Troubleshoot windows 10 start menu problems. Other quick methods to make Start work

Troubleshoot windows 10 start menu problems. Other quick methods to make Start work


The new operating system entails constant updates that bring bugs with them. Users have to fight on their own and using available means, so one of the most common problems when the "Start" button does not work in windows 10. Even Microsoft cannot give a definite answer why this happens, but in the top ten this button has a lot of functions: allows you to run the command line, task manager, access to programs and components, enter Windows settings and much more. Consider the possible causes and ways to get rid of them.

There may be a lot of reasons, the most likely:

  • the updates were crooked;
  • system error - the range is incredibly large.

But the solutions are not so extensive, but quite effective, more about each.

System files damaged

You go to the Start menu, but nothing works and there is no response, in addition, Windows 10 gives a critical error, using the built-in utilities we will try to find the problem and get rid of it. We will talk about sfc - it performs a high-quality check of system files and independently replaces them with working ones if necessary. You can run the utility only with privileged rights from the command line. So.

Calls cmd from the admin with hotkeys through the Task Manager, because the coveted button does not work.

  • ++ → "File" → hold down the left click on "Start a new task" → start the command line with administrator rights

If you didn’t have time to hold down the → key in the dialog box when opening, type “cmd” and check the “Create task with administrator rights” checkbox.

  • Type the command "sfc_ / scannow", where _ is a space, see the screenshot below.

After the launch, some time should pass, we are waiting for completion.

Restart windows 10 and check if the problem persists, if the start menu still doesn't work, go to the next method.

Change the operating mode

It so happens that when you change the parameters in tablet mode, the problem is eliminated. We need to go to "Settings", but since the start button in windows 10 does not work in the usual way, we use hot keys

  • press + [I] → "System" → "Tablet mode" → in the drop-down menu "When you log in" select "Use tablet mode".

Also check that the sliders for "Hide application icons on the taskbar in tablet mode" and "Automatically hide the taskbar in tablet mode" are set to "Off."

  • "Personalization" → "Start" → it is important that the slider is "On" in "Open Start Screen in Full Screen Mode"

We do a restart and check the performance, if the "Start" button on Windows 10 still does not work, we tell you what to do next.

Re-registering Windows applications

Using the built-in reinstallation of apps can fix a number of problems, but it's worth remembering that reinstalling can delete data in the apps you fix, so keep everything you need and won't lose anything from Microsoft OneDrive. It also happens that other applications may stop working - be prepared for this too. We call PowerShell with admin rights from the "Task Manager" in the already familiar way:

  • ++ → left click "File" → "Run a new task" → in the "Open" field write "powershell" → make sure to check the box "Create a task with administrator rights" → OK.

Copy and paste with + [V] and press the button to restart:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers | Foreach (Add-AppxPackage –DisableDevelopmentMode -Register "$ ($ _. InstallLocation) \ AppXManifest.xml")

The text highlighted in red - do not be alarmed, nothing terrible happens, we have reset to the initial settings, restart Windows.

Check if "Start" in Windows 10 does not work on 64-bit or 32-bit, then go to the next item.

Invisible substitution

Why, after doing so much, the start menu in Window's 10 still does not work - the reason for this may be a damaged TileDataLayer database, and it just needs to be replaced with a working version. We will transfer from the newly created new account to your PC, for this:

  • Run cmd (administrator) - above is how to do this.
  • net user TAdm01 “password01” / add
  • net user TAdm02 “password02” / add
  • net localgroup administrators “TAdm02” / add

So we created new users with administrator rights, and two accounts - because you need to log in from under TAdm02 and copy the file from TAdm01, since this cannot be done from the current account. Step by step.

  • Press ++ → select "Exit", not a change of user, but an exit!
  • Login to the system of user TAdm01 with password - password01 → and then log out again using the above method.
  • Now we enter under TAdm02, the password is password02

We need a "Explorer", we will open it with hotkey's

  • + [R] → type in "explorer.exe" → OK

  • "View" → "Table" → activate "Hidden Elements"

We go to the address and in case of a warning by the security system - boldly click "Yes".

