What is mtp device. What are MTP, UMS and PTP, how are they different? Supported USB profiles

What is mtp device. What are MTP, UMS and PTP, how are they different? Supported USB profiles


Hello everyone, dear readers and smartphone users. Today I will tell you what to do if the error “USB device MTP refusal” occurs when you connect your smartphone to a personal computer. Below you can see a screenshot of this error. If you have the same problem, then read on.

The error "USB device MTP failure" can occur for several reasons, here are some of them:

  1. MTP driver problem. This happens sometimes, but not on all computers. This problem can be fixed very easily and quickly, below I will describe it in more detail;
  2. Incorrect settings in the device itself. As practice shows, such a reason occurs in 1% of cases, but nevertheless, it is possible for you that it is the cause of the error;
  3. Outdated drivers. This problem also takes place, but, like the previous ones, this cause of the error can be eliminated by simply updating the driver for your operating system.

So, we have sorted out the reasons, now let's get down to fixing this problem. Let's start in order, with the most working and common method to eliminate an unpleasant error.

Method 1

Now reconnect your mobile device to your personal computer and check if the error that occurred earlier has disappeared.

Method 2

If the previous method did not help, then let's try to delve into the settings of the mobile device itself. Follow these steps:

Important: if the development item is not visible, then do the following: go to the "About the device" section and click on the build number about 10 times. Thus, you activate the item "Development".

Method 3

If everything is in order, but the driver for the MTP Device still does not work, you can try to install it manually. To do this, go to the "Device Manager". If the device is not working properly or the driver is not installed, the device itself will be marked with a yellow icon. Everything is quite simple here. Find the update driver button in the properties and select only compatible devices from the list. If this operation does not help, you will have to uninstall the driver and then re-install it in automatic mode.

If this does not work, tell the system the place where the installation distribution with the necessary information will be stored. In some cases, even this turns out to be ineffective. There may be a lot of reasons for this. In certain cases, installing a fresh version of Windows Media Player on the system can help. Most likely, you just need to check the system partition of the hard disk for errors. The problem could be anything. Sometimes it also happens that the "native" media player itself produces this type of errors and failures.

This option cannot be ruled out either. In this situation, if you are using Windows 7 or higher, you can try disabling the multimedia features using the Programs section in the Control Panel. There are many reasons for these failures. Therefore, it will be necessary to move from the simplest ways of solving this problem to a more complex and cardinal method. In each specific case, it is necessary to take into account the specifics of a particular device. However, as practice shows, the use of the system registry can be a universal solution to this problem.

It is quite simple to find the UpperFilters key in the main section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE by sequential movement through the tree and delete it. This will not affect the performance of the operating system in any way. However, the connection will finally work as expected. It should be noted right away that this method is in most cases effective for Samsung gadgets.


In this review, we tried to briefly describe the main issues related to the use of a connection using MTP technology. As you can see for yourself, the user will not have to strain too hard to install the driver, unless of course you are using Linux systems. All major errors during driver installation are easy enough to fix. However, in each case, it is advisable to nevertheless establish what is the cause of the problem. It is better to do this before performing drastic actions such as deleting system registry keys.

However, in most cases there should be no failures, especially if you install the latest versions of additional software for your gadget. In any case, it is enough just to refer to the official resources of the manufacturers of mobile devices. Surely, you can find a help section on the official website, which will describe the process of dealing with problems of this type. Most likely, the problem is not even in Windows, but in disabled settings and functions, or even in the firmware of the device.

Recently, the synchronization of mobile gadgets based on Android OS with standard computer systems has undergone significant changes. The new technology was based on the use of the so-called MTP Device driver when the device is directly connected to a computer or laptop via a universal USB port.

What is MTP Device?

In general, MTP (Media technology first saw the light back in 2008 on mobile gadgets with Honeycomb in OS Android Ice Cream Sandwich. At that time it was considered a part of the Windows Media package, but then was standardized as one of the main types of USB devices.

That is why now stationary operating systems, when connecting a mobile gadget, define it as an MTP Device. In fact, the development itself was not something new, since it very much resembles the PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) protocols, more precisely, it is one of its varieties in the form of additional extensions.

MTP Device Driver as an Alternative to USB Mass Storage

As for the functioning of such a system, it is probably clear that without installing a driver, it is, in principle, impossible. However, the driver works a little differently compared to the usual data exchange via USB MTP Device.

The most important difference, which is also the advantage of the new technology, is as follows. The fact is that when using a standard connection via USB Mass Storage, two sections are created (for media files and for applications separately), and one of them always depends on the other. A situation arises when a smartphone or tablet does not have access to one of the sections, but the computer perceives both. That is why a situation arises when applications installed on the SD card not only do not work, but do not even start.

In the case of using MTP Device, there are no such restrictions. In addition, there is even no need to use the FAT file system. And if earlier the redistribution of free space was due to the influence of one partition on another, in this case there is nothing like this. Simply put, previously, dragging free space on one partition led to a decrease in the size of another. Both sections now remain unchanged.

Standard driver installation in Windows

Now let's see how the standard driver installation is performed when synchronizing the device with Windows. Let's say we have a Samsung smartphone or tablet.

As a rule, usually the first time a device is connected to a computer terminal, the system displays a message in the system tray that a new device has been found (in our case, MTP Device Samsung). The system itself installs the driver necessary for synchronization without any problems, after which the data transfer can be carried out in the same way as using a regular USB connection, when both the internal storage and the external SD card are detected. Errors may, of course, appear (like "Samsung Mobile MTP Device driver is not installed"), but we will dwell on them a little later.

