Instructions for activating an iPhone. How to activate and set up a new iPhone

Instructions for activating an iPhone. How to activate and set up a new iPhone


Articles and Life Hacks

If, after purchasing a mobile phone, you are faced with difficulties in how to turn on the iPhone 4s, then you should not immediately panic. But even those people who are well versed in gadgets may not understand the process of turning on the device of this model.

Phone activation algorithm

Most often, the mobile phone is turned on and off with the Power button. But not always after that the device begins to fully function, therefore:
  1. After purchasing the device, remove it from the box along with the supplied cable.
  2. Turn on the PC, download the aytyuns application to it.
  3. Insert a SIM card into the mobile phone, turn it on by pressing Power, connect the phone to the computer.
  4. Most often, aytyuns starts itself when the phone is additionally connected to a PC. If this does not happen, then start the application manually. The program will prompt you to activate your mobile phone, agree.
  5. Wait for a while until activation occurs. Until this happens, the mobile phone will be in standby mode.
  6. After the end of activation, try to make a test call. If you managed to do this, then now you can use all the functions of the gadget.

Algorithm for turning on the phone

If the mobile phone is activated, then follow these steps:
  1. Insert your SIM card into your mobile phone, click on Power.
  2. Choose the language of the menu and phone.
  3. An inscription will appear on the screen of your mobile phone whether you allow the device to determine your location. In the future, this function will be needed for maps, use in various social networks.
  4. After that, the phone will ask you to make a Wi-Fi connection. This step you can skip or activate later.

    You will need the Internet to send a message about the successful activation of the device, being in various online services. Also you can connect internet using 3g.

After all these steps, you can use your mobile phone the way you want. Make calls, send messages, visit social networks.

And remember, the device must be charged in a timely manner, so that at an unexpected moment it is not left without communication.

After purchasing a fresh iPhone, iPod or iPad, or simply performing a hard reset, for example, to fix problems with the device, the user needs to perform the so-called activation procedure, which allows you to configure the device for further use. Today we will look at how device activation can be performed through iTunes.

Activation via iTunes, that is, using a computer with this program installed on it, is performed by the user in the event that the device cannot be connected to a Wi-Fi network or use a cellular connection to access the Internet. Below we will take a closer look at the procedure for activating an apple device using the popular iTunes media combine.

How do I activate an iPhone through iTunes?

1. Insert the sim card into your smartphone and then turn it on. If you have an iPod or iPad, start the device right away. If you have an iPhone, then you won't be able to activate the gadget without a SIM card, so be sure to take this into account.

2. Swipe to continue. You will need to set your language and country.

3. You will be prompted to connect to a Wi-Fi network or use a cellular network to activate the device. In this case, neither one nor that suits us, so we immediately launch iTunes on the computer and connect the device to the computer using a USB cable (it is very important that the cable is original).

4. When iTunes detects the device, in the upper left pane of the window, click on its miniature icon to go to the control menu.

5. Following on the screen, two scenarios can develop. If the device is tied to its account Apple ID, you will need to enter the address to activate it email and the password from the identifier linked to the smartphone. If you are setting up a new iPhone, then this message cannot be, which means, go straight to the next step.

6. iTunes will ask what needs to be done with the iPhone: set up as new or restore from backup... If you already have a suitable backup on your computer or iCloud, select it and click the button "Continue" to have iTunes proceed to activating the device and restoring information.

7. The iTunes screen will reflect the progress of the activation and restore process. Wait until the end of this procedure and do not in any case disconnect the device from the computer.

8. Once the activation and restoration from the backup is complete, the iPhone will reboot, and after the restart, the device will be ready for the final configuration, which includes setting up geolocation, enabling Touch ID, setting a digital password, and so on.

In general, at this stage, the activation of the iPhone through iTunes can be considered complete, which means that you can safely disconnect your device from the computer and start using it.

Any of the Apple tablets and smartphones when first turned on, you need activate... Beginners and iPad users are not aware that the activation procedure is quite simple - they are willing to pay sellers to take the right steps.

