How do I protect my computer with Avira Antivirus? Installing and configuring programs (overview): free Avira antivirus Where to buy a license for Avira antivirus.

How do I set up protection for my computer with Avira Antivirus? Installing and configuring programs (overview): free Avira antivirus Where to buy a license for Avira antivirus.


Good day, dear friends, acquaintances and other personalities. Today you will find an article about your favorite antiviruses. Why loved ones?

The fact is that, traditionally, very often I am asked a question like " What is the best antivirus?". And it would be okay to just ask, but no - they literally torture, and therefore, lately, I am increasingly writing you articles on this topic, as evidenced by the materials about: the well-known and good old AVZ from the material“ “ , loved by many ““, already 30 times altered and loved once by me “”, recently completely mentioned, or the same shareware “Dr.Web“.

Today we are waiting for you material about avira antivirus , which is available in both free and paid interface, as well as (at the time of the article update) received a new interface in the kit.

Let's get started.

Installing, configuring and using Avira antivirus.

Actually, traditionally, this antivirus is absolutely free, like almost everything I write about on this site. You can download If someone is interested in a more visual instruction, then at the end of the article there is a video from our channel.

I must say that for some time now Avira has taken a rather strange path, namely, the most automated installation without user intervention, which, frankly, does not please me at all. Previously, it was more flexible and enjoyable process, and not just one button.

Frankly, after this, I was somewhat disappointed in this free antivirus, because the user should always be able to choose the installation location, installation components and all that stuff. I am generally amazed at the tendencies of senseless automation of certain processes without user participation, because it turns out that the authors do not so much follow the user-friendly path as they consider the user to be the last idiot, that they are unable to choose the installation path and / or read the description of the components that he is going to install ( I'll write a separate article about this later). However, aside the lyrics.

After pressing the button " Accept and install", which is shown in the first picture, in fact, you will start the installation process (provided that you did not mess with the optimization or someone especially smart did not disable the necessary services for you), which can be determined by the tooltips in the tray (near hours).

After the antivirus is installed, you can start configuring it. For this process, you need to right-click on the umbrella icon in the tray and select " Antivirus Management":

From the very threshold, let's move on to the settings, because they are the defining nuance of further interaction with the antivirus. I, traditionally, will briefly go over the key ones, and then let everyone rely on their own feelings, since the nuances there are not critical:

Let's start with the "System Scanner" tab, where you need to set a set of checkboxes, which is indicated above in the screenshot. In principle, the above parameters are configured for an average search speed, but if you need to, you can select the "All files" item in order to increase the search time (but also the quality of it) and / or select vice versa " Editable list of extensions"and disable a whole set of checkboxes, which is indicated on the right in the screenshot (in order to increase the speed, but reduce the quality of checks).

On the same tab " General - Threat categories"(which is above in the screenshot) I would recommend putting two checkboxes, namely:" Dial-up program for paid numbers"and" Privacy-infringing programs". The rest is for your taste, but there may be a fact of unnecessary triggering (it will take place anyway, but in this case less often).

Well .. As for the tab " Internet security". I beg you, turn off what the integrated offers (especially since they de facto offer windows firewall ) and use at least some alternative solution... You can read about these same solutions by the firewall tag.

However, that's all. Let's face it, earlier, Avira tasted better, although so far it has the right to a place in the market. As I said earlier, we have a video of one of the versions of the antivirus, which may come in handy on the farm:

Where to buy a license for Avira antivirus

If you decide to purchase full version programs (not free, which is in the article, but an extended full version of the antivirus), then it is recommended to do this not in retail stores (which not only make a significant mark-up, but also add to the final price the cost of the box with the program, its delivery to the store, the rental cost store and other "logistics"), and in online stores that:

  • First, it is cheaper (not only for the reasons indicated above, but also because software is purchased / sold in bulk);
  • Secondly, it is convenient, because there is no need to go anywhere and you can pay at least by credit card, at least by text message from your phone;
  • Thirdly, it is quite safe, because the license can be checked and activated immediately (fast key delivery by Email), which cannot be done in an offline store.

