Sizes of images for facebook. The perfect cover for your Facebook page

Sizes of images for facebook. The perfect cover for your Facebook page


Almost every business and person uses Facebook, from personal to work pages. This is most likely an integral part of any marketing strategy. It could even be your main professional site.

It is therefore important to make the most of this platform to ensure that your profile is in social networks will be impeccable and professional. A sloppy image, poor cropping, or text that isn't properly scaled can give the wrong first impression. Here are ten tips for creating the perfect Facebook cover image that people will want to click on.

1. Know the specifications

The first piece of the Facebook cover photo puzzle is size. There is nothing worse than mis-sizing an image and creating a major Facebook glitch. And if you haven't updated your cover photo in some time, this is a good reminder to check the specs because they change periodically.

As of March 2018, the following specifications are available:

2. Choose the right image

Facebook is a highly visual medium, the image you choose can make or break interactions and how users relate to your brand or page. You need a great image, so you should:

  • Choose a high quality photo or high resolution illustration.
  • Find something that is easy to "read" or understand, even if it is small on the screen.
  • Choose an image that represents your brand and shows a person or product in action.
  • Try to connect emotionally with the images.
  • Find a photo that fits well with the space. Crop the image with software for editing to make sure it looks great at 851 pixels wide by 315 pixels high and that vital parts of the image are not missing.

3. Add CTA

While this is not part of the Facebook cover design, think about what users will see when they go to your profile. Combine a cover photo and an associated call to action to help generate leads, calls, or site clicks. Great photography can help stimulate interaction.

The call-to-action buttons are located directly below the photo on the right. Make sure you enable something for users to do.

4. Use your branding

Facebook cover photos should match your overall branding. Use the same style of images, colors, and labels as for all other communication lines.

All parts should have a consistent appearance so that when the cover photo appears - like a change in user feeds or when you visit your Facebook page - there is no doubt who the image belongs to.

Think about branding in relation to how profile and cover photos work together on your Facebook page. They appear side-by-side in a square (profile photo) and rectangular (covers). In the ribbon, the profile photo is in a round container, while the cover photo retains its rectangular shape.

5. Try the video

A great cover image for Facebook doesn't have to be a photo. You can also upload videos. The main thing is to follow the specifications.

Add a video to your cover in the same way as a photo, keeping in mind the following:

6. Don't forget about mobile cropping

Now, here's the main pitfall of the cover image - it gets cropped on mobile devices. While the cover photo displays 820 by 312 pixels on desktop screens (pretty much everything you've downloaded), the mobile image is a bit more square, and some of the bottom and top of the image are automatically cropped off.

While you can't upload a separate image for mobile users right now, we know how much of this image will render on mobile devices: 640 pixels wide by 360 pixels high. Resizer uses full width images and picks up roughly the same amount of top and bottom images for your Facebook mobile cover photo.

Select and crop your image accordingly.

7. Make it shareable

Look for an image that contains a lot of emotion or action that is relevant to your audience. Include a hashtag or small block of text to inspire action. Choose colors that stand out in the ribbons - vibrant options can work great, as well as brand colors to create a visual connection.

8. Keep the image simple

Don't overwhelm your Facebook cover photo design. Most people will likely see it small - think about phones when serving your content - and trying to do too much with one image may not succeed.

Find a great photo. Trim it to the proper specifications. Post it. Ready.

9. Keep your text to a minimum

The most difficult element when creating a Facebook cover is text. Think of the two trims available - desktop and mobile. Think about the size that will be displayed to users.

If you can't stick to something short and easy to understand - like a logo or hashtag - you can avoid cover text altogether. Don't clutter a great image with words just for the sake of being there. Any text elements should be added with a specific purpose and usability in mind.

10. Still stuck? Start with a constructor or template

Still not sure about cropping and aligning to get the perfect cover photo? There are several Facebook cover templates and tools that can make this task easier for you. All three options are free, although you will need to register for an account.

