Bless Online system requirements. The best online games Minimum system requirements bless online

Bless Online system requirements. The best online games Minimum system requirements bless online


After many years of anticipation, the OBT of the game finally started on January 27 in Korea. Neowiz began work on this MMORPG back in 2009, but for unknown reasons the project was suspended several times and, apparently, was only able to be completed in 2015.

The game is built on the Unreal Engine 3, which makes it less demanding on the system, but sets greater limitations on graphics. Bless cannot boast of gorgeous graphics like, for example, Black Desert. But, despite this, the game has already appealed to many players thanks to its auto-target targeting system, which made it similar in mechanics to the legendary WoW and Lineage II. This means that we will already have standard game classes in the game, such as tanks, damage dealers and healers, where everyone will have their own role.

World of Bless Online.

Bless territory is 170 square kilometers of open world (larger than Azeroth, the main play area in WoW);

The world is seamless, which means no downloads when moving from one location to another and no teleports;

The game has instances (dungeons);

To move around the game world, you can use mounts (mounts), as well as boats, balloons, etc.;

There is a dynamic change of time of day.

Factions and Races Bless online.

The plot is based on the confrontation between two powerful factions located on the same continent. The goal of each faction is to seize control of enemy territory and unite all races into one union. The northern part of the continent belongs to the Chiron faction and the southern part belongs to the Union. The alliance of both factions consists of different races (there are 10 of them in the game). Already at the start you will need to decide which side you will play on.

Defenders of the north, who diligently protect their lands from invaders. An empire of one ruler, where everyone obeys the king. Over 100, it has rapidly advanced in development, ahead of the southern part of the continent in technology.
Because of the coat of arms, I often call them Griffins. The capital of the empire, the city of Hirakon, is located in the central part of the north.

The northern faction consists of:

Wood Elves(SYLVAN ELF);

Habihi are at the head of the empire. They look like ordinary people, respect traditions and value courage and bravery. It was they who united individual tribes into the Holy Alliance and led the empire to prosperity in such a short time. They are striving to expand their influence to the southern part of the continent.
They prefer heavy and not very elegant, but reliable equipment.

Lupus- a race that looks like wolves. One of the oldest inhabitants of the northern forests. They are excellent hunters, value devotion and loyalty, and discipline. They treat allied races with respect, and on the battlefield they turn into ferocious fighters who do not spare their opponents. As they develop, they will be able to turn into full-fledged wolves.

Fedayeen– a race not available in OBT. All that is known about them is that they escaped from another dimension. In their world, they were an elite trying to seize power. Having failed, they fled to this world. Having learned their lesson, they joined the empire and now diligently guard its borders from enemies.

Mask or Mascot– one of the neutral races in the game, which can play for both the North and the South. They came from another continent. Due to a strong storm, their airship crashed, and they settled on a small island, not far from the continent. Over time, they did not see eye to eye and split into two parts. One joined the Empire, one joined the Union. Masku are skilled inventors who are highly valued in the Empire. They are the ones who supply new modern equipment to the Empire.
Regardless of which faction you play for, by choosing the Mask, at the start you will find yourself on an island, and later you will move to the territory of your faction.

Sirens- the second neutral race, which can be on the side of the North or South. Not available on MBT yet, but will be introduced later. The Sirens' homeland is destroyed due to the eruption of an underwater volcano. After wandering on ships for a long time, they once landed in the northwestern part of the continent. There they try to gain strength again and restore their power and influence. Sirens are excellent swimmers, sailors and shipbuilders. They live in unity with nature and study the underwater depths. In addition, they have a very beautiful voice.

Union (South)

The Holy Empire is opposed Union. Over a long period of strife, the southern part of the mainland fell into decay. Having failed to succeed in attacking the North individually, tired of the devastation and constant conflicts among themselves, the individual tribes signed a military peace pact. The main goal of the Union since then has been to confront the North. Members of the union do not want to become part of the Empire, but rather want to annex the northern part of the continent. This is a union of separate federations, each of which has its own foundations, rules and procedures.

The capital of the Union is the city Spezia. It is located practically on the border of two factions. A very beautiful city with complex architecture and many bridges. The coat of arms of the Union is the Dragon.

