Rus-To-Lat plugin for generating CNC in Latin in WordPress. Plugin RusToLat

Rus-To-Lat plugin for generating CNC in Latin in WordPress. Plugin RusToLat


Good and interesting articles. The guys are trying.

Hello! I'm often asked, "What does proper CNC setup look like in WordPress?" If the site is old, should I switch to this? Which plugin should I use? And a bunch of other similar questions. I want to dot all the I’s and answer this question in one post.

What is CNC

CNC- "humanoid urls". In the standard form in WordPress (though I still don’t understand why developers don’t change the default settings), links to articles look something like this: site/?p=1. Agree: there is no structure, it is absolutely not clear what is hidden under this URL..html. This will be the CNC.

You can immediately see what the article is about, what category it belongs to..html. That is, just the name of the site and the title of the article without indicating the category. I think this is an incorrect format for displaying links to articles. The link must contain categories and subcategories so that search engines can clearly see your site structure. I will not tire of repeating that this is the foundation for its advancement.

Therefore, the final correct link format is:

Setting up CNC in WordPress

To set up “human URLs” in the WordPress admin, go to the “Permalinks” tab:

And there select “Custom” and enter this code:


Attention! Be careful that you don't have any empty spaces at the end. Now you know how to set up CNC in WordPress:

CyrToLat plugin for WordPress: advantages over RusToLat

Immediately after making changes to the permalinks, your links will look something like this:

I believe that using the Cyrillic alphabet is extremely incorrect. Therefore, we install the CyrToLat plugin, which automatically translates the names of articles and sections into Latin.

There is also an analogue - the RusToLat plugin. But it loses in functionality, since CyrToLat:

  • will automatically translate links into transliteration in existing articles;
  • translates (also automatically) downloaded media files into Latin;
  • An automatic redirect from Russian types of links will be introduced.

If CNC does not work in WordPress

After setting up the CNC and activating the RusToLat plugin (that’s why I recommend installing CyrToLat), the articles begin to give a 404 error, that is, they become inaccessible. In such cases, you need to go to edit the article and simply update the page/post. The problem will go away on its own.

There is also the following problem: after transferring to another hosting or after restoring from backups, articles give a 404 error. It’s also enough to go to the WordPress admin -> “Permanent links” and update the settings there. The problem will disappear.

Later, if you are not a fan of unnecessary plugins, you can disable the CyrToLat plugin and similar ones, and translate Cyrillic to Latin manually.

Is it worth changing links to CNC on a site that already has traffic?

The question often arises: is it worth changing regular links to CNC if the site already has a certain amount of traffic. I tested it on several client sites - I didn’t notice any positive impact on SEO after switching to CNC. On the contrary, there is a lot of work due to the fact that articles now have a new address, you need to set up redirects, etc.

I would do this: if the daily traffic to the site is less than 100 people per day, then I would change the type of links to the CNC; if it was more, then I would not touch it. I would leave it as default. In general, search engines don’t really like it when serious changes occur in the structure of an already “settled” site.

Therefore, the most correct way is to create the structure of the site at the very beginning of its development. Same with CNC. When creating new sites, I recommend writing exactly the code given above and installing the CyrToLat plugin. /%category%/%postname%.html


or again like this:


I consider option 2 to be incorrect, since the presence of a slash at the end implies that the URL is incomplete, it is a directory/category, and some additional ending will follow.

Regarding the third option, I have already answered above. I am definitely in favor of the code in the first version. Structure, guys, structure. This option is ideal for SEO.

If you have any questions, write, don’t be shy. I'm kind, I'll answer. 😉

See you in the next lesson! 🙂

This article is intended for young webmasters who have just created their blog and are starting to set it up. After and , you should definitely set up permalinks.

This must be done before writing articles, before search engines have had time to index your first posts. CNCs are human-readable URLs or search engine-friendly links.

Let's figure out why you need to configure CNC links? For example, if you do nothing in the WordPress settings, then after writing an article, the link to it will look like this: https://site/?p=143

This is set in the “Default” settings. This address does not carry any information, either for search engines or for visitors. Just some set of letters and symbols.

