Internet via 220 volt modems. What are Homeplug AV and Network PowerLine Adapters? Why is this technology not widely used?

Internet via 220 volt modems. What are Homeplug AV and Network PowerLine Adapters? Why is this technology not widely used?


Fast network for the whole apartment - this desire can rarely be fulfilled only with using Wi-Fi... Thick walls and ceilings obstruct the passage of radio waves, which reduces the speed and quality of the connection. But this is not the case with technology: it transmits data over electrical wiring that has already been installed throughout the house. The latest generation of adapters promises speeds up to 1000 Mbps. This speed is realized due to the fact that the new devices use all three wires of the 220-volt network, while the devices of previous generations reached speeds of no more than 500 Mbit / s over two wires.

The principle, however, remains the same: the Powerline adapter receives a data packet from its LAN port and sends information over the wiring. This is due to the fact that the device splits a high-speed data stream into several low-speed ones and transmits each of them on a separate subcarrier frequency. The adapter then modulates each signal before sending it over the electrical network and combines them into one. The adapter transmits this signal through the wires of the home electrical network. Another adapter, connected somewhere else to the same power supply, recognizes and decodes the signal, and then sends the data further through its LAN port. Thus, Powerline works like Wi-Fi, only the signal is transmitted not by radio, but through the electrical wiring.

Standard update to increase speed

New adapters that work according to the Homeplug AV2 standard use a wider frequency range, and some of them use not only the phase and neutral conductors of the mains, like previous devices, but also an additional ground wire. Modern adapters calculate on which of the three wires the signal is stronger, and use it exactly. As in the case of Wi-Fi, the developers are promoting such a solution on the market under the name (Multiple Input Multiple Output). In addition, this principle can indeed significantly increase the data transfer rate, especially over long distances, since the neutral wire and the ground wire use the same lines for the whole house. Phase cables can be either one or three: in the latter case, they usually cover different parts of the apartment. Transmission between two traditional adapters connected to the mains in different phases is possible, but subject to certain conditions and at a reduced speed.
In addition, the new Homeplug AV2 devices make better use of the legal frequency bands and, thanks to improved coding methods, transfer data even faster. Last but not least, it should be mentioned that this standard also reduces energy costs through new energy-saving modes.

All the adapters mentioned in the article support the Homeplug AV2 standard, but only the AVM FritzPowerline 1000E model operates at a nominal speed of 1 Gbps. Despite the fact that this adapter does not demonstrate the declared indicator in practice, it is still the fastest among similar devices, bypassing them in this respect by more than 50% on average. If you want to use Powerline technology as a replacement for Wi-Fi for long distances, we advise you to take a closer look at one of the sets that I indicated at the end of the review.

ZyXEL-PLA5215 Starter Kit

Application and connection

The Powerline kits in this review consist of one or two adapters (included in the starter kit), each equipped with a Gigabit Ethernet port. Thus, two adapters replace one long network cable when connecting the computer on the upper floor to the router on the first floor. In theory, up to 250 Powerline adapters can be used on a single network, which will, however, share the available channel. Therefore, I recommend connecting as few adapters as possible, and implementing additional branches using LAN switches and Wi-Fi for each individual adapter. If there are many devices in the same room or on the same floor, it is better to connect them using a LAN cable to a Gigabit LAN switch, which in turn is connected to the router using a Powerline adapter. The survey participants are not equipped with a Wi-Fi function, so in order to improve wireless communication in hard-to-reach places, you will have to connect a router configured as an access point, or use a dedicated Wi-Fi signal booster instead of a regular Powerline adapter.

All of these adapter models are easy to customize. To make it easier to start up for the first time, first plug both adapters into adjacent outlets, if necessary into an extension cord. When the devices are ready for use, press and hold the Pair button on the first adapter for a second to put the device into pairing mode, and then repeat the same procedure with the second adapter for two minutes. It is advisable that the adapter has a built-in socket, such as the devolo, Zyxel and Edimax HP-6002ACK Kit models. This allows you to use it to connect other devices. The adapter will also filter out interference from these devices.
The PC software supplied with the adapters is optional. First of all, the program gives an idea of ​​the Powerline network and the nominal speed of specific devices included in this network, you can also use the software to find the optimal outlet for the adapter in the room. In addition, it is intended for updating the device firmware.
Do not forget also about the power consumption of the devices: since the adapter is usually constantly plugged into the outlet, thus the power consumption during the operation of several adapters is summed up. The devices have become much more economical in comparison with previous generations and are turned off simultaneously with the LAN device connected to them. This will save you from unnecessary expenses on electricity and bundles of wires in your apartment.