The Union consists of the following races:

Water Elves(AQUA ELF),

Amistads- a race of people. At one time, they left Habikh, thereby freeing themselves from the influence of the Empire. They are educated, well-mannered, polite, and value science and art equally. They respect equality and free life, and it is because of this that they left the Empire, where control and submission prevail. In clothing they prefer elegance to practicality and reliability.

Water elves at one time they left the Wood Elves, disagreeing with their foundations and rules. In search of a better free life, they settled on a southern island, remote from the mainland, and built their city with the help of magic. The basis of the worldview and all aspirations of the Aquatic Elves is the creation of a free society where they value and respect each other and are not afraid of progress. They joined the southern Union, since no one in it forbids them to think and do what they want.

Panthers- a race of wanderers who previously did not recognize any power over themselves. For a long time they lived in small tribes and lived in banditry and robbery. Having united into one big tribe, they entered the Union and from now on are fighting for freedom and equality between everyone. Fierce warriors who revere courage and bravery value those who have proven their mettle in battle. As they develop, they will be able to turn into full-fledged panthers.

Iblis- a race of half-demons. Not available on OBT and will be released with later content. Like the Feadin, they lived in their other dimension, but were forced to flee from there when the uprising began and the followers of the Devil were overthrown. Having left their home and renounced ancient knowledge, they lost the opportunity to return home. Despite this, they retained their demonic essence and desire to destroy enemies even in the most vile ways.

Mask and Sirens- neutral races that can advocate for both the Union and the Empire, depending on what goals they pursue. These races, however, must choose their side already at the character creation stage in order to exclude the possibility of wandering from one faction to another. As part of the Union, both races created their own cities and settlements, thereby forming their own separate federations, where they do what they want.

Game classes and skills in Bless Online.

Available to choose from 8 classes, which are already, one way or another, familiar to players because they were encountered in other MMORPGs. As mentioned earlier, thanks to the auto-target guidance system, the game will have tanks, damage dealers, and healers (which are often absent in modern MMOs). Depending on the class chosen, each will have their own specific role in team play.


The name speaks for itself. A typical tank in heavy armor, which is difficult and takes a long time to kill. Armed with a one-handed sword and shield. He has a lot of health and protection, and his skills include a lot of blocks and stuns.


Another “talking” class name. Armed with a halberd and heavily armored. Obsessed with a thirst for blood, the warrior swings his weapon left and right, quickly killing his enemies, while he himself has a large supply of health and considerable protection.


A mysterious warrior who always hides in the shadows. He has many poisons in his arsenal, with which he smears his blades. He is well versed in anatomy and knows all the enemy’s weak spots, which he strikes at.


Lord of the four elements: water, fire, air and earth. He has a countless number of dangerous spells in his arsenal. The mage's crushing blows always hit their target.


An archer who hides among the trees, tracking down his target. To gain an advantage over the enemy, he uses the environment: hills, trees, bushes. He also has many traps and other devices in his arsenal. The Ranger is capable of killing an enemy before the enemy even notices him.


A class familiar to many from WoW. Armed with a mace and shield, he can be both a brave warrior and a support for his allies. Endowed with the ability to heal and resurrect, he has a large set of protective and enhancing buffs, which he applies to his allies.


A typical summoner for many MMOs. Subjugates demons to his will, forcing them to fight in his place.


Lives in unity with nature. Can summon various spirits that can attack opponents or, on the contrary, protect and heal the Mystic and his allies.

Skill learning happens at the time of purchase special books from the trainer (same as in Aion). All skills are divided into 4 types: active, passive, skills of special stances, combos (triggered one after another or when a certain condition is met). It will be possible to use a limited number of skills, but the game provides for a quick change of “equipped” skills from one set to another.

PVP system in Bless online.

PVP content is presented in the game in several versions. This includes factional PVP (confrontation between warring clans) and sieges and PVP in the open world.

Factional PVP They can be both small events and large gatherings in the arena of 100x100 people.

To get to Arena, you need to click on the special sign at the bottom of the screen, where you select the number of players (up to 100x100) and wait until the required number is collected.
The siege map shows two camps of different factions, a special stone (in the center) and trees (which must be captured in order to take possession of the stone). The first faction to take possession of the stone will win.

For killing a player of the warring faction, special Honor Points will be awarded, for which you can later purchase good gear. The advantage for PVP opponents is that such points can be obtained in exchange for PVE points. This means it is not necessary to participate in a mass slaughter.

