Create and configure additional folders in mail. How to sort letters to mail ru by folders How to create a folder in mail mail

Create and configure additional folders in mail. How to sort letters to mail ru by folders How to create a folder in mail mail

  • Settings, filters - automatic distribution of letters into folders and protection from spam
  • Add mailbox - receive letters from other mailboxes, via mail
  • This section is intended for creating new folders in e-mail mail, for distributing letters. Folders help you organize your mail by categorizing emails by subject or other parameters. Folders also allow you to close access to certain emails by closing the folder with a password.

    Go to the settings - the button in the upper right corner, next to the "Exit" button, or press the "More" button and select "Settings".

    Select the "Folders" section either in the list on the left or on the right with an icon in the form of a yellow folder with a lock drawn on it.

    The page contains a list of already existing folders. At the top of the list is the "Add folder" button, by clicking this button, you can accordingly create a new folder for letters. Let's create a folder "Personal" for example, click "Add folder".

    In the first field, write down the name of the new folder (you can do anything, but I'll create "Personal"). In the second line, select the nesting level, that is, it is like in the operating system, either this folder will be visible and it will be equal to the others, or it will be inside another folder. To make it clearer, let's create a subfolder in the existing Inbox folder. I open the First Level Folder field and select the Inbox folder.

    Now we select the folder availability. "Not available for mail programs (POP3)" - this means that if you check this box, you will not be able to open this folder from e-mail programs such as Bat, Microsoft Outlook, and the like. In this case, letters from the folder can be opened only in Mail.

    You can create a password if someone else has access to your mail. To create a password, put a check mark in the "Password protected folder" column.

    Additional lines appear for filling in - we enter the password for the folder twice (you can see how to create a password in the "registration in mail" section), after the password we enter a secret question, the question is not selected, but is invented independently. The following is the answer to this question. The answer and the question do not have to be logically interconnected, the main thing is that you can later remember this answer. The answer is intended for password recovery, I do not advise you to write anything, because one day you will definitely forget your password.

    In the bottom line, enter the password for the Mail mailbox, that is, for the mailbox in which you are now. If you do not remember your password, go to the "password recovery" section. After all the data has been filled in, we press the "Add" button.

    Now in the list of folders there is a new one called "Personal". If you hover over a new folder, then two buttons appear on the right, - settings, and - delete a folder. In the folder settings, you can rename the folder, make it inaccessible to mail programs and close it with a password. In general, this is all that we ask when creating a new folder.

    If you hover the mouse over the main folders that already existed at the entrance, then two buttons also appear - "Clear" and - settings. You can only delete those folders that you have created yourself. When you clear a folder, all messages stored in this folder are deleted.

    Now we go to the main menu to look at the result of our actions, to go, click in the list on the left “go to the inbox”.

    A new one appeared among the folders - the one that was created. The Personal folder is located below the Inbox folder and can be hidden or shown using a triangle in the Inbox folder.

    In the previous article, I talked about how you can sort messages by folders (labels) in the GMail mail service. And in this article I will show you how to arrange incoming letters into the necessary folders in Yandex mail, in which this process is even more intuitive than in Google.

    Now I will not delve directly into the essence of all this division of letters into folders, since I already wrote about this in more detail in the previous article (see the link above).

    If in GMail mail folders are named correctly “shortcuts” and you won't see the word “folder” there, then Yandex uses the concept of “folder” for letters.

    Creating folders for sorting messages in Yandex

    In Yandex, folders are easy to create.

    On the left, in your personal mail account, there are main folders, such as "Inbox", "Sent Items", "Deleted Items" and below them there is a link "Create folder". Click on it:

    In the window that opens, you need to specify the name of the folder and such that you yourself would later understand what letters it contains :) It is clear that having named the folder “123”, then you will hardly understand what letters are in it :))

    Here you can also select the “parent” folder, ie. the one in which the created folder (subfolder) will be placed.

    For example, there is a folder called "Firm A", in which you will get all letters from firm "A". And since letters can be from different people and for different purposes, you can create several more subfolders in that folder, for example, “From management”, “Reports”, if, of course, you need such a detailed sorting.

    To create such a subfolder, click "Attach in another folder" and select the desired parent folder.

    Everything. You can click “Create folder” at the bottom and it will be created.