General guidelines for installing drivers for most Android devices

In principle, the automatic installation of the necessary drivers by the Windows operating system itself almost always works. However, you can use alternative methods related to the installation of related utilities for a smartphone or tablet.

So, for example, the same Samsung MTP Device driver is installed automatically if the latest version of the Kies application is available. Note that Samsung does not release drivers for each specific model of a mobile gadget, so there is absolutely no point in looking for them, say, for the S6 or for the Galaxy Note 2.

For HTC smartphones, you need to use specialized software called HTC Sync Manager (sometimes you may need to install firmware via FastBoot mode). For LG, you can find a driver on the manufacturer's official website specifically for a specific model. For Nexus, you need to use the ADB RUN utility and install the driver from the standard Device Manager. In the case of using Sony gadgets, there are two options: installing Sony PC Suite or using FlashTool drivers. In principle, there is no difference, but you need to remember that these are two mutually exclusive programs - when installing one, the other must first be removed.

Use in Mac OS

The use of devices classified as MTP Device when synchronizing with stationary "Macs" or "Apple" laptops is not much different from its counterpart in Windows.

Unless, for complete confidence, you can additionally install the Android File Transfer application, that's all. Otherwise, there shouldn't be any problems.

Installation on Linux (Ubuntu)

In Linux systems, due to their specificity, the installation of MTP Device drivers looks a little more complicated. As an example, consider this process when installing the driver for the Nexus.

So, we use the command window, in which we first write sudo nano -w /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules (installing UDEV rules). Then we enter the command SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ATTR (idVendor) == "04e8", ATTR (idProduct) == "6860", MODE = "0600", OWNER = "", after which we sequentially execute the lines sudo apt-get install mtpfs, sudo mkdir / media / GNexus and sudo chmod 775 / media / GNexus.

Next, connect the gadget to your computer and enter sudo mtpfs -o allow_other / media / GNexus. All, now, using Nutilus, you can start moving any files and folders. Yes, the most important thing. When all operations are complete, do not forget to use the final sudo umount mtpfs command.

Possible errors and methods of their elimination

Unfortunately, errors cannot be ruled out either. In most cases, this only applies to Windows operating systems. Let's try to consider the most common failures and the simplest methods of eliminating them.

First of all, it is worth checking if the accompanying utilities are up to date. When using them, it is advisable to download the latest distribution from the manufacturer's website.

If the driver for MTP Device still does not work, you can try reinstalling it manually. To do this, go to the "Device Manager". In theory, if the driver is not installed or the device itself is not working properly, it will be marked with a yellow icon. Everything is simple here. You need to find the driver update button in the properties, and then select only compatible devices from the list. If this does not help, you will have to remove it, and then reinstall it in automatic mode. If this does not work either, you will have to tell the system the place where the installation distribution containing the necessary information is stored.

Sometimes, however, it doesn't help either. There can be any number of reasons. In some cases, installing the most recent version of Windows Media Player on your system can help. You will probably just have to check the system partition of the hard disk for errors, but you never know what could be. It also happens that this type of errors or failures can be produced by the "native" media player itself (unfortunately, this option is not excluded). In this situation, if you are using versions of Windows in the form of "seven" and higher, you can try to simply disable the multimedia components in the Programs section of the "Control Panel".

As it is already clear, the reasons for such failures simply cannot be counted. Therefore, you will have to move from the simplest methods of solving the problem to more complex or even cardinal ones, taking into account the specifics of the cause in each specific case and for each specific device.

However, as practice shows, one of the universal solutions can be the use of the system registry. Here you need to find the UpperFilters key in the main section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE through sequential movement through the tree (System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class) and delete it. This will not affect the performance of the operating system, but the connection will work as expected. Immediately, we note that in most cases this method can be used for gadgets from Samsung.


That, in principle, is, in short, everything related to the main issues related to the use of a connection using MTP technology. As you can see, you don't have to strain too hard to install the driver, except in Linux. Major errors can be easily eliminated, but for each case it is advisable to find out the root cause before taking any drastic action, such as deleting registry keys. But in most cases, there should be no failures, especially if you install the latest versions of additional software for your gadget.

In any case, you can simply refer to the official Internet resources of manufacturers of mobile equipment. Surely there is a help section describing these types of problems. Perhaps the problem is not even in Windows, but, for example, in the device's firmware or disabled functions and settings.

If you don’t want to waste time on hunting after the needed driver for your PC, feel free to use a dedicated self-acting installer. It will select only qualified and updated drivers for all hardware parts all alone. To download SCI Drivers Installer, follow this link.

Device: USB device MTP Drivers Installer
Date: 2017-09-03
File Size: 1.12 Mb
Supported OS: Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Download Drivers Installer

USB MTP Device: Drivers List

3 drivers are found for 'MTP USB device'. To download the needed driver, select it from the list below and click at the ‘Download’ button. Please, ensure that the driver version totally corresponds to your OS requirements in order to provide for its operational accuracy.

Version: 5.2.5326.4762 Download
Date: 2012-05-10
File Size: 1.7M
Supported OS:
Version: Download
Date: 2012-02-27
File Size: 8.8M
Supported OS: Windows XP 64bit, Windows Vista 64bit, Windows 7 64bit, Windows 8 64bit

USB MTP Device: Supported Models of Laptops

We have compiled a list of popular laptops models applicable for the installation of ‘USB MTP Device’. By clicking at the targeted laptop model, you’ll be able to look through a comprehensive list of compatible devices.

