Adding to dmoz. Secrets of the ODP or how to get into the DMOZ directory

Adding to dmoz. Secrets of the ODP or how to get into the DMOZ directory


The catalog of sites is a reference and information portal that contains short descriptions of websites with a link to them. Sites are grouped by subject or region, if the directory is general thematic. In directories with a narrow topic, only resources with a similar topic are accepted.

In the past, adding a site to directories has worked well. Nowadays, registration in all directories in a row will not lead to anything good, but adding a site to trust thematic and authoritative directories will have a charitable effect on the promoted resource. One such authoritative directory is DMOZ.

The DMOZ directory - what is it, the history of its origin

Introduction to dmoz catalog

Now let's plunge into the history of the development of the dmoz org directory

The dmoz directory was created by two programmers Richard Skrenta and Bob Truel, their main idea was to organize the available information on the global network, for this in June 1998 the GnuHoo project was launched.

This idea was received with a bang by Internet users and the development went exponentially. As a result, the eminent company Netscape became interested in the resource, which acquired the rights to the catalog. On the Internet, the directory at that time was opened at http: // d irectory.moz where the abbreviation DMOZ came from.

In the 99th year, the growing company AOL buys out Netscape Communications and to this day the DMOZ catalog is in the America On Line structure. She owns servers, provides data protection and sets the direction for development.

The dmoz directory is thus a self-governing community of volunteer ambush volunteers, and only a small handful of employees who are at the top of the management structure are on the staff of AOL.

Dmoz directory: add site

What should be the site for admission to the dmoz directory in Russian

I am not claiming that this list is one hundred percent correct, it is just a collection of observations and comparisons of sites that were included in the catalog with less successful comrades. Therefore, I am ready for discussion and constructive criticism, your comments will be included in the article.

    Age of the site.

    The older the better. You yourself understand that young sites may not live even a year, as their owners abandon them, but resources from a year or more are an indicator that the site is not thrown into a landfill, but are occupied with it.

    The quality of the site materials.

    If your resource contains only one that is interesting to users, which means it carries informational value, then such a project is worthy of respect and you can tell the masses about it. Hence, it deserves to be placed in such a respected directory.

    PageRank and TC of the site.

    The big question is that dmoz editors look at this data, they are necessary for search engines to rank pages. Therefore, it is not surprising that the directory contains sites with low indicators.

    Design and usability.

    If you go through the catalog, you will see sites with, to put it mildly, not the best design, but due to their intuitive usability, they are easy to navigate. Coming out of this, you can make a logical assumption that people of all age categories should easily navigate your site, and not only those for whom the resource is intended. Although, of course, in our time, there is nowhere without a beautiful design, but sacrificing usability on account of the mega-cool design of the site is stupid. Except when such a design justifies itself, but more on that another time.

So, there are 4 main points that you should be guided by before applying for registration in the dmoz directory.

Registration in the dmoz directory

The registration itself is very simple, you just need to fill in all the fields correctly to make it more clear, I give a picture:

Subject. So that the editors do not throw your site to each other in search of a suitable category, you should independently decide on the topic that is as close as possible to your resource.

Title. The title should be informative, but short. It is best to indicate the name of the company, firm, site - this is your brand by which you should be known. It makes no sense to clog the title with keywords.

Description. It should fit in one or two lines specific information about what your company does or what services it provides, or what useful information to share on the site (if it is informational or a blog).

The URL to specify. You can point to the site as a whole or to a specific section, if your site is a huge information project, then individual site headings can be added to the catalog categories that are appropriate for them. But the most important thing is that the url should lead to the working page!

After submitting the application, some time should pass, because the moderators are people too, and besides, they work for free. But, as I said, it is not a fact that your resource will be added. After a month or two, re-apply. I know of cases when they took 3-5 attempts. But if you stubbornly continue to be ignored, do not try to bang your forehead against the wall. Only the editor can know by what criteria the site does not pass.

Therefore, you can contact him directly and find out about the fate of your favorite site. It is very easy to find out who the editor is - just scroll to the end of the section. But do not torture the poor man and fill him up with spam, or do you think you are the only one who wants to get into the directory? We wrote several letters with an interval of 1-2 weeks and that's enough. If there is no result, you can go the other way: most editors have their own sites, blogs, forums, which means you can have a lively conversation with them through their brainchild. The situation is always solvable, the main thing is to want it.

