Registration for participation in the living classics competition. Extension of registration for participants in the “Living Classics” competition! Why create a personal account?

Registration for participation in the living classics competition. Extension of registration for participants in the “Living Classics” competition! Why create a personal account?


General provisions
This provision determines the procedure for organizing and conducting the municipal stage of the regional competition for young readers “Living Classics” (hereinafter referred to as the competition) in the 2017-2018 academic year.
The competition is held in order to increase interest in reading and expand the reading horizons of children and teenagers in the city of Magnitogorsk.

Main objectives of the Competition:
- acquaintance of students with works of Russian, foreign and regional children's and adolescent literature of the 18th-21st centuries, which are not included in the school curriculum;
- search and support of talented youth;
- formation of a community of reading children.

Organizers of the competition
The organizers of the competition are:
- Department of Education of the Magnitogorsk City Administration;
- MU DO "Right Bank Center for Additional Education of Children" of the city of Magnitogorsk

Organizing Committee of the competition
Zasova V.V. – head of the department of organization of additional education of the education department;
Becker L.N. – Director of MU DO “PbCDOD”;
Vasina I.M. – Deputy Director of MU DO “PbCDOD”;
Savelova N.I. – leading specialist of the department of organization of additional education of the education department.
Functions of the organizing committee:
- informs about the conditions of participation in the competition;
- draws up the competition program;
- forms the composition of the competition jury;
- approves the winners of the competition;
- no later than March 25, 2018, publishes on the official website a report on the municipal stage of the competition, including the names of the winners, titles of works, photographs;
- prepares the necessary documents for the participation of the winners in the regional competition of young readers “Living Classics”.

Address of the Organizing Committee of the Competition
MU DO "Right Bank Center for Additional Education of Children" of the city of Magnitogorsk (Galiullina St., 17), office No. 203, tel.: 34-22-41.
E-mail address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You must have JavaScript enabled to view it.
Information about the competition: https://site
Curator of the Competition – Vasina Irina Mikhailovna

Students of grades 5 - 11 of educational institutions of general and additional education who are not older than 17 years at the time of the qualifying rounds of the All-Russian finals of the competition (May 2018) take part in the Competition.

The jury is composed of specialists from cultural institutions, higher educational institutions of the city, additional education teachers and literature teachers of the highest qualification category.

Functions of the jury:
- conducts expert assessment of performances in accordance with the criteria;
- determines the winners and prize-winners of the competition.

Dates and stages of the competition
The competition is held in three stages:
- registration - from October 1, 2017 to January 25, 2018;
- school stage - from February 1 to February 28, 2018.
- municipal stage - from March 1 to March 25, 2018.

Rules for the registration stage of the competition
A prerequisite for participation in the competition is registration on the official website of the competition before January 25, 2018.
Registration on the website must be completed by the participants of the competition, the person responsible for holding the competition in the educational institution, and the coordinator of the municipal stage.
Persons who have not registered on the site are not allowed to participate in the competition.

Rules for the school stage of the competition
The head of the educational organization appoints a person responsible for conducting the school stage of the competition in the educational institution.
Only a representative of the school (principal, school teacher or librarian) can be responsible for conducting the competition at school.
Only one person responsible for conducting the competition can be appointed from one school.
Responsible for conducting the school stage of the competition in an educational institution:
- notifies participants of the need to register on the official website of the competition;
- from February 1 to February 28, 2018, organizes and conducts the school stage;
- no later than March 1, 2018, publishes on the official website of the competition (on the official page of the educational organization) a report on the school stage, including the names of the winners, titles of works, photographs;
- no later than February 28, 2018, submits to the curator of the municipal stage of the competition a protocol for the school stage.
An unlimited number of schoolchildren can take part in the school stage. Refusal to participate in the school stage of the competition, as well as forced participation of students in the competition are not allowed.
The winners of the school stage of the competition are the three participants who score the most points. They are awarded the diploma of “Winner of the school stage of the All-Russian Reading Competition “Living Classics”.
The winners of the school stage become participants in the municipal stage of the competition.
If at the end of the registration period of the first stage (school) less than 3 people participate from one institution of general, secondary or additional education, all of them automatically become participants in the municipal stage.

