Application for creating themes for android. How to make an Android app yourself

Application for creating themes for android. How to make an Android app yourself


The programming language for mobile development on Android is very simple - Java. Google is now actively promoting Kotlin as a language that can replace Java. Applications are also written in C ++.

The creation of a simple application consists of several stages:

  • project in Android Studio;
  • creation of a user interface;
  • adding activities, navigation and actions;
  • test drive the application in the emulator.

In the meantime, we are describing the basics, students of the "" course already receive money for their applications.

Required tools

The first step is to install the Android Studio program. It is the official development environment (IDE) for Android and runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. Although you can use other environments besides Android Studio when developing programs for Android.

If the computer is not installed Android SDK and other components, then Android Studio will download them automatically. The Android SDK is a programming environment that includes libraries, executables, scripts, documentation, etc.

Android SDK compiles the code along with any data and resources into a file with the extension .apk... It contains everything you need to install an application on an Android device.

It is useful to install an emulator too Android to run and test applications. The emulator comes complete with Android Studio.

When all the tools are installed, you can create your first project. But first, you need to understand the basic concepts.

What the application consists of
on Android

An Android application has four components. Each component is an entry point through which a system or user can access.

  1. Activity (activity)- elements of an interactive user interface.
    One activity engages another and passes information about what the user intends to do through the Intent class. Activities are like web pages, and intents are like links between them. Application launch is the Main activity.
  2. Service (service)- a universal entry point to keep the application running in background.
    This component performs long running operations or work for remote processes without a visual interface.
  3. Broadcast receiver(broadcast receiver) broadcasts intents from the application to multiple participants.
  4. Content Provider(content provider) manages the general set of application data from file system, SQLite database, internet or other repository.

Now let's try to make our own application for Android.

Building an Android app
in Android Studio

Step 1

Select the application name, company domain, project path and package name. We indicate whether to enable support for the optional programming languages ​​C ++ and Kotlin.

Step 2

We set one or more target platforms for the build. It uses SDK and AVD, Android Virtual Device Manager. The tool allows you to install packages into the SDK that support multiple Android OS versions and multiple API levels (Application Programming Interfaces).


The lower Android version, the more devices on which the application will run. The higher the version, the richer the API functionality.

Step 3

We select the main activity that will be launched when we click on the application icon, and give it a name.

Step 4

After a few minutes of building, Android Studio opens the IDE interface. There are three main points here.

If you select from the dropdown menu android view then you will see the project files. For example, our main activity is called app> java> ru.skillbox.skillboxapp> FullscreenActivity... When creating the project, we specified instead of the activity Main full screen activity.

Finally, the third important file app> manifests> AndroidManifest.xml describes the fundamental characteristics of an application and identifies all of its components.

Manifest content

<manifest xmlns: android = "" package = "ru.skillbox.skillboxapp"> <application android: allowBackup = "true" android: icon = "@ mipmap / ic_launcher" android: label = "@ string / app_name" android: roundIcon = "@ mipmap / ic_launcher_round" android: supportsRtl = "true" android: theme = " @ style / AppTheme "> <activity android: name = ". FullscreenActivity" android: configChanges = "orientation | keyboardHidden | screenSize" android: label = "@ string / app_name" android: theme = "@ style / FullscreenTheme"> <intent-filter> <action android: name = "android.intent.action.MAIN" /> <category android: name = "android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" /> intent-filter> activity> application> manifest>

We run on a real device

The application we created is one activity that runs in full screen mode and has no graphic elements.

We run it on an Android device or in an emulator.

For this, a smartphone or tablet is connected in USB debugging mode, which is activated in Developer settings on the menu Settings.

To run in the emulator, press the button in Android Studio Run on the menu Run(Shift + F10). We select the appropriate device and OS version, portrait or landscape (landscape) orientation.

Android Studio will install the emulator and launch it.

Building a simple user interface

The user interface of an Android application is created through a hierarchy layouts(layouts, ViewGroup objects) and widgets(View objects). Layouts control the placement of child widgets on the screen. The widgets themselves are directly UI components: buttons, text fields on the screen, etc.

The activity interface is created in Android Studio in the Layout Editor and is stored mostly in XML files.

  1. Opening the file app> res> layout> activity_fullscreen.xml.
  2. Add widgets to the screen from the Palette by dragging the mouse.
  3. For example, let's take a text field (PlainText). This is an EditText widget where the user can enter text.
  4. Add buttons and other necessary elements.

