Delivery club food delivery. Delivery Club: how to order food from different restaurants in one application. In which cities does the service operate?

Delivery club food delivery. Delivery Club: how to order food from different restaurants in one application. In which cities does the service operate?


Delivery Club is an online service that combines more than 5,000 food and grocery delivery services. The project provides users with convenient conditions for fast, profitable ordering from city restaurants.

Unified food delivery service from restaurants in your city

Nowadays there are all kinds of online stores where you can order the necessary food. Delivery Club is a unified system for ordering pizza, sushi, rolls, kebabs, pies, burgers and other dishes with home delivery. The range of the official website of Deliveryclub Ru is simply amazing in volume. The choice of products includes thousands of items; on one cozy, well-designed portal, each person buys the products that interest him. Delicious restaurant dishes are presented on Delivery Club.

Small but pleasant surprises have been invented for clients. People can treat themselves to delicious and healthy food and receive points that are exchanged for small but amazing prizes. Exclusive promotions are another gift provided by the official website of Delivery Club Ru.

At any time of the day or night, a person can count on timely support from specialists working for the benefit of each client. This demonstrates Delivery Club's sensitive care and interest in people.

The technological service and design of the Delivery Club website cannot leave anyone indifferent. Bright photographs depicting juicy, delicious chicken or a huge, luxurious pizza make you pay attention. People will not be able to pass up such unbeatable offers when they are hungry.

In addition, the site places on the main page dishes that have been in demand recently. Here the buyer considers what the online store provides with the opportunity to save money by receiving some dish as a gift. For example, if a client orders something from the menu for an amount of 1,200 rubles, then as a reward for visiting the official DeliveryClub website, he will take a delicious Florida pizza.

It is convenient to download the necessary applications to your phone, thereby ensuring maximum convenience for ordering all kinds of services needed at a certain time. The Delivery Club application can be installed without any problems on your smartphone and is easy and convenient to use at any time of the day.

The official website of Delivery Club Ru makes it possible to diversify your usual diet and add a little zest to the life of every person.

Benefits of ordering food and groceries at Delivery Club online

On the Delivery Club Ru portal, a suitable food delivery service is selected from thousands of partners in Moscow, St. Petersburg, and other cities of Russia and orders are placed in a single interface.

By ordering food or grocery delivery, you automatically take part in the club’s bonus program, earning bonus points with each order, which are then exchanged for valuable prizes. In addition, Delivery Club allows you to view your purchase history, compare prices and take part in special promotions and sweepstakes. Also on Delivery Club, customers leave reviews about a particular restaurant, delivery service and get acquainted with the opinions of other visitors.

In addition to the main Delivery Club online store, orders are placed using mobile applications that exist for all common mobile platforms (iOS, Android).

Advantages and capabilities of the Delivery Club aggregator

  • free use of the system;
  • prices are similar to restaurant ones;
  • objective choice among many delivery services on one official website;
  • the ability to order from any connected restaurant;
  • using bonus points and exchanging them for prizes;
  • comparison of prices on restaurant menus;
  • posting reviews and suggestions on the official website of Delivery Club Ru;
  • participation in special promotions available only to club members.

In 2009, the founders of Delivery Club saw a free market for food delivery. They decided to unite restaurants on one site and put them in conditions of open competition, when the establishment’s rating depends on customer reviews. In the first months, the online aggregator was of no interest to either investors or users. The company later attracted $10 million in investment, and the number of orders per day increased from 15 to 12,000 over five years.

The service's revenue, according to H&F estimates, is about $15 million per month. All attempts by foreign companies to conquer the Russian market in this niche turned out to be failures. In June, Foodpanda acquired 100% shares of Delivery Club to consolidate its position in Russia.


Co-founders of Delivery Club

How it all began

A year after the first investment, the second round took place - also from AddVenture, about $1 million. Some predicted that we would begin to lose growth rates, but this expectation did not materialize. We continued to grow three to five times per year. When we reached the first thousand orders in the fall of 2011, we believed in ourselves.

