Information from your region to receive. Unified State Exam results - official information

Information from your region to receive. Unified State Exam results - official information


What is the unified identification and authentication system for public services? ESIA is a unified identification and authentication system. In simple terms- this is one password that gives access to all government sites.

The system was created by the Russian Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications in order to provide citizens with access to electronic services provided by the state on specialized portals, which eliminates the need to register again. Access to state portals is carried out by entering SNILS and a password or electronic signature. One of the most popular government portals is the government services website. To use the site's services in in electronic format, you will need to register the user in the Unified Identification and Autonomous Information System.

Why is this system needed?

The number of government websites is growing every day, and the ESIA password for government services will make your life much easier, because you do not have to register on all websites that provide government services. With it you can:

  • get a passport;
  • sign up for an appointment with the doctor;
  • file a tax return;
  • receive other types of services.

Main and main function system is the need to ensure authorized user access to the services of state and municipal systems through a unified identification and authentication system. This definition gives an understanding of what the unified identification and authentication system for public services is.

Data stored in the system

The ESIA stores the following information about individuals:

  • Date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • E-mail address;
  • SNILS and TIN data;
  • passport data;

The ESIA stores the following information about organizations:

  • KPP and OGRN;
  • Contact details:
  1. postal and physical address;
  2. E-mail address;
  3. phone number;
  4. Fax.

The ESIA provides reliable user information to government authorities. This reliability is possible because:

  • when registering users in the Unified Automated Identification System, the criteria important for identification are checked;

Registration in the system

To complete the registration process, you will need:

  • passport data;
  • SNILS;
  • my phone number;
  • a valid email address not registered in the system.

Registration is carried out as follows:

  1. In the “Registration” window that opens, enter your full name and phone number. Enter the code received via SMS in the appropriate field and click “Confirm”.
  1. In the “Set Password” window that opens, you need to enter your password, consisting of numbers and Latin letters, then click “Save.” At this stage, pre-registration has been completed.
  1. To gain access to all site services, click “Filling out and checking personal data” and in the window that opens, enter the required data. After that, click "Confirm".
  1. The next step is to confirm your identity.

Account types and their confirmation

The ESIA user account can be:

  1. Simplified - if during registration you indicated only your full name, phone number or email address.
  2. Standard - if you indicated SNILS and passport details in your profile and sent them for verification.
  3. Confirmed, with full access to all electronic government services - if the user has personally confirmed his registration data.

You can use government services via the Internet with either a confirmed or unverified account. However, it is worth keeping in mind that users with unverified accounts are limited in their actions on the site. A number of electronic services will simply be unavailable to such users. A user with a confirmed account, on the contrary, has no restrictions on using the service and has the right to receive any electronic service he requires from more than 120 possible ones.

Confirmation of registration by the user is possible in the following ways:

  • at the regional MFC (you must have a passport with you);
  • in one of the offices of PJSC Rostelecom (you must have a passport with you);
  • by requesting “Russian Post” for the Unified Identification and Authorization password for public services.

Personal data protection

The transition to the provision of state and municipal services in electronic form poses a requirement for the state to provide users and authorities, first of all, with a safe and reliable tool for interaction via the Internet. As for the ESIA system, the personal data of users stored in it is reliably protected and only account holders have access to it. Besides:

  1. Data transmission is carried out over secure channels with a high level of encryption.
  2. All user data is located on government servers with high level protection.

System modernization

The Unified Identification and Authentication System began operating in 2010. Login to your personal account and access to the electronic services of the portal were carried out using a password. In 2011, the system was synchronized with regional versions of the government services website, and the ability to register on the portal became available to legal entities. In the same year, it became possible to log in to the portal using an electronic signature.

In 2012, the system was improved and equipped with a registration function for officials who are involved in the work of executive authorities. In 2013, government service websites were integrated with regional organizations and institutions providing services to the population listed on the portal.

Identification and authentication of users is carried out in the following order:

  1. The user accesses the departmental or regional portal of public services.
  2. The system sends an authentication request to the Unified Identification Authority.
  3. The ESIA redirects the user to the page where authentication will be performed. The user is identified and authenticated.
  4. In case of successful authentication, the ESIA transmits to the system a set of statements that contain the user’s identification data and data regarding the level of authenticity of the identification.
  5. Based on the received data, the system authorizes the user and he gains access to the resource.

