Yandex and Google filters.

Yandex and Google filters.


Greetings, dear blog visitors. Today I will tell you about the Yandex AGS filter, as well as how not to run into it.

As you already know, search engines require webmasters to create only quality sites for people. Each of the search engines has its own concept regarding the SDL, however, if you neglect their advice, then sooner or later the search engines will impose sanctions on your site or, as they say, your site will fall under the PS filter.

For example, Google has one of the filters called Panda. As for Yandex, it has a filter called AGS, and it is to this topic that I would like to devote this article, telling what kind of filter it is, why your site can get there and how to avoid it.

So, I have already said that the ACS is a sanction against the site from search engine Yandex.

Why this filter was called AGS, I don’t know, but some people speculate that the filter was created to fight HS, which is why it got its name, which some webmasters decipher as anti-HS.

In principle, they are somewhat right, since the ACS is really created to deal with sites that are not useful for visitors.

The principle of its operation is quite simple - if the search robot considers that your site does not meet the definition of a quality site for people, then all the pages of the website that are in the search will fly out of it, and only main page. But it also happens that a little more pages may remain in the search, for example, 3-5, which over time can also be excluded from the search.

Let's see why Yandex can impose sanctions on your site? If you answer this question, then the list will be simply huge, since when determining a quality site, Yandex pays attention to many factors, some of which are still unknown even to webmasters. Therefore, I will list the most common reasons why Yandex can add your site to the AGS filter.

Non-unique content. I think you all know that it is very bad to steal articles from other sites, so the AGS filter is another reason why you should give up on this idea.

In principle, a fair decision, because every owner of a high-quality website works on it, puts his soul into it, so why did someone decide that they could use his work, on which the webmaster spent his time and energy?

Link spamming. Another reason why your site may fall under the ACS is too many outbound links. It does not matter at all what the origin of these links is sales or spammers, but if there are more outgoing links than incoming ones, then this is a very bad indicator for the site.

Poor quality external links. As you know, every link that leads to your site adds extra weight to it. What if the link is placed on one of the sites under the filter? It is likely that the ACS may visit you as well.

Bad behavioral factors. Another option is why Yandex can filter your site. Why was AGS established? That's right, to deal with low-quality sites. So think about what Yandex should think if it notices that visitors close your site before they open it? Of course, he will conclude that your blog or site is not interesting to visitors and classify it as a TOS.

In my opinion, these are the most common reasons why Yandex bans sites, so list this list I'll finish and move on to the next question.

How to check if the site is under the AGS filter

If you already have your own web resource, then you will probably be interested to know if it fell under the ACS filter? Therefore, below I will give some recommendations on how to check this.

Previously, the situation with the ACS was a little different than now, and if almost all pages of the site fell out of the search, then it was believed that the site was most likely under the ACS.

However, now Yandex has changed its policy regarding this filter, and quite recently, many sites under the ACS have pages returned to the search, but there have been changes with the TIC parameter.

The lowest TIC value is 0, but if the site is under the ACS, then Yandex deprives the site of the opportunity to receive the TIC, attributing to it the TIC value “not defined”. You can check this by entering the address in the address bar, where instead of the value you need to enter the address of your site.

For comparison, I found one site that Yandex imposed sanctions on, so let's see what it will give us. A website that does not have an AGS filter applied:

The site on which the AGS filter is present:

Even if the site, on which the ACS is not imposed, has the TIC value equal to zero, then we should give the value 0, and not “not defined”. There are also some services that determine if the site is under the ACS, but, as a rule, they cannot report this from the first day the site is under the ACS, and they need time to do this. However, let's take a look at them anyway.

First service xtool. The interface there is quite simple, so I will not paint it. To check the site on the ACS, you need to enter your domain in the field for the site address and click check, after which you will be given a lot of information about the site, and one of the columns will contain information about the ACS:

The site that I entered is indeed under the ACS, as evidenced by the red circle. Also notice the other two columns I've highlighted. There are a lot of links on the site that exceed the number of external links, and this, as I said in the reasons for the ACS, is very bad, so the value of links spamming is in red circles.