The nice thing about Facebook's designer or cover template is that all the sizes and shapes you need are created for you. You don't have to worry about cropping or editing images if you're not good at it. Each of these tools allows you to place your photo in a frame that is the correct shape and size, and export it for easy upload to Facebook.


Remember, every time you create and upload a new cover image for Facebook, your followers will receive a notification in their feed. Make changes and choose the right moment for this with a specific purpose. Include a comment or link to support interoperability when making changes.

Consider changing your cover photo seasonally or every time you offer a new product or service. This simple update can keep your profile fresh and create an easy piece of content to share.

Good luck everyone!

Facebook is the largest social network in the world, which is used not only for communication, but also for business promotion. In 2017, the web had over 65 million pages and groups of companies from all over the world. Standing out among so many organizations, especially small businesses, is incredibly difficult. One way to grab attention is with a bright and catchy Facebook group cover. Also, the cover can be put on personal and on business page.

Guidelines for creating a bright Facebook cover

A unique image plays a huge role for both a small group and a huge online store. Most do not attach any importance to this, downloading from the Internet a non-unique and unremarkable picture. Doing so reduces user confidence and alienates potential customers.

A good cover helps:

  • Increase the number of subscribers. Even if you have written posts from experts on your topic, created an effective description, people will have to spend a lot of time reading it. In turn, a striking design is able to attract a person's attention in just 60 seconds.
  • Stand out from the competition. Business page posts attract a small number of people, and given the competition of 65 million companies, it becomes almost impossible to attract the attention of potential customers. A unique cover allows you to forever detach yourself from competitors, become unique and attract potential customers.
  • Increase conversion. Let's say a group has the n-th number of visitors every day, some of them subscribe to you, and the other part passes by. So, one of the options is to make large quantity of visitors converted to a subscription base - this is to set an attractive cover.

But you will never attract users with a nondescript image. There are 2 rules to help you create an attractive background image:

Just a couple of the above rules will help to significantly increase the number of subscribers and conversions.

Facebook Cover Sizes

When creating an image on Facebook, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • When viewing the cover on a computer, the size will be 820x312 pixels, on a mobile device - 640x360.
  • The file must not be less than 400x150 pixels.
  • Files less than 100 kilobytes are loaded faster.

If there is text on the cover and you want a high quality image, upload a PNG file. The system does not compress such covers very much, which allows maintaining high quality even with the presence of text on them.

How to make a Facebook cover for a group

How to set Facebook group cover

To set the fruit of our creativity as the cover of your Facebook group (business page or personal account), go to desired page and press Add Cover.

After that, a drop-down menu will appear where you need to select "Upload photo / video" and select the background we created on your computer. After that, it will load and it will remain to click "Save". You can also use a video or slideshow of several images as a cover.

Facebook page covers are a great example of how social media marketing differs from the usual use of social media. A beautiful cover with a personal photo will brighten a personal profile, but business covers should serve other purposes.

Desktop and mobile covers

Technically, there is no cover size that fits perfectly in all cases, because mobile and desktop display the cover differently. WITH mobile device the covers will look taller.

Fortunately, Facebook isn't trying to stretch the image to fit the new dimensions, so it doesn't warp, instead the photo is automatically cropped. You can also use the built-in repositioning tool to optimize the cover for the best display.

With all that said, it is recommended to use a desktop size of 820 by 312 pixels, and then check if any of the important components of the photo are cropped in mobile version.

Beautiful Facebook covers: what should they look like?

Of course, the image on the cover must be of high quality and relevant to the business, but other than that, you need to determine what exactly it will be, and this is already a more difficult task. It all depends on the business, on the person making the choice, and on his ideas about what the target audience will be most receptive to.

Some great ideas that will always be a good choice.

Use cover art to boost sales or generate leads

Despite the fact that many believe that in the concept of "social media marketing" the "social" aspect should be more important than "marketing", there is still always room for business promotion. A cover designed to increase sales or generate leads, when combined with a relevant CTA button, you can get a significant result with no extra effort.

