Increasing FPS in World of Tanks (WoT). Why is fps low in World of Tanks? Reduced graphics in wot

Increasing FPS in World of Tanks (WoT). Why is fps low in World of Tanks? Reduced graphics in wot


A player's statistics in World of Tanks are influenced by three criteria: straightness of hands, high FPS and low ping. Moreover, if one of the criteria does not meet the “norms,” then the statistics are steadily sliding down. If a person does not know how to play World of Tanks, then over time he can learn to play better. But the account statistics will already be corrupted. In this regard, a huge number of twinks arise - second player accounts. “Curvature” of the hands is a fixable matter. To learn how to play, you just need to be able to analyze your mistakes and watch more video reviews and guides from experienced users. Ping directly depends on the quality of your Internet. But FPS is influenced by many factors. How to increase FPS in World of Tanks?

FPS (FPS) is a parameter that reflects the refresh rate of frames per second. Essentially, the higher the FPS, the more comfortable it is to play. But 24 frames per second is enough for the game. However, with spectacular explosions, FPS may drop, and the game will begin to freeze and slow down. Therefore, if you have low FPS, you need to definitely do some work to improve it. You can play with an FPS below 24, but slowing down the interface will lead you to crash. As a matter of fact, you will not be able to shoot or turn the tank in time.

It's probably worth saying that FPS depends on the characteristics of your computer and settings. Gaming PC owners don't worry or even know what low gaming FPS is. But owners of laptops and weak machines struggle with increasing frame rates with each patch. The Wargaming company has set a course to improve the graphical component of the game, introducing new HD models of tanks and transferring the client to the Havoc engine. This led to a significant drop in FPS in the game. Most players had to abandon the improved graphics and disable all effects for a comfortable game.

Instructions for increasing FPS in the game World of Tanks

First of all, it is recommended to install new drivers for the video card. For example, Nvidia (website updates drivers for its video cards almost every two weeks. Go to the official website of your video card manufacturer and download the latest driver package. After installing them, restart your computer and launch the client with the game again. There will definitely be a performance increase when updating drivers.

If you don't have enough RAM, increase the page file and move the game to local disk C. When the game is on the same disk with the operating system, the game files load faster, and thus FPS increases.

Once these two steps are completed, it's time to move on to setting up the client. Open the World of Tanks game client and go to settings. On the first “Game” tab, disable the “Optics effect in snipe” items. mode" and "Dynamic camera", check the box next to "Use server sight".

Then open the “Graphics” tab and go to “Advanced”. First of all, select one of the graphics quality parameters. At this point you will have to experiment, starting with the lowest quality.

Check “standard graphics” and disable all effects in sniper mode. This will help increase FPS when firing a gun in a sniper scope.

After this, uncheck the items indicated in the picture below. By turning off grass, effects and track tracks, you will significantly increase the FPS in the game. In the latest patch, it became possible to disable the transparency of foliage, which led to an increase in FPS by 15-20%. Be sure to uncheck this item.

If after these steps the game continues to slow down, then download the WoT Tweaker utility, which allows you to disable effects in the game and optimize client files. The WoT Tweaker utility is easy to use, and you will not have any problems with it. Next to each effect there are two icons to disable/enable effects.

Remember that FPS is also affected by certain mods. For example, a “smart” mini-map, a fancy futuristic sight and strength markers in the “ears” reduce FPS the most. If the frame refresh rate is low, it is better to avoid these mods.

How to increase FPS in WoT? If this issue still torments you, then you can install special compressed tank textures, as well as a mod for removing fog and smoke from maps. It will be much more useful to load compressed skins with penetration zones.

In this article we will try to look in detail at how you can increase the frame rate (or FPS) in the World of Tanks game.

The method is universal and is suitable not only for WoT, but also for other games.

You're probably wondering: how to get rid of lags? in simple ways which work?

We need it for this CCleaner program. We will change other settings inside Windows systems 7.

  • Let's start improving performance through power.

Go to “Control Panel” – “Power Options”. As a rule, the power supply settings are set to “Balanced”. Typically, this item is set by default and is designed for laptops to balance power between high consumption and performance.

Our desktop PC doesn’t need this, so we can safely switch to the “ High performance"(all pictures are clickable).