I managed Delivery Club for a long time, but at some point I realized that the company was developing well, and the team was very professional - it did not need my expertise. It became uninteresting for me to sit and wait for it to continue to grow for another two or three years. I have new goals related to e-commerce and investing in startups. I founded the venture fund SOLventures with other partners. As for the other founders, everyone except Anna left the project with the arrival of Phenomen Ventures - they made an offer to buy out shares, and the shareholders accepted it. Basically, everyone is out now because Foodpanda has acquired 100% of Delivery Club.


You can order food through us using the website, app or by phone. The user sees the addresses of restaurants and how far they are from him, so that it becomes clear how long he will wait for food. We have a CRM department that stays in touch with the offended people and resolves the issue. The system of reviews that users leave affects the rating of restaurants - if the establishment is not very good, it will not be at the top of the list. A person can only leave a comment after placing an order, so we do not have reviews from the restaurants themselves or their employees. In addition, we look at the IP addresses from which people write, and if they are IPs of restaurants, we clean them up. We are now represented in 18 cities of Russia - all with populations over one million.

We we know everything about the market, so it’s good we help partners. If someone decides start off our business in this area, we will tell him What it's better to open and what kind of food create

To place an order, you don’t have to register on the site, but most people do this at some point - you don’t have to constantly enter your data and you can receive bonus points, which are exchanged for free food. We accumulate the user's history from the very beginning - when registering, a person sees all his previous orders in his personal account and if he has accumulated points for them, he will receive them.


We immediately began taking a 10% commission from restaurants - this was our principled position. Almost from the first day of our work, we have never spent more money on attracting one client than we later earned from him. We have grown from 15 orders on the first day of work to 12,000 orders per day now. The average bill for February - this month has the most average figures - 1,344 rubles for cities with a population of over a million and 1,508 rubles for Moscow. Number of users - more than 1 million.

When we started the project, the cost of attracting a user could reach 2,000 rubles - despite the fact that the average commission was 100–120 rubles per order. Now Delivery Club marketers have learned to attract a user for 70–80 rubles, and this indicates that the business is healthy. ( According to H&F estimates, the company's monthly revenue is $15 million. - Approx.)


At the very beginning, we spent a lot of money on marketing, but not very effectively. I can’t say that we used certain instruments then and different ones now, it’s just that now it’s all of a different quality. We used contextual advertising, SEO promotion, banners, and offline advertising, but, not having the proper expertise, we could not boast of great success.

If we see a segment where there is clearly a lack of Delivery Club, we study it and begin to communicate with players. This is always a very long process. It is difficult to convince a restaurant that it needs delivery, because it is a big investment for them - purchasing equipment, purchasing a paid car, attracting managers. But we just call and ask: “Do you want to increase your turnover by so many percent?” With us, restaurants have no risk - they only pay if they receive an order through our service.


As we began to develop, competitors began to appear on the market. We didn’t feel very confident then; Western players worried us. The first attempt to enter Russia was made by the Turkish Yemeksepeti, then the German holding Delivery Hero and then Foodpanda. However, foreign expertise did not work, although they all had impressive starting investments - about $3 million. No one managed to compete with Delivery Club. Yemeksepeti and Foodpanda left Russia, and Foodpanda was forced to acquire the leader in the field - this was the only way they could enter the market.

The market is growing and will continue to grow, especially in large cities. There are more and more restaurants that deliver food. If earlier there were five pizzerias in one area where you can order something, now there are 25 of them.

The telephone is our main competitor. If in Moscow there is a clear trend towards a decrease in the share of orders by phone, then outside of Moscow the majority of orders are made this way - these are the clients we cannot target. We don't really like orders over the phone. Processing them costs a lot of money, but we get a small percentage.

We are leaders in the Russian market. Overtaking and catching up with us is an almost impossible task. And in a couple of months it will be completely unsolvable, well, only with very large investments, which hardly anyone will agree to.


Foodpanda works with 45 countries in the world, and each of these countries will have part of our expertise. Now we act as Foodpanda, as a global player, and our global goal is to conquer the global market. Now it's one company. In some countries it is called Foodpanda, in others Hollofood, in others Delivery Club, and they all have the same shareholder - Rocket Internet. Now we represent this company in Russia.

