Connecting a monitor to a computer via HDMI: our guide. How to connect a second, third ... tenth monitor to one computer Connecting a Samsung monitor to the system unit

Connecting a monitor to a computer via HDMI: our guide. How to connect a second, third ... tenth monitor to one computer Connecting a Samsung monitor to the system unit


Gathered to please yourself with the purchase of a new monitor? Have you already decided on the choice of model, and the right amount rustles pleasantly in your pocket? Wait! Let's first see if it will be possible to connect it to the system unit.
The ideal option is if the monitor and system unit connectors are identical. If not, you will need an adapter to connect.

Monitor connectors

(Picture 1)

(Picture 2)

Ten years ago, all monitors were connected via the VGA analog output, developed by IBM in 1987. The same connector was on the video card with a resolution of 640x480 pixels.
Improved to the SVGA version, this connector is still found on many video cards. It allows you to set the maximum screen resolution of 1280x1024 pixels with a refresh rate of 75 Hz.
In 1999, the first digital DVI connector appeared. It was designed for a higher screen resolution - 1920x1080. Accordingly, the image quality has improved. The disadvantage of the DVI connector could be considered its rather large size, so Apple released Mini DVI for laptops.
The DVI connector is still the most common, as it can support both analog and digital formats.
A new digital HDMI connector appeared in 2003. It provided high bandwidth and maximum resolution of the image displayed on the screen. Accordingly, a version of Mini HDMI was created for laptops.
The HDMI connector has been constantly improved, new versions of it have appeared. They are compatible, but if different versions of the connector are installed in the system unit and in the monitor, then only the capabilities of the old version will be available.

How to properly connect a monitor to a computer

Usually discrete video cards have two, and in my case three connectors. In this case, there can be several connection methods, including combined ones: VGA - DVI, DVI - HDMI and vice versa. Preference should be given to digital outputs. I repeat that the most optimal option is when the system unit and the monitor are connected via identical connectors.
On the integrated video card, the VGA connector is most often found, so there will be fewer connection methods.

(Figure 3)

Step by step connection plan

Connecting the monitor to the system unit is not difficult.
1. To do this, you need to have a cable with the appropriate plugs and, if necessary, an adapter. Of course, the system unit and the monitor must be turned off.
2. If the computer has two video cards, then select a discrete one, because. built-in low power.
3. Connect the cable between the monitor and the video card of the computer. Turn on the computer and check the signal.

If you have two video cards, then you can install two monitors.
If the computer has a discrete video card, then the built-in one is disabled and the image will not be transmitted through it.

The multi-monitor configuration of a PC today will not surprise anyone. And soon, we must expect, the presence of a single display on the table will become the exception, not the rule. So say people who have had the opportunity to compare the convenience of working at a computer with one and several monitors. And the second option, according to their words, is much more convenient than the first.

Statisticians are of the same opinion. According to their research, if you connect 2 monitors instead of one, the productivity of personnel involved in processing a large amount of information increases by 15-60%. What can we say about gamers for whom multi-monitor systems are the only way to go headlong into the virtual world?

How many monitors can be connected to one computer. Connection conditions

It is unlikely that anyone is able to name the exact number of possible monitor connections to one PC, but 50 or more can definitely be. It all depends on the budget that you are willing to allocate for it. To create video walls from dozens of modules, as, for example, in the photo below, special controllers are used. Their task is not just to display the image on many screens, but also to provide a decent quality for each picture.

However, video wall controllers are an extremely expensive solution that not every enterprise can afford. A more affordable option is a video server with several multi-channel video cards. But even it can cost the owner several hundred thousand rubles.

The average user, like most of us, does not need such excesses. Home gaming systems usually consist of no more than six monitors, and they can be connected not just to one computer, but to one video card. But in order to achieve the highest possible image quality, it is better to distribute monitors so that there are no more than two or three monitors per video camera.

Connecting two monitors is supported by almost any modern video card, even built into the processor (chipset). Three or more - All AMD models from Series 5 and NVIDIA GTX 600 and up.

