When you start windows, google chrome starts. How to manually add any program to Windows Startup? How to add a program to startup

When you start windows, google chrome starts. How to manually add any program to Windows Startup? How to add a program to startup


If you regularly visit sites of questionable content or download any programs from there, you can be sure that sooner or later your computer will become infected with malicious software. One day it may happen that after restarting the PC, you will find that the browser automatically opened along with it, and it immediately opens an incomprehensible link or advertisement. This means that you have become a victim of malware and, of course, you need to fight it so that your confidential data is not "left" to someone else.

The essence of the problem

Most often this happens due to the carelessness of the user himself and the lack of effective means of protection on the computer. While surfing the web, each of us can become a victim of malicious programs, and it is far from always possible to determine them on our own. Most often they "hide" under the guise of harmless or even useful programs that we download and run. As a result, after launching the executable file, malicious code is activated, which can be registered in the system registry, in the browser settings and startup. Of course, such programs do not serve any kind for the time being, but immediately after you turn on your personal computer again, you will see that your browser also opens, and with it a page with an advertisement or an unknown search engine. In any case, you need to fight this scourge, since there is a high probability that your confidential data can be compromised (attackers can steal passwords, logins, bank card details, names, etc.).

Reasons for the appearance

The reason for this problem is simple. Most likely, you downloaded some program, game or application on the global network and launched the installation package. Attackers often disguise their malicious "brainchilds" as potentially useful programs, and this is largely due to gaining user trust. Many malicious programs are designed in such a way that their code can only be launched manually. In this case, when we run the installation package, we automatically generate malicious code that can be written in those places on the computer where it needs to be. Depending on the goals of the attacker, these can be: browser settings, system registry, computer startup parameters, even PC hardware (RAM).

As for the browser that automatically opens with the computer, most often, in this way, attackers try to increase their own profits by moving the user to advertisers' sites. In the global network, many services are built on the principle that payment is made by visiting some pages and the more visits, the more profit. It also increases the conversion of the site, its performance for advertisers, respectively, increases its price. Do not assume that such software is absolutely safe, because you do not know what the attacker is up to and injected into your code. He may have added a feature to automatically send user data. In any case, it is necessary to deal with such a problem.

What to do when a browser with a website or ad opens automatically when you turn on your computer

This problem is gaining momentum today, and this is largely due to the fact that antiviruses do not yet recognize it as malware. Of course, you can call the master, but then you will have to pay a pretty sum for the small work. Therefore, try to do everything yourself, especially since the removal procedure itself usually does not take much time. You can cope with this task in just one hour.

Cleanup startup

So, first of all, you need to check the startup parameters. Perhaps some of your browsers are located there and therefore are launched together with a personal computer. In order to clean the "Startup", you need to do the following:

  • Open the "Start" menu;
  • In the search bar at the bottom, write msconfig;

    Run the msconfig utility

  • After starting the utility, open the "Startup" tab;

    Open the "Startup" tab in the window

  • Uncheck all unknown programs and save the changes.
  • These manipulations will not be enough, after a reboot, most likely, the ill-fated window will reappear. Don't worry - everything is going according to plan and the next step is to clean your registry.

    Cleaning the registry on your computer

    To begin with, restart your PC again and when the browser starts, pay attention to the address bar, namely, to the name of the site that is launched first (before the redirect). The thing is that it is the name of the first site that we need. If you do not have time, then immediately after loading you will be transferred to another, then reboot your PC again and repeat the procedure. By the way, in order not to look in a hurry or restart your desktop computer several times, you can simply disconnect it from the Internet. In this case, the browser will open again, but there will be no redirects, and you will see the site that we need. Next, you have to work with the registry itself:

  • Press the Win + R key combination on the keyboard;
  • In the window that appears, specify the regedit command and click the "OK" button;

    Launch Registry Editor

  • In the open "Registry Editor" select the HKEY_USERS folder;

    Select the HKEY_USERS folder

  • Press the key combination Ctrl + F on the keyboard and enter the name of the site mentioned above (in the example, basady);

    We start the search for the desired phrase

  • The found files must be deleted through the context menu.

