Everything about my computer. How to find information about the processor on your computer

Everything about my computer. How to find information about the processor on your computer


Very simple. Moreover, there are many ways to view the technical parameters of a PC or laptop. First, Windows 7, 8, and 10 have 4 built-in tools that can help you find out the properties of your computer. Secondly, there are special programs that show absolutely all information about a PC or laptop. Therefore, below we will consider the simplest ways with which you can find out what kind of video card you have, RAM, processor, etc.

Why is this needed? Most often, you need to know the characteristics of your laptop or PC to:

  • installation of games (in order to understand whether they are suitable in your case or not);
  • updating drivers for the video card (you need to know its model);
  • buying new RAM (it is recommended to set the same bar that you already have);
  • sales of an old PC or laptop (to provide the buyer with all the information he needs).

How to find out the settings of a computer or laptop in Windows 7?

You can view the properties of a computer without special programs and utilities. Fortunately, Windows itself has many simple tools for this. Let's start with them.

The methods described below are shown on the example of Windows 7. But you can also use them in Windows 8 and 10.

System information

As you can see, the main characteristics are listed in these two tabs. If you need other parameters, look for them in the remaining sections.

Control Panel

The second method is also very simple. To find the specifications on a computer in Windows 7, go to Start - Control Panel - System (or right-click on the "My Computer" shortcut and go to "Properties").

A new window will appear, which will indicate your processor, the amount of installed RAM, the version and type of Windows. However, the information is again incomplete.

Device Manager

Another way to view the properties of a computer on Windows 7 is through the Device Manager. To open it, go to Start - Control Panel - Device Manager.

The next window will appear, where you can view the required technical parameters. For example, a processor, video adapter (this is the name of a video card), etc.

DirectX Diagnostic Tool

And the last way to view the properties of a laptop or PC with built-in Windows tools:

All of these methods have one common drawback - they show too little information about the PC. Plus, the parameters are scattered across different tabs (you have to look for them).

Therefore, below are 3 more useful utilities with which you can view the system characteristics of your computer or laptop.

Programs for viewing PC parameters

I note right away that such utilities work on all operating systems - Windows 7, 8, 10, and even XP. In addition, they do not care what brand of laptop you have: Asus, Acer, Samsung, Dell, HP Pavilion, Lenovo, etc. In a word, these programs are universal. Therefore, you can safely use them on any computer or laptop.

Piliform Speccy

Speccy is one of the best programs for viewing PC specifications. After all, she:

  • free (there is a portable version);
  • Supports various computers, laptops and netbooks;
  • completely in Russian.

And most importantly, this utility shows all the technical characteristics of the PC:

  • model, frequency, temperature of the processor;
  • OS version;
  • the amount and frequency of RAM;
  • complete information about the motherboard;
  • video card model;
  • monitor resolution;
  • full name of the hard disk and its size.

And all this in one tab. And if necessary, you can get more detailed information about the components by opening the desired section in the left menu.

AIDA64 Extreme

Another great program with which you can view the characteristics of a laptop or computer. It is paid, but there is a 30-day trial period (for most cases, this period is sufficient). Plus there is a portable version (no installation required).

Shows absolutely all PC parameters down to the smallest detail. For example, if you want to buy additional RAM, then in AIDA64 you can find out everything about it: full name, frequency, etc. Similar information is displayed on the processor, video card, monitor.

By the way, among other things, this program also shows the temperature of the components (in the "Sensors" tab). This is very useful when your PC or laptop suddenly starts to glitch badly, and you need to check if the processor or video card is warming up.

PC Wizard

And the last program on this list, with which you can analyze the characteristics of a computer in Windows 10, 8, 7 - PC Wizard. In terms of functionality, it is one of the most powerful and is on a par with the paid AIDA64. It also shows absolutely all system characteristics about your PC.

The only negative is that he thinks too long. The program slows down a little, responds slowly to user action (sometimes you have to wait 10 seconds), and this is annoying. Although if it is rarely used, then this drawback does not play any role.

Planning to purchase a new computer or laptop (pay attention to the performance index, which will be discussed below);
- you upgrade your computer, change outdated or broken components;
- install or update drivers;
- want to understand the reasons for the freezing of the computer;
- buy a new game and doubt whether it will work on your computer;
- want to show off to your friends your new acquisition or just knowledge in this area.