Apple's initial setup service is one of the most expensive; in different salons consultants charge from 500 to 1,000 rubles for activation. This article will show you how to properly set up your iPhone when you turn it on for the first time. by yourself, and will relieve the user of the need to enrich communication salons.

Before you start setting up your Apple device for the first time, you need to take the following steps:

  • Recharge your device. It is necessary that the battery of the gadget is at least 30% full.
  • Insert the SIM card into the tray using a special needle. Without a SIM, it was possible to activate gadgets with a pre-installed "operating system" iOS lower than the 7th version - by making an emergency call to 112. New operating system iOS 10 does not provide this feature.
  • Connect your smartphone to Wi-Fi or mobile internet. If 3G (or LTE) appears next to the network signal indicator and the name of the operator, you can do without Wai-Fai. If there is an EDGE signal (letter E), you will have to connect to the router.
  • Download and install the latest version of iTunes on your PC. You can find the program here - If the user does not have access to a Wi-Fi network and does not have an unlimited SIM card, he is able to make the initial setup via a PC / laptop with iTunes and wired Internet installed.

After completing all the above steps, you can proceed directly to the activation of the iPhone.

How do I set up my iPhone for the first time?

You need to activate the Apple gadget as follows:

Step 1... Turn on the device by holding the "Power" button for 2-3 seconds. The Apple logo appears on the screen first, followed by a greeting in different languages \u200b\u200b(“Hello,” “Hello,” and so on).

You don't need to be afraid of hieroglyphs at this stage - if the greeting is in Chinese, this does not mean that the iPhone is fake.

Step 2... Swipe from left to right across the bottom of the display and on the next screen select Russian from the list of available languages.

Step 4... Select available wi-Fi network and connect to it.

If there is no network in the list that you would like to use for activation, add it - click the "Select another network" button and enter the SSID.

If you want to use the mobile Internet for the initial setup, click on the button " Use cellular»Located just below the list of networks.

Step 5... Enable / disable location services. Many of the iPhone applications are geolocation-related - if you abandon it, you will not be able to use the navigator, for example. On the other hand, geolocation consumes a lot of energy - therefore it is still recommended to turn it off during activation (“ Disable»).

Whatever decision you make at this stage, it will not be fatal. Location services can be activated or deactivated at any time.

Step 6... The iPhone will offer to create an Apple ID or log in with an existing account.

Click on the " Skip this step"And then confirm your decision by clicking" Skip».

Step 7... Accept Apple's Terms of Service - Click I accept". You can familiarize yourself with them in advance, but it will not bring you much benefit - there is nothing remarkable and interesting in the text.

Step 8... If you own an iPhone 5S or later, the device will prompt you to set up Touch ID - fingerprint sensor. At this stage, you have 2 options: “ Tune"And" Configure later».

It is clear that by choosing the first option, you agree to customize immediately, and preferring the second - postpone the procedure. It is recommended to set up Touch ID on first activation. It will not take much time and effort - the user needs to put his index or thumb several times on the button “ Home". You can be sure of the correct completion of the procedure if the message “ Successfully» (« Success»).


Step 9... Create a numeric password. This code will unlock the device if, for any reason, Touch ID is unable to recognize the fingerprint. Enter 4 digits that you remember exactly, twice.

You can leave the creation of the security code "for later" - to do this, click on the button " Don't add password».

Step 10... At the final stage, you have to make a choice whether you want the error data to be sent to apple... The manufacturer recommends choosing the option " Submit automatically"- according to representatives of the" apple "company, the reverse information allows you to create more perfect products.

Information that "goes" to Apple includes geodata... In fact, this means that the manufacturer will know where and when you were.

This completes the initial setup of the iPhone. The welcome message “ Welcome!».

Click " Get started"And start exploring the new apparatus!

Common iPhone activation problems and solutions

Most often, problems occur when activating an iPhone because of the sim card... If the user sees on the screen the inscription “ Activation Error», He needs to make sure that the SIM card is working.


To do this, just move the card to another phone and see if the network is detected.