  • We are done with the power supply, go to the Desktop, press “Start + R”.

The Run window will pop up. Type “msconfig” in the field and click “OK”. A new System Configuration window will appear. Go to the “Download” tab. In this tab we find “Advanced options”.

In the “Number of processors” item, check the box and select the maximum number of processors that are on your computer.

Go to the “Maximum memory” item, set the maximum amount of RAM that you have. In our case, we have a maximum of 4 GB (4096). After setting the parameters to maximum, uncheck the memory and processor boxes. Click "OK".

Go to the “Services” tab. In this tab, we first check the “Do not display Microsoft services” checkbox, then remove the services that are unnecessary for us. We have unchecked the “Google Update Services” checkbox. After that, click “Apply”.

The next tab is “Startup”. We remove programs that we do not need: “Amigo”, “MailRu Update”, “Kometa”, “uTorrent”, “Steam” and other services that we do not need in startup. These are all programs that start with starting Windows. Click “Apply” – “OK”.

  • Now we need to change the theme design style.

Windows spends quite a lot of resources on visual effects. Right-click on the “My Computer” icon and select “Properties” – “Advanced system settings”.

The System Properties window appears. We are interested in the “Advanced” tab – “Performance” – “Options”. Click on “Options”.

Visual effects are set to "Provide the best look." We need the item “Ensure the best performance.” As soon as you select this item, all checkmarks will disappear. But we will need to leave the only checkbox “Use display styles for windows and buttons.” Click “Apply” – “OK”.

  • Optimizing your computer's hard drive.

Right-click on the local drive (C:), go to “Properties”. We need the "Service" tab. Next, we will need the “Check Disk” and “Disk Defragmentation” items.

Click on “Run check”, select both items “Automatically correct system errors" and "Check and repair bad sectors." Next, click “Launch”. Let us immediately warn you that the check will take a long time, it is better to run the check overnight so that it is completed in the morning.

After that, go to the “Disk Defragmentation” item. We are interested in all local disks of the computer. Select “Analyze disk” one by one, and after analysis – “Disk defragmentation”.

  • Cleaning junk using CCleaner

We are interested in the “Cleaning” item. Click “Analysis”, when it is finished – “Cleaning”.

After that, go to “Register” – “Search for problems” – “Fix”.

The above procedures will help increase the FPS on your computer by 10-20 frames per second.

Especially for World of Tanks we will need the MultiPack package from PRO Tanki.

The package installer will prompt you to choose mods. Specifically for WoT, we need to select the “Custom selection of mods” item, uncheck all the boxes and click “Next”.

Again you will need to remove all checkmarks from all items, click “Next”.

We get to the “Select visual effects settings” menu.

Check the boxes for “Set high priority games on Windows" and "I have a weak computer and I want to increase FPS." You'll end up with a bunch of checkmarks. Click “Install”.

In general, the measures taken should give a good increase in FPS for games.

Write in the comments if it helped this method increase FPS in World of Tanks.

World of Tanks is a very popular game, millions of tankers fight on the battlefield every day. In order to set the maximum settings, you need a powerful computer, which, of course, not everyone has.

Low FPS can be adjusted so that there are no strong lags at minimum settings. In order to achieve optimal values, you must adhere to the points below, but first a little theory.

What is FPS

Frames Per Second (FPS) translated from English means the number of frames per second. The higher this value, the better the quality of the picture on the screen. It looks more realistic and smooth. Modern computers, whose hardware and software are constantly updated, can produce hundreds of FPS even at maximum settings. Outdated computer models are content with, at best, lagging average settings.

What does FPS WOT depend on?

FPS is the same computer system. If some component of the PC does not provide a sufficient amount of resources, the computer’s performance drops, therefore, the FPS in such a situation will not be high. In order to deal with FPS, you need to study the computer and identify its weaknesses.

What FPS should be in WoT?

A comfortable FPS value is determined by the player himself, however, for normal, more or less lag-free operation of the World of Tanks game, the required value is 30 frames per second. If the FPS is from 60-120 and above, this is considered a high indicator, but this, as already mentioned, is only available to powerful computers. If the number of frames per second drops below 30, then the picture quality will be appropriate: freezes, freezes - unpleasant and inconvenient.