All characteristics can be found using additional programs or using Windows tools. It should be noted that when using additional programs, they need to be found, downloaded, possibly installed, while many programs are paid, so I recommend learning how to use standard Windows tools with their help, you can get all the basic characteristics of a computer / laptop.

Find out the characteristics of your computer / laptop using Windows tools.

Let's start with the simplest and most understandable, right-click on the shortcut A computer if there is no shortcut on the desktop A computer, click "Start" find in the menu A computer, right-click select "Properties".

In the window that opens, pay attention to the field System, it indicates which processor is installed, RAM, system type. If these numbers do not tell you anything, click on the line Windows Performance Index.

If you are an experienced Windows user and would like to get more detailed information about the computer stuffing, for this you need to go to the Task Manager, for this click "Start - Control Panel - Device Manager".

If this information is not enough for you, you can use "System Information", for this, go along the path "Start - All Programs - Accessories - System Tools - System Information" or press "Start" and in the search bar enter "Intelligence" and select "System Information".

Here you can find out a lot of information, such as the model of the motherboard, the type of processor, the BIOS version, the amount of RAM and much more concerning not only hardware but also software filling.

Find out the characteristics of a computer / laptop using third-party programs.

You can also use shareware third-party programs, such as ASTRA32.

To do this, download the latest version of the program ASTRA32, in this example I used the version without the installer. After the file has been downloaded, unzip the archive, open the folder, run the astra32.exe file on behalf of the Administrator.

The ASTRA32 program window will open, in which all the characteristics of your computer or laptop will open.

In this article, I described various ways to find out the characteristics of the hardware of a computer / laptop, ranging from the simplest to the most informative ways.

Read, where in Windows 10 to view complete information about the computer and its devices... What standard applications or third-party utilities to use for this. Sometimes you may need to quickly find information about your computer's configuration, operating system, installed drivers and supported technical modules, for example, the exact model of the network card, version "BIOS" or "UEFI", or which version "DirectX" installed on your PC.

In this article, I will talk about some of the standard operating system tools that provide this system information, both general and more detailed.


We learn basic information using a standard application "Options"

If you want to see a basic overview of your system, then it can be found in the standard appendix "Options", both Windows 8 and Windows 10. To open an application, press "Start" and then click on the button "Options"(gear icon) in the lower left corner of the window, or press the keyboard shortcut Windows + I... Next in the application, click on the icon "System".

After that, on the page that opens, go to the tab in the menu on the left.

Three sections with information will be displayed on the right side of the window. In the first, information about the protection of your PC in real time will be shown, the section provides basic information about the configuration of your PC, processor model, amount of RAM, device and product identifiers, as well as the type of system used (32-bit or 64-bit) ...

The section contains the name and version of your operating system, the date of installation and the build number of Windows. Also in this window, you can follow the links: key update and OS reactivation, read the license agreement and service agreement Microsoft.

The standard subroutine gives more detailed information

The (System Information) application was added back in Windows XP. With its help, you can see a much more detailed overview of both system information and information about the equipment used, much more informative than the previous method.

To open the window, press the combination Windows + R, and in the opened dialog "Run" enter "Msinfo32" and click "Enter".

The home page will immediately provide much more information than we saw in the app. "Options"... Here it is listed in more detail, your PC manufacturer, detailed configuration information, BIOS version, motherboard model, installed RAM, etc.

But this is just the beginning. Expand the tree of tabs in the menu on the left, and you will see the real functionality of this application. Most of this information is probably useful only for software developers and system administrators, but at the same time, there is almost all the necessary data about the system.

For example, in the section "Components" click on the field "Network" and further "Adapter" and the program will display complete information about the device: name, model of your network card, manufacturer, driver versions, current state, as well as all related settings that are currently in use.

Another great feature of this software is the ability to export information of interest to a text file. This option is extremely useful when you need to send data about your system or hardware errors to another user, for example, to support, or if you just want to keep a copy of your configuration and system settings just in case.

First, you need to select the desired section or subsection, the information from which you want to export. If you select a section, the exported file will contain data from all sections that are available in the application. But you can also select any individual section or subsection to save only specific information.

Then open the menu "File" and click on the command "Export".

A standard dialog for saving a file in Windows will open, just go to the desired directory and enter the names of the new report and press the button "Save".

Now at any time, you can easily open this file and view all the information and settings that interest you.