# Manufacturer Model Devices
1 IBM 8141WT1 34 Devices List
2 IBM ThinkCentre S51 (8172Y3V) 23 Devices List
3 HP HP Compaq dc5100 SFF (EQ116US) 37 Devices List
4 HP KA915AA-ABF s3341.f 27 Devices List
5 Seneca V56683 33 Devices List
6 HP HP d530 CMT (DP002C) 28 Devices List
7 IBM ThinkCentre M51 (8141WT1)

Android application / vnd.android.package-archive Android app

Android from A to Z: What lies behind the abbreviation MTP, and how to properly dispose of it

MTP (Media transfer Protocol) first appeared on devices with Honeycomb... The protocol is slightly different from the usual USB Mass storage (UMS), at which you turn on the USB mod and start moving files. And since MTP became a part of on, it would be nice to find out all the nuances. In the post we will try to understand as much as possible what exactly this protocol is, what is the need for it, and how to configure it to simplify file transfer.

What is MTP?

MTP is a set of custom extensions for PTP (Picture transfer protocol), which aims to transfer files and associated metadata over USB... Still here? Let's continue then.

Originally part of the structure Windows Media but in 2008 MTP has been standardized as a type USB devices, thereby becoming an established standard. If you've owned iriver or Creative MP3 players, you've probably come across MTP... If you use a digital camera, which, when connected to a PC, is automatically recognized as a device, then RTR which is essentially the same as MTP... The thing is old enough, but not for Android.

Why use MTP instead of USB Mass Storage?

The essence of use MTP is that now the manufacturers of mobile devices do not need to create two separate sections, one for applications, the other for media files. Previously, a sin was noticed behind them, which consisted in expanding the second section at the expense of the first, and this very often led to a lack of space for new applications. WITH MTP both types of files can be stored together.

Have USB Mass Storage there is one big drawback - when you create memory sections, one of them is completely at the mercy of the other device. This means that your tablet or smartphone will not have access to this section, but the computer to which the device is connected can use it in every possible way. For this reason, some applications and especially widgets placed on the SD card do not work.

Another advantage MTP is an no need to use the FAT file system for storage. This ultimately leads to faster device performance.

Installation of MTP

From the time of Windows XPMTPdevices without a gap work with... Connect yourGalaxyNexus, choose MTPas a connection type, the operating system of the computer itself finds the necessary drivers, you just need to wait a little. Moving files between smartphone and PC without any problems is ensured. But what should those users who have preferredLinux and Mac?

Mac OS

Install UDEV rule, opening rules file via terminal

sudo nano -w /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

Then enter the following line at the bottom of the file (be sure to include your username):

SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ATTR (idVendor) == "04e8", ATTR (idProduct) == "6860", MODE = "0600", OWNER = ""

Then the turn will come for:

  • sudo apt-get install mtpfs
  • sudo mkdir / media / GNexus
  • sudo chmod 775 / media / GNexus

Then you should connect Galaxy Nexus to the PC and in the same window as before, enter:

sudo mtpfs -o allow_other / media / GNexus

This will all allow you to drag and drop files using Nautilus and don't forget to enter the following command when finished:

sudo umount mtpfs


Alternatively, you can use the combination Wifi File Explorer and QuickSSHd and send files over the air.

Android from A to Z: What lies behind the abbreviation MTP, and how to properly dispose of it:
Rated 80 out of 80 based on 80 ratings.
Only 80 reviews.

If you are reading this article, then it is obvious that you are having problems transferring files over USB on your Android device. Don't worry, you are not the first person to contact us with a similar question.

Fortunately, we know of several ways to fix this problem. So, without further ado, here's what you need to do to get USB file transfer working again.

Cause of USB file transfer error

There are several reasons why you cannot transfer files over USB:

  • USB cable does not support file transfer
  • The unit is not configured to receive files via USB
  • You have installed the Samsung Kies app
  • Micro-USB port on your Android device is broken (unfortunately, I can't help you with that)

Step 1 - Enable file transfer on your Android device

This is the first thing you should do to be able to transfer files via USB to your Android device.

To enable USB file transfer, go to Settings> Storage> Click on the three vertical dots in the upper right corner of the screen> USB computer connections> Check the box next to Media device (MTP)

If you think the problem with USB file transfer is software related, try connecting your device to your computer using USB, select “Camera (PTP)” and remove it again. This helps some users.

Step 1.1 - add-on for a "clean" version of Android 6.0 Marshmallow

If you don't see the above option in the Memory section, make sure you enable USB debugging. After that, do a little trick:

  1. Disconnect the USB cable from the device.
  2. Turn on developer mode. To do this, go to Settings> About phone> tap on the build number several times until a pop-up message appears that you have become a developer.
  3. Go to Settings> Developer options.
  4. Enable USB debugging.
  5. Lock your device (lock button on the side or top panel).
  6. Connect your smartphone to your computer using a USB cable.
  7. Unlock your Android device.
  8. Swipe down to open the notification panel and tap on USB Charging.
  9. Select "File Transfer" from the pop-up window.
  10. Lock your device and unlock again.

Using this method, you will be able to transfer files via USB. For some reason, this option is not available without activating developer mode.

Step 2 - Uninstall Samsung Kies

Skip this step if you don't have Samsung Kies software installed.

Samsung's official file transfer software often interferes with USB file transfer. To uninstall Samsung Kies, you need to first download the program and then select “Uninstall”.

Step 3 - Check USB cable

Not all USB cables are created equal: some are capable of transferring files, some are not. It is recommended to use the USB cable that came with your Android device. They usually have a USB file transfer function.