The deal was predictable. Our closest competitors are dozens of times behind us in any parameters, and Foodpanda has scaled to 45 countries around the world. This partnership is interesting for both parties. Nothing changes in our company, all plans will be the same, the team’s efforts go towards conquering the market in which we operate. Our cooperation occurs not only in terms of global strategy, but also in terms of exchange of experience.

Ralf Wenzel, CEO of Foodpanda:

We met with the company's leaders about six months ago and it became clear that by combining resources and teams, we could become stronger in the Russian market. We started working here in December 2012 and have seen the company grow since then. The Russian market is incredibly large and has enormous potential, so we continue to focus on it.

We will develop the service and are going to bring it to more than 30 cities in Russia, connecting about 10,000 restaurants. Another goal is to make the business truly mobile, so that more and more people order food through the application. Both FoodPanda and Delivery Club have already shown good growth in mobile orders, and we plan to continue this trend.


As the company's success grows, the work becomes more and more. When we had 15 orders on September 1, I wanted 100. Now we have 12,000 orders a day, and I want it to be 100,000.

We want to build one of the leading players in the market in Russia. We are inspired by the results of Just-Eat in the UK and Yemeksepeti in Turkey. Delivery Club wants to occupy a leading market share - less than 30–40% will not suit us at all. Now we estimate the volume at $1.5 billion, of which we occupy about 10%. Growth by three to five times in the next couple of years is task No. 1 for us.

We want to expand geography. So far we are planning to conquer 44 cities by the end of the year. By this time, the percentage of orders should at least double. We want Delivery Club to be present in the CIS countries - we will do this at the beginning of 2015. And soon we plan to launch two new projects that will help increase our share in the Russian market. At the beginning of August we will have a product coming out that should surprise everyone.

Believe and don't give up. At the start it will often seem that nothing is working out, everything is gone and no one needs it. But perseverance and faith will conquer everything.

Always answer the question how much does a user cost you, and don’t spend money thoughtlessly. People often start out with luxury offices and end up burning out. The business must be healthy, so direct expenses towards its development.

The editors express their gratitude to the restaurant “La Casa”.

How do you navigate food delivery services? Do you accidentally learn about new ones and see from your own experience where it’s tasty and cheap, and where it’s not so good? The Delivery Club aggregator changes this scheme. On the website or app you can see many available establishments in your city, their menu, reviews and ratings, which establishments are currently running promotions and other information.

Today it is the largest aggregator of food and grocery delivery offers in Russia, which is easy to verify by visiting the website

Delivery Club is constantly growing

So far, residents of 29 major Russian cities and 22 cities in the Moscow region can use the Delivery Club. But the service is constantly evolving, new cities and establishments are added every week. So if your city is not yet on the list, it will appear in the near future.

Now let's move on to the capabilities of the service.

Choose food and compare prices

You can choose food both on the website and in the application. But, most likely, you will do this from the application more often, because it is more convenient to order on the go.

By the way, the cross-platform mobile application Delivery Club for iOS, Android and Windows Phone has already been installed more than 2 million times.

First, you need to register - this way you can immediately earn bonus points and receive free meals for them. Well, after registration, it’s time to study the list of restaurants.

On the first tab “Food”, select a category, for example “Pizza” or “Sushi”. If you don’t have preferences regarding dishes and cuisine, you can select “All restaurants” and navigate by rating.

The more positive and fewer negative reviews, the higher the restaurant's rating. By the way, after ordering you can also contribute to the evaluation of establishments.

When you go to a restaurant, you see all the information about it: the minimum order amount and delivery amount, average food delivery time, address and opening hours.

If a restaurant is running a promotion, you see information about it in front of the menu - don’t miss it in any case. On the last tab you can read the reviews left.

Now all that remains is to look through the restaurant menu, divided into dish categories, and add the desired food to your cart. But don't rush to order. Before placing an order, you can find out prices, lists of dishes and reviews of dozens of different restaurants. And to do this, you don’t have to open dozens of tabs in your browser - you just scroll through the application and choose the best option.

The same thing applies to grocery stores with home delivery: you choose the best store based on prices and ratings from one list.

