How to make a page in a telegram. How to create an anonymous telegram channel

How to make a page in a telegram. How to create an anonymous telegram channel


Pavel Durov's messenger attracts modern bloggers with its convenient functionality and security. In particular, you can create anonymous Telegram channel and not to be afraid that "they will come for you" if certain authorities do not like the content of the article or repost of any material. In such a public, you can quite calmly express an individual opinion, which will most likely be heard by other users of this application.

Anonymous public owners - who they are

It is interesting that it is the anonymous pages that are the most popular in Telegram. Political channels such as have several tens of thousands of subscribers with a steadily growing audience. There are many rumors and guesses about the true creators of these resources. The authorship is attributed either to liberal journalists, or to representatives of the pro-government elite, or to ordinary “schoolchildren”. However, no one can give real names due to the lack of the necessary data that would allow identifying the real owner of the account.

Unknown authors "in the mask" host some of the most interesting channels

It is important that such sources for the most part are not closed Telegram channels. Access to them can be obtained by any user who has expressed a desire to get acquainted with information that is alternative to that shown by the state media. Today, messengers are perceived by many not only as a multifunctional information tool, but also as one of the last havens of a free, uncontrolled Internet, which has not yet reached the supervisory authorities.

Anonymous channels attract subscribers due to their secrecy. Internet users think that from such a source it is possible to obtain unbiased and, most importantly, information unencumbered by censorship. In most cases, this is true, which is indirectly confirmed by well-known media outlets that have repeatedly referred to the Telegram channels in their news and analytical programs.

Depersonalized communities have a big impact on their audiences

Algorithm for creating a Telegram channel

To create your own anonymous Telegram public, you need to perform a number of simple steps:

  1. Open the service menu of the messenger.
  2. Find the item "New channel" and click on it.
  3. A window will open in which you need to specify the name of the channel (it is desirable that it be unique and well-remembered) and write a short description so that new visitors can immediately grasp the subject matter of the content. After filling in the appropriate lines, you must click "Create".
  4. In the next window, specify the type of the created resource: public or private. If you select "Public channel", then you additionally need to come up with a link in the "Link" line. An individual url is generated for "Private channel". Having chosen the option suitable for your purposes, you need to click "Save".

To create a resource closed to outsiders, select "Private channel"

Using the settings, the page creator can always set / change the avatar, expand the list of subscribers using his contact list and assign selected users the administrator status so that they can also take part in the formation of content. In addition, if the resource has not met expectations, you can close it at any time by clicking "Delete channel".

What is the difference between a closed Telegram channel and a public page

The difference lies in the freedom of access to the content of the page. The closed Telegram channel can be visited only by clicking on the individual link provided by the administrator. If you find a specific page by its name, the user will see a window in front of him with information about the closed nature of this resource and a proposal to contact its administration.

You can join the private public only by individual invitation.

All Telegram users without exception have access. At the same time, in order to be able to read the content, it is not necessary to be a channel subscriber. Although there is an important preference for subscribed users - they are the first to know about new records through push notifications. In order to subscribe to a public of interest, you need to open the feed and click the "Join channel" button located at the bottom of the dialog box.

Telegram is a new messenger that is rapidly gaining popularity. It is used not only on the territory of Russia - the application has become widespread in foreign countries. Gradually, Telegram is included in the list of the most necessary programs for the phone, replacing the usual social networks. This is a multifunctional application that allows you to exchange messages, listen, download music, search for pictures and receive any relevant information. Many people are wondering how to create a Telegram channel? This is easy to do if you follow the special instructions.

Telegram is a unique application developed by Pavel Durov, the former head and owner of the Vkontakte social network. He began developing the program after leaving his managerial position. At the very beginning, Telegram served for the usual exchange of letters between people. Now there are group chats, the ability to download media files. A couple of years ago, Durov announced the creation of a Telegram channel.

Channel - a specific group, joining which the user automatically agrees to send messages. It is a blog with a meager feature set. In it, authorized users can write text messages, as well as send audio and video recordings, music files.

You will not be able to like other users or tell your friends about the post.

The leading developers of Facebook and Vkontakte were involved in the development of Telegram channels. A few months ago, it was extremely difficult to subscribe to such a newsletter - you could get to the channel via a direct link through a mobile application. Personal computers have gained access to the functionality, and a catalog with the most popular and relevant bots has also appeared. Now, in order to create a channel in Telegram, you do not need to have any specific skills.

How to create a Telegram channel?