If none of the methods helped to solve the problem, then try installing AirDroid. This software allows you to transfer files to Android devices without a USB cable.

It is often possible to meet situations when a user connects a mobile device to a computer via a USB cable, and the system does not recognize the device, and even gives an error message. And this, unfortunately, applies not only to the simplest phones, but also to modern tablets, smartphones and even cameras or cameras. How to identify an MTP USB device, make it visible and fully operational, it is further proposed to consider in as much detail as possible. Let's try to apply several classic methods and solutions that Internet users offer.

Windows 7 error: "MTP USB device. Refusal". General essence of the problem

I would like to note right away that the problem is that the mobile device is not defined by the operating system solely as a drive (neither the internal partition nor the removable card is visible).

Many users think that the main reason is incorrect driver operation. Yes, indeed, this situation can be observed, but only partially. Sometimes the problem may lie in the settings of the device itself or even in the parameters of the Windows registry. In addition, if the system does not have some additional components and updates designed to ensure the correct operation of connected devices of this type, the error may also appear.

Initial actions with the registry

So, before downloading the MTP USB device driver, you can take, so to speak, preventive measures using the system registry for this, since some of the installed keys may contain prohibitions on detecting mobile devices.

First of all, we call the editor (regedit in the Run menu) and go to the HKLM branch. Through the SOFTWARE section and control catalogs, navigate to the final catalog, as shown in the image above. On the right there is the UpperFilters key, which is exactly what gets in our way. We delete the entry, exit the editor and reboot the system. After that, as a rule, when the device is connected to a computer or laptop, the drivers, if they were not there, will be installed automatically, and the MTP USB device itself becomes visible in the system.

Installing or updating the driver

But it also happens that the above key is initially absent in the registry, and the devices are not identified under any pretext. What to do in such a situation?

Here, when the device is connected to the computer, go to the "Device Manager", find your device marked with a yellow triangle, and select the driver update through the PCM menu (you can also use the properties section). When the system starts to issue recommendations, you should select only compatible drivers. If this does not help, download the universal MTPPK driver on the Internet, install it yourself, or provide the system with the full path to the saved file.

Sometimes a non-working USB MTP device can be identified by selecting the hardware ID in the drop-down information list on the information tab, and then searching the Internet for a driver using the longest string containing the DEV and VEN identifiers. It goes without saying that after downloading the driver you will also have to install it yourself.

Installation of additional system components

Sometimes, even if there is a working driver, the error can occur over and over again. It is believed that this situation is largely due to the lack of special components of the operating system itself.

To fix the error, download the Windows Media Feature Pack or its missing elements from the official Microsoft website, and then install. User feedback suggests that sometimes it works.

Other troubleshooting options

Some owners of mobile equipment, after removing the above registry key, recommend disabling the mode. Sometimes it helps to set the settings using the PTP connection type (camera) instead of MTP.

Owners of Samsung smartphones and tablets claim that in order to identify an MTP USB device, it is enough to install the appropriate adapter (it is installed along with the Samsung Kies program).

Another option is allegedly to boot Windows in Safe Mode and log in with an administrator account. In this case, the drivers are installed automatically and without problems.

To identify Apple mobile technology, many users recommend using the following steps. Through the PCM on the system partition (drive "C"), the properties section and the security tab are selected, and in the groups or users menu, the presence of the "Authenticated" line with the "Read" parameter is checked.

Similar actions are performed for the Windows directory. If the specified parameter is not used, it must be added via the change options button. After restarting Windows, Apple devices will be recognized by the system.

Finally, if the system has been exposed to viruses, a full scan should be performed using portable antivirus utilities.

Android application / vnd.android.package-archive Android app

Android from A to Z: What lies behind the abbreviation MTP, and how to properly dispose of it

MTP (Media transfer Protocol) first appeared on devices with Honeycomb... The protocol is slightly different from the usual USB Mass storage (UMS), at which you turn on the USB mod and start moving files. And since MTP became a part of on, it would be nice to find out all the nuances. In the post we will try to understand as much as possible what exactly this protocol is, what is the need for it, and how to configure it to simplify file transfer.

What is MTP?

MTP is a set of custom extensions for PTP (Picture transfer protocol), which aims to transfer files and associated metadata over USB... Still here? Let's continue then.

Originally part of the structure Windows Media but in 2008 MTP has been standardized as a type USB devices, thereby becoming an established standard. If you've owned iriver or Creative MP3 players, you've probably come across MTP... If you use a digital camera, which, when connected to a PC, is automatically recognized as a device, then RTR which is essentially the same as MTP... The thing is old enough, but not for Android.

Why use MTP instead of USB Mass Storage?

The essence of use MTP is that now the manufacturers of mobile devices do not need to create two separate sections, one for applications, the other for media files. Previously, a sin was noticed behind them, which consisted in expanding the second section at the expense of the first, and this very often led to a lack of space for new applications. WITH MTP both types of files can be stored together.

Have USB Mass Storage there is one big drawback - when you create memory sections, one of them is completely at the mercy of the other device. This means that your tablet or smartphone will not have access to this section, but the computer to which the device is connected can use it in every possible way. For this reason, some applications and especially widgets placed on the SD card do not work.

Another advantage MTP is an no need to use the FAT file system for storage. This ultimately leads to faster device performance.

Installation of MTP

From the time of Windows XPMTPdevices without a gap work with... Connect yourGalaxyNexus, choose MTPas a connection type, the operating system of the computer itself finds the necessary drivers, you just need to wait a little. Moving files between smartphone and PC without any problems is ensured. But what should those users who have preferredLinux and Mac?

