The latest step-by-step instructions for creating a group in contact. How to create a VKontakte group How to make information in a group

The latest step-by-step instructions for creating a group in contact. How to create a VKontakte group How to make information in a group


Social media is a real phenomenon that blew up the internet and has become a significant part of the lives of many people. Without a high-quality representation of your personality online, it is very difficult to achieve success in your career, especially if you have to work with people on duty. Many people say that if a person is not on the social network, then he is not at all, and there is some truth in this.

VKontakte is, if not “our everything,” then at least joy and pride. The domestic social network is the largest in Europe and highly rated in the rest of the world.

Constant improvements and work on bugs allow attracting more and more new users, and VKontakte receives about 70 million people per day:

Groups are one of the most powerful VKontakte tools. More and more users prefer them over websites. Why this is happening, how to competently use the capabilities of a social network and how to promote a group in VKontakte will be discussed in this article.

What is the group

The VKontakte group offers the following main features:

  • Create discussions. Depending on the rules set in the group, new topics may be suggested by members or the administrator.
  • Adding photos, audio and video. Such materials should correspond to the topic of the group ( or shouldn't, if the administrator permits).
  • Messages on the "wall". Active discussions develop not only in discussions. The reason may be someone's recording, picture or video.

How to create a VKontakte group?

It takes very little time for you to have your own group. To begin with, you should visit the "My Settings" section and tick the "My Groups" item so that it is displayed in the menu:

After that, the corresponding item appears in the menu:

Go to and click " Create a community»:

Enter the name, select the community type "Group" and create:

Now you can set the desired settings and the group is ready:

The group owner has access to various management tools and statistics. Are there also elements for the basic promotion of groups?

Why are groups needed?

People can have a wide variety of ideas, creating their own thematic community. You can try to make money or just lead a group "for the soul." Consider the main goals of creating a VKontakte group.

  • For gathering “like-minded people”. No one has yet canceled the feeling of boredom and despondency, so it is useful to have a company of like-minded people at hand. If you couldn't find them in real life, then it is worth trying in virtual;
  • For online display of real group unit. A class at school, a team at work, a club of oil rig owners - it will be useful for all of them to have a connection to a social network. This will give more opportunities, and in general, will make life much easier;
  • Content generation. This point already implies mercantile interests. Instead of using expensive ( or cheap, but of poor quality) the services of copywriters, you can simply create a new discussion, in which the group members will express many interesting thoughts;
  • Group as an alternative to the site. For the owner of a thematic community, the possibilities in this regard are practically unlimited. If you want to create a news portal - no question, you need an online store - no problem: products and descriptions for them can be placed in photo albums and the hottest can be put on the wall.

Inconvenience can arise only when placing advertisements, but in this case there is a fairly wide range of possibilities.

  • Targeted ads. This type of advertising is a small banner placed on the pages of a social network. Ads are offered only to the group of users that the advertiser defines;
  • Community posts. VKontakte invites advertisers to place their ads in groups relevant to the topic;
  • Interaction through applications. VKontakte has a huge number of games and tests. Within these applications, you can place an offer to follow a link to an external resource;
  • Sell ​​mercilessly. If the group has an impressive number of members and has development prospects, then you are guaranteed a long line of buyers;
  • Help your project. This section should be given special attention.

Project development with the help of groups

Promotion of a group in VKontakte can act only as part of work on its own resource. Opening representative offices on social networks is an important part of promotion. Let's consider the main advantages of this approach.