System Information on the Command Line

If Windows does not boot in normal operating mode, you can use the special command to get system information. "Command line"... Using this option, you will not be able to get as detailed information as in the application, and, perhaps, this option is more complex than a regular application, but still this command will be extremely useful in the case when the operating system starts "Show off" and stops loading normally.

After the standard command line prompt, you need to go to the directory where this program is located, enter the following command "Cd C: \ Windows \ System32"... Next enter the command "Systeminfo" and press "Enter"... After a little analysis, the program will display several lines of information you need about the build and OS version, processor, BIOS version, boot disk, memory and network information.

Device Manager in Windows 10

Device Manager is a standard component of the operating system that provides information about all devices connected and in use at the moment. It is also the only driver management tool for each installed device, manages the resources allocated to it (interrupt requests, DMA channels, memory areas, I / O ports). It also provides a lot of additional information.

You can open it in Windows 10 in several ways, the easiest is through the search, for this click on the icon "Search" and start typing the expression, our option will be at the very top of the search results list.

In the window that opens, all installed devices on your PC will be presented.

Go to any section, for example "Network adapters" and click on the line with the device name.

The properties window of this equipment will immediately open, at the top you will see several tabs: events related to the operation of the device, the resources it uses, power management, general information about the device and driver management. Actually, all the functionality of managing this device is collected here, you can update the driver, remove the device, turn it off, and so on.

How to find out the version "DirectX"

"DirectX" Is a special set of ready-made graphic elements, procedures and functions that the Windows operating system provides for use by external programs. "DirectX" specially designed by the company Microsoft to facilitate the development of graphical applications for Windows, most programs, one way or another, but use it to visualize all kinds of data. Most often it is used to write computer games. And if you installed a game that needs a newer version to work properly "DirectX" than the one installed on your PC. Then, having found out which version is installed, you can understand whether you need to update it or not.

The easiest way to do this is by running the standard OS utility. To do this, press the keyboard shortcut Windows + R, and in the window that appears "Run" enter and press "Enter".

As a result, the utility will start DirectX Diagnostic Tool... The first tab of the program window will display some information about the PC and version information "DirectX"... In fact, this inscription only says which version of the program is active and in use at the moment, and not which version is the last one installed on your PC. After updating the "Windows 10 Fall Creators Update" in this window, the utility always shows version 12. But then the question arises that not every video card can support this "DirectX"... The version of the program that your device supports can be found in the section "Screen" standard application "Options" Windows.

Additional utilities

Of course, there is a whole host of third-party paid and free software available on the Internet that can provide even more specialized information.

For example, if you reinstalled the operating system, and the new OS did not install the necessary drivers for all the necessary devices, and they are not displayed correctly in "Task Manager" or are not working at full capacity. Then free software can help in such a situation - "CPU-Z"... You can easily download it from the official website of the developers.

The program will scan your system and display the most complete information about the configuration of your PC, even without the installed drivers. Information about the motherboard, processor, RAM and slots for it, information about the video card, the program will allow you to test the performance of your processor and compare its results with the rest. It will also provide the ability to save the full report in text or "Html file".

Good day, blog visitors Denis Trishkin.
Today I would like to talk about a simple tool in the operating system from Microsoft that allows you to find out a lot of useful information about your computer - information about the Windows 7 system. In addition, this window gives you the opportunity to go to other places, which makes it easier to work with the device.

« System»Shows basic information about your machine. So, for example, here you can see data about the OS itself: edition, version.
You can also find out about your processor (frequency and type) and RAM (volume). But most of them get here for the sake of the item " Type of", Which indicates the bit depth. Indeed, many often encounter a situation in which they need one or another program, but it is offered in different versions (32 or 64 bit, to learn more about this read my article).

In some operating systems, you can also find Windows activation data here.


Exit to other places( )

In addition to simply familiarizing yourself with information about your computer, from this window you can get to many useful places that you have to go to from time to time. This usually happens through " Control Panel».

So, through the properties you can get to:

    1 "Control Panel".

    2 "Device Manager".

    3 "Setting up remote access".

    4 "System protection".

    5 "Additional parameters ...".

    6 "Support Center".

    7 "Windows Update".

    8 "Counters and tools for productivity".


How to get to the desired menu?( )

Regardless of the way in which you decide to get into the coveted window, the same will open.

Property viewers( )

There are many third-party programs that allow you to find out not only brief information, but also more detailed information.

So, for example, one of the most popular can be safely called (from time to time I also use it). It allows you to find out detailed information about all components of the computer, including the manufacturer and sometimes even the date of creation.

