Hell block for android.

Hell block for android.

AdBlock Plus is an application capable of blocking any ads in all android games and programs, including ads in the browser. Many are already familiar with the extension of the same name on a PC, but in the case of Android it is implemented as a full-fledged application and the blocking capabilities differ in a good way.

Adblock features for Android devices

  • When you launch the application for the first time, you will be taken to the start menu, where you can enable ad blocking by switching the position of the button. Also, the program will automatically check the system language and select a "subscription" in order to block ads in the specified range
  • If you want to block only banners and annoying pop-up ads, then you can check the box next to "acceptable ads". A list of possible advertisements can be viewed by clicking on the "question mark".
  • In the advanced settings of the app, you have the option to enable auto-download of the app, update subscriptions, check for app updates, and view information about the current device.

How to use Adblock ad blocker

  1. Download, install and run AdBlock Plus on your device.
  2. Run the application and let it select and renew "subscriptions".
  3. To enable ad blocking, switch the slider opposite the word "Filtering" to the "ON" position.
  4. If you wish, you can enable / disable the display of acceptable ads by checking the box next to the corresponding item.
  5. We launch the game / program / browser and enjoy the absence of annoying ads.

Advertising is the main source of income for most app and game developers. Therefore, when you turn off ads, you deprive developers of income, which means that you reduce the likelihood of updates for applications and games.

But sometimes advertising is so annoying that there is simply no other way out. If you are faced with just such a situation, then this article should help you. Here we will describe three simple and effective ways to disable ads on Android.

Disable ads on Android using Adblock Plus

Many users are familiar with browser extensions called Adblock Plus. This extension is available for browsers such as Google chrome and Mozilla Firefox... It allows you to block almost all advertisements on the Internet.

For the Android operating system, there is an application called Adblock Plus for Android, which almost completely copies the well-known browser extension. By installing Adblock Plus for Android on your smartphone, you can disable all ads in the browser, as well as ads in other Android apps and games.

Application screenshot

Unfortunately, you won't be able to install Adblock Plus from the PlayMarket store. You will have to install it manually using APK file a, which can be downloaded from the official website. Below we will briefly describe how this is done.

So, in order to install Adblock Plus on Android you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the APK file from the official Adblock website. It can be done . The download link for Adblock Plus is at the bottom of the page and is rather inconspicuous, do not confuse it with the large "Get Adblock Browser" banner.
  2. You also need to activate the " Installing applications from unknown sources"In the settings of your Android smartphone or tablet. Without this, you will not be able to install the downloaded APK file.
  3. Open the downloaded APK file using any file manager and install the Adblock Plus for Android application.

For the Adblock Plus application on Android, it is desirable to have. If ROOT is not right, then for correct work application, you need to configure it. You can read about how this is done.

There are also three alternative ways to install Adblock Plus on an Android smartphone or tablet:

  • If you have an Android smartphone from Samsung and use a Samsung browser, you can download Adblock Plus for Android from the PlayMarket store ().
  • If you are using Mozilla Firefox browser for Android, then you can install the Adblock Plus () add-on from the desktop version Mozilla browser Firefox (yes, they are supported).
  • You can install. This is a browser from the developers of Adblock and it disables ads as effectively as the Adblock Plus for Android app.

It is clear that if you are using Adblock Plus for Samsung Browser or Mozilla Firefox Browser, or you are using Adblock Browser for Android, then ads will only be disabled in the browser. Ads in third-party apps and games will work as usual.

Disable ads on Android with Adaway

Another reliable way to disable ads on Android is to use the Adaway app. This application, like Adblock Plus for Android (both in the browser, in applications, and in games). At the same time, very often Adaway does it more correctly than Adblock Plus. Since Adblock Plus sometimes leaves empty spaces where ads used to be. Whereas when using Adaway, this does not happen. But, for Adaway to work, it is imperative that your Android smartphone Or the tablet was ROOT right. Without ROOT rights, Adaway does not work at all.

Application screenshot

The Adaway application also cannot be easily installed from Play Market... It needs to be installed using the same algorithm as Adblock Plus for Android. The only exception is that the APK file must be downloaded.

