How to add a bot to a telegram supergroup. How to add a bot to a Telegram channel - Create and register a bot and a channel in Telegram

How to add a bot to a telegram supergroup. How to add a bot to a Telegram channel - Create and register a bot and a channel in Telegram


I continue the series of posts dedicated to Telegram. One of the advantages of this messenger for website creators and owners is the ability to set up auto-posting (broadcast) from your website. This can be the announcement of new articles and entries from the site in the Telegram, a selection of news, notifications, and so on.

I will show my examples on the Russian version of the application, if you have not yet switched your Telegram to Russian, then you can quickly do this by reading the instructions from my previous manual - How to change the language in Telegram Messenger on Android and iOS

Now we create and register the bot:

1. We find a bot by name in Telegram through the search:

2. Select it, a window appears with the message:

3. Click begin(or enter the command / start depending on your version of Telegram), a message appears with a list of possible commands for:

4. Now we create our bot, enter the command / newbot (you can not enter, but click on this command right in the list) and come up with any name you like for it (for this example I called PunkBot) :

5. Then you need to come up with a unique name for the bot, it must necessarily end with three letters bot or so _bot (I gave a name PunksBot) and if the name is free, then in the response message we will receive a token:

6. Copy the token and save, we still need it, you can try to remember. Smile. In the same message above the token there will be a link to your new bot, follow it and start the bot with the / start command (or press begin). The bot was created and registered:

We're done with the bot for now.

Of course, the bot that we have created is still suitable only for using it in creating a broadcast of posts from the site. In order for the bot to become full-fledged and to be able to execute various commands, it must be programmed. I will tell you how to do this in a separate article on this topic.

Now we need to create a channel where we will broadcast posts from the site.

Create a channel:

1. To do this, open the menu (in the upper left corner of Telegram) and select the item Create channel:

2. Enter the name of the new channel (in our example PunkVox) and click the checkmark in the upper left corner:

3. In the window that appears, select the "Public channel" and come up with a unique link for it (I left punkvox), if the address is free, press the checkmark again, we will be prompted to add contacts, you can skip this action.

That's it, the channel has been created. It remains to add to the channel administrators PunkVox our new bot PunkBot.

Telegram is actively gaining popularity, and this is largely due to the introduction of bots. After they were implemented in the messenger, channels of various services and companies began to actively appear in it, which strive to stay always in touch with their audience. In Telegram, you can create a fairly "developed" bot, which is actively used by large companies. Now almost every store, application, site has its own bot in Telegram, and these bots are getting smarter every month - developers have new APIs that allow them to implement more functions. Within the framework of this article, we will consider how to add a bot to Telegram in order to interact with it.

Table of contents:

What functions do bots perform in Telegram

As noted above, bots can perform a huge variety of functions, the number of which depends on the "level" of interaction with the API.

The simplest bots, created without programming knowledge by using various services that automate the development process, are capable, for example, of notifying the user about new posts that have appeared on the site, or responding to certain requests for certain commands. Such bots are most often used by site owners so as not to lose the interested audience.

More sophisticated bots can do much more. Let's give an example. There is a VkusVill company that sells products. She created one of the most versatile Russian-speaking bots in Telegram. Its purpose is to alert buyers about various offers, conveniently use the loyalty program, free sellers and hotline employees from similar questions, and so on. Here are just a few of the functions that the VkusVill bot performs:

The above is a far from complete list of what the VkusVill bot can do, and this is just one example. In total, several thousand large companies now have their own functional bots in Telegram.

Using bots in Telegram is a good way to get rid of the need to store a large number of applications of each company on the phone. For example, there is no longer a need for clients of many banks, after they have created their bot in Telegram, through which you can view balances, transfer money and perform various other operations.

How to add a bot to Telegram

To use a bot in Telegram, you must first register in the messenger itself. After that, from any of the clients (from smartphones, tablets, computers, etc.), you can subscribe to any channels, as well as add bots.

To add a bot, you need to enter its name in the search.

Next, the bot page will open, on which, to start interaction, you must click "Start" or "Start".

That's all, this completes the addition of the bot to the contact list. After that, you can interact with it using both the text commands that the bot perceives and the buttons under the message input line, which make it easier to interact with the bot.

Please note: Each bot has its own set of commands. For example, if for one bot to call an informational message, you may need to enter the command /info, another bot can use the /help or other.

How to add a bot to a Telegram group

In the Telegram messenger, you can create groups that represent chats. Several users are united in them. Administrators can add bots to such groups. This may be necessary, for example, if the bot notifies about new articles on the site, and their appearance is interesting to all members of the group.

Telegram is one of the most popular instant messengers in the world. This state of affairs is due to its speed, functionality, usability and safety. The application was developed by the team of Pavel Durov.

In addition to exchanging messages with loved ones and sending media files, Telegram provides the user with a large list of options. First of all, this is the creation of channels with useful information to which a person can subscribe. And one of the main features of the application is the functionality of bots. This article tells about their capabilities and how to add a bot to Telegram.


First, you need to understand what is called a bot in the Telegram application. These are special robots programmed for certain actions with which the user interacts through the chat. Their functions and capabilities differ depending on the purpose. Each has its own commands to which it responds. Telegram Messenger has a huge number of such programs. Many resources offer them for the convenience of users.