  • “C:” → “Users” → “TAdm02” → “AppData” → “Local” → “TileDataLayer” → right click on “Database” → “Copy”

Now we will replace our base file

  • "C:" → "Users" → !!! choose YOUR USER !!! → "AppData" → "Local" → "TileDataLayer"
  • RMB to the folder "Database" → "Rename" → and give the name "Database.old"

  • Right-click on free space within the folder → "Paste"

We replaced the working Database and we need to reboot the system and log in as our user. Everything should work.

After you need to delete the created two accounts, we do the following:

  • + [X] → "Control Panel" → "User Accounts" → "Manage Another Account"

  • Left-click on the entry "TAdm01" → "Delete account" → "Delete files" → "Delete account"

In the same way, delete the account "TAdm02"

Along with the problem of the start menu in windows 10, another bug occurs on its own - the search does not work - all the above actions will lead to a solution to this problem, obviously, since the search engine is an integral component of the Start menu.

Did not help?! The radical way out is to reinstall the OS.

On our website you can find out.

Since Windows 10 is a fresh version, it might be experiencing some issues. One of them is the disappearance of the Start menu. Is it possible to correct this error and return the system to normal operation? There are several ways. They all solve the problem, but with different speed and degree of difficulty. Choose the method that works best for you.

Why isn't the start menu working in Windows 10?

Since the release of Windows 10, programmers have been constantly improving the system. This is normal because insiders are supposed to find mistakes.

With each patch, the system must be updated for the changes to take effect. But, unfortunately, it happens that one is corrected, and the other stops working. In Windows 10, this concerns the Start menu - it happens that it just disappears.

Do not be afraid to update the system, as programmers modify and improve the operation of the OS, so that in the end it would be more comfortable and easier for you to cope with it. And even an inexperienced user can fix the bug with the disappearance of Start. If, nevertheless, you do not like the updates, you can turn them off about it.

You can, of course, do nothing and wait for the next update, but this does not give any guarantees that the bug will disappear, and work on the computer, meanwhile, will be fraught with a number of difficulties. So take some time to get the system in order. This is not difficult.

Official utility

Since the problem with Start is widespread, Microsoft went to meet its users and released an official program to fix the bug with the Start menu. Use this option first because it is the easiest and most reliable option.

If, in addition to the Start menu, the search located on the taskbar does not open for you, then the official utility will fix this error as well. It will also solve a number of minor problems, for example, empty tiles in the app store.

The Microsoft tool works in the same way as the Troubleshooting Tool.

Download the utility from Then we launch it and click "Next", waiting for the program to perform the necessary actions. That is, everything is exactly the same as with the "Troubleshooting". The utility will find all errors and fix them automatically.

If the program did not find any problems, and this also happens, it will report "No problems detected." In the latter case, you will have to use other methods to correct the error.

Regardless of whether the utility has found an error, you can check all its actions at the end of the diagnostics by clicking "View additional features".

This will check a list of all the utility's actions that were taken to find and fix.

What the utility will check:
  • how the installation proceeds and how the application works;
  • main user access to the registry that is used for Start.
  • how app tiles work;
  • whether the application manifest is corrupted.

Restart explorer.exe

If the utility fails, try restarting explorer. It will definitely have an "exe" extension.
  1. First, click Ctrl + Shift + Esc. This will open the Task Manager.
  2. Click "Details".
  3. The "Processes" tab will appear, where we find the "Explorer". Click and restart using the "Restart" command.

After that, the problem will be solved, but it still does not work for everyone. Therefore, let's try to open the start using another method - through PowerShell.

Opening Start with PowerShell

This method has some minor drawbacks. He will be able to solve the issue with Start, but at the same time it will violate the correct display of applications in the Windows 10 store. This does not always happen, but it does happen. Therefore, if you need an application store, then it is better to skip this method and not risk it. But if you do not even know about the existence of the store and do not plan to use it, then try:

Registry editor dozens

Another option is to use the dozens registry editor. To launch it, on the keyboard, click Win + R. In the new window, write "regedit". It remains to perform the following sequence of actions:
  1. Go to: HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Explorer / Advanced.
  2. Press the right mouse button: "Create" - "DWORD".
  3. It will be named EnableXAMLStartMenu. If it is not there, then we create it.
  4. Click on the parameter 2 times and set the value to "0".

Create a new user

One of the options, if the previous methods do not work, is to create a new user. The method is not the most elegant, but if only this helps, then why not?

