How to roll back iOS version on iPhone, iPad. How to roll back iOS version on iPhone, iPad How to roll back iOS to a specific version on an Apple device

How to roll back iOS version on iPhone, iPad. How to roll back iOS version on iPhone, iPad How to roll back iOS to a specific version on an Apple device


Each Android and iOS update has its own benefits. However, sometimes it happens that the latest version of the system has some critical flaws that are not fixed by the developer for a long time. Or a situation may arise when a new update just terribly loads a mobile device and slows down. One such unfortunate update was iOS 9.3.5. And everything would be fine, a new version was released that would correct the existing shortcomings, however, this update was the last for a number of devices based on the A5 processor, and more specifically:

  • iPad 2.

  • iPad 3 (iPad with Retina display).

  • iPad mini (1st generation).

  • iPhone 4s.

  • iPod touch 5.

First of all, we need to use an exploit that will allow us to get a jailbreak. The list of devices on which it turns out to be used is as follows:

  • iPhone 4s.

  • iPhone 5.

  • iPhone 5c.

  • iPad 2.

  • iPad 3.

  • iPad 4.

  • iPad mini 1.

How to Jailbreak

  • 1. Download

  • 2. Loading

  • 3. We connect the iPhone or iPad to the computer using a cable.
  • 4. Launch Cydia Impactor and drag the ipa file into the program window.

  • 5. When prompted, enters your Apple ID details in a pop-up window.

  • 6. Go to "Settings" -> "General" -> "Device Management" on your mobile device, select the Phoenix certificate and double-click the "Trust" button.

  • 7. We return to the home screen and launch the Phoenix application. We agree with the offer to receive push notifications. Uncheck Phoenix at the bottom and click on the circle.

  • 8. Lock the screen of your mobile device and after a few seconds you will see a message about the successful hacking of the system.

  • 9. Unlock your smartphone or tablet and open Phoenix again. You will see an animation indicating that you are preparing to install Cydia. Wait for the device to reboot, after which the Cydia app store will be installed.

  • 10. It is worth clarifying that after each reboot you will have to repeat steps 7-9.

How to roll back to iOS 8.4.1?

  • Open the Cydia store and through the search we find "Filza File Manager".

  • We launch this file manager.
  • Go to /System/Library/CoreServices

  • We are looking for the file SystemVersion.plist

  • Edit Version (9.3.5) and Build (13G36) to Version (6.1.3) and Build (10B329) respectively.

  • We save and reboot the device (at the same time we hold down the power button together with the Home key and hold until the boot screen with an apple appears).

  • We go into the settings and check the version of the system. If we see the values ​​that we assigned, then everything went well.

  • Go to the "Software Update" section and download the update to iOS 8.4.1

  • After the update, you must do a hard reset through the item "Erase all content and settings"

Many users who have updated their iPhone and iPad to iOS 9.3 have encountered the problem of not being able to activate the device. If, for this or any other reason, the new Apple mobile operating system does not suit you, you can easily roll back to iOS 9.2.1. This guide will show you how.

iOS 9.3 is a major update that brings with it quite a few interesting changes and bug fixes. However, despite all its advantages, iOS 9.3 is unlikely to be the best choice for all users now.

There are two reasons for this. Firstly, when installing iOS 9.3, many users have a problem with activating the system. You can fix it using these recommendations, but they, in some cases, cannot help. Secondly, the speed of iOS 9.2.1, especially on older devices, is slightly but higher than iOS 9.3.

Step 1. Download the iOS 9.2.1 firmware file for your device from this page

Step 2: Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer. On Windows, this can be done by going to the Help menu -> Updates, on OS X, looking for new versions in the Updates tab in the Mac App Store.

Step 3: Back up your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to iTunes or iCloud

Step 4. Go to the menu " Settings» -> « iCloud” and turn off the “ Find iPhone»

Step 5Turn off the password protection of your device in the " Settings» -> « Touch ID and password»

Step 6Connect your mobile device to your computer and launch iTunes

Step 7. Select your device from the top bar of iTunes

Step 8. Hold down the Shift key (Alt on OS X) and click on the " Restore» and select the iOS 9.2.1 firmware file downloaded in the first step

Immediately after that, the installation process on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch of the mobile operating system iOS 9.2.1 will begin. It is important to wait for the installation to complete without disconnecting the device from the computer. After the installation is completed, the system's offers to install iOS 9.3 must be rejected.