In addition to multi-channel support, the following is important for creating multi-monitor configurations:

  • The presence on video cards of outputs that match the inputs of monitors (the use of adapters is allowed in extreme cases when there is no other way to connect). Moreover, AMD requires a mandatory DisplayPort interface on at least one of the displays (with the exception of individual branded video cards with a built-in DisplayPort-DVI adapter). NVIDIA does not set such conditions.
  • Support by video drivers for resolutions of all monitors.
  • Sufficient amount of video memory. 2048 Mb is a conditional minimum for a two- or three-monitor configuration in a non-gaming system. For four or more monitors, especially if you plan to use the computer for games, the memory should be at least 2 times more.
  • High data bus bandwidth (from 128 bits) and good memory speed (the more, the better). The narrower the tire, the higher the speed should be.

To connect monitors to different video cards, the latter do not have to be combined into SLI or Crossfire. In some cases, in addition to a discrete card (inserted into the slot), you can use the built-in video if it is supported by the BIOS of the motherboard (there is an "Always Enable" option for the output of the built-in video card). But in such configurations, each pair of displays served by one video chip operates independently of the other. This means that creating a common visual space on all screens will not work.

If your computer is equipped with a single video card, you can connect monitors to several of its ports, or to one. To connect 2 or more screens to one video card with 1 input, you will need a signal divider - a splitter. For example, as in the photo below. This modification can distribute a signal to 4 monitors, but the picture quality, as a rule, decreases (it depends not so much on the splitter as on the video capabilities). If the stream is barely enough for a single screen, dividing it into “streams” will reduce both resolution and clarity and refresh rate. And the more connections, the lower the quality.

When connecting a splitter to displays with different resolutions, the picture quality on them will be different: on some it is better, on others it is worse. And you won’t be able to correct it individually, except perhaps through the settings of the monitors themselves.

AMD cards with Eyefinity technology (powered by ATI's Radeon R800 series GPUs) allow you to connect up to 6 displays to them and combine them into a single visual space. But here everything is tied to the DisplayPort interface, which, unfortunately, not all devices are equipped with.

The following are valid combinations of connection interfaces when building multi-monitor systems using AMD Eyefinity technology:

  • To combine 3 monitors into one system, one of them must be connected via DisplayPort or miniDisplayPort (miniDP), the second via DVI, and the third via VGA, HDMI or the same DVI.
  • If there are 4 monitors, two devices must be connected to DisplayPort, the third to DVI, and the fourth to VGA or HDMI.
  • In a five-monitor system, all 5 or 3 monitors are connected to DisplayPort (miniDisplayPort), one or two to DVI and one, if left, to HDMI.
  • A six-monitor configuration provides a connection through miniDisplayPort only.

NVIDIA Surround/3D Vision multi-monitor technology allows you to create a shared gaming space from up to three monitors. However, this requires either a dual-processor video card, or a combination of two or three cards in SLI. You can connect several more displays to the remaining video outputs, they will work independently of the others.

If you do not have the task of building a video wall to display one image on several screens, it is not necessary to adhere to the above rules. Monitors can be connected in any configuration through any interfaces, counting 2 devices per 1 video processor. In this case, each of them will display its own desktop, and you can switch between them, drag windows from one table to another, etc.

How to connect and configure additional monitors in Windows

Physical connection of devices

The process of physically connecting a second, third, etc. monitor to the ports of the video card is not difficult. Just plug the connectors of the connecting cables into the jacks of both devices, remembering to unplug them first.

When creating a dual-monitor configuration, use the same interfaces whenever possible, such as DisplayPort only or HDMI only, so that the image quality on the two screens does not differ much. If there are no identical ports on your video card, connect through different ones, for example, DVI and HDMI or HDMI and VGA. Using adapters from one interface to another is permissible only in extreme cases, since signal conversion is always accompanied by its losses, sometimes significant. The same goes for splitters. If it is possible to do without them, try to do without.

After connecting, turn on the power of the system unit and monitors. Recognition of the latter, as a rule, occurs automatically. You just have to customize them to suit your needs.

