WordPress page builder. Services and plugins for creating WordPress themes

WordPress page builder. Services and plugins for creating WordPress themes

The main "trick", because of which it was interesting for me to try page builders for WordPress is the promise that there won't be a single line of code or manual editing needed to edit and build a custom page (which professional programmers usually do). For the average user, this solution is very tempting.

Today we will learn how convenient it is to use automated page builders and plugins that allow you to edit pages in a simple way. drag and drop elements on the page (Will every blogger's dream come true on the planet?)

What do page builders offer?

Some of best designers offer you the easy creation of pages and post formats into which you can easily insert your widgets and various elements that make such pages easier to navigate and more attractive to Internet users.

Here's what a good web page might include today:

All this can be added to almost any page with a couple of mouse clicks using a modern page builder that supports " drag and drop". To decide which of the designers is right for you, let's look at the entire palette of popular plugins offered to solve this problem.

1.Visual Composer

Description | Demo | Price: $25

A very popular plugin from Code Canyon. This plugin is quite rich in the ability to create and customize new pages on sites. Among the available - at least 44 structural elements and blocks for new pages, including:

There is also support for shortcodes and adding your own elements to the page using Visual Composer.

Every element you can add to a page can be customized with a range of options. True, this constructor also has a "minus": it spends too much of your personal time on fine-tuning. So you will need a lot of attention, thoroughness in the selection of custom options. It is suitable for creating a home page with advanced customization of the main content.

2. Elegant Themes Builder

plugin Drag and Drop Builder from Elegant Themes is another very flexible tool that can be used with absolutely any WordPress theme.

Once installed, this plugin gives you set of different buttons in the page editor, which allow you to implement various functionality into the page and configure various parameters of widgets and blocks. Editing here is possible by simply dragging and dropping elements.

The main elements that can be added with this plugin are:

  • Columns to divide the page vertically
  • Sliders for posts and pictures to showcase your best work
  • Tabs for managing the page and publishing various content
  • Attractive buttons to improve click-through rates and on-page engagement
  • Pop-up messages, tips and text to display on the page

This plugin is ideal for those who create homepages with a new type of design based on the WordPress engine. It can also be used to design the internal pages of a personal site.

3. Content Builder

A good plugin with the ability to edit with a simple drag and drop.

Description | Demo | Price: $16

Once installed, it adds a new menu bar to the post editor and there you can switch between different editing modes.

Key features when designing new pages:

  • Create tabs and widgets to separate content on pages and posts
  • Setting up content output on pages using multi-column layout
  • Adding Google maps to the page in a special widget
  • Easily embed videos on pages by simply adding video URLs to Vimeo or YouTube video hosting sites
  • Creating galleries and adding snapshot collections

The plugin is fairly easy to use and has a number of good " chips" to extend the standard editor features for WordPress posts.

If you don't like redundant options and want a basic page builder, then this plugin is for you.

4. Ether Content Builder

This is another paid plugin for working with new pages by drag and drop.

Suitable for developers who create both the main and internal pages of sites and make changes to third-party copyright themes for WordPress.

Description | Demo | Price: $30

Comes with the plugin 20 widgets+ the ability to add and edit the following structural elements:

After installation, the plugin adds a new tab to the post and page editor, which makes it easy to switch between different modes of visual editing of content and new materials on the site.

There is also a set of easy adding and dragging widgets around the page using the mouse or touchpad.

This plugin is suitable for creating posts and pages rich in content and various widgets.

5. Site Builder

And this is free plugin for designing pages in WordPress from Site Origin, which allows you to create pages with "fluid" layout and move elements on the page without resorting to code editing.

After installation, a new tab will appear in the post editor, next to the visual and text mode of work in the editor.

Working in this mode, you can add and drag widgets, add a display of recent posts, manage widgets for all installed themes, enable and disable various buttons and sliders. This plugin cannot compete with paid counterparts in terms of features, but it is quite simple and convenient in everyday work for most sites.

6. Aqua Page Builder

One more free plugin builder, which is quite popular in the WordPress.org plugin directory.

It is based on the familiar WordPress interface with a menu for creating author widgets for anyone who has ever worked in the mode of creating and editing new posts and pages.

