of new information technologies at school. 5

4. Use of multimedia textbooks and Internet technologies in the educational process. 7

5. Distance education of a teacher as a way to improve the professional competence of a teacher. eight

6. Program - automated workplace "School". 9

7. Creation of a single information and educational space in an educational institution through the organization of a local network. ten

8. Literature. eleven

1. The concept of information technology

Technology when translated from Greek (techne) means art, skill, skill, and this is nothing more than processes. A process should be understood as a certain set of actions aimed at achieving a set goal. The process should be determined by the strategy chosen by the person and implemented using a combination of various means and methods.
Under the technology of material production is understood a process determined by a set of means and methods of processing, manufacturing, changing the state, properties, form of raw materials or material. Technology changes the quality or initial state of matter in order to obtain a material product.
Information is one of the most valuable resources of society along with such traditional material types of resources as oil, gas, minerals, etc., which means that the process of its processing, by analogy with the processes of processing material resources, can be perceived as a technology. Then the following definition holds.
Information technology is a process that uses a set of means and methods for collecting, processing and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process or phenomenon (information product).
The purpose of material production technology is to produce products that satisfy the needs of a person or system.
The purpose of information technology is the production of information for its analysis by a person and the adoption on its basis of a decision to perform an action.
It is known that by applying different technologies to the same material resource, you can get different products, products. The same will be true for information processing technology.

2.Features of professional communication using modern means of communication.

Information technology is the most important component of the process of using the information resources of society. In modern society, the main technical means of information processing technology is a personal computer, which significantly influenced both the concept of building and using technological processes, and the quality of the resulting information. The introduction of the personal computer in information sphere and the use of telecommunication means of communication determined a new stage in the development of information technology and, as a result, a change in its name by adding one of the synonyms: "new", "computer" or "modern".
The adjective "new" emphasizes the innovative rather than evolutionary nature of this technology. Its implementation is an innovative act in the sense that it significantly changes the content of various activities in organizations. The concept of new information technology also includes communication technologies that provide the transfer of information by various means, namely telephone, telegraph, telecommunications, fax, etc.

New information technology - information technology with a "friendly" user interface, using personal computers and telecommunications.
The adjective "computer" emphasizes that the main technical means of its implementation is a computer.
Three basic principles of new (computer) information technology:
-interactive (dialogue) mode of work with a computer;
- integration (docking, interconnection) with other software products;
-flexibility of the process of changing both data and task definitions.
The implementation of the technological process of material production is carried out using various technical means, which include: equipment, machines, tools, conveyor lines, etc.
By analogy, there should be something similar for information technology. Such technical means of information production will be the hardware, software and mathematical support of this process. With their help, primary information is processed into information of a new quality. Separately, from these tools, we will single out software products and call them tools, and for greater clarity, we can specify it by calling information technology software tools. Let's define this concept.
Information technology tool - one or more related software products for a specific type of computer, the technology of which allows you to achieve the goal set by the user. As tools, you can use the following common types of software products for a personal computer: word processor (editor), desktop publishing systems, spreadsheets, database management systems, electronic notebooks, electronic calendars, functional information systems (financial, accounting, for marketing, etc.), expert systems, etc.
The implementation of the functions of an information system is impossible without knowledge of the information technology oriented towards it. Information technology can also exist outside the scope of the information system.
Thus, information technology is a more capacious concept that reflects the modern understanding of the processes of information transformation in the information society. In a skillful combination of two information technologies - management and computer - a guarantee successful work information system.
Information technology is a set of well-defined purposeful actions of personnel for the processing of information on

Information system - a human-computer system for decision support and production of information products, using computer information technology.
Used in the manufacturing sector, such technological concepts as a norm, standard, technological process, technological operation, etc., can also be used in information technology. Before developing these concepts in any technology, including information technology, one should always start with the definition of the goal. Then you should try to structure all the proposed actions leading to the intended goal, and select the necessary software tools.
Information technology, like any other, must meet the following requirements:
- provide a high degree of dismemberment of the entire information processing process into stages (phases), operations, actions;
- include the entire set of elements necessary to achieve the goal;
- be regular. Stages, actions, operations of the technological process can be standardized and unified, which will allow more efficient targeted management of information processes.
Equipping organizations, enterprises, firms with new hardware and software that increase the capabilities of a computer, the transition to the category of an anachronism of understanding it as a computer, gradually led to the replacement of the term "computer technology" by the concepts of " Information Technology", which are characterized by the environment where they are carried out, and the components that it contains:
-technical environment (type of equipment used to solve the main problems);
- software environment (a set of software tools);
-subject environment (content of a specific subject area of ​​science, technology, knowledge);
-technological environment (instructions, procedure for use, assessment

efficiency, etc.

Changes in the social space have a significant impact on the content and direction of communication processes. There are opportunities for the accumulation and processing of information in new forms of communication. The ongoing change in the information field in the conditions of computerization affects the worldview of a modern person, creating a new type of thinking.
At the present stage, in the context of informatization of the life of society in general, management activities, including, can be carried out using computer technologies. What is presented not only as interpersonal communication using the Internet, but also as communication between a person and a computer, which acquires some human features. Thus, it is the human-machine dialogue that is the main difference between electronic communication and oral or documentary communication. As a result, in one way or another, all past types and forms of communication are transformed, actively functioning in a new qualitative unity with each other.
The manager needs to take into account the peculiarities of the activities of subordinates, whose work is directly related to the computer. The computer today is becoming an ordinary means of communication, and in the future it can become one of the main means of communicative interaction. If this really happens, then the logic of computer networks will inevitably begin to turn into the logic of communication of a modern person, who will inevitably experience a reduction in social interaction, narrowing of social ties, and the development of depressive situations due to loneliness. In this situation, the manager needs to take preventive measures against undesirable consequences. It is important to simultaneously develop two types of communication: real and virtual. What does the use of information tools as the most important tool in management processes mean, impossible without direct contact with the employee. Interpersonal communication continues to be the basis of managerial activity due to the lack of opportunities and intrinsic motivation for some managers and their subordinates to use technical means.
To solve the problems of more effective teaching of professional and business communication in the emerging qualitatively new informatized environment, it is necessary to acquire knowledge of the theory and practice of real and virtual communication in various fields and situations of professional communication.