The ESIA system developed by Rostelecom as part of the state program " Information society", has been operating for five years now. Its appearance has greatly simplified life for the population, replacing personal requests for services with electronic ones. According to Rostelecom, in 2016, on average, about three thousand users per minute access the ESIA. This is the number of users who log in to federal and regional portals every minute public services. The system continues to develop rapidly - if in 2014 about 160 information systems were connected to the Unified Identification and Automation System, data for November of this year indicate that their number has increased to 1000. The number of users registered in the Unified Identification and Automation System, as of November of this year, is about 35 .5 million users, of which more than half (20.2 million or 56% of users) have personally verified their accounts and have access to all portal services. This state of affairs only indicates that users have finally clarified for themselves the answer to the question of what the Unified Identification and Autonomy of Public Services is and appreciate the ease of use of this system.

FIAS in public services

Where to confirm your identity for a government service website

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Personal account of the State Services portal

Citizens of the Russian Federation can use the portal to remotely receive state and municipal services at their place of residence or stay. To do this, you need to go through the registration procedure, after which a personal State Services account will be created. Users have the opportunity to learn about pension savings, tax or court debts, pay traffic fines, obtain a foreign passport, driver’s license, enroll a child in kindergarten and receive many other services without visiting departments and government agencies.

The personal account of the State Services portal is located at

Citizens of all constituent entities of the Russian Federation can access the official website; it is federal, but not the only one. Residents of individual regions have the opportunity to receive services online on regional portals. For example, residents of Moscow and the region can access the Moscow portal, just as residents of the Samara region can receive services on the website To access regional portals, the Unified Identification System is used, that is, to enter them you will need the portal login and password.

  • statuses of applications for services;
  • information about charges;
  • doctor appointment statuses;
  • status of payments for fines and state duties;
  • portal offers and news;
  • support responses.

You can receive notifications for each type in three ways: on email, via SMS or PUSH. What are PUSH notifications on the State Services portal? These are pop-up alerts on your smartphone. They can only be used by citizens who have installed the Gosuslugi mobile application.

Please note if you are using mobile application and have not changed your notification settings, you will receive PUSH notifications instead of SMS. This is done to ensure that information is not duplicated. If you want to receive SMS notifications, disable PUSH in the settings.

In addition, on the notification settings page you can enable online delivery of registered letters. What it is? Every time they come to you registered letters from the authorities (State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, Pension Fund, Tax Service), you will receive them not in paper form, but in electronic form in your personal State Services account. You can download and read them at any time. But this service is still operating in a limited mode.

The last thing you can configure on this page is informers. Informers are small cards that are displayed on home page portal immediately after authorization. You can enable or disable the display of information about traffic police fines, court or tax debts.

The functionality of the personal account of the State Services portal is not limited to this. To continue reading, go to the " Personal information"Follow the link "Show all personal data".

Unified identification and authentication system

You are taken to the page Unified system identification and authentication (USIA). This system is used to access regional government service portals and various departmental resources. For example, on the tax service website you can log in using your account created on the government services portal. All the necessary information will be taken from your personal account (full name, tax identification number, etc.), so you will not have to fill it out on the Federal Tax Service website. Not only government websites, but also the websites of banks, insurance companies and other resources can be used for ESIA authorization. This is convenient, because you will not have to re-enter the document data each time; it will be taken from your personal account.

The main page of the ESIA consists of several blocks:

  • block with basic personal information;
  • block with contact information;
  • block with documents;
  • block with information about children;
  • block with vehicles.

In addition, the ESIA page displays information about the level account: simplified, standard and confirmed. If you have a simplified account, you will be asked to fill out a profile to receive a standard account. If you already have a standard account, then this block will display information about identity verification to gain full access to government services.

Block with basic information contains passport and SNILS data. You can change this information by clicking the “Edit” button.

The contact information block contains your email address and phone number. You can also add a number home phone and residential address. Change contact information You can click on the field that requires changes. For example, to change your phone number for government services, you need to click on your old number and enter a new one. After that, enter the verification code that was sent to the new number.

In the “Documents” block, you can add or delete a driver’s license, birth certificate, compulsory health insurance policy (CHI), foreign passport or military ID.

In the “Information about children” block you can add the data of your children: birth certificate, SNILS, compulsory medical insurance policy and etc.

