How much do vloggers earn.

How much do vloggers earn.

How to start promoting your blog on Instagram? How do popular beauty bloggers make money? What to do to become a famous and successful blogger?

Politicians, actors, housewives, football players, businessmen, travelers, writers, plumbers and gamers have blogs. At the same time, many do not just blog, sharing their news, thoughts, ideas and observations with readers and viewers, but earn decent money from their resources.

Do you want to join their number? Then this article is for you. This is Denis Kuderin, an expert of the HeatherBober magazine on financial topics. I will tell, how to become a successful blogger from scratch, what do the authors of LiveJournal magazines, YouTube channels and Instagram pages make money on, and what is the secret of a successful blog.

In the finale, you will find useful tips for beginner bloggers - how to succeed, how not to be disappointed, how not to get lost in the endless digital universe and find your audience.

1. Blogging - become famous without leaving home

Bloggers (or bloggers - both spellings are considered acceptable) have long been a significant socio-political phenomenon. Their opinion is taken into account by the central media, they are talked about on television, their posts are discussed on serious analytical sites and social networks.

To become a famous blogger, it is not necessary to be in the public eye, to have a literary talent or some kind of superpower. Even leaving the house and "hang out" in public places is not necessary. All that is required - is to write a blog that is interesting to readers.

How to maintain it, where to start and how to earn income from the blog, I will tell in the following sections. But first you need to clearly define the terminology.

Blog- an electronic diary (magazine, website), which the author maintains online and periodically updates. The content of the site is textual, multimedia, combined.

Blogs are not only read and viewed, but also comment all comers. This is the fundamental difference between a blog and, say, a handwritten diary that you keep for yourself.

Anyone can create a blog. The world's first blogger is considered Tim Berners-Lee- inventor of URL, HTML, creator of the World Wide Web, who had a key influence on the development of the Internet.

There are millions of bloggers in the world today. Some of them keep magazines solely for their own pleasure or communication with people who share their hobbies and views. Other make money with a blog. And they make good money.

According to Forbes magazine creator PewDiePie on YouTube Felix Kjellberg only in 2016 earned online $15 million .

In the same year the magazine "Half" included him in the list of 100 most influential people in the world. The number of its subscribers now totals about 60 million people. And it's all thanks to a channel dedicated to video games!

This is by no means a unique case, but rather, the most significant and natural success story in the context of the absolute availability of personal information on the network. There are famous bloggers not only abroad, but also in Russia.

Watch this short video:

Blogs are created by:

  • on your own domain;
  • using special services;
  • based on social networks.

Some bloggers are experienced Internet users who know how to create websites and manage the "engine" on the hosting, others Instagram account is enough to become rich and famous.

Among bloggers there are professional analysts who write on serious political topics, there are ordinary people who write about everything in the world, shoot videos, post photos, recipes, life hacks and other useful or useless information.

The collection of all blogs in the network is called "blogosphere".

It is difficult to say which topics are the most promising in terms of monetization - success is possible in any niche. But you will not be mistaken if you are interesting, competent and in detail to talk about business, psychology of success, family relationships, making money online and offline.

The unspoken rule of success: the topic should really excite you personally, since a blog is, first of all, an individual look at things, phenomena, people and events.

There are many types of blogs:

  • Thematic- devoted to highly specialized topics: do-it-yourself auto-tuning, cake recipes, winter fishing, travel.
  • Scientific blogs- journals maintained by scientific experts, and read by everyone.
  • cultural- magazines about a particular area of ​​culture (painting, cinema, music).
  • Educational- devoted to the topic of education, enlightenment, school.
  • Personal diaries- the author's story about the events that occur in his life. Diaries are kept by both mass media stars and ordinary citizens - among those and other blogs there is interesting content.

2. What are bloggers - 3 main categories

In addition to topics, blogs are divided according to the method of supplying material. The author himself chooses which option is closer to him - to maintain a text blog, a video channel or a photo blog: it all depends on the preferences of the blogger himself and the characteristics of the audience for which he creates.

For example, gamers - young people aged 15 and older - do not need to read analytical texts about games: it is better to see once. But it will be difficult for political observers to substantiate their point of view with pictures alone.

Category 1. Videobloggers

These people keep their journals in video format - on youtube channelsYouTube) and others like him. Viewers subscribe to the channel and regularly watch new releases. The videos are filmed and edited by the authors themselves.

Among video bloggers there are professional video makers and directors. And there are those who are limited to the simplest slide show or showing their screen and voiceovers.

In recent years, so-called beauty blogs. In such magazines, the authors talk about everything, what is the beauty industry. Reviews of cosmetics, perfumes, makeup and hair styling lessons, skin care tips, etc.