3. Use of new information technologies at school.

New information technologies take root in our country extremely unevenly. How does this unevenness correlate with the opportunities and needs of a particular teacher? Can new information technologies give a new impetus to already established professionals? The answers to these questions are obvious. In the absence of an acceptable (adequate to labor costs) level of wages, new information technologies are one of the significant factors that, due to their novelty, objective interest and modernity, can attract young people to school and prevent experienced teachers from leaving the school. It attracts an interesting and modern case, both in essence and in content. At the same time, it is very important that new information technologies are used not instead of, but together with traditional educational technologies. Thanks, among other things, to the state informatization program, modern computers have appeared in almost all schools. For many teachers, it is obvious that a modern multimedia computer is a reliable assistant and an effective educational tool in teaching various subjects. But the computer itself is useless if there is no access to modern electronic resources on the Internet or on CDs. And the use by the teacher of high-quality educational electronic resources makes it possible for students to receive adequate school history education, regardless of the location of the educational institution. At the same time, five levels of such a user can be clearly distinguished. Level one - high start. Using the computer as a "typewriter with memory"; more or less regular preparation with its help of the simplest didactic materials, lesson plans, planning, etc.; creation of lists and file cabinets; template forms, a calm attitude to the works of students created in computer form; elementary systematization of documents in a home computer. The second level is the discovery of opportunities. Achieving this level is inextricably linked with access to the Internet. It is possible to single out an intermediate stage - acquaintance with thematic CD-ROMs. Despite the low educational and methodological level of the latter, they are able to impress a subject teacher who misses high-quality visual aids, and, first of all, with the richest animation capabilities of modern technologies. The use of a computer in the classroom and in extracurricular activities makes the teacher the glory of an advanced and progressive person. Schoolchildren begin to set him as an example to other subjects, and in the eyes of work colleagues, the authority of such a teacher increases. It is at this stage that the teacher begins to attract his students to participate in distance olympiads and competitions. The third level is on the way to creativity. The teacher begins to master the technologies of "creation": the main elements of the MS Power Point, MS FrontPage, MS Publisher programs become available to him. The teacher gets tools, using the animation capabilities of which he can significantly increase the effectiveness of his lesson. Things have not yet come to the use of these programs in the classroom, but the teacher is already beginning to act as an authoritative consultant in intra-school projects. Under the guidance of a subject teacher, students create their thematic Web pages, and a computer science teacher or network coordinator helps in publishing these materials on the Internet. The third level is also characterized by attempts to create an electronic teacher's library and projects by several teachers to write a common textbook.

Level four - the first lessons. Gradually, from extracurricular life, new information technologies begin to penetrate into “His Majesty the lesson”. It is important that for such a teacher it is hardly possible to move in the opposite direction. On the contrary, the problem arises of systematizing the created material already at a qualitatively new level. The fifth level is the search for a system. It becomes professionally necessary for a teacher to learn how to combine his own teaching style with the technical capabilities that new information technologies provide him.

4. Use of multimedia textbooks and Internet technologies in the educational process.

One of the components of the informatization program is the teaching of informatics as a subject. It is necessary to use multimedia textbooks and Internet technologies in the entire educational process. But on the way to the implementation of these technologies there are problems:

  1. the lack of organized conditions in the school with the maximum free access to a computer - due to the presence of computers in the school only in the computer science room and intended mainly for teaching students;
  2. participants in the pedagogical process, students and teachers, are not given free access to a computer to work in global network and with multimedia textbooks;
  3. there is no interest of subject teachers in conducting lessons related to the use of electronic media in the educational process, due to the lack of support (material, organizational, methodological, etc.);
  4. teachers do not know how to integrate the project methodology, use computer technology with a fairly rigid class and lesson system.

To solve these problems, there is a program that allows you to use information technology in the educational process.

Program goals:

  1. creation of a unified information environment of the city, district, etc., ensuring the improvement of the quality of education;
  2. effective use of scientific and pedagogical potential;
  3. a gradual transition to a new level of education based on new technologies, using electronic textbooks.

Program objectives:

  1. formation of information technology infrastructure of the education system;
  2. providing educational institutions, participants in the educational process (students, teachers) with free access to computer technology, to global information resources, software (electronic textbooks, libraries, music libraries);
  3. the use of Internet technologies and multimedia textbooks in the educational process;
  4. training of pedagogical, administrative personnel of educational institutions that are able to effectively use the latest information technologies in the educational process.

Expected end results:

  1. creation of electronic libraries in schools;
  2. free access for students and teachers to high-quality and online educational resources, including a system of modern teaching materials in all subjects of a general education school;
  3. improving the quality of education in educational institutions.

Scientific and methodological support of the program:

  1. the program is provided with the currently existing scientific and methodological base and tools for creating electronic information, its recording, replication;
  2. the program is provided with software tools for automatic maintenance of information and the convenience of its use by subject teachers and students;
  3. The program is implemented within the framework of the federal and regional program “Computerization of rural schools”.

5. Distance education of a teacher as a way to improve the professional competence of a teacher.

One of the elements of the teacher's professional competence is the possession of information and communication technologies. One of the ways to improve skills is distance education at the municipal level. The means of distance education include:

  1. cases of subject modules;
  2. Internet resources;
  3. multimedia disks.

Information and communication technologies are understood by me as ways of receiving, processing, storing and disseminating information using modern machines and software products. Thus, the teacher who came to the advanced training courses has several tasks:

  1. mastering the basics of using a personal computer;
  2. study of the operation of basic software products: Word text editor, Excel spreadsheet editor, Power Point presentation programs, postal programs, programs for working in Internet Internet explorer;
  3. awareness of the goals, methods, ways, techniques of including ICT in the educational process, taking into account not only the specifics of teaching the subject, but also the personal characteristics of students, the psychological and pedagogical capabilities of the teacher, the material and technical conditions of the educational institution.