    The principle of sorting letters by folders in Yandex

    You can sort messages by created folders in Yandex in 2 ways:

      Manually. That is, having selected the desired letter, transfer it to the desired folder;

      Automatically... By creating special rules (conditions) for transferring certain letters to the necessary folders immediately upon their arrival in the mail.

    Manually moving letters to a folder

    Manual transfer of a letter or several to the desired folder is done like this ...

    Select in the list of letters one or several that you want to move to another folder, click "To folder" and from the window that appears, choose which folder they will be moved to.

    Or you can open the letter itself and do the same. No difference.

    Automatic placement of letters in the right folders

    Automatic placement of letters can be configured right when creating the folder itself.

    To do this, in the folder creation window, click "Yandex.Mail can automatically transfer ...".

    In the window that opens, conditions will be given (“Add to folder if”), with which you can set up automatic forwarding of letters.

    For example, you can fill in the address in the “From” condition or part of the address, and as a result, if, when a letter arrives in the mail, the sender's address coincides with what you specified in that condition, then it will work and the letter will be sent to this folder.

    To make the condition more “narrow”, you can also specify a subject. As a result, 2 conditions will be checked at once: the address and the subject of the letter. And only if both match the one you specified, the letter will be sent to the desired folder.

    Here, if necessary, you can proceed to setting up more complex and flexible conditions by clicking “I need more complex conditions”.

    In the window that opens, you can create more complex conditions and actions for incoming mail.

    The principle is similar: you specify the condition itself and choose what to do with the letter if this condition is met.

    You can also get to the creation of conditions and actions with letters through the subsection "Mail processing rules" of the general settings.

    Action on folders (delete, rename, customize)

    Created folders can be easily deleted and renamed. You just need to click on the folder in the list with the right mouse button and select the appropriate action from the pop-up window:

    If you need to customize folders in more detail, click “Folder and Tag Settings” in the same menu. So you will go to a separate window where you can change the location of folders one above the other, nest one folder in another, create conditions for moving letters in them.


    When letters are sorted into folders, it is easier to work with mail and, most importantly, more convenient, because everything is sorted into shelves. In Yandex, as you already understood, creating folders, managing them and sorting letters by them is very simple and intuitive. Therefore, I recommend that owners of mail on Yandex take this into service if you are not using it yet!

    Add folder

    1. Click Add Folder.
    2. In the Name field, enter a name for the new folder.
    3. In the Folder Location field, select:
    • Top Level Folder if you want the folder to appear in the list of other folders.
    • The name of the parent folder if you want to create a subfolder.
  • Set additional parameters if required.
  • Click Add.
  • You can also set a password for the folder. To do this, check the box next to "The folder is password protected" and fill in the fields:

    Empty folder

    If you want to clear a folder from letters, hover the mouse cursor over the name of the required folder and click “Clear”. Letters from the folder will appear in the "Trash" folder.

    Delete folder

    You can delete any folder except system folders: "Inbox", "Spam", "Sent Items", "Drafts" and "Trash".

    To delete a folder, hover the mouse cursor over its name and click on the icon.

    The folder will be permanently deleted, and all messages will be in the "Trash".

    It is not possible to delete a folder if it contains subfolders. First you need to delete the subfolders and then the folder at the top level.

    Rename folder

    You can rename personal folders. To go to the page for editing a folder, hover the mouse cursor over its name and click on the icon.

    Rename the folder and click Change.

    You cannot rename the Inbox, Spam, Trash, Sent Items folders.

    Make the folder inaccessible for downloading by mail programs using the POP3 protocol

    To make a folder unavailable for downloading via POP3, move the mouse cursor over the name of the required folder and click the icon. In the window that appears, check the box next to "Not available for mail programs (POP3)" and click "Change".

    You cannot download messages by email programs using the POP3 protocol from the Sent Items, Drafts and Trash folders.

    Make a folder an archive

    If you move old letters to the "Trash", they may disappear: the letter is deleted from the "Trash" after 30 days. To keep old emails always available, create an archive folder.

    To do this, check the "Make this folder an archive" checkbox. The folder will appear in the list after "Drafts" and will have its own icon -. Put old unclaimed letters in this folder so as not to clog your Inbox.

