Number of megapixels of the iPhone's front camera. Detailed comparison of cameras of all iPhone models iPhone 5 s front camera how many megapixels

Number of megapixels of the iPhone's front camera. Detailed comparison of cameras of all iPhone models iPhone 5 s front camera how many megapixels


Considering that a large number of iPhone 5 users use the camera every day, many are interested in the question - “how many megapixels are there in the iPhone 5s”? Statistics show that the iPhone is the most popular device for taking very high quality photographs and can only compete with a digital camera. iPhone 5s development process linked to improved version front camera, characterized by the following characteristics: the front camera has 1.2 pixels, the rear one has 8 pixels. Also, to improve the quality of night photographs, a dual flash is used.

According to the specifications of the iPhone 5s, the front camera has 1.2 pixels, and the rear camera has 8 pixels. However, these data alone do not fully reveal all the advantageous features of this innovation.

Thanks to the latest technical developments, this iPhone model provides a modified version of the camera, with advanced design solutions to improve its capabilities. Such technical innovations as the presence of a fingerprint scanner, as well as a modern battery with a longer service life, the use of a large sensor, an innovative flash that allows you to take very high-quality photos in very poor lighting, and also if there is no clarity during the process of photographing a certain object , give maximum comfort during the operation of this iPhone.

A distinctive feature of the camera is the ability to continuously shoot up to ten frames per second. The built-in application will qualitatively analyze the resulting images and select only the clearest images. This application will also arrange images according to their thematic content. In addition, the front camera has very reliable automatic stabilization during the photography process. The presence of built-in optics with electronic accompaniment will help with video shooting immediately before the photographing process. Another innovation in the iPhone is that the iPhone not only takes pictures for sharing on social networks, but also has an excellent chance of producing very high-quality panoramic photography.

For the most part, a modern camera on an iPhone 5c can improve the quality of photography if there are such important conditions, such as low lighting, fast movement, unclear outline of the subject being photographed. The automated process of taking photos and videos allows you to take pictures using automatic mode. To do this, just click on the “device activation” function, which will lead to capturing the object being photographed and taking photographs independently.

Advantages of the iPhone 5s camera

What are the distinctive features of the iPhone 5s camera from other iPhone analogues? The main difference between the 5s model is the use of the most advanced technological processes (they were mentioned earlier) and the presence of a large sensor. The dimensions of the matrix of this device are 1/3 inch with backlight, while the five has 1/3.2 inch, which is 15% smaller. This has a positive effect on improving the quality of the resulting images.

Among other things, the iPhone 5s uses a 64-bit A7 image processor. It is forty times faster than previous iPhone models and two times faster than, for example, the A6. A high-performance image processing processor allows you to obtain high-quality photos with improved graphics performance of the device. The 5s camera can record video using slow motion using the 720p 120 HD format. The video, in this case, will be captured at a frequency of 120 frames per second and 30 frames per second, thanks to the dynamic range to improve shadow highlighting and focus on image details, while reducing image noise.

More modern system stabilization, allows you to capture four images in simultaneous mode, with their further combining into one image, due to which it will be much clearer. This is a very important point if there is blur in the image of details, which is not based on matrix shifts or optical stabilization. Taking into account the possibility of photographing in low light conditions on the 5s, a specially designed LED flash system (model 5 and model 5c have only one LED each). The different color gamut fully corresponds to the number of LEDs, and the higher the number, the more accurate and high-quality the image will be.

In the updated version of the iPhone 5s, it is possible to take photographs of up to ten frames per second. This is a very important point when shooting moving objects. Considering that many photographs can be taken, there is a great opportunity to select the highest quality ones. It is possible to create various videos, with very interesting views, using the video editor built into the iPhone system. The iPhone 5s uses a new bright lens with an f/2.2 aperture. A wider field of view is possible thanks to the matrix of the most significant size. If we want to get better pictures, the advantages of the 5s model clearly prevail over other modifications of iPhones.

Considering high quality Cameras in iPhones from the manufacturer Apple will soon use only these models to take professional and high-quality photographs.

Articles and Lifehacks

The quality of photographs and videos is one of the most important characteristics of any modern mobile device. In this regard, many potential buyers are interested in what kind of camera the iPhone 5 has.

