4g network standards. Types of mobile Internet - deciphering abbreviations

4g network standards. Types of mobile Internet - deciphering abbreviations


The terms LTE and 4G have been around for a long time and are gradually becoming part of the vocabulary of a modern person, and with the advent of a new generation of Android smartphones and the release of iPhone 5, we simply need to know more about this technology, just so that there is no confusion, and for general development.

In this article we will try to give the simplest answers to the most popular questions about LTE.

What is LTE?

Developed by the 3GPP consortium Long Term Evolution (literally translated, “long-term development”), in the generally accepted abbreviated version - LTE - is new standard mobile networks with increased capacity and data transfer speed. LTE uses different frequencies, but operates based on the GSM networks/HSPA, actually being their improved version. The term 4G, or “fourth generation wireless communications,” is used as a synonym for LTE, emphasizing the differences between this standard and 3G. According to preliminary forecasts, by 2016 the total number of mobile broadband network subscribers may reach 5 billion people.

How LTE (4G) differs from 3G

First of all, you need to understand that 4G LTE is an evolutionary, not a revolutionary development path that involves using the capabilities of the existing infrastructure. 3G networks will continue to perform the tasks of delivering broadband services to billions of mobile device users for a long time and with no less efficiency. But 4G, nevertheless, confidently predicts the role of the generally accepted standard for mobile communications in view of a number of obvious advantages of 4G LTE technology, the main of which are:

  • more high performance and throughput;
  • Simplicity - LTE supports flexible bandwidth options with carrier frequencies from 1.4 MHz to 20 MHz, as well as frequency-division duplex (FDD) and time-division duplex (TDD).
  • latency - LTE has a significantly lower delay in data transmission for user plane protocols compared to existing third-generation technologies (an advantage that is extremely important, for example, for serving multiplayer online games).
  • a wide range of end devices - it is planned to equip not only smartphones and tablets with LTE modules, but also laptops, game consoles, video cameras and other portable and household devices.

LTE speed

The capabilities of LTE technology provide data transfer rates of up to 299.6 Mbit/s for download (download) and up to 75.4 Mbit/s for upload (upload). However, in LTE, the speed in each specific case largely depends on both the user’s location and the current load on the network. But LTE is developing: two years ago at the MWC-2010 congress, a possible peak throughput of up to 1.2 Gbit per second was demonstrated. However, for example, in Singapore, where national LTE coverage is provided by the M1 operator, the average download speed in LTE does not exceed 75 Mbit/s. In the near future, the company plans to increase speeds to 150 Mbit/s by using frequencies that are currently used to support the outdated 2G standard.

Why are LTE frequencies different in different countries?

Despite the fact that LTE is developing very actively all over the world, there is no single frequency range on which 4G operators operate in different countries of the world. This is due to the fact that the radio frequency spectrum in many countries is under the control of government agencies, and the activities of operators are licensed. In different countries, certain frequencies are already used by other services (like digital TV), so telecommunications companies have to use those that are currently available and wait for the opportunity to access new bands, as is the case with Singapore's M1.

Most commonly used LTE frequencies

In Asian countries it is 1800 MHz or 2600 MHz. It is on these frequencies that operators operate in Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea. In Japan and the USA - 700 MHz or 2100 MHz. In Europe - 1800 MHz or 2600 MHz.

In Russia, LTE licenses were received by Rostelecom (791-798.5/832-839.5 MHz, Band 20), MTS (798.5-806/839.5-847 MHz, Band 20), Megafon (806-813.5/847 -854.5 MHz, Band 20) and VimpelCom (““) (813.5-821/854.5-862 MHz, Band 20), which will begin providing 4G LTE services from July next year.

In Ukraine, LTE networks are just beginning to develop, and, according to experts, at least a year and a half will pass before its full commercial operation begins. The reasons for this lag are problems with regulation and licensing, as well as insufficient transport network capacity.

Universal LTE smartphone?

There is no such device yet, since manufacturers have not yet developed such a compact antenna that could provide signal reception and transmission at least at the most popular LTE frequencies simultaneously. That’s why they say that an iPhone 5 purchased in the States may not work in Asian and European LTE networks. But you shouldn’t be too upset; it always remains universal, available in all countries of the world. However, if we take into account the global trend towards a shift of telecom operators towards the LTE standard and the pace of release of previously occupied frequency ranges, then in the future we can expect the emergence of a common frequency range in different countries and regions of the world. This means that the problem of developing a universal LTE smartphone may become somewhat simpler and its creation is only a matter of time. Let's hope this happens very soon.

4G LTE is expensive

Like the 3G standard in its time, the new 4G is also not yet democratic in tariff setting. Cheap 4G LTE is not yet offered, so users have to pay more for speed and performance. However, LTE really gets expensive if you don't pay attention to the amount of data you download or transfer.