As a result, Powerline adapters, even in adverse conditions, became fast enough to stream HD video from a NAS or computer to a content playback device located at a completely different point in the apartment without delay. On the other hand, when copying large amounts of data, this technology is twice as fast as a gigabit wired network, and only if you do not need to travel long distances, and there are no sources of interference on the way - otherwise it is better to use a network cable. An interesting option for the home would be to combine the high speed of the Homeplug AV2 standard in Wi-Fi signal amplification and fast devices.
The best is the AVM FritzPowerline 1000E adapter, this is the model I use for a remote IPTV set-top box at home. Among the models I got my hands on, it is the only one that provides high performance up to 1000 Mbps. However, it consumes the least power. You can close your eyes to the lack of a built-in socket.
The best option would be Zyxel PLA5215 - an inexpensive device demonstrates decent performance and is equipped with a built-in socket.

Top Devices

  1. AVM FritzPowerline 1000E
  3. ZYXEL PLA5215-EU0101F KIT

Hey! Today's article will become a life revelation for someone, someone will simply hatch their eyes into the screen, and someone will sigh with a smile in their experienced eyes. Yes! We will talk about the Internet through an outlet. Yes, not just some kind of special outlet, but about the most ordinary electric 220V. Interesting? Then this review article is especially for you!

About technology

PLC - Power Line Communication - communication through power lines.

For some reason, for many, this will be a real discovery. So it was in due time for me. It turns out that the Internet in the apartment can be transmitted through a regular outlet. And there are many modern devices for this. But for some reason, most people miss this technology. We will analyze the main reasons below. But is this magic so new?

Not really. If we find an analogy in history, we can recall telegraph lines, some of which were imposed in power lines. Times go by, but no one even now prohibits the use of such a method of transferring data at home. After all, in fact, any electrical wiring is the same cable with which you can wink a little.

The transmission is not limited to home wiring only. In theory, anything can be hooked into the network - even trolleybus or electric locomotive lines. But in practice, this has not yet been personally encountered.

  1. NPL (norrowband power line, narrowband transmission) - speed up to 1 Mbps.
  2. BPL (broadband power line, broadband transmission) - speed up to 600 Mbps. It is this speed that is now used in home systems.

The last direction has 2 standards - HomePlug AV and the updated HomePlug AV 2.0.

The latest standard is supported by most modern devices. Perhaps, right now at the time of reading, something else has already come out, but so far, everything is not working well.


There are not so few adapters on the market at the moment, here are some popular models and kits:

  • TL-WPA4220
  • TL-PA4010
  • TL-PA4010PKIT
  • ZyXEL PLA4201v2 EE
  • TL-PA8010 KIT
  • TL-WPA4220KIT

The class of these devices is PowerLine adapters.

The main reasons for using such devices:

  1. The need for expansion wireless network to another room where there is no way to run a cable or Wi-Fi goes out through the wall.
  2. Connecting a computer under the same conditions via a cable - these adapters also have an Ethernet output.

Here is an example of how to work in one picture:

Basic connection diagram:

  1. The head unit is connected via a wire to the router.
  2. The slave device receives the network and the Internet via electrical wires.
  3. The slave device distributes the network to other devices via the Ethernet port or via Wi-Fi, if available.

It is also important to comply with the indicated specifications:

  1. There are usually no problems with 50-60 Hz and 100-240 V, almost all HOUSES have such networks.
  2. Ideally requires a direct connection to an outlet. Some uninterruptible power supplies do not support Powerline technology, and conventional surge protectors can extinguish the signal - a reason to think if something is not working.
  3. Interference can also be created by connected household devices to the same outlet - for example, a refrigerator. Check on all outlets!
  4. Work is declared at a distance of up to 300 meters. But in practice, it is better not to do this, we take into account the interference and attenuation.
  5. During operation, adapters tend to get very hot. Those. I would not dare to leave them in an unventilated place. But these are my personal thoughts.