Connecting a second monitor to laptops is done in the same way as to a desktop PC. The only difference is that the video card that will serve the additional screen is determined by the system, not the user.

Multi display adapters

If the picture quality on the main and additional displays varies greatly, and also if you need to connect not one, but 2 additional monitors to your laptop, a specialized device will help out - a multi-display adapter. This is a small box with a processor inside, resembling a multiport splitter, and a few cables included. With one cable, the box is connected to the output of the video card, the rest are connected to the monitor inputs. It receives power from a USB port or an external adapter.

An example of such a device is Matrox DualHead2Go Digital SE.

Setting up additional screens in Windows 10 and 8.1 and 7

After the first turn on, the image on the additional monitor, as a rule, duplicates the main one. Sometimes the desktop is stretched to 2 screens at once. To select the desired mode, press the key combination Windows + P (Latin) - this will open the projection panel.

On Windows 10 and 8.1, it looks like this:

In Windows 7, like this:

The option "Duplicate" (Repeated) reproduces the same picture on all displays. "Expand" - makes the second screen a continuation of the first.

If the system could not automatically recognize the second display, open the "Display Settings" through the context menu of the desktop.

Click the Detect button (In Windows 7, Find).

If the device is physically intact and properly connected, the system will most likely recognize it immediately. If not, open the "Multiple Displays" list and select "Try to connect anyway..." to a monitor that is not detected.

If this does not help, you should check the contacts and, if possible, connect the device with another known-good cable to another video output or another video card.

The "Define" button in the same section allows you to choose which of the two displays will be the main (first), and which - additional (second, third, etc.).

To change the settings of one of the displays of a multi-monitor system - the size of the displayed elements, the brightness level, the orientation, the resolution, the color rendering, and so on, click on the rectangle with its ordinal number in the gray field under the heading "Customize your screen".

Changes will take effect after saving. You don't need to restart your computer for this.

Additional configuration settings for multiple displays are found in the NVIDIA and AMD Catalyst Control Panel menus.

Setting Up Additional Screens in Windows XP

To access display settings in Windows XP, also open the desktop context menu and click Properties. Next, go to the "Settings" tab.

If the second monitor is correctly recognized, 2 display icons with sequential numbers will appear in the gray box. The "Find" option, as in modern versions of Windows, is not here.

By default, the same desktop image is displayed on both screens. If you want to stretch it, click on the second display icon and check the "Extend desktop to this monitor" box.

Setting up each screen individually is done in the same way as in Windows 10: click on the monitor icon in the gray field and set the desired parameters. The Screen Resolution and Color Quality options are here, while the rest - scale, adapter properties, etc. - is hidden behind the "Advanced" button.

Most of the settings take effect immediately, but some - only after restarting the computer.

We are looking for two cables from the monitor. The first is the power cable. It will need to be inserted into the outlet after you connect the monitor to the system unit. We note right away that to connect a computer, you will need to buy an extension cord so that it is convenient to connect all other computer devices. And it is best to purchase a surge protector, the main task of which is to protect the computer from sudden voltage drops in the mains.

In order to connect the monitor to the system unit, a second monitor cable is also used. It connects to the socket ("mother") of the video card. There are several types of connectors that differ in the shape and number of pins. Nevertheless, among them, two of the most popular connectors can be distinguished, which we will discuss further.

A VGA connector is required to connect cathode ray tube (CRT) monitors. Monitors with such connectors resemble a box, but they are still used in our country. Take a look at the picture with this kind of connector:

LCD monitors provide connection to a connector called DVI. It also comes in several varieties that look like this:

A modern video card may have several of these connectors.

Connect the monitor to the system unit carefully until the pins are fully inserted into the grooves. It does not require the use of physical force. The shape of the socket will "tell" how they need to be connected.

After assembling or acquiring a system unit, all that remains is to purchase peripherals. The main component is the monitor, because without it, working at a computer simply will not work. It often happens that users have problems connecting these two devices. This time we will try to describe this process in detail so that even novice users can do everything quickly and without errors. Let's look at its stages in order.