Aqua Page Builder uses the standard " drag and drop drop" for all tools for adding new content output options and new structural elements on pages and posts.

This plugin does a great job with basic tasks. There is here and template creation option for the subsequent application of typical layouts of blocks and widgets on new pages and in new posts. The plugin is ideal for creating serial pages and posts with the same design and slight differences in visual structure.

Widgets available for placement include:

  • Insert columns for vertical division of content on 1 page
  • Gaining attention with alerts and tooltips
  • Adding a map Google Maps to the page
  • Inserting slogans on pages
  • Quickly add sliders to pages
  • Hiding and showing content in different tabs


Among all the plugins that we talked about here today, the largest set of features and tools in the base package is equipped with Visual Composer- which goes well with both price and quality. The choice in favor of a specific plugin for constructing new pages also needs to be combined with what kind of content you have and how you consider it necessary to arrange it.

However, if you already have a WordPress site with big amount quality content, then choose a constructor according to your taste and wallet. And don't forget to share your experience in the comments, as usual.

One of the biggest benefits of content management systems with open source is that you can change their content to your liking. This is why WordPress is such a popular blogging platform because you can choose from hundreds of themes and expand it. functionality using plugins.

Layers is an innovative website builder for WordPress that is a cross between a theme and a plugin.

On the one hand, you can edit the visual component of the website, as in any theme, and on the other hand, you can change its structure. In addition, all this can be done absolutely free, because it comes with open source.

To put it simply, Layers is a theme framework for WordPress that extends the basic functionality of the engine. Thanks to this, the user can assemble the layout as a constructor and manage the website within the theme customizer. The user is offered an extensive set of options, widgets and templates that allow you to get started right away using a user-friendly interface.

Among the main features that this website builder for WordPress has, we can distinguish the following:

  • Pleasant and user-friendly interface that provides smooth editing and instant preview of changes;
  • The ability to quickly "drag and drop" individual elements;
  • Fully responsive design that displays correctly on both PCs and smartphones;
  • A set of various layouts and presets;
  • Full integration with WooCommerce out of the box.

How to use it

Since Layers is open source, you can simply download and install it in WordPress like a regular theme. To use it, just activate it as the main theme.

Once activated, you will be able to use it from different parts of the WordPress interface. For example, a new menu item "Layers" will appear in the admin panel, where you can control all aspects of its work. Also, an additional item will appear in the menu " Appearance' and 'Pages'. Finally, there will be a new "Change Layout" option when previewing.

Page editing

Essentially, Layers functions like any other WordPress theme, but with the finest customization options. Unlike similar solutions with predefined features, this website builder allows you to customize each element by adding and editing widgets. Even if you don't immediately figure out how to set up pages, you can use one of the ready-made layouts. Some of them are built specifically for specific purposes, such as landing pages, catalogs, portfolios, etc.

To start editing layouts, click Customize in the main toolbar or Customize in the WordPress sidebar. A standard theme editor window will open in front of you, where you can add special widgets to any section of the site. When you click on them, a settings window will open where you can set the desired settings. In this window, there is also a vertical Design Bar, the options of which change depending on the selected widget.

Each such widget is highlighted with a blue icon to make it easier to distinguish from the standard one, and includes a separate selection of options. For example, by clicking on the "Advanced Editing" button in the Design Bar, you can edit the CSS for this widget. Thanks to these options, you have full control over the content of the page and its visual design.

Of course, you don't have to dig into the code, even if you want to take care of the responsive design. Layers provides full support mobile devices, allowing you to create a separate page for them.

Site settings

Using the Site Settings menu item in the Theme Customizer sidebar, you can control various elements of the page. For example, you can change the name and logo, customize the navigation and individual panels, and choose any font from Google. In addition, you can change the "header" and "footer", set up a static home page and add custom css.

Moreover, the settings at the top and bottom of the page contain an option such as "Additional Scripts", which allows you to place any Javascript code on the website, such as a counter from Google Analytics.

Additional features

The Layers site builder also allows you to create your own child themes and separate style sets containing all interface elements, which you can then export. However, they can only be used in WordPress on which this site builder is installed.

Another interesting feature of Layers is that it fully supports the popular WooCommerce e-commerce plugin, which makes creating online stores much easier.


