Differences between RST and Eurotest iPhone. IPhone Rostest: what does it mean

Differences between RST and Eurotest iPhone. IPhone Rostest: what does it mean


First, let's figure out what this certificate is and how its absence threatens. First and foremost, if a device does not have Rostest certification, this means

that he was released for another country and imported into Russia illegally - in Russian, the device is gray. In the case of the iPhone, this threatens you with the fact that the smartphone may be locked on foreign operator and it simply won't work. In the case of the iPad, everything is simpler - it simply cannot be locked. However, there are also pitfalls - gray devices are not covered by the manufacturer's warranty, that is, in the event of a defect or breakdown that constitutes a warranty case, your device will not even be accepted for diagnostics and the money will not be returned. So the Rostest certificate for the iPad is important.

The difference in price between a certified for sale in Russia and a gray device is about 4 thousand rubles - whether it is worth risking the guarantee is up to you, of course. However, it is not uncommon for a gray device to sell for a certified price. Here, to expose such would-be sellers, we want to offer you instructions for determining whether the purchased iPad has a Rostest certificate.

It is enough to pick up the box of the device and examine it carefully. First, the box must contain information in Russian. Read it carefully - it should not contain mistakes or clumsy phrases, the font with which the inscriptions are made should also be uniform - the size of the letters, the print quality. On the sticker on which the barcode is printed or above it on the box itself, only two letters must be indicated - RR. This is almost one hundred percent guarantee that you have a device released for Russia in your hands, i.e. iPad is Rostest certified.

The next point in determining the Rostest certificate of the device is to inspect the inner contents of the box - network adapter must be designed for Russian sockets. Also inside the box certified for Russian iPad you will find a guarantee check from a Russian reseller. Apple also has a special network resource focused on determining the country for which a specific device is released. But this method is more likely available after purchasing and activating the tablet.

Now to the question of the warranty, many assure that Apple's service centers do not matter in which country the device was purchased, you can contact any authorized center to obtain warranty service. So it is, but in the license agreement on warranty company, you will find that the warranty is provided only to the original purchaser of the device. This is not the case with a gray device. First, someone bought an iPad in another country, then it was imported into Russia and sold to you. Naturally, there is no Rostest certificate for such an iPad.

Greetings! Today there will be a short article dedicated to the certification of the iPhone for various markets. Why short? Because the topic itself has already been chewed-chewed on the Internet, and I'm unlikely to tell you something completely new here (but I'll try :)). You ask: "Why then write the same thing at all?"

Just in the comments to the articles, questions continue to come: What to take Eurotest or Rostest? What happens if you take a European iPhone? What is the difference? Well, stuff like that ... It's hard to repeat the same thing, and not to answer at all is wrong. Therefore, such an article was born, telling about what kind of certification iPhone you can face when buying it in Russia and what is the actual difference between them? Let's go!

So, most often in our market there are iPhones:

  • Rostest.
  • European.
  • American.
  • Don't understand which ones.

American and "don't understand which" we will not consider in detail. About the American ones, everything is clear - they were made for sale in America, they can be blocked for a certain operator, contractual, until recently were not covered by a guarantee in the Russian Federation (some models are not subject to free repair in Russia), etc.

And by incomprehensible iPhones, I mean approximately such devices -.

Rostest or "white" iPhone

With Rostest (PCT), everything is in principle clear - these are officially imported into Russian iPhone, with all the ensuing consequences: a guarantee, certification, taxes and fees provided for by Russian legislation, the recommended market price :)

Sometimes they are also called "white". Certainly not because of the color of the case - it is understood that they have passed all the necessary paper procedures, imported in compliance with the law and are completely "white" before the law.

Important! Recently, instead of the letters PCT on the box with the iPhone, you can find other symbols - EAC. It is a mark of the Eurasian conformity and certification of the customs union (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan). From a consumer perspective, Rostest and EAC are absolutely similar certifications, so there is no need to worry about this. If it is marked EAC - it means the iPhone is official and "white".

These gadgets are sold from authorized dealers. When buying them, you can be sure that they will definitely support all the necessary frequencies, work with all Russian SIM cards, and so on.