Click Win + R and write Control. You can also invoke the command line, namely net user UserName / add.

As a rule, everything works well for a new user - with Start and the search bar. If it works, then transfer your files to the newly created account, and simply delete the previous account.

Alternative options

Surely one of the proposed methods will help, but if this is not your case, then it remains to try global changes:
  • You can restore the system by performing a return to its original state;
  • You can also roll back to a previous version of the operating system.
Use these methods last, because Windows 10 releases updates very often and sooner or later you will have to update, and with the new release, Start will not work again. Although, if you wait a bit, the developers can get rid of this bug forever.

Startup does not work in Windows 10 (video)

To better understand everything, watch the video instruction with a step-by-step guide and only then proceed with specific actions.

There will always be flaws and errors in new programs. Sometimes they seriously interfere with the normal operation of the computer. One of these is not working in the Start menu. To fix the problem, you can download a troubleshooting utility or use the rollback options. Each case has its pluses and minuses, but they all easily fix a system bug.

Updates of operating systems will be gathered from the official website of Microsoft. Systems from Microsoft improve computer performance, make it safer and add new functionality to the OS. However, along with such updates, there are some problems. For example, after the next update, some of the users see that the "Start" button does not work for them in Windows 10.

If you still want to use this method, and after this problem with native applications, follow the guidelines provided on the forum. For this solution 🙂 works. Wait for the process to complete. To make sure it is active or to restore it, follow these steps.

By creating a new administrator account

From the Startup Type drop-down menu, select Manual and then click Apply. In this third method, we will create a new admin user. If the Task Manager appears in the minimalist version, click Details to switch to the advanced mode.

At the same time, it does not simply not respond to a mouse click on its icon, but it also does not work after pressing the Win button on the keyboard (the key with the Windows logo). Often, along with such a problem, the system parameters, as well as its other elements, do not open. In the article, we will figure out how to get out of this situation and restore the system to work. If you do not want similar difficulties to recur in the future, you can completely.

To do this, enter the following commands at the command line. Now check the functionality of the taskbar and follow the instructions below depending on the situation you are facing. The taskbar is still not working: Re-install the taskbar to the new administrator account we created.

If you still want to use this method, and after this problem with native apps, follow the advice on the forum: Get the icons and app names to display properly. For this solution, you need to start the Firewall service 🙂. You can now start the tutorial! 🙂. This entry has been posted and tagged.

In 2016, Microsoft even created a special application to deal with the constantly broken Start menu, which was supposed to fix the problem in automatic mode.

This method is the simplest, use it first, if after restarting the system, the start still does not work, go to the next options. Explorer.exe is a graphical Windows shell. She is responsible for everything that we see, it is windows with explorer, taskbar, system tray and even widgets. Like all other programs, this application can malfunction, for example, due to an elementary conflict with data cells in RAM. So in order to bring the "Start" menu back to life, first of all, let's try to restart this process.

But over the course of several months, many users have had the same problem - a critical error in the Start menu that is not working. This is the kind of message that you might encounter at some point. We will try to fix the problem the next time you connect. The message that loops back despite your restarts and disconnections from sequential accounts.

And there are many solutions to solve it, some of which allow you to find a stable system, while others allow you to breathe for a few days in order to return the message. If you don't have any updates that require a restart, you can restart your device to make sure all pending updates are installed.

How to fix

Follow our instructions:

  1. Launch the task manager. You can open it using the Ctrl + Shift + Esc key combination or through the context menu of our taskbar. To do this, click on its empty space with the right mouse button and select the item indicated in the screenshot.

If the Start menu still doesn't work

Create a local administrator account. Set username, password and password. ... Then set up the new account as an administrator account. If the problem persists, try deleting the old administrator account.

She could not tell me under what circumstances this happened, since her children also use a computer. It is possible after an update or after mishandling that symptoms have appeared. Thus, it is obvious that the start button is locked.

  1. If this is the first time you run the tool, you will need to deploy it. To do this, click on the "Details" button. We marked it with a red frame.

