How do I set the time and date on my computer? How to set the date and time on the computer How to set the correct time.

How do I set the time and date on my computer? How to set the date and time on the computer How to set the correct time.


In order not to sit up and leave the computer chair during the time, it must be installed on it. exact time... Nowadays, when there are so many interesting things at the computer and on the Internet that it is simply impossible to tear yourself away from the monitor. In this short tutorial, we'll take a look at this simple question.

Set time on computer very simple. In the lower right corner of our monitor there is a clock, to set the exact time, we double-click on the clock with the left mouse button.

In the window that opens, on the first tab "Date and Time", we can set the time and date.

By clicking on the "Time Zone" tab, you can configure the time zone in which we are.

On the Internet time tab, we can check the box next to "Synchronize with a time server on the Internet" and in this case we will always have the exact time on the computer.

Press the "Update now" button so that the time is updated to the most accurate, after all the operations, press "OK".

With such simple actions, we exposed the most exact time on the computer.

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Setting the date and time on the computer is one of the simple settings. Basically, setting the time and date does not need constant adjustment, since it is enough to set the date and time once and forget about this setting 🙂 But there is a need to adjust it, for example, the cancellation of the transition to winter time in Russia.

In this article I will show you step by step how to set the date and time in windows 7 on your computer, what other settings can be made with the time. How to turn off time synchronization, or how to change the display format of the date and time.

And since there are several ways to access setting the date and time, I will show you a simpler and more complex one.

And so, let's get started.

Adjust date and time via system tray

First, let's look at a simple way to set up the date and time:

Step 1. On the taskbar, in the lower right corner, click once with the left mouse button on the date and time. In the window that appears, click Change date and time, as shown in the figure:

To change the date and time on your computer, your Account must have administrator rights, otherwise you will not be able to make changes. How to find out if your account has administrator rights.

Step 3. In the window that opens, setting the time and date, use the arrows to select the desired month, year and date. And under the clock, set the time you want.

After selecting the correct date and time, press OK. That's it, you have set the date and time.

Advanced date and time settings on the computer

Another time and date setting you can make is to change your time zone by choosing your time zone where you are. If you need to configure the time zone, then in the date and time tab, left-click on change the time zone:

In the window that appears Select time zone from the drop-down menu, select your time zone, or that you need.

With the adoption of the law on the abolition of the transition of Russia to winter time, in the automatic transition to winter time and back to windows, the meaning is lost, uncheck the Automatic transition to winter time and back, if something changes then put it back 🙂

If you have installed an update from Microsoft, then the time zone setting for you will look like this:

Another date and time setting you can make is to change the time sync run and change the sync server from the list provided.

Step 1. Go to the Internet time tab and click on the change settings button (Administrator rights are required):

Step 2. If you have unchecked the Synchronize with an Internet time server checkbox, check it and select any server you like from the list, as in the picture:

After setting, click on the OK button!

Another way to access the date and time settings

Now let's look at another way to access the time and date settings, this is through the control panel. So, let's begin.

A special utility is used to set the date and time in Windows XP. To call it, open the control panel, and click on the date and time icon. An additional window will be displayed on the screen, consisting of three tabs: date and time - this is the first tab on which the date and time are set. In order to change the date, you must select the month. Open the drop-down list and click on one of its items. Next, set the year and click on one of the days of the month. The time can be changed as follows. Set the courses to any position in the time entry line. And after that, click on the arrows to the right of the line, while either increasing or decreasing the value.


This tab is used to set the time zone. Open the drop-down list by left-clicking on the arrow on the right side of the list. Next, select one of the values ​​in the list and click on it with the left mouse button. At the bottom of the tab there is an icon that sets the mode of automatic changeover to summer and winter time.

Internet time

If the computer is a member of a domain, its clock is probably automatically synchronized with the network time server. If the computer is not a member of a domain, the computer clock can be synchronized with a time server on the Internet. In order to perform synchronization, select a server; to do this, open the drop-down list by clicking the left mouse button on the arrow on the right side of the list. Next, select one of the values ​​in the list, and click on it with the left mouse button. Then click the update now button, and the synchronization will be done. If synchronization is enabled, the computer clock is synchronized with a time server on the Internet once a week.

In this article, we will talk about how to set the time and date on your computer.

Setting the time on Windows 7

Of course, this article will seem very strange to some people, because how can you not know the elementary. But alas, not everyone has learned to work with a computer, and even such trifles may seem complicated.