It is often even suggested to go to the official website and download new drivers for certain details. It allows you to see the online performance of your computer, so to speak - you can see the processor frequency for a given second. You can also find data about RAM. But unlike “ Systems», Here you can see its speed and manufacturer. This is useful, for example, if you decide to increase this indicator.




Another equally useful software can be called.

By and large, the application is the same as Everest, only in a redesigned design. There are, of course, other differences as well.

Surely today any more or less prepared user can easily name the parameters of his computer or information about the system, including the installed "operating system", the type and frequency of the processor, the amount of RAM, disk, etc. But not many people know that this is just, so to speak, the surface of the iceberg. And if you need to know the mode of the DMA channel? What to do then? Now let's talk about how to find out all the parameters in detail.

General information about the system

Many users, of course, may be indignant, they say, why are the parameters caused by a right click on the computer icon bad, where you can view basic information on your terminal or laptop?

The answer lies in the question itself. The information presented in this section is very superficial and does not give a complete picture of the configuration.

The same goes for the standard "Device Manager". Of course, in it you can see all the "hardware" or virtual components available in the system, even if disabled in the BIOS or those in which there are problems or conflicts. However, in some cases, in order to identify the causes of failures and troubleshoot emerging problems, you need to have more complete information about both the hardware and the software environment.

System information: Windows program

Any "operating system" of the Windows family has its own of this type, regardless of the version of the system itself.

There are a lot of different parameters presented here. Of course, some of them are not needed by an ordinary user in everyday work, but for specialists who are engaged in the repair or assembly of computer terminals, such information can tell a lot. It should be noted that the built-in utility collects information about the system instantly responding to the slightest change in configuration at all levels. And this largely makes the "native" Windows utility simply irreplaceable.

How do I view system parameter data?

Now let's see exactly how you can view system information. There are at least three ways to do this in Windows.

The most common method is to use the "Start" menu and then select either utilities or administration tools, where the desired partition is located (the difference in location is due to different versions of the "operating system" itself).

The second and third methods are also simple. But many users either forget about them, or simply do not know. You can use the Run menu (Win + R), where the msinfo32 command is written. You can go the other way, first by calling the command line (Win + R + cmd), and then entering system info. In principle, how exactly this program will be called does not play a special role. Whom it is more convenient.

Main components of the menu

Now let's look at what interesting things can be found in the "System Information" section. Several main categories are presented here. We immediately pay attention to the line of general information. Here are not only information about the Windows system, but also many parameters associated with it. For example, version, build, disk location, bootloader, etc. You can also view the current versions of installed BIOS and SMBIOS, user and geolocation data, information on "RAM" and virtual memory, or even the state of the Hyper-V module, if there is one. Next up is the hardware resources section. The average user is unlikely to understand what kind of data it is. But the system administrator can easily view some important characteristics to eliminate this or that failure at the hardware level.

The component section is very interesting. It somewhat resembles the "Device Manager", but the data presented in it is more detailed. After all, here you can see not only the name of the component, but information about the driver files. In addition, for multimedia, all codecs and decoders installed in the system are indicated, for network devices - their advanced parameters, for disk drives and controllers - their information, etc. In general, you can learn much more from such information than from presented in dispatcher. We should also pay special attention to devices with conflicts (malfunctions). The Windows OS itself can not always present such information even in the dispatcher, but here you can get the maximum for each faulty component.

Finally, in the section of the software environment, you can find all the data of interest to the user about drivers, modules, installed and automatically loaded applications and services. And even error information. In outdated "operating systems" you can find more sections of the browser settings - everything related to the Internet or installed Office components. In general, as they say, there is enough information. But few people know that in the environment of this program, you can view the parameters of remote computer terminals or save information about the system in a single text file with the .nfo extension (the program can also work with the .cab or .xml formats).

Third-party utilities for viewing system information

Among the third-party utilities, the most popular programs can be noted. These are, for example, PC Wizard from the CPUID developer, familiar to many from the CPU-Z utility, or small applications like SIW, System Spec, FreeSysInfo, etc.

Often they have interesting functions related to setting up or testing equipment, which makes them very popular in their field.


In general, it can be noted that information about the system is not particularly useful for most users in their work. But for system administrators, developers of compatible software, or simply specialists involved in manual assembly or repair, such data will be extremely important. Although some users may find them useful too. For example, in a situation where it is required to make a manual one and the user does not know where to look for it.

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