We have divided the entire algorithm of actions into steps to make it easier. You only need to follow them and perform each manipulation in the correct sequence, then everything will definitely work out. If you have not bought a monitor yet, we recommend that you read our article at the link below, which discusses the parameters and characteristics in detail, which will help you make your choice.

Step 1: Preparatory work

First of all, it is worth sorting out the equipment and installing it on the work surface. After these steps, you can proceed to the connection itself. The preparatory work looks like this:

Step 2: Connecting the monitor

Preparations are complete, it's time to connect to the PC. There is nothing difficult in this, the whole process will take just a few minutes. You will need to do the following:

If the PC does not have a discrete graphics adapter, the connection is made through the motherboard using the integrated graphics card. Integrated graphics must be enabled in order to display the image correctly on the display. Detailed instructions on this topic can be found in our other material at the link below.

Step 3: Installing Drivers

A common problem during computer startup is blank display. Most often, it occurs due to uninstalled graphics adapter drivers. We advise you to pay attention to our other articles to understand the installation of files to the GPU.

If the installation of the drivers did not bring any result, read about possible other problems and their solutions in the next article from our author.

In addition, sometimes the monitor itself requires proprietary software to work correctly. In this case, check the complete set of equipment. Usually there is a disk with software. However, if you cannot use it, download the driver using third-party programs or through the official website of the manufacturer.

There are only three options for connecting 2 monitors to one computer. Almost any user can use them, regardless of the experience of using computer technology.

Although the most effective options will have to make certain costs. And, in any case, to configure the system and data display mode.

The need for two monitors

There are many options for using two displays at the same time on one computer.

First of all, such a system with multiple monitors will allow you to keep many more windows fully open.

For a designer, constructor and photo artist, an enlarged working area means greater detail of objects.

Users who use graphs and diagrams also increase work efficiency - with two monitors there is no need to constantly switch between several documents, which are conveniently placed on one, doubled area.

Another fairly common possibility of using two screens is gaming applications. With their help, a better view to the sides is provided.

And for laptop owners, an additional wide screen (which can even be used as a plasma TV) allows you to get much more pleasure from the game.

Two screens will also come in handy for programmers, giving them the opportunity to see how the result of their work will look in several browsers.

In production, during the educational process and in the office - each such workplace or study place may require displaying information from one computer on several monitors at once - this will save both space (you will not have to sit together at one display) and money (no need to purchase another computer).

Connection steps

The first stage of connecting (physical) multiple screens is quite simple.

This will require that the computer has a sufficient number of inputs of the appropriate type, the same number of cables and, if necessary, adapters.

After that, the system itself can determine the presence of two output devices and adjust the image, or you will need to manually configure it using standard Windows (or other OS) tools.

There are only three ways to physically connect 2 monitors:

  1. With the help of a video card that has several outputs (Fig. 3). If the computer was purchased to work with graphics, and the video card is modern and powerful enough, it may already have several connectors installed - for example, 2 HDMI or 1 VGA and 1 HDM. If there is only one input, you may need to purchase a new video card;

2. Installing an additional video card in the second slot of the motherboard.

This option is suitable if you have an old GPU on your computer, and there is no way to buy a new expensive board with 2 inputs;

3. Using a special splitter (splitter). This method is the most inexpensive and suitable for any computer, however, it can lead to a decrease in the allowable frequencies for monitors.

Image quality will decrease, which will be especially noticeable when running on FullHD video screens. To work with static images, the use of a splitter is quite acceptable.

Advice: when using a laptop, the possibility of connecting a second monitor should already be provided (there is an additional connector in the side part). Changing the video card on many portable computers is not only expensive, but often simply impossible. However, most modern laptops and even netbooks have a monitor input by default.

Compatibility of cords and inputs. Ports

To connect monitors to computers, a cable is required to align their connectors. Two displays will require the same number of cables of the correct type.

Connectors can be as follows:

VGA. A few years ago, this was the standard connector for most monitors and computers.

Now, to combine an old PC and a new display, or, conversely, an outdated screen and a modern device, an adapter may be required;

DVI. A more modern interface that provides support for analog and digital signal;

HDMI. The connector is suitable for connecting a computer to devices with clear digital signals, such as TVs and plasma panels.