For my part, I would recommend, simply because the place is proven (in any case, he still buys software for home / offices there) and has existed on the software market since 2004. In general, you can read any marketing on the Internet or on the store's website - you can recommend my business.

By the way, if suddenly, for some reason, you know the software store is cheaper (and most importantly - better!), Then contact us through, we will consider your option with the team .. and may offer readers in this text. Thank you!

It's time to move on to the epilogue.


Well, that's probably all. I hope that the article will be useful to you and you will not use a hacked antivirus, but rather honestly use a free solution or buy a license.

If you have something to add or want to ask something, then write in the comments or with the help.

You are the best!
Stay with us! ;)

After installing Avira antivirus, it, like any other antivirus application, for example, should be configured to fit your needs. And although some settings have already been described, I think it makes sense, I will dwell on the Avira antivirus settings in more detail.

The settings window, as usual, opens by clicking the context menu on the program icon and selecting the "Configure Avira Free Antivirus" option. The default settings window opens with the virus database update parameters. Six hours is the minimum value, and leave it. More often it is not done anyway, and less often it is just stupid.

What is nice, by moving the cursor to a certain position, you can read specific information about this action in the description.

Scanner "search"

Configuring the "Files" section.

This section groups three methods for checking files. The first "All files" can be excluded at once. As they say, this is for the paranoid, and apart from too long scanning, nothing else will give. The second and third points are basically identical. The only difference is that by selecting the "Editable list ..." item, you can add your extensions to it. That is, both methods have an established list of file extensions. You must admit that any file, including malicious ones, has its own extension. By choosing the latter option, you can add a new malicious extension that you just read on the Internet.

Let's move on to the section of additional settings. Here, I would definitely advise you not to tick only one item "Follow links". I did not mark the point about ignoring the path and files on network drives, if only because I do not have these same network drives. If you have you and decide. The checkboxes on the rest of this section are logical and quite reasonable.

Whether it is worth touching the section "Scanning process" I do not know. It seems that everything is clear and without explanation.

Configuring the action of Avira antivirus when viruses are detected.

Scanner "on detection"

Here we are offered two options for action. In the first option, "Interactive", after scanning, you will see a window with a list of detected malicious files. In this case, you will make the decision about each file yourself. Well, if you check the boxes "Automatically" and "Copy to quarantine", the antivirus will react according to a previously accepted scenario.

We pass to the settings of the Avira antivirus archives.

Scanner "archive"

In this window, the types of the scanned archives are set. By default, the antivirus has already detected almost all known types of archives. If this does not seem enough for you, check the "All types of archives" option. The rest of the set parameters, in my opinion, are enough.

Configuring exclusions from scanning by the scanner.

Exception Scanner

To add to the list of exclusions, click on the "..." button, specify the path to the file and click on the "Add" button. An interesting point, the precisely specified path will exclude from the scan only this file located on the given path. Listing only the file name without specifying the path to it will exclude all files with this name from scanning. In this case, the location of the file does not matter.

It doesn't cost anything to change in the "Heuristic" window. The settings are optimal.

After that, the scan settings can be considered configured. Go, in my opinion, to the most important, real-time protection settings. It is on these settings that "annoying" depends.

Setting up real-time protection.

Real-time protection

In this window, you, as well as in the main window of the scanner, are asked to choose which file extensions will be monitored by the antivirus. The difference between an editable list and a base list is the same as described above. In my opinion, ticking the "Scanning archives" box doesn't make much sense.

Real-time protection mode also has its own list of exclusions.

Real-time protection "exceptions"

Specifying the path and adding to the list of exclusions is the same as in the scan settings. But here, in addition to files, checked processes can also be added to the list of exclusions.

Setting up heuristics.

In the heuristics window, the AHeAD option is enabled by default, the detection level of which you can configure.

Real-time protection "heuristics"

Here, as in the settings of the scanner, the higher the level of heuristics, the more reliable the protection, but, as without a fly in the ointment, the number of false positives will also increase.

Internet security settings are optimal by default.

Customize the General tab.