Leading Telegram channels bring good dividends to their owners. They receive many offers from advertisers who pay them money. Because of this, many users begin to think about how to create their own channel in the Telegram. This can be done in updated applications released after 2015. If you installed the program earlier than this period, then it will need to be updated. This is done through the application store. If such a manipulation does not bring success, you can delete and reinstall Telegram - your contacts and messages will be saved. After that, follow the algorithm:

  • Open the app, run the settings.
  • Scroll down and find "Create Channel".
  • Enter any name you like for the profile.
  • Customize it: make it private or public.
  • Choose a theme for your channel.
  • Invite friends from your contact list or generate a special link that will add users to you.

Creation via computer

Due to the fact that channel management in Telegram has become a full-fledged business, you can use the service through a computer. To get full functionality, you need to install a special application that will completely repeat the capabilities of the mobile application. To create a Telegram channel in this way, you need to adhere to the algorithm:

  1. Launch the application, click on the three horizontal bars to open the menu. After that select the item "Create channel" or "New Channel" to create your own page.
  2. If you do everything right, a window will appear: enter the channel name, a short description, and set the picture into it. If you do something wrong, the entered data, except for the channel name, will change at any time.
  3. Select the type of channel: private or public. To make it as popular as possible, try to enter a short and memorable login. Usually people think about this for a long time before learning how to create a page.
  4. Start inviting contacts from your phone book to the channel. Also create a short link that the user can follow to join the group from their phone.

How to create a channel in Telegram on iPhone?

Don't know how to create a Telegram channel on an iPhone? Then you need to read this instruction in detail. If you approach this issue competently, you can easily create a page in this application. Apple products are popular all over the world, many users have long switched to mobile devices from this manufacturer and are not going to change to another. Apple delights users with ease of use as well as high reliability.

Apple's iPhone is a multifunctional gadget that has all the capabilities of a mobile phone. In addition, it is distinguished by serious security; viruses cannot appear in its operating system. To create a Telegram channel on an iPhone, it is enough to study the capabilities of this application. It is very easy to do this, even a beginner can handle it. To do this, follow the algorithm:

  • First of all, you need to download the application. To do this, go to the AppStore and fill in its name in the search. Download, install, log in by entering your contact information.
  • After authorization, you get full access to the system. In the upper left corner, click on the icon that allows you to create a new message.
  • In the window that appears, you will have access to 3 functions: create a group, a secret chat and a channel. The latter is what we need.
  • Select "Create Channel". After that, the program will show a message and tell you that this method will allow you to convey a lot of information to the audience. Please note that an unlimited number of viewers can subscribe to the channel.
  • After agreeing with all the provisions, Telegram will ask you to enter the name of the channel, write a short but accurate description, choose a theme. Pay special attention to these parameters, because with their help you will get a new audience.
  • Set a profile photo - make it bright and memorable. After that, proceed to the basic settings.
  • Choose whether the channel should be public or private. The second case is not suitable for commercial use, because those who are invited by the administrator will be able to access the data. If you want to make the channel available to everyone, make it public.
  • Click Next, your phone book will open for you. Select the contacts you want to invite.

If you do not understand how to create your own Telegram channel, contact the support service for help. Experienced specialists will quickly answer all your questions, after which they will provide comprehensive support. If you manage your channel responsibly, you can quickly gain popularity and subscribers. Thanks to this, employers who will bring you the first money will want to cooperate with you.

Responsibly approach the search for information and the design of messages. Don't overload them with data and long webs of text.

Create a channel on Android

If you do not know how to create your own Telegram channel on Android, check out this algorithm. Today, various operating systems have similar functionality, so doing this on an Android phone is as easy as on an iPhone. The applications themselves for different operating systems are identical, you will not have any difficulties. Stick to the algorithm:

  1. Download the Telegram application to your phone - open PlayMarket, enter the name of the program through the search function and install it.
  2. Launch Telegram, enter the required contact information and log in.
  3. In the upper left corner, click on the 3 horizontal lines to launch the menu.
  4. In the window that appears, select "Create channel".
  5. In the new settings, specify the name of the page, select a design, upload an avatar.
  6. Additionally, define the publicity or privacy of the page.
  7. Invite the first members and create a unique link.

If you understand how to create a channel in telegram, get down to this business. Many people have become famous thanks to this service.

Is this service paid?

Telegram is the new brainchild of Pavel Durov, the former owner and creator of Vkontakte. He is opposed to paying for the main functionality of the program. You can create channels, register chat bots and much more for free. Developers get the main income from advertisers, traffic and sticker sales. The support center specialists will easily tell you how to create a Telegram channel.

What are the benefits of creating a channel?