Often found not only on PCs, laptops and TV sets, but even on tablets (in the form of miniHDMI);

DisplayPort (mini DisplayPort). An interface that has a number of advantages over even HDMI.

Not very common, but allows you to connect multiple screens with a higher resolution (up to 4K);

USB. A standard port that has been found on computers for over 15 years. Not very suitable for transmitting high-quality images and is rarely found on monitors.

However, it solves the problem of compatibility, for example, for a laptop or netbook with missing connectors for video of a different type.

Basically, it is simply impossible to connect the cable incorrectly due to the large number of differences in the plugs.

The only problem that may arise in this case is the lack of suitable adapters. And all you need is to find and buy the right parts.

For laptops with a monitor connector, the task is even easier.

And if you want to connect your computer to a TV or monitor located at some distance, you should use WiFi extenders.

Monitor setup

After 2 monitors have been connected to the computer, the operating system usually quickly detects and configures both on its own.

And on each screen, you can see the same image, which can be convenient when transmitting the same information to a group of users.

Advice: at different resolutions of monitors, the images on them are automatically adjusted. Therefore, it is desirable to use screens with the same aspect ratio (4:3 or 16:9).

However, in some cases, automatic tuning does not occur - one monitor starts up normally, the second shows no signal.

Most often this happens due to a bad signal (especially if splitters for 2 monitors are used).

Another reason is the lack of suitable operating system settings.

To fix the problem, do the following:

  • Open the "Display" tab - through the "Start" menu (for W7 and higher) or through the settings tab in the desktop properties window (for W XP);
  • Select Screen Resolution Settings.

If both screens are connected, configured and working properly, you will see two images with numbers.

Here you can also adjust the resolution of each display and even its orientation (for example, turning it on its side and working with an image in portrait format).

When one of the screens is dimmed, press the Find button.

If the monitor was connected correctly, the system will set it up after a while and enable the output of information.

Now you can press the Win and P keys at the same time, after which you can see the settings panel on the screen.

Selecting the item " Duplicate”, you get the same image on each display.

When choosing " Expand» The picture will be enlarged by as many monitors as are connected to the computer.

There can be not only two, but also three or even 9.

Laptops sometimes have a special button for more convenient connection and configuration of an additional display.

With it, you can switch the image from a portable computer to a large display.

In this case, the laptop may show the same image, part of the image, or even turn off if the connection was made to improve the usability of the device.

Two desktops

Often a situation arises when the monitors should not have a duplicate or extended image, but two completely different pictures.

It is almost impossible to implement such an opportunity using your own computer.

To do this, you will need to purchase a professional (or additional second, which may be ordinary) video card and organize several independent information flows.

A special device will help simplify the task, the task of which is to connect two monitors to one computer and organize two workflows.

Device called M atrox DualHead2Go will allow you to work with 2 displays, even with a low-power graphics processor and analog output.

In addition to connecting the adapter itself, for its operation you will need to install the drivers that come with it.

If necessary, with the help of Matrox DualHead2Go you can connect two monitors even to a laptop.

Thus, the mobile computer will immediately receive 3 displays, 2 of which will show one information, and the third one will show another.

Tablet use

If desired, you can connect not only a full-fledged monitor or TV, but also a regular tablet as an additional screen.

This will require the installation of one of two applications:

  • ScreenSlider that works with Android;
  • iDisplay for both Android and iOS.

Each program has two parts - for a computer and a tablet. At the same time, both Windows and MacOS can be installed on a PC.

The first part will add a new virtual monitor to the system, the second will start working on the tablet only after the IP of the computer has been entered.

With both applications, you can stretch the image across multiple monitors or duplicate the image. They will also help set the orientation of the screens.


After you have managed to connect and configure both monitors, you can get an extension of the picture, increasing the level of convenience for working or playing.

If at the same time there are still some small problems with displaying data (black bars at the edges or insufficient clarity), it is worth checking the settings of the video card (several video cards) or updating the corresponding drivers.

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