  • Good traffic source. It should be noted that in this case we can speak about the target audience. After all, only interested people will agree to join a group that corresponds to the theme of your site;
  • Possibility to find out the opinion of visitors. Of course, research can be carried out directly on the pages of the site, but this is not always appropriate. The format of the VKontakte group allows you to harmoniously conduct surveys of participants, thus obtaining valuable information:
  • A good addition to the site's functionality. If the main resource does not offer to buy anything, then the VKontakte group can take over this task. In this regard, the thematic community is limited only by the owner's imagination;
  • You can promote not a specific site, but a specific topic. Sometimes users do not go to the pages of the resource, not because it is bad, but because of the insufficiently popular focus of the site. A group on a social network will help fix this;
  • Good opportunity to find employees. If you feel that you are no longer coping with a rapidly growing project and need help, then the thematic group is a good source of potential employees;
  • Obtaining statistical information about the participants. It is important to understand who is interested in your topic, because it may turn out that one target audience was planned, but it turned out to be completely different.

Promotion of the VKontakte group

Before opening a representative office of your VKontakte website, you need to think about how to promote a group. Indeed, without an impressive number of participants, the thematic community will be ineffective.

The first thing to think about is optimization. For the correct implementation of this stage, you must follow some recommendations.

  • Use keywords in the group name. The ship sails as it is called, and users will find your community for certain requests. In order to make the right choice, you need to analyze your subject area and form the most appropriate name;
  • Competently write a description. By analogy with the Description tag, you should use direct and indirect keyword occurrences. Search engines should get the data they need to get to the top, and visitors should quickly understand what this is about;
  • Ensure content uniqueness. This point is important for both search robots and humans. No one wants to read again what they have seen somewhere, and a joke told a second time is no longer a joke. Search engines "spit" on plagiarists and "demand" to comply with the norms of uniqueness.

It is also worth remembering that the group must be active throughout the day. That is, if you have a certain amount of information, then you need to evenly distribute it in order to achieve multiple visits.

It is also worth stimulating all sorts of activities within the group: add new discussions, polls, events. The more movement the better.

The main goal of group promotion is to attract new people. Let's consider the main ways to solve this problem.

  • Invite people yourself. Brothers, sisters, aunts and uncles will gladly (or not) support a relative, and friends will also not be left on the sidelines. When these niches are exhausted, you can start looking for complete strangers who might be interested in your project. It should be noted separately that 16-year-old Katya Glamurova is unlikely to join the group “ All about compressors”, Therefore it is necessary to filter possible participants. Unfortunately, the daily number of invitations is limited (no more than 40);
  • Search for similar communities. Your potential members have already been snapped up by other groups, but nothing prevents the VK user from joining you, so cooperation between thematic communities is a mutually beneficial activity. The main thing when choosing is the relevance of the subject matter and a sufficiently high quality of the group (regular updates, less advertising, a constant increase in the number of participants);
  • Long live spam. A popular community with open comments is just some kind of marketplace where everyone shouts: “ oh, what a delicious group, I would eat it myself!". This is annoying for many visitors, but some are curious. In addition, you can write private messages with a request to join the thematic community, but their number is again limited. It should be noted that spam in an arrogant and overt form will certainly entail a ban, and no one wants this. To avoid this outcome, you should constantly change the text of the invitations. Increasing the number of group members using spam is a time-consuming method, so you need to carefully weigh everything before resorting to it;
  • Use other sites and social networks to attract members. VKontakte is not the only social network in which your representative office should be. If a group is an element of site promotion, then all the "branches" of your information resource should be connected with each other and advertise each other. You can also post links on other sites, but this is most likely already a paid pleasure;
  • Use software tools. It is worth stopping at this point and explaining it in more detail.

Programs for the promotion of VKontakte groups

Software assistance in group promotion can be very diverse. Consider some of the opportunities that robots open up for us:

  • Find materials on a given topic. You should not steal content, but if there is no imagination, then a program like Grabber VkDog will help you in a dishonest case:

We have released a new book, "Content Marketing on Social Media: How to Get Into the Heads of Subscribers and Fall in Love with Your Brand."

VKontakte communities are groups of people united by interests.

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They can share news, information, listen to music, conduct polls.

Such a kind of creative (or not so) circle in the online mode. Despite the seeming frivolity and simplicity, it is an effective marketing tool. With its help, they organize not only communication between participants, but also business promotion. Just think how many possibilities this site gives. Now it is visited by over 97 million people a day.