6. Program - automated workplace "School".

Nowadays many schools have computers. This makes it possible to use them in various directions, including to increase the efficiency of school management. The use of computers can dramatically speed up the analysis of educational work, facilitate the construction of various reports, graphs, diagrams, and at the same time save the working time of directors and head teachers of schools, subject teachers, librarians, and computer science teachers. It is also important that the possibility of accumulating and analyzing the data of the work of the school for long periods of time opens up. The creation of a database of all students and teachers will allow you to quickly track the dynamics of the processes taking place in the school. The project provides for the creation of a single school database with information about all students and teachers and the construction of a local area network to provide access to these data for the director, head teacher, secretary, teachers , organizers of extracurricular activities, librarians. The database will store the personal files of all students and graduates of the school, as well as preschoolers. This includes, among other things, quarterly, annual, examination, final grades of students, information about parents and their place of work, guardians, categories of families, home addresses of students, home and work phones of parents, characteristics of students. The storage of personal cards of school teachers with detailed information about each of them is provided: passport data, information about education and advanced training, dates of admission and dismissal from work, teaching load, etc.

When a student is admitted to a school or a teacher is hired, the secretary, simultaneously with the paperwork, enters the relevant information into the database. Marks are made based on the results of each quarter. The head teacher will be able, with the help of the program I am developing - an automated workplace - to automatically build reports on the progress and quality of students' knowledge by grade, parallel, level (elementary, basic, secondary school) and the total for the school, compare them with the results of previous years, building diagram, find out the dynamics of changes in the quality of knowledge of each class or parallel classes in a given subject. You can also track the quality of knowledge and student performance of each teacher and compare these results with the results of colleagues. Reports can be presented both in text and graphic form. There is also the possibility of summing up the results of participation in subject Olympiads, competitions, events (school and city), building various lists of students: by academic performance, by age, by family category, by place of work of parents, arrivals, departures, class lists, etc. You can also quickly find information about the required teacher or build a report by summarizing the data. For example, a diagram of the qualitative composition of teaching staff (by category), a table of information on education and advanced training. For the effective use of the workstation, it is proposed to put computers in the director's and head teachers' offices, in the library and combine them into a local area network with each other and with computers in computer science and computer technology. On the desktop computer or in any computer room they could work with the teacher's database outside of school hours: make marks, correct the changed information about the students in their classes, print the progress sheets for the parent meeting, make adjustments to the characteristics. Thus, work with live data and efficiency of control when working with constantly updated information would be ensured.

7. Creation of a single information and educational space in an educational institution through the organization of a local network.

The organization of a local network of an educational institution and at home is the first stage in the development of a school:

  1. after the appearance of this local network, there is a desire to conduct a network in each class (put a computer in each class), so that the teacher can freely take information for the lesson, entered from the head computer or entered by students from the computer class, project it on the board;
  2. as a result, the student will have a desire to learn, because this teaching method is new and promising.

By uniting all school computers into a single local network, it is possible to access the Internet from all PCs from one modem. This connection option is very cheap, because. pay for one PC, and all work on the Internet. In this essay, all the material is collected together, a project has been created that is fully consistent with the topic, and is also a guide for inexperienced users in setting up a local network. This essay is equipped with an application, which greatly speeds up the learning process.

8. Literature.

1. Grigoriev S.G., Grinshkun V.V. Formation of the theoretical foundations for the creation and use of educational electronic publications and resources. // Electronic educational publications and resources. Theory and practice. Bulletin of the Center for Informatics and Information Technologies in Education of the ISMO RAO. Issue. 1. / M.: ISMO RAO, - 2006. S. 6-12.

2. Grigoriev S.G., Grinshkun V.V., Krasnova G.A. Features of preparing teachers for the use of Internet resources in education. // Bulletin of the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. Series "Informatization of Education". / M.: RUDN, - 2006, No. 1 (3) S. 14-19.

3. Grinshkun V.V. The needs of the education system in the use of electronic publications and resources. // Vestnik MGPU. Series informatics and informatization of education. / M.: MGPU, - 2006, No. 2 (7). pp. 52-57.

rules and methods of using computer technology in various areas of human activity

4) social informatics:

the impact of new information technologies and the development of computer technology on the life of society

In more detail, the structure of the subject area of ​​informatics is presented in the table on the next page.

Informatics studies the processes of creating and processing information, solves problems that are associated with the use of computers and office equipment, thanks to the development of which it appeared.

The goal of computer science- the acquisition of knowledge about information systems (that is, those systems in which the processes of collecting, processing, accumulating, storing and transmitting information take place), as well as determining the general principles for the construction and operation of these systems.

The main function of computer science– finding and using means and methods of information processing.

Tasks of informatics:

creation of techniques and technologies for information transformation;

solving problems arising in the development and use of information technology and computer technology;

research of information processes

The role of informatics in the modern world is growing, as there is a transition to the information society

Information society characterized by the following features:

most of the workers are engaged not in the production of material goods, but in the production and processing of information

most of the needs of the population are related to obtaining information

standard of living is largely determined by access to information resources

the volume of processed information increases dramatically

the information capacity of manufactured products increases, i.e. more and more information is needed to produce products

The process of transition from an industrial society to an information society is called informatization

Computer science is one of the youngest sciences. It studies the properties and patterns of information, methods of its use in human life.

The history of the development of informatics begins with the appearance of the first electronic computers in the late 40s - early 50s of the twentieth century. These were the first computers powered by vacuum tubes. Closer to the 60s, discrete semiconductor computers were invented. And in the mid-60s, machines equipped with integrated circuits appeared.

