Incorrect number of unread messages in Outlook. Incorrect number of unread messages in Outlook No unread messages universal

Incorrect number of unread messages in Outlook. Incorrect number of unread messages in Outlook No unread messages universal


Good afternoon. In this article, we will learn how to determine the number of unread and find out if the message has been read by the interlocutor or not.

Unread messages on VKontakte are those that were sent by one participant in the dialogue, but were not viewed by the interlocutor. Any unread messages on the social network are stored indefinitely until the interlocutor looks. Below we will find out what actions you can perform with them.

How to find out the number of unread messages

In order to find out if you have any unread dialogues at all, it is enough. If in side menu opposite the item "Messages" there are any numbers - it means you have unread dialogues.

It is worth remembering that the number in the side menu opposite the "Messages" item shows the number of unread dialogs, not messages. If three people have written to you, each with five messages, then the number 3 will be displayed, not 15 (3x5).

The screenshot below shows that only one dialogue has not been read.

If you go to the list of dialogs, you can see that fresh unread dialogues are always located at the top, have a pale blue background and a counter unread messages... The screenshot shows that there is only one unread dialog with three messages.

It also happens that a person could forget to read some correspondence, but at that time he was actively communicating with other people, and then dialogues with unread content could go down in the list. Then you can quickly find out the number of unread dialogues in the corresponding menu item in the "Messages" section. To do this, go to the page with the list of dialogs and select the "Unread" item. Then only unread dialogs will open in the list.

How to find out if your message has been read in VK

Imagine that you wrote a message to the interlocutor who was offline. How do you know if the other person has read your message? If you are viewing correspondence from a computer, then unread messages can be identified by the background color - it is pale blue. For those read, the background turns white.

Also, in the list of dialogs, the background of the unread message will not be white, but pale blue.

If you are watching the correspondence from the phone, then the unread ones are displayed in a blue circle.

Leave a message unread

The unread mark is removed from a message after you open a dialog with such a message. Hence the simple conclusion - to leave a message unread, just do not open this dialog. Sometimes it can be useful to be left behind by an annoying interlocutor with whom you do not want to communicate. He will see that you are not reading messages from him, and may stop texting you.

How to delete an unread message

Sometimes users ask this question as well. But if you open a dialog to delete a message, then it will be automatically read. In order to delete a message without reading it, you need to delete the entire conversation history. A somewhat crude method, but there is no other way.

Sometimes in older versions of VK for a smartphone, dialogs were marked as unread even after all messages in the correspondence had been viewed. It's just an app glitch. As a rule, in this case, you need to view the dialog and restart the application. If this does not help, then you need to restart the phone. Usually these two methods solve the problem 99% of the time :)

Each of us is familiar with the following circumstances: we have read the message, but we do not want or cannot respond to it immediately. And our interlocutor sees that the message has been read, but there is no answer. An awkward situation, huh? Fortunately, it can be avoided.

How to discreetly read messages in any services

The most obvious option is to view new messages right in the notification bar mobile device without opening the dialogue itself. Thus, you can read at least short remarks of your interlocutors.

On iOS, swiping left over a message in the panel and tapping View will reveal even more text that might not fit in the preview. Many Android devices offer a similar feature. But if the message is very long, then you cannot read it to the end with the help of the panel.

There is another universal, but not the most convenient way... When you receive a message, you simply disconnect and read the dialog in the corresponding program. The interlocutor will not know about reading until you connect the gadget to the Network. This is the only way to secretly view the text of the message, for example, in Instagram Direct, and many other applications, in the settings of which you cannot disable the read report.

Now let's look at the options designed for specific programs and services.

How to discreetly read messages in iMessages

The developers allow you to hide the fact of reading with the help of settings. If you are using an iPhone or iPad, go to Settings → Messages and turn the toggle next to Read Receipt to colorless. After that, the interlocutors will not see whether you read their messages or not.

To disable read receipts for, go to "Messages" → "Settings" → "Accounts" and uncheck the box next to the item "Read report".

How to discreetly read Facebook messages

Officially, this option is not provided. But there are solutions from third-party developers.

If you are using a browser Google chrome then download Unseen for Facebook. After installation, it will automatically hide the read status from your interlocutors.

If you prefer Firefox, there is a similar plugin for this browser - Message Seen Disable for Facebook.

Unfortunately in mobile version hiding the read status is not yet possible. So, if you need to ignore someone, you have to use it on the computer.

How to discreetly read WhatsApp messages

For this purpose, there is a special option in the settings of the WhatsApp mobile application. Open the section "Settings" → "Account" (" Account") →" Privacy "(" Confidentiality ") and turn off the toggle switch" Read reports ". After that, the messenger will stop marking messages with blue checkmarks.

This setting is not available on the desktop version of WhatsApp. But if you use it in mobile application, then the changes will take effect on the computer as well.

How to discreetly read messages on Viber

In this popular messenger, you can also turn off viewing reports right in the official mobile client. To do this, go to the "Settings" → "Privacy" menu and turn off the "Viewed" option.

This setting is not available on desktop Viber. But if you use it in a mobile application, then the changes will take effect on the computer as well.

How to discreetly read messages on VKontakte

There are no standard functions for this. But you can try workarounds.

An alternative VKontakte client Kate Mobile is available to Android users. If you enter it using your account and click "Settings" → "Online" → "Close unread", then the program will hide the status of messages. Unfortunately, I could not find a client for iOS with the same functionality.

There is also a way to secretly read messages on the web version of VKontakte. You can use the link, specifying the digits of the current date in the format DDMMYYYY instead of Xs: for example, 19032018. A window with messages will open, in which you can read them unnoticed by the senders. But keep in mind that developers can close this loophole at any time.

How to discreetly read messages in Outlook

You can turn off browsing reports in Outlook for the web. Go to "Options" → "Mail" → "Message processing" → "Read receipts" and check the item "Never send notifications". The changes will persist for all Outlook clients.

Shows in parentheses the number of unread messages, but when you click "Unread" there are none. It's hard to say why this issue has been traveling from version to version since Office 97, but it is by no means new. Take your time to reinstall programs or take your computer to the service. You can handle this problem yourself!

In the case of Office 2013/2016, the solution to the problem is as follows:

Method 1:

  1. In the "Inbox" enter "Read: no" in the search bar (for the English interface "Read: no") and press Enter
  2. Click Search All Items, Search Server
  3. In the results you will see a letter or letters:

As you can see from the screenshot, the letter immediately became read. It turned out to be a draft of the letter, which somehow ended up in the Inbox folder, so it was impossible to see it among the list of letters.

Method 2:

Select "Search Folders" in the folder pane. Click "Create Search Folder ..." in the context menu.

In the window that opens, select the preset type of search folder "Unread letters" and specify in which account to search.

Click "OK" and all unread messages should be displayed in the created search folder.

P.S .: Search folders are useful for those who use a hierarchy of folders for inboxes, separating emails according to different criteria. For example, you can create a search folder that displays incoming (received) emails for the last week or month (s) or year. Thus, letters in different folders will be displayed in the general sequence of receipt.

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