All these users not only read, watch videos, but also buy. It is a great sales channel for many companies. And one of the ways to find customers in it is to use platforms in a social network.

How do VK communities differ from each other?

There are three types of communities. To found one of them, go to the "Groups" section of the menu and click "Create". A window like this will appear in front of you.

As for the subject matter, you can choose one of two: for a person, an organization, a store, or a blog by interest. After that, the system offers to choose the direction: beauty, cooking, travel, etc. Let's talk in more detail about each of the three formats of doing business on VKontakte.

The materials posted on it can be seen by all Internet users, even if they are not registered in this social network. Most often, it is through the promotion of brands, online magazines, news resources, services. They are suitable for making money on advertising and affiliate programs. They have features that do not allow the audience to be very active in creating a site, but they help to attract traffic.

The advantages and disadvantages of such a community:

  • It will be reflected in the profile of each of your subscribers. True, to always be in sight, you only need to generate interesting content. Then you will be in the top five. This increases the reach.
  • All discussions, videos and photo albums are on the right, below. This is more likely a disadvantage if you are promoting a product.
  • Only you have the right to leave notes on the wall. Participants will be able to comment on them (the option is disabled) or suggest their notes with a special button.
  • The description of the VKontakte community is located at its top. There is also a pinned text with important materials (for example, your contacts, links, current article).
  • It is easier to promote it, since people are more willing to subscribe to public pages. They often catch the eye of visitors and, subject to the availability of fascinating posts, a subscription is inevitable.
  • Users cannot be deleted.

Sections that are available for customization in the public. They will be reflected on the right, below.


A universal format that contains many functions. Such a business advertising channel is suitable for the sale of products and services, as well as for pooling by interests. It is possible to create an online store by connecting the "Products".

Community advantages and disadvantages:

Summarize. The public as a whole is easier to promote. It is more often seen by visitors, since it is located on the home page of each subscriber. People subscribe to it voluntarily, without any motivation on your part. This format is the best option for organizing a channel with texts, beautiful photos, promotions, polls, news. It is more difficult to implement an assortment in them. Although they can also upload photos and connect "Products".

The good thing is that it has more functionality. It is more convenient as a platform for direct sales and bringing people together according to some principle. For example, professionally. Promotion is not so simple. In order to learn about the community, you need to send out invitations yourself or ask your contacts about it. It is very difficult to find it. To do this, you need to scroll through all the user's personal information and only then get to the section. Unless, of course, it is hidden by the privacy settings.


The bottom line is to cover all sorts of events and notify participants about them. The functionality is very similar to other formats, but with some differences. The community has an organizer: account, group or public. Also, start and end times are always present. The visitor, after he joins, has three answer options: I will definitely go, Probably and I can’t. The button "Call friends" is available to him.


  • In the news and alerts there are reminders about the upcoming show / concert.
  • It is possible to invite up to 5000 people every 12 hours.
  • It is not necessary to create a new event, it is enough to reschedule its dates.

In addition to all of the above, there are pages, they are also promoted, but as part of the development of a personal brand. When it comes to recognizing a person, not a company.

How to change the format

If you have chosen a public page, but realized that it is not suitable for business tasks, you have the right to transfer it to a different view and vice versa. But it is important to take into account all the nuances. Such an event can be held once every 30 days. At the same time, many functions will change in accordance with the new focus. If the number of participants is less than 10,000, there will be no problems with the changes. If it is more, you will need to submit an application to technical support and wait for a solution.

VK community materials

After you have made a public or a group, there comes a crucial moment for its filling. As we have already described, both of these formats are suitable for filling with text and graphic content. The only difference is the location of the videos and photos. You can connect them in the settings. To do this, you need to follow three steps. Go to the menu as in the screenshot by clicking the three dots next to the inscription "You are subscribed" or "You are a member" and select "Management". Then open the "Sections" and check the boxes where necessary. Do not forget to highlight whether the entries will be restricted or open. It depends on whether people can add something of their own or not. After that, go back and download the materials.