But if the address looks like this: https://site/pervaya-statya, then this is a completely different matter. The meaning conveyed by the title of the article is immediately clear. The page address cannot contain Russian letters, only Latin ones. There is such a term - transliteration.

Transliteration is the exact transmission of characters of one writing system by signs of another writing system, in which each character (or sequence of characters) of one writing system is transmitted by the same character (or sequence of characters) of another writing system.

Plugin Rus-To-Lat will help us in transliteration from Russian to Latin. Those. we write the title of the article in the WordPress admin area, and the plugin automatically generates its URL, which will be understandable to search robots. It is also very memorable. CNC settings have a positive effect on search engine optimization of a blog.

CNC setup using the Rus-To-Lat plugin

So, the first step is to install and activate the plugin. This is done through the admin panel of the WordPress blog. There is nothing complicated there and I won’t dwell on it. If anyone has any difficulties with this, read my article about installing the plugin. The Rus-To-Lat plugin has no settings and after activation it immediately starts working.

There we put a tick next to the “Custom” item and write the following text there:




But there is one caveat.

It is advisable to do the CNC link settings once.

Because if you change them, all the pages written earlier and located in the search results will wait for a new re-indexing. Since their URL has changed and they will display a 404 error, that is, they will look like “The address of this page was not found.”

I left the simplest and shortest option on my blog. This is in case you decide to change, for example, the name of a category (aka category), and so as not to wait for the fate of redirection. Also, if the site has internal linking, all link addresses will also need to be changed.

How to write an abbreviation for displaying links is a personal matter for the webmaster. There is an analogue of the plugin on the Internet Rus-To-Lat This Cyr-To-Lat. Although their essence is the same. This completes the article on setting up CNC links.

The first step after installing the WordPress engine is to simply configure the CNC. Human-readable Urls, simply put, links.

So, you have installed the WordPress engine, if necessary, then make the necessary updates. Before publishing articles on your new website, you need to make a number of settings and install several plugins that are simply necessary for the correct operation of the WordPress engine.

One of the first plugins that should appear on your blog will be Rus-To-Lat plugin, which converts standard WordPress links into human-readable URLs; in other words, the Rus-To-Lat plugin (transliterator) optimizes your site by converting standard WordPress links into easy-to-remember, and most importantly, links suitable for search robots.

More current plugin

As of 03/01/2016 More relevant is the Cyr to Lat enhanced plugin. It uses the updated feature. The article is also relevant for this plugin. Its use is similar to the Rus-To-Lat plugin.

WordPress link settings are one of the most important components of your blog settings.

Initial setup of links on WordPress

So, let's see what settings WordPress offers us.

And before installing the Rus-To-Lat plugin, we must first set up permalinks to WordPress.

They are easy to set up and if you do everything correctly, then there will be no problems with setting up and optimizing links at all.

We go to the admin panel of the site. If you have forgotten how to access your website, then you need to type the following line in the top line of your browser: http://domain name/wp-login.php. In the site management console, go to the Settings tab, > Permalinks. Here we see the permalink settings panel. I won’t spend a long time describing what ia or another line means, and I advise you not to worry about this.

(to view screenshots in full size, click on the picture)

This is the id number of my page, what is it? What is it about? Which of you would like to share such a link on social media? networks? How can you remember what the article is about behind this link? And in general, it very much resembles an advertising and spam link, which you don’t even want to open. I wouldn't open it unless necessary. But that's not all.

Links WordPress, and not only WordPress, like?p=123 are not very popular with search robots. It’s not that they don’t index them, but priority during indexing is not given to such links at all, and when an article with such links is displayed, as a rule, they do not occupy leading positions.

No matter what they say and argue about the indexing of articles and the impact of the presence of the title of the article in the permanent link, everyone has them in the links. How to correctly write the title of an article.

The following lines may be suitable for someone, but we set up the most suitable links for almost any site. Our link must specifically contain //site name/article title/. Therefore, in the settings we immediately set Arbitrarily. See the screenshot and do the same for yourself. Just check the Custom option here. There are a few more individual settings below, but we're skipping them.