    Deleting found fragments

    Delete all basady in the registry

  • In order not to be mistaken with what you are deleting, take a look at the item "Value" in the presented table. Pay attention to the address and if the desired site name is indicated there, then feel free to click on the "Delete" button. Repeat the search until the search phrase no longer appears in the results.

    For simplicity, you can use special software that analyzes and cleans the system registry. For example, use CCleaner or AdwCleaner. They are quite easy to use, so no one should have any problems working with them. Let's take an example of how CCleaner works:

  • Run the program;
  • Select "Registry" from the menu on the left;

    Clearing the registry with CCleaner

  • Start scanning using the "Find problems" button;

    We look at the search results and click "Fix"

  • At the end of the procedure, click on the "Fix marked" button.

    We confirm the correction of the found problems in the registry

  • If nothing has changed after the restart, then you should check your computer with an antivirus.

    Antivirus check

    Like any other malware, it also leaves traces, although it successfully disguises them. In some cases, files or folders may be found, which again and again restore deleted data in the registry. Your best bet is to use your antivirus and scan your computer. Let's look at the example of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool:

  • Open the antivirus window and click on the "Start scan" button;

    Click on the button "Start check"

  • We are waiting for the end of the procedure and look at the list of errors found;

    Checking the computer with an antivirus

    We look at the scan results and remove unnecessary fragments

  • Select the action "Delete" for those files that are advertising and click the "Continue" button.
  • Complete the procedure and restart your PC.
  • After rebooting, the device may be rescanned. As a rule, it lasts a little longer, but it also shows better results. If other ad files are found, repeat the removal procedure.

    Removing a page from the browser

    Malware often saves information about itself in the browser settings. It is for this reason that a page of a search engine or a third-party site that you do not need may appear when you start it. All this information can be deleted, returned to its previous form with your own hands, and you can not be afraid that you somehow manage to harm your computer.

    First of all, you need to work with the browser shortcut, since often sites register themselves in the properties. To do this, you should:

  • Right-click on the browser shortcut;
  • Open "Properties";

    Opening browser properties

  • Go to the "Shortcut" tab.

    In the properties go to the "Shortcut" tab

  • Pay attention to the "Object" field, if there is some additional information after Application \ chrome.exe, then feel free to delete it. Also pay attention to the section "Shared Folder", where there should be no values ​​after the word Application either. For best results, do the following:

  • Start the "Control Panel";

    Open the "Control Panel"

  • Select the "Internet Options" option;

    Launch "Internet Options"

  • The network settings window will appear, where we are interested in the "General" tab;

    Changing the home page

  • In the "Home page" section, the address of the site that interests us may be indicated;
  • Delete it and save all changes.
  • After that, most likely, when starting the PC, the browser will no longer be activated, but there may still be some data of the embedded code. You can get rid of them only if you manually change the settings inside the web browsers themselves.

    If you are using Yandex.Browser:

  • Click on the image of the three lines at the top of the window and open the "Settings";

    Open "Settings" in Yandex Browser

  • Find the "Search" section and select the search engine you need.

    Changing the search engine

  • If you are using Google Chrome:

  • Find the image of three dots at the top of the window and select "Settings" from the menu;

    Settings in Chrome

  • In the "Open at startup" section, click on the "Add" button and delete unknown addresses, and then change the parameter itself to the "New tab" position;

    Change the launch parameters to "New tab"

  • In the "Search" section, specify the search engine you need. It is advisable to remove all unknown site addresses, which can be done using the "Configure search engines" button.

    Changing the search engine in the browser

  • If you are using the Opera web browser:

  • Press the "Menu" button;
  • Select the "Settings" and "General Settings" option;

    Open "General Settings"

  • Select the "Advanced" tab and in the left menu "Content";

    Removing unnecessary scripts in the content

  • Click "Configure JavaScript" and remove all unknown URLs;
  • Select "Cookies" and clear them completely.