Don't like iOS 11? Why was it updated then? … Although, this release is really special. Not everyone will go right away. Every year, Apple introduces new versions of iOS with supposedly improved features and improved optimization, but in fact, the last couple of years we have been “rubbed some kind of game”, full of bugs and shortcomings.

We, in turn, find ourselves in the place of “guinea pigs”, who must identify weaknesses and point them out to Apple for further correction. What was the recent release of the nightmarish iOS 9 worth when users around the world began to complain that their .

In principle, a similar situation was with the release of iOS 8 ... and 7 too. So, if something strange happens to your iPhone after the update, maybe it's not too late to rollback to a previous version of iOS. Today I will tell you how to do it.

The nuances of the update

But first, I would like to mention a couple of nuances related to iOS firmware and which you simply must know. As you already know, updating to a newer firmware is quite intuitive by clicking on one button in your phone's Settings or in iTunes on your computer.

If you want to return to a non-previous version of iOS, you must first download the firmware file with the ipsw extension from the Internet yourself, and then install it by connecting your phone to a computer.

If you suddenly decide that you can now install any old firmware, I will have to upset you. See how the situation is. During the installation of any version of iOS, your device contacts the Apple server for a digital signature.

If the server sees a version of iOS on your device that is no longer supported, it will not sign it and the installation will fail. If you don’t understand, I’ll explain with an example: if you just installed iOS 9.0, then now you can only return to 8.4.1 and that’s not a fact. With the release of new versions of iOS, Apple stops signing older versions.

Maximum “you can take one step back”. At the time of this writing, the only current firmware for all devices since the iPhone 4S is 9.0.2.

How to find out what versions of iOS are relevant today? Very simple! We go to and click on the model of your device.

How to rollback to a previous version of iOS

The step by step guide looks like this:

STEP 1 - Download the firmware file with the extension .ipsw from the link above:

STEP 2 - Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes

STEP 3 - If possible,

STEP 4 - B Settings iPhone turn off features: Find iPhone and Touch ID/Password

STEP 5 - Connect iPhone to computer with USB cable and launch iTunes

STEP 6 - Click on your device icon in the upper left corner of the window

STEP 7 - Hold down the Shift key ( Option/Alt on MAC), click the Refresh button in the iTunes window

Not ideal. It offers a few new features but doesn't change much from the previous version. At the same time, users of older devices may experience various difficulties due to the fact that their devices are not powerful enough for the new firmware. In this connection, there may be a desire to return to a stable one. It is quite easy to do, the main thing is to follow the instructions.

  1. Make sure your smartphone or tablet is at least 75% charged.
  2. Turn off Find My iPhone. To do this, go to "Settings" and go to the iCloud section, and then turn off the Find My iPhone function. The system will ask for your Apple ID password and you will need to enter it.
  1. After that, the “apple” device must be connected to the computer and iTunes launched, and the device itself must be switched to firmware mode (DFU, Device Firmware Update). To do this, simultaneously hold down the Power and Home buttons for 10 seconds. Then release the Power button while continuing to hold the Home button. The system should indicate that the device has been switched to DFU mode and is ready for firmware. Click the OK button.

  1. Select the "Restore iPhone" (or iPad) option. iTunes will ask you to confirm that you really want to revert to the old firmware. We confirm this by pressing the "Next" and "Agree" buttons, after which the automatic process of installing the old firmware will begin.

  1. It usually takes about 20 minutes to update the firmware, but if there are problems (for example, with Internet access or connecting to Apple servers), you can install the firmware manually using the image file. Just hold down the Shift button on your keyboard (or Option on MacOS) and click on the "Restore iPhone" option. In the window that opens, find and select the image file you downloaded and click the "Open" and "Restore" buttons in sequence. You don't need to do anything else, just wait for the result.
  2. After returning to the previous version of the firmware, the system will insistently ask you to update, so you must turn off automatic updates in the settings of your device and iTunes.

The differences between iOS 9.3.2 and iOS 10 are minor. The latter received a new beautiful lock screen, a keyboard with hints and a bunch of new emoticons. The system has also become more open (for example, Siri has become friends with third-party applications) and has learned to automatically group photos of people, places and objects into beautifully designed collections. There are no other significant innovations, and those that are, may cause performance degradation on older devices. At the same time, it is not known what problems will still be discovered and how long it will take to fix them.

After updating to a new version of IOS, you may notice that you do not like the firmware. In this case, there is a great way out - to roll back the software to the optimal, in your opinion, version. That is, if you have upgraded to, for example, IOS 10, then you can safely install IOS 8 on your device using the instructions below.