You can also drag buttons and other elements onto the screen.

Adding actions, activities and navigation

Let's say we created an activity with a text box and a Submit button. After that, you need to write what exactly will happen when you click the "Send" button.

  1. We go into the code app> java> FullscreenActivity.
  2. Add method SendMessage () to class FullscreenActivity so that when the button is clicked, this method is called.
  3. We create intentions (Intent class) for moving from one activity to another, new activities, navigation and everything else that is necessary for the application.

And, of course, we begin to dream of how to monetize the application.

General rules
for Android apps

The Android application lives in its own sandbox, which obeys the Linux security rules:

  1. Each application is a separate user on a multiuser Linux system.
  2. By default, the system assigns each application a unique user ID that is unknown to the application; all files are accessible only to this user ID.
  3. All processes have their own virtual machine(VM) so that the executable code is isolated from other applications.
  4. By default, each application starts its own Linux process.

There are exceptions to the rules:

  1. It is possible for two applications to have a common user ID so that they can share files with each other.
  2. Large-scale program vocational training with guaranteed employment. Webinars, live meetings, hackathons and challenges from real clients. You gain the skills to program and create apps for iPhone and Android, even if you have never done so before. You adopt the concentration of experience from strong developers and founders of your own companies - the teachers of our course.

"How I would like to create a game for Android myself!" How many of us have not thought of this once? Create your own application or game for Android without programming knowledge - Really! It is enough to download the program or use the online service (constructor) of applications. Constructors can be paid and free, as well as with the possibility of earning money from advertising that will be shown in your applications.

Apps for making games

The easiest and most affordable way is to download an application for creating games in Google Play, yes, the game will turn out to be unpretentious, but you need to start somewhere.

1. Draw Your Game

A handy program that gives everyone the opportunity to create their own video game in a few simple steps.

  1. Draw the world of your game on a piece of paper using four different colors (black, blue, green, and red).
  2. Take a picture of your drawing using the app.
  3. Wait 10 seconds for DYG to turn the drawing into a game.
  4. Play your game by controlling its character.
  5. Share your creativity with other users.


2. Apper (Create your own program)

With Apper, you can create and publish your own apps in 5 easy steps. The program is very easy to use and does not require any programming knowledge.

The application is free, but to publish your project in App Store or Google play, you need to purchase a paid subscription.


3. AIDE- IDE for Android Java C ++

Is an integrated development environment (IDE) for building real Android apps right on your Android device... Follow the tutorials to become an expert and apply these skills in your own applications.

Main functions:

  • Compatible with Eclipse projects.
  • Java / XML and Android SDK.
  • C / C ++ and Android NDK.
  • Java console applications.
  • Synchronization with Dropbox.


4. Epic Game Maker

A unique 2D platformer and sandbox game with a level editor. With this game you can create your own exciting games in minutes, share them with your friends and become famous. Without programming skills, all it takes is your imagination. Create levels and share your creations with other players.

Key features:


5. STRUCKD - ​​3D Game Constructor

It combines a gaming community and an advanced platform in which you can create a unique 3D world and share your creations with other people. There are genres to choose from, ranging from racing games to Tower Defense and Action Puzzlers.

  • 3D drag-and-drop game constructor.
  • A collection of several thousand games created by other users.
  • Gaming community: set records and climb the standings.


6. Sketch Nation Create

Another good platform for creating online games... Now you can make real multiplayer games in real time and play them with your friends. The application allows you to create from the simplest to more advanced games, using various genres, making the service suitable not only for children, but also students, and even teachers.


Online game and application builders

If you decide to try a more serious platform for creating games and applications, with further publication in Google Play and the AppStore, then we recommend trying any of the online constructor for pc presented below.

List best online services where you can create games and applications for mobile devices:

  1. - Probably the best online constructor today. Appsgeyser lets you create unlimited types of games and applications for free. After checking and testing your software, you can publish it freely and without any restrictions. In addition, you will receive 50% of the income from ad impressions.
  2. is one of the world's largest creative communities - and the number one game development platform. With Unity, you can create any kind of 2D and 3D games. The development process will be easy, and the result will be deeply optimized and beautiful.
  3. - Make games effortlessly! Construct 2 is a game builder for Android that lets you create awesome games without coding or scripting!
  4. - Paid application builder for your business. Allows you to create apps for Android or IOS (iPhone and iPad) for free. Applications created using the designer can be not only animated, but also supplemented with video and sound.
  5. - Paid creation of a mobile application for iOS (Apple) and Android (Google) phones online.
  6. - Create and launch a mobile app in 3 quick steps.
  7. - make your application in 20 minutes or use a ready-made template.
  8. is a free online service for quick creation mobile applications for business.
  9. is an online service for creating your own application in a few clicks. Create your applications for free, publish and earn from advertising for every 1000 views.
  10. - Building a powerful small business application.