What's in practice?

In practice, the availability of these devices alone pleases. Moreover, you can buy adapters both separately (after all, 2 devices are required for a minimum check), and ready-made kits. For example, TP-Link TL-WPA4220KIT:


  • TL-PA4010 is a basic PowerLine adapter.
  • TL-WPA4220 - Slave, 2 ports, Wi-Fi.
  • Patch cords, documentation, box.

There are enough similar adapters on the market, so we will not dwell on them here in all details - if you have chosen your model, look for it on our website and read a detailed review. Here is just a brief functional.

What possibilities do we have to connect:

  1. Regular extension. We connect both adapters to the network, they automatically find each other. Both have a Pair button for pairing, but bundled adapters find each other without it.
  2. Cloning the network. On TL-WPA4220, the Wi-Fi Clone button is pressed, on the main router, the WPS button. We get a duplicated network. Those. in the second room, even through the outlet, there will be the same Wi-Fi without changing the network name and password.

For reference. The connection is encrypted over AES. Evil neighbors from the same organization will not be able to find out which bad site you visit at home.

Additional settings can be made the old fashioned way through the web configurator, but it is only available when connected via a wire. And there is no special need - everything works fine without that in a clean pairing.

About "normal": during the test, no drawdowns and discomforts were found. The Internet flew over the electrical network at the entire speed declared by the provider - about 90 Mbit / s. In the local network, the speed of colleagues was accelerated to 170 Mbit / s. Those. even noticeable drops in comparison with the main router were not noticed, everything is at the level, you can use it!

Why isn't everyone using it?

Let's try to assess the current situation adequately. After all, what could be simpler - the provider puts the optics on a single house switch, and then gives each user his own PowerLine adapter. As a result - no wires, everything is clean, fast, and works. And what is in practice?

  • Price. Still, such adapters are slightly more expensive than conventional Chinese routers.
  • Wiring. It is more profitable for the provider to be responsible for his twisted pair cable to your apartment than to rely on the electrical wiring in our houses (especially when it comes to something old, with 10 layers of laying and balls of electrical tape).
  • Matter of habit. Now the twisted pair has been brought in almost all apartments in large cities. Previously, they used telephone lines. Switching to PowerLine technology - new overlays for existing processes of reliable operation.

I will not inflate the topic further. Everything is clear anyway - PLC technology is performing well. The Internet flies over the electrical network. There are enough devices in stores. And the price segment for such toys is quite pleasant - within 3000 rubles. you can find something suitable for yourself right now. That concludes, leave your comments below!

Modern society simply cannot be imagined without the Internet. It has many important functions. With the help of the network, schoolchildren and students prepare for classes, teachers share their experiences, teenagers communicate with each other, adults get to know each other and create families. All these issues can be solved by the Internet. A person simply cannot imagine his life without the Network.

Internet connection through an outlet has become widespread abroad. Russian providers are reluctant to deal with a package of documents that must be provided to an electricity supplier in order to allow him to use the network through his system.

This type of connection has its own disadvantages and advantages, which both attract new users and repel them from using it.

PLC (English Power line communication) is a term used to describe several systems for the use of power lines (power lines), for the transmission of audio information, as well as data. This network can transmit audio signals and data. It does this by superimposing an analog signal on a standard current that changes in magnitude and direction over time. A current that has a frequency of 50 Hz.

The PLC includes BPL (Broadband over Power Lines, which is broadband transmission using power lines), which provides data transmission speeds of up to 500 Mbps, and NPL (Narrowband over Power Lines, which is narrowband transmission over means of power transmission lines, the data transfer rate is much lower than the previous ones, that is, up to 1 Mbit / s.

Even at the time of the inception of power grids, the problem of transferring information between power nodes arose. For these purposes, telegraph and telephone lines were used, which were laid in parallel with power lines. However, a little later, such construction began to be considered irrational, and the practice of transmitting such information directly using power lines was developed in the United States.

Note! The same information transmission system has become relevant for alternating current circuits.

