Posts in the telegram. Telegraph - detailed instructions

Posts in the telegram. Telegraph - detailed instructions


How to correctly design posts in the Telegram channel so that readers are always interested. Let's take a look at all the effective formats.

Post formats


Picture, photo, video or gif. The visual format must fit into the context of the channel. Sometimes you can share with readers links from YouTube or Vimeo.


Text post with an interesting title. Format the text neatly: divide into paragraphs, use lists, subheadings, and moderate emoji. Make a picture that fits the meaning and add reactions: like / dislike to the post to get the opinion of the readers.

A good post will take time: throw in the abstract structure, add details and put it together, and then edit and remove the unnecessary. Write within your topic, think over a content plan for the future and try to post in advance. Use the Teleplug so you don't miss the optimal posting time.


Useful voluminous articles that are convenient to design and read in Teletype. List yourself as an author, write an introduction and add high-quality pictures. At the end, insert the link to the channel. For easy navigation, you can make a template with links to other articles, for example, as content.

Post categories

Divide text posts into categories and alternate, for example, by days of the week. This way you add variety and readers get used to the periodicity. The number of views or a survey will tell you what is more interesting to your audience.


Helpful posts that cover a topic: personal experience, history, or translation.

Example: "How to fly in Europe on a budget?"


Step by step instructions that will teach the reader something new.

Example: "We issue a visa to Italy, 5 easy steps."


Working with multiple sources. Facts and tips compiled in one post.

Example: Top 10 Personal Time Management Techniques.


First person view. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of the product or service. At the end of the post - my opinion and conclusion.

Example: "Overview of the service for channel administrators in Telegram".


Example: "Singapore visa can now be obtained online."

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Telegram is a young and promising messenger that can be operated on all platforms and is completely free. That is why many large companies are thinking about mastering its capabilities and using posts in Telegram for marketing purposes.

Opportunities for interacting with the audience in Telegram:

Group chat

Group chats for marketing purposes are designed to build a committed and loyal community around your brand or core idea.

Telegram channel

The main advantages are the ability to automatically notify subscribers about new posts, while the number unread messages displayed in a separate list. It is this difference that gives Telegram posts significantly greater reach than other social networks. If you add keywords to the chat and / or channel name, it will make it easier to identify among similar offers.

The bot

They are multifunctional and diverse, their functions include delivery of content, interaction with external sites, services and services, answers to common user requests.

Several features of Telegram posts, content offered and target audience

The main element that determines the future prospects of a chat or channel is its content or content. There is no point in spending money on channel promotion if its content is not in demand by the audience.

1. Unlike other resources, where a picture is required to attract attention, in Telegram it is not at all necessary, since the content released once a day in itself guarantees. The strategy of Telegram channels works to attract exactly your target audience.

2. Regardless of the goals pursued, the basic need Telegram users are communication, so be directed towards your audience when compiling a collection of information.

3. Use different types of content to increase diversity and attract readers:

  • Links with eyeliners - represent a vivid and brief description of the material, to read which you need to follow the link.
  • The author's thoughts and notes are intended to increase the credibility of the channel's author as a specialist in his field or just an interesting and well-developed interlocutor.
  • Collections and reviews - for this purpose, sort useful thematic information from quality resources and offer to readers.
  • Longread texts of a large volume, that is, break them up into parts using photos or pictures, videos, infographics and other elements.
  • Visual content: author's photos, thematic unique pictures, infographics, screenshots, quotes on the author's background.
  • Videos and podcasts with text liner - it is advisable to use author's and unique videos accompanied by a short description.

4. Design and display. The ability to highlight elements of Telegram posts using formatting: bold or italic; you can also design hyperlinks using special bots.

5. It is possible to use redirection of publications, supplemented with personal comments and mentioning participants in the conversation by replying to selected messages in group chats.

6. Telegram hashtag does not serve as content, it only makes it easier to find the information you need within each channel separately, that is, to structure internal information.

As you can see, if you already know about the differences in the design of content and posts in Telegram, then use these opportunities to interact with the audience.It is better to act together and together with those people who already have experience and results. Come to our programs, at the same time and earn more!