Now your permanent links to WordPress when writing an article will look like this: http://domennoe imya/category/name of your article/. Please note that I specifically wrote domainname in English, A " title of your article" in Russian. This is exactly what permanent links to WordPress will look like after they are configured. BUT the title of the article in the links is in Russian, this is not good.

What do you need to do to make the same happen for you? A couple of trifles. Attention! Rus-To-Lat comes into play!

Download Rus-To-Lat from the official WordPress website; see how to install WordPress plugins here. You can download Rus-To-Lat to your computer. You will find a link to download the plugin at the end of this article. The Rus-To-Lat plugin does not require any settings.

Hello, friends! I would like to continue our conversation on the topic of creating websites in the CMS WordPress. As you already remember, we looked at Denver in detail. We will assume that you have coped with this task brilliantly and are now full of strength and inspiration to continue further and write your first blog posts!

However, before you set sail on a ship, you need to check if everything is in order, right? This means that after installing the CMS, it is necessary to configure it and initially equip it with functionality, which is what we will do. And we will set up the CNC (SEF) links and install the plugin name, which RusToLat.

Human-readable or CNC (SEF) links - url

What is the Rus-To-Lat plugin? Surely all of us know what a URL is. For those who, in the era of the development of the Internet, spent time in the forest alone with themselves, I will quote the concept. 🙂

URL- (from English, uniform resource locator) - a unified resource locator, that is, in other words, it is a way of recording the address of an Internet page by which the user finds it in the browser.

Great! Go ahead. The most advanced ones know that in the original version all addresses look something like (although in reality it is still more neglected and is represented by arrays of zeros and ones). And just imagine how many such addresses you can remember? I don't think you would tire yourself out doing this. That's why DNS servers were invented, in tables in which each digital value corresponded to a human-readable entry from the English alphabet. Now, instead of, you could simply write the domain name, for example, website.

However, each site also has a bunch of internal pages, which also require their own address records. Each of the modern CMSs - Joomla, WordPress, Drupal, by default, uses special GET requests to call pages, passing parameters - the page identifier.

These URLs, using a GET request, display materials by a given identifier (id).

Agree, such addresses look very cumbersome and unreadable. Main disadvantages:

  • - hard to remember;
  • — it is difficult to convey the address orally to the interlocutor;
  • — incomprehensible site structure (categories, subcategories).

There is actually one plus - .

In connection with this state of affairs, they were developed human-readable URL links. For human-readable links to work, you need to make changes on the web server and rewrite the module mod_rewrite. However, when there are even simpler solutions, why reinvent the wheel. 🙂

WordPress has special settings for these purposes. After installing the CMS, go to the admin panel and activate the CNC links. To do this, in the left panel, select from the menu Options -> Permalinks.

We will see link settings from 6 options.

First option Default These are links as they are, not CNC.


Day and title, Title and month - this is already an option for human- and PS-friendly link systems. The URLs will look like this:


This option is quite convenient for visitors and is well suited for news sites. The user sees how relevant an article is when it is published.

However, for a blog or technical site, this is not always a suitable option. Many articles do not age for centuries or carry general useful information (law, formula, program code). That is why not all bloggers like the fact that their post will not be visited due to the old publication date. 🙂

Digital recording option is not that user friendly as it is very similar to the default setting. Let's not focus on it.

The last two options are the most popular and used.

1. Post title. View:


2. Free form of recording , using your own template.


These options best fit the definition of a human-readable link. They are also the best for search engine optimization. Main advantages:

  • - easy to remember;
  • — short entry form;
  • - easy to convey information orally;
  • — content of keywords in the body of the link;
  • — display the structure of the site.

Which of the two options is preferable is up to you to decide. Let me just say that the first method, which uses the title of the article, is shorter than the second. From an SEO perspective, the words in the link text will carry more weight. Another advantage is that if you change the category (heading) of an article, your link URL will not change.

The /%category%//%article_name%/ option is more convenient because it well reflects the structure of the site. The user can easily erase the title of the note and quickly go to the category, where you can see a list of all posts on this topic.

https://site/ uslugi/html-verstka/

A freeform template is not fixed. There are many parameter substitutions available; in addition to the article name and category, you can substitute the date, time, author’s name, etc. (%year%, %hour, %%author%).