The history of the development of information systems is closely related to the fact that it has always been difficult for a person to perform complex mathematical calculations in the mind or on paper. The inquisitive mind of people strove to automate computational processes by using the simplest accounts, the slide rule. And finally, in 1642, Pascal created an eight-bit summing mechanism. After 2 centuries, Charles de Colmar improved it to an adding machine, which performed more complex mathematical operations in the form of multiplication and division. The accountants were delighted with this invention.

But the actual history of the development of information technology begins with a presentation of the ideas underlying modern computers in 1833 by the Englishman Charles Babbage. He was the first to use punched cards, the holes of which served to transmit information. These were the first steps in programming.

The history of the development of information systems was continued in 1888 by an engineer from America, Herman Hollerith, who owns the authorship of the first calculating machine of the electromechanical type. She was tested during the 1890 census and impressed with her results and speed of calculation. Whereas previously this amount of work required 500 employees who pored over the numbers for seven years in a row, Hollerith, who distributed each of the 43 assistants on a calculating machine, coped with this amount of work within one month.

The history of the development of information technology is grateful to Hollerith for the fact that he founded a company that later became known as IBM and today is a giant of world computerization. Its employees, together with scientists from Harvard University, built the first electronic computer in 1940, which they called Mark-1. This hulk weighed 35 tons, and the US military department acted as the customer of the computer. The machine calculated in binary. For 300 multiplications and 5000 additions, she spent only one second. But the lamps quickly failed, and this problem was solved by Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley - the inventors of semiconductor transistors.

Thus, the history of the development of computer science has come to the point of a radical reduction in the size of computers, and their next generation was much smaller. And the speed of computing abilities increased 10 times.

Further, the entire history of the development of computer science in the world will be connected with the miniaturization of computers. And the American company DIGITAL EQUIPMENT, then INTEL, succeeds in this respect. And in the mid-70s of the twentieth century, personal computers of the now famous APPLE company also appeared.

The history of the development of informatics in our country begins with a small electronic computing machine (MSEM), which performed 50 operations per second. Its designer was Sergei Aleksandrovich Lebedev. Her path in our country was rather thorny. And today we can no longer imagine a full life without the use of computers. And if you look back, the time has passed quite a bit. So technical thought is even ahead of its time. PC,

laptops and netbooks are a special sign of the modern era.

The main methods of research in computer science are:

- system-information analysis as a specification of the system approach;

– information modeling as a concretization of the general scientific method of modeling;

- a computer experiment as a kind of computational experiment characteristic of all sciences.

The rapid increase in the volume of information existing and circulating in society confronts a modern person with the problem of the ability to work with it: to find, select what is needed, store, pack and quickly retrieve from storage, process and transform. Moreover, information can increasingly be presented not only in text, the most familiar form, but also as video and audio materials, diagrams and animation graphics, etc. Possession of methods, techniques and means works with information becomes one of the main professionally important

The concept of information, types of information. Its properties

The term information comes from the Latin word informatio, which means "information, clarification, presentation."

Information is such a general and deep concept that it cannot be explained in one phrase. This word has a different meaning in technology, science and in everyday situations.

In everyday life, information is any data or information that interests someone, for example, a message about any events, about someone's activities, etc. “Inform” in this sense means “to report something unknown before”.

Profile: "Informatics and Computer Science"

Informatics is a relatively young science, but it already includes sections that are considered fundamental and that every specialist in the field of computer science should know. Within the framework of this direction, the theoretical foundations of computer science and programming are studied, close attention is paid to mathematical disciplines along with the development of practical programming skills. .

You can find out what documents need to be submitted and in what terms the recruitment is carried out in the Apply to the faculty section.

What will you be taught

The focus of the educational program is on the fundamentals of computer science and programming. The first-year program contains a cycle of classical mathematical disciplines, including sections that are key for an IT specialist, such as discrete mathematics, calculus, algebra and geometry.

In the first year, several disciplines are studied that allow you to develop practical programming skills:

    Basics of programming.

    In the process of studying the discipline, students are introduced to the concept of an algorithm, methods and means of their representation, classification and evolution of programming languages, and modern trends in their development, as well as a detailed study of one of the languages high level(language C).


    Studying this discipline, students get acquainted with the basic concepts of computer science, stages of development of computer systems, their architecture, basic data structures and algorithms, including one-dimensional and multidimensional arrays, stacks and queues, binary trees, sorting and search algorithms, algorithms on graphs, dynamic data structures .

    Object-oriented programming.

    Students study the main stages, methods, tools and standards of software development, a detailed study of one of the object-oriented programming languages ​​(Java), teaching students to develop cross-platform applications.

A distinctive feature of this program is the presence of disciplines that study in depth the fundamental foundations of modern computer science:

    Mathematical logic and theory of algorithms.

    The purpose of studying the discipline is to master the basics of fundamental knowledge that allows you to understand the mathematical description of problems related to mathematical logic and the theory of algorithms, the ability to solve standard problems, to interpret the results obtained. Students form an idea of ​​the current state of theoretical informatics and the acquisition of special knowledge in the field of modeling and analysis of complex information systems.

    Algorithms and complexity analysis.

    The aim of the discipline is to study the general foundations of the development and analysis of algorithms, including the asymptotic analysis of the upper, lower and average estimates of the complexity of algorithms; comparison of the best, average and worst estimates, empirical measurements of the effectiveness of algorithms; conducting overhead estimates in terms of time and memory; recurrent relations and analysis of recursive algorithms, analysis of dynamic programming algorithms; study of the NP class of problem complexity.

    Theory of automata and formal languages.

    Theory of computational processes and structures.

    As part of the discipline, students learn to apply in research and applied activities a modern apparatus for developing and analyzing the correctness of algorithms and develop the ability to investigate the properties of programs and mathematically prove their correctness.

    Finite graph theory and its applications.