With you,
- Igor Zuevich.

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All owners of groups or pages are used to auto-posting in others in social networks and do not understand how you can run a Telegram channel without it. In some social. networks, deferred posts are a built-in function, and for the rest, many services have been working for a long time. In Telegram, auto-posting works a little differently, but setting it up is not difficult even for a beginner.

Bots for auto-posting and other tasks

For channel owners, special bots have long been developed that simplify the maintenance of a channel in Telegram. In addition to the auto-posting function, they will help you create formatted posts, polls, etc. To make a delayed recording, you need to activate the bot by connecting it to your channel. Do not be afraid to do this, no one will steal your data, since Telegram is concerned about security.

Before connecting, you need to select any "combine" bot that performs several functions for the channel at once. You can choose absolutely any and the auto-posting setting will be identical, but I advise you to use @ControllerBot, as it is very popular and is constantly being improved. More than 50 thousand channels in Telegram have connected it, so at least for a test, use it, and then choose yourself.

Step-by-step instructions for connecting ControllerBot

For correct work auto-posting bot will ask you for the name of your city, let's put "Moscow", as this time is suitable for most subscribers. You must enter the name of the city yourself, there is no list here. The bot will ask if the time zone is correct; this is the end of all the necessary settings.

Create posts using connected bots

If everything is connected correctly, then you can try to publish a post, and also find out how auto-posting in Telegram works.

  • Open ControllerBot if you closed it and select the channel in which you want to publish the post.
  • For example, your channel and you will be redirected to the bot, which is connected to the channel as an administrator. Press the "Start" button and get brief information about the current settings.
  • Enter any text or upload a picture / video to create the first post and click "Submit". You can also use emoji emoticons and stickers.
  • If necessary, attach reactions, button URLs and other features suggested by the bot.
  • Click "Next" in the lower right corner of the screen
  • You can publish the post right now, postpone it for a certain time, and even set a timer to self-destruct. Press the button "Postpone"
  • The publication time can be specified in several ways, using the buttons or manually enter the date and time of publication of the post.

I prefer the second option as it is faster and more convenient. Use the following format for the date: 12 10 5 12 (hours minutes day month). In this case, the post will be released at 12.10 pm on December 5 and of course this year.

The post is ready and postponed for the time of your choice. You can immediately create the following posts, as you can see, it does not take much time.

If necessary, you can see all postponed posts in Telegram using the command or the "Manage Posts" button. You will receive a list of all publications and you can edit the time or delete the entry. If necessary, you can even edit the published post, for this you just need to forward the bot's message directly from your channel, and then send the correct text.

Of course, not everyone considers the "Controller Bot" to be the most ideal option, but I believe that it is quite suitable for most owners of Telegram channels. He has technical support and a development team that constantly improves and removes all kinds of bugs. There are many other good bots, but very often I come across the fact that they are simply abandoned by the creators.

If you think about security, then I do not see any risks here, since the bot has indirect access to your channel, but through your bot the administrator. In addition, Telegram is the most secure messenger that suppresses all possible ways to obtain or use someone else's information, even the FSB cannot access user messages.

Why use delayed posts in Telegram?

If you have never used auto-posting in Telegram, then I assure you, it is difficult to live without it. Any subscriber will tell you that he likes the regular and timely release of posts. All social networks use deferred posts, some even have a built-in function. In large communities, posts are posted every hour or two, no matter day or night, weekend or New Year... Without the auto-posting function, you would have to hire an employee, or even two, so that they post posts on time when you sleep or go on vacation.

Deferred posts will allow you to be absent even for several weeks, having previously prepared material for subscribers. Just create the required number of posts and upload them to the bot, they will come out at exactly the appointed time every day. I cannot understand the owners who do not use this function and post posts only during the day and immediately in a bunch. This is irrational and inconvenient for readers who like to look into their smartphone every 10-20 minutes and look for something new there.

Autoposting is simply irreplaceable for channel promotion specialists who run 5-10 or even more channels. They create posts at the beginning of the week and prepare them for several days at once to do more important and profitable things.