And for those who like to save money on various promotions, the application is a real paradise: the last tab contains information about exclusive promotions for Delivery Club users with conditions and an indication of the time remaining until completion.

By the way, you just need to check one box and you will receive notifications about new promotions.

If skeptics now thought that the savings are dubious because prices are inflated in the application, they were mistaken.

All prices in Delivery Club are identical to those offered by partners.

This means that when ordering on the website, for example, of the same Yakitoria, you will pay exactly the same amount of money for your order, but you will not be able to compare with other restaurants and find out about promotions.

Let's say you've decided where and what to order, and filled your cart. It's time to proceed to placing your order.

Registration in two clicks

The order is placed from the shopping cart, where you can adjust it one last time and see the total amount. Here you can enter a promotional code, if you have one, and see how many points you will earn for your order. I'll talk about using points a little later.

So, you click the “Place an order” button and proceed to fill out the form. Conveniently, you fill out your contact information only once, and it is saved in your personal account.

You will not have to fill out these fields every time, as if you ordered on the websites of different restaurants - this will be done automatically. So all that remains is to type the address and note how you will pay.

By the way, you can place an order without registering with Delivery Club, but then you will have to enter your contact information for the order again each time. So it’s better to register right away, especially since it won’t take much time.

Recently, the Delivery Club application introduced the ability to pay for orders with a bank card.. Unfortunately, this payment method does not work with all restaurants. In the establishment's card you can immediately see whether online payment is possible.

Your personal account stores the data of your card (at your request, of course) or several cards. So the next time you order, you can place it much faster, without entering additional data.

Unfortunately, this feature is only available on the website for now, but I think it will soon appear in the application.

For registered users, each completed order goes to the “History” tab, where you will always find answers to questions like “What kind of delicious pizza did we order for a corporate party?” or “What were the names of these delicious rolls with green caviar on top?” Or, together with your friends, you can calculate how much money everyone should pay for Saturday get-togethers with pizza. In general, it's convenient.

Well, now about the most pleasant thing - bonus points.

Bonuses and free food

Nowadays, the bonus point system is used by everyone, and in almost every pizzeria or sushi bar with delivery you will receive some bonuses and gifts.

True, these bonuses, no matter how you look at them, limit your choice. If you want to spend it, please order from this restaurant.

With Delivery Club there are no such restrictions. You can order food at a new restaurant every day, and bonus points will be awarded. For every 100 rubles of your order, you receive 10 bonus points, which you can save to receive prizes or spend on free dishes.

On the website you can see which restaurants are participating in the “Food for Points” promotion in your city and get some dishes for free.

In the application, you can set the filter “With food for points” and choose from restaurants that support this promotion.

However, no bonuses will erase unpleasant emotions if the order was delivered in three hours instead of the promised hour, and the rolls turned out to be stale. For such cases, Delivery Club has the opportunity to leave your feedback and support from the service itself.

Struggle for the quality of partner services

Let’s say you didn’t have the best experience with a certain restaurant - anything can happen, maybe the employee who worked that day was not the most diligent. In any case, you are angry about the long wait and tasteless food.

First of all, even before you leave your angry review, you can contact Delivery Club. Go to the tab in the application and call or write an email with your complaints.

The aggregator’s employees will sort out the situation and help you receive compensation from the partner restaurant. Maybe after this you won’t want to write bad comments to the establishment.

Well, if you consider it your duty to warn other users, go ahead. Just a rating or a full comment will help other people choose the best establishment.

Orders become easier

So, with Delivery Club apps, ordering food at home becomes even easier and faster. You have more choice and opportunities to compare, you immediately learn about discounts and promotions and can use them.

Not to mention the fact that to order you do not need to call the operator, dictate complex names of dishes to him, and even fill out your contact information when ordering.

Yes, if you can’t decide on the choice of restaurant or dish, go to Delivery Club blog. There you will find reviews of various partner restaurants (including “closed tours” of the kitchens of various establishments), interesting recipes and news from the life of the project.

Try ordering food delivery through the Delivery Club app and evaluate the convenience of the service for yourself.

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