When to rollback iOS

The reasons for installing an older version of the operating system may be the following circumstances:

  • With new firmware versions, the design changes, and not all users may like the new design.
  • The most common reason is the appearance of freezes and glitches. Such problems happen for two reasons: either the new firmware version became available to users in a too raw form, with errors in the code and shortcomings, or the device that was updated was outdated for the loads created by the new IOS version.

Please note that it is not possible to roll back any device for any version, you can view detailed information about which device to which firmware version can be rolled back to the following site - . All data is arranged in a table format.

How to Rollback iOS to a Specific Version on an Apple Device

Before starting the process, you need to prepare the following things:

  • iTunes installed on your computer and updated to the latest version.
  • An IPSW version of the software of your choice downloaded to an easily accessible folder. You can download it from trusted Internet sites that distribute IOS firmware for free, for example, at the following link - Download the firmware strictly for your device model, otherwise there will be problems during installation.
  • A USB adapter that will connect your device to your computer.

If all of the above conditions are met by you, then the next step is to prepare the device itself for the rollback process.

Saving important data

Please note that when you roll back a device, all data, applications, and media files are permanently erased from it, so you should take care of them. There is an option that allows you to delete files from the device, it will be discussed later in the article, but it is no less stable. You can save everything you need using a backup created as follows:

Disable password

Another important point is to disable the password and Touch ID, if it is supported and enabled on your device.

Deactivate Find My iPhone

Before any actions with the firmware of the device, you must turn off the Find My iPhone function, because, otherwise, iTunes simply will not allow you to perform any actions:

Firmware rollback

If all the previous preparatory work has been carried out, then you can proceed to the rollback itself. It doesn't matter which device you're downgrading from, or which version of IOS you'll be migrating from and to.

  1. Connect your device to your computer with a USB adapter.
  2. Log in to the system.
  3. Go to the settings of your device by clicking on the icon in the form of a phone or tablet.
  4. Hold down the Shift button on your keyboard if you're using Windows, or the Option button if you're using Mac OS. Without releasing the key, click on the "Restore" button.
  5. A window with folders will open, you need to specify the path to the firmware that you downloaded earlier.
  6. Wait while iTunes extracts the software from the firmware and installs it. The process can last from five minutes to half an hour, do not disconnect the device from the computer and do not interrupt the process in any way, otherwise the device may enter the endless recovery mode.

Rollback without data loss

This rollback option also exists, it allows you to rollback without losing data on the device. To do this, in paragraph 4 of the "Firmware Rollback" section, you need to click on the "Restore" button, and the "Update" button. All other steps are exactly the same. The only thing to keep in mind is that performing a full recovery, that is, resetting the system and installing it from scratch, is safer, since the chance that any elements will remain from the previous version is much lower.

Video tutorial: How to roll back iOS version

Third party rollback programs

If for some reason the iTunes method does not suit you, then you can use the third-party RedSnow program. It is distributed free of charge for both Windows and Mac OS on the official website of the developer -

  1. After downloading and opening the program, select the Extras section.
  2. Click the Even More button.
  3. In the menu that opens, go to the Restore block.
  4. Press the IPSW button to specify the path to the pre-downloaded firmware.
  5. In the notification that appears, you will be asked whether to cancel the modem upgrade or not. Click on the "Yes" option.
  6. A window will open in which you will be warned that now the device will need to be put into recovery mode, close it.
  7. Connect the device to the computer using a USB adapter and enter it into DFU Mode. How to do this is described step by step in the program itself.
  8. If you have not performed such rollback operations with this program before, then click on the Remote button so that it automatically finds the necessary hashes on its servers.
  9. Done, now it remains to wait for the end of the process. The device will automatically update to the version you downloaded and turn on, after which you will have to go through the initial setup process.

Is it possible to rollback individual applications

If the purpose of your system rollback is to install older versions of applications, then you should not carry it out, since there is a better option - use the special App Admin program. You can download it directly from the App Store for free. Thanks to this application, you can view all available versions of applications installed on your phone and roll back to them. To use the program, just select the applications to roll back and enter a unique version number to which you want to roll back the selected application.

So, installing an older version of software is possible on all devices from Apple, but you can not roll back to any version, but only to those that have an SHSH signature. The process can be performed both through the official iTunes application and through third-party programs. The main thing is to download the correct firmware version and not interrupt the update process until it is fully completed.

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