The “Vehicles” block displays information about previously added vehicles. Using this data, you can request and pay fines to the traffic police.

On the ESIA page, you can protect your account by going to the “Account Settings” tab. You have the opportunity to change your password or security question, enable two-step verification when logging in (you will receive an SMS with a confirmation code), enable sending login notifications by email, and delete your account. In addition, you can view the latest actions in your account, with a list of sites and applications to which you have given permission to use personal data from your personal account. If necessary, you can also deny access to resources and applications that you do not use.

Personal account of an individual entrepreneur and legal entity

The state portal provides all business owners with the opportunity to create a personal account for an organization or individual entrepreneur to receive a special set of services. Read more about this in the article “Registration of a personal account of a legal entity and individual entrepreneur.”


The personal account on the State Services portal has a wide range of functions for users. In it you can control everything that happened in your account: track the status of applications and recent actions, enter or update personal data, pay a fee for a service or a fine.

However, to prevent attackers from leaving you without your account on the portal, you need to remember the basic principles of protection: do not set easy passwords, enable two-step verification when logging in and enter as many contact details as possible, thanks to which you can restore access to the state portal .

We wish you successful work with the State Services portal!

What is oiv on the public services portal

A legal entity or individual can receive an extract from the cadastre, register rights to property, apply for a foreign passport, and consult on pensions and other government services by contacting the government services center.

How can I find the “Registration at the Public Services Center” service on the Moscow government services portal?

1. Log in to the portal. To do this, you need to specify the portal address in the address bar of your browser. and go to the portal (press Enter):

2. In the list of services, select the “Benefits, social sphere” section:

3. Select the service “Online registration at the public services center”:

4. Click the “Get service” button:

On this step the service is selected. You can select a service in one of the following ways:

— select a service from the list of popular services;

— use the search for services;

— select a service from the list of services provided by a specific executive authority.

The list of popular services displays the most popular services. To select a service, click on the service name.

To use the search, enter the name of the service in the search box or select a service from the drop-down list.

In order to select a service provided by an executive authority, expand the list of services by the name of the executive authority. To select a service, click on the service name.

— choosing the place to receive the service from the list of executive authorities;

— selecting the location for receiving the service on the map.

Selecting the place of receipt by address or name of the public services center/OIV

To select a collection location, expand the drop-down list and select the required public service center/OIV.

You can use the search bar. To do this, enter in search bar name or address of the public services center/OIV, and you will be offered the appropriate options for the place of receipt.

Selecting the place of receipt from the list of executive authorities

To select a collection location, view the list of government service centers/OIVs providing the service.

The list shows:

– name of the public services center/OIV;

– information about the queue and average waiting time;

– address and nearest metro station;

– “Show on map” button;

– “Make an appointment” button.

In order to display the location of the selected public service center/OIV on the map, click on the “Show on map” button.

Selecting a pickup location on the map

To select a pickup location on the map, set the switch in the upper right corner of the Step #2 view to the “on map” position. You will see a map with dots marking the places where you receive services. In order to select a collection location, click on the dot and in the window that appears, click the “Make an appointment” button.

To make an appointment, open the calendar of the selected public services center/OIV by clicking on the “Make an appointment” button. You will see a list of time slots available for recording. In order to select an appointment time, click on one of the slots and in the window that appears, click on the “Make an appointment” button.

At this step, fill out basic information about the applicant:

– Full name, the field is filled in automatically with data from a single personal account;

In the “Additional Information” field block, fill in the data necessary to receive the selected service.

You need to check the availability of all necessary documents for the selected service. To do this, click the “List of documents for the selected service” button.

To make an appointment, click the “Register” button.

The final screen displays information about the department, public service, address, reservation number, recording time, and a list of required documents.

You can print the coupon by clicking on the “Print” button.

You can cancel your appointment by clicking the “Cancel Appointment” button.

Government services portal, what it is and why it is needed.

Greetings dear readers. Time does not stand still; not only people develop, but the state too. More precisely, the state is keeping up with the times. The Internet is developing, and at a tremendous speed, we look for a lot of information on the Internet, and we perform many actions on the Internet. This is exactly what the government services portal is like.

Let's now take a closer look at what kind of portal this is and whether we need it.