Why FPS sags in World of Tanks

The number of output frames per second primarily depends on the power of the device. Affects it:

  • number of processor cores, frequency;
  • RAM capacity and operating speed;
  • video card and its speed;
  • hard drive, its speed and percentage of occupied space;
  • heating level of components;
  • general state of the system and others.

It follows that the first step is to compare system requirements World of Tanks games and PC power.

For minimal settings, in order to get normal operation at 30 FPS, you need to:

  • Processor: 2 cores 2 GHz or better.
  • RAM: GB.
  • Video card: 256 MB.
  • Free disk space: ~25 GB.

For more high settings, that is, 60 FPS, 120 or more, you need:

  • Processor: 4 cores at 3 GHz.
  • RAM: from 4 GB.
  • Video card: 2 GB or higher.
  • Free disk space: ~36 GB.

What to do if the power of a computer or laptop does not produce more than 10-20 FPS, and the device itself does not reach the minimum requirements of the game? Most likely, nothing will work out. It’s worth paying attention to online games about tanks, including session ones.

The minimum requirements meet the computer hardware, but FPS does not reach 30? Please refer to the instructions below.

Setting up World of Tanks to increase FPS

First of all, you need to reduce the graphics settings in the game settings. Special effects, shadows, realistic structures, etc. can take up a lot of computer resources. Therefore, for productivity and comfortable gaming, it is better to keep them to a minimum.

To do this, you need to open the World of Tanks settings window.

  • Go to full screen mode. Windowed mode is often the cause of FPS spikes.
  • Reduce screen resolution. It is easier for the device to display information on a small number of pixels. The resolution of 1366x768 is quite suitable for comfortable gaming, but, of course, this is not the limit.
  • Disable shadows. They greatly affect the performance of the video card.
  • Disable vertical sync. This function is responsible for a flexible picture, but for an additional 5-10 frames per second you can sacrifice this.
  • Disable triple buffering. It is only effective when Vsync is running. If the latter is disabled, then it makes no sense to leave triple buffering enabled.
  • Disable antialiasing. This parameter contributes to the smoothness of the picture, but with a weak device, you can sacrifice beautiful visualization in favor of comfort.
  • Disable all special effects. Steam, smoke, fire - all this is beautiful, but on powerful PCs. For weak devices, it is better to take care of the comfort of the game without friezes and loads.
  • Reduce the quality of landscape and vegetation. The situation here is the same; good rendering affects performance.
  • Disable grass in sniper mode. The point here is not only in FPS, but also in the fact that this parameter affects the game itself, sometimes creating interference when shooting.
  • Reduce graphics settings to minimum. This is done in order to reduce the load on the video card.
  • Lower the resolution of the 3D render. The depth of the 3D scene depends on this parameter. The smaller it is, the higher the computer performance will be in the end.
  • Reduce draw distance. The visibility area also greatly affects FPS; the smaller it is, the faster the computer will process data.

After these parameters are disabled, the picture will become much worse, the smoothness of objects and the depiction of landscapes will disappear, and the low resolution of the game on a large screen does not look presentable, however, in order to get a game without lags and freezes, you must follow the above points.

How to increase FPS in World of Tanks: setting up and cleaning your computer

A performance increase, although small, can be obtained by optimizing the parameters of the computer or laptop itself.

Clean your PC from junk files

Actions to clear your computer of garbage, “cache,” should become a habit, because they must be performed regardless of the games or programs used. There are many different applications and utilities available to clean your computer.

For example, the special CCleaner utility is free and one of the most popular today. You can download it on the official website. After a short installation, you need to perform a number of steps:

  1. Launch CCleaner.
  2. Go to the “Cleaning” section located on the left side of the interface.
  3. Click on the “Analyze” button and wait for the scan to finish.
  4. Select "Clear".

Registry fix

The registry stores data that helps the system communicate with applications. Errors in the registry reduce the performance of your computer, so you must also follow the instructions below:

  1. Launch CCleaner.
  2. Select the “Register” section.
  3. Click on the “Search for problems” button.
  4. After the scan is completed, you must select “Fix selected…”
  5. A window will appear where you need to indicate the need for a backup copy.
  6. Next, you need to click on the “Correct marked” button.