What to write in the description of the VK community

This is a required part of a public page or group. It should be concise, understandable, and meaningful for your target audience. The person who came to you wants to either understand where he got to, or get important information for him, if he is already your client / subscriber. It is best to combine both options. You can not leave the canvas of text solid, arrange paragraphs, use graphic elements. Add a call to subscribe at the end.

Ideas for describing the community:

  • The benefits of your company.
  • Group content. Tell the visitor what he will find here. Leave links to main articles.
  • Contact information, when and how to contact you.
  • A short story about you and your activity (field, work experience, achievements).
  • Offer discounts, free services, promotions, contests.


It helps participants get to the right topic right away, rather than searching through all the sections. For example, if you are selling something, let it have four items: assortment, prices, conditions, contacts. First, you need to create a background for buttons in graphic editors. You can do this yourself or using a special service. For example, Then using the instructions from

Interested in creating a VK community? Let's take a look at the main differences first!

The main differences between the Public page and the VKontakte group

Group Public page Output
Purpose For discussions and associations of interestTo publish news on behalf of a company or a famous personChoose the type of community that suits your goals.
Privacy Open, closed, privateOpenThe group can be made closed or private. The public page is always open.
Profile display To see the groups to which the user is subscribed, you need to click "Show detailed information". But they are not always visible: if the group is private or users have hidden their display in the privacy settings, you will not see them.The public pages to which the user is subscribed is located under the block with friends, and this list cannot be hidden in any way.People see interesting public pages on friends' pages and subscribe to them. This happens less often with groups due to their unfortunate location and privacy settings.
Invite friends YesNoYou can invite friends to join your group. To do this, go to "Community Management" - "Members" - "Invitations". Public pages do not have this feature.
Posts from subscribers In groups, you can turn on the "Open wall" mode. Any user can write a post on such a wall, and everyone who enters the group will see it. However, such entries do not make it to the news feeds of the group members.Any user can offer a post in the public, administrators will be able to publish it on behalf of the community with the signature of the author. Before publication, the proposed entry is not seen by anyone except administrators, and then it gets into the news feeds of subscribers.If you need moderation of posts, it is better to give preference to the community.
Changing the community type YesYesA public page can be transferred to a group and vice versa. But this can only be done by the creator of the community. Changing the community type again is possible only after 30 days. Also, to transfer the number of participants, there must be no more than 10,000, otherwise the decision is made by the support of VKontakte at your request "
User Content "Open" in groups can be not only a wall, but almost all sections: photos, videos, music, documents, photo albums, etc.Public administrators can allow users to upload photos to specific albums - no more. Users cannot add anything else.Want a lot of user generated content? Then a group is more suitable for you. As for the public, users can only upload photos and suggest posts for publication. But this is enough.
Seats and check-ins In group management, you can specify the location. It will be displayed in the description. People who will be near the specified location, when creating a record and attaching their location to it, will be able to select your group as a point to mark.In a public, you can specify several places at once. They are displayed in the hotel block in the right column on the page. However, unlike groups, you can check in in these places only through the community itself.If you are the owner of an offline business, your visitors often visit your establishment and check in there, then you should choose a group. If there are not enough check-ins and you realize that this function is not effective and does not bring the desired result, you can always change the type of community.
Group Public page
Live broadcasts
Possibility to pin a post
Subscribe to notifications
Community online
Detailed statistics
No commenting
Money transfers
Apps and Widgets
Dynamic cover

Perhaps these are all important differences.

Most likely you don't need a “just to be” group. You are pursuing a specific goal, right? Most likely, you want to make your brand more recognizable, or perhaps you want more sales or you want to attract new customers. To achieve these goals, it is very important to correctly create and customize the VK community. I will help you deal with this quickly and completely.