LTE smartphones on sale

In addition to the mentioned iPhone 5, which Apple will begin selling on September 21 this year, several more smartphones can work with LTE networks: HTC One XL, Samsung Galaxy S II LTE, LG Optimus True HD LTE and the Galaxy Note LTE. Also, LG Optimus G and Galaxy S3 LTE should go on sale soon.

LTE technology news

In our country, the 4G LTE standard is still only a prospect, and not the closest one at that. However, for those who often travel abroad, there are plenty of opportunities to experience all the benefits of LTE. The growing popularity of this communication standard is also evidenced by the fact that the new iPhone 5 from Apple is being released in three versions at once various options, each of which is designed for a specific LTE frequency range. So model A1428 (GSM) iPhone 5 supports LTE only in the USA and Canada and operates at a frequency of 700MHz. The A1429 (CDMA) model is aimed at the networks of US operators Sprint and Verizon, as well as the Japanese KDDI.

And finally, A1429 (GSM) iPhone 5 operates at frequencies of 850 MHz, 1800 MHz and 2100 MHz and is the most universal, since these are the frequencies used for LTE communications in many countries around the world (except the USA and Canada). The Apple support site states that the A1429 (GSM) is compatible with LTE in Australia, Hong Kong, Germany, Korea, Japan, Singapore and the UK. In other words, this means that if you live in Ukraine and often visit Europe, then when ordering iPhone 5 from other countries, choose A1429 (GSM). Accordingly, for those who visit the United States more often, it is better to buy the A1428 (GSM) iPhone 5. Also, do not forget that such a regional distinction applies only to the LTE specifics of the devices; in 3G networks, each of them will work in any region of the planet.

Samsung may acquire Nokia Siemens Networks(August 3, 2012)
The South Korean corporation Samsung is exploring the possibility of acquiring one of largest producers universal equipment for NSN communication networks. According to independent analysts and experts, the amount of this transaction could be fifty-five billion dollars. An official representative of the NSN company stated that the interest of Samsung Corporation management relates to the mass supply and global production of equipment for unique wireless mobile communication networks.

It should be recalled that today there are not many mobile companies in the world capable of making this purchase, and in the international operator equipment market only Ericsson or Huawei corporations would be able to afford such an asset. However, such a financial transaction does not fit into the strategic policy of Ericsson, and the second corporation already has a similar infrastructure. It should be mentioned that a Chinese corporation is being considered as a potential buyer of NSN. As for the South Korean manufacturer of mobile equipment, Samsung previously produced branded stations for the WiMAX model, but this service lost its leading position to innovative LTE technology.

Modern wireless Internet is developing very rapidly. Just 3 years ago, no one thought about the massive distribution of 4G throughout almost all of central Russia, and large operators only had it in their plans. Now high-speed Internet is appearing in new settlements. If previous generations of 2G and 3G were established standards for a long time, then 4G and LTE are progressing every year. In this article you will learn what the maximum speed of 4G Internet is and how to measure it. Also read in the next section useful material about how they differ from each other.

What speed should 4 G have?

If we take into account the 4G LTE network, which is the first generation of the new 4G technology, the figures will be much lower than stated. Back in 2008, standards were set according to which the maximum speed in 4G networks should have been as follows:

  • 100Mb/s for mobile subscribers. These include cars, trains, and so on;
  • 1Gb/s for static subscribers (pedestrians and stationary computers).

However, in reality things are worse than by stated standards. These parameters were set by the creators of the technology in ideal conditions without interference, network load and other unpleasant moments. In fact, for static subscribers the real figure does not exceed 100Mb/s. However, operators loudly proclaim 200-300Mb/s. The closest to this figure are Megafon and Beeline, which launched a network supporting LTE Advanced or 4G+. The performance of this standard reaches up to 150Mb/s under ideal conditions. However, it makes it clear: the mass adoption of LTE Advanced will have to wait a long time. In addition, the growing number of subscribers will increase the load on the network, which will lead to a decrease in the average.

By the way, a new one is coming, its speed is even higher!

Difference in mobile internet speed 3g and 4g

Compared to the third generation, the new technology has made a significant leap forward. The average 4g LTE data transfer speed currently hovers around 20Mb/s. The maximum rate for the third generation is 2Mb/s. The difference is obvious. However, the HSPA+ network brought the third generation to life with indicators of 42Mb/s for upload and 6Mb/s for reception.

How to check 4g internet speed?

You can independently determine what data transfer rates are currently on your phone. To do this you will need the Speedtest mobile application, which can be downloaded from stores Play Market and AppStore. The 4G speed test is launched by pressing just one button when starting the program. The utility will automatically measure the ping to the nearest server with which it will exchange a test data packet. After that, it will measure reception and return and display it on the screen of your device. The same operation can be done from a computer on the website of the same name. Also read on our website about their distribution.

