Sign in to Office. Signing into applications using a single Microsoft account Can I sign in to Windows without a password if I'm using a Microsoft account?

Sign in to Office. Signing into applications using a single Microsoft account Can I sign in to Windows without a password if I'm using a Microsoft account?


Microsoft is a profile in the system that allows you to freely operate interconnected applications. You need it to access the Microsoft Product Store (including MS Office) and services such as Windows Phone and Skype, as well as online storage in the Windows 8 operating system.

How to create a Microsoft account

The procedure for creating a new account in all versions Windows systems occurs according to a similar algorithm. First, let's find out how does this process work?, having looked at it in more detail using the Windows 7 OS as an example. So, to register a Microsoft account, the user needs to perform the following manipulations:

After all the described actions, you will see a newly created account in the account management window. If you wish, you can set a password for it or parental control, change the design and type, or even delete it completely.

If you create an account with administrator rights and are not the only user of the PC, don't forget to set a password- this will protect the system from harm that could be caused by other users (intentionally or through negligence), and in the future you will not have to restore important data.

How to create an account in Windows 8

There is one nuance in the Windows 8 system - its developers made every effort to ensure that the user stores data not on his own PC, but on the servers of this operating system. Therefore Windows 8 has two account options- local and network. The latter is convenient if you have several computers with a licensed version of Windows 8 installed on them, or if you plan to actively use a set of pre-installed Windows applications Live and cloud storage. In all other cases, you can give preference to the first option.

To create a local account in Windows 8, use the following tips:

  1. Go to the Start menu and go to Computer Settings.
  2. Click on "Change PC settings" and then on "Accounts".
  3. In the section called “Other Accounts”, select the “Add Account” submenu.
  4. Click on “Sign in without a Microsoft account”, and then on “Next”, then confirm your choice by clicking the “Local account” button.
  5. Enter your username and password (optional).

In order to create an online account, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • Follow steps 1–4 of the previous instructions, but instead of a local account, select a network account.
  • Enter your username and email address. Use captcha to confirm your actions (captcha is used to make sure that the actions are performed by a person and not a robot).
  • Confirm your email address. To do this, enter the previously specified mailbox, the folder with incoming messages. It will contain a letter asking you to enter a code sent by SMS to your phone.
  • After completing all the required actions, click the “Confirm” button. The creation of your online Microsoft account is complete.

In the future, you can change the interface of your account (set a photo, create a home group, activate the update center, etc.)

To protect against possible hacker attacks, you need to set a password. As a rule, it is represented by an eight-digit set of letters and numbers. To be on the safe side in case you forget your password, the system will ask you answer Secret Question and enter your current phone number and backup email address in the appropriate fields. If for some reason you cannot access the system, the program will send you phone number or email a code to unlock your account, after which you can log into your account and set a new password.

Registering a Microsoft account on your phone

Creating an account on your phone under Windows control is greatly simplified if you are already using OneDrive services or. In this case, you just need to enter your already registered email address.

If you haven't used any of the above services yet, visit where you can create a new account. To do this, you need to find the creation point on the website new entry(most often it is called “ Don't have a Microsoft account? Sign up now"), and follow further instructions. As in the methods described for the PC, you will be able to select a Microsoft account name and set a password to access it.

To connect an account registered in this way to a smartphone, you need to enter its settings and find the item “ Mail+accounts" Click "Add a service" and select "Microsoft Account." Now enter the email address and password you provided during registration.

In 2011 Microsoft company bought the rights to the Skype messenger. on is now not just access to all the services of this corporation, it is also a Skype account.

What is a Microsoft account in Skype? This single access, which can be used to log into the video messenger and to log in to other services, such as, OneDrive, Windows Phone and Xbox LIVE. In fact, this is very convenient, because you thus get access to all your files, photos, games, settings on any device.
Microsoft Skype account name - phone number or address Email, which you indicated during registration. If you have become Skype user quite recently, then you already have a Microsoft account, these two profiles are inextricably linked. And the opposite situation is when you register a Microsoft account, you automatically receive a new Skype account.

If you are not satisfied with this situation, then you can search, otherwise, let's move on.

How to log into Skype via account Microsoft? There is nothing simpler - enter your username and password for your account in the windows provided for this - and the system will recognize you.
Many people, trying to log in to video messenger using their account, are faced with the fact that Skype requires an account Microsoft entry. What should such users do? There are three options:

  • You can use Microsoft and subsequently log into Skype through it
  • Or upgrade your Skype profile so that it can be considered an account
  • Is it possible to combine these two accounts if you already have both?

