Download NVIDIA GeForce new version. NVIDIA FORCEWARE for GeForce in Russian

Download NVIDIA GeForce new version. NVIDIA FORCEWARE for GeForce in Russian

NVIDIA 231.60 Video Card Drivers

NVIDIA video card drivers - For the NVIDIA GeForce family, have Microsoft certificate and are supported by version operating systems:, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP.

Why do you need to update the drivers for NVIDIA video cards?

As you know, computers do not stand still, they are rapidly developing, inexorably increasing their power and performance, the same applies to both software. In their attempts to achieve perfection, the developers of drivers for video cards constantly bring various improvements and corrections from the version to the version. Appears support new graphic processors Or even increases the performance of the graphics on old video cards. There are often cases when in some games can significantly increase the number of reflected frames per second (FPS) or the error is eliminated with the lack of any textures or flickering objects.

How to install drivers on the NVIDIA video card?

There are two main ways to install drivers for NVIDIA video cards:

  • The first, usual update of the NVIDIA driver, just download the NVIDIA driver and run it, and all the settings and the current user profile are saved.
  • The second method is the so-called "clean installation", its essence is that when updating NVIDIA drivers, all profiles and user data settings are deleted. What would it be done when you install the video card driver you need to check the box in front of the Pure Setup item.

NVIDIA - installation of driver for video card

Installing the driver for the NVIDIA video card

For "advanced" users, there is another way to clean the NVIDIA driver.

Using special utilities, such as Display Driver Uninstaller, we fully delete the old driver, after which we install the new version of the NVIDIA GeForce driver, so to speak with the "clean sheet".

By the way, the drivers already contain the NVIDIA GeForce Experience program required for automatic update NVIDIA video card drivers, as well as optimizing games, to ensure the optimal gameplay. If necessary, it can be downloaded separately with the corresponding page of our site.

In addition, we want to recommend extremely useful programs that will update not only the NVIDIA video card driver, but in general, all drivers on a computer, such as or, these programs are also presented on the relevant pages of our resource.

New official version Collection of all the latest NVIDIA ForceWare drivers for video from Nvidia's company is simple and free update opportunities, both for new top video adapters and outdated GeForce video cards. Each winner of the video card from Envidia is recommended for free download NVIDIA FORCEWARE WHQL RUS on a computer with Windows 10, 8 ..

Users of other operating systems can also download drivers for the NVIDIA video card. According to the information provided on the official website, more than ten different operating systems are supported, except Windows, including: Mac OS X, UNIX, Linux and others, as well as for portable and mobile devices.

What is the point of downloading for free driver

Update software For video cards, it allows you to improve some computer indicators of the computer subsystem, loading hardware capabilities in full by the more advanced program code and progressive logic that could appear after the chip release. Taking into account the fact that the computer "iron" is evolving gradually, and the general principles of rendering and broadcasting images are changed not fundamentally, then by optimization for the video card, you can even squeeze almost all to the maximum speed of each vertex and pixel shader with the speed of each vertex and pixel shader The ideal accuracy of a swimming semicolon video suitable. Oddly enough but free drivers Download free - it's easy even for a novice computer user.

Unification of the architecture of new and outdated Drivers (UDA) provides direct and backward compatibility of the latest drivers with modern and previous generations of a significant number of NVIDIA graphic processors. As a rule, if the latest version of Envidia Foresev is installed in the system, it is not required to reinstall software for video. In the presence of a park of computers, it is many times simplifies the upgrade procedure or dowgend of workstations. It is important that the fact that the driver for video is free without registration and SMS will not be difficult even for the "kettle". Such possibilities are simple to use each user of the computer or laptop.

Reasons to download ForceWare for NVIDIA GeForce GPU

The latest version of the drivers on the Edvidia video card, like previous versions, Has a Microsoft WHQL laboratory certificate, meets modern standards, works with all the latest technologies and is distinguished by the following advantages:

  • phenomenal video and 3D power in any application,
  • amazing image quality on the display,
  • compatibility with popular MPEG decoders,
  • unified program architecture,
  • crosplelatform - more than 10 OS,
  • support and regular software update.

All modern technologies are supported, including: Direct X, Open GL, DisplayPort, HD Audio, Phys X, Game Stream, Cuda, Shadow Play, GeForce Experience, S L I, 3DVision, Ambient Occlusion and others.

Evolution of Drivers, Recent Story

In the past, the productivity of pixel and vertex shaders from Nvidia products in comparison with the main competitors for classes from AMD Radeon. (then back ATI Radeon.) Seriously lasted both quantitatively and in terms of image quality on the monitor screen in "shader" scenes. The problem was actualized to the extreme in the Halflife2 beta testing process, when new NVIDIA video cards for merit earned a reputation "inhibited species" in DirectX9.

The efforts of the best programmers of the California Corporation as soon as possible were written by new Force Ware drivers, which removed most of the questions and claims to the low speed of shaders processing NVIDIA. Marketing stroke with a change in the name of Detonator at Force Ware worked: everyone believed, but not on scratch. In the new software, instead of correcting insignificant errors and adding useless functions to increase the speed of the render in combination with the perfect image quality, the shaders compiler was qualitatively rewritten.

Envidia video cards, render a picture with a 32-bit accuracy of floating point work, while a competitor adheres to a 24-bit one. It is permissible, 24-bit accuracy within standard requirements. According to the DirectX documentation, the accuracy of floating point operations is at least 24 bits per color. Processing the code on the Microsoft High Level Shader Language (MS HLSL) compiler, competitors work faster, since most are written on the Microsoft product.