    The central object of the discipline is modern graph theory and graph models based on the apparatus of discrete mathematics, as well as approaches to using graph theory in practice. This course develops students' skills in using the mathematical apparatus of graph theory, improves the skill of constructing mathematically rigorous proofs and develops the ability to use graph models in practice, including for writing effective programs.

This foundation is reinforced by a cycle of disciplines related to the development of practical skills necessary for a successful IT specialist:

    .NET Framework Programming.

    As part of the discipline, students are introduced to the architecture of the .NET Framework environment, the ideology of creating applications for this runtime environment, the C # language as one of the main programming languages ​​in the .NET Framework environment, the Common Language Runtime class library, as well as the study of creation tools, debugging and deployment of .NET applications.

    Fundamentals of web programming.

    The purpose of mastering the discipline is to train specialists who can design a web application (frontend and backend). Within the framework of the discipline, layout tasks are considered, including adaptive layout, and building web servers using the Apache-MySQL-PHP stack, modern CMS, and ASP.NET.

    Fundamentals of software testing.

    The purpose of the discipline is to study the basic theory, the ability to navigate the basic concepts and terms, and master the techniques of test design: developing ways to create test scenarios and test data.

    Introduction to information retrieval.

    As part of the discipline, students master the theoretical foundations of building information retrieval systems based on the theory of algorithms, information theory, as well as practical approaches to the implementation of this class of software systems. This course develops students' skills in using the mathematical apparatus to solve applied problems of information retrieval on the Web, as well as storing, processing and searching for textual and other information in other data stores.

    Software engineering.

    The discipline provides the acquisition of knowledge and skills in the design and development of information systems using modern information technologies, and also includes the study of universal principles and methodologies of software development. The purpose of the discipline is to study the basic qualities of software and the principles of its construction, which ensure the implementation of these qualities. The study is supported by examples that have a practical focus and take into account current trends in the development of software engineering methodologies and technologies.

  • Languages ​​and methods of programming.
  • ASP.NET programming.
  • Fundamentals of mobile development.

Some of the disciplines taught are electives, which allows the student to form their own educational trajectory.

Your future profession

The specialty "Fundamental Informatics and Information Technology" guarantees employment in areas where IT technologies are actively used. When you receive a specialist diploma, you become a generalist programmer with knowledge of programming languages, IT systems automation technologies, having the skills to develop and maintain relevant information services and products.

Programmers of a wide profile - engineers, web developers, administrators, professionals of global computer networks - are in demand always and everywhere. In the process of learning, you can engage in part-time work that will help in becoming a future workplace:

  • Start your career as a trainee programmer and become a professional programmer in a short time.
  • Work as a C++ programmer.
  • Create new products for Java language, starting from a Java developer (junior) and, improving your skills, become a Java developer (middle), and later grow up to a Java developer (senior) .
  • Develop mobile applications, taking the position of an Android developer or an IOS developer.
  • Work on the quality of software products by becoming a tester-programmer, developing to a leading test engineer.
  • Pursue a career in web development and become a web developer.
  • Implement the most complex projects as a .NET / C# Programmer.
  • And if you suddenly feel that you want to do something else in the field of information technology, then you can try to become, for example, a technical writer!

Graduation work examples

V.G. Agadzhanov. Modeling and analysis of properties of data distribution protocols in distributed systems using colored Petri nets

The object of the study are colored Petri nets and the Gossip protocol.

The purpose of the work is to build a model of the Gossip protocol using the CPN Tools modeling tool and analyze its operation using several topologies of switched networks as an example.

In the process of work, modifications of the model were created, which made it possible to analyze the model in many respects.

Upon completion of the work, an analysis of the model's operation in various situations and on different examples was carried out, which shows the correct operation of the model and its properties.

N.P. Baranov. Selecting contours on images in Android OS

In this paper, we consider three algorithms for extracting contours in an image.

The purpose of the work is to develop an application for the Android operating system, which allows you to select the contours in the image using three algorithms and then save the result.

As part of the work, this application was developed and tested on a number of devices.

K.V. Lagutin. Development of a keyword extraction method for the Open Karelia e-tourism information system

An urgent task in the framework of the development of information systems is to automate the creation of the structure of existing text documents in the form of a connected graph. The presence of links between tourist sites that meet the described characteristics is used for better and more complete provision of information to the user.

A method has been developed for automatic selection of keywords for sites and information systems from the tourism sector, while the texts are linked to each other through common keywords, thereby forming a graph that is sufficiently connected for easy navigation through the site/system. The method is a combination of a well-known keyword extraction algorithm with a post-processing procedure using a thesaurus. The developed method is now at the stage of implementation in the tourism industry. information system project Open Karelia.

N.G. Nureyev. Automatic search counterexamples for hypotheses about the periodic structure of semilinear sets

The main goal of the work is to write a program for visualizing two-dimensional semi-linear sets, according to the hypotheses put forward. The main tasks of the work are to study the construction of one-dimensional linear sets, as well as two-dimensional semi-linear ones, to choose and study a programming language and auxiliary elements, to write a visualization program.

In the course of the work, one-dimensional linear sets, two-dimensional semi-linear sets and their examples were studied. The practical result of the work is a program written in the Java programming language that visualizes a two-dimensional reachability set.

S.V. Morzhov. Analysis and development of a software firewall management tool for a software-defined network controller

The purpose of this project is to create software in the form of a network application for the Floodlight controller SDN, which does not allow the appearance of various collisions in the firewall rules and the access control list.

In the course of the work, a method for dealing with collisions that arise between the rules of security policies, proposed by El-Shaer, was studied. On its basis, an algorithm was built to prevent collisions in the firewall rules and the access control list of the SDN of the Floodlight controller. Based on the obtained algorithm, a network application was implemented. Efficiency and correctness of work this application has been experimentally proven during unit testing of the kernel, as well as system testing of a network application.