Advertise upcoming events

If a company is planning to host a webinar, conference, or even a competition soon, a page cover can be a great announcement. New users will stay up-to-date simply by visiting the page.

Demonstrate product properties and benefits

It also has to do with sales, but showcasing the benefits of a product can play into the hands of the company anyway.

You can also:

Show your store. If a company has a storefront or office space that looks great in a photo, you can turn that image into a page cover and increase traffic.

Show your employees and team members. Employee-generated content can be as valuable as user-generated content, and engaging real employees on the page cover can help humanize the business and show the real people behind it.

Use user-generated content. User generated content is one of the most powerful marketing tools at every business owner's disposal, and using authentic cover content can make a significant difference in establishing contact and building audience trust.

Mistakes to Avoid

While there are many image options to choose from for your page cover, there are also options to avoid. Some mistakes can alienate users from the page, and even completely ruin the impression of the company.

The worst mistakes you can make when choosing a cover for your Facebook page include:

Examples of Facebook page covers from small and online businesses

Check out these seven great examples of page covers for inspiration.

1. Drip. Drip's cover is a great example of how to use top-notch real estate to generate more leads. This photo shows how easy it is to use their product, and how easy it is to use is a huge advantage.

In the immediate vicinity is a Call To Action (CTA) to join their free online training, and in the bottom corner of the cover is an arrow and “Register Now” to draw attention to the CTA button. Thanks to this, the whole cover acts as a lead generation tool, and even directs users' attention to the CTA.

2. Buffer. It's no surprise that Buffer's Facebook Page Cover is a great example to take note of.

Their cover is simple and clean, and advertises their new podcast. Again, this is using the main focal point on their business page to advertise their content. When the user clicks on the cover photo, they see links to iTunes and Google play where you can listen to the podcast by choosing your preferred platform.

3. Sizzors Hair Salon. Another example of a cover can be called effective for several reasons.

First, the cover photo is seasonal and relevant. They tied fall leaves with gorgeous auburn hair, and used text wisely to advertise their services as "art" and "high class."

One of the best things about this cover is the award badge in the corner that definitely grabs attention. This is a brilliant move because it shows the first time visitors to the page that the high quality of the service is officially confirmed. Combined with the “Sign Up Now” CTA right below it, this helps increase conversions.

4. Tamara Knight Photography. It would be weird to write an article about great cover photography without listing a local photographer. Fortunately, Tamara Knight Photography is not only different high quality works, but also great social media marketing.

This cover photo is a fantastic choice that is truly impressive. It depicts a happy, smiling and laughing family. It's dynamic, lively and engaging. Such a photo automatically makes you smile and evokes an emotional response.

A family photo not only has an emotional impact (which in itself means a lot), but also contrasts with the picture of the business profile. This gives an idea of ​​the range of services that the business offers, since there is a portrait photo in the profile photo.

Finally, this photo provides a great example of branding. This is a translucent watermark that looks unobtrusive, but nevertheless, it is difficult to miss it. This makes the page look more formal and claims to be a serious business with high quality services.

5. Bar Method Winter Park. The next cover example is Bar Method in Winter Park. This place as a whole does significant work in social media marketing and can even be called a source of great marketing examples.

This cover photo uses some of the best social image tactics, including lighting and play of light. The woman's reflection and dark hair automatically draws attention to her, so the focus of the cover is both the image and the services of the company, despite the fact that the text takes up a significant part of the photo.

Such a text can be called a reasonable choice for three reasons. First, it is motivating and inspiring, which many clients need before any kind of physical activity. It also uses different colors and sizes of text to make it more dynamic and less monotonous. Finally, it includes the brand's hashtag in a darker color that contrasts with the image. This allows users to know which hashtag to use when they share related content.

6. Bailey's Grocery. Many of the small businesses are specific and want to present themselves in a way that makes them stand out. Bailey's Grocery chose a cover that represents their brand and how they want to present themselves.