Transferring the game from drive C:/

Very often the computer works slowly with large files due to the fact that they are installed in the local drive C:/. In order to correct the situation, it is not enough to simply copy and paste folders from one drive into a drive, for example, D:/ or E:/. To do this you need:

  1. Delete the game World of Tanks.
  2. Install Worldof Tanks again on another, more spacious, local drive.

Defragmenting your hard drive

If you frequently install a lot of games and programs, this can lead to applications being scattered across different sectors hard drive, which is also the reason for the long processing time of the request. Defragmentation solves this problem by moving data closer together. To do this you need:

  1. Open the “My Computer” folder.
  2. Right-click on the local drive where the game is installed.
  3. Select the “Service” tab.
  4. Open the “Optimization and Defragmentation” subsection, select “Optimize”.
  5. In the list, you need to select the desired local disk and click “Analyze”.
  6. All that remains is to wait for the analysis process to complete and, if necessary, click “Optimize”.

This instruction is relevant for operating system Windows 10. For earlier versions of the OS, the order may be slightly different.

Update your video card drivers

New versions of drivers optimize the operation of the video accelerator, so the FPS in the game will be higher, and good graphics will be more accessible. In order to update the driver, you need to download it from the official website of the video card manufacturer - AMD or Nvidia are the most popular.

Disable all unnecessary background programs

It is necessary to close all unused programs: Skype, Discord, Telegram, Steam, web browsers, and so on. You also need to disable autorun of unnecessary programs, which, when launched along with the operating system, slow down and slow down the computer boot. In Windows 10, the Startup tab is located in the Task Manager.

Increase process priority

In order for the system to allocate more resources to the World of Tanks game, while sacrificing others running programs, you need to give it priority. You need to right-click on World of Tanks in the Task Manager and select “High priority”

Disable Windows Visual Effects

You can lower the graphics of the operating system itself, window animation will disappear, and the overall appearance will become worse, while the performance of the computer will increase. To do this you need:

  1. Right-click on the “My Computer” folder and select “Properties”.
  2. Next, click on “Advanced system settings”.
  3. A window will open where you need to select the “Advanced” tab.
  4. In the “Performance” subsection, click on “Options”.
  5. Select "Ensure best performance" and save changes.

What else can you do

  • delete everything unnecessary programs, files and folders. HDD works faster if it is not overloaded.
  • Install WOT on SSD. If you run the game from an external hard drive, it will work better and, accordingly, FPS will increase.
  • Hardware overclocking of components. The processor, RAM and video card can be overclocked. At the same time, the performance improves, and the heating of the components, and therefore the entire computer case, also increases. To do this, you need to clearly understand all the consequences of such actions, including the rapid wear and tear of the hardware.

Programs and mods

FPS in World of Tanks can be increased with the help of programs and modifications. Some of the most popular software include:

  • CCleaner – removes unnecessary junk, corrects registry errors and efficiently removes programs without leaving their files on the computer.
  • RazerCortex is a program that, when starting a game, frees up the maximum possible amount of resources, making this particular game the priority of the entire system. Performance on weak computers increases by 10-30 FPS. The program allows you not only to improve the quality of the game, but also to record videos, conduct streams, perform defragmentation and much more. You can learn more about Razer Cortex on their official website.
  • WOTTweaker is a program created specifically for World of Tanks. It allows you to turn off all unnecessary special effects - clouds, explosions, smoke, fire and much more. Significantly increases FPS on weak computers. More information about this program can be found on the developer forum.

Except individual programs allow you to increase FPS mods with compressed textures. They improve PC performance by reducing the load on the graphics card.

What to do if nothing helps

If none of the above has given any results, the game is still unplayable on the device and it was not possible to increase FPS, then the only way out is to switch to another computer game. There are several good options here:

  • Try playing WarThunder. This game runs much better on minimum settings than World of Tanks. The technology here is varied (including planes and ships), and the mechanics are very interesting.
  • Try playing Worldof Tanks Blitz. This is a simplified version of the game, but it certainly cannot be called less interesting. The client is available for both mobile and PC platforms. Good online players and availability.
  • Choose another game about tanks for weak computers.

Many people are interested in how to increase fps in World of Tanks. Performance directly depends on this parameter, because even the most skilled player will hardly be able to accurately shoot at jumping and disappearing enemies. In this article you will see a personal example of increasing FPS in World of Tanks on an average non-gaming laptop.