The importance of the directory in the promotion of the site

As we have already found out the DMOZ catalog is the most weighty catalog on the Internet with the most serious moderated system. So what do we get from getting into it?

  1. PageRank (which I talked about) for the DMOZ.ORG directory = 7, therefore, a direct link from it will improve your PR indicator;
  2. You get a link not only from the DMOZ, but also from the Google directory. You yourself can imagine the magnitude of these two links. Also, do not forget about the hundreds and thousands of small sites that decided to download the ODP, and therefore their links.

    Increasing the ranking of your resource in the Google search engine will improve traffic to your brainchild.

    In addition, the Google bot will treat you more loyally and website optimization for this ps will be easier.

After these words, everyone rushed to put their sites in order and torture the poor Dmoz volunteers. Take your time, ODP is not a panacea for the promotion of a web resource for Google, but it is a very important part of good promotion.

DMOZ is a directory of manually checked network resources to meet the conditions for adding a site to a huge database. Any publisher can apply for a site to be included in the catalog for free. After verification, the resource will be added or rejected by volunteer editors.

The catalog has been operating since 1998 and includes more than 5 million sites of various topics. It is considered one of the most authoritative, which is why most webmasters try to add their network resources to it.

Benefits of getting into DMOZ

  1. Search engines and Internet users relate to the site included in the catalog with great confidence, consider it to be of high quality and reliable.
  2. Reduces the risk of falling under the filters of popular search engines.
  3. The ability to get a large number of links from authoritative resources on similar topics.
  4. The description of the site added to the catalog may appear in the results of search engines in snippets.

Getting into the catalog is not easy. Some experienced webmasters have to try very hard to see their resource on the pages of this international database. Most web developers submit an application several times before their sites are added to the DMOZ. Failures occur due to inconsistencies with the rules for allocating network resources.

Can't get into DMOZ

  1. Mirror sites.
  2. Illegal Content Resources.
  3. Projects created using repetitive, non-unique, useless information.
  4. Sites designed to redirect visitors to other network resources.
  5. Unfinished network projects.
  6. Resources filled with affiliate links.

In order not to waste time, before submitting an application, you need to check the sites for compliance with the catalog requirements. Only then can the registration process begin.

Registration in the catalog

Registration in the DMOZ directory is a simple procedure. There are several nuances, not knowing which the user will lower the chances of successfully adding the resource to the directory. For example, during the registration process, you need to correctly compose a description of the project, come up with an appropriate name, choose a suitable heading. If there are errors, the site will not be included in the directory. You need to be careful about filling in all the fields offered by the service.

Adding a network resource to DMOZ

To do this, open the Russian-language directory in your browser. If you want to register DMOZ to add sites not in Russian, you will have to go to a special address.

Registration stages:

  1. Region selection. Choose the region for which the network project was created. If the visitors to your site are mainly from the Moscow region, then we choose the appropriate region.
  2. Determination of the subject of the site. If the user chooses the wrong site theme, then his project will not be included in the directory. This is a very important stage of registration. You should not rush to make a choice, find sites of similar subjects in the directory and make sure that you have made the right decision.
  3. Filling out the resume of the site. It will become available after clicking on the "Offer a resource" link located in the upper corner of the page. Before filling out the description and name of the resource, be sure to read the instructions. When your resume is completed, submit your application for review.

Registration in DMOZ is over, now you need to wait for the decision of the moderators. They will check the proposed network resource and make a decision. You can find out that the inspectors visited your site from the data of Yandex.Metrica. If they refuse to add a resource to the catalog, you can apply again at any time. In order not to be disappointed again, before submitting a repeated application, make sure that all the shortcomings have been eliminated.

If there is no time or desire to independently register network resources in the catalog, use the services of services, individuals or companies.

The main signs of a quality website

The DMOZ catalog includes only high-quality sites created for people and filled with useful, reliable information. If we analyze the statistics of network resources getting into the directory, then we can highlight several factors that will help increase the chances of success the first time.

Useful, relevant content. The content of the pages should be interesting and unique. The content needs to be optimized, meta tags, checked for literacy and relevance. The directory refers to the quality of the content of the added sites in the same way as search engines in the process of ranking network resources. If you want to get into the directory, pay attention to the content of the site.

Appearance, speed of work, convenient navigation system. It is best to create a unique design, make management simple and accessible for owners of different devices. Then the chances of getting into the catalog will increase significantly.