How to disable ads on Android manually

If the above methods did not suit you, then you can disable ads manually, but for this you need Root is right a. Without Root rights, nothing will work, because to disable ads, we will edit the HOSTS file.

So, we offer you a short instruction on how to do this:

  1. First, you need to get a list of ad sites. Such a list can be found on the Internet (for example:, or).
  2. Save all the contents of your chosen list as a file named hosts (the file name must be without extension, only hosts and that's it, no txt at the end). This is best done on a computer.
  3. After the hosts file with the list of advertising sites is ready, copy it to the Android device memory (to any folder).
  4. Then on the Android device run file manager and find the hosts file in internal memory... It should be located in the / etc or / system / etc folder.
  5. Now is the most important stage. We do backup the original hosts file and replace it with our hosts file(that with a list of advertising sites).
  6. We reboot the Android device and check whether the ads have turned off or not.

If everything was done correctly, then most of the ads disappear. This method works equally well for the browser and for applications with games.


Adblock Plus for Android lets you block ads. This application has long existed for other platforms, in particular as a browser extension.

Today Adblock Plus can be called the most popular ad blocker on most operating systems... In almost all browsers, this plugin is the leader not only in its segment, but also, in principle, in terms of the number of installations.

App is missing on Google play like many other blockers. The reason is simple - some developers make money on advertising, so it would be undesirable for them to provide a means of blocking it in the official repository.

The setup process is very simple and in many ways resembles the analogous actions in the plugin for browsers like and. There is an on-off switch in the main menu to quickly enable or disable the lock. There is also a set of filter subscriptions - for Russian-speaking users, RuAdList is activated by default, but you can change it manually. In addition, there are checkboxes that are responsible for showing acceptable ads and hiding the icon in the status bar (by default, it is displayed).

To improve the results of the application, it is recommended to configure the proxy server from the program. In the settings, you can change the update properties and select the preferred traffic transmission channel.

Adblock Plus for Android would be a great app if it worked on all devices. Unfortunately, this is not the case - some users complain that this application does not block ads for them at all. There is also an opinion that root-rights are indispensable to actually block spam. One way or another, the Adblock Plus on a five-point scale deserves a solid four.

Features of the app:

Works without Root rights (only for Wi-Fi connection, and on android 1.5-3.0 you will have to configure the application as a proxy server)
Removes ads both when working over Wi-Fi and over a mobile connection ()
Blocks pop-ups

  1. This instruction will also help you if the Edblock application did not work in automatic mode.
  2. Activate RuAdList + EasyLis subscription in the application menu
  3. Install Titanium Backup, find Adblock Plus there, make a long tap and select "Convert to system application"
  4. Add Adblock to the list of exclusions in application managers and similar programs to clean up memory
  5. Go to phone settings -> Wi-Fi -> Long tap on your connection -> Change network configuration -> Additional parameters
  6. Enter the proxy server: Hostname: localhost Port: 2020
  7. Reboot the device

"Adblock Plus" in Android browser Chrome has gained immense popularity for a long time. This extension is available for any browser on a computer as an extension or third-party program that adds its own process to the work when browsing sites.

But Adblock did not stop there and it can be downloaded to the Android mobile platform for the Google Chrome browser.

This is a popular extension that is able to block any unwanted information banner while surfing sites, and is capable of performing the following functions:

It is available for any smartphone based on android, starting from version 2.2 and will not cause stress and difficulties on the phone system. There were situations when the program did not block some ads, or simply did not have time to close before the video started playing - this is all due to the lack of latest version and disabled full functionality of Adblock in Google Chrome.

How Adblock works and its modes of operation

To block with Adblock Plus in Google browser Chrome on Android, you need to set the filter to the list of blocked ads. But that doesn't mean personally writing every link to the ad tag. As soon as you install it on your smartphone, it will be installed without filters and will offer to subscribe to the list of filters.

A banner that is blocked is not displayed on the screen, but leaves behind empty blocks or labels of its location. This problem can also be eliminated - select "hide elements" in the Adblock settings and empty rectangles or squares will be hidden from site containers.