What are Powerline adapters

Powerline adapters are a special line of devices for expanding the capabilities of Wi Fi networks. The principle of the adapter:

  • with their help, the signal is received, which comes from the router when connected via a wire. For this, they are installed at a close distance from the source;
  • decode this signal in order to transmit the Internet over the electrical network;
  • when the transmitted signal leaves, the reverse process is performed and transmits it to the Internet consumer through a cable connection or using Wi Fi. This technology is called wi-fi via an outlet.

Note! Such devices are produced by almost all manufacturers of equipment for the network.

Along with devices that are produced for standard Internet use, great importance is attached to the production of equipment for alternative Internet connections. These are such well-known companies: Asus, D-Link, TP-Link, Edimax.

Who can use it

The Internet via 220 volt wires is recommended for those consumers of IP-TV and other services for whom the connection speed is very important. When laying additional cable networks, there is a loss of speed, therefore, when using this method of connection, additional costs for laying wires are eliminated and the inconvenience that can be caused by this process is avoided.

Note! This transmitter will be very useful in those places where laying a local network is categorically impossible or simply undesirable, and the Wi Fi network does not provide a sufficient quality of services provided by the provider.

How it works

Stand alone Powerline adapters are not designed to convert the internet signal from an ISP. It acts as an extension cord which helps to extend the network within the dwelling. That is, the Internet reaches the apartment using a modem or an Internet center. And then it goes around the house between consumers using HomePlug AV. Thus, the Internet can be delivered via an outlet to any of the rooms.

Important! HomePlug AV is not a signal transmission device, it only serves as an extension cable for signal distribution.

The sockets in the house are connected to each other. An electrical wire from a common source is suitable for each of them. This technology allows the Internet to be transmitted over wires between all points of the electrical circuit. The maximum distance that the signal can be transmitted with the adapter is 300 meters.

Note! Walls and ceilings do not interfere with signal transmission.

There is an option when Powerline adapters are connected in different rooms, you can establish a connection to the Internet center in one room and to an IPTV receiver in another, and watch your favorite video without creating an extra cable network and any kind of additional settings.


Internet technology for 220 volts and equipment for connecting it has the following main characteristics:

  • the maximum range of the signal is 300 meters;
  • stable speed of at least 40 Mbit / s, and it does not decrease depending on the presence or absence of obstacles in the form of walls;
  • there is no speed limitation for multicast-streams technology;
  • The network topology is similar to the bus organization, that is, two devices communicate along the shortest path between them.
  • the frequency range that is typical for this type of device is within 1.8-30 MHz and is characterized by 917 carrier frequencies and 155 existing ones;
  • has the ability to use up to 64 devices belonging to the same network;
  • the maximum throughput is 200 Mbit / s;
  • works through a single-phase current meter;
  • Internet via the power grid can be used with any type of electrical wiring (aluminum or copper).

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages of this type of Internet over the electrical network and its equipment are as follows:

  • the presence of a large number of household appliances will not affect the operation of the adapter; from its operation, the speed of Internet access via the 220 network will not be less than that indicated in the main characteristics;
  • transmission of data without the delays that arise when passing through cable wired networks or by wai fay;
  • there is no need to lay a cable, which may cause additional costs in connection with its laying;
  • acceptable price of use;
  • up to four networks can work simultaneously in the room;
  • the speed of work does not depend on the type of wiring.

Some of the following are disadvantages:

  • one device cannot act as a repeater between two others of the same, that is, due to such a combination, there is no possibility of increasing the maximum distance of the Internet by wiring;
  • electrical wiring, especially in houses of a fairly early year of construction, may not be of sufficient quality for the transmission of the Internet through the power grid, therefore, this technology most relevant for use in new buildings;
  • voltage interruptions from a large number of operating devices are possible. In this case, it is recommended to use special filters that will save the consumer from this kind of trouble;
  • it is very difficult for an ISP to document it through a 220 outlet. The power supply organization must provide all the necessary documentation for the service provided and obtain permission to supply it.

Description of the PLC adapter using the example of TP-LINK TL-PA2010

Specifications: HomePlug AV standard, maximum data transfer rate 200 Mbit / s, has a compact design (practically the smallest size on the market), the operating range is 300 meters, does not require special settings, energy-saving operation mode, the panel has a single button for establishing a 128-bit encryption algorithm, supports IGMP, optimized work with digital television(IPTV).