Other undergraduate programs

  • Applied Mathematics and Informatics (profile: "Applied Mathematics and Informatics")
  • Applied Informatics (profile: Applied Informatics in Economics)

Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

higher professional education

"Far Eastern Federal University"

S. G. Fadyushin



UDC 681.3
Fadyushin S. G. Informatics and information technologies: Uch. allowance. Vladivostok: FEFU, 2012. 150 p.

The basic information on informatics and information technologies is stated. Practical examples of the use of information technologies are given. The presentation is illustrated by drawings, listings of fragments of programs in the VBA language, excerpts from legal documents.

It is intended for students of humanitarian specialties studying computer science and information technology and will be useful for students of other specialties.

Il. 17, tab. 11, bibliography. 28 titles
Information is information and knowledge about the world around us, a dynamic virtual entity that reflects this world in the human mind in the form of signals and signs, and therefore often manifests itself in the form of a thought. Information is a flash of light, illuminating our consciousness with light from space, illuminating our path in wandering through the labyrinths of the universe and our own soul.

At present, in the age of computer and information technologies, information is needed like air, water and food. If in previous centuries a person dealt only with “streams” of information, now he is surrounded by bottomless “seas” of various information and knowledge that can absorb an uneducated specialist in their abysses. It is easy to cross the stream. But to cross the sea, you need ships and navigation charts, we need a science about ships and navigation. "Informatics" is the science of navigation in the "Pacific Ocean" of information, and electronic computers are ocean liners conquering information spaces. "Information technology" is the process of information processing, the science of how to use individual islands of information as navigational landmarks in order to arrive accurately and on time at the port of destination.

In addition, a modern specialist should be not only a competent user of computer technology, but also a person of culture in all respects. He will have to set up the work of the computer system of the production organization, train the staff in safe methods of working at the computer, and, if necessary, answer according to the law for offenses in the field of information technology.

However, many years of experience in teaching informatics and information technologies by the author to various categories of students made it possible to identify a common negative pattern: poor cultural preparation and unwillingness to engage in it among the majority of students. A simple question "Why do we need hooks on the keys of the keyboard with the letters "A" and "O"? sometimes causes difficulties with the answer even for an experienced user familiar with high-level programming languages. Unfortunately, cultural preparation for working on a computer is not included in the curricula for computer science. That is why the textbook pays great attention to the issues of information and computer ethics, sanitary rules and regulations when working at a computer, the legislative and regulatory framework, everything that together defines the concept of information and computer culture.

One of the components of information-computer culture is the ability to read and write computer programs. Should a modern person who is not a programmer by profession (manager, social worker, psychologist...) be able to create computer programs to solve the problems that practice sets before him? This question, which originated at the time when the first programmable microcalculators appeared, remains relevant at the present time. For a modern specialist, the knowledge of at least one programming language is not only a production necessity, but also a part of his cultural development as a person.

Computer programming languages ​​are essential for communication and information transfer. Their knowledge and possession are required by a modern person, like knowledge of ordinary languages: Russian, English ..., like knowledge of the language of music - notes. And, of course, communication in a programming language is impossible without a computer. A modern personal computer is a “violin”, on which a skilled programmer, like a professional musician, creates his own melodies-programs.

In this regard, it is interesting to note that the first personal computer is considered to be a machine called "Altair-8800". It was developed in 1974 by a small firm, Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry System (MITS), located in Albuquerque, headed by retired US Air Force officer and electronics enthusiast Edward Roberts. By modern standards, it was a rather primitive machine. Built on an Intel 8080 processor, with 256 bytes of memory, it had neither a keyboard nor a screen. Data was entered in binary code using switches, the results (in binary code) were read by flashing lights. However, this machine was a huge commercial success, so people wanted to have their own computer and do programming. Basic was used as the programming language in this computer.

The development of application programs for computer simulation of various processes in the social sphere, in the economy and other areas of human activity is a very laborious process, it cannot be mastered without knowledge of modern integrated application development environments such as, for example, Visual Basic (VB). This tutorial provides elements of the Visual Basic programming language and one of the varieties of this language, Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), outlines the basic principles of programming using methods and events.

When writing the manuscript, the author did not seek to consider those issues that are studied at school in the discipline "Informatics". It is assumed that the reader should have an initial background in computer science and be able to run and configure the necessary programs.

In addition, in a small volume of educational and methodological work, it is impossible to consider all currently known application programs, such as text editors, spreadsheet processors, database management systems. Therefore, when using a textbook, it is necessary to take into account the rapid pace of development and improvement of information technologies, electronic computers and software for them.

Thus, it is possible to speed up the solution of many problems in the social sphere in such a way as to keep up with the times, always being on the crest of a wave, only by teaching a modern specialist to use information technology, develop algorithms and programs for solving various problems that practice sets, using computer technology and creativity.

Informatics(in the US computer science - computer science; in the UK computing science - computational science) - the science of how to obtain, accumulate, store, transform, transfer and use information using a computer 1 .

The term "computer science" was first introduced in Germany by Karl Steinbuch in 1957. In the Soviet scientific and technical literature, the term "computer science" was introduced in 1968 by A. I. Mikhailov, A. I. Cherny and R. S. Gilyarevskii. In the initial period, computer science developed as part of mathematics, electronics and other technical sciences, and only in the 1970s was it recognized as a separate science. Since its recognition as a separate science, computer science has developed its own methods and terminology, the main of which will be considered in the study of this course.

In educational institutions of the USSR, the academic discipline "Computer Science" appeared in 1985 simultaneously with the first textbook by A.P. Ershov "Fundamentals of Informatics and Computer Engineering".

With the advent of the discipline "Informatics", the concept associated with it and, accordingly, the discipline " Information Technology».

Information Technology This is the process of processing information (receiving, storing, obtaining information of a new quality) using a computer.

The disciplines "Computer Science" and "Information Technology" aim to instill in students professional skills in the use of personal electronic computers (PCs) to ensure production activities in solving problems that the practice poses to the specialist.

