Hard disk what can be done from it. DIY emery from a hard drive

Hard disk what can be done from it. DIY emery from a hard drive


Hi all! Actually the idea is not new. They say the Internet is full of such records, I have not seen it yet, the idea appeared by itself. It itched me here, you know, to urgently sharpen a knife and a screwdriver ... But “OH GOD!” Emery in the garage, but at work there’s not even a file ... Well, we are “system administrators” simple people and I got into the “bins of the Motherland” and got it ... An old hard drive from a PC ...

We take scissors, screwdrivers, sandpaper, our HDD and double-sided tape

Everything we need.

We unscrew the bolts. 7 bolts are always hidden under the sticker.


We open. and it's all beautifully packaged. glitters.

We unscrew the drive of the heads and the lever for moving the heads, Magnets for experiments, the rest can be scrapped.

We unscrew the disk mounting cover and remove the washer above the disk, as well as the disk itself

We put the disk on the sandpaper, trace the contours and cut out

Get these bagels)

We glue double-sided tape on our disk (you can also attach it to the glue, but it will be easier to replace the sandpaper on the tape)


Well, about the work of this device.

It is better to take sandpaper with a fine fraction, on a large engine it is rather weak. But I had enough for sharpening everything I needed, even very much. Bye everyone!

In this publication, we will look at what can be made using an unnecessary old hard drive.

Neodymium magnets in the computer

First you need to unscrew a few screws that secure the body parts. Under the lid we see a neodymium magnet. Hard drives use very powerful magnets that are capable of lifting 1,300 times their own weight.

All modern drives always have two magnetic head block limiters and, accordingly, 2 neodymium magnets. To remove magnet 2, you need to unscrew another screw and remove it together with the holder or unscrew the block of magnetic heads first, and then pry it off with a screwdriver.

The applications of neodymium magnets are almost limitless. For clips and clamps, toys and entertainment, cleaning engine and transmission oil, searching for treasures and lost iron objects underwater, making engines and generators, restoring the magnetic properties of other magnets and much, much more.

Mini emery from a hard drive

To do this, you first need to transfer the dimensions of the disk to sandpaper, it is convenient to do this with a compass. Fine-grained sandpaper should be used so as not to overload the engine too much. So, cut out the outer diameter with scissors and the inner diameter with a clerical knife.

Glue sandpaper where possible with glue. But in order not to wait for the glue to dry for a long time and so that you can easily change the sandpaper, you can use double-sided tape.

The emery is ready. We connect it to the connector from the computer power supply and use it. With its small dimensions, such an emery machine is quite powerful. Its power is enough to sharpen screwdrivers, pencils, chisels and cutter knives.

How to Eliminate PC Noise

Often, old computer cases are very noisy. One reason for this problem is the direct mounting of the hard drive to the PC case. When reading information, the disk develops tremendous speeds and, accordingly, a slight vibration appears, which is transmitted to the entire computer case. A small factory defect, poor soldering or a loose screw in the case cover will always remind you of this.

To fix this problem, we just need to cut 4 rubber strips. It could be old bike tubes, deflated baby balls, or a piece of silicone car mat. We fasten the ribbons to the hard drive and fasten it to a new place just below the DVD-ROM or even instead.

In general, an excellent result is obtained, since all vibrations are absorbed by the rubber bands. Also, this device can be called anti-shock. If you accidentally kick your PC, the hard drive will not be affected.

Read why you shouldn't rush to throw away your old hard drive. How to secure the data stored on such a disk, if the disk can still be recovered. The development of electronic technologies does not stand still, and the development of new computer devices and their components takes the first place here. Stationary personal computers, laptops, netbooks, smartphones, tablets, ultrabooks - this is not a complete list of devices that we use, and it is steadily growing and expanding. The most widely used personal computers are used both for solving production or office tasks, and for personal use.

The essence of the problem

The main advantage of computers is their high data processing speed, improved performance compared to other devices, as well as the ability to store and instantly process a huge amount of data. An important role in reaching the peak of popularity of personal computers is played by internal devices for storing user information - hard drives. HDD.

The use of modern materials and technologies makes it possible to create high-capacity hard disks at a fairly low final cost. You will no longer surprise anyone with a hard drive with a capacity of "10 TB", "12 TB" and even "16 TB".

Relatively recently, solid-state drives have become widely used. SSD. Made using chip-based technology, drives SSD use flash memory to store information. Thanks to this approach, solid state drives are smaller, lighter and significantly faster in loading and processing information than standard hard drives. However, they are inferior to the latter due to several times higher price and much lower wear resistance.