Note that the photo module in this iOS-based device model is one of the few parameters that, at first glance, has not changed much since the previous generation of Apple smartphones.

What kind of distinctive features exist compared to the iPhone 4S, and what is the iPhone 5's camera like in theory and in practice? Let's try to answer these questions.

What has changed in the iPhone 5 camera compared to 4S

  • If we consider the characteristics of the cameras of the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5, then latest model not much has changed. Both main cameras are 8 megapixels and have backlighting.
  • The only difference is that the new generation of devices has become sleeker and the camera has become more compact. To fit into the body of the new device, it was reduced by almost 25%.
  • The presentation of the iPhone 5 was distinguished by the fact that Apple company promised its fans an enlarged matrix and better photo quality in low-light conditions, as well as a higher focus shooting speed.
  • In addition, sapphire glass has become a reliable guarantee of protection against scratches, which also affects the quality of the resulting images over time. In other words, there are other differences from the 4S.
  • Separately, we note the panorama mode. Unlike similar features on other smartphones, the iOS device's camera stitches together full-resolution images to create 28-megapixel photos that let you see every detail.
  • Video recording has not undergone any significant changes. The manufacturer himself announced improved stabilization, as well as the ability to take photos directly during video shooting.

Theory and practice

  • As already mentioned, in theory the company announced an increase in the matrix and improved image quality. In fact, the difference in the matrix compared to the 4S was no more than 15%, but the aperture was increased to 2.2.
  • Now the last one is missing large quantity light, and the owner of the device will be able to set a lower ISO, as well as a shorter shutter speed.
  • It is worth noting that although the number of megapixels remains the same, the pixels themselves have become larger, which cannot but affect the quality of the pictures.
  • It is thanks to this, in theory, that the “noise” in low-light conditions should be reduced, as well as the number of overexposures (“failures”) when shooting fairly contrasting objects and landscapes.
  • As for what kind of camera the iPhone 5 turned out to be in practice, there are some subtleties. So, in most cases, the difference in the quality of the resulting images can only be seen on a good monitor.
  • That is, there are certainly differences, but not so significant. You can note a decrease in the level of “noise” (as stated), including color noise. There is also a difference in the detail of the image.
  • In terms of dynamic range, the difference between the iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 is quite significant and clearly visible.
  • And if at first glance this is not so noticeable, it is enough, for example, to increase the contrast through Instagram, and the superiority of the 5th model becomes obvious.

Part 2: testing the screen, video playback, camera and summing up the results

In the first part of the article we covered most aspects Apple iPhone 5s, leaving out the screen, video playback and photo capabilities to pay closer attention to them in the second part of the article. If you have not read the first part, we advise you to start there and then return to this text.


The smartphone screen is covered with a glass plate with a mirror-smooth surface and, judging by the reflection of bright light sources in it, has a very effective anti-glare filter that is superior to the Google Nexus 7 screen filter in reducing reflection brightness. Doubling (and even tripling) of reflected objects is present to some extent, but the shadows of the objects are very weak; this indicates that there is no air gap between the outer glass and the surface of the matrix. There is a special oleophobic (grease-repellent) coating on the outer surface of the screen (effective, but still slightly worse than in the case of Google Nexus 7), so fingerprints do not appear as quickly as with regular glass, but are removed more easily.

When manually controlling the brightness, its maximum value was about 520 cd/m², and the minimum was 5 cd/m². As a result, at maximum brightness, even in bright daylight, the screen will remain sufficiently readable, and in complete darkness, the brightness can be reduced to a comfortable level. There is automatic adjustment of the backlight brightness based on the light sensor (it is located to the left of the front camera). IN automatic mode When external lighting conditions change, the screen brightness both increases and decreases. In complete darkness in automatic mode, the brightness is reduced to 5 cd/m² (this is too low), in an office illuminated by artificial light it is set to 200-280 cd/m² when increasing from the minimum (acceptable) and to 500 cd/m² (which is too much) when decreasing from the maximum, and in a brightly lit environment (corresponding to lighting on a clear day outdoors, but without direct sunlight) increases to a maximum of 520 cd/m². As a result, this function does not work quite adequately: in the dark it lowers the brightness too much, and when moving to average light levels the hysteresis is too large. At lower brightness, there is virtually no backlight modulation, so it is impossible to visually see the flickering of the screen.