Initially, beauty blogs were exclusively Western, but today there are many Russian channels run by both professional makeup artists and everyone else. Young beautiful girls enthusiastically try cosmetic products on themselves, share their results and impressions.

Parallel leading openly or covertly advertise brands, post affiliate links on their blogs or just sell cosmetics.

Some useful tips for beginners.

Read, memorize, put into practice!

If you create a blog to increase self-esteem, do not communicate with readers and are not interested in their opinion, such a resource will quickly wither away. The audience needs to be loved and respected then she will love you back.

Blogs are for people. Embrace this truth. If your resource does not benefit people, no SEO optimization will save it. Search engines also need to be loved, but focus on people.

All now successful bloggers made a lot of mistakes at the beginning of their journey. Some even closed their sites and pages in order to create new ones from scratch.

Mistakes are an inevitable condition of learning. With mistakes comes experience. And with experience - ease, understanding of the needs of the audience and long-awaited popularity.

Tip 4: Create a database of email addresses

From the very beginning, start building a database of your readers' email addresses. This is necessary to organize the distribution. But it shouldn't be too intrusive. No need to bombard readers with daily emails and messages. Be adequate - remind yourself regularly, but delicately.

Blog about yourself. Be yourself – even on a narrow topic blog. You will not believe it, but there are hundreds or even thousands of people in the world who are similar to you and share your interests. And never consider your readers dumber, simpler, and naive than yourself.

6. How Much Do Bloggers Earn - Personal Experience

Earnings directly depend on the number of subscribers and the activity of the author. Some bloggers do not need monetization at all - they have other incomes, and they maintain their sites and pages solely for entertainment purposes. Others combine business with pleasure - they blog for the soul and at the same time earn money on it.

You have every chance of earning the same or more - online income depends only on your activity!

7. Conclusion

Now you know more about how to become a successful blogger and earn money on your pages and sites. The universal secret of a successful blog is the benefit for readers and a competent approach to monetization.

Question for readers

Do you think a blogger still needs his own website or can you get by with free resources?

We wish you successful monetization and a million readers on your blog! Write comments, additions and remarks. Share the article with your friends on social networks. See you soon!

53 232 2 Hello. In this article, we will tell you how to become a blogger and start making money. You will learn all the secrets of bloggers, as well as get a video tip on how to become a blogger and start making money from it.

Why it pays to be a blogger

Every year the work on the Internet becomes more popular. At the same time, it should be taken into account that any citizen can earn, regardless of age and gender. If earlier no one knew who bloggers were, today many people are trying to become successful and popular in this particular direction.

First of all, let's note that:

blogger is a person who shares useful information with others on his personal page. As a rule, each blogger has his own topic and direction in which he moves and shares his thoughts and advice.

Nowadays, being a blogger is prestigious. It is this category of citizens:

  • doing what he loves and getting paid for it;
  • has complete freedom of choice about what to write about;
  • she decides how much time to devote to work;
  • combines work and leisure.

Some office workers are forced to fulfill their duties and only dream about it. A blogger is his own boss. Today, some citizens envy the success and popularity of others, not even realizing that they themselves can become a sought-after blogger. To start writing your own diary, you only need a great desire.

The success of a blogger depends on the traffic to his page. The more interesting your posts are, the more people will not only actively view the information, but leave comments and ask questions. Your income will depend on the number of visitors.

As soon as the page is popular, the blogger will be able to earn. The main thing, as already noted, is to have a great desire and not make typical mistakes.

How to make money with a blog

Everyone who chooses this direction is interested in one question: How can you make money with your hobby? In fact, there are several simple ways to generate income.

Consider what will allow you to earn good money:

  1. Subscriptions and premium content. This is the most clumsy option that can bring you a good profit. The main thing is to understand before starting work whether your activity is worth it or not.
  2. Posting Paid Links. This method helps to make money at the initial stage, when you are just creating your own page and have several regular subscribers. The only thing to consider is that the amounts here are small, and the payment will largely depend on the number of views.
  3. Paid Posts. This way of earning is suitable for promoted bloggers. In this case, companies can themselves apply with an offer to place a post. This is a great way to earn several tens of thousands of rubles.
  4. banner advertising. This is the most banal way that all novice bloggers use. If you choose this option, you can get a pretty penny for views or clicks on ads. This method works well, but does not bring as much money as we would like.
  5. Direct advertising in a video or subscription to a channel. Such advertising today is ready to bring the most funds. Before using this type of income, you must take a responsible approach to finding an employer and carefully study the reviews.
  6. Earn money with the affiliate program on YouTube. Thanks to this method, you can get not as much money as in the first case. The main thing is to conclude an agreement with one of the media networks that is connected to this program.