Adding an account in the messenger is quite simple. You need to know his account starting with the @ symbol. The name is entered in the application search, from the proposed options you need to select the appropriate one. A window for interacting with the bot will open with a Start or Start button if you have Russian localization installed. It is necessary to press it, then the dialogue mode is activated. Many accounts have the ability to control buttons from the bottom of the screen, and not just through commands.

Attaching a bot to a group

The section is devoted to how to add a Telegram bot to a group. In this case, group messengers are implemented as chats in which several users participate at the same time. Automated robots can be added to these. Consider the general algorithm for this action:

  • Find the required account in the search;
  • Send him your contact details;
  • Invite him to the group.

An important nuance - not all groups have the ability to add a chat bot. This parameter specifies the creator. The process itself is quite simple, it takes literally a few minutes to familiarize yourself. It is intended to fill the chat faster with content and users.

The software environment for creating bots appeared immediately with the opening of the source code by the developers. The first were chatbots that conducted conversations with people, or answered programmed questions. But there are no limits to human ingenuity and now you can find bots for every taste: to search for pictures / music / videos, create polls, transfer files and much more. Without bots, Telegram would be dull and sad. In Telegram, how to add a bot was implemented very simply. The bot has its own account, which is always online. We find a bot by name, like an ordinary person, and start a correspondence with him. From now on, the bot will be in the contact list and will be ready to respond around the clock.

How to add a Telegram bot for a channel and a webhook Telegram bot

We all use VTope to promote our channels in order to profit from them. Manually managing a well-promoted channel by posting content and responding to requests from countless people will be unrealistic.
To do this, you must definitely have a couple of admin bots. Online bot constructors and templates will help. Using them, even without special programming skills, you can make a bot yourself. Although, for a very high-quality channel, it is still better to buy a professionally made bot. The bot posts content for users around the clock in a given schedule, and also, using the Telegram webhook, the bot regularly checks messages from users on the Telegram server and responds to them.

Secret chat Telegram and bots

Everything is simple here. Bots do not participate in the secret chat Telegram. What secrets can a person have with a bot? Not to mention the fact that the bot creator could theoretically have access to the history of his correspondence. One way or another, it is currently impossible to start a secret chat with a bot.

Groups in the Telegram application are organized quite democratic, and discussion participants can invite friends, change their profile name or photo. Recently, the developers decided to create the ability to add a Telegram administrator.

Administration system

Telegram administrators perform the functions of moderators; it is also quite possible to install a bot instead of a moderator.

The use of moderation is caused by an increase in the number of regular subscribers. Moderators can choose and set the rules by which the community will function. By default, all participants can manage the settings, but users can also set their own managers and add Telegram administrator signatures for convenience.

To appoint a Telegram administrator, you need to click on its name in the channel at the top:

After that, go to the group settings menu:

Then you need to click on the "Assign an administrator" item:

Further in the item "Administrators" you can select a candidate from the list of contacts. By default, the creator of the channel becomes this:

Also, instead of an administrator (to automate the publication of posts), you can put a bot. To do this, contact the main bot with the @BotFather command and specify the name displayed in the channel and the unique username of the bot being created. When publishing posts, the name and username do not really matter (only you will see them).

Functions of Telegram administrators

The Telegram administrator can appoint the leaders of their groups. When restricted mode is enabled, they can add and remove users from the group discussion. The supergroup admin informs users with pinned messages, which is not the case in groups and channels.
How to create a supergroup? To do this, you need to transform the usual group by choosing "Convert to supergroup" from the menu:

Please note: this action is irreversible, so create a supergroup if it makes sense to use it:

How to pin a message to a Telegram group

With the help of attached messages, admins can inform all participants. To attach a message in a supergroup, you must click on the message; a menu will appear in which to select the "Attach" item (leave a check mark on the "Notify all participants" item):

That's it, now the attached message is displayed at the top of the chat and is visible to all users:

Telegram administrators are divided into categories, where everyone will have their own responsibilities and signature: for example, one category communicates in chat with clients, the second monitors the client's notifications, the third group performs current tasks and comes to the aid of the second group of administrators. All the tasks of improving the chat are reduced to ensuring the visibility of the Telegram administrator for each chat user. In the process of work, responsibilities are distributed among the admins - each performs the functions at will. The distribution of responsibilities can be agreed in personal correspondence with the group leaders.

As you can see, the logic of interacting with the program when installing the signature is simple, you just need to carefully study the structure of the settings menu.

For corporate use, you can add duty administrators (as well as bots) and managers to the chat, and in this regard, Telegram replaces technical support. The smart application makes communication with customers much easier by speeding up the exchange of information. For comparison - remember what, on average, the time spent communicating with the administration through tickets.

The big advantage of Telegram is the open program code, the functions of which can be assigned to the current tasks if desired. For example, you can make changes in the display of chats (they are displayed too large in the list) by compressing them to a feed, or modify the search inside a Telegram chat, make it possible to mark all chats as read, assign a group by chats, set a change in sorting when searching, and much more.

All questions about working with the application, comments and suggestions for improvement, you can leave in the comments to this article.

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