Another way to learn about AGS is to use the RDSBar Mozilla browser extension. If the filter is applied to your site, then this tool will also display this:

How not to fall under the AGS filter

It remains to consider one of the important issues of this article - how not to fall under the ACS filter. In principle, I have already listed above the reasons why websites fall under the ACS filter, so you just need not to make these mistakes. Do not steal other people's articles, write them yourself.

If you have poor behavioral factors, then think about how you can make your site more attractive. For example, change the design or style of writing articles, arrange competitions on the site, in general, experiment by adding new interesting features to the site that your visitors may like.

Check your link mass from time to time by removing unnecessary links from the site or closing them from indexing. And of course, follow the basic rules of SEO optimization. In general, as Platon Schukin (Yandex technical support) says, work on your site and develop it, making it interesting for people, and then you will not be afraid of any filters and sanctions.

Sites located in RuNet are more influenced by two search engines: Yandex (about 73% of the total market share) and Google (about 21%). It is the filters of these projects that make many seo-optimizers and webmasters waste their budgets and use exclusively white methods of promotion.

Checking Yandex filters

The most common option is the AGS filter. This filter applies mainly to low-quality resources that use off-the-shelf promotion methods. As a rule, such projects do not bring any practical benefit to visitors and are used only for profit.

Yandex considers it expedient to exclude such projects from the index so that the results are of better quality and more relevant. The filter is easily determined by the number of indexed pages. If it suddenly decreased to 1-5, then this filter was probably applied to the site. The same can be said if the pages of the new site are not included in the index at all.

Ban is the second most popular. In this case, absolutely all pages fall out of the index. You can check the presence of this filter using the webmaster panel. If the resource cannot be added in any way, then it is banned.

Also, now there is a new filter that lowers the position of a site that winds up behavioral factors. To check, you need to stop cheating (if any) or analyze user actions. If the number of bounces has dropped sharply, and each visitor views several pages, then they are probably trying to set you up in the eyes of the PS.

In addition, you can use another method. Enter a keyword and see where the site ranks. Then add "-any text" to the query. For example, "site-dumplings". The results will be displayed without taking into account behavioral factors. If in the second case the positions are noticeably better, then the filter is applied.

The “dropping positions” filter is applied to resources that, according to Yandex, wind up the link. To check it, just copy some piece of unique text and paste it into search string. If the page is not in the first three positions, then the filter is most likely in place.

The last one is the affiliate filter. It is introduced when the search engine suspects that the resources belong to the same person. To check, just enter a keyword from semantic core both resources. If they are both present in the search results, then there is no filter.

Checking Google Filters

The most popular filter from Google is the sandbox. Young projects do not reach the first positions in search engines due to the indexing period. This period can last from several months to a couple of days.

It all depends on the speed of development and progress of the project. You can check the presence of a filter using positions. If in Yandex a site is in the first place for low-frequency queries, and in Google somewhere in 30-40, then it is under the filter.

Also, domestic sites often fall under the Supplemental Results or “snot” filter. In this case, the pages of the site will not fall into the regular issue, but into the additional one. Accordingly, it will not be possible to achieve at least some results in promotion.

This filter most often includes sites with a template design and non-unique text. To check, simply enter “site:” in the search box and compare the number of pages found with their total number on the site.

The "Florida" filter is applied to reoptimized resources. For example, if the pages have a large number of keys and "nausea". The main sign of this filter is a sharp decrease in positions. Otherwise, unfortunately, there is no way to check.

For the same reason, a more malicious filter can be applied - “minus thirty”. It is named in honor of the fact that all positions of the site fall by 20-40 points. According to Google, there is no way to get out of this filter. In addition, after a while the site may be banned altogether.