"Adblock Plus" successfully removes banner ads throughout the system, which means eliminating ads not only on the Internet, but also in applications that can display ads (usually free or pirated versions of programs).

Adblocker has the following three modes of operation:

  1. If you own a rooted device, the program will filter the connection traffic from advertising and sites will load faster. Also, a rooted android will allow the application to block any advertisements in the system.
  2. Root is not right and the android system from 3.1 will automatically configure traffic and it will be guaranteed to work properly only with a filtered WiFi connection.
  3. Android below 3 requires proxy setting by yourself. If the device does not support it, the application will not work. There are many alternative apps that can capitalize on such a flagship.

Some facts about the Adblock Plus app

The program did:

  • High-quality and error-free working program;
  • High-quality blocking of any type of advertising;
  • Took a leading position in this market in 2006, starting from a program to a computer;
  • More than 500 million downloads on Windows and about 60 million downloads on an Android device.

What the Adblock program does:

  • Eliminates the problem of slow loading of the site;
  • Reduces traffic consumption by almost half due to fewer downloaded objects;
  • Increase the battery charge time by 15 - 30%;
  • No annoying or annoying ads that you don't want to see.

Creation of security and privacy:

  • Advertising may hide the so-called "tracker", which will direct viruses at you even more and will complicate the work on the Internet through the phone;
  • The application reduces the risk of infection with malicious software and hidden in other files that a person downloads without thinking about the consequences;
  • Increases the level of privacy protection by more than half;
  • A number of organizations and research centers of modern technologies recommend it for use (These are companies such as Stanford University, UC Santa Barbara, Electronic Frontier Foundation).

What to do when Adblocker is installed:

  • Customize the program for yourself in order to block ads that are not of interest, or completely block any referral to banners so as not to see them at all;
  • Limit yourself from tracking, domains with viruses and applications;
  • Maintain your favorite sites on your own - add your favorite site to the list of restrictions from blocking and let the owners of this site get some money for further development.

How to install Adblock on Android device

The last three years, with the development of technology mobile communications- Adblock appeared on devices with an android base. It should be borne in mind that the application fully works only on a device with root rights.

The application itself is not in the Play Market and it is not planned to add it, because the program is a formidable competitor, the only one for some ways of making money.

Therefore, it will need to be downloaded from the official website of the developer. But in addition to installing ad blocking, the user will not install ads from the creator or third-party applications.

To install Adblock, follow these steps:

After the notification about the installation, you need to go into the application and activate its work. After that, it is better to configure the manual Adblocker to be sure of full-fledged work installed program... It is now that all ads will be hidden or blocked.

When setting up, we recommend that you do not add too many lists to the Adblock filters. This greatly affects the blocking speed and the very process of processing sites before showing and hiding ads. Also - "reconfiguring" the program can lead to unexpected errors in the work.

Adblock Plus will automatically select a suitable filter subscription for you the first time it runs. You can still from the list.

Adblock Plus will run as background service and display its status in notification area.

Selecting a subscription

You can change subscription at any time by selecting it from a list:

Each time you select a different subscription, it is automatically downloaded and activated. By default, subscriptions are being refreshed periodically. There are two other options available in the advanced settings:

Setting up the proxy manually

Android versions prior to 3.1 do not have proxy settings built-in, but several manufacturers have added them to their devices. If you have a non-rooted device running an earlier Android version than 3.1, you can still set up the proxy manually.

Depending on the device, the proxy settings are in different places. If your device is in the following list, follow the specific instructions:

Instructions for specific devices

Generic instructions

If your device isn "t in the list, the most common place for the proxy settings is in the advanced WiFi settings.

Android 4.x (Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean, KitKat) devices

Run Settings application. Select Wi-Fi... The list of available Wi-Fi networks will open:

Connect to the desired network (access point) if not already. Long press on connected network, context menu will appear. Select Modify network config:

In opened dialog mark Show advanced options check box:

Scroll to proxy settings, select Manual, proxy options will appear:

Set Proxy to localhost and Port to the number specified by Adblock Plus in the notification message:

Android 2.3 (Gingerbread) devices

Go to the WiFi settings and select Advanced settings from the menu:

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