Are you ready to learn all the intricacies of doing business on VKontakte?

Then let's get down to business!

How to create a VKontakte group?

Creating a group in VK in 7 easy steps:

Important! The title should contain a keyword by which potential subscribers can search for you.

  1. Fill in your group information:

  1. Come up with a page address

The address of the page should be simple and memorable, so that it would not be difficult to find you.

  1. Create an avatar for your group
    • If your company has a branded nonsense, then decorate the avatar with the colors of your company, also use the logo, for better memorization of your company.
    • When searching, the first thing a person sees is the group's avatar. It can be seen in the news feed and in the search results. Your task is to make it very high quality!
    • An avatar should be meaningful and intriguing. If you decide to add text to it, then check whether it will be readable in miniature.
    • Community avatar - 200 pixels wide by 500 pixels high
    • Use no more than 2 fonts.

How to create a menu for a VKontakte group?

For convenient navigation of subscribers around the site, a menu is often used when creating a VKontakte group.

The main features of a good menu:

  • Everything is structured;
  • It is easy to find the information of interest;
  • Nice and clear design.

How to create a menu:

This post will be fixed at the top and so new subscribers will see it immediately.

To prevent the new subscriber from changing everything in your menu, make sure that only the group administrator can edit. Allow subscribers to view only.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly set up a group.

How to set up a VKontakte group?

Community settings are on the right and are divided into sections.

This section contains basic information and additional:

Name. You have already invented the name, but you can change it at any time.

Description of the community. The description should reveal the essence of your community, its purpose, detailed information about the community. Remember, the description should not be too long, it should be no more than 10 lines.

Group type.

There are 3 types of groups:

  1. Private
  2. Open
  3. Closed

When you choose the type of group - follow the prompts.

Community topics. Choose the right topic for your community.

Web site. If the materials that you will publish relate to your site, then in this field enter the address of your resource.

Addresses. If you have an establishment, then you can specify the work schedule, breaks and working days. You can make the block the main one in the settings so that customers can see it at the top of the community. Then users can see your location and get directions to it, which is very convenient.

Another very handy feature is available to the community administrator. He can display one button and assign one of the actions to it:

  1. Call by phone or VK.
  2. Write to the mail.
  3. Open a site or community.
  4. Go to an app on your phone or community.

Vkontakte is one of the most popular and visited resources on the Internet. This popularity is due to the fact that VK provides tremendous opportunities for communication. However, in addition to communication, you can also earn money with it. Consider how to create a group on Vkontakte (VK).

It should be noted that creating a group is a fairly simple task. But, creating your own community is just the beginning. After that, it still needs to be filled with interesting and useful information.

Step-by-step instructions: how to make a group in VKontakte

Consider in stages, how to make a group in VKontakte(VC).

A window will open in which you need to click on the "Create community" link.

At the next step, a new window will open where you will need to specify the name of the new Vkontakte community. Keep in mind that the title should clearly describe the essence of your community and contain keywords. After all, it is by keywords that people will find it.

  • "Group"... Selected for communication between users.
  • If you need to focus on your personal messages, select the item called "Public page".
  • Option "Event", as the name implies, is chosen for the organization of concerns, parties, and so on.

After choosing the required option, click on the "Create community" button. That's all, the group is created, and a page with the following settings (fields) will open:

  1. Name... Everything should be clear here. You need to indicate the name that was entered in the previous step.
  2. page address... The URL address is indicated at which the created Vkontakte group will be available. It should be noted that you can choose more interesting options, and not only those that are offered by default. This is an important point, as it will be a permanent address and will be remembered by future potential clients. Try to make the address of the Vkontakte group memorable and reflect the essence of your activity.
  3. Community Description... Here you will find information that describes your business or your activities on the social network as fully as possible.
  4. Community Topics... You need to indicate the most suitable topic for your VK group.
  5. Web site... If you have your own Internet project, you can specify it here. This address will be displayed on the main page of the created group.
  6. Age restrictions... It is necessary to indicate for what age audience the group will be.
  7. Comment filter... Allows you to set up a filter that will automatically remove entries containing obscene words or any of the words you specified.
  8. Location... It makes sense to indicate it only if your company or office has a specific location.
  9. Community posts... By activating this function, users will be able to write private messages to the group administration.
  10. Wall... Here you need to specify the type for the wall: open, limited or closed.
    Off. News will not be available in the group.
    Open. Everyone can post to the group.
    Limited. Only the owner of the VK group can write posts, and anyone who wants to can leave comments.
    Closed. Any content is added only by the administration of the group.
  11. Switches: photos, videos, documents, audio recordings, discussion materials. They govern the respective kinds of sections. They can be turned off, open and closed.
  12. Group type... Adjusts the visibility of the group for those people who are not yet in it. There may be such options:
  • Open... Anyone can join the group.
  • Closed... Before joining a group of new people, the administrator must approve the application to join.
  • Private... Entry takes place only by personal invitation.

So, we looked at how to create a new group in VK. Now the backwardness is only to upload a photo (avatar). To do this, you need to click on the "upload photo" button. A new window will open where you need to select a suitable photo. It can be either your own photo or any other image that you like.

Then you will be prompted to crop the image to fit the desired size. All that remains is to choose how the thumbnail will look and save the changes.

On this, a group in VKontakte is created, and you can start publishing new posts in it.

So, the article looked at how to create a Vkontakte group, and set it up so that it turns out to be an excellent platform that will inspire trust among new visitors and encourage people to make a purchase. It will also be useful to watch the video instruction:

CreationgroupIn contact with- video

A group in contact, anything can be. This could be a store, a media outlet, a personal blog, or just a community of interest.

If you plan to sell products and services, or just want to create your own community, then you definitely need to start groups on social networks. First, let's figure out how to create a VKontakte group, and then you yourself can choose the desired community format for yourself.

There are 3 of them on VKontakte:
1. Group
2. Public page (public)
3. Activity

1. Preparing to create a VKontakte group

Go to your page and look at the menu on the left. Find “groups”. If there is no such item, then hover the mouse over “my page” so that the gear-shaped icon appears and click on it.

Check the box next to the group and click the “save” button. Now in the left menu you will have a new section "groups", click on it.

In front of you you will see a list of all groups to which you are subscribed # 1. On the tab under number 2, you will see all the groups that you manage.

That is, all the pages that you have created or to which you have access as an administrator or moderator will be visible here. This will be discussed in more detail below.

2. Creating a VKontakte group

Click on the “create community” button. Come up with a name for your new band.

The name should clearly reflect the essence of your community. Your name will be searched for, allowing your community to get free followers and customers.

Group names are very well indexed by search engines. It will also go from there.
Now you need to decide on the type.

Group- suitable for communities in which it is planned to be active. For example, you need to create many different topics and discussions. Groups are somewhat similar to forums with many different threads and discussions. If you are planning to make a closed community, then you will need to select a group. This will not be possible on public pages.

Public page (public)- good for sharing news quickly. Great for blogging, media, business, entertainment. Most communities choose this format for its simplicity and convenience.

Event- suitable for organizing meetings, concerts and other events to be held on a specific date.
Choose the topic as accurately as possible and click on the "create a community" button. If your theme is not on the list, then pick a similar one.

Determine the type of page. I have set - an organization or a website. Do not forget to check the box and click on the "create page" button.

Congratulations! Your first group has been created, now you need to make it presentable.

3. Setting up the VKontakte group

You are now in the admin area of ​​your group. From here, you can customize and style your community. These settings are only available to you for now.

You can change your name at any time. But don't do it too often. Also, Vkontakte does not like it when the community was conducted on one topic, and then abruptly switches to another. For this, you can also get a blocking (ban) of the group.