  • Now create a new admin account with two commands.
  • Let's connect to a new account.
Usually a completely new desktop and launch button and fully functional taskbar were created in this new session, now you just need to close the newly created session and reconnect to the regular session. The start buttons and taskbar should be restored. If everything works, you can delete the new account created from the User Account Control interface in Control Panel.
  1. We go to the tab with the name: "Processes" we find there the "Explorer" process (sometimes it can be called Explorer) and using the context menu launched by right-clicking on the process name, select the "Restart" item.

However, if the start button and taskbar are always locked in my regular session, but functional in the new session. In this case, you do not need to waste time setting up and instead use the new administrator account that you created. Just download the data from the old user account and transfer it to the new account, and then delete the old account.

This could be Avast's mistake!

Meanwhile, if the 1st method doesn't work you can do the following. And make sure you don't take risks. In practice, you will restore the operating system to an earlier date than the one in which the problem was created. At the bottom of this article, you will find instructions on how to properly create a restore point.

The entire Windows 10 GUI will momentarily disappear and reappear. If this option did not solve your problem, feel free to move on to the next method, it will be more effective.

We solve the problem using the system registry

This method is more effective than the previous one, it involves changing the value of the system registry key. If there is no such key, we will create it. Let's take a look at how to do it right.

  • Go to the "Create" section and click the "Link" link.
  • After you have created the link, you will see "Enter path for link string".
  • On the desktop, you will find the command line.
To do this, just open a command line and copy that command line. Check if updates are available.

Even if you don't have any updates that require a restart, you can restart your device to see if any updates are pending. Below is a set of workarounds to resolve these issues. Create a system restore point before proceeding.

  1. Initially, you need to run the standard Windows 10 utility called regedit. In order to do this, press the Win + R combination and enter the word regedit in the window that appears.

  1. In the window that opens, on its left side there is a tree of registry directories. We follow the path indicated in the screenshot. In the right part of the program, select the EnableXAMLStartMenu key, and if it is not there, create it. To do this, click on the empty space on the right side of regedit with the right mouse button on the item "New" - "DWORD parameter (32 bits)".

The first solution might be the following.

Reboot your operating system when the check is complete. If the problem persists, go to the solution.

The third solution to troubleshoot the Start menu might be to activate and deactivate full screen mode multiple times.

Repeat the operation several times. Then restart your operating system. A fourth solution might be to turn tablet mode on and off multiple times.

If, unfortunately, the problem persists, there is only one solution - to restore the system.

  1. Now we rename the new parameter to EnableXAMLStartMenu and, opening it with a double click, set the value to "0".

  1. In order for the changes to take effect, you need to restart the Windows graphical interface. We described how this is done in the first method.

Fix Cyrillic username

Sometimes the Start menu stopped working after creating a new Windows user with a name written in Russian. In order to fix this situation, you need to use the "Computer Management" utility and fix the name. Let's see how this is done.

However, several glitches have been reported with this menu for launching applications. To repair the Start Menu, the first step is to remove any component of the damaged operating system. This tool scans all components of the operating system and, if damaged files are found, it will restore them from a special archive.

Making changes to the Windows registry

Then wait for the download and installation of the next package to complete. If this happens, you can fix the problem as follows. If the problem is still not resolved, restart the Application Identity Service using the appropriate control panel applet.

  1. Initially, we open computer management through the Windows search To do this, click on the magnifying glass icon on the taskbar and enter your query into the search box. When the result appears, click on it.

Wait for completion and restart your computer. If this operation does not restore the correct Start menu, your only remaining option is to use the reset function of the PC operating system. The operating system will be restored to its original state and the start menu malfunction will definitely be resolved.

Method 4 of 5 - Use external programs as the boot menu

If the Start Menu doesn't work even after trying the above solutions, you might consider using third-party software. This is an alternative launch button. find a guide.

Method 5 of 5 - Reset or reinstall the system

You can reset the reset option in the start menu or in the search bar. Are there any broken links in the article?
  1. Next, on the left side of the window, open the "Utilities" section, go to "Local users and groups" and click on the "Users" folder. In the right part of the window, find the name that needs to be renamed and click on its name with the right mouse button. There will be an item "Rename", and we need it.