Search engines have a huge responsibility - to provide Internet users with information that fully satisfies their request. However, over time, the number of sites began to increase exponentially. Not all of them have high-quality and in-demand content, and some resources are created solely for profit. In this regard, search engine filters were created that lower the position of the site when issuing or block the resource.

Features of the filters

First of all, you need to understand how search engine filters work. In general, search engines impose sanctions in several cases:

  • Texts and micromarking. Search engine filters work if a large amount of spam is found on the site (text spamming can be checked using programs to check the uniqueness of the text). Excessive optimization, as well as an excess of key queries in the structure of the text (headings, subheadings, etc.) negatively affects the quality of the resource.
  • Link weight. For an unnaturally fast build-up of reference mass (in particular, external), the resource may fall under the filters. Anchor spam, excessive linking and link manipulation also negatively affect search results. For example, run or reference rings.
  • behavioral factors. Search engine filters also include wrapping and placing invisible elements on pages that the user interacts with, but does not suspect about it. It is unforgivable to redirect users to the site, which does not correspond to their request.
  • Advertising. Not the last role in the appearance of sanctions is played by the advertising content of the site. Advertisements should not be intrusive or redundant. Moreover, search engines can lower in the issuance of the site for which mobile versions Aggressive advertising, such as subscriptions or clicks, is "stored". There are also filters that limit the activity of sites on the pages of which the content of the “18+” category was seen.
  • Identical snippets. If the same information appears next to the link in the search results for individual links of one site, then this may be the reason for imposing sanctions on the site. This often happens with online stores that have an extensive range of goods of the same type.
  • Affiliates. Search engine filters are extremely negative towards groups of sites that belong to the same campaign and were created specifically to bring the main resource to the TOP.

For each of these cases, special filter programs or search algorithms have been created that carefully monitor the cleanliness of optimization, preventing the appearance of low-quality content in search results. Each search engine has its own limitations that successfully cope with this task.

The main filters "Yandex"

In the vast space of the Runet, Yandex has been and remains the main search engine. Every year he tightens the requirements for sites and creates more and more new filters. Novice webmasters are afraid to fall under the harsh sanctions of this search engine, so in order to successfully promote your resource, you need to know the "enemy in the face", that is, to have an idea about the main filters of the Yandex search engine.

  • AGS "Yandex", according to Internet marketers, it is considered the toughest filter, because at one time it successfully blocked more than one hundred resources. Its main activity is aimed at combating sites that sell links and illegally increase the positions of other resources, although they themselves do not carry useful information.
  • « Nepot filter"was modeled after the AGS. However, its task is narrower: to block only those resources that sell links. The filter identifies a site engaged in unauthorized activity and imposes restrictions that utilize the link weight of the promoted resource.
  • « You are the last". This filter with a simple name is focused only on lowering the positions of sites with non-unique content. However, this is no reason to ignore it. Often, texts in which uniqueness is below 92% are subject to sanctions.
  • « New domain". This is more likely not a filter, but a kind of restriction that does not allow a newly created resource to take a leading position.
  • « You are spammy". The spam tracking filter closely monitors the quality of the content on the site, and if the text is reoptimized, the position of the resource drops in the search results. It is important to understand that the abundance of keywords is not a guarantee that the site will take a good place in the top. Any information should be, first of all, useful for the user, and only then meet the requirements of search robots. It is unlikely that the user will reveal a desire to view a sheet of text, where, by an absurd "accident", in almost every sentence there is a key request, but the necessary information is missing.
  • « Affiliate". Yandex closely monitors campaigns that try to promote their main resources by creating additional sites and linking between them. If there is a unique and useful information, then they will have the right to life, but if the content is created only for the sake of content, then the resource can easily be blocked.
  • « Redirect". This filter actively fights doorways, that is, sites that redirect users to a resource they were not looking for.
  • "Adult". Imposes restrictions on resources with "adult" content.
  • « Behavioral factors". The filter tracks the behavior of users who follow a link to a site. The number of bounces, “depth” and duration of content viewing are strictly fixed, which are considered the main indicators of usefulness.
  • « Aggressive advertising". In the past few years, Yandex has begun to actively fight against intrusive and aggressive advertising that interferes with viewing content.