How much do bloggers earn

As soon as you have regular visitors, you can earn. But how to get money from attendance? In fact, everything is not as difficult as it might seem. You can earn on:

  • Selling advertising space

If you have good traffic, you can sell ads. All you have to do is find a trusted advertiser and advertise on your page. Today, the best option is contextual advertising from Yandex or Google.

  • Selling links

Every successful blogger knows that in order to promote their page, they need to buy links in large quantities. As soon as your page becomes very popular, you can sell links yourself and earn additional income. To purchase a link, just visit a special resource and choose the most suitable offer for yourself.

  • custom material

How often do you see bullshit on a good page? Probably quite often. For example, you can find a custom post that tells how water, passed through a special miracle filter, helps to cure all diseases. And, of course, on the blog page they offer to buy a filter at a special price. For such an advertising article, on average, for one post you can earn several thousand rubles.

How much do bloggers earn

Many are interested in the question of how much you can earn if you keep your own blog. In fact, you can earn a lot, because it all depends on your desire and performance. It's no secret that all blogs are different.

To answer this question, you need to take into account:

  • traffic;
  • advertising;
  • clicks;
  • likes and more.

The more activity, the more income.

For some, earning 500 rubles a month is a big achievement, while other bloggers get millions.

Where to begin

If you have decided to become a blogger, you should clearly understand that this is, first of all, a job that needs to be given a lot of time. If you have enough time, then you can start, learn, open up, and strive for your goal. The main thing is that everything must be done in stages.

Of course, the most important question of any beginner: where do you need to start to become a blogger and make money? Here are some tips for new bloggers.

Blog format: advantages and disadvantages

Before talking about blogging formats, you need to understand what it is. The blog format is what you will write about. This is the very niche that you must decide on before choosing a platform and starting to develop actively.

The choice is big enough. Some actively share their lives, while others simply post quality photos. Let's take a look at some of the main formats that are most popular today.

  1. Private

This is the most common format when one person starts actively:

  • write the stories of your life;
  • shares experience;
  • talk about discoveries.

Concerning benefits , then it is worth noting the complete freedom of creativity, since you can post information of absolutely any content.

From shortcomings It is worth noting the fact that popularity may not come immediately, but after a while. Therefore, you will have to be patient and go to your goal.

  1. Thematic

It is not as easy to lead it as a personal one, because in this case you have a narrow direction from which you cannot deviate. But if you have a lot of interesting information, there will be no price for such a blog. Also, do not forget about the style, it should be special for you.

But for good and high-quality work, you can get a lot of subscribers who will advise your page to friends and acquaintances. Quality material is highly valued today.

  1. Portfolio

Recently, this direction is gaining more and more popularity. This is great for those who like to take high-quality photos and know how to process them.

To attract a subscriber, you must take amazing and high-quality photos that will simply fascinate. And this is extremely difficult. Therefore, to shortcomings can be attributed to the fact that a beginner may not have the appropriate skills, since everything comes with experience.

Advantage is that many bloggers can get an order to create a portfolio or get a good order for a fashionable glossy magazine.

If you do not know how to write, but take high-quality photographs, then this is your direction, which you should devote your blog to.

Choosing your niche

The first thing you need to do is to decide on the niche of your block. It should be taken into account that some are already so crowded that it is possible to get into them only if there is a certain "chip" or large investments.

It is better for a novice blogger to look at narrower areas where there is not much competition, and it will be easier to find your reader. When choosing the subject of your future diary, be sure to take into account your knowledge and life experience. You should write about what you are good at.

Only having a good knowledge of the information, you will be able to share your knowledge with readers, answer their questions and give valuable advice. The theme should fully inspire you and set you up for the creative process.

As practice shows, bloggers who chose popular, but uninteresting topics for themselves, did not achieve their goals and simply stopped doing this type of activity.

This can be seen on the example of your Instagram subscriptions: someone writes a celebrity about their son, someone about their travels, those who understand the upbringing of children have occupied their niche in the market, those who have decided to move to another country write about this, etc.

Platform selection

Once you decide on a topic, you need to choose a platform. To make the right choice, let's look at what platforms are on the World Wide Web and who they can suit.

Of course, there are many more platforms. We have listed only the most popular ones. Of course, if you are an interesting person, then you can blog on VK, or better, on several social networks at once. So you yourself will understand what is more convenient for you, and from what you get more income.

Setting up your blog

To make a good design, you need to seek the help of a professional. As practice shows, users of the World Wide Web prefer to visit pages with an interesting and unique design.

If you decide to shoot a video on YouTube, then you will need a "cap" and a high-quality screensaver. As for the pages on the social network, here, in addition to the header, you will need to order the entire group menu and page background.

With a website, everything is much more complicated and costly, since you will need your own unique theme. Of course, you should not turn to professionals, because you can buy a ready-made theme for a small price or use the services of a freelancer.

