How to store your phone when you don't use it. How to properly store an iPhone for a long time: tips and tricks

How to store your phone when you don't use it. How to properly store an iPhone for a long time: tips and tricks


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Cell phones or mobile phones are an important means to stay connected and, if not daily, then periodically communicate with each other. They can often be a wise investment for your money too. If so, it makes sense, both from a financial and personal relationship perspective, to provide the phone with proper care so that it serves you longer, can perform all the functions prescribed to it, and is in excellent condition.


Part 1

Purchasing a phone for use

Part 2

Mobile phone care

    Buy a case and screen protector. They will protect your phone from possible bumps and scratches. This will help keep your phone looking good longer and in some cases protect your phone from internal damage if you accidentally bump or drop it.

    Choose a safe place where you will keep and store your phone when you are not using it. It should not be in a place where people usually walk and where it is most likely to be knocked onto the floor or stepped on. For example, a good place to store it would be a table, bookshelf, or closet. It is best to choose a permanent storage location where it will always be (next to the charger) so that you can easily find it at any time.

    • Do not leave your phone stored in a purse or other closed container for an extended period of time unless it is turned off. A charged mobile phone in a closed container is a potential fire hazard and may shorten its service life. Li-ion batteries (typical for most phones) give off heat when charging and discharging.
    • Always use original chargers and accessories. Cheap replacements that are not compatible or made to connect to your phone model using a wire may harm your phone or reduce its lifespan.
  1. Keep your phone dry. Do not talk on your cell phone when it rains, do not eat or drink near it, and avoid carrying it near open water (such as a pond, beach, or toilet).

    • If you get your phone wet, check out How to Preserve a Wet Cell Phone.
  2. Clean your phone regularly. Use a dry paper towel or alcohol-moistened cloth to clean the outside of your phone. Do not use water, baby wipes, or other cleaning products that may inadvertently add moisture to your phone.

  3. Charge your cell phone on a regular basis. Some phones will last a week or more on a single charge (if not in use), while others may need to be charged every day or every other day. If you spend too much time talking on the phone, you can quickly use up your battery power.

    • Charge your phone when there is 15% battery level left, don't wait for it to drain even more.
  4. Silence your phone when you are in class, lecture, meeting, etc. Even in simple everyday activities, such as watching a movie at the cinema or going to church, it is polite if you set the ringer to vibrate or turn it off in advance. It will be the last thing if you start frantically trying to turn off the call in such situations. By doing this, you reduce the risk of accidentally dropping or damaging your phone.

    • Find airplane mode on your phone and use it when you don't want to be disturbed.

Part 3

Protect your phone from theft
  • If you run out of minutes, don't use it until peak time ends (usually 9:00 p.m. for most operators) or only talk to those on your operator's network with you (for operators whose network calls are free ).
  • Keep your cell phone with you at all times so people can call you. You should not keep your mobile phone turned off when not in use.
  • Set up and use your phone.
    • You can download cool things for your mobile phone such as ringtones and wallpapers.
    • Take a photo and save it as your wallpaper.
    • Buy a Bluetooth headset for hands-free conversations.
    • Some mobile phones are equipped with a feature that allows you to download and listen to music.
    • Customize your contact list or transfer it from another mobile device.
    • Use text messages, play games, and use your Internet connection to check email, check the weather, news, and so on.
  • Put a protective case on your phone. This will protect it from damage when dropped; usually this works really well.


  • Don't give your phone to others because they might mistreat it.
  • Be careful when giving out your phone number. Giving it to an immoral person can get you on a telemarketing call list or a stalker's quick-dial list.
  • Don't buy outdated phones. They can be difficult to use with service providers, and even more difficult to find support for.
  • Use the phone lock feature when you are not using it to avoid accidentally pressing the call button. This will prevent you from accidentally pressing buttons while storing your phone.

Modern life cannot be imagined without mobile phones, which have become an everyday attribute of every person. We will tell you how to extend the life of your phone.

1. Many mobile phone owners completely ignore such a thing as a case. In truth, this is a very necessary thing. Don’t forget that this rag thing can protect your phone from dirt, moisture, and so on. In addition, the case is a very fashionable device that will look great on the device itself, especially for phones of the fairer sex.

2. Never place your mobile device face down. This part of the phone is easily scratched, so its presence on the table surface is completely undesirable. If possible, place the phone on something soft. For this purpose, you can use a case, a glove, or an ordinary piece of paper.