Basic Google Filters

After "Yandex" in Russia, the search engine "Google" ranks second. Accordingly, its filters do not disregard the webmaster. The most common are:

  • « Duplicate Content". Created specifically to impose sanctions on duplicate content. The filter lowers the positions of those resources that place non-unique content on their pages that is repeated more than once.
  • « Sandbox". This filter regulates the site's hitting the top for high-frequency queries, fights spam and questionable content.
  • « Link Growth". If a resource starts to quickly increase the link mass, it goes down in the search results.
  • « Google bombing". This filter imposes sanctions on a resource in which there is an overabundance of key queries in link anchors.
  • « - 30 ". Such a cool, one might even say Siberian name, was given to a filter that fights against numerous spam. The scope of his competence, in addition to standard unwanted mailings, includes blocking redirects and doorways.
  • « Sociation". For the Russian search engine "Google" it is important that sites that are similar in subject matter link to the resource. If the site improves its positions, but it is referred to by resources that are far from the main topic, then this filter begins to operate.
  • « Download speed". Unlike Yandex, Google controls the download speed. If, after switching from a search engine to a resource, it loads slowly, and this is repeated repeatedly, then the site loses its position.
  • « Supplemental Results". On some pages of the site that do not carry unique information or have no internal links, the search engine may impose a filter. At the same time, the resource with the main content does not lose its positions.
  • « Link exchange". As soon as the epic of creating sites began, resources for mutual exchange of links were popular. Now, if the project suddenly starts to actively gain links, the filter lowers its position.
  • « Trust Rank". Or, more simply, "trust level". The main purpose of the filter is to determine how authoritative a project is. Accordingly, the more authoritative he is, the higher his position. This is influenced by several factors: the quality of links and their total mass, the amount of content, the age of the domain name and the linking between resource pages.
  • « Result+". Or a filter for additional results. If the system suddenly considers that the project is similar to hundreds of others and does not carry anything new, then the pages of the site fall into an additional index, and not into the main one.


Above are the most relevant search engine filters. However, some of them need to be considered in more detail. To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the most terrible "dictator" of the Runet - the Yandex AGS. This filter was created specifically to counter low-quality content on the web. This name can be used together with the numbers "17", "30" or "40", which indicate the versions of the program.

Sites that have outgoing SEO links fall under the sanctions of this filter. Uninteresting and non-unique content negatively affects the position of the site, due to which a large number of user failures follow. Doubles, doorways, redirects, cloaking. In addition, the filter closely monitors the functionality of projects. If a website has poor design or loading problems, this can also significantly lower its rankings.

To determine whether a project has fallen under or not, you should carefully monitor the indexing process and the level of attendance. When the filter starts its dirty work, the new pages are not indexed by the search engine, and the old ones that fell under the sanctions completely drop out of the index.

To restore the previous positions, it is necessary to make a real masterpiece out of the resource, designed to meet the needs of users. For this, it is necessary to adjust specifications to the requirements of the search engine. This means forbidding the removal of SEO links, making navigation easy, reviewing advertisements, removing all aggressive media. Users must quickly find information that may be of interest to them, and this information must be of high quality, new, useful and easy to understand. The content of the site should be constantly updated with new articles. Only when the project meets the requirements of search engines, you can contact the Yandex support service to remove the filters.


But it's not only Yandex's sanctions that are scary; Google's search engine filters also need to be paid attention to. If the ACS monitors the main characteristics that determine the quality of the project, then the Penguin penalizes for an artificial increase in behavioral factors. The Penguin filter was created specifically to eliminate manipulative link building when optimizing a website.

Placing spam links on forums and blogs, purchasing backlinks, an overabundance of SEO anchors, the creation of invisible links on the pages of the project - all this is the reason for the imposition of sanctions. Falling under the “Penguin” filter, the site begins to lose its positions sharply, its traffic drops, and indexing is much slower than usual.