Let's find out how to make the most of it. The result you see in Figure 1 is a significantly improved Start menu, which allows you to quickly access most of the applications you use and animated panel information. Right click on the animated panel as shown in Figure 2, the following options will appear. Remove from Start: Just remove the selected panel from the Start menu, this obviously does not mean that it has been removed; Small, medium, horizontal and large size; Disable Animated Panel: Deactivates the dynamic functionality of the panel, making it static, just like a normal application: enter the selected panel on the taskbar, which is located to the right of the Start menu. If you right-click on a field that belongs to it, the options displayed in the context menu are different from the options in the animated panels, as shown in Figure 3, the following options are shown.

Ready. Close Computer Management tool, changes are applied as soon as you reboot the system. If this method does not give the desired result, try creating another user and test the functionality of the Start menu on it.

To do this, do the following:

  1. We launch the "Run" utility for this we use two simultaneously pressed keys Win + R. In the window that appears, enter the word control and press Enter.

How to add apps between Start menu bars

First select “All Applications” as shown in Figure 4, all installed applications will appear to the left of the Start menu, sort them in alphabetical order. To add one of these applications to the Start menu, simply right-click and select Add to Start.

Moving boxes and groups

Always in the same menu, you can add an application to the taskbar by selecting in this case the "Add" item to the taskbar. The panels in the Start menu are as manageable as you'd prefer to move them, for example, grabbing them with one click and holding the mouse, moving it to a new position. As we have seen, you can also set the size simply by clicking on the area and choosing one of the available options from the Resize menu: Small, Medium, Horizontal, and Large. If you want, you can also move the groups of boxes, in this case, give the two lines that are displayed on the right when you go to the header of the group, by pressing and holding the mouse button, drag it to the desired position.

  1. After opening the control panel, go to the "User Accounts" menu.

  1. Click on the inscription indicated in the screenshot.

With a single click, as shown in Figure 5, you can rename the group as you wish. To make your work easier, you can expand the Start menu as you like, just go to the right edge of the menu and drag it to the desired location. We've seen how to rename and move a group of boxes, but how do you create a group? To get started, click on the first application panel that appears in the new group, hold down the mouse button, move it to the bottom of the menu, as shown in Figure 6 By releasing the mouse button, the window will be placed in a new group, you will understand that the panel is separated from the others ...

  1. Next, select "Manage another account".

  1. And add a new user.

  1. You can get to the same menu in another way. Open the Windows 10 notification shade and click on the All Settings tile.

  1. Scroll down the window that opens and select the "Accounts" tile.

  1. On the left side of the window, select the subsection "Family and other users", and on the right, click on "Add user for this computer".

  1. Here you can create another Windows 10 user, if you do not want to link his account to a Microsoft account, click on the item indicated in the screenshot, and in the menu that opens, select "Add user without a Microsoft account."

Restart your computer, or simply end your current session and select the created user. If the launch starts to open, then the problem is in the account.

Using Windows 10 Automatic Maintenance Mode

Windows 10 has its own debugging tool, which, in theory, should fix a variety of problems for the user. Sometimes this function solves the issue of the non-working Start button, let's see how to use it.

  1. In the search bar of Windows 10 (which is launched by the magnifying glass icon), write the words: "This computer." Click on the item indicated in the screenshot with the right mouse button and select "Properties".

  1. In the window that opens, click on the inscription: "Security and Service Center" (located in the lower left corner).

  1. Expand the "Service" section.

  1. Using the key indicated in the screenshot, we start automatic system maintenance.

  1. The service has begun, it will take time. The less you use your computer during this period, the faster the process will complete. At the end of the PC check, all problems found on it will be corrected if possible. Service can be disabled if desired.

Attention! For a more complete, quick and correct check, we recommend that you close all running programs and save the data. The program works only on behalf of the administrator.

Using PowerShell to Fix the Start Menu

Here's another option that will help you get the Start menu working. We do the following steps:

  1. First you need to launch PowerShell itself. To do this, we will use the built-in search tool. Click the magnifying glass icon on the left side of the taskbar and enter PowerShell in the search box. When the result we need appears (marked with the number 3 in the screenshot), right-click on it with our manipulator and select the "Run as administrator" section.

Sometimes it is not possible to find the program through the search. To work around the difficulty, go to the path indicated in the screenshot in Windows Explorer and run powershell.exe. You need to run the file as administrator. To do this, right-click on its name and select the desired item.