Blog content

In fact, this is the most important part of your job. Attendance and your income will depend on the quality of the material. You must:

  • it is easy to convey complex information to your reader;
  • write only reliable advice;
  • answer all questions;
  • be able to correctly publish an article so that it is convenient for your user to view it.

When filling a blog, you must do everything to ensure that the reader likes your page and subscribes to it.

How does a blogger become popular?

To become a successful blogger, you must not only learn a few simple rules, but also strictly follow them. If you do everything right, you will become popular and well paid.

To become popular, you must:

  1. Post only quality content

High-quality material is the most difficult thing that can be in the work of a novice blogger. It is no secret that competent and unique material is quite in demand. At the same time, it doesn’t matter which direction you choose, the main thing is to do your job efficiently and constantly.

Only thanks to high-quality content will people reach out to you, and in a few years you will be able to collect a large audience of subscribers.

  1. Don't be afraid to write about yourself

Create an "About Author" page and write detailed information about yourself. In this case, we are not talking about the address of residence and passport information. It is important to tell a little about your life in order to gain the trust of the audience. Then people get the impression that he knows you personally, and when you can say “Oh, I know him!” it attracts more people/followers. As they say in the yellow press "everyone likes to dig into other people's dirty laundry."

In addition to feedback on your page, leave contacts: skype, viber or personal email address. Remember that additional contacts are never superfluous. A popular blogger always actively communicates with his readers and answers all their questions.

How to write and format posts

First, let's look at how to write the material correctly so that the reader likes it. To your attention is a step-by-step plan for the correct writing of a blog post:

When the work is completely ready, it is necessary to arrange it correctly. There are little secrets here that are also worth taking into account.

The main requirements for the correct design of the post:

  • any material must always be divided into paragraphs;
  • important words and key phrases should be highlighted;
  • quotes and statements should be highlighted with a special tag;
  • if there are enumerations in the text, then it is better to arrange them as a list, and not write them in continuous text separated by commas;
  • do not forget about subheadings, this will help the reader quickly find the necessary information;
  • don't forget about pictures/smilies/stickers that will help to attract the visitor's attention.

How often to post

As already mentioned, a blog is like a personal journal. Popular bloggers share useful information with their readers every day. If you want to be among the most sought-after and popular, then be prepared to constantly update information.

Do not forget that in most cases the information becomes outdated. For example, if you decide to publish news and actively discuss it, you must take into account that after a few days they may simply lose their uniqueness.

Or fashion advice may change over time, which is not the case with facial or body care advice. It has always been in demand.

You must understand that if visitors come in and see old information, they can go to another blogger and it will be extremely difficult, or almost impossible, to return them.

How to become a blogger on YouTube and Instagram

If you believe the statistics, then these platforms are the most popular. Consider what needs to be done to achieve a good result and become a recognizable and sought-after blogger on a social network.

Interesting, and most importantly, unlike other pages, a blog is a lot of work, which implies that its owner has his own taste and style.

You have to be able to both write a good post and post a good photo. Of course, you can go to the trick and borrow ideas from others, but this will not lead to anything good: you will be non-unique, banal and not interesting. Therefore, you will need to constantly listen to yourself and do your job not only qualitatively, but also beautifully.

How to become a blogger on YouTube

Youtube is a service where every blogger can post their video for everyone to see. This service appeared in 2005. In such a short time, he was able to win the attention of millions of users. Today, several million people actively use the services of this site and are looking for the material they need.

To become a blogger on YouTube you will need:

  • Come up with an interesting nickname and channel name. As a rule, these two concepts coincide. The choice of a nickname should be approached very responsibly, since there are many ill-wishers and nationalists on the Internet.
  • Choose an address for your channel and register it. It is worth noting that it is completely free, which is good news.
  • Decide on the direction of your channel. You can review the latest releases or shoot helpful tips.
  • Post regularly on social media. In addition to YouTube, you must post links on your page on the social network. This will attract as many visitors as possible.
  • Spend a lot of time on the quality of the material. You must understand that only high-quality video will appeal to subscribers, and they will look forward to new products.
  • Buy ads from popular bloggers. This must be done when your channel already has a sufficient number of videos and there is money.

It turns out that in order to become a successful blogger on YouTube, you need to shoot high-quality videos. If you can come up with your own "chip", then success is guaranteed to you.


If you have decided to create your blog on Instagram, you should understand that it is extremely difficult to become popular on this network today. To achieve this will require a lot of hard work.