    Delete Cookies

  • If you are using the Internet Explorer browser:

  • Find the "Service" button and select "Add-ons";

    Selecting "Add-ons"

  • Disable unknown resources in the "Toolbar and Extensions";

    Changing data in the toolbar and extensions

  • In the "Search Service" do the same and save the changes.
  • Sometimes it can be useful to configure the automatic launch of a program or event when the computer is turned on, immediately after Windows starts. It can be absolutely any program, for example, you can even open Notepad as soon as Windows boots. Not all programs have the ability to enable or disable autorun in their settings, and therefore some of them can be configured to automatically load when the PC is turned on only manually through the Task Scheduler tool. Therefore, in this article I will show you a way to add any program to startup via the Windows Task Scheduler.

    As an example ... The Skype program has autorun settings in its interface, that is, having entered Skype, you can choose whether to start it when you turn on the computer or not. The Google Chrome program, in other words, like any other browser, does not have autorun parameters in its interface, so if you suddenly want to start the browser immediately after starting Windows, you will have to use the task scheduler.

    There are other ways to manually add the necessary programs to startup, for example, through the Windows registry, but the way with the task scheduler is the simplest and most convenient!

    Remember that the task scheduler is generally a useful gizmo, and through it you can not only configure the startup of programs, but also create other scheduled tasks that will be performed at the time you specify (or at a specific event) and at the specified interval. For example, through the scheduler, you can configure the computer to turn off automatically at a specified time or on specified days (this is described).

    Configuring the launch of the program through the task scheduler

    Open the Task Scheduler program. The fastest way to open the program is through the Windows search. In the search, type "Scheduler" and open the found program "Task Scheduler".

    How to use search in different versions of Windows is described

    Also, the scheduler can be found in the following path: Control Panel - System and Security - Administrative Tools.

    With Task Scheduler open, navigate to the folder (on the left) “Task Scheduler Library (1). Then click on the right "Create a simple task" (3), or right-click (hereinafter "RMB") on the empty window in the center and select "Create a simple task" (2).

    The wizard for creating a scheduled task will open, in which you need to go through just 6 simple steps:

    That's it, the task has been created! Now you will see it in the scheduler tasks library:

    Restart your computer and check the result :)

    If you want to change something in the task, then right-click on it in the list and select "Properties". A window will open where you can change any parameters of the created task (except for the task name!). Also, by right-clicking on the task, you can disable it or completely delete it. The disabled task is not removed from the list, but simply stops working. And the deleted task is completely removed from the list.

    Sometimes it may be that the task does not want to start in any way, but at the same time you see that all the conditions are set correctly. In this case, open the properties of the task and on the first tab "General" at the very bottom where the inscription "Configure for" try to select your version of Windows from the list.

    If you have Windows 8 (it is not in the list), then try choosing Windows 7 or Windows 10. In some situations like this, setting this option helps.


    I think that the ability to configure the automatic launch of any programs or individual files can be useful to many. And in general, the task scheduler is a useful thing and I recommend that every Windows user be sure to pay attention not to its capabilities!

    Every Internet surfer encounters audio and video ads on websites every day, which starts immediately after the page is loaded. Autoplay multimedia leads to a waste of traffic, a decrease in bandwidth, causes discomfort and irritation. Fortunately, Google has added an experimental feature to automatically play audio and video that solves all problems at once.

    Autoplay is useful in venues like Youtube, however, if you visit many different resources, then blocking such behavior significantly saves time and nerves. And this is not a complete shutdown of the launch of the media, because the videos will "come to life" as soon as you start interacting with the tab. But in the background pages there is "peace and quiet", and obviously advertising windows can be easily closed without familiarization. By the way, according to statistics, every fifth click on the Web leads from the target to the promoted spam web page.

    A good way to block autostart videos is by disabling the flash player in the browser (see settings chrome: // settings / content chapter " Flash") and HTML5 player (using plugins Disable HTML5 Autoplay or Video Autoplay Blocker). Chrome 61 and higher, everything is done faster and easier.

    Block autoplay of video and audio in Chrome

    • Go to the hidden features page by typing in the address bar chrome: // flags and clicking " Enter"→ through the search field, find the option Autoplay policy(or immediately copy to the address bar chrome: // flags / # autoplay-policy → "Enter").
    • Select " Document user activation is required "(" User activation required ") and restart the browser with the appeared button" Relaunch now".
    • If in the future you want to enable autostart multimedia, return the function to its original value " Default" ("Default").

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