Mac OS

Install UDEV rule, opening rules file via terminal

sudo nano -w /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

Then enter the following line at the bottom of the file (be sure to include your username):

SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ATTR (idVendor) == "04e8", ATTR (idProduct) == "6860", MODE = "0600", OWNER = ""

Then the turn will come for:

  • sudo apt-get install mtpfs
  • sudo mkdir / media / GNexus
  • sudo chmod 775 / media / GNexus

Then you should connect Galaxy Nexus to the PC and in the same window as before, enter:

sudo mtpfs -o allow_other / media / GNexus

This will all allow you to drag and drop files using Nautilus and don't forget to enter the following command when finished:

sudo umount mtpfs


Alternatively, you can use the combination Wifi File Explorer and QuickSSHd and send files over the air.

Android from A to Z: What lies behind the abbreviation MTP, and how to properly dispose of it:
Rated 80 out of 80 based on 80 ratings.
Only 80 reviews.

Recently, the synchronization of mobile gadgets based on Android OS with standard computer systems has undergone significant changes. The new technology was based on the use of the so-called MTP Device driver when the device is directly connected to a computer or laptop via a universal USB port.

What is MTP Device?

In general, MTP (Media technology first saw the light back in 2008 on mobile gadgets with Honeycomb in OS Android Ice Cream Sandwich. At that time it was considered a part of the Windows Media package, but then was standardized as one of the main types of USB devices.

That is why now stationary operating systems, when connecting a mobile gadget, define it as an MTP Device. In fact, the development itself was not something new, since it very much resembles the PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) protocols, more precisely, it is one of its varieties in the form of additional extensions.

MTP Device Driver as an Alternative to USB Mass Storage

As for the functioning of such a system, it is probably clear that without installing a driver, it is, in principle, impossible. However, the driver works a little differently compared to the usual data exchange via USB MTP Device.

The most important difference, which is also the advantage of the new technology, is as follows. The fact is that when using a standard connection via USB Mass Storage, two sections are created (for media files and for applications separately), and one of them always depends on the other. A situation arises when a smartphone or tablet does not have access to one of the sections, but the computer perceives both. That is why a situation arises when applications installed on the SD card not only do not work, but do not even start.

In the case of using MTP Device, there are no such restrictions. In addition, there is even no need to use the FAT file system. And if earlier the redistribution of free space was due to the influence of one partition on another, in this case there is nothing like this. Simply put, previously, dragging free space on one partition led to a decrease in the size of another. Both sections now remain unchanged.

Standard driver installation in Windows

Now let's see how the standard driver installation is performed when synchronizing the device with Windows. Let's say we have a Samsung smartphone or tablet.

As a rule, usually the first time a device is connected to a computer terminal, the system displays a message in the system tray that a new device has been found (in our case, MTP Device Samsung). The system itself installs the driver necessary for synchronization without any problems, after which the data transfer can be carried out in the same way as using a regular USB connection, when both the internal storage and the external SD card are detected. Errors may, of course, appear (like "Samsung Mobile MTP Device driver is not installed"), but we will dwell on them a little later.

General guidelines for installing drivers for most Android devices

In principle, the automatic installation of the necessary drivers by the Windows operating system itself almost always works. However, you can use alternative methods related to the installation of related utilities for a smartphone or tablet.

So, for example, the same Samsung MTP Device driver is installed automatically if the latest version of the Kies application is available. Note that Samsung does not release drivers for each specific model of a mobile gadget, so there is absolutely no point in looking for them, say, for the S6 or for the Galaxy Note 2.

In this article, we will figure out how to connect Android to a computer / laptop via USB as a USB flash drive and be able to transfer information without using a classic flash drive.

This article is suitable for all brands that produce phones on Android 9/8/7/6: Samsung, HTC, Lenovo, LG, Sony, ZTE, Huawei, Meizu, Fly, Alcatel, Xiaomi, Nokia and others. We are not responsible for your actions.

Prior to Android 4.4 KitKat, it was possible to establish a USB connection as a USB flash drive. The PC saw the device as a removable disk and provided the same rights: the user could, and perform other actions.

Then, in new versions of Android, the USB mode was replaced by MTP, in which only the data transfer function remained, and the same formatting does not work.

Setting up a USB connection

To manage your computer connection via USB, you need. To do this, add the "For Developers" section to the Android settings (if it is not there):

  1. Open the settings.
  2. Go to the section "About phone" or "About device".
  3. Build number or MIUI version.
  4. Press (click) on this item until you see a message that you have become a developer (usually 7-10 clicks are enough).

After the section for developers appears in the settings, you can enable USB debugging. The item is called that, so you just need to move the slider to the "Enabled" position and confirm the permission.


Now you can connect the device to a computer via USB and select the operating mode. In the latest versions of Android, the most used are:

  • MTP - transfer of any files from computer to phone and vice versa.
  • PTP - transfer of photos, as well as transfer of files not supported in MTP mode.
  • Charging only.

Connecting in USB mass storage mode

If you can't get used to working with your media player, go back to using USB mass storage mode. For this you will need:

  • Installed program USB MASS STORAGE Enabler.

Using this method can damage system files. In this case, you will have to reflash Android.

To have Android connect to your computer as a storage device:

  1. Run USB MASS STORAGE Enabler.
  2. Grant superuser rights and agree to change how Selinux works.
  3. If the device is supported, the main menu of the application will open.
  4. Click Enable USB MASS STORAGE.


Now, when connected to a PC, the phone or tablet will appear as a storage device. To connect in MTP or PTP mode, just restart the device. After you have finished using mass storage mode, re-enter the app and unplug USB MASS STORAGE.