With our instructions you can.

Create an account

  • In order to create a new account, you need to go to the Microsoft website and click on the “Login” line in the upper right corner.

  • A window will open in which, under the line for entering your login, you will be asked to create a new account. Click on this line

  • You will be offered three options as a login - a phone number, a valid email address, or new address-

  • Select the desired option
  • Create a password (at least 8 characters, you can use numbers, symbols and English letters)

  • Click "Next"
  • Now you need to add information about yourself - first and last name, date of birth and region of residence

  • To prove to the system that you are not a robot, enter the captcha
  • That's all, with the data specified during registration you can log in to Skype

How to merge Skype and Microsoft accounts

  • Go to
  • Click on the word “Login” in the upper right corner
  • Enter your login and password information from Skype in the fields for entering your login and password.

  • If your profile has not been updated, you will receive a notification that you need to do so.
  • Click "Next"
  • The system will prompt you to add a valid email address or create a new one -

  • Do this and confirm your address
  • You managed to merge your Skype account and Microsoft services

We connect two ultrasounds

If you have an account in both services, you can link them. Here's how to link Skype to your Microsoft account:

  • Go to
  • If you are logged in, click “Log out”

  • Enter your login in the login window Skype ID and confirm with password
  • You will immediately receive a notification that this data can be used as an account for the services of this site
  • Click "Next"
  • A window will open where you will be asked to enter the email address that is already used as a Microsoft account
  • Enter the required data
  • Confirm that you are the owner of this profile (you will receive an email with a confirmation link)
  • Click "Next". The system will display a window for entering your account password.
  • Enter it and click “Login”

You did it, now the two profiles are combined. Look in another article.

Email address and phone number. This information may be needed to provide more secure two-factor authentication when performing change-related activities. key parameters account.

What is two-step verification?

Why does Microsoft offer additional addresses and phone numbers?

In this case, you will receive a code for the second stage of authentication, even if you find yourself without a phone and/or forget the password to one of your email addresses.

In other words, providing additional information reduces the risk of account suspension. You can add up to 10 email addresses and/or phone numbers to your account.

ZIP code is not accepted when creating a Microsoft account. What index should I enter?

Before entering an index, enter your desired email address and make sure it is available.

  1. Make sure you select your country.
  2. Enter your postcode . If that doesn't work, enter any postal code for your country's capital or largest city. For example:
  • 121087 (Moscow)
  • 194100 (Peter)
  • 01001 (Kyiv)
  • 200400 (Minsk)

What requirements does Microsoft have for account password complexity?

The password must contain at least eight characters. Additionally, in your account settings on the Microsoft website, you can set the requirement to change your password every 72 days.

What should I do when I can't log into my account?

What to do if your account is blocked?

If these steps do not help you regain access to your account, create a temporary account and contact free Microsoft technical support

Trusted PCs

Strictly speaking, the concept of a Trusted PC is not new, as it relates more to the Microsoft account management aspects than to Windows. However, Windows 8 introduced features that only work on trusted PCs.

Why make your PC trusted?

The main point of a trusted PC is to simplify a number of actions related to changing and synchronizing confidential data.

On the one hand, only between trusted Windows PCs can you synchronize credentials. In Windows 8, you had to manually make the PC trusted, and in Windows 10 - only the first time you used a specific Microsoft account on this PC. In other words, in Windows 10, after reinstalling the system and logging in with the same Microsoft account, you no longer need to make the PC trusted again.

On the other hand, from a trusted PC you can change a number of account settings without additional authentication, although in some cases you may still need it.

Which PCs should be trusted?

Obviously, this must be your personal PC. You should not trust a public or work computer.

How to make your PC trusted?

In Windows 10, go to Settings - Accounts - Your data. If you do not see the option shown in the figure, your PC is already trusted.

You can also do this from the Microsoft Account Settings site by signing in from this PC. Instructions.

How to remove a trusted PC?

You can only delete all trusted devices at once. Go to this page (requires login).

Working with a Microsoft Account on Windows

Windows 8 was the first Microsoft OS in which you can create a Microsoft account and switch between it and a regular account without losing your familiar environment.

How is a Microsoft account different from a regular local account on Windows?

A Microsoft account in Windows is the most common local account that you sign into with your credentials. Microsoft data. She has exactly the same profile (%UserProfile%), she can also be a member of any groups (for example, Users and Administrators), etc. You can always link any local account to your Microsoft account, as well as break the link.