First you need to find an indicator of that very time. It is always located in the lower right corner of the monitor, on the bottom panel. To select it from other icons is as easy as shelling pears - the time is always indicated there and Now you need to click on the indicator with the left mouse button. As soon as you do this, a small window with a calendar and a clock will open in front of you.

However, this is only the beginning of the journey. In the window that opens, you cannot do anything, just find out the number of days in a month and the day of the week. In order to start setting, you need to press the inscription "Change the date and time settings."

Now you see a completely different window. As you can see, it has three tabs, but you only need one - "Date and Time". It usually opens immediately by itself. As you can see, there is a button "Change date and time".

Important:in order to set the date and time on a computer with an operating Windows system, you must have administrator rights. Otherwise, these manipulations will lead nowhere.

So, after you have pressed the button, you will see a window similar to the very first one, only now all the values ​​on it can be changed. On the left is the calendar. To change the date on your computer, just click on the number that you need. The month can be changed at the top of the calendar using the arrows. To convert the time, simply enter the required value in the field below the clock. Once all the steps are completed, click "OK", the settings will be saved automatically.

Now you know how to set date and time on a computer in Windows 7. Now other operating systems are worth considering.

Setting the time on Linux

So, almost everyone knows Windows, but with Linux Few are familiar, but someone even hears for the first time about this operating system... However, its fans are not so few, and therefore it would be ridiculous to omit the information on how to set the time and date on a computer with Linux OS.

In fact, the time setting on the two operating systems is almost the same. And this time you also need to click on the time indicator, but this indicator is located differently on different Linux distributions. For example, in Ubuntu it is at the top right, but in Linux Mint it's in the lower right corner. As soon as you find it, immediately click LMB.

As in Windows, a window with a calendar will appear in front of you. We will not dwell on it for a long time, so click on "Date and time settings."

Now a large window has opened in front of you with a map of all continents and with large quantity sliders and dropdowns, but fear not, it's easy to work with.

Unlike Windows, there are two ways to change the time and date on Linux. The first involves changing the time zone. In the upper left part of the window, you can just see a picture with all the land and belts. Below it there are two drop-down lists: region and city. Select the desired values, the time on the computer will be set in accordance with them.

If after that you set the time incorrectly, then you should go to a more flexible setting. To the right of the picture, you can see the "Unblock" button - press it. You will be prompted for a password. After entering it, you will be able to change the values. First, however, uncheck the "Network Time" box. Now, using the interface elements, change all the time and date values ​​as you like.

BIOS setup

There is one more way to set the time and date on the computer, but it is more suitable for an advanced user. However, it is worth mentioning.

First of all, you need to get into the BIOS. Once you have done this, look in the first tab for an inscription similar to the Standard CMOS Feature. Upon entering it, you will see many different inscriptions, but they are not of interest to us. Look for the line Time or, if the time is already visible on the screen, change it. Here's a simple way to bypass password entry on Linux and administrator rights on Windows. Even though you know how to set the time and date on a computer with these OS, something might go wrong.

Reasons for factory reset

Be aware that if your PC time is constantly resetting, then the reason with a probability of 80% lies in the battery on motherboard... It just needs to be replaced, and everything will go away. These batteries are sold in almost any office supply store, but, of course, it will be better if you go to a computer.

The second option is also associated with a battery, but this time it does not run out, but oxidizes. In this case, it also needs to be replaced, just before installing a new battery, clean the contacts.


Summing up, we can unequivocallyOto declare that it is very simple. Most people can do this intuitively, without outside help. However, sometimes difficulties are possible. Now you know how to set the date and time on your computer.

Each computer, laptop (netbook) has a clock, it is located in the lower right part of the screen (by default, you can remove it if you want). You can set the time automatically or manually.

Even after turning off the computer, they do not stop, but continue to "go".

There is a battery (tablet) on the motherboard, which allows some functions to be constantly "on the alert"

To set the correct and accurate time on the computer in windows 7 (in windows 8 - similarly), click on the electronic clock in the tray and click on the line “change date and time settings”.

You will see a window where you can easily adjust (change) the time on your computer.

Also, by clicking on the line "Internet time" at the top, you can set the watch to automatic synchronization.

To set the exact time for your region, select your time zone (there are several of them in Russia), so you can correct the time if it does not match.

Install time gadget on computer

A standard clock (the one in the tray) displays the time accurately, but they are very small, and if the screen is far away, then you have to strain your eyes to find out what time it is.

That's all. I just wanted to write how to set the time, but somehow imperceptibly I described a few more convenient functions of the computer - perhaps they will be useful to you. Good luck.

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