The Media Transfer Protocol is an official driver released by Microsoft that allows you to control the content of portable devices connected to your computer. For the most part, this software is used to be able to transfer data between a Windows computer and an Android smartphone / tablet. In fact, modern operating systems are able to "independently" pull up such software from the network, so this driver will be useful, rather, to users of older versions of Windows.


Install Media Transfer Protocol if you run into problems while trying to transfer data to or from your portable device. Also, this driver is required for some Android device managers to work. In fact, in the case of managers, Media Transfer Protocol is often installed bundled with the program itself, so a separate driver download is also not required. Well, the third "case" of using the Media Transfer Protocol is working with various "flashers" (programs designed to install new "firmware" on devices from a ROM file). Here they, more often than not, do not install the "companion" driver on their own. So here the user has to download and install the MPT driver "manually".

Additional appointment

In general, initially, Media Transfer Protocol was part of the Windows Media Device Manager 10 SDK. So it started spreading as a separate component not so long ago. Why was this component part of the Software Development Kit? In order for developers to be able to test and debug applications created for mobile platforms.

If you are reading this article, then it is obvious that you are having problems transferring files over USB on your Android device. Don't worry, you are not the first person to contact us with a similar question. TO...

Android application / vnd.android.package-archive Android app

Android from A to Z: What lies behind the abbreviation MTP, and how to properly dispose of it

MTP (Media transfer Protocol) first appeared on devices with Honeycomb... The protocol is slightly different from the usual USB Mass storage (UMS), at which you turn on the USB mod and start moving files. And since MTP became a part of on, it would be nice to find out all the nuances. In the post we will try to understand as much as possible what exactly this protocol is, what is the need for it, and how to configure it to simplify file transfer.

What is MTP?

MTP is a set of custom extensions for PTP (Picture transfer protocol), which aims to transfer files and associated metadata over USB... Still here? Let's continue then.

Originally part of the structure Windows Media but in 2008 MTP has been standardized as a type USB devices, thereby becoming an established standard. If you've owned iriver or Creative MP3 players, you've probably come across MTP... If you use a digital camera, which, when connected to a PC, is automatically recognized as a device, then RTR which is essentially the same as MTP... The thing is old enough, but not for Android.

Why use MTP instead of USB Mass Storage?

The essence of use MTP is that now the manufacturers of mobile devices do not need to create two separate sections, one for applications, the other for media files. Previously, a sin was noticed behind them, which consisted in expanding the second section at the expense of the first, and this very often led to a lack of space for new applications. WITH MTP both types of files can be stored together.

Have USB Mass Storage there is one big drawback - when you create memory sections, one of them is completely at the mercy of the other device. This means that your tablet or smartphone will not have access to this section, but the computer to which the device is connected can use it in every possible way. For this reason, some applications and especially widgets placed on the SD card do not work.

Another advantage MTP is an no need to use the FAT file system for storage. This ultimately leads to faster device performance.

Installation of MTP

From the time of Windows XPMTPdevices without a gap work with... Connect yourGalaxyNexus, choose MTPas a connection type, the operating system of the computer itself finds the necessary drivers, you just need to wait a little. Moving files between smartphone and PC without any problems is ensured. But what should those users who have preferredLinux and Mac?

Mac OS

Install UDEV rule, opening rules file via terminal

sudo nano -w /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules

Then enter the following line at the bottom of the file (be sure to include your username):

SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ATTR (idVendor) == "04e8", ATTR (idProduct) == "6860", MODE = "0600", OWNER = ""

Then the turn will come for:

  • sudo apt-get install mtpfs
  • sudo mkdir / media / GNexus
  • sudo chmod 775 / media / GNexus

Then you should connect Galaxy Nexus to the PC and in the same window as before, enter:

sudo mtpfs -o allow_other / media / GNexus

This will all allow you to drag and drop files using Nautilus and don't forget to enter the following command when finished:

sudo umount mtpfs


Alternatively, you can use the combination Wifi File Explorer and QuickSSHd and send files over the air.

Android from A to Z: What lies behind the abbreviation MTP, and how to properly dispose of it:
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Recently, the synchronization of mobile gadgets based on Android OS with standard computer systems has undergone significant changes. The new technology was based on the use of the so-called MTP Device driver when the device is directly connected to a computer or laptop via a universal USB port.

What is MTP Device?

In general, MTP (Media technology first saw the light back in 2008 on mobile gadgets with Honeycomb in OS Android Ice Cream Sandwich. At that time it was considered a part of the Windows Media package, but then was standardized as one of the main types of USB devices.

That is why now stationary operating systems, when connecting a mobile gadget, define it as an MTP Device. In fact, the development itself was not something new, since it very much resembles the PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) protocols, more precisely, it is one of its varieties in the form of additional extensions.

MTP Device Driver as an Alternative to USB Mass Storage

As for the functioning of such a system, it is probably clear that without installing a driver, it is, in principle, impossible. However, the driver works a little differently compared to the usual data exchange via USB MTP Device.

The most important difference, which is also the advantage of the new technology, is as follows. The fact is that when using a standard connection via USB Mass Storage, two sections are created (for media files and for applications separately), and one of them always depends on the other. A situation arises when a smartphone or tablet does not have access to one of the sections, but the computer perceives both. That is why a situation arises when applications installed on the SD card not only do not work, but do not even start.

In the case of using MTP Device, there are no such restrictions. In addition, there is even no need to use the FAT file system. And if earlier the redistribution of free space was due to the influence of one partition on another, in this case there is nothing like this. Simply put, previously, dragging free space on one partition led to a decrease in the size of another. Both sections now remain unchanged.