Layers is still a growing project, even if it lacks some individual functions, it is quite possible that they will appear very soon. Either way, this website builder is great for beginners. Thanks to it, you can create a fully functional website and not get bogged down in the code.

Hello dear readers. Designers are getting into our lives more and more densely. More and more people want to make a website, and preferably quickly, without learning any complicated gizmos. The number of services that help to do this is growing, they are becoming more professional.

Today we are discussing website builder. We will talk about plugins and extensions that make it easier to work in an already elementary program. And although it’s not entirely clear to me why it’s so easy for myself, I’ll still consider various applications.

Besides, I myself am very interested in this topic. I would like to start with the fact that the constructor is more of a service, so I don’t even hope to find something free that works completely fine.

You should not be disappointed, because in any case, you will have to pay for a good site in any case, even if you create it yourself. , domain, in some cases administration. Some services allow you to save money, others not so much.

Let's see what the designers offer us.

Beaver Builder

Let's start with Beaver Builder. In no case do not take this article as a rating. In one case or another, different options may be the best. Personally, I'm generally against using . But more on that later. Don't worry, I'm not going to look for flaws in every application.

Beaver Builder has a free demo. That's offhand to name its differences from any tariff, I can not. I still don't understand, they let me download full version for a certain period or is it a stripped-down demo. If you understand this issue, I will be grateful for the comments left.

The prices for use are quite impressive. For $99 you buy the ability to install the program on an unlimited number of sites, get a plugin, premium modules and templates with themes. In general, you need to deal with the cost. What official website in English does not contribute to understanding at all.

But the plugin itself is crooked, but translated into Russian. On what principle does it work? Beaver Builder includes several page templates and custom modules. For example, gallery, contacts, photo, video, calendar, search and so on. They are set to a specific location on the page by drag and drop. Everything is immediately visually displayed.

I can't say that this builder is much easier to use than the WordPress admin panel. Perhaps a beginner who is completely unfamiliar with the control panel will seem that way.

It is much easier for me to find some or paste part of the code copied from the training site directly into the official . It may take a little longer, especially if you still don’t understand much about this, you will have to learn from scratch. But there are more possibilities, you can choose from millions of templates. In addition, this is a step towards professionalism.

Using Beaver Builder you will have to constantly work with it. I repeat, this is a website creation service. In essence, you are changing one visual editor for another, even simpler one.

Okay, to hell with the lyrics, I promised not to speak for the time being.


Layers is not a plugin or a theme, but something in between. It expands the basic functions of the engine, complements them. A mid-level and professional specialist simply would not work with this CMS if he saw so many extra options: “I can do it myself.” For a beginner, most of these features are unknown.

The main advantage of Layers is open source which will allow any convenient time learn more about the code and customize the theme for yourself with professional tricks and tools.

Thanks to this constructor, you can also quickly drag and drop individual elements, see a set of all sorts of layouts and interesting templates, applications, widgets for the site. If desired, any portal can be turned into an online store.

Download Layers from the official site, and then install it as the main theme through the admin panel. As a training video on working with this program, I can offer you a video from YouTube.

So far, the application has not been translated into Russian, but I am more than sure that the situation will change very soon. You can upgrade the functionality of the free version for $49.

Visual Composer

Well, the last plugin for today is Visual Composer. It costs 34 dollars. It is also possible to download the application for free from the official website. Not much different from the two previous applications. Maybe a little more difficult. It includes 40 applications, thanks to which you can create always different and attractive, modern projects.

I want to show you a video that shows how to work with Visual Composer. In just a few minutes, a rather attractive project will appear in front of you. You will immediately understand what's what and how to act in your case if you decide to use this application.

As I said, I'm not a supporter of constructors. Too much superfluous and convenient. There is not always a desire to study the creation of sites further. I really hope that as soon as you play enough with the designers, you will have a desire to know more, to be able to, to study. Creating the right sites - that's what I would like to strive for.

It is not much more difficult than working with the constructor, but at times more interesting. For example, in the course WordPress 4 » you will be shown how to draw a website in Photoshop, layout and insert into the engine. You will not have a specific set of tools, act where your imagination leads. This knowledge can be applied again and again. You don't need to pay anything extra.

Although, website development, design and layout may not really be that interesting for you. Everyone chooses their area. Few people try to know everything. Chances are you'll want to delve into .