To become a blogger you will need:

  • Come up with a name. This is the most basic, so you should not prescribe your full name. The name should be simple and easy to remember. Maybe you can come up with something original that will bring you wild popularity in the future.
  • Create an account. Just like on YouTube, you can access Instagram for free.
  • Post only your unique photos. Today, high-quality photos with an animal, nature or food are very popular. Do not forget about the popular selfie, which attracts most of the visitors to the World Wide Web.
  • Add hashtags. Hashtags are everything today. It is thanks to them that users will be able to find the information they need and become a visitor to your page.
  • Communication with subscribers. Uploading photos all the time is, of course, a good thing. That's just your blog must be alive. Therefore, try to communicate with your visitors as often as possible and take into account their opinion. You can arrange a small survey and find out what your subscribers want to see.

You can also subscribe to other interesting bloggers, like and take into account the opinions of more experienced bloggers.

As practice shows, many novice bloggers make mistakes at the initial stage. As a result of several mistakes, many simply give up their business and forget about the blog and dreams of becoming successful and in demand on the Internet.

  1. Don't start a blog if you're not ready to invest in it . At the same time, it should be understood that investments are needed constantly and rather big. Some people think that they can just start their own page “for the soul” and start getting good money right away. Know that this is absolutely not true.
  2. Do not independently search for information on the Internet that will help you set up a blog . In addition to a large amount of unnecessary information, there will be no “porridge” in your head. It is better to entrust the matter to professionals and get training from a specialist. Only after you understand how the blog works, you can proceed.
  3. Be prepared for the fact that the first year you will constantly develop your blog and invest in it all your personal time and money. Unfortunately, nothing happens right away. Therefore, if you are ready to work and wait, then you can safely start creating your page.
  4. Do not believe enthusiastic articles that claim that becoming a blogger is easy . Know that this is not true at all. Every job has its own work, and bloggers are no exception. Every day you will encounter haters who will pour a bucket of dirt at you, and if you are going to write about personal licking, then it takes a lot of patience and courage to withstand the attacks. Many bloggers say that before publishing a post, they will take 1000 photos, a bunch of video cuts, from which they will choose only 1-2. And writing the post itself can take a whole day. Although, there are those whose words flow like a river.
  5. Always improve . It's no secret that knowledge is power. Be prepared for the fact that you will need to constantly improve and develop. Therefore, even if you achieve the goal, you can always set another goal and go for it.

Who are the haters

Hater is a fairly popular word that can be increasingly found on the Internet. Who is this? Translated from English, this is the usual hatred for everyone. It turns out that haters are people who simply hate something or someone. They give out their hatred on the page of their blog.

In most cases, haters pay attention to:

  • famous athletes;
  • musicians;
  • TV presenters;
  • private real show.

The more popular a person is, the more haters he has. These are the opposite fans. The thing is, they just want to be the center of attention. Through harsh words and criticism, they can attract a lot of visitors to their blog.

Useful tips from experienced bloggers!

Good luck in your endeavors and less haters for you 😉!

Useful articles:

The Internet gives people almost limitless possibilities. More and more people are turning to the network not only for advice, but also for money. The request on how to become a YouTuber has long been in the first positions in search engines.

Let's talk about how to make decent money with the help of the most popular video hosting in the world - YouTube. Consider the whole path to success from the very beginning.

How bloggers make money on YouTube - the main ways

If you have shown imagination, worked hard and patiently, then your website or blog is already enjoying some success. When you have formed an extensive target audience, it means that you have already managed to unwind. It remains to "collect the cream." But how to monetize the channel, that is, how to make money on it?

For beginners, consider the most popular and profitable ways. I note that all of them do not imply investments, that is, you can start from scratch. But in order to connect monetization to a YouTube account, it must have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 hours of viewing over the past 365 days.

Method 1. Advertising from Google AdSense

Google Adsense is an online contextual advertising service. With its help, any user who has his own website, blog, forum or YouTube account will earn good money thanks to the affiliate program.

Google knows more about a person than his relatives.

Spy wisdom

The principle of the service implies that a certain company that wants to sell something submits its ad to Google. Then the affiliate giant places it on YouTube channels. Money is paid to the blogger for the clicks of his viewers on this advertisement.

Method 2. Advertising from direct advertisers

Direct cooperation is always better than a partnership. In the case of direct contact, the intermediary disappears from the money chain. And you yourself are negotiating with the advertiser about the amount of payment. It is not difficult to find such partners on special exchanges.

Well-known bloggers and YouTubers note the following advantages of direct contact with advertisers:

  • 100% of income goes to a personal pocket;
  • there are no restrictions on the format and number of advertising;
  • thanks to targeted advertising, the trust and loyalty of the audience is maintained;
  • increased prestige and professionalism.

Ideally, if the portal is close to the TOP-1 in its subject matter, is constantly visited by a large number of users and replenished with new ones, collects a large number of likes and dislikes. Then they say that the channel has good organic traffic.

Method 3. Selling your own goods and services

If you have something to offer potential buyers, then start making money with that. First, think about what you can do better than others, or what you want to learn.