Note! Appearance quite compact and outwardly attractive, it has a white color, three green indicators are located on the front panel. It practically does not make any noise during operation.

Setting up a PLC adapter using the example of a model from TP-LINK

This adapter does not have its own IP address. To configure it, you should use the special disk that comes with the kit. Installation is very simple and requires virtually no external intervention. To do this, you just need to click on the query with the word next a few times. This word will be listed in English Next. Then the adapter is connected to an outlet and to a computer or other device using a cable.

During the installation process, a utility shortcut appears on the computer screen, which must be launched. The Network window will open by default. It will be empty because the connection has not yet occurred.

Note! At the next stage, the firmware is updated, which will help get rid of existing errors.

To carry out a flashing, go to the "Status" tab and check the version that is specific to installed firmware... If the firmware is updated to latest version, then you go to the TP-Link website and download the latest version. The download is fast enough, and the file is archived. After opening the downloaded archive, the "System" tab is launched and the "Upgrade Firmware" button is pressed.

The NVM field is filled in with the path to the unzipped folder where the new firmware, a file with the NVM extension is selected. Exactly the same actions are performed with the PIB field, only now the PIB extension is indicated. After all the actions done, the "OK" button is pressed. These actions will start the firmware process, which will install the new version in a couple of minutes.

After the update, the adapter is ready for use. To do this, it is connected to the network and to the router, and the second is connected to the network and to the device with which the Internet will be accessed.

Important! The flashing must be done on all adapters that will be used. If somewhere new firmware does not take place, then the device will not be able to work.

To add an additional device to the network, you need to connect both adapters to the outlet. Next, on one of them, the PAIR button is pressed. This button is held down for 1 second. On the second device, the same must be done no later than 2 seconds after connecting the first. When adding the following devices, the same sequence of actions is performed. These actions establish a secure connection between devices.

Important! The adapter is connected exclusively to an outlet, since if it is connected to an extension cord, then the data transfer rate will be much lower than the established technical characteristics.

Installation completed. The device can be fully exploited.

The choice of which type of connection to choose remains only for the consumer. But, before doing it, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons, and then choose a really worthwhile offer.


TP-Link TL-PA211 adapters work on HomePlug AV technology, which in turn is a kind of PLC technology. PLC stands for Power Line Communication. For many, the abbreviation for power transmission lines is associated with kilometers of thick wires and openwork structures of supports. In fact, the usual electrical wiring in the apartment is also a power line, only small, "home" so to speak. It is along this very wiring that the network signal is transmitted. There is nothing new in this technology. Similar systems were introduced over a century ago. Then a telegraph signal was transmitted by wires between substations. With the increase in the number of high-voltage power lines, high-frequency communication systems for telephony and telemetry were introduced.

⇡ Theory

The principle of operation of the PLC is somewhat similar to the xDSL connection familiar to many users. In either case, different types of data (tones, voice, network traffic) are transmitted over the same wire, but at different frequencies. Each device (phone, modem, adapter) filters "foreign" frequencies and receives only what it can handle. The main advantage of the PLC, like xDSL, is the absence of the need to lay additional cables to create another network infrastructure, as well as the relative ease of use and more reliable communication than when organizing wireless access. But the disadvantages of these two technologies are similar. For a high-quality connection, first of all, a good wired connection is necessary - without twists, inserts of a different type of cable, damaged insulation and other delights of hastily wiring. Unfortunately, in most Russian houses, with the possible exception of new buildings, the quality of wiring often leaves much to be desired.

Another feature of the PLC is that the total bandwidth of the channel is divided among all network participants. That is, if there are ten PLC adapters in one network at once, which are actively exchanging data, the speed for each of them will be about ten times lower than the total throughput. Finally, the most important nuance is the relatively high sensitivity of the PLC to various kinds of interference and filters. In the first case, even household electrical appliances, from an electric shaver with a hairdryer to a vacuum cleaner and a drill, can negatively affect the signal quality. And the connection of a powerful hammer drill or a welding machine will surely "put down" the network. In the second case, remember that the PLC adapter will not work through power filters, UPS and stabilizers. Hence one more remark - all the sockets to which the PLC will be connected must be powered from one place. Roughly speaking, the PLC will not work in a neighboring apartment or on another floor of an office building (here it all depends on the specific cabling).