It is not surprising that users decide to replace obsolete versions of hard drives with new storage devices that are more modern and faster.

However, no matter how attractive the option of using a hard drive to store basic user data, there are objective reasons to use other information storages. A large number of external drives are available today and USB flash drives. Additionally, due to the ability to access from anywhere, a variety of cloud data storages on the Internet are gaining wide popularity.

One of the important reasons for replacing an old hard drive with a new one is the high probability of the latter failing. Very often, drive average uptime HDD is five to six years. And when the disk's life comes to an end, a series of signs appear to signal this. We described in more detail about the possible signs of failure of your hard drive in our earlier article: "Five signs your hard drive is nearing the end of its life, and what to do about it now?" .

Or your hard drive has already become unusable, and you are determined to throw it away as unnecessary. But do not rush to make hasty decisions. And in this case, your disk is still of some value, even if you checked it and it is not possible to recover information from it. Read our article on the possible use of old drives in any condition.

The drive still works great!

Not every hard drive is bad just because it's old. As we wrote above, there are various reasons for replacing a hard drive, one of which is insufficient disk capacity. You can continue to use the old hard drive together with the new one, after reinstalling the operating system on the new drive and transferring all important data to it. Your old disk can still serve you for a long time. And if you do not plan to use it to store important information or create a backup of your data, then you have nothing to fear.

By the way, you need to make sure that you do not find obvious signs of hard drive failure. You may need to run some disk maintenance tools that can predict and prevent potential hard drive failure.

As long as the old hard drive works well, there is no reason for you to get rid of it!

Your disk may not be completely corrupted!

So, you think your old hard drive is completely dead after a crash? If you have data stored on such a drive and want to recover it, then you should run a full drive diagnostic and see if it's possible to fix it before completely getting rid of it. Maybe the situation is not critical and you will be able to recover the data. If your hard drive shows certain signs of life, then try to back up your data immediately. The correct step is to always back up data, regardless of the condition and age of the hard drive. Then you can be sure of the safety of your information. If the hard drive simply won't boot the operating system installed on it, but otherwise works fine, you can probably copy the data using relatively simple methods. For example, using "Linux Live CD/USB", which helps restore the data and health of the main operating system after a failure.

If you have reason to suspect that your hard drive has bad sectors and corrupted data, then you can try using a professional tool such as Hetman Partition Recovery, to recover your data.

The disk can still be useful!

Are you sure you don't want to use your old hard drive anymore? If it still works fine, there are many different and useful ways to use it for its intended purpose.

There are various options for using your old drive. For example, consider setting "RAID systems". "RAID" is a low cost redundant drive array that allows you to use a spare hard drive to mirror data from another drive.

Alternatively, you can set up a second operating system on it and share it on one personal computer. An old hard drive gives you the opportunity to work on a different operating system without compromising your primary hard drive.

Or turn it into your own media center. This is not a complete list of possible options for using an old working hard drive. Depending on your needs, you can independently decide on the further purpose of your disk.

The disk contains personal information!

You can simply sell or donate (donate) your old disk if you don't need it. It may not bother you, but you should be aware that your old drive contains a variety of personal information. And even if you do not plan to look for it there, then someone else can do it. Some attackers may search for your stored information in order to use it for their own selfish purposes. You have formatted your old hard drive and are sure that your stored data cannot be accessed. But, this is not the case, your data is still on the disk, and can be restored back with special software.

You must understand that this is a feature of the file system Windows. When deleting a file or formatting a disk, the system does not actually delete information, but marks this place as free for further recording and use! The only way to make sure that attackers can't recover your personal files is to overwrite them many times.

If the realization that someone can access your files makes you nervous and worried, then you will need to explore ways to completely clear the memory of your hard drive in order to permanently delete sensitive data. However, such methods are not a 100% guarantee of protecting your personal data from recovery and access to them by third parties.

In case the software can no longer access your hard drive, you can always physically destroy it to prevent any data recovery.

The disk must be recycled!

If your old hard drive is no longer functioning and cannot be used for other purposes, then it definitely needs to be recycled!

Electronics contains various types of precious materials, the extraction of which has consumed a huge amount of energy, possibly polluted the territory and caused significant damage to the environment. If we refuse to process and extract such materials from electronic devices, then their extraction will increase environmental, social and economic damage every year.

Today, environmental protection and recycling of materials comes out, in importance, in the first place. Therefore, it becomes unreasonable to scatter expensive materials. You can also contribute to the conservation of natural resources by reducing their consumption and reducing the amount of waste you create. The last statement means that you should consider recycling your failed hard drive.

Conclusion: Old and broken hard drives are not automatically useless.