Standard driver installation in Windows

Now let's see how the standard driver installation is performed when synchronizing the device with Windows. Let's say we have a Samsung smartphone or tablet.

As a rule, usually the first time a device is connected to a computer terminal, the system displays a message in the system tray that a new device has been found (in our case, MTP Device Samsung). The system itself installs the driver necessary for synchronization without any problems, after which the data transfer can be carried out in the same way as using a regular USB connection, when both the internal storage and the external SD card are detected. Errors may, of course, appear (like "Samsung Mobile MTP Device driver is not installed"), but we will dwell on them a little later.

General guidelines for installing drivers for most Android devices

In principle, the automatic installation of the necessary drivers by the Windows operating system itself almost always works. However, you can use alternative methods related to the installation of related utilities for a smartphone or tablet.

So, for example, the same Samsung MTP Device driver is installed automatically if the latest version of the Kies application is available. Note that Samsung does not release drivers for each specific model of a mobile gadget, so there is absolutely no point in looking for them, say, for the S6 or for the Galaxy Note 2.

It is often possible to meet situations when a user connects a mobile device to a computer via a USB cable, and the system does not recognize the device, and even gives an error message. And this, unfortunately, applies not only to the simplest phones, but also to modern tablets, smartphones and even cameras or cameras. How to identify an MTP USB device, make it visible and fully operational, it is further proposed to consider in as much detail as possible. Let's try to apply several classic methods and solutions that Internet users offer.

Windows 7 error: "MTP USB device. Refusal". General essence of the problem

I would like to note right away that the problem is that the mobile device is not defined by the operating system solely as a drive (neither the internal partition nor the removable card is visible).

Many users think that the root cause is the MTP USB device driver not working properly. Yes, indeed, such a situation can be observed, but only in part. Sometimes the problem may lie in the settings of the device itself or even in the parameters of the Windows registry. In addition, if the system does not have some additional components and updates designed to ensure the correct operation of connected devices of this type, the error may also appear.

Initial actions with the registry

So, before downloading the driver, you can take, so to speak, preventive measures using the system registry for this, since some of the installed keys may contain prohibitions on identifying mobile devices.

First of all, we call the editor (regedit in the Run menu) and go to the HKLM branch. Through the SOFTWARE section and control catalogs, navigate to the final catalog, as shown in the image above. On the right there is the UpperFilters key, which is exactly what gets in our way. We delete the entry, exit the editor and reboot the system. After that, as a rule, when the device is connected to a computer or laptop, the drivers, if they were not there, will be installed automatically, and the MTP USB device itself becomes visible in the system.

Installing or updating the driver

But it also happens that the above key is initially absent in the registry, and the devices are not identified under any pretext. What to do in such a situation?

Here, when the device is connected to the computer, go to the "Device Manager", find your device marked with a yellow triangle, and select the driver update through the PCM menu (you can also use the properties section). When the system starts to issue recommendations, you should select only compatible drivers. If this does not help, download the universal MTPPK driver on the Internet, install it yourself, or provide the system with the full path to the saved file.

Sometimes a non-working USB MTP device can be identified by selecting the hardware ID in the drop-down information list on the information tab, and then searching the Internet for a driver using the longest string containing the DEV and VEN identifiers. It goes without saying that after downloading the driver you will also have to install it yourself.

Installation of additional system components

Sometimes, even if there is a working driver, the error can occur over and over again. It is believed that this situation is largely due to the lack of special components of the operating system itself.

To fix the error, download the Windows Media Feature Pack or its missing elements from the official Microsoft website, and then install. User feedback suggests that sometimes it works.

Other troubleshooting options

Some owners of mobile equipment, after removing the above registry key, recommend disabling the mode. Sometimes it helps to set the settings using the PTP connection type (camera) instead of MTP.

Owners of Samsung smartphones and tablets claim that in order to identify an MTP USB device, it is enough to install the appropriate adapter (it is installed along with the Samsung Kies program).

Another option is allegedly to boot Windows in Safe Mode and log in with an administrator account. In this case, the drivers are installed automatically and without problems.

To identify Apple mobile technology, many users recommend using the following steps. Through the PCM on the system partition (drive "C"), the properties section and the security tab are selected, and in the groups or users menu, the presence of the "Authenticated" line with the "Read" parameter is checked.

Similar actions are performed for the Windows directory. If the specified parameter is not used, it must be added via the change options button. After restarting Windows, Apple devices will be recognized by the system.

Finally, if the system has been exposed to viruses, a full scan should be performed using portable antivirus utilities.

Recently, the synchronization of mobile gadgets based on Android OS with standard computer systems has undergone significant changes. The new technology was based on the use of the so-called MTP Device driver when the device is directly connected to a computer or laptop via a universal USB port.

What is MTP Device?

In general, MTP (Media technology first saw the light back in 2008 on mobile gadgets with Honeycomb in OS Android Ice Cream Sandwich. At that time it was considered a part of the Windows Media package, but then was standardized as one of the main types of USB devices.

That is why now stationary operating systems, when connecting a mobile gadget, define it as an MTP Device. In fact, the development itself was not something new, since it very much resembles the PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol) protocols, more precisely, it is one of its varieties in the form of additional extensions.

MTP Device Driver as an Alternative to USB Mass Storage

As for the functioning of such a system, it is probably clear that without installing a driver, it is, in principle, impossible. However, it works a little differently compared to normal communication via a driver.