Rules for the municipal stage of the competition
The municipal stage of the competition is held on March 2, 2018 at 13:00 at the Inspiration Theater Center (48A 50 Letiya Magnitki St.). The winners of school stages take part in it.
Competition entries are assessed on a 10-point system.
The decision of the jury is documented in a protocol.
The jury's opinion is considered final and cannot be revised.
The winners and prize-winners of the municipal stage of the competition are the three participants who scored the most points.
The winners of the municipal stage become participants in the regional competition of young readers “Living Classics”, which will be held in the city of Chelyabinsk in April 2018.
Each participant in the competition receives a certificate of participation.

Requirements for participation in the competition
During competitive competitions, the participant recites from memory or using printed text (the use of the text is permissible only at the school level) an excerpt from any prose work of any Russian or foreign author. The work should not be included in the school literature curriculum.
When preparing for the competition, it is recommended to choose excerpts from the works of Russian writers of the 18th-21st centuries, works of modern Russian writers, works of foreign authors, works of regional authors that are not included in the school literature curriculum.
The final selection of the work must be made by the competition participant himself.
The duration of each participant's speech is at least 2 minutes, but no more than 5 minutes. Exceeding the regulations is not allowed.
During the performance, musical accompaniment, scenery, and costumes may be used.
The participant has no right to use the voice recording.
Each participant performs independently and cannot resort to the help of others during the performance.
The participant has the right to perform at the school, municipal and regional stages of the competition both with the same work and to change the work.
Winners and finalists of the competition from previous years take part in the competition on a general basis, but are required to choose excerpts from other works for their performance.

Applications are now being accepted for participation in the “Living Classics” competition for young readers. Deadline January 25, 2018.

Organizer: The Living Classics Foundation under the patronage of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications.

The Living Classics competition for young readers is the largest children's literary project in Russia.

During the first five years, more than 10 million children from 84 countries and 85 regions of the Russian Federation took part in it.

Participation in the competition is free. Collection of organizational and other fees from participants is unacceptable. The competition is open to everyone without pre-selection. Refusing a schoolchild to participate in the school stage of the Competition, as well as forcing a schoolchild to participate in the Competition are not allowed.

As part of the competition, participants aged 10 to 16 read aloud passages from their favorite prose works. The work should not be included in the school literature curriculum.

The organizers of the Competition are recommended to offer participants a choice of works by Russian writers of the 18th-20th centuries, works of modern Russian writers, works of foreign authors, works of regional authors. The final selection of the work must be made by the competition participant himself.

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The duration of each participant's performance is from 2 to 5 minutes. Exceeding the regulations is not allowed. During the performance, musical accompaniment, scenery, and costumes may be used. The use of musical accompaniment, scenery and costumes does not count toward performance scores and is not a recommendation or benefit.

Each participant of the Competition performs independently and cannot resort to the help of others during the performance.

The competition takes place in 5 stages: school, city and regional rounds, and then the final at the Artek international children's center and the super final on Red Square in Moscow.

  • Each participant in the competition receives an electronic certificate of participation.
  • The winners of the regional stage are awarded the diploma of “Winner of the regional stage of the All-Russian Competition for Young Readers “Living Classics”, a ticket to the Artek International Children's Center, and Goznak medals (awarded to the Artek International Children's Center).
  • The winners of the All-Russian final of the competition are awarded the diploma “Superfinalist of the competition of young readers “Living Classics”, gifts from the sponsors of the competition and the opportunity to perform on Red Square in Moscow.
  • The winners of the All-Russian competition are awarded a diploma “Winner of the All-Russian competition of young readers “Living Classics”, gifts from sponsors and trips to children's summer camps “Living Classics”.

Living Classics is a literary competition for children aged 10-16 years. The participant’s task is to read an excerpt from his favorite work, convey its rhythm, sensuality and mood. The winning readers are awarded certificates for acting training, trips to camps, international educational trips and other valuable gifts. The main goal of the all-Russian project is to increase the popularity of classical literature among school-age children. The official website allows you to use your Living Classics personal account, registration in which is required to participate in the competition.