European or "gray" iPhones

For sellers in our stores, an iPhone with Eurotest certification, in most cases, it is customary to call any smartphone from Apple that is not Rostest. Everything that was brought bypassing official deliveries is the iPhone with Eurotest ("gray" devices). Sometimes American gadgets are also brought in here, but this is probably wrong.

They are taken for resale from European countries, which allows you to save on taxes, duties, certification, etc. As a result, all this has a positive effect on the final price of the device.

iPhone Eurotest or Rostest - which to choose?

It is clear that Rostest seems to be better a priori, if you buy a “white” and certified device, you feel calm and confident. So why do some people prefer the iPhone to Eurotest, why is it better or worse?

To begin with, the most important thing is to decide on this - these are absolutely the same iPhones as those sold in Russia. There is practically no difference! But in some cases, there are still differences and they are in the firmware - for some countries in the iPhone:

  1. A limitation on the maximum volume of music in headphones has been set.
  2. FaceTime won't work.
  3. You cannot turn off the camera shutter sound.

All of these restrictions are subject to the laws of the country in which it is intended for sale. In fact, there is nothing wrong, but if you buy an iPhone with European certification, you may encounter this.

It is also necessary to remember that in some countries the iPhone may be sold locked under a certain telecom operator - the gadget will only work with its SIM card. When buying in a store, you are unlikely to come across this, but if you take the ad, then everything can be ... By the way, the Rostest iPhone has none of the above.

In addition, there are four more important differences between Rostest iPhone and Eurotest:

As they say, the choice is yours. Save money and lose something (in my opinion, the biggest omission is the warranty period). Or buy Rostest, but more expensive.

P.S. What do you think? What's better? Write in the comments!

P.S.S. It's good that we have a choice, right? "Like" for this! :)

Updated! Dear readers, please do not ask me to advise any store to buy Eurotest iPhone. It's not that I'm so bad and I'm sorry. No. I just can't be completely sure about any store - even those where I have already bought myself. Do not misunderstand me - I do not want the purchase on my advice to be unsuccessful and instead of joy brought disappointment. Thank you.

Updated 2! In the comments, the question is often asked: "Where to buy Eurotest and save money"? I answer. There are, in fact, a huge number of shops. As I already wrote, it is beyond my power to recommend one of them. But I can suggest something else:

  1. To save and return part of the money from the purchase (for protective glass or a cover should be enough) go to this site and register.
  2. After registration, we look at stores and compare prices. We take where it is cheaper and get a part of the spent Money back.

As a result: they bought an iPhone (there are really a lot of stores - you can find Rostest and Eurotest phones) and saved money. Beauty!

Articles and Life Hacks

Surely many of us have met such an abbreviation as PCT. So, what is Rostest for iPhone, and how does it differ from Eurotest? Let's try to figure it out.

What is this standard

  • So what is PCT for iPhone and how does it differ from other standards? The PCT standard, or Rostest, means a voluntary system for testing and certification of products.
  • The presence of such markings on our Apple device actually means that it was imported into Russia on a completely legal basis - that is, either by legal distributors, or by the manufacturer itself.
  • This also means that the mobile device is completely Russified and unlocked, and it is covered by the official warranty and support from Apple.
Are there any differences from such a standard as Eurotest, and if so, which ones?

Choosing between Rostest and Eurotest

  • Mobile devices labeled with Eurotest can actually be equated to "gray". This does not mean that their quality is worse than those that have passed Rostest certification.
  • However, such iPhones were originally intended specifically for the European market, and therefore there is a great risk of colliding with a phone without a Russian interface and menu, as well as with a locked device.
  • In addition, these smartphones will not be covered by an official warranty service.
  • As a rule, official centers and sales offices offer their customers precisely devices with the PCT marking. Eurotest products can be purchased on the market and via the Internet, and they usually cost much less (the difference is 5,000 rubles or more).
  • On the territory of the Russian Federation, both iPhones with the PCT marking and SIM-Free can be found. There are also just unlocked devices, but without Rostest certification. When buying, you should also carefully examine the device for its authenticity.
  • What is SIM-Free? As a rule, this refers to devices imported from other countries. They are not locked under a specific operator, and therefore we can install any SIM card.
  • Russian language is built in by default, and problems with updates software most often it does not occur.
  • Unfortunately, such a smartphone does not come with a Russian-language manual, but it is easy to find it today on the Internet - for example, on the official Apple website.
  • Of course, the seller cannot guarantee the absence of a factory defect in this case, although he often performs device diagnostics at his own expense.
We add that there is always a risk when buying, regardless of whether we decided to purchase an iPhone Rostest with an official guarantee, or Eurotest.