For example:

  1. Paint pictures or books.
  2. Create interior items.
  3. Do all kinds of crafts.
  4. Do embroidery.
  5. Conduct training courses and trainings.

The list of services and goods that can be sold via the Internet is simply huge. A promoted blog will be a good platform for their implementation.

Method 4. Promotion of other people's video channels and videos

You can and should make money on other people's videos and channels. But often this is understood as a simple copying (plagiarism) of content. And this already falls under the sanctions of YouTube. Then, at the request of the copyright holder, the channel falls under the strike.

Someone else's experience, demonstrating achievements, also points to mistakes.

folk wisdom

All of the above does not apply to those who have officially entered into a contract for the promotion of content. On the contrary, they pay well for professional promotion by legal methods.

Professionals with honest ways of working are always valuable

Many YouTubers do not want to spend their time promoting the channel and order this service from third-party resources or users. Most of them are willing to pay for placing information on your resource if it meets the established requirements and is relevant to advertising.

How to find out how much youtubers earn

Video blogging is gaining more and more popularity every day, and the YouTuber profession is almost the most desired among the youth. Why? The fact is that they see the success of well-known representatives of the YouTube community.

So how much money do ordinary users of video hosting and blogging "hardened wolves" earn, and where can you find out?

In Runet, the following resources are very popular for determining profitability:

  • whatstat;
  • Vspstats;
  • socialblade.

Important! The indicators of site-counters usually differ. Therefore, it is recommended to add the minimum and maximum values, then divide them by the number of visited resources. Then we get the average values.

If you don't feel like browsing through a lot of sites, I recommend stopping by Vspstats. According to experts, its indicators are closest to reality.

Vspstats is a service for calculating the income of YouTube channels by their login or link. Their official world ranking is immediately located on the main page, which makes it possible to analyze the history and growth trends of all video blogging "sharks" over the past month. It is very easy to determine the income of a resource with its help.

For this you need:

  1. Insert a link to the channel or its login into the search field.
  2. Press the magnifying glass button.

The service finds the profile we need and displays its main statistics. To find out the amount earned per month, scroll down the page and find "Total in 30 days."

Is it possible to become a successful blogger from scratch?

To become a famous blogger, it is not necessary to receive a special education. Many successful YouTubers started their careers at an early age. Of course, there are those who became famous already at the age of 9 or 11, simply by uploading videos from the Minecraft game to the network. But their accounts are registered to their parents.

According to YouTube rules, you can open a channel in your name from the age of 13.

Nowadays it is very easy to become a blogger. All you need is a computer connected to the Internet, a camera and a microphone. The last two can be replaced by a relatively inexpensive phone.

But then what will distinguish you from thousands of other channels, you ask? In this question lies the whole essence of success.

The blog must meet the following requirements:

  • be creative;
  • constantly develop and improve;
  • meet the interests of the target audience;
  • offer new (relevant) content;
  • keep in touch with subscribers.

Where to start - step by step instructions

Have you decided to make money with YouTube, but don't know where to start? It’s not enough just to burn with the desire to shoot and share your video online - you must have the knowledge and skills of a technical nature.

And to avoid typical beginner mistakes, follow the step-by-step instructions.

Step 1. Create your channel

Any earnings on YouTube begins with the fact that the user creates a Google account. It is he who will be tied to your channel.

At the beginning of your journey, it is important not to make a mistake. You will have to take into account all the experience of rating blogs and compare them with your capabilities, and only then get down to business.

So what does it take to create a successful video blog?

  1. Select target audience. These should be people who will find exactly your content in order to learn something new from it. Such viewers will later become a reliable "core" of the blog.
  2. Set a permanent theme. It should be relevant and interesting to as many visitors as possible, should make them look for answers here.
  3. Choose a name. The name should "Hit" right in the brain, be catchy, memorable and concise.

Step 2. Shooting, editing and uploading a video

If you decide to shoot videos with your participation, take care of the appropriate equipment in advance. It should be at least a simple camera with a microphone and light.

After shooting, you always need to edit the resulting material, because few manage to record “without a hitch” from the first take. Therefore, you will have to master at least the basic skills of video and sound editing.

Remember! Installation will be faster and better if you have a powerful computer.

As a result, the edited video is uploaded to the YouTube server. Everything is simple here: the main thing is the availability of uninterrupted high-speed Internet access.

Step 3. Promote and monetize the channel

Even if the content is interesting and relevant, it is not a fact that the channel will be successful with users, which means that it will generate income for the owner. All because it still needs to be found on the Internet. This is what promotes it.

YouTube's permanent audience is more than 1 billion, which is almost 1/3 of all network users.