The most important difference, which is also the advantage of the new technology, is as follows. The fact is that when using a standard connection via USB Mass Storage, two sections are created (for media files and for applications separately), and one of them always depends on the other. A situation arises when a smartphone or tablet does not have access to one of the sections, but the computer perceives both. That is why a situation arises when applications installed on the SD card not only do not work, but do not even start.

In the case of using MTP Device, there are no such restrictions. In addition, there is even no need to use the FAT file system. And if earlier the redistribution of free space was due to the influence of one partition on another, in this case there is nothing like this. Simply put, previously, dragging free space on one partition led to a decrease in the size of another. Both sections now remain unchanged.

Standard driver installation in Windows

Now let's see how the standard driver installation is performed when synchronizing the device with Windows. Let's say we have a Samsung smartphone or tablet.

As a rule, usually the first time a device is connected to a computer terminal, the system displays a message in the system tray that a new device has been found (in our case, MTP Device Samsung). The system itself installs the driver necessary for synchronization without any problems, after which the data transfer can be carried out in the same way as using a regular USB connection, when both the internal storage and the external SD card are detected. Errors may, of course, appear (like "Samsung Mobile MTP Device driver is not installed"), but we will dwell on them a little later.

General guidelines for installing drivers for most Android devices

In principle, the automatic installation of the necessary drivers by the Windows operating system itself almost always works. However, you can use alternative methods related to the installation of related utilities for a smartphone or tablet.

So, for example, the same Samsung MTP Device driver is installed automatically if the latest version of the Kies application is available. Note that Samsung does not release drivers for each specific model of a mobile gadget, so there is absolutely no point in looking for them, say, for the S6 or for the Galaxy Note 2.

For HTC smartphones, you need to use specialized software called HTC Sync Manager (sometimes you may need to install firmware via FastBoot mode). For LG, you can find a driver on the manufacturer's official website specifically for a specific model. For Nexus, you need to use the ADB RUN utility and install the driver from the standard Device Manager. In the case of using Sony gadgets, there are two options: installing Sony PC Suite or using FlashTool drivers. In principle, there is no difference, but you need to remember that these are two mutually exclusive programs - when installing one, the other must first be removed.

Use in Mac OS

The use of devices classified as MTP Device when synchronizing with stationary "Macs" or "Apple" laptops is not much different from its counterpart in Windows.

Unless, for complete confidence, you can additionally install the Android File Transfer application, that's all. Otherwise, there shouldn't be any problems.

Installation on Linux (Ubuntu)

In Linux systems, due to their specificity, the installation of MTP Device drivers looks a little more complicated. As an example, consider this process when installing the driver for the Nexus.

So, we use the command window, in which we first write sudo nano -w /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules (installing UDEV rules). Then we enter the command SUBSYSTEM == "usb", ATTR (idVendor) == "04e8", ATTR (idProduct) == "6860", MODE = "0600", OWNER = "<Имя пользователя>", after which we sequentially execute the lines sudo apt-get install mtpfs, sudo mkdir / media / GNexus and sudo chmod 775 / media / GNexus.

Next, connect the gadget to your computer and enter sudo mtpfs -o allow_other / media / GNexus. All, now, using Nutilus, you can start moving any files and folders. Yes, the most important thing. When all operations are complete, do not forget to use the final sudo umount mtpfs command.

Possible errors and methods of their elimination

Unfortunately, errors cannot be ruled out either. In most cases, this only applies to Windows operating systems. Let's try to consider the most common failures and the simplest methods of eliminating them.

First of all, it is worth checking if the accompanying utilities are up to date. When using them, it is advisable to download the latest distribution from the manufacturer's website.

If the driver for MTP Device still does not work, you can try reinstalling it manually. To do this, go to the "Device Manager". In theory, if the driver is not installed or the device itself is not working properly, it will be marked with a yellow icon. Everything is simple here. You need to find the driver update button in the properties, and then select only compatible devices from the list. If this does not help, you will have to remove it, and then reinstall it in automatic mode. If this does not work either, you will have to tell the system the place where the installation distribution containing the necessary information is stored.

Sometimes, however, it doesn't help either. There can be any number of reasons. In some cases, installing the most recent version of Windows Media Player on your system can help. You will probably just have to check the system partition of the hard disk for errors, but you never know what could be. It also happens that this type of errors or failures can be produced by the "native" media player itself (unfortunately, this option is not excluded). In this situation, if you are using versions of Windows in the form of "seven" and higher, you can try to simply disable the multimedia components in the Programs section of the "Control Panel".

As it is already clear, the reasons for such failures simply cannot be counted. Therefore, you will have to move from the simplest methods of solving the problem to more complex or even cardinal ones, taking into account the specifics of the cause in each specific case and for each specific device.

However, as practice shows, one of the universal solutions can be the use of the system registry. Here you need to find the UpperFilters key in the main section HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE through sequential movement through the tree (System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Class) and delete it. This will not affect the performance of the operating system, but the connection will work as expected. Immediately, we note that in most cases this method can be used for gadgets from Samsung.


That, in principle, is, in short, everything related to the main issues related to the use of a connection using MTP technology. As you can see, you don't have to strain too hard to install the driver, except in Linux. Major errors can be easily eliminated, but for each case it is advisable to find out the root cause before taking any drastic action, such as deleting registry keys. But in most cases, there should be no failures, especially if you install the latest versions of additional software for your gadget.

In any case, you can simply refer to the official Internet resources of manufacturers of mobile equipment. Surely there is a help section describing these types of problems. Perhaps the problem is not even in Windows, but, for example, in the device's firmware or disabled functions and settings.

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