Knowledge, skills and skills acquired in the course of studying these disciplines should be sufficient to competently operate a PC, be able to use the information presented by a computer, and in addition be able to solve problems with the help of a computer in special disciplines that are studied at the senior courses of the university.

Students enrolled in this course should have experience with a PC and Microsoft Word applications. Microsoft Excel, and also must be familiar with standard computer interfaces and be able to work with elements such as windows, menus, etc. in the scope of the school course.

When working on a computer, a PC user comes into contact with dangerous and harmful production factors (mental stress, sensory stress, visual strain, attention strain, a large amount of information processed per unit of time), which can be dangerous for a person. Therefore, when working on a computer, it is necessary to know and strictly follow the safety rules (Appendix 1), sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations (Appendix 2), sets of special exercises to reduce fatigue of the visual analyzer (Appendix 3).

Curriculum in the disciplines "Computer Science" and "Information Technology (in various fields of knowledge)" includes the following minimum list of topics and questions:

1. Introduction to computer science:

  • safety regulations and fire safety rules for the operation of a computer system;

  • sanitary rules and regulations when working at a computer and organizing such work;

  • development of normalized techniques and rules for working on a computer keyboard.
2. Computer device:

  • stages of development (generation) of computer technology;

  • principles of design and operation of a computer;

  • main blocks and elements of a computer;

  • types of computers;

  • peripherals.
3. Information:

  • information from the point of view of natural sciences, information theory and law;

  • information and entropy;

  • calculation of the amount of information;

  • information encoding;

  • information classification.
4. Software computer systems:

  • software classification;

  • BIOS;

  • integrated operating systems (Windows);

  • application programs (Microsoft Office);

  • application software packages;
5. Electronic text technologies:

  • compiling documentation in Russian and English using text editors;

  • enterprise standards and general requirements for the design of text and graphic documents;

  • increasing the information richness of a text document.
6. Technologies using spreadsheet processors:

  • preparation of working documents (worksheets);

  • preparation of related documents;

  • use the function wizard;

  • creating diagrams;
7. Electronic graphics technology:

  • raster graphics;

  • Vector graphics;

  • graphic editor.
8. Databases and database management systems:

  • Database;

  • database management systems;
9. Programming basics:

  • classification of programming languages;

  • programming steps;

  • mathematical models and algorithms;

  • VB and VBA programming environment;

  • HTML language and creation of Web-pages.
10. Computer networks:

  • the concept of local and global computer networks;

  • network topologies;

  • network devices and means of communication;

  • data transmission medium;

  • Internet.
11. HTML Hypertext Markup Language:

  • basic concepts;

  • creation of web pages.
12. Prospects for the development of information technology and computer technology:

  • GIS technologies;

  • improvement of the element base of computers;

  • improvement of information input and output devices;

  • improvement of peripheral devices.
The main task of computer science and information technology is to systematize the techniques and methods of working with computer hardware and software in order to effectively process information and use it in production activities. The purpose of systematization is to identify, implement and develop advanced, most effective information technologies, to automate the stages of working with information, as well as to provide methodological support for new research in the field of informatics and information technology.
1.1. computer ethics
Computer ethics deals with the study of the behavior of people who use a computer at work and at home, on the basis of which the corresponding moral prescriptions and ethical standards are developed. The expression "computer ethics" should be considered conditional, since this discipline is very young (appeared at the turn of the 70s - 80s of the XX century) and does not yet have established concepts. Therefore, along with the term "computer ethics", the term "information ethics" is also used.

Computer ethics includes technical, moral, legal, social, political and philosophical issues, which in particular include:

  • development of moral codes for professionals and users of computer equipment;

  • protection of property rights, copyrights, the right to privacy and freedom of speech in relation to the field of information technology;

  • combating computer crimes, i.e. legislative and regulatory issues.
The first code of ethics for computer ethics was developed in the United States in 1979. Later, in the same place, codes were developed and adopted in many organizations related to the field of information technology, such as the Computer Technology Developers Association (ACM), the Information Technology Managers Association (DPMA), the Information Technology Users Association in the United States (ITAA), Association of Certified Computer Professionals (ICCP).

The main provisions of the code of computer ethics read:

1. Do not use the computer to harm other people.

2. Do not interfere with or interfere with the work of computer network users.

3. Do not use files that are not intended for free use.

4. Do not use the computer for theft.

5. Do not use a computer to disseminate deliberately false information.

6. Do not use "pirated" software.

7. Do not appropriate someone else's intellectual property.

8. Do not use computer equipment or network resources without the permission of the person who owns it, or appropriate compensation.

9. Think about the possible social consequences of the programs being created and the information systems being developed.

10. Use a computer with self-restraints that show your courtesy and respect for other people.
1.2. Legislative and regulatory framework
The basis of the legislative and regulatory framework for informatics and information technology in the Russian Federation is the following official documents 2:

1. Federal laws:

  • "On Communications" dated 07.07.2003 No. 126-FZ;

  • “On information, information technologies and information protection” dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ;

  • "On the electronic signature" dated 04/06/2011 No. 63-FZ (as amended on 07/01/2011);
2. Doctrine of information security of the Russian Federation (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on 09.09.2000 N Pr-1895).

3. Development strategy information society in the Russian Federation (approved by the President of the Russian Federation on February 7, 2008 No. Pr-212).

4. The State Program of the Russian Federation "Information Society" (2011 - 2020) (approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 20, 2010 No. 1815-r).

5. TOI R-45-084-01. Typical instructions for labor protection when working on a personal computer (approved by Order of the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation dated 02.07.2001 No. 162).

6. Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations “Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computers and organization of work. SanPiN 2.2.2 / 2.4.1340-03 "(approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation on May 30, 2003).

7. Articles of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation on crimes in the field computer information:

  • Article 272. Illegal access to computer information;

  • Article 273. Creation, use and distribution of malicious computer programs;

  • Article 274
The main international legislative acts related to informatics and information technologies include:

1. Declaration on the European policy in the field of new information technologies (adopted in Budapest on 05/06/1999 - 05/07/1999 at the 104th session of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe).