How did you manage to create your application? Share your opinion by leaving a comment at the bottom of the page, perhaps your message will be useful and help other users make a choice.

To get started, you need to decide exactly how you will create applications: manually write the code or using graphical application designers? Manual workbenches are more advanced and give more difficult games, but for a beginner this is not an option.

Since you are reading this article, it is likely that your knowledge is not yet on high level and you are just taking the first steps.

Basic tasks for a beginner developer

First, let's figure out which application builder you will use. What our editor should have:

  • An intuitive interface for you.
  • Logical and consistent work in the editor.
  • Work in two directions: with code and graphics.
  • Clear instructions for work and the ability to ask questions about work on the support forum.

Follow these tips and choose only trusted editors.

10 most popular graphic app builders


Alstrapp is a full-fledged CMS for creating and managing applications for Android and iOS.
There are no subscription payments and subscriptions - only a one-time purchase of a license, which makes it possible to create an unlimited (!) number of applications without restrictions.

Of the main advantages, it is worth noting:

  • PUSH and Alert notifications
  • customer management (account registration, personal account)
  • content editor (it is possible to add and edit any HTML content without updating the application)
  • chat with users
  • app branding (custom icons and loading screens)
  • only free templates for Android and iOS devices
  • management of all applications in one window
  • 100% open source

An application created through Alstrapp will have a clean code and easily pass moderation in mobile stores. As a rule, there are problems with this item in many online constructors.

Alstrapp has a localization system and supports Russian.

By the way, in Russian you can also write in support - the developers are our compatriots.

NWICODE is an innovative leader in application development because the developers managed to create a full-fledged CMS, thanks to which everyone can write their own application without any knowledge of programming languages. On this platform it is possible to create applications for Android, iOS, as well as Web App. Main pluses:

  • modules of the calendar, online recordings, announcements, etc.
  • does not require programming skills;
  • built-in analytics;
  • mobile online store Ecommerce;
  • free landing page builder;
  • integration with social networks.

Also good pluses is a responsive tech support team and free app hosting for the first month of service.

The program leaves open source code and styles that you can change at your discretion if you have programming skills. Completely in Russian.

We have noticed an amazing thing. Most of the foreign app constructors are free, and among the domestic ones they are paid. Therefore, APPS-TECH is like a breath of fresh air, because it offers the creation and placement of applications for free.

A clear interface in Russian and the ability to develop an unlimited number of applications spoil only banal templates with a standard design

main feature FREELAPP service in the absence of a classic payment. You only need to pay for a license for a certain number of applications. Video tutorials with step-by-step tutorials, open source, user-friendly interface, data storage on secure cloud servers - thanks to these advantages, FREELAPP is on our list.

The platform with the creative name Svoyapplication was created in early 2017 by young Russian entrepreneurs and has a wide range of functionality. It is suitable for all types of businesses, especially mobile online stores.

The first "trick" of the service is that you can send your corporate identity to the manager, and he will integrate it into your application for free. Second - acquiring is already connected in the application

Unfortunately the service is no longer available.

The APPSFERA platform allows you to create an application without technical knowledge and in just a few minutes. It offers more than 50 ready-made modules, fully customizable design, the ability to use your own styles and codes, as well as the integration of any site's RSS feed into the application.

Additional "goodies" await you, including a photo and video gallery, sending push messages directly to clients' smartphones, detecting geolocation

It is a free application creation tool. An obvious inconvenience is that there is no Russian language at all, so you need basic knowledge of English, but in general it is not difficult to figure it out.

The service is perfect for beginners and intermediate level knowledge of the topic. Available step by step instructions there are also helpful tips.

Here are the main advantages of THEAPPBUILDER:

  • An incredibly rich selection of ready-made templates. Ideal for creating simple, straightforward Android apps.
  • Very detailed statistics on the creation of your applications, available in a simple form.
  • Publishing your app to Google Play doesn't take much of an effort for you.

The fastest app builder. The main advantage of this editor is to embed links and advertisements of your site into Android applications.