Whether your old hard drive is still working or not, it represents a certain amount of value. You can still recover your data from it, use it for your own use, sell or donate your drive, or a recycling company may extract rare metals from it. Either way, an old hard drive can be useful. And the worst thing you can do with your drive is smash it and just throw it in a landfill.

What did you do with your old hard drive? Or maybe you have other ways to use it? Please share your ideas and tips with us in the comments to expand your use cases for these discs.

Before we start gutting and gutting your hard drive, let's talk about data security. "Dead hard drive" means that the drive is not functioning properly and any attempts you have made to recover data programmatically have failed. If the disk contains really important data, and you suspect that there may be an eccentric who decides to get it, then erase the data so that it cannot be recovered :). Although if the only valuable thing on your screw was stolen rips of Bon Jovi concerts, then your piece of iron is ripe for all sorts of DIY projects ("Do it yourself" projects).

In principle, all DIY projects with hard drives can be divided by the level of technical knowledge and skill of the experimenter. Let's start from simple to complex :).

Extraction of spare parts

The simplest but most useful thing that can be obtained from a hard drive is magnets. Hard drives use super-strong magnets and can be used around the household for just about anything. Here is an example of how one character built a knife holder for the kitchen. He took a wooden plank, removed the core with a chisel, and stuffed magnets into it.

In general, of course, he did this in vain, because when a friend has knives at hand, it’s not far from everyday life :). Good thing I didn't touch the pans.

They are also often used to magnetize screwdrivers or as fridge magnets.

Let's add more creativity

Ordinary screw pancakes can be turned into a steampunk watch. To do this, you will need a few parts, which you can find in hobby stores, or try to discreetly borrow Granny's alarm clock.

And if "your hands are not for boredom", then the next one can be assembled from a hard drive LED clock.

Another old hard drive can be turned into a super-sensitive input device. you can see how the craftsman turned his old HDD into a DJ console.

Here is just a small sketch of interesting solutions from old pieces of iron.

It is interesting how our readers use dead hard drives in everyday life.

Have you purchased a new, fast solid state drive (SSD) and your old one is lying around? Give it a new task and use it as an external storage device. To do this, you only need a case with a SATA controller; it is available for both 2.5" and 3.5" models. For the latter, a power supply is required, while compact drives have enough power supply through the USB port.

Labor intensity: average, costs: 600 rubles.

Mini NAS on router

Need to access the same data across your entire home network? You don't need expensive and bulky network-attached storage (NAS) for this - a USB drive can do this task if it is connected to your router. Newer devices are equipped with the corresponding port.

First you need to format the USB drive from under Windows OS in the NTFS file system and then just connect it to the router. In this case, the latter must have a USB port and must support the appropriate functionality. Now, typing (or similar) in the browser's address bar will take you to the router's user interface.

Click the USB Settings | Sharing a storage device” (for TP-Link routers, for other devices, the name of the menu items may differ) and make sure that the disk starts up.

To access data on your home network, it will be enough in Windows Explorer to type an address like "\\\Volume1". A permanent connection is achieved by right-clicking on the folder you plan to allow access to and selecting Map Network Drive.

Labor intensity: low, costs: no

Flash drive instead of a password

There is also a practical use for a small USB flash drive. For example, when you sign in to Windows, you can unlock your computer without entering a password. To do this, you need the Rohos Logon Key tool (1450 rubles), Predator (650 rubles) or free USBLogon (http://www.rohos.ru/products/rohos-logon-free/).

After installation, you need to select the connected USB drive and configure the security settings. After entering the Windows password, the flash drive is ready for use. Unfortunately, working with USBLogon is complicated by the German-language interface, but even without knowledge of German, it is easy to figure it out.

Labor intensity: average, costs: no

flash drive for emergencies

If the computer no longer works as it should, a bootable USB flash drive comes to the rescue. The Sardu tool (http://www.sarducd.it/) installs up to 20 different anti-virus programs on the drive, and also provides various versions of Linux and other first aid software.

> Training: in the left sidebar, the selected software is listed by category. Check the required programs. We recommend choosing multiple antiviruses and a Linux version (e.g. Ubuntu).

> Flash drive creation: on the right sidebar, click on the symbol with the USB drive. You can start creating a bootable flash drive.

> Use in an emergency: to use a bootable flash drive in case of an "accident", you need to change the boot sequence from the drives in BIOS Setup.

In this case, you should set the boot priority from USB to HDD. Then select the desired program from the list. Don't forget to revert your BIOS changes after "repairing" your computer.

A photo: manufacturing companies, racum/Flickr.com

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