What is a government services portal

If you look at Wikipedia, then public services are “a portal of public services of the Russian Federation - a reference and information Internet portal (site). Provides access to individuals and legal entities to information about state and municipal services in the Russian Federation, state functions of control and supervision, about the services of state and municipal institutions, about the services of organizations involved in the provision of state and municipal services, as well as the provision in electronic form of state and municipal services."

Much has been written, but simply put, this is a portal where we can find almost any important legal information. In addition, we can apply for any services directly there (for example, obtaining a foreign passport, registering real estate, registering a marriage, providing subsidies...), and also pay fines or housing and communal services.

That is, we can perform many actions without leaving home, and if questions arise, that is free phone, where they always answer, sometimes even almost immediately)))

You can say this is the same “electronic government” that was talked about a lot a few years ago. In general, there have long been separate official websites of various government agencies. But the government services portal is called a portal, because it combines all these sites on one resource, where by registering once, you get access to all government and municipal services.

Now you don’t need to travel from one end of the city to the other, stand in lines, fill out several different forms, then go to pay, then back, and so on. All this can be done at home, without being distracted from household chores and without wasting precious time.

In addition, when any service is provided, you will receive a notification by phone or email about the process of providing the service. In other words, you will track in real time the entire process of providing you with services.

Protecting your personal data

This portal was created for a reason and by just anyone. All this is regulated by the state, namely “The functioning of the portal as a state website is carried out on the basis of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation dated July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ “On the organization of the provision of state and municipal services” and the Decree of the Government of Russia dated 24 October 2011 No. 861 approved the Regulations on the Federal State information system“Unified portal of state and municipal services (functions).”

All your data that is stored there is protected by the state and is securely protected. I heard a version from someone that “if I enter all my data, you can find out everything about me, but I don’t want that and I won’t register, they say, suddenly all the data will be stolen and...” I think this is absurd. We live in an information age and it doesn’t matter when you were born in the 70s or 90s, whether you register or not, the state still knows everything about you, even what you don’t know about yourself.

In order for nothing to be stolen, you should have nothing))) no documents, no property, especially a telephone and Internet access, and then you must live in the wilderness, somewhere in a den with a Yeti))) But this is a separate issue topic for conversation. I just want to say that registering on the portal won’t do any harm, everyone already knows about you)))

Why do we need this public services portal?

The fact is that a person receives the same government services all his life, but we just had to physically go, submit applications, pay fees, stand in lines, and so on. Recently it has become easier, on some sites you can also submit applications, view information, pay and much more.

But there are more and more of these sites, there is more information, but many citizens still do not know about many sites and services. and so on. You can, of course, just go to the MFC (multifunctional center), take a coupon, sit for a while and get any service, plus they will give you a consultation. But there is a work schedule, holidays, critical days and maybe something else. And the portal works around the clock, without holidays and weekends, and in any home where there is Internet access.

Simply put, the government services portal is the place where you register once and receive services on all government websites. And in the future, no matter what services appear, they will all appear on the portal. It seems very convenient to me - one password for all types of services.

What the public services portal gives us:

  • replace the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • get a passport;
  • sign up for an appointment with the doctor;
  • register your child in kindergarten;
  • apply for monthly child care payments;
  • find out about your traffic fines and pay them;
  • find out about the status of your pension savings and individual personal account;
  • register in the compulsory pension insurance system and co-financing program;
  • find out about your tax debts;
  • file a tax return;
  • register or deregister a vehicle;
  • register at your place of stay or place of residence;
  • apply for subsidies or social assistance;
  • receive other types of services.

There are actually a lot of species, we have listed only the most common ones.

The government services portal stores the following information about individuals:

  • Date and place of birth;
  • citizenship;
  • mobile and home phone number;
  • E-mail address;
  • registration address and actual residence address;
  • SNILS and TIN data;
  • passport data;
  • driver's license details;
  • data on the state registration certificate of the vehicle and registration plate.

As well as legal entities:

  • full and abbreviated name of the organization;
  • KPP and OGRN;
  • organizational and legal form;
  • Contact details:
  1. postal and physical address;
  2. E-mail address;
  3. phone number;
  4. Fax.
  • data about company vehicles.

The government services portal provides reliable user information to government authorities. This reliability is possible because:

  • when registering users in the unified identification and authentication system (portal), the criteria important for identification are checked;
  • the system protects personal data entered by users in accordance with Russian legislation.