Why create a personal account?

Not only future participants, but also their relatives or teachers can register in their personal account. An authorized user gets the opportunity to:

Without logging into your personal account, you can get acquainted with the news of the Living Classics competition, its conditions, and read useful articles. Videos of the winners of the online competition are freely available on the website.

Registration in your personal account

To register as a future participant in Living Classics, a child goes to the appropriate section of the site. You will need to select the type of competition - in Russia or international. In the “you are registering as” field, the status is “participant”. Next, the user specifies an email address, where a letter is sent with a login and password to log into the site. At this point, registration is completed, but to apply for participation you must fill out information about yourself:

  • last name, first name, patronymic, gender;
  • how many full years;
  • school and class;
  • area of ​​residence;
  • mobile phone.

An adult creates a personal account in the same way, only in the “You register as” field he selects the status “curator” of a school or regional project.

Login to your personal account

To enter your Living Classics personal account, enter the login and password that were sent to your email address during the registration process. The link to the login page is located on the left side of the main site.

If the user has forgotten his password, he clicks on the “Forgot my password” link (to the right of the “Login” button) and indicates his email. An email will be sent to you with instructions for further actions.

The All-Russian competition of young readers “Living Classics” is a competitive event for reading aloud passages from prose works of Russian and foreign writers, the history of which begins in 2011. As part of the competition, participants are invited to read aloud in Russian a fragment from a prose work of their choice. The “Living Classics” 2019 competition can be attended by children in grades 5-11 from general and additional education institutions no older than 17 years (inclusive) at the time of the qualifying rounds of the all-Russian final of the competition.

  • increasing interest in reading among schoolchildren;
  • developing a reading habit;
  • development of emotional intelligence, reading taste, expressive reading skills based on a deep understanding of the text;
  • identification and support of gifted children.

A mandatory condition for participation in the competition is the registration of participants and those responsible for conducting school stages on the official website of the competition.

Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed the opinion that the Living Classics project makes a great contribution to the popularization of reading among children and adolescents.

When will it be held in 2019?

Dates for the stages of the Competition:

Stage Dates
preliminary stage until February 1, 2019
completion of registration of participants/responsible January 25, 2019
cool tour from 1 to 15 February 2019
school tour from 15 to 28 February 2019
district (municipal) tour from March 1 to March 20, 2019
regional tour from April 1 to April 11, 2019
All-Russian final (MBC "Artek") from May 1 to May 20, 2019
super final (Moscow) from June 3 to June 6, 2019

The Regulations on the Competition state that participation in the reading competition is free. Collection of organizational and other fees from participants is unacceptable.

The competition is held under the patronage of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Competition events

Activities that can be held as part of the competition:

  • holding thematic events for schoolchildren, parents and teachers in urban areas:
  • meetings with writers,
  • lectures on children's and teenage literature,
  • reviews of works recommended for schoolchildren to read;
  • expressive reading of excerpts from fiction texts directly at the competition stage.

The main prize for the winners of the competition is a trip to the Artek children's camp.

How to participate in the competition?

In order to participate in the event, you need to fulfill a number of requirements:

  1. Register on the official website.
  2. Learn your favorite passage from the text of a work of art.
  3. Videotape your reading.
  4. Upload your video to your personal account or wait for the class stage.

How is the competition going?

  • Contestants recite episodes from their favorite works of art.
  • These should be excerpts from prose works of Russian or foreign authors of the 18th-21st centuries.
  • Participants of the event must read the text by heart.
  • Help from other persons during the performance is not allowed.
  • Performance time: 2-5 minutes.
  • The participant can use musical accompaniment, elements of scenery or costume during the performance. But all this does not give an advantage over other participants and does not add points.

Performance evaluation criteria

  1. Selecting the text of the work:
  • 7 points – if the work is included in the list of frequently performed works;
  • 10 points – the piece is performed rarely and is not included in the list.
  1. The ability to have an aesthetic, intellectual and emotional impact on listeners:
  • from 0 to 5 points - the reader told the story in such a way that the jury member understood it - assessed on a scale.
  • from 0 to 5 points - the reader managed to emotionally involve the listener: make him think, laugh, empathize.
  1. Grammatically correct speech.
    0 to 5 points – there are no errors in stress placement and pronunciation of words.
  2. Diction, placement of logical stresses, pauses.
    0 to 5 points - expressiveness of diction, clear pronunciation of sounds in accordance with the phonetic norms of the language.