Envidia went to another way. The compiler takes the director instructions, but interpreting, "on the fly" changes the order and the structure of the commands so that the GPU chip is entered optimized for the faster execution code. Programmers managed to do this without prejudice to the quality and accuracy of floating point. In this regard, it is worth a separately mention that the enthidia control panel does not need volumetric microsoft package.Net Framework.Therefore, uses the minimum system resources and functions faster than competitors.

Description and capabilities of NVIDIA Control Panel

The NVIDIA control panel is created with the mind for the use of the menu for use and navigate. NVIDIA Control Panel allows you to do everything you need for office or home computer user, for example, change:

  • color depth, refresher frequency and display resolution,
  • color parameters: brightness value, contrast, gamut,
  • temperature and features of color correction,
  • multimonitorial output format according to NView technology,
  • an angle of rotation of the image on the screen (Rotate Display),
  • post-processing modes Video: sharpness, clarity and noise reduction,
  • settings Pictures for connecting TV and HDTV output,
  • digital audio signal transmission parameters.

If there are two video cards in SLI mode in the system, then, in addition to including or disconnecting SLI mode, it is activated to control the distribution of cards to the SLI 3D Settings. Extended 3D networks are configured for better quality and render velocity, for example, the level of anisotropic filtering and anti-aliasing, the use of improving the filtering of textures and gamma correction of antiazing results. 3D profiling can be oriented for specified programs, and the corresponding settings are activated when you start a program or another. In a special preview window on the "Adjust Image Settings WITH PREVIEW" tab, 3D settings adjustments are shown in Real Time.

Some Control Panel items are equipped with explanations or step-by-step Wizard "Ami. The wizard of the control panel will configure the image as it should only select" Run Display Optimization Wizard ". Full localization of the Nvidia control panel and help to Russian and other languages \u200b\u200bfacilitates any action by changing parameters. Video card. Russian software interface for the video card according to the functionality is identical in English.

Application and benefits of Nvidia

From the entire available Arsenal of NVIDIA ForceWare drivers, the latest version may be needed for different purposes; First of all, this is a desire to play new games, creating multimedia business presentations and corporate reports, the use of innovative software platforms and multimedia development media, as well as subsequent testing of applications for various purposes. Many modern, ranging from application programs and ending with business applications in accounting and Internet banking, work intensively with a graphics subsystem of a computer or laptop. From the power of the video card, speed, correctness and accuracy of working with the so-called floating point directly depends on the overall performance of the software and hardware complex. Is it possible to imagine without NVIDIA FORCEWARE WHQL, the passage of these games, as the latest versions: Diablo, Battle Field, Half-Life and other games.

All users of Windows winds are strongly recommended. last version NVIDIA ForceWare driver package download free on a computer without registration on a direct link from the official site. Changes for the better notice everyone who was not afraid to download the NVIDIA ForceWare driver for Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, XP in Russian and install on a computer. It is not by chance, since these videos of the NVIDIA driver for a computer and driver for laptops have significant potential. Further installation of NVIDIA ForceWare drivers is going through without problems, but just in case, downloading the driver Do not rename and do not change the path to the files, leave as it is.

Driver is a free computer program that allows operating systemIn our case, Windows, access the video card hardware and allows you to manage the same device. To date, you can download the latest version for free. nVIDIA FORCEWARE 431.36. in Russian. This installation will allow you to update the previous version of the drivers. nvidia Forceware. Until the latter.

The driver is considered a mediator program, and it provides the ability to "communicate" your computer with certain devices. To make it easier to understand, the driver is something similar to the translator, which provides certain assistance in communicating between people who own different languages. The only difference is our interlocutors is a video card and a computer.
In the entire history of the video card market, there were many manufacturers with their standards and suggestions, but not many have passed the competition. Now the main players and competitors are NVIDIA and Radeon. Drivers nvidia Forceware. are specialized for video cards created by nvidia, i.e. designed purely for the GEFORCE line cards and are not suitable for AMD Radeon. or Intel.
You want your computer to always stay at the height and have not lagged behind the novelties, we are updated and improved. Replacing the video card itself is only half of the case. Video card manufacturers regularly conduct testing and handle errors that send ordinary users. Based on the test results, new updates for drivers are formed. Installing fresh drivers components, guarantees the proper operation of the device and the stability of the system when loading on the video card during the game or processing graphics.
Drivers are free, do not require additional payment after purchasing and installing a video card. This allows you to download the latest for free the latest drivers to any convenient time. The manufacturer of any iron, not only video cards, recommends regularly updating the drivers.
nvidia Forceware. broke the driver for several packages. Each driver package for nVIDIA video cards Corresponds to a specific operating system separately for 32x bit and 64x bit.

Free Download NVIDIA FORCEWARE 431.36

XP x32. Vista x32. XP x64. Vista x64.
7/8 x32. 7/8 x64. 10 x32. 10 x64.
Release date: 10.07.2019
Version: XP 368.81 || Vista 372.54 || 7/8 431.36 || 10 431.36
Language: russian, multilingual
OS platform: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8, 10
Site author: NVIDIA Corporation.
The size: XP x32 - 209.8 MB; XP x64 - 256.7 MB;
Vista x32 - 279.0 MB; Vista X64 - 346.1 MB;
7/8 x32 - 316.4 MB; 7/8 x64 - 496.5 MB;
Win 10 x32 - 335.7 MB; Win 10 x64 - 541.9 MB
Synonyms: jiffors Drivers, Envidia Forsvare

nVIDIA FORCEWARE 431.36 for laptop

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