To avoid a sad fate, you need to remove all low-quality links and change your promotion strategy.

Very often, the site is subject to the sanctions of more than one filter. Together with Penguin, Panda can also visit the webmaster. This is another Google search engine filter. If the site publishes material with a uniqueness below 90%, then you can be sure that the resource is under these two "tamers".


The Panda filter is responsible for the quality of the website as a whole. Low-quality projects lose a significant share of traffic, and in some cases completely drop out of the search. The quality of the sites is assessed according to the following characteristics:

  • Content. The quality of content is determined not only by robots that scan it for uniqueness and usefulness, but also by assessors - certifiers who give content independent ratings. In addition, user satisfaction with information also affects. This is evidenced by the depth of viewing and the time spent on the site. It is impossible for information to be duplicated or frankly stolen (that is, with low uniqueness).
  • Owners and Users. Everything that is on the site, and the project itself must first of all focus on the user. That is, there must be good design, convenient and intuitive interface, a minimum of incorrect and intrusive advertising. A site can get penalized if the ad units are at the top of the page and the content itself is at the bottom. Unreadable texts are also punished.

As in other cases, if the site starts to lose its positions and traffic sharply, and the pages fall out of the index, it is highly likely that the project has fallen under the Panda filter. To get rid of the limitations of search robots, you need to change the optimization strategy, improve the quality of materials and the functionality of the website. The following manipulations will help in this matter:

  • Technical audit. You need to make sure that the website functions normally, loads well, and there are no broken links.
  • Quality. Once again check the resource materials for uniqueness and quality. All materials that raise questions should be replaced.
  • Purity, the key to success. If there are pages without content or with small paragraphs of text, they need to be removed, supplemented or replaced. That is, it is necessary to clean up, getting rid of unnecessary fragments of the webmaster's activity.
  • Regularity. The site must be constantly updated. New posts should be added at least once a week.

"Baden Baden"

In 2017, an update to the Yandex Baden-Baden search engine filter was released, which caused an unprecedented stir among webmasters. Someone argued that this search algorithm would apply severe sanctions to resources where at least a hint of spam would be noticed, and someone calmly asserted that it would not be a revolutionary push in SEO optimization.

The developers themselves claim that they have significantly improved the algorithm that “punished” re-optimized pages. Although it is still unclear whether the new "Baden-Baden" has become a replacement for the usual filters, or is it part of a common algorithm. If we lean towards the second option, then it will be quite difficult for webmasters to determine what sanctions their resource has fallen under.

"Baden-Baden" fights low-quality content by excluding texts from the search, where there are a lot of key queries. However, its effect does not apply to the entire project, but to a separate document (page). Simply put, if the site has one low-quality text, then only the page on which it is placed will fall out of the search, otherwise the resource will retain its positions and the bulk of the traffic. However, do not relax. One filter can be followed by many others.

Therefore, it is necessary to increase the visibility of the resource, review all SEO texts for re-optimization and remove techniques that hide SEO content from search engines.

On the pulse

The requirements of search engines are the same for all sites, and the punishment for not meeting them is the same. If the project suddenly started to lose traffic and dropped in search results, it means that it definitely fell under search engine sanctions. To keep your finger on the pulse, you need to constantly check the incoming traffic, not only the amount, but also its sources.

Therefore, every webmaster needs to learn how to manage search filters. How to enable search filter? This is a fairly simple task. When registering a site in a search engine, the webmaster receives Personal Area, in which he can follow the changes that occur with his project ("Yandex. Webmaster" or Google Analytics). After going to this page, you need to open the administrative panel, select the site you are interested in and open the "Filters" section. In most cases it is enough to activate the built-in limits, but in some cases it is necessary to create individual custom limits.