The maximum number of points for all evaluation criteria is 30 points.

The results of the competition can be sent to the participant’s educational institution and posted in the personal account on the official website of the competition.

Take part in the wonderful competition for young readers “Living Classics” using this link:

The International Competition of Russian-Speaking Readers was established by the Non-Profit Foundation “Living Classics” in 2011. The project is aimed at increasing the popularity of literature among the younger generation, nurturing thoughtful young readers and returning to the traditions of family reading.

The winners of the “Living Classics” competition, who have passed all stages of selection, are awarded educational trips and trips, valuable gifts, certificates for staying in international children’s camps, as well as theater master classes.

The final of the project takes place on Red Square, and the jury members include famous artists, writers and TV presenters. To be able to apply for participation in the competition, you must register on the portal and have access to your Living Classics personal account.

Personal account features

Access to your Living Classics personal account opens up a lot of opportunities for competition participants, parents and curators:

  1. You will have access to the “Living Classics” community, where you can quickly receive information about ongoing events, dates of competition stages, and also communicate with other participants on the forum.
  2. You get the opportunity to apply for participation in the “Living Classics” competitions for young readers, both face-to-face and online.
  3. Authorized users have the right to vote for their favorite participants.
  4. Registered participants have the opportunity to view media materials presented on the portal, subscribe to webinars, and also use the online library.

Users of the Living Classics community can view archival materials on the portal, as well as study lists of schools participating in various stages of the competition.

Registration of a personal account

To create a personal account on the Living Classics portal, you need to find the “Register” button on the main page of the site. After the transition, you need to choose whether you are a participant or a curator, since registration forms and the functionality of your personal account for children and adults are significantly different.— Live classics registration

Future participants of the competition must follow the following algorithm:

  1. Select the “Children Registration” tab.
  2. Fill out the registration form, which includes fields for entering important contact information (full name, telephone, e-mail, address, school number, class, age, gender).
  3. After filling out the form, click the “Register” button.
  4. Go to your personal email address specified during registration and open an automatically generated letter with an individual identifier.
  5. Return to the registration section and enter the password sent to you by email in the appropriate field.
  6. Enter the digital code from the SMS received on your phone in the required field.

Selecting participant status: participant, curator, fan

Email confirmation

Entering your password

This completes the registration of the participant on the Living Classics portal. Now you will have access to all the features of an authorized user, and most importantly, you will be able to submit applications for participation in face-to-face and online competitions established by the Non-Profit Foundation.

Curators (parents, school principals, librarians, teachers) also carry out a similar procedure for entering data, but when registering on the portal, they also need to indicate their place of work, as well as their position.

Login to your personal account

Subsequent authorization on the portal and entry into the Living Classic personal account are carried out using a simple algorithm: the e-mail specified during registration is used as the login, and the personal identification code that you received by mail is used as the password.— login to your personal account Living Classics

Recovering a forgotten password is also a fairly simple procedure. Click on the active link “Forgot your password?” located under the authorization form, enter your email address in the field and click on the button. A new ID will be sent to your email. Enter the received password in the required line, wait for the SMS with the code to arrive on your phone. After all these manipulations, you will be able to use all the functionality of your “Living Classics” personal account again.

Contacts and technical support

You can register in the LC, as well as receive information about events and ongoing competitions on the official website of the non-profit foundation

Login to your Live Classics personal account using this link

If you have any difficulties during registration, subsequent authorization, or have questions about using the service, you can always contact technical support by sending to [email protected] email.

In general, all the activities of the organization and the features of participation in competitive programs are described in detail in the relevant sections of the portal. Here curators can get all the necessary information about the application submission algorithm, instructions for linking schools to your personal account, as well as rules for conducting school and district stages of the Living Classics competition and posting reports on their results.

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