Open the settings window for threat categories and add your categories to the ones selected by default. Personally, I added points: joke programs and programs that violate my privacy. I think there is no point in explaining why, everything is clear.

In the same tab, under the "Password" category, you can set your own password to access the Avira antivirus settings.

Configuring the Security tab.


In this window, you can block or enable the autorun function. Protect the host file and the antivirus itself from malicious changes.

This completes the basic settings of Avira antivirus. Of course, I could not describe all the useful antivirus settings and I would be very grateful if site visitors add their settings.


Avira Antivirus is an antivirus software package that has been produced by the German company Avira GmbH since 2006. Although the manufacturer of this software specializes in enterprise solutions, it has a product for private use - Avira Free Antivirus. It works on both desktop platforms (Windows and Mac) and mobile (Android and iOS). Every day, antivirus protects your computer from 4+ million online threats, including the growing ransomware.

The developers of Aviara Antivirus have been creating antivirus solutions since before the Internet era - when users exchanged files on floppy disks.

What's in the package:

  • antivirus scanner;
  • phantom VPN module for anonymous work on the Internet;
  • fast smart search Safe Search Plus;
  • system Speedup optimizer;
  • secure password manager Password Manager;
  • software Updater automatic update module;
  • browser Safety web filter.

Installing Avira

Do you already have antivirus installed? Remove it to avoid software conflicts. Download Avira Antivirus from the official website:

Run the installation file allowing the program to make changes to the system.

On the Avira welcome screen, accept the installation conditions by clicking on the corresponding button. If the system asks for changes again, feel free to allow.

Watch the installation process. This is not a quick procedure, but we do not recommend switching to other tasks on the computer at this time.

After installing the program, its icon will appear in the system tray. Start Avira Antivirus by clicking it once.

Open your antivirus.

Configuring Avira Antivirus

When the program finishes installing, it's time to make your custom settings. Make sure that your antivirus has received the latest service pack and that computer protection is activated. After that, go to settings by clicking on the gear icon (as shown in the screenshot).

The first section that the program offers is called "Computer Security". In it go to System Scanner and then to "Search". Here select the items marked in the screenshot. Our engineers consider this configuration to be optimal - we are confident that it will provide maximum security for your computer. We do not recommend choosing another mode - this can lead to unpredictable consequences.

On the "On detection" tab, select the "Interactive" mode - this will be the way of reacting to found suspicious objects. This will keep you informed about the security of your computer.

On the "Archive" tab, you can mark some types of packed files, but we recommend that you select absolutely all known archives. Let the scan take a few minutes longer, but your safety is worth it!

Do nothing on the Exceptions tab. Those objects that are safe today may pose a threat to your computer and your personal data tomorrow.

On the Heuristic tab, select Medium or High detection level. This way you maximally protect your computer from new viruses (and most of them) and ransomware.

In the "Report" section, select which plan of scanning information suits you best. Don't give up on the protocol altogether - it's better to choose the "Default" or "Advanced" option. So there will be more chances to understand what is happening, but you will not have to read the "chronicles".

In the Real-Time Protection section of the Search tab, select to scan all files and individual archives. There is no need to scan network drives - let the direct owners worry about their protection (except when it comes to your external NAS storage).

Do nothing again on the Exceptions tab. Even the most secure app today cannot be trusted!

On the "Heuristics" tab, select heuristic detection of macro viruses and set the detection level to medium or high (optional).

On the "Report" tab again follow the "golden mean" as described above.

In the "Updates" section, select the frequency of checking for automatic updates... It is desirable that this happens as often as possible - for example, every two hours (this is the shortest possible period of time that the program offers).

On the Proxy tab, make changes only when you are using proxy servers to access the Internet. Not using - go to the next item.

Go to the "Internet Security" settings. On the Network Profiles tab, switch to Private Network. Turn on protection and check the box that offers to send notifications when new applications are blocked. Later, you will create response rules for all new programs that run on your computer.

Go to the "General" settings. On the Threat Category tab, select what exactly the antivirus should block. The more bans you put, the safer the job will be. But be prepared for the fact that after that some (even relatively harmless) programs simply will not start.