This photo depicts Bailey's as a family business in small town... Freshly picked products in the truck are automatically associated by users with high quality products that they can buy in the store. This photo looks classic, despite the fact that it was taken not too long ago, and the company presents itself as the backbone of business in a small community. This approach can help build customer trust.

The last beautiful thing to note is the unobtrusive branding of the photo. The logo and name of the company is displayed on the door of the truck, and it looks natural. Such marketing does not even look like marketing, everything is extremely transparent and authentic, and therefore attractive to customers.

7. One Blood. The latest example of a cover is OneBlood, which is actually a non-profit company, but their cover is so good that it must be included here as an example.

All cover photos act as CTAs. It features a smiling child next to a quote stating that all the blood donors involved in OneBlood saved him. This quote is not from him, but from his mother - the person on whose behalf it will sound even more touching. This triggers an immediate emotional response, which can be a wonderful first step to any action.

There is a text CTA next to the image encouraging users to share their stories, their power, and save lives. This provokes the emergence of new user-generated content, which helps in the further promotion of the brand. Businesses that do business with nonprofits, or that offer products that can make an emotional impression (insurance can protect your family, for example) can use this strategy.

How to create a cover for a group, Facebook, YouTube online?

For those who are ready to create a cover for their group, a powerful and easy-to-use graphic editor will help make this process as easy as possible. You can select a preset Facebook cover mode to automatically adjust to the ideal photo size.

After choosing this option, you can also choose one of the ready-made templates (which you can further customize at your own discretion) or create a cover photo from scratch.

Even when using a template, you can upload your own photo or choose from an image library. Easily add and move text, graphics and effects to any part of the image. You can adjust the transparency of each element and choose on which layer to place it.

You can use the text layering and custom graphic options to brand your image, so you can add a logo in just a few clicks.

Where can I find beautiful cover photos?

Some awesome cover images like Buffer and Drip can be created with graphic editors... The rest of the companies represented used real photographs. Whichever option a particular business chooses, there are many resources where you can get high quality images.
For example:

  • Free stock photography sites such as and Pixabay, where stock photos are available for commercial use.
  • User generated content that is free and available in abundance. Some custom photos are of extremely high quality, and many users will be honored to use their photo as a cover for a company page.


Appropriate Facebook page covers play an important role in making a good first impression on new users. Ideally, the cover looks good on both mobile and desktop, without weird cropping or image misalignments. A well-chosen, high-quality and relevant photograph with the ideal size as a cover page will help create the desired image and reputation of the company.

To excel at something, you need to look up to the best. We researched over 100 facebook pages of well-known companies with more than 1 million followers or likes. All this in order to find out which facebook cover is the most effective. We've grouped the results into 18 tips that you can easily apply to your business. See also more than 50 striking examples of the design of Facebook pages and get inspired.

If you want to know the size requirements for facebook cover and profile photo, or about redesigning business pages after 2016, then see the first part of this article about. And in this part, see 18 tips from global brands:

1. Share your product or service on your facebook cover

Here's another way to make multiple colors dominant:

A shaded photo and a few color accents looks stylish and conveys the idea of ​​the company macProVideo

3. Maintain a consistent design style for your Facebook profile and cover.

Many brands follow this rule. Then the business page looks holistic and harmonious.
See for yourself:

5. Make a collage

Design in the form of a collage or cut from photos has been used for a very long time. But it does not lose its relevance, because this is the best way to convey several ideas at the same time.

In this example, we created a blue CTA button and positioned it to draw attention to the gray Like button. Not a bad idea, but it would be much more logical to place this inscription above the "Subscribe" button.

Example with emphasis on buttons from

Use the arrows on the cover wisely. Keep in mind that the buttons will be positioned in a completely different way on the mobile version.

Therefore, think in advance how the arrow will look on the mobile screen, or abandon it altogether.