Here are some more main differences of this service:

  • Writing apps is pretty fast
  • Create really working games with excellent graphics.
  • Comprehensible and user-friendly publishing on Google Play.
  • AppsGeyser gives you the job of monetizing your app directly from there.
  • Online you have access to: create, edit and upload to the Internet, any of your applications.

This editor can be safely referred to as - application designer. What you will need is to put together existing puzzles, of which there are a lot of them in the tool.

Let's list the features of IBUILDAPP:

  • Very voluminous software templates for different topics: photo studios, taxis, restaurants, transportation and much more. Choose your template and customize it to fit your needs.
  • Availability of tools to promote your application on Google Play. Now you don't have to worry about a place in the sun, the program will do it for you and advance your project in the rating.
  • Connecting advertising to your project, thereby creating an opportunity to bring you profit.

# 10 App Inventor

The most requested graphical app builder on the market. This resource was developed by none other than Google. This editor is equipped with the most advanced methods and algorithms that are capable of creating decent programs.

The free nature of the project only enhances its attractiveness for the common man in the street. To work with this application, you need to have a Google account. Registration is also free. All your endeavors will be stored in the cloud, which gives you unlimited opportunities to work from home from any device and anywhere in the world.

I would also like to note the following:

  • While working, you can track everything in real time, all actions are viewed at once.
  • Saving your project takes place in one click.

Interesting fact: in ten years, every second computer game developer will be a woman

Write yourself or entrust the development studio?

From the above in the article, we immediately note that writing programs by hand is not so difficult. By creating yourself, you do not pay the developers, which means that you get invaluable personal experience in creating and benefit from an initial fee. When writing the work personally, it will be easier for you to create what you want, because it is not always possible to clearly describe your desires, and even more so to recreate in the program.

But if you decide to entrust the studio as a developer, you can count on a quick execution of your order. Professionals in their field are able to create your wishes for projects, at the level of intuition, they all know about this matter. This will give you very good advice on how to improve your program to increase its profitability and quality.

In conclusion, I would like to note that whatever you choose, first draw up a plan of your actions, estimate if you have so much free time to create and what are your financial capabilities. In general, each of the resources will help you achieve what you want - it would only be a desire!

How do I create an Android or iPhone app?- such questions are increasingly asked not only by web developers, but also by ordinary owners of small business sites, bloggers.

This review proposes to consider which are constructors for quick and convenient Android creation and iPhone applications... At the same time, it does not require programming skills or other special IT knowledge from the user. Such applications are indispensable for different types of business - after all, they are great way expand your target audience and attract customers.

Thus, all considered in the review for application development can be combined under the slogan: simple, fast and without programming!

free a web service that allows you to convert your website content into an Android application and distribute it through Google Play. In addition, the created applications can be both sold and advertised in them.
You can create an unlimited number Android applications of three types of content: website, just html pages and YouTube videos. AppsGeyser uses a simple and intuitive template wizard to create an Android app.

AppsGeyser sites:,

free online service for quickly creating mobile applications. TheAppBuilder creates applications using a constructor and standard templates - for business, events, education, music, sports, etc. Creation of an application is free, and for 5 USD. per month you can turn off the display of extraneous ads in the created application. TheAppBuilder allows you to create Android App and Windows Mobile.

TheAppBuilder website:

Is an online service that allows users to create and publish their own mobile applications with a few clicks on the Internet. Appsmakerstore platform builds mobile apps supported by HTML5, iTunes, Android Market, Blackberry Marketplace, Windows Marketplace and Facebook without any deep technological skills. This is all 1 app for 6 different platforms... Appsmakerstore is offered in 23 languages, including Russian and Ukrainian.

The peculiarity of Appsmakerstore is that it offers a choice of ready-made templates for certain industries (for example, legal services, nightclubs, restaurants and cafes, retail, beauty salons, etc.)

  • Do it yourself - $ 9.78 per month.
  • "We are making an application for you" - $ 249
  • "Reseller" is a special price that you need to find out on the site separately.

Always included in all plans:

  • Unlimited content changes and app updates.
  • Updating app content on iTunes and Google Play without having to republish.
  • Send unlimited push notifications to users.
  • Automatically receive and use all system updates.
  • Secure hosting on our servers.
Appsmakerstore website:

Is a paid online mobile app builder (iPad, Android, HTML5) for small businesses. Among the possibilities are geolocation, receiving and sending messages, shopping cart, notifications, integration with social networks, posting information about the menu, a set of services, upcoming events, etc. There are templates for restaurants, realtors, gyms, etc.