See you again and good luck.

Whether you want to create new pages on your WordPress website, or perhaps even personalize a framework theme from scratch, WordPress page builders can help you do just that without even having to know a single line of code.

In this article, we will introduce you some of the best website builders. WordPress pages online, both free and premium, which you can install on your WP site in just a couple of minutes. They come with built-in template systems allowing you to save and load layouts that can be imported and exported at any time, WordPress widgets and sidebars, mobile friendly and responsive designs, frontend and/or backend editing, shortcode and widget support, content modules and many others.

Most of these builders also support posts, pages, and custom post types, have predefined layouts available in multiple languages, have an interface that loads quickly and is easy to use, and includes drag and drop functionality.

You can check out the features of each of these builders and decide which one is the best option for your site. However, keep in mind that they only work with WordPress, and don't forget to check compatibility with your theme before installing the plugin.

Elementor is a great page builder that was launched a couple of years ago. It comes with an easy-to-use visual interface, without any bugs or glitches, versatile styling options, and lots of add-ons to choose from. Use it to build entire themes from scratch!

Beaver Builder is a clean page builder with light code and regular updates. It comes with a bunch of add-ons that give it more flexibility and it's very easy to use. This page builder has been used on over half a million websites worldwide! Start using it and create amazing websites in minutes.

Divi Builder is another popular page builder that comes bundled with the top selling Divi theme. This plugin can be used with others WordPress themes, and it has front-end and back-end interfaces that are easy to use and set up. Comes with a lot of useful elements to create great, fully functional pages.

Thrive Architect is a new version Thrive Content Builder WordPress page builder plugin. It comes with an updated interface with a huge number of useful features and new additions. This page builder is conversion-focused and is especially popular with marketers and bloggers. It has a lot of useful features for bloggers and affiliate marketers, so make sure you check them all out and see if they are useful for your marketing purposes.

SiteOrigin Page Builder is one of the oldest page builders for WordPress with a free version. This is a lightweight builder that has many different elements to choose from.

WPBakery Page Builder formerly known as Visual Composer is one of the most popular WordPress page builders and has been used in thousands of ThemeForest WordPress themes. This plugin is used by over two million people worldwide! It has absolutely all the features you need to take your website to the next level.

Themify Builder is a powerful page builder for WordPress that will help you create any page layout you need using an easy to use and customize drag and drop interface. Create amazing pages for your website without any coding knowledge.

This is a new page builder that was launched not so long ago. It was created by ThemeFuse and is quickly gaining popularity, which is evident from the fact that it is already installed on thousands of sites. The interface makes it quick and easy to create new pages, and it has many new and useful addons.

MotoPress is another front-end page builder for creating fully responsive web pages. The visual interface looks clean, modern and allows you to add different kinds of modules and widgets.

Live Composer is a responsive drag-n-drop builder for creating amazing pages. The editor interface is very user-friendly and easy to use and allows you to style the page, add new modules or even upload and create templates. It can be used to create blog pages, testimonials, team, shop, portfolio and more.

Page Builder Sandwich is a premium WordPress page builder with a ton of content building features. You can easily customize almost every aspect of the page with this page builder and add any module you can think of - tables, newsletters, widgets, buttons and carousels.

Forge is another drag and drop builder that you can use in real time. It's free and has a lot of elements you can play with as you create pages for your site. It also comes with a paid premium version at an affordable price. The premium version adds a bunch of new add-ons and even has a gallery of layouts and templates.

Cornerstone is one of the most popular WordPress page builders on the web. It also integrates with the top selling WP theme - X-Theme. It's a front-end editor for both pages and posts. It has one of the easiest interfaces to use, completely clean and without unnecessary elements. Use it to take your website building to the next level.

This WordPress page builder comes with two versions – free and premium. Free version allows you to create pages only using the backend interface, while the paid version gives you access to the frontend editor as well. The builder has an intuitive drag and drop interface with many elements to create your pages: columns, rows, buttons, images, videos, etc.

The Oxygen Page Builder is different from other WordPress page builders because it works with a separate sandbox module connected to WordPress. It has an easy to use interface with many page builder elements for buttons, containers, text blocks, image blocks, paragraphs, columns, etc.

All successful work!

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