In the second case, its repair will have to be carried out at your own expense. It is recommended to pay special attention to the packaging, since both Rostest and SIM-Free devices should not be opened, but covered with a dense film.

Greetings! Today there will be a short article dedicated to the certification of the iPhone for various markets. Why short? Because the topic itself has already been chewed-chewed on the Internet, and I'm unlikely to tell you something completely new here (but I'll try :)).

Why then write the same thing at all? Just in the comments to the articles, questions continue to come:

  1. What to take Eurotest or Rostest?
  2. What happens if you take a European iPhone?
  3. What is the difference?

Well, stuff like that ... It's hard to repeat the same thing, and not to answer at all is wrong. Therefore, such an article was born, telling about what kind of certification iPhone you can face when buying it in Russia and what is the actual difference between them? Let's go!

So, most often in our market there are iPhones:

  • Rostest.
  • European.
  • American.
  • Don't understand which ones.

American and "don't understand which" we will not consider in detail. About American ones, everything is clear - they were made for sale in America, they can be blocked for a certain operator, contractual, until recently were not covered by a guarantee in the Russian Federation (some models are still not subject to free repair in Russia), etc.

And by incomprehensible iPhones, I mean approximately such devices -.

Rostest or "white" iPhone

With Rostest (PCT), everything is in principle clear - these are iPhones officially imported into Russia, with all the ensuing consequences: a guarantee, certification, taxes and fees provided for by Russian legislation, and the recommended market price :)

Sometimes they are also called "white". Certainly not because of the color of the case - it is understood that they have passed all the necessary paper procedures, imported in compliance with the law and are completely "white" before the law.

Important! Recently, instead of the letters PCT on the box with the iPhone, you can find other symbols - EAC. It is a mark of the Eurasian conformity and certification of the customs union (Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan). From a consumer perspective, Rostest and EAC are absolutely similar certifications, so there is no need to worry about this. If it is marked EAC - it means the iPhone is official and "white".

These gadgets are sold from authorized dealers. When buying them, you can be sure that they will definitely support all the necessary frequencies, work with all Russian SIM cards, and so on.

European or "gray" iPhones

For sellers in our stores, an iPhone with Eurotest certification, in most cases, it is customary to call any smartphone from Apple that is not Rostest. Everything that was brought bypassing official deliveries is the iPhone with Eurotest ("gray" devices). Sometimes American gadgets are also brought in here, but this is probably wrong.

They are taken for resale from European countries, which allows you to save on taxes, duties, certification, etc. As a result, all this has a positive effect on the final price of the device.

iPhone Eurotest or Rostest - which to choose?

It is clear that Rostest seems to be better a priori, if you buy a “white” and certified device, you feel calm and confident. So why do some people prefer the iPhone to Eurotest, why is it better or worse?

To begin with, the most important thing is to decide on this - these are absolutely the same iPhones as those sold in Russia. There is practically no difference! But in some cases, there are still differences and they are in the firmware - for some countries in the iPhone:

  1. A limitation on the maximum volume of music in headphones has been set.
  2. FaceTime won't work.
  3. You cannot turn off the camera shutter sound.

All of these restrictions are subject to the laws of the country in which it is intended for sale. In fact, there is nothing wrong, but if you buy an iPhone with European certification, you may encounter this.

It is also necessary to remember that in some countries the iPhone may be sold locked under a certain telecom operator - the gadget will only work with its SIM card. When buying in a store, you are unlikely to come across this, but if you take it according to the ad, then everything can be ... By the way, there is none of the above in the Rostest iPhone.

