Messages hangouts. What is the Hangouts application, its features and benefits

Messages hangouts. What is the Hangouts application, its features and benefits


Google has come a long way over the past few years. Thanks to its current applications, the company has many fans around the world. Let's talk about a plugin called Hangouts. What is it and what is it for? We will try to understand this issue in this article. One thing needs to be said right away: this is a replacement for Google Talk. And, by the way, very successful.

Hangouts program: what is it and how does it work?

Let's first talk about how this utility came about. And this happened quite recently, when Google Talk and Google+ Messenger merged. It is worth noting that for some time these programs worked independently of each other, but in 2013 they announced the creation of an application called Hangouts. So, there are currently three platforms supported: Ghrome, iOS and Android. We can say that this messenger can be considered unified, because it has all independent applications. It should also be mentioned that there are several new functions, each of which we will look at a little below. Basically, here you can send emoticons, pictures, messages to your interlocutor, and even create video conferences, like in Skype. Wherever your interlocutor is, you can communicate with him. Well, now let's talk in more detail about how to use the program. Despite the huge range of functions, there is nothing complicated about it.

Hangouts: how to use the utility

So, first of all, we need to say that the plugin is completely free. Therefore, there is no need to pay for any activation, etc. You can use the program both on your desktop computer and on your mobile phone, which significantly increases the demand for such a product. So, you have downloaded and installed this application from Google. And when you entered it, you saw a list of dialogues instead of a list of contacts, which, of course, might seem a little strange to you. Everything is quite simple. To send a message to your interlocutor, you need to click on the correspondence that was conducted with him. If you want to communicate through the camera, then this is also easy to do, you just need to find the corresponding icon, which is located in the dialog box of your correspondence. The distinctive feature is that HD quality is available, but to use it you need high-speed Internet. During a conversation, you have the opportunity to select the quality of the video stream, which is extremely convenient. It is recommended to get a special camera that supports HD.

How to install the application?

Everything here is extremely simple, and now we will look in detail at exactly how to do this. The first thing you need to do is download the utility from the official Google website. It is completely free and takes only a few megabytes. You’ve already become a little familiar with Hangouts, you also know what it is and what the program is for, so let’s move straight to installation. You need to accept and choose the path. After this, we wait for the process to complete and enjoy the result. Please note that each Google account user has a good opportunity to install the application directly from the interface. This saves not only time, but also energy. That's probably all that can be said about installing Hangouts. We’ve already figured out a little how to use the program, so let’s talk about the strengths of the utility, and there are many of them.

Advantages, or Why users love Hangouts

I would like to point out right away that there are a lot of strengths here. Take, for example, a comfortable video conference. You can connect about 10 people to the conversation, which, you see, is a lot. It cannot be said again that using the plugin is completely free, and this is a very, very big plus. Another advantage is that mobile devices also support the use of this utility. The developers also made sure that even a novice user could fully understand the functions of Hangouts. Even a beginner who is just starting to explore the Internet will understand how to use such software. It is possible to record a video conference automatically, and everything is immediately uploaded to Youtube. In fairness, it should be noted that there are also disadvantages, and we will now talk about them.

About the disadvantages of the plugin

Fortunately, there are very few of them. Firstly, this is a name that is difficult to pronounce, but this is not so significant. Another thing is that when creating a video conference in which about 5 or more people participate, the image quality drops noticeably, you can even notice stuttering. This is perhaps the main drawback of this plugin. It is also worth paying attention to the heating of devices that work for a long time with Hangouts in video conference mode. But that's where all the disadvantages end. As you can see, they are not that significant. And even if you use the plugin to communicate with friends, you are unlikely to create conferences for 10 people. Well, now let's talk about Google Hangouts. You already know what it is, so now a little about its distinctive features.

First launch of the program

So you've installed the Hangouts app. We discussed what it is and why it is needed. However, theory is theory, but no one has canceled practice. Now you need to go into it. To do this, you need to log in to your Gmail account, that is, by mail. After this, you need to confirm your mobile phone number. You will immediately notice that there is the possibility of multi-selecting an interlocutor, and this is pleasing. Therefore, to create a conference, you don’t have to struggle for a long time. When it comes to video chat, it is now possible to join live broadcasts by invitation. However, it is still not possible to create them from the application. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that during correspondence you can instantly switch to video communication and vice versa, which is very convenient and saves time. The people you talk to most often will appear at the top as the most active. You can set the privacy mode or set the status to “out of office”, “do not disturb”, etc. As you can see, using the program is just as easy as installing Hangouts.