You can also call Windows PowerShell through the command line, you must run it as an administrator. After cmd.exe opens, enter the powershell command in the black window and press Enter.

When the program is running, paste the following entry into it:

Get-appxpackage -all * shellexperience * -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($ _. Installlocation + “\ appxmetadata \ appxbundlemanifest.xml”))

The command will take a couple of seconds to complete. Now restart your computer and check if the startup has started working. If not, move on to the next method.

Attention! Using this method can break the Windows Store. Therefore, it should be used only as a last resort.

Windows 10 Start Menu Fix Utility

As we said, the folks at Microsoft are aware of the startup problem. That is why they created a miniature program with which we will work. Follow our instructions:

  1. Initially, let's download the program from the button below. The download is carried out from the official Microsoft website.
Download "Start" repair program
  1. Run the application as administrator (installation is not required) and click on the "Advanced" line.

  1. Make sure that there is a check mark next to "Apply fixes automatically" and click the "Next" button.

  1. The program is running, the system is checked for problems with the Start menu.

  1. As you can see, no problems were found. If you have them, the corrections will be made automatically. If you click on the item "View more information", you can understand by what criteria the tool from Microsoft searches for problems.

The parameters that the program checks:

  • incorrectly installed important applications;
  • problems in the system registry;
  • the integrity of the tile database;
  • application manifests.

The report generated by the utility can be printed, and each item in the window shows a tooltip explaining its purpose. The same points are also elements of the table of contents, if you click on one of them, we will get to the necessary part of the help section.

What if the problem is not resolved?

We have presented many ways in case the Windows 10 start button stopped working, for example, after an update, and usually there are enough for any situation. But even if none of them helped you, you shouldn't be upset. In any Windows-OS, and in the "Ten", in particular, there is a system of checkpoints, thanks to which you can roll back Windows to the state in which the system was at the time of creating such a point.

It is important to create checkpoints before any serious action with the OS, and especially before an upgrade, which often leads to problems. In any case, if you still have questions, ask us in the comments, and we will try to answer in as much detail as possible and help solve the problem.

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25.10.2015 Alexander Pukhovsky

After updating or installing Windows 10, the Start button stopped working for many users.

If you ask Google or Yandex a request "Windows 10 start button not working", then all the recommendations issued by the search engine will ultimately boil down to the following five options for resolving the issue (one of them should help you):

  1. Restart the Explorer.exe process.
  2. Enable Start button using PowerShell.
  3. Create a new user.
  4. Some "atypical" ways.
  5. The safest way to restore the Start button to work.

Let's consider the execution of the above points in order.


After completing each step, you need to restart Windows 10 and check if the Start button works.

1. Restarting the Explorer.exe process.

Start Task Manager. To do this, press the key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc. Then click the "Details" button (if it is at the bottom). Go to the Processes tab, select the Explorer process (that's how the Explorer.exe process is called in Windows 10). Right click on it and select Restart. These actions are clearly reflected in Figure 1.

Reboot your computer.

Did not help? Then let's move on to the next item.

2. Enabling the Start button using PowerShell.

There are two ways to start PowerShell.

The first way. We open "This computer". Next, open the Windows folder, then the System32 folder, the WindowsPowerShell folder, and finally the v1.0 folder. Right-click on the powershell.exe file and run it as administrator.

Second way. It is offered by Microsoft. Right-click on the taskbar (the bar at the bottom of the screen) and in the context menu that opens, go to the Task Manager.

Then, in the Task Manager window that opens, first select "File" and then "Run a new task".

In the "Open" line, write powershell and check the box next to "Create a task with administrator rights". Click "OK" to confirm.

In the opened Windows PowerShell window, copy and paste the following command Get-appxpackage -all * shellexperience * -packagetype bundle |% (add-appxpackage -register -disabledevelopmentmode ($ _. Installlocation + “\ appxmetadata \ appxbundlemanifest.xml”)). After we press the Enter key.

After the command completes successfully, you need to close PowerShell and restart Windows.

The Start button should now work.

3. Creation of a new user.

If the above methods did not help, as an option, you can create a new Windows 10 user using the Control Panel.

We call the command line with the keyboard shortcut Win + R, write Control in it. The control panel opens. In the control panel, create a new user by analogy with previous operating systems.