2. Okinawa Charter for the Global Information Society (adopted on Okinawa on July 22, 2000).

3. Agreement on cooperation between the member states of the Commonwealth of Independent States in the fight against crimes in the field of computer information (concluded in Minsk on 01.06.2001).

4. Joint statement of the CIS countries on the development of the information society (St. Petersburg Declaration) (adopted at a meeting of the Coordinating Council of the CIS member states on informatization under the RCC on July 1, 2003 in St. Petersburg, Russia).

5. Charter for the Preservation of the Digital Heritage (adopted at the 32nd General Conference of UNESCO Paris, France, October 2003).
Note - This subsection lists some of the main pieces of legislation related to computer science and information technology.
1.3. Sanitary rules and regulations when working at a computer
When working at a computer, first of all, it is very important to observe the correct fit at the workplace, since eye, muscle and joint strain depends on it.

When working at a computer, it must be remembered that the computer and other electronic equipment create the so-called “electric smog” around them, which can be harmful to health.

A seemingly harmless computer keyboard can also be a computer attribute that is dangerous from the point of view of hygiene and health: a large number of microbes can be on the computer keys. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the keyboard, which must be clean and in good condition.

Long-term work at a computer without observing sanitary rules and norms negatively affects many functions of the body: higher nervous activity, endocrine, immune and reproductive systems, vision and the human musculoskeletal system, etc. Ultimately, the mental state may worsen.

The main harmful factors affecting the health of a person working at a computer include:

  • sitting position for a long time;

  • exposure to electromagnetic radiation of the monitor;

  • overload of the joints of the hands;

  • stress when information is lost.
In order to protect yourself from the harmful effects of the computer, you need to take regulated breaks. During breaks, psychological unloading is recommended in rooms equipped for this purpose. They should have comfortable chairs, specially selected calm music should sound, it is recommended to hang landscapes on the walls that have a calming effect. To reduce fatigue of the visual analyzer during breaks, it is recommended to perform sets of special exercises, some of which are given in the Appendix.

For the correct and safe for health work on a personal computer and the organization of such work, one should be guided by the requirements and recommendations set forth in official documents: Standard instructions for labor protection when working on a personal computer, Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations "Hygienic requirements for personal electronic computing machines and organization of work” and good computer practice.

1.4. Landing at the computer and working on the keyboard
For safe work and prevention of diseases of the neck, arms, legs and back, when working at a computer, it is necessary to adopt the correct fit, observing the following simple rules recommended by official documents and developed by good computer practice:

  • the chair and monitor must have swivel-and-pull devices for proper height adjustment;

  • it is desirable that peripheral devices (keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.) be connected to the computer remotely, i.e. without wires;

  • the monitor should be located approximately at arm's length;

  • the center of the monitor should be at eye level with a straight head or slightly lower, by about 1/3 of its height;

  • keep the back and head straight in the same plane and approximately parallel to the plane of the back of the chair;

  • the head should be kept even in relation to both shoulders, the head should not lean towards one shoulder;

  • do not stretch your legs, but keep them straight or on a special stand.
Before starting work, the keyboard should be located at a distance of about 10-15 cm from the edge of the table and the hands should be in the main position (see Fig. 1):

  • rest the wrists against the edge of the table, on a free surface 10-15 cm to the keyboard, so that the elbows are approximately in the plane of the table;

  • the hands are bent and relaxed;

  • four fingers of the left hand, starting with the little finger, should be on the keys with the letters "FYVA", the right - "OLJ". In this case, the index finger of the left hand should feel the hold (mark) on the key with the letter "A", the right hand - the hold on the key with the letter "O". The thumbs of both hands on the "Space" key (see Fig. 1).

  • when pressing the keys, try not to tear your wrists off the table.
The letter layout of the keyboard and the zones of work on it of the fingers of both hands are shown in Fig. one.

Figure 1 - Letter keyboard layout

To fix the correct fit at the computer and consolidate the normalized skills of working on the keyboard, it is recommended to perform the following exercise:

1. Carefully study the alphabetic keyboard layout and finger areas shown in Figure 1. To memorize the location of letters on the keys, first of all, you should remember the basic principle of the alphabetic keyboard layout: keys with letters that are most often found in text documents(in Russian), are located in the most convenient place of the alphabetic part of the keyboard (in the center) and vice versa.

2. Start text Microsoft editor Word and set the typical font and paragraph parameters: font type - Times New Roman, size - 14 pins, alignment - By width, line spacing - Single, indent and spacing left and right - 0 cm, first line - Indent (1.25 - 0.8 cm), top and bottom margins - 2 cm, left margin - 3 cm, right margin - 1.5 cm.

3. Take a proper posture, place your hands on the keyboard in the main position.

4. Without changing the fit for this and subsequent paragraphs, print 15 lines of key combinations "FYVA" "OLJ" with spaces. At the same time, pay attention not to the typing speed, but to the correctness of pressing the keys with your fingers, in accordance with the keyboard layout (see Fig. 1).

5. Print 10 lines of combinations of the letters "PROE" with spaces.

6. Print 10 lines of combinations of the letters "SMITH" with spaces.

7. Print 10 lines of combinations of the letters "YACHBYU" with spaces.

8. Print 10 lines of combinations of the letters "KENG" with spaces.

9. Print 10 lines of combinations of the letters "YTSUSHSHCHZKh" with spaces.

10. In order to learn to “not feel” the keyboard (an element of blind ten-finger typing), it is recommended to repeat steps 4–9 “blindly”. To do this, close your hands with a special cloth cape.

11. Blindly print the following words: pro, fishing, ox, shaft, roll, prolov, failure, tin, ski, heat, effa, fall, dollar, yule, fight, hour, chip, rally, bollard, circus, grain , puppy, lace, ad, abstract art.

7. Type "blindly" the following sentence: Information is data, information and knowledge about the world around.

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