If the SIM is OK, you should try to fix the error as follows: by pressing the " Home"Call the bottom menu and click on" Start over". This will take you not the first page of settings - try to activate anew... You may have to do this procedure 6-7 times in order to get rid of " Activation Error».

During the initial setup, you may encounter another error - “ Could Not Activate iPhone ".


The reason for this error is the high load on the Apple server. It is best to wait 2 - 3 minutes and try to activate again. If it doesn't work out, you should change the way the gadget connects to the Internet - for example, use 3G instead of Wi-Fi. You can also write a complaint to Apple Support, but it will take several days to wait for a response from the company's specialists.

Finally, the third common problem is that beginners cannot set up Touch ID - the sensor simply does not respond to touch with a finger. The solution to this problem lies on the surface - it is necessary to remove the factory film from the front of the device... The desire to protect the new iPhone from scratches is commendable, but you need to use a special film for this, and not the one that comes with the kit.

How to set up an iPhone like new?

The need to set up a used iPhone like Newoccurs when the device starts to freeze and slow down. The memory of the gadget gets clogged - this leads to slow and unstable operation of the device. To quickly get rid of "garbage" in memory will help full reset IPhone. It is not worth worrying about the fact that as a result of the reset all user data will be deleted - you can pre-“pack” valuable information into a backup copy.

Correctly configure the "apple" device like new you need it like this:

Step 1... Check if Apple offers you to update the "operating system" of the gadget. To do this, follow the path " Settings» — « The main» — « Software Update". If you see that under the iOS version it says “ Latest software installed», Follow the next steps.

If there are updates available, install latest version iOS

On an iPhone with a jailbreak, you can update the operating system only through iTunes.

Step 3... Disable the iMessage service and the " Find iPhone". The messenger is deactivated in the section " Posts" in " Settings". To disable " Find iPhone"You need to go to the section" iCloud».

Step 4... Start cleaning your device. Follow the path " Settings» — « The main» — « Reset". In the last subsection you will find the item " Erase content and settings"- and you need it.

Click on this item and enter the security password.

Then confirm that you want to erase the iPhone - click on the corresponding button.

Then wait for the completion of the gadget cleaning procedure. If at the end of the procedure a welcome message appears on the screen, then you did everything right. Set up your iPhone following the instructions in this article, and then. By such manipulations, you can significantly increase the speed of the gadget without losing any important information.


When you set up your iPhone for the first time, it takes the most time to open an Apple ID account. Another tricky step before was registering with Game Center - but this app is no longer in iOS 10. You can go through all the other stages of activating the iPhone in 5 minutes - they are simple and do not require programming skills from the user. For this reason, paying for the initial setup of an Apple gadget with the money that consultants ask for is completely unreasonable.

Today we will be the first time turn on and activate our iPhone, in my case it's the iPhone 5S. I will tell you in detail how this is done, as well as point out the errors and problems that I encountered while activating my iPhone.

Preparing to activate iPhone

Before we start the first turn-on, we need to prepare in advance so that the process goes smoothly and without errors.

What we need:

  1. At least 20-30% charge.
  2. Internet access via Wi-Fi or via PC / Laptop with the latest version of iTunes and internet connected.
  3. Nano sim card.

If your device is completely discharged, take USB cable and connect it to a computer or electrical network using the adapter that comes with the kit.

if you have Wi-Fithen check that it is available and you have Internet access.

If not, then you will need your computer or laptop, which will be connected to the Internet. You need to download and install on it (your computer) the latest version of the application iTunes from the official site, link:

After the preparatory steps, you can begin activation.

IPhone Activation

We will activate the iPhone with a SIM card, and accordingly the activation will consist of the following steps:

  • Inclusion
  • Basic settings
  • Computer connection and activation
  • First start

IMPORTANT! If your phone is locked, then for activation you need a SIM card of the operator to which it is locked!

Turning on the device

In order to turn on the device, you must press and hold the button for a few seconds "Inclusions"located on the top of the device. See the photo below.

If everything is done correctly, a silver apple will appear on the iPhone screen, which means you can proceed to the next step.

Basic iPhone settings

After turning on the device, you will see a welcome message in various languages \u200b\u200bon the screen. Now, with a slight movement of your finger, from left to right, we swipe along the bottom of the screen.