About other functions of the Bot Controller

In addition to auto-posting, the bot will delight you additional functions to create formatted posts, buttons and small statistics about the dynamics of the number of subscribers.

  • Now you will be able to format your text with convenient tags just like in HTML. You can make the text bold, italic, remove previews from links, or even make a whole list of them.
  • You can make reactions that are the same buttons as like, but you can create several of them on one post, and also attach any emoji emoticon instead of a heart. You can choose up to 6 different emoticons, many owners use like on YouTube, where you can either like or dislike the video.
  • How to make a delayed post in Telegram using a bot?

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Hello everyone! Messenger Telegram pleases many useful tools for business, marketing, blogging. And one of them that I want to touch on today is the Telegraph blog platform (address:

What is the Telegraph for?

This site is intended for publishing notes, articles, in which, in addition to text, you can post images, videos from YouTube or Vimeo, links. The platform itself has a very concise and simple interface. And you can use it not only to publish articles in Telegram, but also share links to your notes from Telegraph in any other social media, in a mailing list, etc.

For some, this option may be an alternative to maintaining a full-fledged blog or site on paid hosting.

Telegraph is convenient if you do not just want to post a short post on your Telegram channel, but have written a full article in which you plan to add pictures / videos, links. I often use it for exactly this purpose.

In the promotion of affiliate programs, for example, Telegraph will be useful for creating pads. That is, you write a useful article on the topic of an affiliate product, and in it you give your affiliate link.

By the way, this is an option when your affiliate link is not allowed through. For example, a social network blocks an affiliate domain, even if you disguise it with an abbreviation or redirect. Then you can use just such an article and give a link not immediately to the affiliate program, but to a page in the Telegraph. An example of such an article with an affiliate recommendation you can see here.

How does the platform work and how do I publish a post?

By the way, to use Telegraph, you don't have to create an account, you can post anonymously. You just go to the platform website at, and you will see a page for creating a publication:

In the "Title" field, enter the title of the note. In the "Your name" field, the name of the author. Well, the "Your story ..." field is the body of your article - here you write your note, or paste it by copying it from Word, for example.

To add an image or video, place the cursor in the desired place in the body of the article. Two icons will appear on the left: the triangular brackets are for adding a video, and the camera is for uploading a photo. Let's consider both options.

We click on the brackets, we will have an inscription, which in translation means "Insert a link to a video from YouTube, Vimeo or a post on Twitter and press Enter."

I pointed out the link to the video from YouTube, pressed Enter, and as a result, the video was uploaded to me. By the way, you can add a description under the player.

To load a picture, again, put the cursor in the desired place of the article, click on the camera icon, select an image on the computer and load it. For the picture, you can also specify a description below.

To format the text - highlight it in bold, italic, add a link, subheadings or mark a quote, select the required piece of text with the mouse. A panel with tools will appear above it:

To publish the article, click on the "Publish" button on the right. The post will be published, and in the browser line you can copy the link to it. Once published, an Edit button appears instead of the Publish button. Using this link, you can always edit your post, though only from the same device and browser from which you added it.

How does the Telegraph bot come in handy?

Personally, I connected the blogging platform with my Telegram channel, adding a special bot for myself. This is convenient because I can manage all my posts from my account, see statistics on them, and edit them if necessary.

The bot can be added through the internal Telegram search by the name @telegraph.

After adding, open a chat with him and click "Start" at the bottom.

The bot will help you log into the Telegraph, so that in the future you can log into the platform from this account, publish posts, edit them from any device and see the statistics of views.

You can go to your Telegraph account directly from the chat with the bot by clicking on the button "Log in as ... on this device".

By clicking on the "My posts" button, the bot will show how many posts are currently published in your account, a list of these posts and under each will be the number of views. To go to editing a post, you need to click on its title.

The "Settings" button opens additional settings:

Features of adding links to posts from Telegraph to Telegram channel

On the mobile devices the function of Instant View (instant viewing) is supported - when the page with the post is opened immediately, and not through the browser, saving time and traffic for downloading.

Wish you success!

Best regards, Victoria Karpova

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