This service represented by such plans:

  • Mobile Site - $ 29 per month.
  • "Mobile application" - $ 59 per month
  • « White Label Partner »creating applications for your customers - a special price that you need to find out on the site separately.
Biznessapps website:

5. AppGlobus

AppGlobus- paid, one of the Russian online mobile application builders, which allows users to independently create and publish their application in the App Store and Google Play.

It uses the new design and capabilities of the Ionic Framework, which significantly improves the quality of development, and makes it possible to create mobile applications on HTML5, iOS, Android, even without programming skills.

At the moment AppGlobus is offered in 8 languages, including Russian. offers the following packages:

  • STARTAP - 900 rubles / month
    • Applications: HTML5 / Android, admin panel, store, no push restrictions, no install restrictions, no ads.
  • BASIC - 1500 rubles / month
    • Apps for both Android and iOS, admin panel, store, no push restrictions, no installation restrictions, no ads.
  • STUDIO - 2000 rubles / month
    • Applications: Windows / Android / iOS, admin panel, store, no push restrictions, no installation restrictions, no ads.
  • PRO - 45,000 rubles / one-time
    • Applications: Windows / Android / iOS, custom development, we will place in the App Store and Google Play ourselves, we will give the source code
AppGlobus website:

- a paid online service to create your own mobile app for business or personal use. No special skills are required. Good for small businesses like online stores. It takes only 5 minutes to create your application - you just need to select the necessary modules and design. There are English and Russian versions. offers the following packages:

  • Start - RUB 599 / month
    • applications only for Android, access to the designer, free templates and application icons, content updates every 48 hours, updates of the application source in the stores on their own no more than 1 time in 2 months.
  • Light - RUB 990 / month
    • apps for and for iOS, access to the constructor, free app templates and icons, basic app screenshots, Push notifications- 1 per month, content updates every 24 hours, application source updates in stores 1 time in 2 months.
  • Standard - 2490 rubles. / month
    • apps for both Android and iOS, access to the designer, free templates and app icons, basic app screenshots, Skype support, Push notifications - 10 per month, content updates every 12 hours, app source updates in stores once a month.
  • Business - RUB 9890 / month
    • apps for both Android and iOS, access to the constructor, free templates and app icons, basic app screenshots, Skype and email support, personal manager, Push notifications - 50 per month, content updates - instantly, application source updates in stores - no restrictions.
  • VIP - 3999 rubles. / month + RUB 150,000 installation payment

    • applications for both Android and iOS, access to the designer, free templates and application icons, basic screenshots of the application, support via Skype and e-mail, personal manager, Push notifications - unlimited, content updates - instantly, application source updates in stores - without restrictions. website:

provides a platform “ do it yourself" for iPhone creation/ applications , which also does not require programming skills. This service provides an easy way for every organization to create mobile (iPhone, iPad, Android) applications and publications. Customers can create their own catalogs, flyers, brochures, reports, resumes, and more and provide them with a SaaS solution. There are English and Russian versions.

iBuildApp is provided in the following packages:

  • Business (2,400 rubles per month) - 3,000 installations, unlimited mobile site views, no embedded ads, app publishing on iTunes and Google Play.
IBuildApp website:

- an online service for developing applications (iPhone, iPad, Android). Allows you to create an application based on one of the many application templates. The elements of the created user interface of the application can be associated with functions such as sending e-mail, SMS messages, sending to Facebook and Twitter services.

  • Developer - $ 33 per month. (only 1 application can be created)
  • Professional - $ 79 per month.
  • Premiun- $ 129 per month.
  • Enterprise - You need to find out the price separately.

All packages support the following platforms: IOS (iPhone / iPad) & Android (Phone / Tablet)

Viziapps website:

- an online editor that allows you to create apps for iOS, Android and Windows Phone... It is very simple to use it: you can assemble your own program from ready-made parts. Despite the fact that AppsBuilder tries to be simpler and more understandable for inexperienced users, it also adds some features for programmers: for example, you can supplement the created applications with your own Java scripts.

There are three paid packages that have 30 days everywhere - free trial:

  • Starter (49 euros per month) -1 app.
  • Regular (199 euros per month) - up to 5 apps.
  • Scalable (from 249 euros per month) - more than 5 apps.
AppsBuilder website:

Operating room Android system today it is one of the most demanded mobile platforms in the whole world. Almost every owner Android smartphone I would like to get a unique application that will suit him in a particular case, but it is not always possible to find such an application. In this article, we will talk with you about how to make an Android application yourself using free methods.