TP-Link TL-PA211 support the HomePlug AV standard, which was introduced in the summer of 2005. According to this standard, the network connection speed can reach 200 Mbps, which should be enough for streaming video and voice. In this case, the speed is automatically adjusted depending on the quality of the connection. The connection must be encrypted with a 128-bit AES key and must support QoS (Quality of Service) rules. Also implies backward compatibility with previous versions standard. In theory, this all sounds great, but in practice it turns out to be not so rosy. Although according to the results of the TP-Link TL-PA211 tests, we can say that the technology has advanced well recently. The fact is that about five years ago, the author got his hands on a similar set of two PLC adapters (we will not say which manufacturer), which, according to the specifications, was supposed to give a speed of 85 Mbit / s. Alas, this set failed the first test in an enchanting way. When connected to one tee, it gave out a speed in the region of 15-20 Mbit / s. When one adapter was plugged into an outlet in the same room, the speed dropped to 10 Mbit / s, and when moving to the next room, it turned into some kind of indistinct 1-2 Mbit / s. At the same time, the PLC network fell at the slightest sneeze. In general, hopes of organizing a connection through several walls without drilling them (Wi-Fi, of course, did not "finish off") turned into wasted over 200 dollars. But enough of the lyrics, back to our, um, devices.

⇡ Package contents and appearance

A set of two TP-Link TL-PA211 is packaged in a thin cardboard box, decorated in traditional light green colors. The box contains images of devices and their technical characteristics. Inside the outer box there is another one made of hard cardboard. In addition to adapters, it contains two meter-length patch cords, short instruction, a warranty card, several advertising brochures and a CD with software.

Most of the body of each adapter is made of matte black plastic. The front cover, made of white glossy plastic, has three green indicators that indicate the presence of power, network connection and data transfer. At the bottom there is an Ethernet port, next to which there is a small button for pairing adapters. TP-Link TL-PA211 is quite compact and weighs very little. It is connected to the electrical network using a regular European plug.

⇡ Specifications

TP-Link TL-PA211
Supported standards HomePlug AV, IEEE802.3, IEEE802.3u
Modulation technology OFDM
Supported protocols TCP / IP
QoS yes (+ IGMP support)
Encryption AES 128-bit
Interface 1 x Ethernet LAN 10/100 Mbps
Coverage area 300 meters indoors
Dimensions (LxWxH), mm 93x56x30
Power consumption, W 3
Price (set of 2 pcs.), Rub. 2 200

⇡ Practice

The process of organizing a PLC network is extremely simple. We plug the adapters into sockets, hold down the button near the Ethernet port on one and then on the other device for a few seconds. That's it, the network is ready! This is a minimalistic option. In fact, it is better to install a utility to manage adapters from the supplied disk. With its help, you can select the adapter or network to which you want to connect. You can set a network name, provide a password, select a security policy, add trusted adapters, view diagnostic information, reset settings, update firmware, and most importantly, configure QoS.

There are two ways to configure QoS. You can select the best transmission mode for web surfing and online gaming, audio and video transmission, or VoIP communication. The second option is much more difficult for an ordinary user, but it allows you to fine-tune QoS policies. The documentation does not say anywhere exactly how the QoS settings affect the connection in the first case. It can be assumed that, for example, for online games, minimal latency would be more important than a high data transfer rate. For audio and video streams, speed is more critical. It was experimentally found that just with this setting, the transmission speed is maximum. However, when VoIP mode was turned on, the speeds were similar, but in web surfing mode, the connection speed turned out to be noticeably lower, and in all three cases no delays were observed anyway.

It takes up to 10-15 seconds to establish a connection after connecting the adapters. QoS settings are applied almost instantly when changed. During testing, another curious feature came to light. Within a few seconds after the start of data transfer, the speed gradually increases until it reaches "cruising". After that, it stably remains and deviates to a smaller or larger side by a few megabits per second. I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that turning on the vacuum cleaner (see above about interference) had no effect on the speed. But the fact that the adapters noticeably heat up during operation slightly spoiled the overall impression.