The iPhone 5s has an IPS matrix. The microphotograph demonstrates a subpixel structure typical of IPS - if you look closely, you can see the division of subpixels by control electrodes into narrow “beds” characteristic of IPS:

The dark spots in the next photo (at a lower magnification) are dust that has settled somewhere between the layers of the screen.

This is not the first screen with glued layers, but the first in which we found so much dust. Of course, this dirt cannot be seen with the naked eye, and in fact it does not worsen the properties of the screen, but its presence indirectly indicates an insufficiently high production culture at the enterprise that produces screens for this smartphone.

The screen has very good viewing angles without inverting shades and without significant color shifts, even with large viewing deviations from perpendicular to the screen. When deviated diagonally, the black field is highlighted very little and, depending on the direction of the deviation, acquires a red-violet or bluish tint. When viewed perpendicularly, the uniformity of the black field is good. The contrast is high - about 960:1. The gamma curve constructed from 32 points did not reveal a blockage either in the highlights or in the shadows, and the index of the approximating power function is 2.19, which is almost equal to the standard value of 2.2, while the real gamma curve coincides with the power dependence:

Response time for black-white-black transition is 28 ms (15 ms on + 13 ms off), transition between halftones gray 25% and 75% (based on the numerical value of the color) take a total of 41.5 ms. Color gamut is sRGB:

The spectra show that the matrix’s light filters moderately mix the components with each other, and as a result, visually the colors have a natural saturation:

The balance of shades on the gray scale is good, since Colorful temperature slightly higher than the standard 6500 K and its variation is very small, and the deviation from the blackbody spectrum (delta E) is significantly less than 10, which is considered a good indicator for a consumer device. (Dark areas of the gray scale can be ignored, since color balance there is not very important, and the error in measuring color characteristics at low brightness is large.)

Based on the totality of its characteristics, the screen deserves a very high rating. We especially note the high brightness, stable and deep black color, and very good color rendition. When compared with the Apple iPhone 5, you will notice that the new product has a slightly brighter screen and its color reproduction is a little more accurate - however, these differences are not so fundamental as to claim that there is a significant difference between the screens of these devices.

Playing video files

To test the output of video files on the device screen, we used a set of test files with an arrow and a rectangle moving one division per frame (see “Method for testing video playback and display devices. Version 1 (for mobile devices)”). Screenshots with a shutter speed of 1 s helped determine the nature of the output of frames of video files with various parameters: the resolution varied (1280 by 720 (720p) and 1920 by 1080 (1080p) pixels) and frame rate (24, 25, 30, 50 and 60 frames/ With). In the tests, we used a standard video player launched from the browser. There is no need to tabulate the test results, as they are excellent: there are no frame drops, the intervals between frames (or groups of frames) alternate evenly. The screen refresh rate appears to be 60Hz. Note that, unlike devices (phones and tablets) on Android, on Apple screen On the iPhone 5s, we never experienced a frame-staging glitch. The brightness range displayed on the screen corresponds to the extended range (that is, the range 0-255) - all gradations of shades are distinguished in shadows and highlights. Most video files are encoded in the video luminance range of 16-235, so the extended range for showing movies is harmful, but Apple's player is somehow able to correctly detect the type of encoding, so the screen displays all the gradations in any case, and the black color is real black and white is white. The only thing missing this smartphone, so this is the ability to display 720p video one to one, without scaling. However, given the physical dimensions of the screen, this point is not of fundamental importance.


iPhone 5s is equipped with two cameras - front with a resolution of 1.2 megapixels and rear with a resolution of 8 megapixels. Traditionally, you cannot change the image resolution here; it will always be 3264x2448 pixels. The exception is the mode in which the camera takes a square photo with a resolution of 2448x2448 pixels. Below are examples of pictures taken with the rear camera in normal mode with a resolution of 8 megapixels.

Sharpness is quite good in all plans. Toward distant shots the foliage blends together, but still maintains a decent appearance.

Grass and foliage are rendered well for 8 megapixels.

There is a noticeable gradual drop in sharpness towards distant plans, but the camera also stretches them out.