When the channel is already sufficiently promoted (the number of subscribers has exceeded 1000), it's time to start monetizing it. To do this, we connect directly to the YouTube affiliate program through a Google AdSense account or start cooperation with intermediaries - media networks.

What content will bring good profit - popular ideas for a blog on YouTube

Quality content is the foundation of a successful YouTube channel.

The first thing you need to pay attention to is the topic that you will cover. Interesting material will not only make old subscribers visit your resource again and again, but will also attract new ones.

Travel content

It is human nature to learn new things, to visit places where he has not been before. The number of people who travel regularly is growing all over the world. Such trips can bring not only a lot of pleasure, but also contribute to enrichment.

What are these blogs about?

Conventionally, all used Travel content on YouTube is segmented as follows:

  • services that make travel easier;
  • information bases about countries;
  • specialized publications;
  • news;
  • guidebooks;
  • promotions and discounts.

Tech Reviews

Now we cannot imagine our life without our main assistants - electrical appliances. A huge variety of technology makes people understand it. This explains the increased interest in this topic.

Whatever a person is going to buy, he almost always watches video reviews of this model first, trying to find out all the positive and negative aspects of the purchase.

To start making money on YouTube, it is important to find content that is interesting to the public.

Here are just a few of the most popular tech review YouTubers:

Nick Peculiarities


Approximate earnings per month

(in dollars)

1 andro-news Interesting and detailed talks about phones. Prefers products from Chinese manufacturers. Lots of unpacking. 1.4-21.6 thousand
2 Oh how simple! Conducts honest reviews and releases news from the world of technology. Prefers Apple products. Lots of humor and good editing. about 8.7 thousand
3 Max Shelest In reviews, it confirms or refutes the need to purchase a particular device. He does it funny and with enthusiasm. about 1.5 thousand

beauty blogs

Reviews of cosmetics, self-care tips will always be interesting, especially for girls. This topic will never exhaust itself, as new beauty and health products are constantly appearing on the market.

Beauty bloggers make good money not only on views and advertising, but also on barter deals. They always have a lot of promo codes from various companies at hand, which they generously share with their viewers, and they themselves have a percentage of sales.

Video blog of the future and young mother

Serial thematic content is also very popular. Women will follow the video diary of the expectant mother with interest. Such content creates attachment to the storyteller. Makes him empathize with the author in difficult situations.

In addition, the practical benefits for viewers who are close to this topic are obvious. They will definitely repay with subscriptions and likes.

A beginner blogger wants everything at once. Give him views and subscribers. But often the result does not meet his expectations, and hands fall.

To prevent this from happening to you, check out the list of tips from experienced YouTubers.

Make it a rule to stick to your download schedule. It is recommended to upload videos at least twice a week. Then the viewer will get used to the constant updating of content and will wait for the next release.

It's good when you get feedback from your subscribers. The number of comments on the page significantly increases the ranking of the video. Therefore, do not be lazy to answer the audience, involve them in interesting and lengthy discussions.

Every successful blogger has his own "trick". Often it is thanks to her that new subscribers come to watch. Do not stop experimenting and looking for new ways to present the material to find your zest. After the pilot release, analyze the audience's reaction to it.

You will learn a lot of useful information about blogging and making money on YouTube from this video:


Those who want to receive a regular salary on YouTube must treat this occupation as a real job. Then the first million views will not be long in coming, and the amount of income will please you.

Don't quit your channel like many aspiring bloggers do. In the West, hundreds of YouTubers have already switched to full-time running their brainchild and turned a pleasant hobby into an interesting and profitable profession.

Now it is very popular to rotate in the environment of Internet activities. How to make it easy and simple? Start your own blog, make it popular and become a blogger

Now it is very popular to rotate in the environment of Internet activities. How to make it easy and simple? Start your own blog, make it popular and become a blogger who is famous on the net. In general, there are many services on the Internet where you can start your blog. This can be done by anyone who knows how to use a computer, the Internet and has access to the network. You just need to choose a blogging platform (there are quite a lot of free ones) and quality hosting, the best price / quality ratio.

The good news is that anyone can become a blogger. The fact is that learning the basics and subtleties of programming is not necessary. You also do not have to install software, as well as worry about installing any hardware or software.

Who is a blogger.

Before you learn how to become a blogger, you need to properly understand who he is. In fact, a blogger can be:

  • blogging person. Blogging is, as you already understood, keeping your blog on the web;
  • a person who is the administrator of the blog site;
  • the person who created the blog and is engaged in its development (filling in information, editing, commenting on answers, etc.);
  • a person who makes money on a blog (first a blog is created, configured, then filled out, promoted, commented on, and in the future it generates income).

In fact, bloggers are divided into two types: those who blog for fun and communication and those who earn money through blogging. Therefore, when learning how to become a blogger, specify what exactly you mean - the path of self-realization or the possibility of earning.