As a rule, for a new user, all elements of the desktop work "as expected". Now it is enough to transfer data from the old user to the new one and delete the unnecessary account.

4. Some "atypical" ways.

These options are worth trying when none of the previous options helped. I present them exactly in the form in which they are described by the users themselves (I have not personally tested them, but suddenly one of them will help you).

Problems with the Start button were due to non-working applications. It is enough to remove the broken tiles, and the Start button in windows 10 will start working.

  1. Press the combination of Shift + Alt buttons (located on the left) and the PrtScr button. This turns on the high-contrast scheme, and the Start button will start working.
  2. Remove all empty (non-working) tiles.
  3. Again press Shift + Alt and the PrtScr button, and this turns off the high-contrast scheme.
  4. The Start button should work.

Enable / disable (if enabled - disable, if disabled - enable) the section "User Account Control" (UAC).

Proceed to the "User Account Control Settings" section. To do this, open the Control Panel (use the Win + R keyboard shortcut to call the command line, then write Control in the command line, the control panel opens). In the search bar, write uac, and then from the found options, click on the section "Changing User Account Control Settings".

To enable User Account Control, move the slider up to the top position "Always notify in the following cases"; to disable - the slider in the lower position. Press the OK button to confirm. User Account Control will be disabled / enabled (depending on the option selected) after a system reboot.

5. The most reliable way to restore the functionality of the Start button.

And finally, the most efficient solution.

When the Start button does not work for you in windows 10, just reinstall Windows 10 :) And spend less time, and a positive result is guaranteed.

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Now (June 13, 2016) Microsoft has posted on its website an official utility for diagnosing and fixing errors in the Start menu, which along the way can automatically fix related problems, including empty store application tiles or a non-functioning taskbar search.

Using the Start Menu Troubleshooter

The new utility from Microsoft works the same way as all other items in the "Diagnose problems".

If problems were found, they will be automatically fixed (by default, you can also turn off automatic applying of fixes). If no problems were found, you will be informed that the troubleshooter did not find a problem.

In either case, you can click "View More Information" in the utility window to get a list of specific things that were checked and, if problems were found, corrected.

At this point in time, the following points are checked:

    Availability of applications necessary for operation and correct installation, in particular Microsoft. Windows. ShellExperienceHost and. Windows. Cortana Check the user permissions for the registry key used to run the Windows 10 Start menu. Check the app tile database. Checking for corruption of the application manifest.

You can download the utility for fixing the Windows 10 Start menu from the official website

With the release of the new Windows 10 operating system, Microsoft has finally brought back the menu “ Start"Into place. But the developers did not stop there. Menu « Start"Windows 10 has undergone significant changes. In the new menu, the developers have combined the classic menu that was present in Windows 7 and XP and the tiled Metro interface that was present in the eight. But, like all new products, the new “ Start"Is not without flaws.

After the massive migration to Windows 10, thanks to the company's support for the free transition to the operating system, many PC users faced the problem of launching the menu " Start". To solve this problem, when the menu " Start"Stopped starting or disappeared, we have prepared a material in which we will describe in detail: how to make the menu work again" Start" different ways. After reading this material, you will no longer have such questions - why the menu “ Start"Does not respond, does not press or where the Start has disappeared.

We restore the operation of the "Start" button by restarting the explorer

Windows 10 Explorer is one of its main components, so the work of most processes and programs directly depends on it. For this example, we can solve our problem by restarting the explorer. Exists two ways to restart explorer... We will describe the simplest first. To restart explorer the first way First, let's start the task manager. You can start the Task Manager using the three-key combination Ctrl + Shift + Esc.

Now, in the Task Manager window, we need to find our explorer process. After finding it, right-click on it and select the item in the context menu “ Restart».

This action should restart the explorer and restore the functionality of the menu " Start».

For second way we need to use the console as an administrator. First of all, we will launch the console on behalf of the admin. To do this, start a search in the top ten using the WIN + Q key combinations. In the running search, type the query “ CMD". After that, right-click on the found result and select the item we need in the context menu.

Now in the opened console with admin rights, type the following command taskkill / f / im explorer.exe

This process will launch File Explorer, and the " Start”Should work. This example clearly demonstrates why you need to reload File Explorer.