This line can be edited. Delete all numbers and letters and write any name in Latin letters. If it is free, then it will be yours.

Community Cover - Cover must be 1590x400 pixels. Try to find a high-quality picture, people love high-quality and beautiful pictures!

Such covers can be made by yourself or ordered from designers on freelance. If there is no money, then you can pick up a picture from the Internet. Or you can make a cover by.

Just change the size you want. This is exactly what I did for this example. Click “download” and select the prepared picture. Click “save and continue”.

The founding date can be omitted. It takes up extra space and doesn't make any sense.

Let's go to the “sections”. Select the desired items to be displayed in the community in the right column.

Photo albums. Suitable for those who plan to add a lot of photos. For example, if you are into flowers, you can upload pictures by category.

Audio recordings. You can upload whole albums of music and it will be available to your subscribers. All bands do this.

Discussions. Allows you and your subscribers to create and participate in discussions on various topics.

Activity. Allows you to schedule some kind of event for your subscribers.

Places. You can put a GEO label. For example, you have created a group for a business located in your city. You can add an address to this label where customers can find you.

Contacts. If you need something, you can specify your contacts so that people can contact you by writing in private messages or by e-mail.

Main block. Select the main section, which will not be in the right menu, but on the main page. Usually there are goods there.

Goods. If you plan to sell goods or services through VKontakte, check the box. Additional settings will open in front of you.

In which it will be possible to specify the delivery region, currency and contacts to contact you. Click on “save”.

Let's go to the "comments" tab.

Leave the checkbox if you want subscribers to be able to comment on your publications and news. If you do not want to follow the comments, then disable them.

Section "Participants". Here you will see all your subscribers.

Leaders. In this section, you can add helpers for yourself who will fill the community with useful content, answer questions and keep order. Such people are also called “helper”.

Consider the choice of powers carefully! By appointing a person as an administrator, he will have control over your group. Only appoint people you trust 100% as administrators!

Black list. Here you can add all spammers and other objectionable ones. Give "bans" to all the impudent people! After blacklisting a person, he will never be able to see posts in the community and leave his comments again.

Messages. By connecting messages, your subscribers will be able to write to you directly from the group. It is very convenient if you need to promptly answer customer questions and process incoming requests.

By checking the “add to the left menu” box, the group will be displayed on your page in the left menu. This is very convenient for switching from your page to a group and back.

We will return to the application section a little later, but while our group is ready to work, let's start filling it!

4. VKontakte group design

Go to the main page of the group. You can find it in the left menu or in groups.

Let's add an avatar. Choose a square photo for your avatar.

The photo should be clear and reflect the essence of your group. When you add news, all subscribers will recognize your group precisely by this small image.

Let's pay attention to the menu on the right. All the extensions that we indicated in the "sections" appeared there. You can always disable unnecessary ones. Now you can fill in the sections. Photos, videos, music, goods, topics for discussion, etc.

Add a product. We choose the appropriate category for our product. We write down the name and description. In the description, try to tell as much as possible about your product or service.

Upload multiple photos from different angles if required. You can get by with one photo. We indicate the cost and click “create product”. There can be as many goods as your heart desires.

You shouldn't have any difficulties with filling in other sections, everything is very simple and straightforward.

5. Live broadcasts in the VKontakte group

Vkontakte has the ability to conduct live broadcasts with your subscribers. This is very convenient if you are doing online training or broadcasting other information.

To start broadcasting, click on “add video” and select “create broadcast”.

To broadcast from a computer, you need special software. If you want to broadcast from your phone, then install a special mobile application.

VK Live for Android
VK Live for iOS

6. Add a VKontakte entry

Let's place our first entry in a group. To do this, you must have prepared a text, photo or video in advance.

Click on the section “what's new” and write any text. If you have large text, then divide it into paragraphs, so it is easier to read, especially from the phone.