Both a man and a woman can become a blogger.

In this case, the age of the blogger does not matter at all. In modern times, bloggers are sometimes considered to be mass media, because blogs not only show themselves, but also emphasize news, express their thoughts and sometimes talk about something new and interesting.

So, the time has come when we start to learn how to become a blogger. It's not difficult, the main thing is to know what is required of you:

  • Don't be afraid to receive criticism, but be sensible about it. It is worth taking into account only those negative comments that are justified. In any case, if you write to readers sincerely and without deceit, they will understand this and love you.
  • Show yourself. It can be your photos, texts, poems, - anything. Do not copy other people's posts, blogs and names. Love yourself and then you will be remembered, do not hesitate to take the initiative.
  • Communication. Want to know how to become a blogger for real? Learn to communicate with readers. Read their comments, answer them. But here it is important to consider which comments do not require a response, and which are written to anger and provoke you into a conflict.
  • Don't talk too much. What blogs do you like the most? Short and understandable. Do not write memoirs, write to the point.
  • Be interesting. To do this, you need to be aware of everything. Therefore, you will have to attend many meetings, find out the news and regularly report new things to your readers. The development of your inner world will also favorably affect your work, and blogging will help you become more successful and knowledgeable.
  • Leave notes regularly. Few people will be interested in reading a blog with a frequency of 2-3 times a month. Regularly subscribe to the blog something new and interesting as often as possible.
  • Compete. No matter what, keep your competitors in mind. Although it is worth being friends with them, you should not forget about them. View competitors blogs, analyze their work and improve your blog.

The article is the personal opinion of the author and is for informational purposes only. To solve your problem, contact a specialist.

Nowadays, vlogs are not only a great way to learn or talk about something, but also an opportunity to get a steady income from it. It would seem that video bloggers do nothing complicated, but at the same time they receive a lot of money for YouTube videos and are very popular. What is the true value of blogs and how you can make money on them.

Most people think that becoming a famous blogger is within everyone's reach, and it's quite possible to do it with little effort. But actually, blogging is pretty hard work.. Let's figure out how to become a famous and paid video blogger on YouTube and find out how much and how you can get for your work.

How to become a paid blogger on YouTube?

In order to become a good blogger and make money on YouTube, you need advertisers to agree to work with you and with your channel. And for this you need to fulfill certain conditions, which are listed below:

  1. Your YouTube channel must become popular and have at least 1000 subscribers. The more subscribers, the more partners and advertisers will pay you.
  2. In order for an advertiser to cooperate with you, it is necessary that each video on your channel collects more than 100 subscriber views.
  3. The feed should be updated regularly, but not too often. Take your time, make high-quality videos to keep the audience of your regular subscribers.
  4. Under no circumstances should copyright be infringed. If there is a precedent, the author will receive warnings. If the owner receives more than three warnings, then the YouTube channel will be deleted by the administration, and he will lose his subscribers.

Thus, if you follow these simple rules, becoming a good blogger will not be difficult, and you can already think about earning your first income.

How much can vloggers earn on YouTube?

Of course, it is impossible to give an exact figure, since this type of business is not very stable and depends on many factors. As a result, monthly income can change drastically every month. But knowing some of the factors that affect working with YouTube, it is not at all difficult to calculate the approximate profit.

On average, one thousand views of one video equals $1, plus or minus a few cents. Based on this information and the number of views of all videos, it is very easy to calculate how much promoted video bloggers on YouTube still receive.

By income level, all channels on YouTube can be classified as follows:

  1. The most popular or top.
  2. YouTube videos with millions of subscribers. Their owners are paid over $10,000 every month.
  3. On average, celebrities and showmen receive $3,000 - $4,000 a month, and you can become one of them if you make interesting reviews of games and movies.
  4. There are bloggers on YouTube who do not earn popularity and their subscribers in the most honest way. The authors of such channels receive from one to two thousand dollars. Average video bloggers get the same amount.
  5. There are blogs that specialize in interesting TV spots, as well as smaller blogs. Earnings are about a thousand dollars a month.
  6. Very small channels, whose earnings are only one hundred dollars every month.
  7. Channels that are disabled from monetization. They don't generate income at all.

For whom on YouTube and how much do they pay today?

Let's take for example those bloggers who have the most permanent subscribers on YouTube and find out how much they are paid per month. In the popular rating are both foreign and Russian representatives. Their income is presented in US currency.

Ranking place Internet name Monthly income, $
1 place PewDiePie 70 000
2nd place Rooster Teeth 50 000
3rd place Smosh 45 000
4th place Steve Kardynal 23 000
5th place This Is Good 20 000
6th place +100500 (AdamThomasMoran) 10 000

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