⇡ Testing

As test benches we used ASUS laptop K42JC (Intel Pentium 6100, 2 GB RAM, HDD WDC WD3200BEVT, Gigabit Ethernet JMicron JMC250) and stationary machine (AMD Athlon64 X2 4800+, 2 GB RAM, WDC WD3200AAKS, Gigabit Ethernet Realtek RTL8168B). The status of the PLC network was assessed using proprietary utility and the testing itself consisted of copying files over the network from one machine to another. The Iperf 1.7.0 utility was also used for the tests, and the MSI i-Speeder 1.2 program was used to monitor the connection. TP-Link TL-PA211 adapters were connected at two points. In the first case, both devices were connected to one tee, and in the second one of the adapters was connected at the other end of the apartment (a typical "kopeck piece" in Khrushchev). Testing was carried out in all three QoS modes. In the second case, in fact, the adapter was connected to sockets in the kitchen, hallway and second room. At all three points, the speed turned out to be identical, so we can take them as one connection case.


In general, TP-Link TL-PA211 provide a very good connection speed. With an ideal connection, they are generally almost similar to a 100-megabit Ethernet channel, and when devices are removed from each other, the speed is slightly higher than that of Wi-Fi 802.11g, but not as stable as an example. The ability to view HDTV, declared in the HomePlug AV standard, is in general real, albeit with some reservations. It is difficult to predict what speed will be obtained by those who decide to try to organize a connection based on these adapters. It makes sense to use a PLC only if it is inexpedient or impossible to lay an Ethernet cable to some remote point or a small network segment, or to organize wireless connection... Given the low prevalence of this technology, the price of around 2,200 rubles for a set of two TP-Link TL-PA211 adapters seems quite reasonable.

You are probably familiar with the situation when an incredible amount of wires wriggling around a home computer going to a monitor, mouse, keyboard, router, and so on. You can get rid of them in several ways. The easiest is to cut, the harder is to switch to wireless technology.

Let's not talk about the convenience of wireless mice or keyboards: all this accumulates directly around the computer and therefore does not particularly interfere with life. Ethernet cables, on the other hand, often have to be pulled across half an apartment. With proper repair, you can take into account all aspects and place sockets around the house or apartment for connecting to the network. When moving to a rented apartment, it is more difficult to solve this issue, there are other nuances.

Wi-Fi? It is not always possible to rely on him, since his work is influenced by the material of the walls, their location. And if we are talking about an apartment building, then there is also an abundance of other wireless access points: the air is filled a little more than completely. In the daytime or in the morning it is not so noticeable, in the evening problems with ping and lags may begin when watching IPTV or playing "over the air".

Options for their solution - manual settings and regular analysis of the air, switching to access points with support for 5 GHz or returning to the origins - wires. The first seems time-consuming, and it is unlikely that a home user will constantly delve into abstruse programs, looking for free space in the 2.4 GHz band. Introduce your mom / dad / grandmother / grandfather at this activity ... To begin with, teach them how to use a smartphone with a touch screen.

Moving to 5 GHz? This is a great option that we and the communication specialists recommend. However, such routers will cost money, and not all home devices will be able to work on the network. Incredible, but true: this range is incomprehensible even to the current PlayStation 4, let alone inexpensive smartphones and TVs.

Well, the most inconvenient, but practical way is wires. You can pretend to be Spider-Man, spread them all over the house and, with certain skills, achieve an aesthetic look. There is another "wired option" that we tested - Powerline technology, when the Internet comes through a power cable. A little scary, to be honest ... Scientifically it is called "power line communication", and it uses power lines to transmit data through them.

Let's not bore you with historical information, but let's get down to business right away. For testing, we chose an apartment in a house built in the late 70s of the last century. The same ancient aluminum wires are laid in the walls, three automatic machines are installed in the shield, but there is one phase, as in the vast majority of cases. The operator cable is brought into one of the rooms where an inexpensive router with Wi-Fi is installed.

Well, let's find out if the crumbling aluminum can handle the load. The tested TP-Link AV1200 Powerline adapters "overclock" up to gigabit, but it will be possible to utilize all this power only in a local network under conditions close to ideal. Externally, the adapters are rather large rectangular boxes with a set of indicators on the side, perforation for ventilation around the perimeter, a connector for a data cable and a duplicate socket, that is, you can still connect equipment “through” the adapter.