What is FPS in tanks

Before directly considering the question of how to increase FPS in World of Tanks, let’s look at what this indicator is responsible for and what factors influence it.

FPS is the number of frames reproduced by the system per second. The optimal indicator is kept at 60-80 frames. You can play comfortably at 40 fps, but at lower rates lags and freezes begin. Let's look at exactly what factors influence productivity.

  • Hardware power. RAM and video card are especially important.
  • System load. Number of simultaneously open programs.
  • In-game settings. The way the game itself is set up.

Now that we “know the enemy by sight,” let’s look at how to increase FPS in World of Tanks.

How to set up your computer

Step one. Disable all unnecessary programs

The first thing you need to do is clean RAM. To do this, just close all active tabs. Usually this is a browser and Skype, you can disable the antivirus, playing tanks it is impossible to pick up malware, but it will free up a lot of memory.

You can also disable background processes in the Task Manager. It is called by simultaneously pressing the ctrl+alt+delete keys. In it you can close everything that does not have a Windows mark next to it.

Step two. Update video card drivers.

One of the reasons for low FPS in World of Tanks is outdated software. You can update drivers directly through Windows; this is done in two steps:

  1. Launch Device Manager and select "Video Adapters"
  1. Open the action menu by right-clicking on the video card. Click "Update Drivers".

The system itself will find the necessary data on the Internet.

Step three. In-game settings.

Increasing FPS in World of Tanks is also available in the game client. The fact is that the game does not quite correctly assess the capabilities of the system, which is why performance drops significantly. Here's a good example:

This is the graphics the system recommends to me.

First you need to change the screen resolution. The main thing is to maintain the aspect ratio (in my case 16:9)

Then you need to go to advanced settings and change a number of settings.

The render resolution cannot be changed. The picture quality deteriorates to an almost unplayable state.

Let's check how much working with the settings helped.

It can be seen that, although the quality of the graphics has dropped, the method for increasing FPS in WoT works with a bang.

Even on the weakest computers, this method will significantly increase the number of frames per second. True, there are extreme ways to improve performance.

Programs and mods to increase FPS

Software for optimizing the game began to appear in early versions. At first, individual small improvements were released. For example . After noticing the demand for such a function, programmers united into one team and announced WoT Tweaker. WoT Tweaker is a program for increasing FPS in World of Tanks. It allows you to comprehensively disable visual effects. You can download () for free and without registration on our website. There is also a universal program Leatrix Latency Fix.

An alternative way is to install a modpack with optimized tank textures. The modpack is called . The fact that it is dedicated to an anime series does not matter, but what is important is that the author of the modpack reworked wargaming textures and optimized them. There are a lot of modpacks, but the game can be run even on video cards with 128 MB of RAM. Try it!

How to increase fps in World of Tanks using WoT Tweaker

  1. from our website.
  2. Launch the mod and disable the effects. Multi-core processing is marked in red. A feature that has not yet been fully developed. It provides increased performance, but is not always stable.

You know alternative ways, how to increase FPS in WoT? Did you find a solution to the problem on the site? Leave your reviews and share your impressions in the comments.

Most people who play World of Tanks don't have the most powerful computers. For this reason, the question of how to increase FPS in World of Tanks is especially acute, but is there really nothing that can be done?

Of course, you shouldn’t despair, because even frankly weak computer or laptop, you can take certain actions that will increase FPS and give the owner a little more freedom, the main thing is to know certain tricks and subtleties, which we will talk about now.

And remember, the minimum acceptable FPS value in the game is 30 or more (the higher this number, the better). If the number of frames per second drops below thirty, get ready for lags, freezes, image jerks, and so on.

Client Graphics Settings

The very first step to how to increase FPS in world of tanks is setting up the client, namely its graphical section. It’s funny, but many people don’t even try to check the characteristics of the game settings, but here you can move the sliders, uncheck a few boxes, and the effect will be very impressive.
To change the settings, you need to click on the gear in the upper left corner of the screen and select “Settings”. Next, go to the “Graphics” tab and look. First of all, make sure you are playing full screen mode, and not in a windowed one, this greatly affects the CPU load.