It's hard to believe, but once upon a time mobile phones were actually called "phones", not smartphones, not superphones... They fit into your pocket and can make calls. That's all. None social networks, messaging, uploading photos. They can't upload a 5MP photo to Flickr and they certainly can't turn into a wireless hotspot.

Of course, those dark days are far behind us, but as promising next-generation wireless high-speed data networks continue to emerge around the world, many things are starting to seem confusing. What is “4G”? It's higher than 3G, but does it mean it's better? Why are all four US national carriers suddenly calling their networks 4G? Answers to these questions require a short excursion into the history of the development of wireless technologies.

For starters, "G" stands for "generation," so when you hear someone refer to the "4G network" it means they're talking about wireless network, built on fourth generation technology. Using the definition of “generation” in this context leads to all the confusion that we will try to sort out.


The story begins with the emergence of several innovative network technologies in the 1980s: AMPS in the US and a combination of TACS and NMT in Europe. Although several generations of mobile phone services existed before, the trifecta of AMPS, TACS and NMT are considered the first generation (1G) because these technologies allowed mobile phones to become a mainstream product.

In the days of 1G, no one thought about data services - these were purely analogue systems, conceived and designed solely for voice calls and a few other modest capabilities. Modems existed, but because wireless communications are more susceptible to noise and distortion than conventional wired communications, data transfer rates were incredibly slow. In addition, the cost of a minute of conversation in the 80s was so high that a mobile phone could be considered a luxury.

Separately, I would like to mention the world’s first automatic mobile communication system “Altai”, which was launched in Moscow in 1963. "Altai" was supposed to become a full-fledged telephone installed in a car. You could simply talk on it, like on a regular telephone (i.e., the sound passed in both directions at the same time, the so-called duplex mode). To call another Altai or a regular phone, you just had to dial the number - like on a desk telephone, without any channel switching or conversations with the dispatcher. A similar system in the USA, IMTS (Improved Mobile Telephone Service), was launched in the pilot area a year later. And its commercial launch took place only in 1969. Meanwhile, in the USSR, by 1970, Altai was installed and was successfully operating in about 30 cities. By the way, in Voronezh and Novosibirsk the system is still in effect.


The early 90s saw the rise of the first digital cellular networks, which had a number of advantages over analogue systems. Improved sound quality, greater security, increased performance - these are the main advantages. GSM began its development in Europe, while D-AMPS and Qualcomm's early version of CDMA started in the US.

These nascent 2G standards do not yet support their own tightly integrated data services. Many of these networks support short text messaging (SMS), as well as CSD technology, which allowed data to be transmitted digitally to the station. This effectively meant that you could transfer data faster - up to 14.4 kbps, which was comparable to the speed of landline modems in the mid-90s.

In order to initiate data transfer using CSD technology, it was necessary to make a special “call”. It was like a telephone modem - you were either connected to the network or not. Given that tariff plans at that time were measured in tens of minutes, and CSD was akin to an ordinary call, there was almost no practical use of the technology.


The introduction of the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) in 1997 was a turning point in history. cellular communication, because he proposed continuous data transmission technology for existing GSM networks. With new technology, you can use data only when needed - no more stupid CSD like a phone modem. In addition, GPRS can operate at a higher speed than CSD - theoretically up to 100 kBit/s, and operators have the opportunity to charge traffic rather than time on the line.

GPRS appeared at a very opportune moment - when people began to continuously check their email accounts.

This innovation did not allow one to be added to the mobile generation. While GPRS technology was already on the market, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) compiled a new standard - IMT-2000 - establishing the specifications of “real” 3G. The key point was to provide data transfer rates of 2 Mbit/s for fixed terminals and 384 kBit/s for mobile terminals, which was not possible with GPRS.

Thus, GPRS was stuck between generations of 2G, which it was superior to, and 3G, which it was not. This was the beginning of a generational split.

3G, 3.5G, 3.75G... and 2.75G too

In addition to the aforementioned data speed requirements, the 3G specifications called for easy migration from second-generation networks. To this end, a standard called UMTS became the top choice for GSM operators, and the CDMA2000 standard provided backward compatibility. Following the precedent of GPRS, the CDMA2000 standard offers its own continuous data transmission technology called 1xRTT. The confusing thing is that although CDMA2000 is officially a 3G standard, it provides data transfer speeds only slightly faster than GPRS - around 100 kBit/s.

The EDGE standard - Enhanced Data-rates for GSM Evolution - was conceived as an easy way for GSM network operators to squeeze extra juice out of 2.5G installations without investing heavily in hardware upgrades. With a phone that supported EDGE, you could get twice the speed of GPRS, which was pretty good for the time. Many European operators did not bother with EDGE and were committed to introducing UMTS.

So, where does EDGE belong? It's not as fast as UMTS or EV-DO, so you can tell it's not 3G. But it's clearly faster than GPRS, which means it must be better than 2.5G, right? Indeed, many people would call EDGE technology 2.75G.