3. One of the most common mistakes is the presence of a mobile phone in the same pocket along with other things such as keys, small change, flash drives. These products can easily scratch the body of your device. Remember - the phone should be in your pocket without the presence of foreign objects.

4. Do not hesitate to purchase special pads at cell phone stores that can clean your phone screen. Believe me, these things can be very useful to you. At the same time, do not buy a variety of metal devices that can be hung on the phone, because they can also scratch the case.

To ensure that your gadget's battery holds its charge for as long as possible, you should follow a few simple rules. Wholesale online store of accessories OptNow shared with us some secrets, they are based on the physical and chemical nature of lithium-ion technology and will allow the battery - the most important element of smartphones and tablets - to work as long as possible.

1. Several partial charges are better than one full one The deeper a lithium-ion battery is discharged, the larger the crystals that form on its inner surface. They interfere with the movement of electrons, and therefore the battery loses capacity faster. In addition, the number of operating cycles of the battery depends on its charge voltage (displayed as a percentage on the screen). Therefore, it is better to discharge gadgets only partially - up to 30–40% - and charge up to 80%. Then the battery will work for about 1500 cycles. If you completely discharge and charge to 100%, then you should count on 300 cycles. Therefore, it is better to always keep a spare battery with you, just in case. An excellent option today is Power Bank. This external battery is not expensive at all, but the benefits from it will be invaluable. 2. Store the battery at 40% charge New batteries are supplied with a charge level of 40% to 50%. This is the optimal value because it provides enough energy to avoid ultra-deep discharge, which damages the battery, and does not cause lithium crystals to grow on the internal surfaces of the battery. 3. Avoid high temperatures All chemical processes, including the aging of the internal layers of the battery, accelerate with temperature. A battery can lose up to 80% of its capacity if stored at 60 degrees Celsius for a year. If the ambient temperature is 25 degrees Celsius, then the battery will lose only 20% of its capacity per year. 4. Don't leave batteries in gadgets Remove batteries from old phones and recharge them from time to time. And while one is charging, it is better to use a spare one instead, such as Craftmann batteries, which have proven themselves in the external battery market only on the positive side. Modern smartphones consume energy even when they are turned off: to operate the clock, alarm clock, and the like. If you put your phone in a drawer, it will literally kill the battery - the protective electronics will block it. It is best to charge the battery to 40% and place it next to the gadget. Also sometimes you need to check its condition. 5. Don’t buy batteries “in reserve” Lithium-ion batteries wear out even if they are not used. Under ideal conditions, they lose about 20% of capacity per year. Therefore, you should buy a new battery only before replacing the old one.

You have decided to put your smartphone away for long-term storage, you must do this correctly, otherwise there is a high probability that after it returns to work, you will have to change iPhone 5 battery. You should be aware of the negative impact of deep discharge on the capacity of the power source, which negatively affects the period of use of the gadget itself. We will tell you how to properly store the device, maintaining its high performance and reliability.

How to properly store your smartphone

Before storing your phone for a long time, you should:

  • Ensure the power supply charge level is 40-50%. If iPhone 5 battery will be fully charged, this will negatively affect its performance.
  • Turn off your smartphone. Leaving it in the active state will likely cause a deep discharge.
  • Stick to the optimal temperature regime. Even if the device is turned off, it is optimal to store it in a room with a temperature of 25-30 0 C.
  • For long-term storage exceeding 6 months, it is necessary to restore the container from time to time iPhone 4s batteries, recharging it to 50%.

Why does rapid discharge occur? batteries for iPhone 5

Failure to comply with at least one of the above recommendations may lead to the problem of rapid discharge of the power supply. But this is not the only reason that 100% charged battery for iphone 4 within a few hours it will completely lose its capacity. This problem may be caused by:

  • firmware failure;
  • automatic updating of programs or mail;
  • cable breakdown;
  • an error in the smartphone settings;
  • simultaneous launch of several programs;
  • enabled geolocation.

If this phenomenon is one-time in nature, do not rush to run for a new power source. If the problem repeats itself systematically, then you need to buy a battery for iPhone 5. You can do this directly with significant material benefit for yourself. And lastly: if the owner of an iconic gadget takes care of the device and adheres to the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding charging and operation features, he will be able to at least double the service life of the power source, maintaining its capacitive characteristics at a high level.

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