Now set the graphics quality to “Low” (maybe “minimum” or “medium”, depending on your computer), uncheck “Dynamic resize” and try reducing the resolution of the 3D render by pulling the slider to the left. This way you will reduce the load on your video card and increase FPS in world of tanks. It is also worth disabling the color filter and anti-aliasing if you have them enabled (the described changes are shown in the screenshot).

The first stage of settings is completed and you can safely move on to the second. Click the “Advanced” button in the same settings section, and you will see an extensive list of configurations for more complete changes. Here we check the box next to the “Graphics - standard” item and set the sliders as follows:
· Texture quality is low;
· Lighting quality - off;
· Shadow quality - off;
· The quality of additional effects is low;
·Add. effects in sniper mode - low;
· Turn off the amount of vegetation and post-processing.
· Uncheck “Grass in sniper mode” and “Effects from under caterpillars”.

So, you can manually adjust the quality of graphics and visualization of effects so that everything matches your hardware as closely as possible. The points described above apply to fairly weak vehicles, so you may need to play with the settings and test the changes in battle in order to find best option. As a result, the overall picture should look as shown in the screenshot.

Next, go down all the way and enter last changes:
· The quality of the landscape is low;
· Water quality is low;
· Turn off decal quality;
· Object detailing is low;
· Tree detailing is low;
· Drawing distance - it is better to set it to “medium”, since this indicator greatly affects the drawing of rocks, houses and other objects at a distance. If you reduce this scale to a minimum, there is a chance that a piece of rock will not be drawn, and you will shoot at it, trying to target the enemy peeking out from behind it.
· Motion blur quality is low;
· Dynamic change in the quality of effects - it is better to leave the checkbox;
· Turn off the foliage transparency and caterpillar tracks checkboxes.

After all these adjustments (screenshot below), click the “Apply” button, restart the game client and go ahead into battle to see how the FPS has changed in World of Tanks.

Mods to increase FPS in World of Tanks

If changing the graphics in the game client settings did not have enough effect, there is another simple way to lower FPS. You can install mods that can reduce the load on your computer's video card and processor.

One of these mods, the most significant and famous, is WoT Tweaker. This modification is good because after running it, you can disable those graphic effects that are not displayed in the client menu, simply by checking a few boxes. This is smoke from the exhaust pipe, clouds, gunshot effects, etc. This script looks very simple, and all changes subject to it can be seen in the screenshot. By the way, in almost every popular World of Tanks game that is on our website, you can find a built-in tweaker as well.

Installing compressed textures

Another very effective method of increasing FPS in World of Tanks is installing compressed textures in the game. What does it mean? To put it simply, all textures in the game, for example, images of tanks and so on, are standard at a certain level of quality and are archived in the root folder of the game. And subsequently, when you play, the game accesses these textures, loading them into the computer's RAM and video card.

If we change standard textures, tanks, landscapes, trees, turn off various smokes, clouds, and other beauties of the game, we thereby reduce the load on RAM and processor time for generating the game landscape and other textures. Thus, if translated into ballroom language, we increase FPS in World of tanks.

Download WoT mod Tweaker Plus on our website in the fashion section for World of Tanks, the settings, as shown in the screenshot, are simple and intuitive. The extended version of the tweaker has the ability to compress textures, and it looks like this.

Driver Update

Another method to increase FPS in world of tanks, which sometimes bears fruit, is updating the video card drivers to latest version. The fact is that the creators of video cards sometimes optimize their performance by releasing new drivers, and installing them can give good results. Although this procedure is unlikely to help much, it is still worth a try.

To update, knowledgeable people can go to the official website of the creator of the video card, Nvidia or AMD, and download the driver for their video card there. For those who do not know how this is done, it is recommended to download and install a special utility - Driver Puck Solution. With its help, in the driver menu, you can find the necessary update or even several, if any.

To use this program correctly, in the settings you need to check the box next to “Expert Mode” and start the search. After that, select required driver and click the “Install” button; how to do this is shown in the screenshot. Next, just restart your computer and you're done.

As you can see, using fairly simple tools and knowing some of the subtleties of setting up the game, you can easily increase FPS even on a weak computer. As a result, you will be able to install several mods and play comfortably, and the number of frames per second will not drop below 30, causing hated lags and image jerks.

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