About the plugin's capabilities

So, it wouldn’t hurt to say what set of functions this program has. It is worth noting that the settings here are quite flexible, therefore, it is extremely convenient to use Google Hangouts. We won’t explain what this is again and let’s get straight to the point. In the main menu, you can turn the camera on/off, send pictures to Instagram, or open the clock. When it comes to sharing photos and videos, can you exchange pictures that you have on your phone? or turn on the camera, then take a photo and send it to your interlocutor. We can’t help but mention the rich selection of a wide variety of emoticons that will clearly emphasize your intentions and tell your friend about your mood. There is also a great opportunity to watch videos from YouTube or do some drawing together. In principle, there is no point in describing all the functions of this plugin, because there are a lot of them. The best way is to download and find out yourself.

What should you pay attention to?

I would like to say again that this particular one has more advantages than disadvantages. As the only bug that happens to users shows is unexpected crashes. If the plugin does not launch on your Android device, there may be several reasons. If you previously had Talk, then it is likely that the utility will be installed in its place, but instead of the expected Hangouts you will find the previous program. In this case, it is recommended to wait a little. When the plugin itself is updated to the latest version, this problem will disappear by itself. You've probably heard the expression Hangout services more than once. "What is this?" - you ask? This is still the same plugin, but now we are talking directly about the service. By the way, I would like to note that one of the main features of the utility is that after a connection is lost, it automatically restores it and shows missed messages, this is exactly what Talk did not have.


We have fully resolved the issues regarding this plugin. Now you know how it works, what its features are. Of course, there are several disadvantages here, in addition, most Google employees are busy developing Google Eyes, so quite little time is devoted to instant messengers. But if you decide to use Hangout services, then this is a great solution. You can get in touch with your relatives, loved ones or business partners whenever you want. The utility is not demanding on hardware and starts with a bang. As for the Internet connection, 2 megabytes/sec is enough. for normal communication via video conference. That's probably all the useful information on this topic, we hope it was useful to you.

Hangouts is a fairly powerful application that allows Google+ account holders to communicate with each other.

What is Hangouts

Essentially, Hangouts is a Google service, so the program is integrated into the operating system automatically. Therefore, when making similar firmware for Android, developers are in no hurry to ask users about it. So how can you remove Hangouts from your device so that you have some free space left on your drive?

Since the Hangouts program is part of the operating system and is built into Android, you you can't just remove it. For this you will need.

Uninstalling Hangouts on Android

Once administrator rights have been obtained, you will need to use some kind of file manager. Today, Total Commander remains the most popular.

After you have entered it, you will need to find and open a folder called /system/app. After that, you will need to find “Hangouts.apk” and click on this application. A long press will bring up a context menu.

This menu allows you to delete the program. We look for the “delete” tab, click on it, and the application will be deleted.

Video instructions - How to remove Hangouts from Android

But still, before you start deleting this application, we advise you to think carefully first. Perhaps it will be useful or interesting for you in the future. Well, in general, even after uninstallation, if you decide to use this program, you can always download it from GooglePlay.

Hangouts is a messaging service, a way to organize SMS conversations and even live video broadcasts with your friends. There is great confusion going on in the messenger field right now, which is not very good for the user, as it forces them to rack their brains over the choice of one service or another. Google has attempted to bring order to this environment with the introduction of Hangouts, a universal means of long-distance communication.

Why do we need so many messengers? This is the question I ask myself when I explore Google apps. was introduced in 2013. And since then it has gained considerable popularity. In 2016, Google released two more instant messengers, Allo and Duo. In March 2017, the company introduced Hangouts Chat and Hangouts Meet for business, and also removed the mobile number link for regular Hangouts users.

About a month ago, one of the favorite instant messengers of fans of the Android operating system appeared on the World Wide Web. We are talking, as you probably already guessed, about. Let us remind you that according to the contents of the leak, support for SMS and MMS messages may disappear from the mentioned application very soon. The day before, supporters of the green robot began to report the release of a program update. Fortunately, it not only did not deprive the application of SMS functionality, but also added some interesting innovations. We will find out about them now.

Perhaps, fans of the green robot are unlikely to argue with the fact that the famous Hangouts messenger leaves much to be desired. In particular, what worries users most is the problem of not the highest operating speed and the presence of micropauses in the latter. According to the information received, SMS messaging functionality is coming soon to improve the Hangouts app. However, this does not mean that it will leave its users without one of the most conservative ways of communication. It looks like a new communication product is coming soon.