The exposition is well chosen. Noise in the dark area is almost unnoticeable.

Not a bad macro shot if you know which area is in focus.

You can notice areas on the flower that the program was unable to process correctly.

But sometimes you can achieve good results.

The sharpness of the images is generally quite good. Even in dark areas it is virtually unaffected by noise. It’s nice that the foliage in the background looks soft and is actually foliage, and not sharp, but incomprehensible pieces. And the camera has no problems with exposure in auto mode.

Focusing in macro photography is often wrong, making it quite difficult to capture the desired detail. It takes quite a long time to find the required distance to the object, especially since the minimum focusing distance of the camera is rather long.

HDR images demonstrate not only extended dynamic range, but also good sharpness, which is very valuable in this case. When shooting HDR, the camera takes two photos with slight exposure compensation on both sides. The compensation is quite small, which makes it difficult to immediately highlight a photo with an extended dynamic range.

Laboratory test

Laboratory lighting (“1”). The stand worked perfectly, without any complaints.

Lighting ½. As the lighting deteriorates, the result is almost as good.

Lighting ¼. Further deterioration of lighting generated noise, which was very gently processed by noise reduction.

Lighting ¼, flash. The flash practically returns laboratory lighting conditions.

Lighting 0. With almost complete absence of light, the camera can no longer cope. However, you can get some idea about the subject.

Lighting 0, flash. And even in this situation the flash works perfectly.

The operation of the flash does not cause any complaints. When using a flash, the camera, as expected, shortens the shutter speed and reduces light sensitivity, due to which it gains good resolution.

It can be clearly seen that in any lighting, the flash allows you to achieve almost the same resolution and sharpness as in laboratory light.

When there is no light, the flash operates as a focusing assist lamp. In such conditions, the camera takes quite a long time to focus, but the result is worth it. In addition, one cannot help but note the successful tandem of “cold” and “warm” diodes in the flash, which make it possible to obtain colors close to natural even in poor conditions.

Based on the results of the booth shooting, the camera showed itself to be very worthy compared to other smartphones. Despite the smaller 1/3.2″ matrix and not the highest resolution, the graph shows that the iPhone 5s camera is one of the best. And this is confirmed not only by numbers. It manages to work very smoothly at high sensitivity levels thanks to reasonable noise reduction. The result of its work is reminiscent of the color noise suppression function in RAW editors, when color noise becomes gray, and in this form is almost invisible. Camera sharpening is barely noticeable - and only if you know where to look.


In addition to the already familiar Auto and HDR modes, with the release of iOS 7, a panoramic shooting mode appeared in the camera. However, a panorama can only be shot in one position - panning from left to right while holding the smartphone vertically. The camera manages to produce fairly good and sharp panoramas with even exposure.

However, there are also failures.

The blur in the background, the white sky and the black indentations below are the result of poor editing. Of course, part of the problem here is the carelessness of the photographer, but the program also did its job in bad faith.

And yet I would like to note that the camera does panoramas well. On the other hand, this won’t surprise anyone now. But the limitation on the direction of wiring and the location of the smartphone, of course, is a little frustrating.

Comparison with iPhone 5

Of course, we couldn't help but compare the iPhone 5s camera to its predecessor.

As you can see from the above pictures, the cameras of the iPhone 5 and 5s are practically the same.


The rear camera can shoot video at 1080p@30 fps and 720p@120 fps.

It is worth noting that 720p@120 fps video, called “Slow” mode in the smartphone, is slow motion. However, slow motion (120 fps → 30 fps) is correctly reproduced only by the smartphone itself, and on a computer the video is played only as a video with a frequency of 120 frames per second. Apparently, the user is asked to slow down the video on the computer by four times (this can be done in most players when watching).

Perhaps we cannot say that the camera is ideal. You can't even call her the best. However, in itself it has many advantages and practically no significant disadvantages. So, owners of the iPhone 5s will certainly be glad of such a pleasant feature in the new smartphone, and owners of the iPhone 5, as it turns out, can already use it if they switched to iOS 7.


Apple has released a smartphone that cannot be called revolutionary, however, firstly, it is still a very high-quality product, and secondly, it has several interesting features that may well be developed in future devices from both Apple and competing companies.