    Set a password on a folder

    To set a password on a folder, hover the mouse cursor over the name of the required folder and click on the icon. In the window that appears, check the box next to "The folder is password protected" and fill in the fields:

    The password for the folder will help to further protect the letters that it contains. However, if someone has access to your mailbox, he will not completely secure the letters. Enable secure SMS login in your mail so that no one gets into your mailbox.

    Folder order

    Mail folders are automatically arranged in alphabetical order. The first folder is always "Inbox", then folders with names from 0 to ∞, then - from A to Z and finally - from A to Z. The list is completed by service folders: "Sent Items", "Outbox", "Drafts", " Archive "," Spam "," Trash ".

    If you want to put folders in their own order, add numbers at the beginning of their names: 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on, until you mark the folders you want.

    Example of manual order of folders with numbers at the beginning of names

    If you have a problem with entering the folder, use our assistant .

    I will show you how to create a password-protected folder on the mail service. This is necessary for more reliable security of your emails.

    We go to your mailbox and on the left, next to the inbox, sent, spam, basket there is a button "configure folders". Click on configure folders.

    Now click on add folder.

    Come up with a name for the folder and put a tick on the item "the folder is password protected".

    We come up with a password for the protected folder, confirm the password. We come up with a secret question, in case we forget the password for the secret (protected) folder and come up with an answer to the secret question. You also need to enter the current password from the mailbox.

    Then click Add.

    The password for the protected folder must be 4 characters or more.

    Ready. You now have a password protected folder where you can move important emails. If someone crawls into your mailbox, he will not be able to view letters from the protected folder without knowing the password.

    From the inbox (like from any other), you can move messages to the protected folder.

    After you log out of your account (from the mailbox), that is, click on the exit. Then you will enter your mailbox again, then in order to enter the protected folder you will need to enter the password for the protected folder.

    If you have forgotten the password for the protected folder, then click "Forgot your password?".

    Password recovery for a protected folder. You will need to answer your secret question with a secret answer.

    Therefore, remember your secret answer in order to have access to the protected folder even if you forget the password for it.

    By answering the security question, you will be able to create a new password for the secure folder, as well as create a new security question and answer.

    Personal folders are needed in order to conveniently sort the stream of letters. For example, letters from work can be added to the "Work" folder, notifications from social. networks - in the folder "Social. networks ", and the correspondence with your beloved friends - in the" Friends "folder.

    Create a new folder

    To create a personal folder, go to Yandex.Mail, then in the "Settings" menu (the gear icon in the upper right corner of the page) and click on the "Folders and Tags" link.

    In the "Folders" block, click on the "New folder" button and proceed to setting it up.

    Setting up a new folder

    In the window that appears, specify the name of the new folder. If you want to attach a folder to an existing one, click on "Attach to another folder" under the name field. By default, new folders are nested in the standard Inbox.

    If you want only certain letters to be added to the new folder, click on the link "Yandex.Mail can automatically transfer certain letters to a folder" - the fields for configuring the rule will expand, according to which some letters will be sent only to your new folder. To do this, indicate the address (or part of it) from which such letters should come, as well as their subject. Should only letters with attached files be included in the folder? Then check the box "The letter contains attachments".

    If three parameters for filtering letters to a new folder are not enough for you, go to more flexible configuration of the rules for processing mail - for this, click on the link "I need more complex conditions" and describe all the necessary rules for sorting letters for the new folder.

    After describing the rules for parsing mail, click "Create folder" - the new folder will instantly appear in the list of Yandex.Mail folders.

    Return to the "Letters" section and to see all your personal folders, click on the checkmark to the left of the "Inbox" link - the list with your new personal folders will expand.

    Working with and managing new folders

    You can put any letter in a new personal folder directly from the letter itself or from the list of letters. To do this, open the letter or tick several letters in the list, then click on the "Move to folder" link under the search bar at the top right and select the desired folder. In the menu that appears, you can also quickly create another personal folder by clicking on the "New folder" link.

    You can at any time clear, rename, configure a rule or delete a personal (but not a standard) folder, as well as mark all messages in a folder as read - for this you need to return to the Settings menu, then Folders and Tags. In the same section, personal folders can be moved among themselves, including nesting into each other by ordinary dragging with the mouse.

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