There are many advantages to creating a channel in Telegram. This service allows you to promote your products and services for free. Among the positive properties of this service are:

  • Absolute privacy - if you want, those to whom you allow will subscribe to your channel.
  • Concentration on information - there is no opportunity to leave comments and enter into controversy.
  • File exchange - through Telegram, you can safely transfer data up to 1.5 Gigabytes in weight.
  • Unlimited Members - You can create a public for 2 people or 100 million.
  • Free - the program does not charge money for creating channels.
  • Absence of forbidden topics - the data that got into the Telegram will never be provided to the special services.

How to properly manage your channel?

If you understood correctly how to create a Telegram channel, and now you do not know how to run it, read this paragraph. If you do everything competently and reach a large audience of subscribers, you can make great money on this business. To make this profitable, you must follow the rules:

  1. Choose the direction of the public and do not deviate from it - users subscribe to the channel to receive certain information. You should not make a hodgepodge of everything out of it.
  2. Do not overdo it with your own opinion - it is best to make informative articles that tell about something. The user will make a conclusion himself, having remained your subscriber for a long time.
  3. Don't post too often - the average Telegram user is subscribed to 2-10 channels. If all of them start sending a message every hour, it will infuriate. It is best to send 2-3 SMS per day.
  4. Format and do not make too large messages - people come to the Internet to relax or get information in an accessible form. If they want to read a long article, they will find it on the net.
  5. Keep track of the number of advertising publications - too many of them will lead to mass unsubscriptions.
  6. Study your target audience - keep track of who subscribes the most and focus on them.

I asked the ex-editor of the Netology blog Pavel Fedorov, who runs the popular Pasha and His Procrastination channel, to write an honest column for us on how to make the Telegram channel really cool and interesting for the reader. And that's what came of it.

So how do you create a successful Telegram channel?

1. Don't buy ads until you get a thousand subscribers

Now Telegram is good because it has a lot of author blogs and relatively few entertainment "publics". In January there were almost no channels and it was difficult to gain a thousand subscribers, but now it is much easier to do it.

The most obvious option is walk through directories and add your channel everywhere. Tell us about the channel on your website, blog, Facebook and VKontakte. In the end, make a selection of interesting channels on your topic, tell us about yours at the very beginning. I did this: compilation in the blog "Netology" and on "Spark" gave"Procrastination" and "Blog of Netology" first subscribers.

2. Decide on the topic

You can't write about everything. If in other social networks this rule can be more or less ignored, then in Telegram it is impossible.

If your channel is another “About everything and nothing”, “Uninteresting news”, “Valentine and garden plants”, then no one will come to you. The subscriber will not even be able to explain to a friend what kind of channel it is. It's good when he can say "cool writing channel." Or, for example, “constantly fresh PR cases”.

And most certainly no one will repost your corporate news. For the Netology Blog channel, I chose the “Stupid Article Announcement + GIF” format. It seems to work - in 5 months from a channel with 2 thousand subscribers, I managed to get 12 thousand transitions to the site and pay for the usability program.

3. Don't make a selection of interesting articles

Enough. Zadolbalo. Wherever you spit - everyone makes a selection of interesting articles. Best of the day, best of the month, best of the week. I agreed to "mutual PR" and advertising with such channels and for the third time I realized that I could not explain in any way how they generally differ from each other, except for the names.

4. Don't bother with statistics

There are only two metrics in Telegram - the number of subscribers and the number of views. There isseveral ways count a little more, but in general, that's all. And that's great. Because you can't publish one post on Telegram and enjoy for a month how it gains reposts and brings subscribers.

If you drag along beautiful and colorful graphs and charts, you will suffer. Because after a particularly successful post, subscribers will come to you, but you will never know where they came from - there is no way to find out in Telegram who repost the message and where.

Therefore, there is only one thing left - to make cool content.

5. Indicate to whom to write with questions and suggestions

In the channel information, specify the nickname of the channel administrator. Not a number, email or something else, but a nickname - a person clicks on it and goes into a dialogue.

There is a myth that there is no feedback on Telegram. This is sheer rubbish. When you get a certain number of loyal subscribers, they will periodically start writing: send typos, make suggestions, correct.

In Telegram, feedback is more private - no one will read your correspondence with a subscriber, so he can be honest.

And what to say - damn flattering when a person sends a typo, and then writes "Thank you for the channel."

6. Create a chat

Not right away. Make a public supergroup, assign an address. How to use the chat - decide for yourself. Conduct Q&A sessions. Discuss messages from the channel. Initiate discussions. Anything.

Over time, chats will start to live on their own. For example, the channel"Russian Marketing" there is "Russian Marketing Chat" - but now, six months after their creation, they do not intersect at all. A chat room for 1700 people lives its own life, with its own backbone and themes. My channel has a chat"Write".