Open World PVP only possible in permitted areas. It is marked on the map with special icons:

- peaceful territory;
— conflict zone, PVP allowed;
— places protected from confrontation between factions, actually peaceful zones;
- protected area.

Sieges occur during the redistribution of territories among guilds of one faction. Each faction has its own rulers, as well as those who govern individual territories: the Empire has lords, the Union has governors.
Only the head of a guild who has collected a sufficient number of PVP points can become a Lord or Governor. And in order to become king, the lord/governor needs to capture the faction’s capital and overthrow the former king. At this time, massive sieges of territories take place. During sieges, it is possible to use standard siege weapons, which are created by players before the battle.

PVE content in Bless Online.

In addition to the already familiar story and daily quests, the game contains instances. They play an important role in the plot, since after completing one or another dungeon, a new plot branch with its own history opens. An interesting feature of the game is that dungeons can be completed in several modes (speed, for example). For completing them, achievements and various valuable rewards will be given.

Peaceful activities in the game, that is, crafting, are also present. The choice is given to professions already familiar to many - miner, alchemist, blacksmith, etc.

There are also activities that are unusual for many MMOs, such as collecting paintings and relics, solving riddles and searching for treasures.

Since the world is seamless and has no teleports, players use mounts to move quickly. They can run on the ground or fly.

You can get a mount pet by completing quests or by purchasing it from an NPC. Another interesting feature of the game is taming mobs, through which you can also get a mount (but a battle pet or worker can also fall).

According to the standard, all pets have their own rank (determined by color: white - normal; green - good, etc.). The higher the rank, the more abilities the pet will have. Pet skills can be active or passive.

The rank can be increased. In the menu window, select the pet you want to improve, drag a tamed creature of the same rank to the panel that opens, and click “OK.” As a result, you get a pet of a higher rank. However, you may not be able to improve the first time (standard fail system, which will give a chance for the next successful improvement).

The level of the mount increases according to a similar scheme using the strengthening method: open the menu, click on the pet, select “Strengthen”, select which creature to sacrifice for improvement, click “OK”. With every fifth level, your pet's skills will improve.

If you want to play right now on the Korean server, then no problem. We have prepared a guide for you, where you will also find a patch for the English language

So far, this is all that is known about the structure of the game world, mechanics and classes. But even so, it’s immediately clear that the developers tried to take all the advantages of games like Lineage II and create a unique, interesting game whose content will not get boring for players in a couple of months, as often happens with many new MMORPGs. Did they succeed? We'll find out when Bless will be localized in Russia or at least Europe.

An online multiplayer game set in the fictional Middle Ages, where players complete quests, go on raids and fight in PvP.

Bless developed by Neowiz Games studio, which is considered one of the largest online publishers in Korea. Open testing of the Korean version began in January 2016, and the Russian localization in December 2016. The basic version of the game is free, and for real money you can purchase additional benefits - from faster leveling to resources for PvP and crafting. In Russia, the game publisher is 101XP.

Bless takes place in the fictional Middle Ages, and graphically Bless is more similar to online games from the USA and Europe than to European projects. The game world is divided between two factions: the Giron Empire and the Union, which adheres to more democratic views. Factions are constantly at war with each other, plus in Bless there is also a war between guilds, in which the parties fight for control of castles. Owning a castle gives the guild serious advantages, but only a serious group of players can keep it.

The maximum character level in Bless is 45, and you can level up in several ways. The main one is a story campaign, the events of which consistently develop in all major cities of the faction. If you wish, you can level up on additional tasks: the world of Bless is completely open, without division into locations, and at almost any point you can find a village or camp whose inhabitants need help. Some additional tasks are even given automatically - for example, having met and killed some new monster, the player will receive a task to kill several more of them.

Finally, after just a few hours of leveling up, access to the first dungeons opens up. These are classic instances designed for five players - in them you need to destroy a certain number of ordinary enemies, as well as several bosses, to defeat which you need to act according to tactics. Each instance has its own plot and other features - for example, traps. Dungeons reward you with quite powerful equipment, plus components for crafting - some of the best things are created with the help of crafts in Bless.