SMS messages are currently not widely popular among Internet users. More often they resort to Internet solutions in the form of WhatsApp and other instant messengers. In addition, given that many instant messengers have also learned to make calls, the need for cellular operators will gradually decrease.

We bring to your attention the thirtieth issue of our weekly Android News. Today in the episode we talk about Android 6.0 Marshmallow, Galaxy Note 5 and Galaxy S6 Edge+, 2 and much more! Below you can read the same news in traditional text format, if that is more convenient for you.

Last week, Google Messenger received a significant update to version 4.0. The application finally received an updated design in the spirit of Material, got rid of GTalk artifacts and reduced all user interaction with the interface to a floating button. It is obvious that Google does not intend to abandon this part of its services yet and continues to work on the development of the messenger. Moreover, Hangouts now has its own web page.

The popularity of such instant messengers as WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram clearly haunts the search giant, which offers its own similar service. Not long ago, Google began working on an updated version of the Hangouts application for , and now, after a couple of months, we can see all the changes.

With Hangouts you can:

  • create chats and video meetings;
  • make calls via Wi-Fi and mobile Internet;
  • send SMS from a Google Voice or Google Fi number.

Hangouts conversations automatically sync across all devices. For example, you can start chatting on your computer and continue on your smartphone.


  • In March 2017, we announced that classic Hangouts would be rebranded as Hangouts Chat and Hangouts Meet. Both services are already included in the G Suite package, and will soon be available to regular users. The transition of users to Chat and Meet will be gradual, so there is no exact date for the shutdown of classic Hangouts.
  • Classic Hangouts is not available in China.
  • You can use Hangouts with your Family Link account on Android devices, but not on iPhone/iPad.

What you need to use Hangouts

  • Computer or phone with camera and microphone. during the first video meeting.
  • Internet connection.

Browser and system requirements

Before you use Hangouts, make sure your computer meets the following requirements:

Operating systems compatible with Hangouts

Hangouts is supported on the current and two previous major versions of the following operating systems:

  • Mac OS X
  • Windows
  • Chrome
  • Ubuntu and other Debian-based Linux distributions

What you need to create video meetings

  • Broadband Internet connection.
  • USB webcam. Other devices, such as virtual cameras, may not work.
  • Quad-core processor.

Required Bandwidth

Hangouts adapts its settings based on your network bandwidth.

Minimum Bandwidth

  • Outgoing: 300 kbps
  • Incoming: 300 kbps

Optimal bandwidth for a video meeting between two users

  • Outgoing: 3.2 Mbps
  • Incoming: 2.6 Mbps

Optimal bandwidth for group video meetings

  • Outgoing: 3.2 Mbps
  • Incoming (5 participants): 3.2 Mbps
  • Incoming (10 participants): 4.0 Mbps

Google Hangouts allows users around the world to video chat, collaborate and easily share information, host meetings and movie nights. The Google Hangouts app comes with many different features, which you can check out by reading this article.


Create an account on Google Hangouts

    Sign up for Google+. To do this, you'll need a Google account, such as the one you use to log into Gmail. Google+ is a social network designed for Google users.

    Find the Hangout window. The contact list is located on the right side of the Google+ page. In it you can view the list of available Hangout contacts as well as people with whom you contacted by email.

    Create a new Hangout. Click on the "+Add new Hangout" box found at the top of your contacts list. A list of your Google+ circles will open. Check the box next to the people you want to add to the Hangout conversation.

    • No matter what operating system you're using, clicking on a contact or Hangout conversation opens a chat window. If the person you're chatting with is offline, they'll receive the messages you left when they log into their Hangout account.
    • You can also search for people or circles by entering a name, email address, or phone number in the appropriate field at the top of your contacts list.
  1. Select the Hangout dialogue format. You can start a video chat or exchange messages, and you can switch these modes at any time if you wish.

    Chatting on Google+ Hangouts

    1. Add emoticons to the conversation. If you click on the smiley face on the left side of the chat field, you will open a list of smiles that you can use. They are sorted into categories, which you can switch between by clicking on the icons at the top of the emoji list.

      Share images. You can send pictures to a Hangout conversation by clicking on the camera icon on the right side of the chat field, which will open the image selection window (computer), or the options menu on mobile devices.

      • You can use your webcam or phone camera to take and share photos, or add photos from other sources, such as your computer or phone memory.
    2. Configure your chat settings. If you are using a computer, click on the gear icon in the chat window to set your data archiving settings. You can also block the person you are chatting with.