A decade later, CDMA2000 networks received an upgrade to EV-DO Revision A, which offers slightly higher downstream speeds and much faster upstream speeds. In the original specification, called EV-DO Revision 0, the outgoing speed is limited to 150 kBit/s, a new version allows you to do it ten times faster. Thus, we got 3.5G! The same for UMTS: HSDPA and HSUPA technologies made it possible to add speed for incoming and outgoing traffic.

Further enhancements to UMTS will use HSPA+, dual-carrier HSPA+, and HSPA+ Evolution, which will theoretically provide throughput from 14 Mbps to a staggering 600 Mbps. So, can we say that we have entered a new generation, or can it be called 3.75G by analogy with EDGE and 2.75G?

4G is a deception all around

Just as it did with the 3G standard, the ITU has taken control of 4G by tying it to a specification known as IMT-Advanced. The document calls for incoming data speeds of 1 Gbit/s for fixed terminals and 100 Mbit/s for mobile ones. This is 500 and 250 times faster compared to IMT-2000. These are truly enormous speeds that can outpace an ordinary DSL modem or even a direct connection to a broadband channel.

Wireless technologies play a key role in providing broadband access to rural areas. It is more cost-effective to build one 4G station that will provide communication over a distance of tens of kilometers than to cover farmland with a blanket of fiber optic lines.

Unfortunately, these specifications are so aggressive that no commercial standard in the world meets them. Historically, WiMAX and Long-Term Evolution (LTE), which are destined to achieve the same success as CDMA2000 and GSM, have been considered fourth generation technologies, but this is only partly true: they both use new, extremely efficient multiplexing schemes (OFDMA, in unlike the old CDMA or TDMA that we have been using for the last twenty years) and they both lack a voice channel. 100 percent of them bandwidth used for data services. This means that voice transmission will be treated as VoIP. Considering how data-centric modern mobile society is, this can be considered a good solution.

Where WiMAX and LTE fail is in data transfer speeds, their theoretical values ​​are at the level of 40 Mbit/s and 100 Mbit/s, and in practice, real-life speeds of commercial networks do not exceed 4 Mbit/s and 30 Mbit/s accordingly, which in itself is very good, but does not meet the high goals of IMT-Advanced. Updating these standards - WiMAX 2 and LTE-Advanced promise to do this job, but it is still incomplete and there are still no real networks that use them.

However, it can be argued that the original WiMAX and LTE standards are sufficiently different from the classic 3G standards to warrant a generational shift. Indeed, most operators around the world that have deployed such networks call them 4G. Obviously this is being used as marketing and the ITU has no power to counter it. Both technologies (LTE in particular) will soon be deployed by many telecom operators around the world over the next few years, and the use of the "4G" name will only increase.

And that's not the end of the story. US operator T-Mobile, which has not announced its intention to upgrade its HSPA network to LTE any time soon, has decided to start branding the upgrade to HSPA+ as 4G. In principle, this move makes sense: 3G technology could eventually reach speeds faster than just LTE, approaching IMT-Advanced requirements. There are many markets where T-Mobile's HSPA+ network is faster than Sprint's WiMAX. And neither Sprint, Verizon, nor MetroPCS - the three US carriers with live WiMAX/LTE networks - offer VoIP services. They continue to use their 3G frequencies for voice and will continue to do so for some time. Plus, T-Mobile is going to upgrade to 42Mbps speeds this year without even touching LTE!

It may be this move by T-Mobile that has sparked a global rethink of what "4G" really means among consumers. mobile phones. AT&T, which is in the process of transitioning to HSPA+ and will begin offering LTE in some markets later this year, calls both of these networks 4G. So all four US national carriers stole the "4G" name from the ITU - they took it, ran with it, and changed it.


So, what does all this give us? Operators appear to have won this battle: the ITU recently backtracked, saying the term 4G "can be applied to the technology's predecessors, LTE and WiMAX, as well as other evolved 3G technologies that provide significant improvements in performance and capabilities over the initial third-generation system." . And in some ways we think that's fair - no one would argue that the so-called "4G" networks of today resemble the 3G networks of 2001. We can stream video very High Quality, download large files in the blink of an eye and even, under certain conditions, use some of these networks as a replacement for DSL. Sounds like a generational leap!

It is not known whether WiMAX 2 and LTE-Advanced will be called "4G" by the time they become available, but I think not - the capabilities of these networks will be very different from the 4G networks that exist today. And let's be honest: Marketing departments have no shortage of generational names.

UPDATE: Added information about the Altai mobile communication system.

While the world waits for the introduction of 5G, which will make the Internet even faster, 4G— it is the latest telecommunications breakthrough that people can use. And finally the technology reached Ukraine.

4G, thanks to its high connection speed, will allow people who were unlikely to download video content to watch videos in 4K resolution.

But what is this 4G, why is 4G+ a marketing hook, and what kind of prefix LTE (Long Term Advanced) is constantly used to describe gadgets that support the fourth generation network.