The age of the network resource. Moderators approach newly created projects with suspicion. Often the owners of new sites quickly forget about their projects and quit doing them. Therefore, the older your site is, the more chances it has to get into the directory.

These factors influence the rating of the network resource and the decision of the catalog editors. Before submitting an application, independently evaluate your site, correct errors, improve the quality, and then your site will definitely be included in the catalog.

Closing DMOZ

In 2017, the DMOZ catalog was closed. The reason for the closure is the transition to a fully automated search system, determining the quality of resources, relevance to key queries and other tricks of the effective organization of the global network. The Internet needs less manual labor, so these resources are gradually disappearing.

Hello dear readers of the blog site. Today there will be an article about paid and free site registration in the Yandex, Rambler and DMOZ catalogs. Once upon a time it was still relevant to add your project to the catalogs of and, but in the former, registration is now temporarily closed, and the latter has completely disappeared from the Internet.

It so happened historically that search engines, as a rule, offer two options for finding information - through the introduction of a search query and through a manually collected rubricator. In the latter case, you will receive a much smaller sample than when entering a search query.

But on the other hand, webmasters would very much like to get into at least a few of the directories listed above, because it's prestigious and at the same time can affect success promotion of the resource, as well as the growth of its indicators, for example, Tit. Let's see how you can get into them.

Why add your site to Yandex directory

The aforementioned Yandex and DMOZ are the most popular in Runet, and almost all webmasters are trying to add their resources to them. The fact is that the successful addition of a site to these super-directories speaks first of all about the quality of this resource, because it was able to go through manual moderation during registration, which in itself says a lot.

By the way, it is not worth waiting for special dividends in the form of a serious increase in attendance or a significant one after adding to them. As well as the whistle in your ears from the increased speed, you will not hear either.

The effect of registration in catalogs, of course, will be, but against the background of other aspects of promotion you use, you are unlikely to feel it clearly. First of all, registration in Yandex and DMOZ is rather advisory in nature. For getting into one of them or both at once is a desirable condition, but it does not at all guarantee that after that everything will go like clockwork for you.

An exception to the general rule, perhaps, is the Yandex directory (YaCa or YAK), because getting into it can lead to a much faster one. Titz, by the way, was invented to rank resources in

For commercial projects, Yak can also be useful in that it allows you to assign the site immediately up to seven regions, while allowing you to choose only one. If your store or company has many branches, then this will allow one single resource to be promoted in all these regions at once. Otherwise, you will have to look for another way out.

If your project is not commercial, but you are on it, then the presence of a site in Yandex Catalog and Dmoza can increase your income... Advertisers, even when placing banner ads, pay attention to this, and even when buying links, this can increase their value by many percent. You yourself can see how the prices for links from the resources participating in Yak and not participating - GoGetLinks, GetGudLinks, RotaPost or MiraLinks differ.

You can check the availability of a site in the directory with any SEO tool:

Dmoz is completely free by default, but sometimes it even complicates the task of getting into it, especially for commercial resources. Add same site Yandex directory can be both paid and free, but the latter will be relevant only for those topics where there is an obvious shortage of applicants.

In its popular topics, there are only those resources whose owners did not regret paying a tidy sum for it (14,500 rubles plus 2,500 VAT). Payment is made after the moderator approves the placement of your site. However, it is not at all a fact that your resource will be accepted by YaCa even for money. It all depends on its quality and the fullness of a particular rubric. How complicated everything is.

Free and paid registration in YaK (YaCa) - what to choose

Adding a site to Yandex Catalog for free, as I mentioned earlier, is possible, but unlikely. In any case, the attempt is not torture, so nothing prevents you from applying for free registration .

Fill in all the fields on this page, send an application and start hoping for a miracle.

The category is probably worth trying to choose the least filled one, because your chances of being added in this case significantly increase. Try not to be mistaken the first time in these simple forms, because it makes no sense to apply for a free addition to the YAK more than once - in this case, you will be given a standard answer that such an application is already in the database.

If you do not believe in miracles, but you still want to receive the dividends offered by YaCa (prestige, rapid growth of Tit, traffic from catalog pages and an increase in the level of income), then you will need to go to the page paid registration in Yandex Catalog .

If you carefully study this page, you will understand that Yandex reserves the right to change the description of the site you have created, and it may also reject your application for paid registration in its catalog, but then you will not pay money (the amount, by the way, when payment will be slightly more than the stated 14,500 rubles, because you will still be charged a tax of just over 2,500 rubles).