Then we select the language we need, it can be any from the list.

In the next step, choose your country.

If you have Wi-Fi, then select it from the list and enter the password. For those who do not have it, you will need activation via iTunes on your PC.

Connecting the phone to the computer and continuing the activation

We will need our USB cable and computer / laptop (PC)... We connect the cable to the iPhone, and then to your PC.

After that, on the screen of your phone, you should see a picture as in the photo below:

The first thing to do after connecting is to enable or disable. They are required to use GPS, Google maps etc. You can enable them now or later, after installation. I decided to turn them on right away.

In the next step, we select the item "Set the phone as new", since this is our first inclusion and we have nothing to restore yet.

For iPhone 5S owners, there is one item that can be completed immediately or postponed until later. I decided to do it right away, if you too, then click on "Set Up Now"

Now we need to press and release the button several times (about 10-20) "home"as shown on the screen of your smartphone. If you did everything correctly, you will see a picture and a message like mine in the photo below.

Since we have installed a fingerprint, it means you need to set a password. After all, we will not always have the opportunity to film it. For example, you can be wearing gloves or with a dirty finger you need, you never know. Therefore, for convenience, there is a digital combination, which must also be set and memorized.

The next and last step is "diagnostics", i.e. you need to decide whether or not to allow the phone to send data to Apple servers. It can be both error data and some others. I decided not to do this, and accordingly I chose "Don't Send" (do not send).

After that, you will see the long-awaited greeting on your screen! This means that you have successfully installed and activated your iPhone! Congratulations!

If something did not work out for you, then I advise you to take a look at the problems that arose during my first launch, as well as watch the video where I told everything in detail.

IPhone Activation Problems and Solutions

I will describe the problems that I encountered when activating my IPhone 5S, as well as their solutions.

  1. If you do not remove the factory film from the phone, then it is almost impossible to press the “Home” button (round, on the front, bottom of the phone). Therefore, when the phone was automatically locked, you had to press the power button (on top of the phone).
  2. Due to the lack of Wi-Fi, a computer was needed.
  3. Since I had an old version of iTunes, I was unable to connect my phone to my computer. I had to first download and update it to the latest version.
  4. To update iTunes, it must be closed, otherwise it will not update, but will give an update error.
  5. To remove a fingerprint, you need to remove the factory film, otherwise nothing will work, since the sensor does not recognize it from under the film.

These are the problems I encountered during the stage of my activation and the first launch, I hope my experience will allow you to avoid them.

I also advise you to look at the "Apple support" page, there are already many answers to problems with activation, link:\u003dru_GB&locale\u003dru_GB.

IPhone Activation Tutorial

You can leave your questions and comments in the comments below.

The genius of some people is simply impossible to deny. What is Jobs, who asked new standard to the whole world in terms of mobile devices... For a whole decade, no manufacturer has been able to deviate from the established canons. But all reflections on greatness and genius disappear when the iPhone 5s does not turn on, what to do in such a situation is unclear and commercial geniuses are in no hurry to explain.

Why does iPhone break?

No device can work without failures. More precisely, not a single high-tech device can never fail over the entire period of operation:

  • iPhone is smartphoneassembled from dozens of different components.
  • Each part of the iPhone, in itself, is a small miracle and the result of scientific and technological progress.
  • All these components are interconnected thanks to rather fragile loops that have the ability to fail at the most inopportune moment.
  • It is impossible to exclude the "human factor", not every user can boast of careful handling of fashionable gadgets.

In such conditions, sooner or later the phone will stop giving "signs of life", there will be problems with the sensor or some services. This is inevitable, you should prepare yourself for such a turn in advance. Sorting out and looking for the culprits in this case is not the most reasonable decision, it is better to try to fix the situation yourself.