Why is this needed? For example, if the site belongs to a large company, then it is highly likely that employees will visit it daily. And if this site has a chat or forum where they can communicate with each other, then it is logical to assume that employees will be happy to spend time on the company's web resource. However, they are not the target audience. But the search engine captures all visits. In order to logically think over an optimization strategy, it is necessary to exclude information about the transition to local network user firms. For this purpose, there are custom filters.

In other words, the filters configured by the webmaster make it possible to obtain only the information that will be necessary to promote the resource. This applies not only to certain IP addresses, but to referrals from specific directories, websites and behavioral characteristics.

What is left in the balance?

Search engine filters are getting better every year. And in the same way, every year webmasters improve the optimization of their sites. At the same time, not everyone and not always follow a long and safe path, but often try to shorten the path to the top by adventurous and punishable methods.

In fact, search engine filters are not so scary, they require quite ordinary things:

  • Quality content.
  • Unobtrusive advertising.
  • Absence of prohibited materials.
  • A clear interface and competent promotion, which consists in the natural build-up of the link mass and

Naturally, such a path is long, it will take about six months to bring the website to the top for the main keywords, but if it has already got there, then its position will be much more stable than that of those who took this place in a dishonest way.

It was only at the beginning of the development of the Internet epic that it was possible to dilute meager fragments of texts with key queries with impunity and quickly move up in the search results. Now everything has changed. Search engines focus on the quality content of resources. The priority is now original, author's content, which can give an exhaustive answer to the user's question. Therefore, if there is no desire to become a victim of sanctions, you need to focus on solving this particular issue, and only after that start building up the link mass and attracting visitors.

Hello everybody!

Today in this article I will tell you about the filters of the popular Yandex. The search engine uses such filters to punish web resources that do not meet certain requirements.

In I will talk about the most common Yandex filters. I will also show you how to determine the presence of a particular filter on your web resource by certain criteria. In addition, we will talk about what can be done if you have suffered from the impact of Yandex filters.

In my next article, I will talk about, and today we'll talk about how to check a site for Yandex filters.

The sudden appearance of Yandex filters

More recently, about 5 years ago, webmasters did not hear anything about the filters of Yandex and Google search engines.

In those days, the most common and one-of-a-kind Yandex search engine filter was a site ban. It was rewarded to web resources that quite often used forbidden SEO techniques. Today, the Internet has changed globally. Along with this, the requirements of search engines for web resources have also changed.

Search engines, which are constantly striving to win the trust of users, want to attract more and more visitors. Their goal is clear: more visitors - more earnings from search engines. Therefore, they began to embody their valiant mission - to increase the comfort of users through the gradual destruction of resources that do not bring any benefit to respected visitors.

Therefore, the algorithms of search engines are improving day by day, and thereby they become smart enough to recognize useless, worthless resources and hide them away from search engine users.

At the same time, they are often helped to carry out this activity. Today, to filter out web resources on the web, search engines have created a fairly large number of different filters that apply to sites and blogs in general or to their specific pages.

Very often they cannot recognize the filters that the search engine has applied to their web resource. They just don't realize what their mistake was. Today, any violation of the standard blog optimization rules can lead to serious negative consequences!

They can cause pessimization (a significant decrease in the positions of blog pages), as well as the most dangerous: removing all blog pages from the results. search results!

Currently, webmasters are very afraid of various sanctions from search engines, as they can move any web resource from the first page of search results to the hundredth or three hundredth position in a matter of seconds.

Now it's time to talk about the most common Yandex filters! How to act in order not to become a victim of them and what to do if the Yandex search engine still used sanctions to pessimize your site or blog.

Yandex filters. Checking for Yandex filters

  • Affiliation

Yandex gives this filter to sites that have a single author or the same company. It is used if these web resources use the same search query or queries in promotion. The task of the affiliate filter is to create the most diverse and which will be of interest to users.

If Yandex detects that a certain number of web resources are present in the search results for the same search queries and all these resources are created by the same author, then in this case they receive an affiliate filter.