After installing the system

On Windows 10, go to OptionsAccounts and switch to a Microsoft account.

How do I switch from using a Microsoft account to a regular account?

On Windows 10, go to OptionsAccounts and switch to a regular account.

Can I sign in with a Microsoft account without an Internet connection?

Certainly! An Internet connection is only required when you create a Microsoft account or switch to using it from a local account.

Credentials are cached locally, just like in a domain environment, so you don't need an Internet connection at login.

Is it possible to log into Windows without a password if using a Microsoft account?

Sync settings and apps in Windows

In my opinion, synchronization is one of the most useful Windows features, although it may be fraught with surprises.

Which applications are covered by settings synchronization?

Only for stores. This also applies to automatic login V Microsoft applications with a company account (Mail, Skype, etc.).

Traditional Microsoft applications do not know how to pull up their settings from the cloud and automatically recognize that you are working with a Microsoft account (OneDrive is rather an exception).

Is it possible to disable syncing for certain applications?

No, you can only disable groups, see the picture above

How to completely disable synchronization?

Use the very first switch in the picture above

Diagnosis of problems

If you're having trouble switching to or using your Microsoft account, follow these diagnostic steps one by one:

  1. Make sure you can sign in with your Microsoft account at
  2. Run Microsoft Accounts troubleshooter
  3. IN command line running with administrator rights, run sfc /scannow

    If you receive a message that your files cannot be recovered, archive the \Windows\Logs\CBS\CBS.log file.

  4. Remove third-party firewall and antivirus.

If the problem is not resolved, post a report of your actions, CBS.log and the result of the Microsoft Accounts troubleshooter in this forum thread.

Archive (outdated information)

The information in this section of the article has lost its relevance over time, as well as due to numerous changes in Skype.

I decided to devote a separate section to Skype because I am sure that many blog readers use it.

Skype versions

There are two versions of the application:

How do Skype and Microsoft accounts get along with each other?

You can:

  • link both accounts
  • log into Skype from either of the two accounts, regardless of whether they are linked

What benefits can you get from merging accounts?

You will be able to sign in to Skype with a Microsoft account. A traditional app doesn't require you to remember another password, and a modern app doesn't require you to enter credentials at all.

A shared list of contacts will appear in the traditional and modern Skype apps, allowing you to communicate with contacts from Windows Live Messenger. On the other hand, the same picture will be in the People application, which will extend all its capabilities to Skype contacts.

However, Skype cannot completely replace WLM in a number of aspects. Thus, it is impossible to transfer files from Skype to WLM and vice versa, and group chats do not work. In addition, it is not possible to link Skype and WLM contacts.

How to link your Microsoft account to your Skype account

Communication can be done in both traditional and modern applications.

Traditional Skype

The feature is available in versions 6 and higher. Sign in to the program with your Microsoft account (if you sign in to Skype automatically, sign out to see this option). You will see the window shown in the figure below.

Attention! Do not select the "Register" option if you have has already Skype account. Otherwise, your Microsoft account will immediately be linked to the new Skype account.

Modern Skype

Immediately after installation, you will be offered exactly the same choices as in the traditional application. Therefore read bold red warning above the text.

How to unlink your Microsoft account from your Skype account

I hope I answered all the questions you asked in the comments to the previous post. If you have new questions, feel free to ask them so I can add to this article. However, this offer does not mean that I undertake to resolve any issues you may have. Problems. With them you can contact free Microsoft technical support, creating a temporary account if necessary.

You can use your Microsoft account with almost all services or devices using the same set of credentials, which includes your email address, selected profile information, and billing information that you can use to make payments.

In addition, any account is supported by privacy settings, which are represented by a unique password that can only be used by the author.

The account will allow its owner to use various programs (for example, Skype), subscriptions (Office 365), buy interesting games, download favorite music, edit selected photos and videos, and also take advantage of OneDrive online storage.

The main advantage of such an application is that you can edit individual settings, as well as view your address book and documents from any device, since it is unified for any gadget.

This is what a Microsoft account looks like.

Create a Microsoft account

To create a Microsoft account, simply follow the step-by-step illustrated instructions.

Microsoft account registration Windows 8 is represented by an algorithm of sequential actions of the PC user and the global network.