First of all, this is a fingerprint sensor. Freeing the user from having to enter a password every time and making it physically impossible for strangers to use his smartphone is a good goal. After all, it's no secret that many people are too lazy to come up with and remember complex passwords, and the security of their devices suffers. Again, the fingerprint scanner can be used for many other tasks: for example, on tablets, different levels of access to apps, sites and content for different family members would be useful. For now, this is a matter of the future, but, obviously, the very near future.

The second promising innovation is a 64-bit processor with a new instruction set. Tests have shown that with the same frequency and number of cores, the 64-bit Apple A7 is very significantly (two or more times) superior to the Apple A6, that is, the architecture is very efficient. But this superiority is not yet enough to be the undisputed leader in the market: NVIDIA Tegra 4 and Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 takes the frequency and number of cores, demonstrating in benchmarks no less performance than the Apple A7. Now the main intrigue is this: does Apple have an ace up its sleeve, that is, will the company be able to release in the near future Apple version A7 for the new iPad tablets, but with four cores and a frequency of around 2 GHz, or there are some technical difficulties, and the performance of the A7 in the iPhone 5s is still the maximum that Apple engineers are capable of at this stage.

As for the camera and screen, there is progress compared to previous version The iPhone is minimal (and in the case of the screen, completely absent), but this does not prevent them from remaining very worthy solutions that do not charge record prices technical characteristics, but by the quality of all parameters and excellent adaptability to the real specific tasks of the user.

Now about the cost. iPhone 5s has not yet been officially released in Russia. Most likely, at the time of the start of sales, its price will be similar to the current one iPhone price 5. Particularly impatient gadget lovers can, of course, purchase a smartphone from “gray” supplies today. True, in addition to the traditionally inflated price (from one and a half times for black and white models; up to three times for gold), you need to be prepared for the fact that 4G (LTE) will not work, although, judging by the characteristics, Russian LTE bands are supported in some modifications of iPhone 5s. Most likely, Apple will introduce support for Russian LTE networks by the time official sales start, but it is not a fact that it will automatically appear on “gray” devices purchased in other countries.

I think it’s no secret to anyone that the camera in a smartphone is the main indicator for me. It is by the quality of the camera that I decide whether this particular smartphone can become my main one, which I can use both for its intended purpose and as a camera when needed. I love photography and used to only use DSLRs, but then it became impossible to carry a large camera around with me all the time, and only the iPhone 4s brought me back to my favorite hobby.

I don't take pictures of everything, I love beautiful pictures. IN my instagram nothing may appear for a week or more because I won't send food or even friends there. I process photos, but a high-quality camera is needed first. In his iPhone time The 4s was the best camera phone, and only the Nokia 808 PureView beat it. iPhone 5 is also one of the best camera phones in the market even today. Some people think that the SGS4 takes better photos, some on the contrary, the LG G2 seems to be even better. It is very interesting whether the camera in the iPhone 5s has become better than in the iPhone 5 as much as it has become better in the 4s compared to the 4. At least there are prerequisites for this.

The main improvement that was discussed at the presentation was an increase in the sensor by 15%. The number of pixels on the matrix remains the same - 8 MP. Increasing the size of each individual pixel results in improved image quality because each pixel receives more light.

Actually, this is what I hope for; I was almost sure that the size of the matrix would not increase. The second thing I liked was the analog camera built into the app, which everyone admires so much. The operating algorithm is as follows: like the Cortex Camera, in the dark, several pictures are taken per second, after which they are cleverly combined. Thus, the amount of noise is significantly reduced, and the photograph turns out clearer.

The next trick is serial shooting. You simply hold down the shutter key and the camera starts clicking a hundred million frames per second. After that, you can choose the best one. I use this for shooting lightning.

And lastly, video recording in 720p at 120 fps. You can make SloMo, and you choose from what point and at what point the video should be played in slow motion.

The last three features were implemented in different applications, which I also used. These are Cortex Camera, Fast Camera and SloPro. If in standard application All the specified functionality is implemented no worse, it will be very nice.

Here are pictures taken with the iPhone 5s camera, posted on the Apple website:

Pichal-toska, photo upside down by Apple itself

And an Apple video that shows all the main advantages new camera. I didn’t talk about the flash, because for me it will only serve as a flashlight.

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