We solve our problem using the PowerShell console

In this example, we will restore the Start operation using the console PowerShell... To do this, we need a PowerShell console with admin rights. In the running console, we need to type the command (download the file with the command), shown in notepad below.

You can start the console by analogy with starting the command line described in the previous example. Just to start, we will enter the search query “ PowerShell».

In the running console, type the command and wait for its execution.

After these steps, check the operation of the Start. If it still doesn't work, then use the examples below.

It is worth noting that if the search does not work for you, then you can start PowerShell using the executable file. To do this, follow the link in the explorer " C: \ Windows \ System32 \ WindowsPowerShell \ v1.0"And run this file as administrator.

We solve our problem by creating a new Windows 10 user

Having created a new user in the top ten, the system completely resets the parameters of its programs. For example, for a newly created user, the system allows you to return all settings of the Microsoft Edge browser to their original state. That is, you will have the same browser in front of you as after a fresh installation of Windows 10. The same thing happens with the menu " Start", Since it is, in fact, the same application as any program in the top ten. Now let's move on to creating a new user. To do this, open the control panel and follow the links “ \ User Accounts \ User Accounts \ Account Management". In the panel window that opens, click on the link “ Add a new user to the window« Computer settings"" At the bottom of the window.

After this action, such a window should open. In this window, you need to click on the bottom button Add a new user for this computer.

This action will take us to the window for entering data for a new Windows 10 user. In our case, this user is "Alexander 2". After confirming the entered user data with the Next button, a new account will be created.

You can switch between users in the menu " Start”, But in our case it will not work. Therefore, we will use the keyboard shortcut ALT + F4. You need to perform this combination on the active desktop, that is, not in any running program. After this action, a window will appear in which you need to select the item "".

Now we will start the user change with the OK button, after which we will get to the user change window. We will enter the password in it and go under the account of the new user "Alexander 2".

After a little setup of the user account, we will be taken to the desktop of the new PC user. In this example, restore the functionality of the menu " Start"Can be one hundred percent. But for many advanced PC users, creating a new account won't be the solution. Judge for yourself, the settings of all other programs will remain in the old account. Therefore, the previous option with the PowerShell console will be the most optimal.

We solve the problem with the "Start" button by editing the registry

To solve this problem, we will open a notepad and type in it the text shown below (download the file, do not forget to rename the extension).

It is also worth noting that you cannot launch notepad through Start, so you should use the utility Execute... You can run this utility using the WIN + R combination. In the utility line you need to enter “ notepad"And execute this command. After a set of registry settings, save our file with the extension " REG". In our case, this file is called Start.REG. Now let's run this file and confirm the message that appears.

Having written the new data into the registry, we will restart the computer. After restarting, Start should work again.

Another way to solve the Start problem

For this method, first go to the "" window using the Win + Pause / Break key combination.

At the bottom of the window "" click on the link "" and open the tab " Service»

Now you need to enable system maintenance by pressing the button start service... After this step, the system maintenance process will begin, which will help solve our problem with Start. This example is based on recommendations from users on the web who advised it to solve this problem. If this method does not help, then we still advise you to restore the functionality of Start using PowerShell.

Alternative option

If none of the options helped you, the problems associated with Start continue, then we advise you to use programs that return the classic menu " Start". One of these programs is. You can download this utility on its official website Installing Start Menu 10 is very simple and any PC user can handle it. After launching the utility, it will be built into the notification panel, and also replace the menu " Start"On your own.

If you open the program settings, then you can customize the appearance new Start, ask Hotkeys and even change main icon... After digging a little in the Start Menu 10 settings, we replaced the standard Start icon.

And also changed the design of the menu itself.

Start Menu 10 is very easy to use, so even a novice user can handle it. I would also like to note that in addition to Start Menu 10 there are also such utilities as Start Menu Reviver and StartIsBack ++, which allow you to return the classic menu "Start» ... These utilities, like Start Menu 10, have a considerable set of settings and can also be used for free.

Summing up

Since the new operating system from Microsoft is still very raw and such problems when the Start menu does not open in Windows 10 or Microsoft Edge does not start will be encountered very often. Microsoft itself promises to constantly improve the components of the system and their functionality. And we, in turn, hope that our article will help our readers to restore the menu " Start"When it stopped starting or disappeared altogether.

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