Repair of equipment on your own

Official dealers always advise to carry products to service centers and do not try to fix the damage yourself:

  1. This is beneficial to the manufacturer from a commercial point of view. You can get a good bill for fixing any, even the most insignificant malfunction.
  2. It is convenient for diagnostics. It is much easier to try to restore a device when you know for sure that no one has delved into it before you and did not perform any manipulations.
  3. This is sometimes simply not acceptable to the user. The device is necessary for the user after a couple of hours in working form, and in service center advise to come in 3-4 days.
  4. This can hit a decent budget. Even minor, but regular breakdowns outside the warranty period will cost a pretty penny.

And it's not just about iPhones, or even about phones in general. The manufacturer is really interested in the minimum number of breakdowns and malfunctions in the products sold. But even more corporations wish that with all the difficulties that have arisen, the user turns to them for help, and does not solve them on their own.

The iPhone turned off and won't turn on: what to do?

If iPhone refuses to turn on:

  • Simultaneously hold down two buttons - "Home" and "Power". Sometimes this action already helps to achieve the desired effect.
  • Press the buttons and hold them in this state a little longer. Even after half a minute you shouldn't despair, the phone may still start showing signs of life.
  • Put the device on charging, you may not have noticed how the battery totally sat down.
  • Let it charge for 15 minutes, even if the battery was almost full recently. If you only knew how lithium batteries suffer in the cold.
  • "Click" the sound switch a couple of times. From the point of view of theory, this should in no way affect the performance of the smartphone. But in practice, such a manipulation sometimes really helps to launch an already hopelessly "extinct" device.
  • Launch iTunes on your PC and connect the cable from the iPhone. Press "Home" on the phone while connecting. This is an option to quickly restore your smartphone, just click the "Restore" button on the screen.

All these methods of checking the health of the phone will not take more than a minute. What's even more interesting, they will not harm the device itself. Just think, no one opens the case, the "inside" of the iPhone does not climb. If you cannot start the phone on your own, you can safely contact the service center.

What to do if the iPhone falls and won't turn on?

Mechanical damage is a separate topic:

  1. Malfunctions resulting from a fall or other physical impact are always more difficult to fix.
  2. Any problem is related to the destruction or serious damage to part of the iPhone.
  3. Most likely, you will not be able to do without seeking help from specialists.
  4. The problem may not be due to damage to the part itself, but to the loop that connects it to all other components.

If you have already "opened" your iPhone, this experience can be repeated again:

  • Examine the contents carefully.
  • Look for cracks, impact marks, or crushing marks.
  • Examine all loops, correct them if necessary.
  • Check out.

Sometimes this is enough for the phone to work again. If you do not understand anything in electronics, have never seen microcircuits and do not know which side to hold on to the soldering iron, it is better to take the iPhone to a branded service center right after the fall.

When it comes to relatively expensive equipment, it is sometimes cheaper to pay for someone else's work than trying to do something the first time.

Should the specialists be told about the cause of the malfunction? If the iPhone is under warranty, you can keep silent about this or confidently prove that the phone has never fallen anywhere. Warranty cases for mechanical damage do not apply, and so - maybe lucky. Conscience issues are a separate topic. Is the warranty expired? Then feel free to say, this will simplify the diagnosis of the device.

How to fix an iPhone 5s on your own?

If your favorite phone suddenly stops turning on, you must:

  1. Do not panic, pull yourself together as quickly as possible.
  2. Check the charging port is working, it could be deformed or clogged with dirt.
  3. Make sure the phone charges normally when turned off. The reason may lie in a malfunctioning iPhone battery or problems with the charger itself.
  4. Press two buttons - "Home" and "Power", hold them in this position for up to a minute.
  5. Play with the sound switch, then hold down the two cherished buttons again.
  6. Connect your phone to your computer, after launching iTunes on your stationary device. An automatic repair might start.
  7. Put the iPhone on charge, overnight and check its performance in the morning using all the methods described above.

None of the options come close to solving the puzzle? Well, it's time to turn this problem over to real specialists.

Every year the number of users with "apple" products is increasing, but many beginners do not know at all, if the iPhone 5s does not turn on, what to do and where to run.

Video: what to do if iPhone 5s won't turn on

In this video, Oleg Romanov, a phone repairman, will tell you in what ways you can revive the iPhone 5s that does not turn on:

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