How it works?

The host adapter needs to get the internet from somewhere. We plug the device into an outlet and connect the cable from the router to it. Our TP-Link blinks with lights, and without any settings throughout the apartment, when the second adapter is activated, the Internet should appear. Isn't it magic ?!

Now you can go to any room where there is an outlet and look for a place for a second adapter.

In adapter models without Wi-Fi, any device will require an Ethernet cable to connect: the same laptop will have to be connected via a patch cord. If you want to connect a "kitchen" TV to the Internet, then this option looks more practical.

The range of the devices, or rather, their ability to provide communication in the wiring without losing packets, is 100 meters (for the device under test). In this case, it is necessary to take into account the footage of wires in the walls that do not go directly from point A to point B. If something goes wrong and the second adapter does not see the pair, there is a forced "pairing" button. The adapters are looking for each other for 10 seconds, without user intervention, a data transmission chain is created. The signal can circulate throughout the house, but it all depends on how the wiring is routed. And remember: just plugging in a plug from a TV or laptop into the outlet, you will not get the Internet.

“The connection is encrypted with a 128-bit AES key, your neighbor will not see the data. If the wiring is old, if the contact leaves somewhere, the wires are badly twisted - this can negatively affect the throughput. According to the manufacturer, the devices do not care whether copper or aluminum is used in the wiring, ”- said Sergey Barisevich, head of the customer technical support department of Atlant Telecom.

That's it, you don't need to enter any passwords, we have an ordinary local area network with internet access. Now we are interested in speeds.

First, we tested IPTV on a TV by launching HD channels. No brakes, "lags" and a crumbling picture, the speed is obviously more than enough. "HD content requires 18 Mbps for consistent quality,"- comments Sergey.

It's the turn of the Speedtest. Tariff plan allows you to transfer data at 100 Mbit / s, so we are waiting for the corresponding indicators. The maximum that was squeezed out of the old wires in the walls is more than 85 Mbps. This is a very decent result in all aspects. At the maximum possible distance in the apartment from the base outlet, the speed dropped to 80 Mbit / s.

Before the next measurement of the speed, we load electrical network to prevent the bits from flowing smoothly in the wiring. In two rooms, the lights are on, the TV is on, the computer buzzes with fans, the refrigerator rumbles, a microwave oven and a powerful electric kettle join them. Another "speed test" shows about the same figures, with a slight decrease in the region of 5-10%.

Interestingly, the ping practically does not change ("tankers" will be happy), while when connected via Wi-Fi due to air pollution and remoteness from the access point, it jumps to 250-300 ms with a maximum of 30 ms via an electrical outlet. Measurements have shown that wireless communication in an apartment building is less effective than Powerline. But still more convenient.

Later, in an office environment, the data transfer rate was 35 Mbit / s with a distance at least three times longer than in an apartment (but in reality it could be even greater: there was no wiring diagram at hand). In addition, dozens of power-consuming devices are plugged into sockets here.

In both cases, there are no complaints about the quality of data transmission: it is definitely higher than "over the air", even with a load on the electrical network.

Why is this technology not widely used?

“The question of price. Yes, the user can buy a couple more adapters, but the connection price will double. And Wi-Fi is also cheaper and also provides more mobility. This solution is useful for statically installed devices. For the same IPTV, you get a stable signal. Even when working through a surge protector ",- the technical specialist considers.

Why aren't operators using Powerline?

At one time, operators studied the possibility of using such technology to provide Internet access for entire homes. “Roughly speaking, one switch is installed on the house, connected to the optics, and the subscriber gets his adapter into the apartment. No additional wiring was required, "- said Sergey. But in reality, this would result in significant expenses: operators cannot guarantee the quality of wiring installed 5-10, 30 or more years ago. “Something similar happens with ADSL technology, when all operators depend on telephone line Beltelecom and cannot control the quality of the connection ", he added.


In a small apartment with Wi-Fi, the practicality of Powerline adapters is not obvious. The only exception is permanently installed equipment: a smart TV or set-top box. Models with wireless modules are more expensive, but they allow you to provide uninterrupted Wi-Fi coverage in apartments where walls are interfering with the signal. Likewise for a private house, when, for example, you need to connect the Internet to the basement.

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