Thousands of Russian graduates, after passing the Unified State Exam, want to quickly find their exam results.

It should be noted that graduates who want to know their results can receive the necessary information in their personal account at information portal Unified State Exam

The decision to publish the results on the official portal of the Unified State Exam is made by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out public administration in the field of education (SES) of each region.

If one of the graduates cannot find himself on the list, he needs to contact the OIV of this region or the official website of the OIV of the region.

The first results of the Unified State Exam are already available. In three regions, graduates showed better results compared to last year. Thus, in the Republic of Tyva, the number of those who did not reach the required indicators has decreased by half this year; in the Chechen Republic, such graduates have decreased by a third, and in Dagestan by a quarter.

In 2017, the Unified State Examination in mathematics basic level 543 thousand schoolchildren took the test. Their average score was 4.24, down from 4.15 in 2016.

In Geography, the average score this year is 55.1, which is 1 point higher than last year. During the main period in 2017, 14 thousand graduates took geography. Only 9.3% did not receive the minimum 37 points in geography, while in 2016 this was 13%.

The average Unified State Examination score in computer science and ICT (53 thousand people took it) increased by almost three points – to 59.2, whereas a year earlier the average score in this subject was 56.6. 9.3% of graduates failed to score the minimum 40 points, while in 2017 this figure was 12.4%.

Any person or legal entity can apply to the executive authorities (hereinafter referred to as the EIA) for a service, submit an application, request a certificate, etc. After the expiration of the regulatory period in " Personal account" on the portal information about the status of consideration of the application will appear.

How can I find the “Application Status” service on the Moscow government services portal?

1. Log in to the portal. To do this, you need to specify the portal address in the address bar of your browser. and go to the portal (press Enter):

2. In the list of services, select the “Personal Documents” section:

3. Select the service “Receive city social support measures”:

4. Select the option to receive city social support measures and click the “Get service” button.

Working with the service is implemented in two steps:

Step 1: Search Options

In Step 1, fill in the following application search parameters:


Case number;

Registration date;

TIN (in case of application by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur).

To get search results, click the “Find” button.

Step 2. Search results

Information on the found application contains the following data:

Single reference number;

Date the request was created;

Registration number;

Date of registration of the request;



Applicant type;

Name of service;

Current status of the appeal;

Responsible Executive Officer;


Planned preparation period;

Planned issuance date;

Date of actual preparation;

Date of actual issue.

To search for information on another application, click on the “Back to search” button.


Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

We will find out where to find out the results of the Unified State Exam based on passport data on this page of our website.

On the official website of the Unified State Exam on the Question - Answer page the following information is provided:

The official information portal of the UNIFORM STATE EXAM provides the opportunity to check the results of the Unified State Exam using passport data. There are some caveats: Attention. The decision to publish the results on the official portal of the Unified State Exam is made by the executive body of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation that carries out public administration in the field of education (SEA) of each region. If your region is not on the list, you need to contact the executive authority of your region or the official website of the executive authority of your region

The official website of the Unified State Examination contains information on regions (see figure). After selecting your district, you can click on the map and you will be redirected to the website of the department of education or administration, where you can find out your results.

Then everything depends on how local authorities work. Some report that the results are sent to municipal education authorities. The results can also be found on the official information portal of the Unified State Exam at the link (such information is available on many regional sites)

There are regional websites that independently provide USE results based on your passport.

Hotlines are also organized locally, where, if necessary, you can contact them with your questions. An increasing number of regions are organizing explanatory work on the issue of the OGE and the Unified State Exam: holding special events (for example, on-site parent meetings), posting useful information in social networks.

I would like to note that once you get to the page of the department of education in your region, it is not always easy to find the page with the results. Efforts must be made to find information.

Rosobrnadzor warns about scammers promising to report Unified State Exam results via SMS.

Previously, the department reported that each region independently establishes ways to inform participants about individual exam results. This information should be provided free of charge, Rosobrnadzor emphasizes.

As a rule, this year's graduates can find out their own USE results in the subject at their school. The remaining participants will learn about their results where they received their Unified State Exam pass, or at the exam reception point. Lists of Unified State Exam participants with their exam results are posted on information stands.

“You don’t need to fall for the tricks of scammers. It’s better to calmly wait for the results and prepare for other exams,” concluded the representative of Rosobrnadzor.

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