      • If you are using mobile devices, click on the menu button and select the desired actions in the dialog box that appears.
    3. Switch to video chat mode. Click on the button with the image of a video camera, which is located at the top of the chat window. Your interlocutor will receive a notification that you are trying to start a video chat. This mode is available on both computers and mobile devices.

      • Video chat does not require a webcam for all participants. You can have a video chat with one video camera and microphone, or even respond in text mode.

    Hangout Party

    1. Open the Google+ website. In the bottom right corner of the page you will see a link that will allow you to create a Hangout Party. This is a group video chat in which up to ten participants can participate simultaneously. A Hangout party allows participants to connect in both video and text mode. You can share links to YouTube videos and work with documents.

      • Mobile phone users can still join the Party, but they will have limited access to some additional features, such as watching YouTube videos or working with documents in Google Docs.
    2. Describe the reason for the meeting and invite people. Once you start a Hangout conversation, you'll be prompted to enter a description and add people. The description you enter will be sent along with the invitations.

      • You can set an age limit by allowing users 18 and older to access the call.
    3. Start communication. If your webcam is set up correctly, you can start chatting right away. On the right side of the window there is a text chat. If you don't see text messages, click the chat icon on the right side of the page.

      Take screenshots. If there is something on the screen that you would like to save or remember, click on the Take Image button on the left side of the menu. A camera icon will appear at the bottom of the page, clicking on which you can take a screenshot.

      Exchange links to YouTube videos. Click on the YouTube button in the left menu to launch the YouTubeHangout application. You can add videos to a playlist and they will play simultaneously for everyone. Click the blue "Add video to playlist" button to search YouTube videos.

      • The videos will play in the main conversation window. Each participant in the conversation will be able to change the playlist and skip videos.
      • The microphone will be muted while viewing. Click on the green "Push to talk" button to say something while watching.
    4. Show the screen. You can use a Hangouts conversation to share your screen. Click on the "Show Screen" button in the menu on the left. A new window will appear with a list of all windows and programs open on your device. You can show a specific window, or the entire screen.

      Add effects to your video. Click on the Google Effects button in the left menu. The effects menu will appear on the right instead of the chat window. You can add special effects to the video, such as frames, glasses, hats and other gags.

      • Click on the arrows at the top of the effects page to change categories.
      • To cancel all applied effects, click on the “x Remove all effects” link located at the bottom of the corresponding menu.
    5. Collaboration with documents. You can add Google Drive documents to a Hangout conversation so everyone in the conversation can work on them at the same time. To open Google Drive, click on the “Add applications” button. Select Google Drive from the list that appears.

      Disable your microphone or camera. If you need to turn off the microphone, click on the button on the right side of the window, which looks like a microphone with a slash through it. When the microphone is muted, the icon turns red.

      • To turn off video, click on the camera icon with a line through it. Your interlocutors will still be able to hear you unless you turn off your microphone as well.
    6. Adjust video resolution settings. If the image is not clear, lower the video resolution by clicking on the button in the menu on the right, which will open a scroll bar in which you can select the video quality. Moving the slider to the right will reduce the video quality. If you move it all the way to the right, only sound will come through without a picture.

      Configure camera and microphone settings. Click on the gear icon in the top right corner of the menu to set the necessary settings. A window will appear with a small image of your webcam. Here you can select the devices you want to use. This is quite useful if you have multiple cameras or microphones connected.

      Leave the Hangout dialogue. Once you are done chatting, click the exit button, which is located in the top right corner of the conversation window. The icon looks like a telephone handset that has been placed on the base.

    Broadcast to Hangout

      Visit the Hangouts website. You can access Hangouts On Air without going through the Google+ website. The Hangouts website displays current conversations that are being broadcast, as well as the standard Hangouts toolbar.

      • The link to Hangouts On Air can be found in the left menu on the Google+ home page.
    1. Click Start Hangout On Air. A window similar to Parties will appear. Make sure the title of your Hangout Dialogue can attract viewers, and then invite people.

      • With Hangout On Air, you can broadcast your conversation to anyone. Only those you invite will be able to join, but what you see and hear will be available to everyone. A recording of the conversation will be available for everyone to view on YouTube.
    2. Prepare yourself. Once everyone has gathered on the channel, get ready to start broadcasting. Make sure all your notes are in order if you are going to lecture. When you're ready, click on the "Start Broadcast" button. Your conversation will be publicly viewable.

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