4th generation communications

Companies indicate 4G LTE in most names and characteristics. Because of this, users and clients have the idea that they are the same thing.

Phone manufacturers and providers do not focus on the similarities and differences. In fact, there is no lie on their part. Using the two concepts together is only necessary to attract customers.

On the one hand, 4G and LTE belong to the same generation, on the other hand, they have several differences that should be taken into account. And some say that Ukraine will have 4G+ or 4G.5. So, it’s worth figuring out what the difference is between them.

4G. This abbreviation stands for 4generation, that is, the fourth generation. In 2008, this standard was recognized by the Geneva Convention on the Development of Wireless Technologies.

Formally, the date of appearance of 4G was 2008, when the International Telecommunication Union set standards for it. According to these standards, the communication speed for mobile objects (smartphones, tablets) must reach 100 Mbit/s, and for static objects (access points) - at least 1 Gbit/s.

In 2008, these indicators were unattainable, so they became a conditional goal for telecom companies.

This is how LTE (Long Term Evolution) appeared - a new communication standard, which was initially positioned as an improved version of 3G.

However, under the influence of marketing and the need to promote new products to the masses The International Telecommunication Union decided that LTE standard may be designated as 4G if it offers significant improvements over previous generations of communications.

Why 4G+this is real 4G

To understand the difference between LTE and 4G, you need to understand that LTE is an intermediate stage in the development of wireless communications.

The full-fledged 4G generation appeared with the release of the so-called 4G + or LTE Advanced, which is often presented as “overclocked” Internet. But in fact, this is exactly the speed the regular 4G standard should show.

The differences between LTE and LTE Advanced are much smaller than between them and 3G. The main feature of LTE is carrier frequency aggregation, that is, the use of several frequencies simultaneously. This allows, in particular, to increase the data transfer rate.

What will happen in Ukraine

The Kyivstar website states that the operator will use 4G LTE technology, which may cause some confusion. However, a company representative confirmed to the editor that the company will use LTE Advanced technology to launch 4G communications in Ukraine.

This information was also provided by Vodafone and lifecell. By the way, the latest telecom operator calls the new standard for Ukraine 4.5 G, as an analogue of 4G+.

What does this transition give?

Vodafone says that with the transition to the new generation, the speed has increased by 5-7 times, Lifecell - by 5, and Kyivstar promises to increase it by 16 times.

However, data transfer speed is not the only advantage of introducing 4G communications. From now on, the number of simultaneously connected devices will not reduce network availability.

That is, if previously in places with large crowds of people, such as concerts, only a few could use the mobile Internet, and in others these attempts were in vain, then the 4G network must withstand such loads.

In addition, the 4G network will take away active users, and therefore “unload” 3G frequencies. In theory, this should increase the speed of data transfer on the network.

4G in the world. Where is the best network?

The growth of 4G speeds in the world has almost stopped. According to a post from OpenSignal, for now mobile operators around the world they were unable to bring the average 4G speed beyond the 50 Mb/s mark, and even in advanced countries they remained close to 45 Mb/s.

Availability of 4G network in the world

Currently, five countries have a 4G coverage rate of more than 90%, including South Korea (97.49%), Japan (94.7%), Norway (92.16%), Hong Kong (90.34%) and the United States (90). .32%). Instead of looking at geographic coverage, the report looks at how long it takes for users to connect to the network.

While average 4G speeds across countries are currently largely stable, there have been noticeable increases in some European countries, including the Netherlands and Spain. And also in the cases of the US and Canada, where figures have increased to 30 Mbps after the recent LTE upgrade from Telus.

A rather strange situation is observed in India, where 4G availability is more than 86%, but the average network speed is only 6 Mbps.

What does it take to break through speed? Perhaps 5G. But experts believe that the existing technology has not yet exhausted its potential.

Improvements can be achieved by further upgrading 4G networks and introducing technologies such as Gigabit LTE, which is seen as a transition from 4G to 5G.

Moreover, in some cities South Korea and Northern Europe, operators claim available speeds of more than 50 Mbit/s, and Telus in Canada is soon promising connections of up to 70 Mbit/s in Toronto.

Just a few years ago technology LTE(Long Term Evolution) was a curiosity, available only in a few, most advanced countries. Today, most of the world uses it, including Russia, and we are already starting to get used to the ability to safely watch online videos on the go. But progress does not stand still. Let's look beyond the horizon and imagine what mobile Internet will be like in the near future. What will replace LTE?

Our assistants

We were not alone in the search for truth. The project was prepared with the support of technical specialists of the company " VimpelCom"(Beeline), who helped us find the necessary information and provided Interesting Facts. Thanks guys. And now we dive into the future, starting with the recent past.