Chat is also a loyal community. But be prepared to ban the assholes who join and immediately send links.

7. Don't abuse the VI

VP - "mutual PR". Usually they make channels with different topics, but about the same number of subscribers. Tell each other about each other and offer to subscribe.

Let's consider how to create your own Telegram channel or configure the use of a secret chat.

Telegram Is a popular messenger, with which you can not only always stay in touch with family and friends, but you can also create your own news issue.

The user subscribes to the channels he likes and always stays in the loop - this is the main feature of the service.

There are no such channels and bots in other messengers.

This makes Telegram one of the most popular.

The application is popular all over the world, so you can find a channel for every taste and in all languages.

  • Secret (private);
  • Public - publicly accessible pages.

Public channels- this is a kind of analogue to all well-known publics and groups on social networks. The administrator posts interesting information, communicates with users.

The only difference is that Telegram does not yet have the ability to comment on posts on public pages.

The administrator can only enable the bot that counts.

Also, you cannot see who exactly is subscribed to the public. Only the total number of subscribers is visible.

Features of creating and maintaining channels:

  • In the Telegram for one account there is a limit on the number of created common channels. There can be no more than 8 of them;
  • For ease of distribution, links to public pages are generated as a short string. Private channels, on the other hand, have a long link;

Channel creation instructions

You can create your own public page both in the web version using a browser and from your phone.

If you are using the web version, follow the instructions:

1 Open the messenger window, log in and click on the menu button in the upper left corner;

2 Click on the field "New Channel";

3 In the window that opens, you need to enter a name for the channel. It shouldn't be too long. The title should reflect the essence of your public. Also, add a short description;

4 Click on "Create";

6 A short link to the page will be displayed in the Link field. If desired, you can change the login after the slash for the convenience of users. If such a link is not occupied by another channel, it will be linked to yours. Save changes;

7 When you select a private channel, you will see a long link to send to other users to invite. You can't change it;

8 At the last stage of configuration, a list of your contacts in the Telegram will open. You will be able to select the users you want to invite to the channel. Click on "Skip" to skip the action.

Done, now the channel is created and ready to use.

It will appear in the list of your dialogs and subscriptions.

Open a public window and open it- add cover photo, edit description, post and so on.

Also, you can appoint administrators, control the list of added media files and notifications.

In the mobile application, the channel is created like this:

  • In the main window of the messenger, you need to click on the menu button and select "New Channel";

  • In the new window, enter title and description;
  • Please select channel type;

  • Add users from the phone book. To open the settings for your channel, find it in the list of conversations. Click on the name until a pop-up window appears. Click on "Settings"... You will be redirected to the public administration window.

Telegram is rapidly gaining popularity both in Russia and in other countries. For many, the messenger is actually becoming a social network where you can watch pictures, listen to music, read news and articles, all in one convenient application. Large sites, companies, communities and ordinary users create channels in Telegram and publish information interesting for potential readers in them. You can find Telegram channels with music, funny memes, useful news about politics and much more. As part of this article, we will look at how to create a Telegram channel from various devices.

Table of contents:

What are the channels in Telegram

Any channel is a stream of messages sent by its administrators. There can be one or several such administrator.

Important: If a channel has several administrators, this does not mean that they all have the same rights. The owner of a channel is in any case its creator, who cannot be removed from the list of administrators, while he has the right to remove other channel administrators.

You can create a public or private channel in Telegram. It is easy to understand from their definitions how they differ. The public channel can be found by all users through the search, and everyone has the right to subscribe to it. The private channel is not displayed in the search, and new users are invited to it through an individual link.

Please note: After a new user joins your channel, regardless of whether it is public or private, all previously published posts will be available for him to view.

How to create a channel in Telegram

Messenger Telegram is present on a huge number of platforms, both stationary and mobile. You can create your own channel on any of them. Let's consider the main options.

How to create a Telegram channel from a computer on MacOS

If you have downloaded and installed the official Telegram messenger client on your computer, it will not be difficult to create a new channel through it. Let's see how to do it:

Note: It is best to give the channel a memorable name that refers to what will be placed on it.

After that, the Telegram channel will be created.

How to create a channel in Telegram from a computer on Windows

To create a channel through a computer controlled Windows, you need to download from the official website and install the application client, and then authorize in it. Then follow these steps:

This completes the process of creating a channel, you will be immediately redirected to it.

How to create a channel in Telegram on iPhone or Android

There are official Telegram mobile applications foriOS and Android, which also have all the necessary functionality to create a channel. The applications are almost identical to each other, and in them you need to proceed as follows:

The result of the above actions will be the creation of a new channel in Telegram.

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