8. Don't be afraid to use text on the cover

Facebook's requirement that text on the cover should not take up more than 20% of the space has long been removed. Therefore, global brands have found a great opportunity to stand out.
This is how Nike uses it with the slogan “Equality.” Nothing distracts the user from the text and emphasizes its importance. A great way to get the page visitor to pay attention to the tagline.

How effective such a strategy is is a moot point, but it is a fact that text on a monochromatic background attracts attention.

9. Change your Facebook cover for a holiday, season or important event

A cover is a great way to remind you of your product for the holiday.

12. Inform about the promotion or discount

Tell about the main sentence on the cover - and then they will definitely notice it.

The next example is not the best one, because the offer was valid until 01/31/2017, and you could have seen this cover in February. But this example conveys the very idea to hook the user with a profitable offer.

Restaurant chain page

Your Facebook cover photo- this is one of the first things that people see when they want to your Facebook page and that is why it is so important to make the best possible first impression, and with the help of the cover photo, accurately convey what you are striving for.

Even though it sounds simple, we found it to be quite difficult! Don't worry though, we're here to help you.
Let's figure out together what is the best way Make the most of your Facebook cover photo.

And so, today we will do three things:

  1. introduce you to the Facebook cover photo and their ideal sizes;
  2. we will develop for you a guide on how to create a cover photo and how to choose the perfect image;
  3. Let's show examples of Facebook pages with brilliant cover photos.

Facebook Cover Photo Size

Let's start with a quick overview of the cover photos and the best size to use ...

What's the ideal size for a Facebook cover photo?

820 pixels wide by 462 pixels high.

This is the ideal size to overlay your page, but of course it can vary.

Here you can download cool pictures for free facebook ... The site is constantly being updated, the number of covers and pictures is constantly increasing. New free widescreen covers for facebook photo.

Here you can download free, and without registration, a wide variety of options for ready-made covers for facebook. You can also find template templates in PSD format for creating and designing interesting covers for Facebook.

But this option contains a ready-made Facebook cover in PSD format. Downloading files with covers is free, but you need Photoshop to work. An excellent option for the design of the cover of a business page on Facebook.

Yes, of course this is the easiest option, but this option does not guarantee uniqueness in the design of your Facebook cover. Especially if you downloaded a photo and the first 100 dropped out in the search.

  • Option 2 - Create or modify the downloaded version of the cover on facebook.

    I use Photoshop or another visual editor. In the first version, we mentioned sites with PSD files that are similar to Photoshop.

    Another simple and free online editor photos. There are a lot more free images and icons than Canva. But Cyrillic fonts are not available in free version you can download only 5 photos per month. But this is quite enough to beautifully design 1 cover on Facebook.

    PS. Photoshop, Canva and Designbold, just as easily help you resize any picture so that it fits nicely into the required size for a Facebook cover.

    Also, you can always combine all these tools, for example, create beautiful template using Designbold and then add text to it in Canva or Photoshop.

Your Facebook Cover

Now that we know how to create your cover, the question is, which cover photo should you choose? Let's go over the top tips.

First of all, when it comes to Facebook cover photography, let's discuss some of the best practices. We've put together a great list What to do and not to do when it comes to cover photos. Here are some of the highlights:

Which covers grab attention?

We've covered some of the ingredients that make any image attractive, and these are shared with others:

  • Emotion: making people feel encourages them to take action.
  • Relevance: including something that suits the interests of your audience.
  • Colors: Choosing the right colors that will lead to more sharing.
  • Printing house: choosing the right font to make your message clear.
  • Hashtags and text: find the right words that will lead your audience to engagement.

These ingredients can also be applied to your Facebook cover photo to make people feel a certain way or take specific actions when they visit your page.

For example, a photo on the cover of Coca-Cola depicts several happy young people clinking their cola bottles. This probably gives hope that it can make people feel happy thinking about Coca-Cola and establish a connection in the minds of people that drinking Coke means happiness. Simple and effective.

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