In addition, there are four more important differences between Rostest iPhone and Eurotest:

As they say, the choice is yours. Save money and lose something (in my opinion, the biggest omission is the warranty period). Or buy Rostest, but more expensive.

P.S. What do you think? What's better? Write in the comments!

P.S.S. It's good that we have a choice, right? "Like" for this! :)

Updated! Dear readers, please do not ask me to advise any store to buy Eurotest iPhone. It's not that I'm so bad and I'm sorry. No. I just can't be completely sure about any store - even those where I have already bought myself. Do not misunderstand me - I do not want the purchase on my advice to be unsuccessful and instead of joy brought disappointment. Thank you.

Updated 2! In the comments, the question is often asked: "Where to buy Eurotest and save money"? I answer. There are, in fact, a huge number of shops. As I already wrote, it is beyond my power to recommend one of them. But I can suggest something else:

  1. To save money and return some of the money from the purchase (there should be enough for a protective glass or cover).
  2. After registration, we look at stores and compare prices. We take it where it is cheaper and get a part of the money spent back.

As a result: they bought an iPhone (there are really a lot of stores - you can find Rostest and Eurotest phones) and saved money. Beauty!

Mikhail Isaev writes to us

I am writing you my little story, so far without a happy ending. Yesterday I bought an iPhone 6S Plus 128Gb at Svyaznoy, when I bought it right in the store, I found dead pixels on the screen in the lower left corner, showed the seller, he was diligently rubbing the screen with the tool, then he also concluded that it was a factory defect. I asked for a refund / exchange, but I was refused, referring to the fact that I had already managed to activate it.

Yes, I did not immediately notice these pixels, I looked at the screen when it was still in the film, and when I got to the step where I needed to scan a fingerprint, I took off the film and ... I saw it. In general, they sent me to an authorized SC in my city (Samara). I arrived there, but they said that they were only renovating and did not give any papers with a conclusion. Similarly, I was told in the authorized Tolyatti SC that it was only for repair. Damn, the phone is less than a day, an obvious factory defect, and it has to be repaired. I called the Apple hotline 4 times (!!!), they tried to send me to the SC again, they really regretted it, but they didn’t help. I asked them about the possibility of exchanging this iPhone in Germany in a real Apple Store in, but they told me that supposedly the Russian iPhone would not be exchanged there, but sent to hell.

At home, I tried to cure the dead pixels with special videos with flickering colors, but it did not help. I began to look more closely and realized that these were not broken pixels at all, but DUST! Dust is somewhere inside the screen in this sandwich between glass, 3DTouch garbage and the matrix itself, because if you tilt the phone slightly to the sides, the dirt remains in place, and the image on the matrix becomes visible behind this dirt. In general, I found myself in some kind of vicious circle, and there is no joy from buying a top-end device. It turns out that, damn it, there is no sense from this Rostest and the Russian guarantee, only in vain I overpaid $ 200 !!! You can safely take a gray phone from Europe and change / repair it there, if anything, without any problems at all, and not give it to the Russian Kulibins with a screwdriver to poke it in an authorized SC! One name is "authorized", hung a sticker with an apple on the door and logged in, PANCAKE!

In general, the result is this: you buy a phone, you see a defect, you can't return it to the store, they send it to an authorized SC, they say that only for repairs, they don't take it for diagnostics, they say that supposedly they don't do any papers, although they could, I would with this paper I would go to the store, demand a return or exchange, but no. Apple Rus by hotline says that the SC and stores are all Apple partners, and they are not responsible for them, and I cannot return the iPhone directly to Apple Rus either, only if I bought it in the online store store.apple.com. That is, there is no sense in Rostest, because no one is responsible for anything. Moreover, they say that in Europe this phone will not be accepted either, because it is Russian ... RUSSIAN, **** ***! And what the hell is the point? I overpaid $ 200-300 for Rostest so that it would not be accepted anywhere! *****!

Friends, who knows what about the opportunity to exchange a Rostest iPhone in Europe, for example, in Munich? I called my friends in Europe, they also have iPhone A1687, they say that I come to visit them in Munich and calmly change it.

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