Due to the rapid development of the Android platform, some functions of the described programs may change, so to clarify any details, write in the comments. Last revised on 01/20/2018.

Naturally, progress does not stand still, and with the development of the Android OS, more and more opportunities appear for creating all sorts of applications that fit it. And if not long ago, only a specialist who studied this at the institute could create it, now this can be done any phone or tablet owner Android in online mode.

Users can create their own application in order to delight themselves with a unique program. Or they can do it in order to make some money. Today the Internet provides all the possibilities for this.

The tools described below will allow you to create your own application in several stages.

Some of the presented programs allow you not only to do, but also immediately monetize his. Also, any of the created applications can be placed in the Google Play system.

Four ways to make an Android app yourself

Below you will find four “tools” that will allow you to create such an application quickly and without much knowledge. Such programs are reminiscent of constructors, which allow you to create everything you need in blocks, a good analogy to assembling the familiar LEGO constructor.

All programs presented here were selected according to the following criteria:

  • Convenient use... Naturally, these offers will not be used by trained specialists, but by ordinary users, such as you and me. That is why the application should be very user-friendly, functional, and easy to learn.
  • Intuitively simple interface... Logically speaking, this point seems to follow from the previous one, which means the program should be not only convenient, but also intuitive.
  • Great functionality... The wide variety of ways to create an application is a definite plus. Although all the programs presented, on average, have the same functions, with the exception of some little things.

Below is a selection of tools to help you create your very first app.

App Builder is a simple tool to create apps

This option is in a good way to create your own applications quickly. Without a doubt, it is also pleasing that it can be used without investing a penny, which means is free... Although here, there are also disadvantages, at least that it is completely in English (after the update in December 2017, the Russian language was added).

Program features

  • There is a huge selection of templates for creating an application. If you have some simple application in mind, then this program will easily help you choose a template;
  • After creating an application, you can monitor its statistics;
  • If you create an application and it passes the test, then it can be placed in the Google Play store in a simple and quite understandable way.

AppsGeyser - a site for creating high-quality Android applications on your own

Official site -

This tool is of higher quality than the previous one, because there are much more opportunities for creating your own application. The site makes it possible to create your own program in just a few minutes. This editor is the simplest of all that we have come across. The list of applications that he will help you make is very large, from a regular browser to your own messenger.

AppsGeyser benefits

  • The application is written quite quickly, literally in a couple of clicks;
  • It allows you to create simple games for Android, because you must agree that not every tool today can do this;
  • After the application is ready, it can be easily placed in the Google Play store;
  • In addition, you can monetize your program directly through the AppsGeyser service. This is a useful function, because by showing your imagination, you can also make money on it;
  • Create, edit, publish your application online in personal account(to save the results).

IbuildApp is a powerful engine for developing your own projects

This tool deserves a really close look. As we discussed above, you don't need to know a programming language to create Android apps. The development platform is so simple that it will be very easy to create your own application. The process will only take a few minutes, but the result will be obvious.

The IbuildApp website has both paid plans (development of an individual application, with further development) and free templates, of which there are a lot.

Russian official website -

Let's see what it can do:

  • A huge archive of topics on a variety of topics: it can be restaurants, cafes, sports activities, as well as many other topics that allow you to choose anything you like. All you need to do is choose something specific, and then edit it to fit your needs;
  • It also has built-in ways to promote the created application. The program not only helps to quickly create an application, but also promotes it. In other cases, this process takes a very long time;
  • In addition, you will be able to connect the app to advertising network, which means you will earn money on it.

AppsMakerstore - platform for creating simple programs

Official site -

The fourth cool platform that is designed to create Android applications. Probably one of the most important advantages is that using the AppsMakerStore website, you can create programs that will be multiplatform (for example, on Android, iOS and Windows Phone)

Let's take a look at the advantages of the platform:

  • Work with the designer takes place online;
  • Possibility of free registration;
  • Writing applications using ready-made layouts, while a huge selection of templates on the topic is provided to each user.

Video instructions for creating an application using APK Creator

That's all, we hope you found what you were looking for and were happy with our selection. This set of tools will become something special for a novice programmer and will allow you to understand the intricacies of creating the simplest applications for free.

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