1. The birth of LTE

Technologies are developing at a rapid pace, and in completely different areas of human activity: in medicine, consumer electronics, energy and, of course, in mobile telecommunications. Today, watching videos on YouTube on your smartphone, being somewhere in the middle of the city, or even in the country, and using a mobile network for this, is quite normal and familiar. But just 10 years ago, few could have dreamed of such luxury even on wired home Internet. It’s easy to get an average air speed of 5–10 Mbit/s! But 10 years ago, having Internet access at a speed of 256–512 Kbps (20 times less) at home was a luxury available to only a few. I don’t even want to remember the mobile Internet of that time.

Russia became one of the first countries where, through the efforts of Yota, a commercial LTE network was launched. This happened in 2011, but at that time there were only 11 base stations in the vicinity of Moscow, and it was too early to talk about any kind of mass implementation of the technology. The number of smartphones with LTE support on the Russian market then tended to zero. But in 2014, a full-scale launch of fourth-generation mobile networks took place with the participation of the Big Three operators. Even in comparison with the very fast 3G and HSPA+, the new technology demonstrated miracles of speed, and, it would seem, nothing more is needed. Nevertheless, the development and systematic implementation of even more advanced mobile technologies, which we’ll talk about below.

2. Near future. LTE-Advanced

Somehow we are accustomed to perceive LTE as a 4G standard, that is, these are supposedly fourth-generation mobile networks, which is not entirely true. This is due to advertising. In fact, in terms of its speed characteristics, this standard does not reach the technical requirements that the consortium 3GPP And International Telecommunication Union(ITU, ITU) adopted for the new generation of cellular communications. But the impressive marketing pressure and improvements brought by HSPA+, LTE and the now forgotten WiMAX forced the ITU to give permission to label the mentioned technologies as 4G (yes, HSPA+ is also 4G). But still, it would be more correct to call LTE the 3.5G generation, but LTE-Advanced already fully satisfies the requirements of responsible organizations and is truly a 4G standard. But to avoid confusion, it is called True 4G(Real 4G) and it is this technology that will massively replace LTE in the very near future.

First, let's look at the speed characteristics of LTE-Advanced compared to LTE. The latter, in radio conditions close to ideal, allows you to reach peak speeds of 150 Mbit/s; in practice, in urban conditions it is almost always up to 50 Mbit/s, which is also cool. Unfortunately, peak speed for LTE is a very rare occurrence in our world, and the greater the number of subscribers on the network, the further the actual speeds will be from the peak. In turn, the data download speed in the LTE-Advanced network can reach 1 Gbit/s at its peak (during demonstration tests, a real speed of 450 Mbit/s was achieved), although in reality you should not count on more than 100 Mbit/s, yes There's no need for more for now.

More important is the fact that the technology in question makes it possible to use the cellular network more efficiently and quickly increase its throughput in a variety of ways, including the use of femtocells and picocells. That is, operators will be able to easily and fairly quickly improve the quality of their networks by using existing capacities and supplementing them with inexpensive base stations. All equipment is already available and thoroughly studied.

Technically, LTE-Advanced cannot be called something completely new, since, in fact, this initiative combines several technologies that have been available on the market for several years:

  • Carrier Aggregation- carrier aggregation.
  • Coordinated Multipoint allows the device to connect simultaneously to several base stations and increase transmission speed by downloading or uploading data into multiple streams.
  • Enhanced MIMO- use of several receiving and several transmitting antennas. In this case, this is support for MIMO 8x8 in the downlink (from the base station to the mobile stations) and MIMO 4x4 in the uplink (from the mobile station to the base station).
  • Relay Nodes- support for relay nodes. They can effectively close coverage gaps and improve radio conditions for users located at the cell edges.

Together, these technologies allow you to increase speed mobile internet, improve connection stability and, in general, make working on the Internet much more comfortable, including conditions when you are moving at high speed (for example, in a car, bus or train). The last nuance is a very serious limitation for 3G networks, as it greatly reduces the quality of communication. In addition, LTE-Advanced provides minimal delays in packet transmission, up to 5 ms. That is, you can comfortably play online games via a mobile network.

As for voice transmission, as in the case of LTE, it is possible to work in VoIP mode or use 2G/3G networks in parallel for this. It is the latter option that has taken root in Russia, although work is underway to switch to the more advanced VoLTE (that is, VoIP).

The main reason for the rapid adoption of LTE-Advanced is the ability to use existing networks and equipment to deploy True 4G. Moreover, Yota was the first in the world to launch this technology on a commercial network, which happened back in 2012. 12 base stations were involved in the work, which, of course, could not provide users with the benefits of the technology. In February 2014 Megaphone launched the LTE-Advanced network within the Garden Ring of Moscow, combining bands in one band, which has a good effect on increasing the maximum possible speed, but has little impact on the user experience (these maximum speeds remain available only within a conventional 30 meters from the BS). And in August of the same year it promptly worked Beeline and launched an LTE network in Moscow, combining bands from 2 bands - Band 7 (2.6 GHz) and Band 20 (800 MHz) - with a maximum speed of up to 115 Mbit/s towards the subscriber (this is about 14 MB/s - like at home on a wire). Combining high and low bands into one channel is the ideal manifestation of LTE-Advanced: it allows you to combine high speeds with good coverage. It is the possibility of combining and simultaneous use of several frequencies that underlies the technology under consideration. Now in practice this is possible for 2 or 3 bands; in the future, the operator will be able to combine all its available frequencies to organize a communication channel with one subscriber.