At the same time, in the search results for each individual key query, Yandex will leave one web resource, which has a larger one, according to the search engine. Other sites or blogs of this author will be lowered by the search engine in the search results and most likely they will take a position, but not in the Top 100 and possibly not in the Top 200.

At the same time, when entering one query, one resource will be present in the results, and another resource will be present when entering another.

Indeed, if there were no such filter, then one author or one company could capture all the best positions in the search results. To do this, it would be necessary to create a couple of dozens of web resources with the same content. That's all!

How Yandex calculates resources - affiliates:

In fact, there are quite a few signs to identify this Yandex filter. Here are the most common signs. In accordance with these signs, Yandex filters are checked:

  • the same CMS (web resource content management system);
  • similar services for registering domain names, as well as the same registration time for the domains themselves;
  • web resources are located on the same hosting (similar IP addresses or located in the same subnet);
  • web resources have the same information in the "contacts" column (the same address, phone numbers, e-mail);
  • these resources have similar design and template elements;
  • the same content on the pages of the resource (the same information);

How to get out of the Yandex filter affiliation

To remove this Yandex filter, you need to find and neutralize all the reasons that can give you away. In the event that in reality it turns out that a certain amount of resources has one owner, then it will not be easy to get rid of the influence of the filter!

To change the current situation, it will be necessary to carefully recheck and optimize all the features that I wrote about above (changing domain names, with a change in their owners, replacing the design and structure of resources, as well as analysis, rewriting content in the right places, etc.).

talking plain language, you need to work on web resources so that they are not similar. After you have completed these steps, you need to contact the support service of the Yandex search engine. Here is the important point. You need to write to Yandex from different authors, with a request to revise the web resource in order to remove this filter.

However, no one will guarantee you the mandatory removal of the filter from your resource. From all this it follows that if you do not want to fall under this filter, then you should not promote your sites for the same search queries.

  • Resource re-optimization

The purpose of this Yandex filter is to remove from the search results pages that are optimized for any key query, but do not provide a detailed answer to the user of the search engine.

This type of sanctions can be identified by a sharp drop in the positions of resource pages for your key queries. Usually positions are reduced by several tens of points (from 10 to 30). However, there were cases when, due to such re-optimized pages, the entire resource was completely downgraded.

Because of this, such a Yandex search engine filter is often impossible to calculate!

In the event that you suspect that your resource has fallen under this filter, it is best to immediately ask the Yandex support service.

Usually, Platon Shchukin (the name that the Yandex support service puts as a signature in the response letter) will write to you about whether this sanction is valid against your web resource or not. In addition, he often indicates the reason for the action of this filter.

Re-optimization is an action in which resource pages are optimized for certain search queries, but, in fact, there are no complete and detailed answers to these queries.

Very often, webmasters do not correctly understand the definition itself - re-optimization. They confuse it with keyword spamming on the resource page.

There used to be a filter called "Tailor".

Today it is no longer used, so your web resource will practically not be able to run into a filter for the abundance of keywords in the article.

Today, the Yandex search engine pays maximum attention to behavioral factors.

And if a visitor to your blog is really interested in a certain article, then Yandex will not pay attention to the fact that keywords are often written in the body of the article.

Causes of the reoptimization filter, and how to get rid of it.

The reasons for this filter can be the following:

  • spammy structure (keywords do not respond to visitor requests);
  • frequent use of attributes to attract attention (bold emphasis, italics or underlining of text);
  • low-quality content (poorly readable text, lack of proper content and illustrations);
  • lack of text formatting (written without paragraphs, together);
  • is missing or created using a plugin (automatic linking), and it is less effective than manual linking.

To remove the filter, you need to view all, without exception, the pages that fell under it. Edit them until all the above reasons for removing the Yandex filter are eliminated.

  • Applying a filter for the quality of incoming links

This filter is very common on the web and is applied to a large number of resources on the Internet.

This Yandex filter can be divided into three types:

  • Filter for paid links (commercial)

The search engine tries to minimize the influence of paid or commercial links on the ranking of web resources.

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