Towards the maximum level, the complexity of PvE increases - a well-prepared and equipped character can go to top raids, as well as individual bosses scattered across different parts of the world. It is, of course, better to do this as part of an experienced guild.

An alternative development path is PvP. In addition to the sieges mentioned above, Bless has several types of arenas, designed for teams of different sizes - from three to one hundred players. The latter are the easiest way to take part in truly massive battles: if the player does not have a pre-played group, then a squad will be selected for him automatically. The battle itself follows the rules of point control, but the size of the teams seriously changes the tactics - it is sometimes very difficult to understand what to do in a crowd of several dozen people.

Bless has a standard class system - there are tanks, healers and attacking fighters - but the mechanics may seem unusual to some. Each class has many skills, but only a limited number can be used in a build. Therefore, it is important to select the most necessary and powerful abilities for each build, make sure that they enhance each other as much as possible, and also learn how to quickly switch between several builds.

Another interesting feature of the game will appeal to collectors - you can tame almost any pet here if you get a special scroll of the appropriate level. Pets are divided into three types: mounts, companions, which increase one of the hero's characteristics, and followers, who can be sent on different tasks to receive a reward. Pets are upgraded along with the hero, and, of course, they can be changed to suit the situation. This is a rather rare opportunity for an online game - for example, you can return to one of the low-level locations and tame a boss that once took a whole group of players to kill.

An ambitious online game, which, unfortunately, has too many shortcomings and outdated elements

Bless- a completely atypical Korean online game. It doesn’t have a world painted in all the colors of the rainbow, special effects that make your eyes bleed out, some azure giants in skirts wandering through the air, and other crazy impulses of eastern game design. The weapons here are no larger than the heroes who use them, and the attempt to set the “breast size” indicator to the maximum when creating a female character even causes slight bewilderment. The authors initially positioned Bless as a game made in a Western style, and it would have been great if not for a couple of “buts”. Firstly, the online genre in the US and Europe is clearly not in the best shape right now (how many Western MMO games are in development? Do you know?) Secondly - and this is the most important thing - Bless in many ways looks like a game from five or six years ago , which is also done very carelessly.

The plot is simple - there are two factions that are at war with each other. Some imagine themselves as freedom-loving democrats, others pretend to be proud imperialists - but the difference is only in words, both factions have no defining features. There is only one continent for two states in Bless, which means PvP showdowns at the most unexpected moment, but first you will have to solve the internal problems of your state.

A well-written plot, an open world where, if you turn off the road, you can find an adventure - it would seem, what could be better for fans of online adventure games? In the first hours, Bless really maintains the suspense, taking the player through chic cities and forcing them to delve into local political squabbles, but then it begins to falter. The large and seamless world is indecently monotonous - the general style of locations changes very rarely, and there are almost no beautiful and memorable places. The game's image is several years out of date, plus the developers still have not solved all the performance problems - even owners of systems costing under 100 thousand rubles have to lower the settings, especially when there are a lot of characters on the screen.

The plot is pleasing only at the first levels - both factions have a very good line of quests with unexpected turns and nice cutscenes. But after five to six hours of leveling up, the “distance” between tasks begins to grow - in order to start the next one, you increasingly have to take on additional missions, which are extremely monotonous here. Kill a dozen enemies, collect six objects scattered literally behind the neighboring fence - we have already done all this dozens of times. There are also problems with the plot itself - almost all tasks are completed in phasing mode, when each player has their own location created. So if you are leveling in a group, then get ready for the fact that your comrades will regularly disappear from sight and you will constantly have to negotiate where your group will reunite this time.

The carelessness of the developers is another feature of Bless. The game has a lot of bugs, the translation in some places is not complete, the options for customizing the interface are minimal - you can’t even move the panels the way you like. The skill system is very confusing: many work together, but you can play all day long without realizing that your character can actually do much more than you thought. And these are just some of the things that are done inconveniently - the list can be continued for a very long time. Of course, many of the game’s problems will be fixed in a few months, but whether the players will endure until this point is a big question.

This is a fairly serious problem, since the PvP content in Bless requires the participation of a large number of people. Classic sieges will work only if there are large guilds, and even the main battlefield is designed for battles in the “hundred to hundred” format - when there are much fewer players, it’s simply not interesting to play. Moreover, after just a few days, some matches began to be played with an incomplete team and - worst of all - with an advantage of one of the sides. A decent number of players gathered for the first siege of the capital, but then the server failed - it was impossible to play due to lags.