LTE-Advanced networks are being actively deployed today and their capabilities should last for a long time. In fact, the task of operators now is not to slow down, increase their equipment fleet, improve the quality of services provided and expand the coverage of their networks. With a sufficiently high density of base stations, LTE-Advanced may well be able to replace wired home Internet, and this is a matter of the near future.

Although this is the future already available in major Russian cities. Specifically, here's how Beeline commented on the implementation of LTE-Advanced and the development of mobile technologies in Russia in general:

Today, one of the LTE-A technologies - Carrier Aggregation (carrier aggregation) is available on the Beeline network throughout Moscow. And our clients who own smartphones with 4G+ support are already actively using it. However, LTE-A is not only about combining frequency bands. The prospects for the development of this area for our company are much larger! Our networks are already ready to launch almost all technologies related to LTE-A; all that remains is to wait for subscriber devices that support them to appear on the market.

It is worth noting that the development of this technology occurs in parallel with the further increase in power in 3G and 4G networks. In 2014, the number of LTE stations in Moscow alone increased 2.7 times! The 3G network not only continues to be built, but is also being modernized. For example, DC-HSPA+ is already 42 Mbit/s, and not 3 or 7 Mbit/s, as it was several years ago.

If speak about implementation of LTE in other regions of Russia, then the situation is somewhat more complicated than in Moscow, but companies are also working in this direction. Experts see the situation as follows:

As a rule, the spread of such technologies depends on two important factors: the availability of subscriber devices that support LTE-A Russian frequencies, and the free frequencies themselves. At the moment, the Russian gadget market cannot boast of a wide range of smartphones with LTE-A support; in other words, the number of such models can be counted on one hand. On the other hand, there is also the problem of availability of suitable frequencies. Carrier Aggregation in its ideal form is the combination of all operator frequencies. However, the frequencies can be used by the military and aviation. Therefore, the launch of LTE-A technology in other regions depends on measures to free up frequencies. Currently, the technology operates on the already free frequencies of the 800 band in Moscow.

By the way, the very name of the Long Term Evolution technology translates as “ Long term evolution", so the standard was initially developed years in advance, but man does not stand still, and sooner or later new technologies will come that will change the world. We'll talk about them below.

3. The next step, revolutionary

Should we expect some kind of revolutionary breakthrough in mobile data technologies in the near future? For example, abandoning the traditional architecture of telecom networks, the foundations of which were laid during the development of the first generation standards (NMT, GSM)? Perhaps such a leap will occur after 2020 with the advent of fifth-generation mobile networks.

So far, little is known about this, because today we are only witnessing the emergence of those technologies that will form the basis of the future mobile Internet. Even the official standard 5G still doesn't exist. However, there are already several directions in which future mobile networks will develop. Let's discuss them.

What will 5G give us? First of all, this is another leap in data exchange speed, at least by an order of magnitude. In addition, delays in processing requests will be reduced and network capacity will significantly increase ( large quantity connections and increased data transfer volume even within the same base station).

Second important point- focusing on the subscriber, not on the base stations. Today, if a person sees a weak network signal, he tries to move closer to the base station to improve the quality of communication. And at maximum good signal And minimum load on the Network, the user will still not receive the maximum possible speed, but only some average option. It's all about the limitations of the technology, which does not imply individualization of subscribers. In 5G networks, the use of so-called smart antennas is expected, capable of changing the radiation pattern depending on the needs of subscribers in specific conditions. With a minimum number of subscribers, data will be sent to them via a narrowly directed channel, which will increase the data transfer speed.

Further development will also be MIMO technology. Now LTE networks mainly use 2x2 configurations, that is, two antennas for data transmission at the base station and two for reception at the subscriber device. In 5G networks, their number is planned to increase significantly to increase data exchange speed. Another way to do this is to increase the frequency channel width. Since operators are already “crowded” in the currently used frequency ranges (even 20 MHz of continuous spectrum is a luxury), it is necessary to move to higher ranges - up to millimeter waves(30 GHz and above). However, you need to remember that with an increase in the operating frequency, due to the characteristics of radio wave propagation, the communication range decreases, which can impose a number of restrictions (the size of the cell decreases). On the other hand, there is absolutely no need to make a continuous coating in all ranges.