Now add to the text, a nice photo related to your community theme. Always remember that beautiful photographs evoke more emotion.

Click on the camera icon and upload a picture from your computer.

If you want to make changes, then click next to the 3-point entry and select “edit”.

7. Create a poll on VKontakte

You can create a poll for the record. A cool feature that allows you to more engage your audience.

Click on the "more" button and select "poll".

Ask an interesting survey and place the answer options, click “save”.

8. Set a timer for recording

Another useful thing in creating themes is the timer. The timer allows you to release pre-scheduled posts to a group at a specified time. You can download different themes on the same day for a week or even a month in advance.

The timer will be available in a post that has not yet been published. Create a new theme, insert text, add a photo, then click on “more” and select “timer”.

Now all you have to do is set the desired date and time and click on the "queue" button. The same should be done with the rest of the recordings.

9. VKontakte community statistics

In the upper right corner there is a menu from which you can always get to the settings of the group, where we were originally located. It's called “community management”.

It also contains a number of other useful functions. For example, statistics. Click on it and get into a new section.

Here you can watch the growth and activity of your group. Monitor the daily reach of your posts.

Knowing the gender and age of your audience will make it much easier for you to communicate with it. If the audience is adult, then they do not need to show pictures with “dumb” humor.

Such an audience is very valuable and needs to be provided with useful content.

See which cities and countries your subscribers are from.

Analyze which posts get more shares and likes. This will help you better understand what your people like.

9. How to transfer a group to public and back

If for some reason you suddenly want to transfer the public to a group or vice versa, then this can be done in the main menu. Just click on “transfer to group”.

Before translating, pay attention to a number of changes that you will encounter. You can change the next time only after 30 days.

10. How to create a VKontakte conversation

On Vkontakte, you can create your own chat. For this you need:

1. Go to "messages" and click on the plus sign.

2. Mark the friends with whom you want to chat.

3. Enter the name of the chat and click “create conversation”. Optionally, you can set a chat picture. Ready!

11. How to delete a VKontakte group

If you have created a group, then it will no longer be possible to delete it. The only thing you can do is remove all members from it and make it private.

Then turn off the ability to add new topics and comments and unsubscribe yourself. In any case, the group will belong to you. By the way, an unlimited number of communities can be created.

12. How to create a VKontakte group from a phone or tablet

You can create a group from a mobile gadget only if you go to the full version of the VK website. This is not possible in the mobile application.

Open the browser on your phone or tablet and enter in the search bar, then log in to the site. I will give an example of how I do it from an iPhone.

Click on these 3 dashes and select “full version” in the drop-down menu.

Now you have access to all the settings as for the web version. Go to the groups and click “create community”. All settings are the same, which we did with you above.

After you complete all the settings, you can install an additional application on your phone or tablet, especially for group administrators.

VK Admin for Android
VK Admin for iOS

It is very convenient to reply to messages and view statistics in the application.

13. Useful VKontakte applications (widgets)

Go to the main menu and select “applications”.

The list of applications in VK is constantly updated. I will show you the most interesting ones.

When working with email, you constantly have to face the fact that your letters will end up in your spam folder. This is out of the question here. It is very good to sell through this tool. Those who have worked with mail will appreciate this widget. Spam is strictly prohibited.

Community widget. This widget refers by name to the visitor who came to your group.

How it works can be seen in the picture. I went to someone else's group, and the widget immediately recognized me by name and surname.

Most people are surprised at this trick, they start reading the text that is written there and are happy to do what they are asked to do there. Be sure to use this tool in your community.


It is very simple to create a VKontakte group, follow this simple step-by-step instruction and you will not have any difficulties.

Decorate your community beautifully. Choose an attractive cover and avatar.

Make interesting posts and engage subscribers in discussions with polls. The higher the activity in the community, the better your community will rank (more people will see the post).

Follow the statistics and start your group, and then on it.

If you have any questions, then ask them in the comments, I answer all comments!

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