Why, even gathering five people into a dungeon in Bless is sometimes difficult. The instances themselves are quite good: well designed, with interesting bosses, and completing them is a pleasure. If there were more of them, PvE could be considered a plus for Bless, but alas. Several instances for leveling up, literally a couple of dungeons to the maximum level (and forget about raids - all for a maximum of five people), and several bosses on the main continent. At one time, World of Warcraft captivated players for months precisely thanks to its well-thought-out system of top raids for every taste. In Bless, the administration is gradually adding an increased difficulty mode for low-level dungeons, but all this is a repetition of the past, interesting only to the most avid collectors of equipment. There is still very little new content at the maximum level in Bless - and this is a disaster, considering that leveling up even in “lazy” mode takes at most a week or two.

Among Bless's own ideas, it is worth noting the pet system - it is not bad, but it is unlikely to become something for which you can stay in the game. The main idea is that any monster here can be tamed. Some become mounts, others accompany the player, giving some valuable buff, and others can complete tasks, earning a special resource. A real treat for collectors - you can look for rare pets or, for example, tame an elite enemy, defeating which was still a problem for a couple of days - but what's the use of that if there's nowhere to go with this pet anyway?

Bless has almost nothing to captivate players right now. It has outdated graphics, a lot of bugs and shortcomings, but most importantly, very little quality content for PvE fans. Sieges and a very large battlefield could theoretically be interesting - but it is not a fact that there will be enough players in the game for them to work as they should.

The events of which take place in the universe medieval fantasy.


Bless developed by the company Neowiz Bless Studio since 2009, and was published in 2016. The game is and its main goal is battles with other factions.

Beginning of the game


Before you start playing, you must select one of the factions to which your hero will belong. There is a choice of 2 factions, each of which includes 4 races. Each race has its own storyline.

Giron (North)

  • Valors;
  • Silva;
  • Rougarou;
  • Fedeen;
  • Mask (neutral);
  • Sirens (neutral).

Union (South)

  • Amistads;
  • Marrians;
  • Targarians;
  • Iblis;
  • Mask (neutral);
  • Sirens (neutral).


Currently in the game 6 classes:

  1. Guardian;
  2. Berserk;
  3. Pathfinder;
  4. Assassin;
  5. Paladin.

Character editor

After this, you need to create distinctive appearance features for him to your taste or set them randomly.


We will play in the already familiar 3rd person view, we will be able to fight with other players, explore new lands and complete quests. The game has a large number of dungeons where we will dress our character. You can move around the world using mounts both on the ground and in the air. The game has a change of time of day, so you will have to fight at night.


Player opposition in Bless Online can be divided into 3 types:

  • Factional— a confrontation between clans, which can consist of up to 100 players on each side.
  • In the open world, in which you can only participate in certain territories where it is permitted.
  • Siege Mode arising during the redistribution of territories.

Taming Pets

A distinctive feature of the game is that you can tame almost any creature from the world of Bless. All pets are tamed with special scrolls obtained from quests. Animals can be raised in rank from ordinary to legendary - the higher the rank, the greater the animal’s skills, which means it will help the character much more.

Each faction has certain territories where it can attack the enemy first. There are also peaceful areas where PvP battles are not possible. In conflict zones, you can be the first to attack any player from the enemy faction.


The developers talked about the creation guilds, where each member will be able to contribute to the common cause, accumulating for this activity points. They can be converted to influence points, they are necessary for bidding for dominance over the territory.

The heads of the guild who have entered into an agreement on certain territories become lords and receive the right to participate in the war for the capital.

When will Bless Online be released?

May 31, 2018 Bless Online early access has begun, and the game's release date is scheduled for October 23, 2018.

The specifics of PC gaming are such that before you begin, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and relate it to the existing configuration.

To do this simple action, you do not need to know the exact technical characteristics of each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and other components of any personal computer. A simple comparison of the main lines of components will suffice.

For example, if a game's minimum system requirements include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you shouldn't expect it to run on i3. However, it is more difficult to compare processors from different manufacturers, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that meeting the minimum requirements is enough to start the game and complete it from beginning to end. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually have to lower the graphics settings.

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