Naturally, new mobile networks mean not only a banal increase in capacity and speeds, but also an efficient use of available resources. For example, the implementation of the concept device-to-device(device-to-device). The situation is familiar when people are at a short distance from each other, say 10–20 meters, and at the same time they have to communicate by phone or transfer data via a cellular network. The mentioned concept involves the interaction of devices directly, and only call tariffs will pass through the Network, which will greatly relieve the load on base stations.

Safety for human health and energy efficiency are also important elements of future networks, but these are already details.

What 5G do we already have today?? Enormous data transfer speed, which is so far achieved only in laboratory conditions, but this is where all previous standards began. So Samsung Electronics is actively developing its own 5G standard, within which it has achieved data transfer speeds in 7.5 Gbps(940 MB/sec) with a fixed connection and 1.2 Gbps(150 MB/s) in a car moving at speed 150 km/h.

In the fifth generation mobile network, the Korean company uses the frequency 28 GHz, and she has been developing this direction for several years. The first public demonstration took place in 2013, and then Samsung showed the result wireless transmission data in the 5G network at the level of 1 Gbit/s - this was a record, which it has now surpassed by 7.5 times.

Europe, in particular, is not lagging behind the Asians Ericsson has already developed a number of technologies that will be in demand in the future mobile networks. It's about 5G-LTE Dual Connectivity And 5G Multipoint Connectivity. The first allows the device to establish connections with LTE and 5G networks in one-time switching mode to implement a seamless transition between them. This is important for supporting different frequency spectra and efficient simultaneous operation of two standards. Given the potentially small size of 5G cells, one should not expect global coverage of such networks in their first few years of existence. This is where the ability to seamlessly operate two standards at the same time comes in handy.

Concerning 5G Multipoint Connectivity, then this is already one of the technologies only for the new standard. It allows the device to connect simultaneously to two base stations and increase the transfer speed by downloading data in multiple streams. The fact is that the ability to increase network capacity by adding different types of base stations in the case of 5G will be used even more actively than in LTE-Advanced and 5G Multipoint Connectivity may become a key technology for increasing data exchange speeds.

Unfortunately, Samsung and Ericsson each pull in their own direction and use different technologies for data transmission. For Europeans, these are base stations operating on the frequency 15 GHz. So far, Ericsson has been able to achieve peak speed in laboratory conditions 5 Gbps in a working 5G network.

But there is also a Chinese one Huawei with her own decision, but she has not yet expanded on this matter. In general, at the moment we again have several potential 5G standards, which in the future can only complicate life for consumers and manufacturers of end devices if they are implemented simultaneously. On the other hand, some new generation technologies can be tested on existing networks or will be introduced into them in the near future. Moreover, Russia is also taking an active part in the development of 5G:

"VimpelCom" at the level of the VimpelCom Ltd group of companies. actively participates in the formation of recommendations for 5G network standards within the framework of NGMN and collaborates with major suppliers network equipment in this direction. It is still premature to talk about the construction of 5G networks, as there are still a lot of open questions regarding standardization. But we can already safely talk about introducing into existing networks elements and mechanisms that will be used in 5G networks. In particular, aggregation of carriers from different bands and some other functions that will form the basis of 5G networks are already a reality for VimpelCom.
Commentary from Beeline specialists

But I would like some kind of globalization, and the head of Tesla and the eccentric billionaire Sir are working in this direction Richard Branson. They are competitors to each other, and Musk’s development looks more promising within the framework of the topic under consideration.

4. Global Internet

Branson and his project OneWeb involves launching 700 satellites into low orbit (1200 km) to provide Internet to hard-to-reach places on the planet and third world countries where it is problematic to develop traditional mobile and fiber-optic networks. In general, we are talking about global access to the Network, which can be used in the dense jungle of the Amazon, and at an altitude of thousands of meters above sea level in the mountains, and on board any aircraft. If the project starts successfully, then the number of satellites can be increased to 2,400. True, Branson does not mention the technologies that will be used for data exchange, but he does not intend to drag his feet with the project. So these could be existing LTE-Advanced developments. Currently, the project budget is set at $2 billion.

In its turn Elon Musk is in no hurry and states that his similar venture will start no earlier than 2020, and he intends to invest no less than $10 billion. The idea is the same - to envelop the planet with a network of satellites in low orbit, but the head of Tesla and SpaseX immediately talks about the global Internet, and not about covering hard-to-reach places with the Network. In addition, the main goal of the project is to provide communications to the future Martian city and earn money for its development. Yes, Musk does not waste his time on trifles. If we’re going to make an electric car, then it’s the best in the world. If you create spaceships, then they will be reusable and for traveling to Mars.

So, taking into account all of the above, we should count on the use of the latest telecommunications technologies in Musk’s satellites, and they may well become the basis for the future global Internet system of the planet.

Today, when the world is striving for globalization, and the Internet is virtualizing many processes that until recently were only available in cities with a population of over a million, this issue [of globalization] is especially relevant. Technology can not only grow business and facilitate communication. Their role is much larger. And one of the components is social.

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