On the Advanced Protection tab, enable the Protection Cloud option that was recently added to Avira Antivirus. A comparison of the objects found with suspicious files in the Avira cloud will start. This allows you to quickly find the latest viruses. We do not recommend manually sending suspicious files - this way you will waste valuable time if your computer becomes infected.

On the "Password" tab, be sure to come up with strong password, enter it in the appropriate form and confirm. Now, changing the antivirus settings will be available only after entering the password. This is not very convenient, but it adds a big plus to security: viruses cannot interfere with the program when they need access to the computer.

"Avira AntiVir Personal and Avira Free Antivirus: which one to choose?"and wants to get to know this popular antivirus program closer, this publication will help in its correct installation and configuration. As he wrote, Avira Free Antivirus functionally no different from its previous version AntiVir Personal - the user's setting manipulations are also identical. Therefore, the algorithm sounded below is applicable in both cases, although I recommend using it.

So, you've downloaded the distribution you need, what's next? First, you should make sure that there are no other antivirus solutions on your computer, otherwise uninstall (delete). Secondly, so as not to interfere, close all running applications. Third, set up an internet connection, you will need it for free registration Avira and getting serial number (key). The hardware requirements of the developers are not high, but for the sake of decency, I will give them: Pentium 266 MHz or higher / 150 MB on a hard drive / RAM 256 MB for Windows XP and 1 GB for Vista / 7.


When accompanying the installation, which is desirable, with an uninstaller of the Pro type through the right click, select the "Install with Revo" mode.

1. Double click to run the installer → click " Further". In the following dialog boxes, we accept the terms of the license agreement and select the type of installation (I recommend the" Fast installation "). In the window " WebGuard with Avira SearchFree Toolbar"do not mark the item" I accept the terms of the license agreement and want to install WebGuard with Avira SearchFree Toolbar" → "Further ".

2. In the window " Voluntary registration"enter personal data and click" Further ". If you have activated the" Custom installation "mode, wait for additional dialog boxes for selecting the target folder and components. I recommend not to change anything, but to press" Further".


Optionally, fill in the fields that are not marked with an asterisk and select "Yes, I want to register for the Avira newsletter".

3. In the windows " Settings assistant"also do not touch anything and click sequentially" Further".

4. In the penultimate setting window, leave " Normal oldt"to start the AntiVir Guard module (online scanner mode) → uncheck the box next to the" P perform a short system check after installation is complete "→ in the final window, click" Done" .

Installing antivirus Avira is completed on the computer, you can reboot the system and update the signature databases via the Internet (right-click on the tray icon of the scanner and select " Update launch"). After updating, I recommend doing the following: through" F8"in the program configuration select" Expert mode "+ scanner on demand" Scanner"and adjust accordingly to the maximum scanning depth (screenshot below). The applet you activated" Search for rootkits"with a full OS scan, it will save time, because an additional launch" Search for rootkits and active malware"is no longer required.

Now, if you did not install the antivirus on "clean" Windows, you can do a full scan - and this should be done periodically, for example, after many hours of Internet surfing.

  • When updating signature bases, do not update the product version! Otherwise "roll back" to lurid red Avira Free Antivirus, as he wrote about in the voiced review. To disable the corresponding "reminder" in " Configuration" ("F8") → "Update " → "Product update "should be activated" Do not update product ".
  • For convenience, the folder with temporary files can be moved to the main directory of the diskC: \\ (for the author, this is the "TEMP" folder common to all system "garbage"), see the configuration " General" → "Folders " → "Select manually ".
  • For a deeper acquaintance with the functionality AntiVir Personal and for any questions you can always turn to the detailed Russified reference manual for help (select in the panel " reference " → "Content "). Or, of course, write in the comments to the post.

As you can see, this antivirus solution from Avira Operations GmbH Co. KG is very ergonomic and does not require special maintenance, with high work efficiency, which is confirmed by numerous awards from specialized computer publications and Internet portals based on tests and user ratings.

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