Setting up SEF links doesn’t end there, friends. 🙂

Installing and configuring the Rus-To-Lat CNC plugin in CMS WordPress

So, we have already mentioned the Rus-To-Lat plugin and its finest hour has come. 🙂 Wordress has one feature. When creating a permanent link for a post after installing the control, the URL address is formed from the title of the post. It is clear that we use Russian localization of the CMS and write article titles in Russian. Accordingly, our default links will look like this:


Isn’t it really very beautiful and memorable? However, not all so simple. It has been noticed that search engines rank links with Russian characters worse than Latin ones. But the worst thing is that P When you copy such a link, you will receive such gibberish from the buffer :

https://site/%D1%83%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BA%D0%B0_%D0%BF%D0%BB %D0%B0%D0%B3%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B2

Agree, this is by no means what falls within the scope of the concept of friendly, human-understandable links. 🙂 This happens due to the fact that each Russian character is encoded with a six-digit code. For example, the letter "y" looks like %D1%83 .

This problem can be solved quite simply and elegantly by installing the above-mentioned Rus-To-Lat plugin. After installing and activating the plugin, Russian characters are written in transliteration and your permanent URL will be concise and readable (for example, https://site/uslugi/poiskovoe-prodvizhenie-seo/.

Translit is very well understood by all search engines and such an entry is easy to read by the user, and most importantly keywords can be used in the link. All this not only increases your position in search results, but also increases the click-through rate of the snippet - CTR.

Download the RusToLat plugin can be found in the official community We have already discussed installing and activating plugins earlier, so I won’t repeat it. For those who still don’t know how to install plugins in WordPress, I recommend refreshing your memory. 😉

Once enabled, the plugin is ready to use. It can be said that no settings are required in it. Everything works very simply, automatically. This completes the CNC setup of links for the blog!

And the most important recommendation! After you set up your blog, don’t rush, but think carefully about what the structure of your URLs will be. After all, if you do not put CNC-friendly links, then with subsequent changes the URLs of the pages will change and they will fall out of the Yandex index and you will need to wait for re-indexing again.

You will lose not only time and traffic, but also the results of SEO promotion. That is why CNC links are one of the basic and most important stages. Of course there is a solution called 301 redirect. With its help, you can redirect the user and the entire weight of the page automatically from the old address to the new one.

In most web servers, redirection is performed using the mod_rewrite file. There are plugins for the WordPress CMS that make your work much easier, for example Simple 301 Redirect. But best of all, immediately after installing WordPress, go to the admin panel and install the desired CNC link format and the Rus-To-Lat plugin. This will make your life much easier, save valuable time and peace of mind. 🙂

And for dessert today, a video tutorial on a topic of my own development. This is my first work, which is still far from ideal, so don’t judge too harshly. 🙂

Greetings to novice webmasters who are starting their journey in website building with the popular management system. I have repeatedly described the positive aspects of working with this particular CMS, so we will not focus on the choice. Let's talk about search engine optimization, to be precise about such a phenomenon as CNC...

Setting up CNC on WordPress

So, I would like to immediately warn you that the CNC is configured at the very beginning of the life of your Internet resource, because links can be recorded in search engines, and changes in “Permanent links” can lead to incorrect display of site pages (HTTP error - 404). It will take some time (up to a couple of months) until the link mass from your site is completely updated.

CNC - human - understandable url(“url” from English “url”). It is a link to your blog post with a clear set of characters for both search engines and the user's eye. So instead of the link “” we will get a result like: “”.

Install and configure the RusToLat plugin

In order to use CNC on your WordPress blog, install the RusToLat plugin. This add-on is designed to generate CNC from your title to the entry, that is, transliteration occurs on the fly (all Cyrillic letters are converted into Latin characters that sound equivalent).

The plugin has no settings that require user intervention; the only thing we need to do is configure the display of links.

Now, to check the effect of the plugin, it is enough to create a new post and publish it in the standard way, and the link will be converted automatically without your intervention.

Instead of an afterword

I do not recommend using this plugin if the site has been in existence for more than six months, it can significantly reduce traffic from search engines. It may take a long time to regain positions in search results!

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