If everything suits you, then to continue you will need to fill out a similar to the one described above application for paid registration in the YAK:

But what is noteworthy is that if your resource is not accepted in YaCa the first time, then no one forbids you to try to apply for a paid registration again, because you need to pay only in case of a positive decision on the issue of admission. By the way, changing the description of your resource in the Yandex directory is also possible, but again on a paid basis (5,000 rubles), although some points in the description can still be changed for free.

Do you want a living example of a famous blogger who decided to part with the agreed amount of money for registering a blog in the Yandex directory? By the way, I have already written about him - this is Sergei Sosnovsky. His Tit (thematic citation index), after adding the blog to YAK, began to grow as if he had been given a good kick (though then there was a slight decline, but now everything is again at a height - as many as 1400 parrots).

Do not try to exaggerate and write a selling text - just as succinctly as possible and simply describe your resource. Then everything will depend on the editor and his good or bad mood.

After the site has successfully passed the moderation, you will receive a bold backlink that is open for indexing by search engines, passing a considerable trust (s):

In fact, I almost immediately felt the return from adding to Dmoz (maybe it was a coincidence) in the form of a significant increase in the number of visitors coming from the Google search engine, which reacts to such things much faster than Yandex.

Adding to directories and Rambler Top100

Previously, adding your resource to the directory was not so difficult, at least for me, and for most other bloggers, it took no more than a week from the moment the registration form was filled out. True, now he is deciding on the future fate of this service and it can be replaced by a rating of the same name. Therefore registration in the catalog, unfortunately, was stopped:

Unfortunately, a backlink from will be posted via a redirect and, most likely, will not be taken into account by search engines, although I heard the opinion that they somehow take into account such cunning links, but I do not have accurate information on this matter. ... But nevertheless, the mere presence of your project in the directory can bring you only a little traffic and a certain prestige, or something.

Let's move on to, about which I have already written in some detail in the above article. In fact, this is not even a catalog, in pure water a rating, because the position in it directly depends on the counter indicator that you install on your resource. Actually, this is one of the few services that have survived to this day, which has already ceased to be a search engine for several years.

Almost any project can be added to it. A few days after free registration and receiving the code and installing the counter of visits, you will be accepted into this directory and will be able to participate in the rating of the resources of the Russian Internet.

I will not repeat myself and talk about getting the Rambler Top100 counter code, because you can find all this on the page at the link just above. Backlinks from the pages of the Rambler directory (Rambler Top100) will be open for indexing by search engines, which is good news, because it has Tit = 120,000 - the highest value that I have seen on the Russian Internet:

In general, you get and add a counter from Rambler to your project and in a couple of days you will already be in its rating. But keep in mind that as soon as you remove the counter code, in a couple of weeks you will definitely be removed from this directory (you will receive warnings in your mail that you have not registered a single visitor per day).

Probably, there are still quite large free directories focused on Runet, in which it would be nice to add your site. But these will most likely be thematic in the direction of your resource.

Good luck to you! See you soon on the pages of the blog site

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Before you send your brainchild to such a directory, do not forget that you will need to do a lot of work on the site. Any little thing that the moderator of this resource does not like will cause your application to be rejected. Therefore, first of all, you need to check the site for broken images, links, incorrectly designed pages, etc. Roughly speaking, a general cleaning should be carried out.

If you are not optimizing articles for specific queries, try to create them using some keywords that could be in the name of the site or your project. As part of each article, check the correctness of the title and description of the articles (Title and Description fields). Note that the meaning of these fields should be similar to the Title and Description of the fillable registration fields in the catalog.

An important role in submitting an application is the choice of the category in which, after approval, your site will be located. The wrong choice of category can play a cruel joke, because the editor may think about the inadequacy of the choice. If you are not fluent in English, use online translators. The most common one at the moment is Google Translate

Also, when choosing a category, keywords taken from your site will help. Pick a couple of keywords that are most relevant to your site's content and enter them into a search. Select a category from the search results. The category should not necessarily be on the first lines, but not on the last.

After choosing a category, you can start adding your site, i.e. fill in empty fields with your data. Please note that your application is not reviewed in a couple of days. The processing time of the application sometimes reaches up to 2 weeks. After this period has expired, it is recommended to view the list of sites in the catalog category you selected again.