  • Initially, you need to activate the panel for changing computer settings. The following window will appear in front of you:
  • After clicking on the selected area, you will see the following image where you need to select the top row.
  • During account creation, the user will also be offered a local account, although the first option is more acceptable for most consumers.
    It allows you to work normally with the updated operating system, synchronize Windows settings 8 and use the Windows Live web application suite originally provided software from the creators of the product.
    Unfortunately, a local account does not support such options. An account is your profile in the system, thanks to which you can operate any interconnected applications.

An application for free and free communication with family and friends

One of the most acceptable ways to store files in cloud service SkyDrive:

Receive or send messages using the Hotmail mail system:

Take advantage of the largest information portal MSN, an online gaming service on Xbox Live, a store of various applications for Windows Phone:

The benefits of the account are obvious.

So, we selected the line “ADD USER”.

  • After this, the user must enter his name, his email address or the address of an additional mailbox, which was previously created specifically for these purposes.
    After these simple manipulations enter the captcha, which confirms that the actions are performed by a person and not a robot, and press the “APPLY” key. Visually the process itself looks like this.
  • Next, a window pops up with the following message, in which you need to confirm that the selected email address belongs to you. To do this, go to your mailbox, to the “INCOMING MESSAGES” folder.
  • In this folder you will see a letter confirming your account, in which you must enter a code sent via SMS to your phone number.

After pressing the "CONFIRM" button, you will be informed about successful completion The first stage of the Microsoft account registration operation, after which you can proceed to configure the account and computer interface settings.

Note! On their PC, the user should go to the "SETTINGS" tab and select the "CHANGE COMPUTER SETTINGS" option to customize their account interface, take advantage of accessibility features, sync settings, create a home group, upload a pre-selected profile photo and activate the center for available updates that subsequently optimize the application.

So, we got acquainted with step by step instructions how to create a microsoft account.

Every user should take certain security measures that will protect you from fraudulent activities of home-grown hackers.

You need to fill in the fields with confidential data on the electronic form, with which you confirm yourself as the copyright holder. As a rule, a password is used for this, represented by an eight-digit set of letters and numbers.

In addition, the system will analyze the complexity level of the password and offer you to change it to a more complex one. The user also needs to answer a security question.

As a rule, the questions in this case are the same as in various accounts social networks(mother's maiden name, pet's name, etc.). After this, the user enters his current phone number and the address of a functioning mailbox, which is used most often.

These precautions will not only protect you from illegal actions of attackers, but will also help you recover your password if it is lost. For example, you have forgotten your password and you urgently need to log into a system to which access is restricted.

The program will prompt you to enter your phone number or mailbox address, to which in a few seconds you will receive a code to unlock your account. Security and privacy settings look like this:

How to create a Microsoft account

How to create a Microsoft account (Microsoft) - detailed instructions

A Microsoft account is used to sign in to services such as (mail), SkyDrive (cloud file storage) ,Windows Phone ( operating system for phone), Xbox LIVE (game console), Windows 8.1 (operating system for computers\laptops\tablets). If you use an email address and password to sign in to these and other services, you already have a Microsoft account, but you can sign up for a new one at any time.

What are the benefits of using a Microsoft account:

Synchronize your personal settings—themes, language settings, browser favorites, and most app data—across all your Windows 8.1 and Windows RT 8.1 PCs.

Opportunity purchase apps from the Windows Store and use them on computers running Windows 8.1 and Windows RT 8.1.

Automatically update contact information and statuses of friends from, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and similar services.

Access and share photos, documents and other files from places like SkyDrive , Facebook and Flickr.

To create an account at work Windows desktop 8.1 Move the mouse cursor to the upper right corner or click keyboard shortcut + and select "Options".

Click " Change computer settings".

In the window that opens, you will understand under which account you logged into the computer: locally or with a Microsoft account.

Local account:

Microsoft account:

To log in with a Microsoft account or create one, click " Connect to a Microsoft account".

in field E-mail address enter a unique name and select a domain:, or You can also use your existing mail, to do this, click " Or use an existing email address" and enter the email address you are using.

Please enter your first and last name below and click " Further".

In the next window, you must enter your date of birth and select two of three methods to recover your password. To recover, you can use either your cell phone number, specify a different email address, or select an answer to the question. IN in this example I provided a second email address and the answer to the question.

After that, enter the characters in the field and click " Further".

Select how you will receive a code to confirm your account creation. In my case, there is one option - the previously specified email account.

A letter with a code will be sent to the specified email address to recover your password; you must enter it in the field.

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