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Secrets of the ODP or how to get into the DMOZ directory. This post will be somewhat philosophical. Today I will try to outline some of my considerations about the features of the DMOZ open directory. The DMOZ directory is one of the oldest and most authoritative directory sites on the entire Internet. This catalog contains many secrets that have been covered with cobwebs. Getting into this catalog is as honorable as it is difficult.

Helpful advice

The dmoz catalog appeared in 1998 on June 5th. In general, in a good way, the directory should be called Open Directory Project, and dmoz is an abbreviation for the domain, on which it was located for a long time. But it became uncomfortable for visitors to use such a long domain name, so the address was changed to Registration in the dmoz directory, as mentioned above, is free. All you need to get into the dmoz directory is

Important! Since March 17, 2017 has ceased to exist. But you can still add the site to the Yandex directory.

In this article I will tell you about one of the well-known directories that exist on the Internet - the DMOZ directory.

The DMOZ Directory is an international annotated directory of Internet resources with strict manual moderation. This catalog is like a huge library, with resources distributed by subject and regional affiliation. Adding a DMOZ to the catalog is free of charge.

It should be noted that the DMOZ catalog is moderated exclusively by voluntary editors. Before adding a site to the catalog, volunteer editors manually evaluate each resource, determine the compliance with the declared category, and only then add the site to the catalog.

The DMOZ Directory, or ODP (translated as "Open Directory"), is a very mature and significant directory, created in 1998. The catalog now includes:

  • More than 5 million sites
  • More than 1 million different categories and topics
  • About 100 language sections

Perhaps this is one of the most authoritative Internet catalogs that can be put on a par with Yandex.Catalog (we have already written about it in one of the articles of our blog).

What are the advantages of registering in the DMOZ catalog?

  • The site, which was included in the DMOZ catalog, is considered a reliable web resource, both for search engines and for users.
  • The site receives a positive attitude from search engines (Yandex and Google). The risk of filtering and sanctions is much lower.
  • Since the DMOZ directory attracts authoritative resources (for example, Google), placement in the directory gives a large number of links from sites with similar topics.
  • The description of the DMOZ catalog site can be displayed in snippets of Yandex and Google search results.

As practice shows, it is difficult to get into the DMOZ catalog, and many site owners, even sending an application to be added to the catalog 5-6 times, fail to see their resource in the DMOZ catalog database.

So, let's figure out which sites the DMOZ directory does not accept.

The directory has rules and instructions that must be followed so that the site is not rejected. Read on.

Sites that should not be submitted to the DMOZ directory:

  1. Mirror sites.
  2. Resources with duplicate or duplicate content.
  3. Websites with redirects.
  4. Illegal Content Sites.
  5. Sites that are under construction.
  6. Websites with affiliate links.
  7. Offer sites not in Cyrillic at
  8. Offer pornographic sites in the adult section.

These are certain requirements that the DMOZ catalog prescribes for those who plan to apply for their site. Before submitting your site for registration in this directory, be sure to check if it falls under the restrictions of these points.

In addition, conducting my own analysis and statistics, I will highlight a few more criteria that, in my opinion, are important for the DMZ catalog:

    Quality content

    We have already written about the importance of good content on a website when promoting. It is important for search engines, various directories and users. The DMOZ catalog is no exception. He also pays attention to high-quality content on the site (optimized and unique texts, well-composed meta tags, etc.).

    Usability and website design

    As a rule, the chances of a site that is user-friendly and beautifully designed are much higher.

    Age of the site

    It is much more difficult for young sites to get into this directory, because the age of the site is still an indicator that makes it clear that the site is being dealt with and it will not disappear soon.

Now you know which sites are priority for the editors of the DMOZ catalog and, after assessing your resource, you will be able to refine the shortcomings, correct errors and apply for adding to the catalog.

Adding a DMO to the catalog seems to be a very simple procedure, but in fact there are a number of nuances that prevent a successful addition to the catalog. You can miss the description or title, enter the wrong category for your site, and you are guaranteed failure. Therefore, I advise you to be careful at each stage.

Below I will describe each of the stages of adding a site to the DMOZ directory.

If your site is not accepted the first time, you can resubmit your application. But be sure to take into account all the requirements of the catalog, it is possible that the reason for the rejection is precisely in them.

If you do not have time to register yourself, you can order a registration service in the DMOZ catalog, Yandex.Catalogue and other catalogs in our company. More about the service.

Success in promotion!

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